Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 06, 1901, Image 8

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Itecomtncndatlon ol n Well Known Chi
cago Physician.
I tiso nnd prescrllo Chamlxnlalti'a
Cough HciiKHly for almost nil obstinate,
constricted coughs, with direct results.
I prescribe it to children o( nil ages.
Am nln! to recommend it to nil in need
nnd seeking relief from colds and coughs
anil bronchial alllictions. It is non
narcotic inul safe In tliu hands of the
Jii09t unprofessional. A universal puna
con for nil mankind. Mm. Mahy H.
M ki.iindv, M. IX, I'll. D , Chicago, III.
TIiIh remedy is for sale liy Uensou Drug
Co., Cottago Grovu. Lyons it Apple
gate, Drain.
Try them
When yon feel dull nftcr eating.
'When yon have no appetite.
When yon have a bad tusto in the
When your livor is torpid.
When your bowels are constipated
When you have u headache.
When von feel bilious.
They will improve your appetite,
clcatiso and invigorato vour stomach
and resolute vour liver and bowels. For
sale by llonson Drug Co.
found its way; into the Knstcrn
ttirirkcts'tiwl was favorably received.
Again the market widened and we
found profitable sale for our apples
in the markets of the Old World.
We still have a great field un
touched. I refer to the Oriental
"Over there on the Eastern
Hemisphere we have the popula
tion of the globe to supply. Doubt
less, we will have competition from
other sections in time, but before it
times each Season. This is true of
every locality in that state. Olwcll
Bros, of Central Point with 140
acres of apples, lose but a per cent
by worms. Weeks & Otr, Med
ford, a per cent; II. 11. Miller,
Grants Pass, 5 per cent; Uisell
llros., .Albany, 4 per cent; li. L,.
Smith & II. C. Sears, Hood River,
s tier cent, wnilc those who latl to
spray or do it carelessly, lose a very
tame percent of their fruits. Fruit
insnectors are often blamed for
being too easy on those who violate
fruit pest laws. This is, as a rule
unjust. It is almost impossible to
asthma oralis
... I villi lltt I ltW'fc
comes we can, oeneve, muKe wini sCCllre conv ct on because , the 1111
market securely our own if we try. Iportance of our fight for clean fruit
is untlerestimnted nv the ireneral
iiublic. The fruit associations of
Oregon seek to educate the public
A. J. Sncll wanted to attend n party
but was afraid to do so on account of
pnins in his stomach, whicu he feared
would grow worse. Ho says, "I was
telling my troubles to a lady friend who
said: "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Keumly will put you in
condition lor the party.' x bought a
bottloand take pleasure in stating that
two doses cured me mid enabled mo to
havongood time at the nartv." Mr
Snell is a resident of Summer Hill, X.
1. J.his remedy is for sale by Uciison
Drug Co., Qofnge Grove. Lyons &
Applegate, Drain.
From the Gazette, Toowoomba, Aug'
I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is an excellent medicine. I have been
suffering from n severn cold frr the last
two months, and it has effected a cure.
I have great pleasure in recommending
it. W. C. WocKXKit. This is the
opinion of one of our oldest and most
respected residents, and has been
voluntarily given in good faith that
others may try the remedy and be bene
fitted ns w:as Sir. Wockner. This remedy
is sold by Itenson Drug Co., Cottage
Grove. Lyons A Applegate, Drain.
There is no fruit that can be made
to serve man in so many ways as
the apple. Every part of it, as well
as the small and unsalable grades,
may be handled with profit.
"There is a constantly widening
market for fine apples, jellies, pre
serves, sweet and boiled cider. The
core and . skins of the apple can
even be used in the manufacture of
jellies, which arc said to be excel
lent. Also to make cheap wine
and cider. The small third and
fourth grade fruits finds, as a rule,
ready sale at fair prices when
It speaks well for our future
success to find that you already
have a practical working organiza-
up to the necessity of their strict
enforcement. One application for
Codlin moth is not enough. There
should be four to six applications
commencing immediately after th
blossoms fall: neain in a week or
ten days, and afterwards every
three weeks for the next three
months. By nursuintr this method
but two to five per cent of the crop
is lost by Oregon orchardists.
"Another very important thing
in connection with the apple bust
ness is the absolute necessity of an
honest pack. Olwell Bros, of Ceu
trnl Point, Uregon, sold their ap
pies this year f. o. b. the cars at
$1.25 per box for London shipment
while 110 other brand brought so
good a figure. This is largely
Hon for the purpose of protecting due to the fact that their brand and
vour interests by extending your honesty ot pack lias been estab
. ' iicnnri
II. T. Melntyre, St Paul, Minn., who
has been troubled with a disordered
stomnch. 8av8."Chamb3rlain's Stomach
and Liver 'Tablets do me more good
than anything I have ever taken. For
sale by Benson Drug Co.
' So sure are we that tho locating of a
lev of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Delta and
Appliances, that we are willing to send
one free to any sufferer from the follow
ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto
cele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leucorrhea, Liver complaint.
Paralyeic, Iost vitality, Kervousdebility,
Self abuse. Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Iinpotency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
and of more
far, of making a united effort to
combat the ravages of the pests
that constantly, day and night,
threaten your orchards, ond blight
and pollute the magnificent fruits
growing therein. The large crrower,
as a rule, is alive to the necessity
of ceaseless vigilance, while a man.
Beautiful Incident in the Life of a
The wise man said: "A word
spoken in season how good it is.'
There are too many cood words
... ... ai'UNtll uui Ul ottouu. t lieu 1110
with a tew trees may not realize the dc not accomplish what they would
narm tie aoes oy allowing tiieru to have done if spoken in season
become the breedinir eroutid for all There are flowers on coffin lids
L-inrlQ of rpt whioii n. cnttnrpri which would have looked better in
, , f . .
by the lore winds of the heavens, 'r , i,T' . rr K" .1. t
,, . , , ' get that s all. If one could only
polluting the trees of those who rorm ,ile ilah:t ,,r ,.,. L,Intpr,.i
have used every precaution to keep and appreciate all day long and to
their orchards free. I every one who neips make lite
In Oregon I think we have ! happy what si inshtne there would
1 , , j .1. .. 1 oc 111 uie worm, ncre is a leai out
more clearly realized the necessity 1 1 f ,.fe.s gtory we WOfth teU,
for radical measures looking to the Emma Nevada, the charming
suppression of fruit pests than 111 ; little California songstress, when
this creat state. Your wormv and 1 sinirine in Paris one evenintr was
diseased fruits are driving the first accompanied in a most delightful
ciass graaes our. 01 local marKets; manner dv the lluttst in the orclies-
many carloads of such diseased I tra. The audience at times failed
fruits have been shipped to San j to distinguish between the notes of
Francisco this season. This is j the flute and those of the singer
plainly not fair to the painstaking. Suddenly through nervousness
Kfxnal ortnns. and Catnrrh.
AddresS for'itlustrated circular, etc., lne m y" T
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle l "e suppression of pests
ureeK. .uieingan
Mr. G. M. Powers of the Ore
gon Nursery Company, recently
delivered an address before the Or
chardists's Association ofWatson-
ville, Calif. Portions of the ad
dress which are of special interest to
growers in the northwest are quoted
"We of the North have not
given sufficient attentiou to the
production of apples in the past,
and now have but sixteen or seven
teen thousand acres of bearing trees.
We have thousands of acres of land
there in every way suitable, and I
believe, before ten years have passed
away we will be shipping out train
loads where we now have carloads.
"The Willamette valley is said
to produce us finely flavored apples
as is grown in the United States
and in endless varieties, while in
Southern and Eastern Oregon large
commercial orchards have already
proven a success.
"The question is often asked
When will the apple industry be
overdone? In reply, it seems to
me we can safely answer, never
Doubtless, not 50 per cent of the
people of the United States are able
to possess themselves of all the ap
pies they desire, and not 15 per
cent of the globe have all they
"When the first commercial or
chards 011 this coast were planted
a few years ago, though on a small
scale, the orchardists were laughed
"Fruit at that time could not be
given away. The supply increased
and then the opportunity widened
ior marketing it. Refrigerator cars
came into use; Pacific coast fruit
grower who, at great expense,
seeks to produce perfect fruit and
obey the laws you already have for
In Ore-
Madam Nevada forgot the words
of the song and stopped, but the
. 1 ,
uuuai iviiumu a urtatc improvised
a few sparkling variations, which
gon the sale of wormy or diseased , enabled her to regain breath and
fruit is also absolutely forbidden by j recollect her lost phrases. At the
law in the local markets or its ship-1 end of the duet two powdered foot
ment to other points, providing a ! men advanced from the wings with
uiic ui 10 jiuu ior eucu vioia- a uasKei ot liowers sent by mends.
11011 or uie destruction 01 me mm.
This law caused those who had be
fore refused to try to save their
fruit, to take an interest in keeping
it clear and free from pollution.
"It is said here by some or
chardists 'that it does little good to
spray for 'Codlin moth.' This-is a
very grave mistake. It has been
demonstrated by the apple growers
of Oregoii that it does pay to spray,
not only once, but from four to six
Nevada immediately stoaned and
selecting the finest rose, and, ad
vancing to the footlights, handed
it to the flutist. The poor man
was quite overcome at this unusual
recognition of his talent. It was a
little thing and soon forgotten, no
doubt, by the great singer; but in
the life of the humble flutist it was
a wonderful joy, to be remembered
with a thrill of delight for years to
Che Crystal gon. mining go.
0. V. LLOYD, President
H. 1). SCOTT, Vice-fresldent
FRANK WlIKKI.KIt, Treasurer
FKANK K. JORDAN, Secretary
The fiye splendid properties comprising the mining claims
forming this company are located in the great Bohemia
Milling District in Lane and Douglas counties, Oregon.
These properties have had much work done upon them,
so that now they are embryo mines with an assured
The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its
par value is $1 It is non-assessable. Its principal
office is in Cottage Grove.
For developmentpttrposes a limited amount of stock has
been authorized to be sold at 3 cents per share.
Two of the claims the Mountain Lion and El Calado
are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims
have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them and the
' face of the tunnels are now in solid ore'.
. 3raiik J ordain jeqretary
ran TCfl
vffin YKAHS
Aatlimalcnc Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure
in all Cases.
1 Thero In noticing llko AHthnmlcmt. It brings
limlant icllef. even In tho worst cimoH. It cures
when all elru fails. '
I Tho Uov. 0. V. WELLS of Villa Khlgc, 111.,
fays! "Your trial hottiiof Aslhiuahiim iwulvvd
in'good condition . 1 cannot It'll vuu how thank
ful 1 feci for the good derived from it. 1 was 11
slave, chained with putrid corntliroat andiiHlhiuii
for ten years. 1 despaired of over lining cured. I
saw vour udvcrllci'ini'iii for tho cuie of thin
dreadful and tormenting dincase, asthnuu ami
thought you had ovei'spokeu. voui self, but resolved
to give it 11 trial. To my surprise the trial acted
like a charm. Send me a (ull-slml bottle."
We want to send to uverv sufferer 11 trial treatment ol Aithnuih'iie.
similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it by mall l'( ).'!'
PAID, Absolutely l-'reo of Charge, to any sullerer who will write for
It, even on a postal. Never uitud, though you aiedespalriug, however
had yuiir v'ise, AHihmalvno w:ll relleveand cine. Thuwoiso yonrcueu
tin, mum irtiiil wit nro tti umul it. fin uttt ilitliiv. W'rlti at mice, nil
driHsing DU. TAIT UIIOS.' MEDICINE CO., 70 East KIOlli St
X. Y. City. Sold by all Druggists. d
aie wove
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Businsss Houses
and Splendid Residences.
I.ntH on thti jirturljxtl btmhiciw nlveelH.
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Abstract of title seemed and Kiiiiranteed.
Information as to the laws Kovcrnim; tho disposal of government lands.
How to sectiru homesteads, timber lands, mining' claims, etc.
Property for sale published weekly.
CoTTAtii: Giiovk is the second city in Initio county, Oregon. Has a population
of about 1,'JOO. Tno center of the four points of the compass when It conies to
ingress and cress. Ilohemia with its vast minim; resources only thirty. live miles
i-oilth east, with a good wagon road leading from thu 8. 1. It. It. depot right hcie
in town. Prospective railroad to the mines. The Coast I'ork of tho Willamette
river, on which is situated thu Illack Ilutto iuicksilvet mines, sixteen miles south,
tlows throiiL'li the center of tho cltv fiiruh-hhiL' abundant water facilities. It Is
only n mile and a half to its continence with How river, the nutlet of tho great
tiliiber ranges to thu mjiiiIi east. Wcslwaid toward the coast range is an In
uxliauHtahlu supply of timber, interspaced with numerous rich farming lands
well improved and cultivated .
Vurtli nr uiiiith frnni )nri-iin tlio S. 1. rntlrond von can reach either Portland
or San Francisco and hu in touch with the whole world on short uotfee.
Water works in lull operation, Eleclrfc lights iiud telephone system complete.
irfSTrito best uirricultural lands in Ijiiiii coiiuiv lie in thu vlcinitv surround.
ingC'ottagu Uiove on either side, lit fot farming or stock raising.
LorrespoiKlcnco solicited.
.A. Few of our Bara-ains:
1 lL'Ofect front on north side of .Main
street, by alwut 300 feet duep. iKiiiuded
by riveron tlio nortli. House ol seven
rooms, !urnuud outhouses. Jlils ts too
best business location in Cottage Grove.
Price '-M0O.OO.
3 A two storvflnelv finished house.
eight rooms, bathroom mid outhouses.
.Splendid location, two lots In ling and
IturdcH addition in southeast Cottage
lrovo. I'ricii rJ0O.
4 Two story dwelling house, ten
rooms, lirick Irult house, Iruit trees, ihj
feet front on north side of Main street by
300 feet deep, corner property. A lino
location for a hotel. Trice J-'.W.
G A two story line, almost ncwdwell-
ing house, 0 rooms, barn and outhouse
cdiimletu. three lots. A snlendid or
chard of voting bearing trees, together
with Krone and various Kinds ol Denies.
Situated in Long and Laiules addition
In southeast Cottage Grove. Price I200.
Two splendid lots on second street in
Cottage (.-rove. Price $110.
A snlenilid ranch of KM). about 00 acres
heavily timbered, balance easily cleared.
never 'failing water supply, about four
miles west of Cottage Grovu . Cash price ,
fo?u. Also oilier terms, xou win miss
a deal if you overlook this.
1R0 acres of agricultural and. timber
Innil well watered, soinu imornvementH.
good range outlet, about 5 miles east of
Saginaw, Oregon. This is u bargain at
TtH in thnD. G. McFarland addition
to Cottage Grove, on west side at prices
to suit purchasers for cash.
Ffvo acres of fine building and agri
cultural land, H inilo east of Cottage
trove, on south side of county road to
Bohemia. $100 per aero.
Tim-finrrln Parle tirincimillv within
tho city limits, consisting of seven acres
on the banks of the Coast Fork rivor, an
ideal pleasure resort or building spot.
Splendid grove, expensive now foot
bridge spanning tho river, tho most
available place for u puuilc park, rricc
A good business placo. south side Main
Street. $000.
A splendid live. room cot luge, hImIiIu,
workshop, chicken hourc, woodshed;
threw lots all euclofcil : Hue location in
WyniinV addition toCotuiguGrovu. Price
$1000. half down.
300 feet by 100 feet In u suburban loca.
lion. Natural spring, oak trees, all ad
joining fiHit hills in west Collage Grove.
Price $300.
Two lots In block 20, Iiiig ti Ijindcst
addition. J5 by 100 feci separately
Price $175.
A lluely finished two story dwelling
house, ten rooms, hath room, cement
stone cellar, water and electilc lights
alsxit nine lots fronting on fourth street
adjoining river in rear, near Christian
church, giK'd barn iindoiithouseri. Price
Two story dwcllim; house, six rooms,
good burn, and wotHlshcd, two laige lots
on corner oppoalru Catholic church.
Price $000.
Two good lots near railroad 100 feet
square. Price $ I :.''.
Farming land, well improved, 1 mile
from Cottage Grovu, adjoining the coun
ty roail, in tracts from A to 100 acres
If you want a baigain look this up.
Snlendid cottacoon Fourth sticet.tfriO
Ixjok this up if you want n bargain in a
Ono hundred acres of Improved land
lying in a tract east and west within i
qua ter of-i inilo of Cottago Grovo, ad
joining county road.
One hundred acres lino roved land ad.
joining county road one-miartcrof a mile
west ot Uotti'gourovo, lying in n tract
nortli and south.
Two L't.od dwelling houses on adioln
ing lots in tho Sherwood block. Price
1110 acres linnrnved farm on north bank
of How Itlver, twelve miles from Cottago
lirovo on tno nno ol tno it, u. wirvuy to
uoliemta. rnco f uou.
vioit DR. JORDAN'S great1
HUSEurd of mmwi
fUuwxa Slitb u4 Struib J
Th lorgent Anatomical Uoteum
in ma worm.
Clrtntiit nttrntttnm. n tti fHtt A
lvmuuflitm. or fcnycnntrftct- x
(1UUeu0,iioiilUTl9'cur4lby m
tho oldont MnecliilUt mi the rcino
CoaW KfltublUUedSOypuri. A
Tiiuni mru and mlldl '
nyeil men who uro nufTerUig ,
frum Ihe envois ol youllilul ImUI- I
rrtitnm A. ativu.. In m.di.a.
' yearn norvoiimuiapnynicui icuiiity,ini.
k iiotenor. l.ot JIImjiIiwucI lunllltRcompll.
MtimiKi NiMiriauLurriiB'ii. iri..i t. it v.
a r lrliiillnir, elc lly combination of t
liaaaoiirraiiffeil ilia Ireutment tlini it will not .
only airurd Immt'dluta rrllef, but permanent I
cure, me u
mlrucleM, bat
In bla
NYl'IIir.IH thoroughly erndlcatcd from
Ian ayatem witnout tne useot juomirjr. j
.... tnr A milr.U mil mtttul .
curetot lvllia, 1'jaaiira and Flinli,b '
I Dr. Jordan's apecial iulnlc methnda. ,
ootor aoea not claim topeirorm A
H well known to be a fair and P
I'liyxicmn una Hnreoon, iro-emtoent
Decljitrl)latnaea of Jln. B
KWIIY MAN annlrlnKtouawlllreoelvai
our honrU opinion ot ulscniiiplnlnr. .
' WtwtU Uuartmttt a 1'OltlTlY.B CUBS tn I
every coifl W6 wttfrintcu
Cnnaultatlnn FJIKK and atrlctly private. 9
Troutmentperaonullyorbyleiter. O
WrllA f .r nnnk. IMIILOHOl-IIT OV
IWAIillIAai:. KailkdKuxx. (Avuliuibte fi
boolc tor men.) Cull or writs
Olt. JORDAN & CO.,t0BI Market ot., 8, P. 9
Trains leave Cottago Grovo for Port
t land mid way stations ut 2:1-1 n in' and
12:60 p in,
Lv Portland 8 :80 urn 8 :.TO p tn
" Cottugo Grovo 2 :l7 p in 2 :00 n m
Ar Ashland 12:.'IOntr. 12:05pm
"Sacramento 6:10 pm 5:00 um
" fjan Francisco 7.00 p in 8:15 u in
Pullinan and Tourists cars an both
trains. Chair care Sacramento to Ogden
mid Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago
St Louis, Now Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with tho
sovural steamship lines for Honolulu.
Japan, China, Phllliplncs, Central and
South Amorica.
Seo agont at Cottago Grovo station, or
R.B. Mii.Msn, G I. A.
Portland, Oregon.
Vo hiivo on lianr'i it Inrirn utni.l- nl
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic In
grades 1 2 and 3. Lot us mako you
special prices.
UooTii-Kiai,Y LuMiiEit Co.
i i aW
t'llliixl Hlntoa Irftmt ODU'c,
IticliiirniOr.,tUtiilir SI, llmt,
Niillcii Ik lumitiy itlvcit tlint in i'un il liinr-o
with Hie irnvllaiiii ot thu net ut Ciuiitreaaiil
Juntill, )HJt, am 1 1 tit-it "An acl fiir IliO nalii nf
t lmlT liiml k la tlioMlnliH of (nllloriiln, dm.
Itiui, S'i'VbiU ntiit Vnlilnnl(inTrrrllory," nm'X
tiilliUxt In all tho I'Ulilli haliil HUIi'h ly ni t id
AiiKUKt I, lHttt, Tlintiiiia V.. II1im1mmi( (lowiiiir
rlly)Uiiim, Oiililit) tll llnilHlna, Slain nl (Iro.
nun, liaa tliU ilny llU'il hi tldx iiIIIiii
III nwnrti KtiileiiuMit Nn, IKM, fur tho airi'liiiii
nl tlio IS't i'l lli K S nl Kpi IIiiii Nn. 'J In
1mvinlil No. VI H., IIiiiikU A Wil, nml n
olTcr priml to atiuw I hut Um Inlul pdiikIiI 'la
innrn valiutMo for II tlnilwr urnlntiu limn fur
SKrlcUtliind iurKwa, unit (o cilitlilUli lin
rlslin In mdil 1 mt iMifnru llm llt'Klatcr nlnl
tli'it'lvvr of llda nllKii al llimnlnirit, OrcKnn,
mi H Uunliiy. Ilio It day ol January, 1WJ,
1 1 o n um I'm ii a w 1 1 new i
I.. M. I'l'tllii. Henry W. fhiircldll, JV. A.
IVrkliiK, li. J. L'iii1iiiiI, of lA'iina, (IroKiin,
Any unit nil H.riia rlithahiR aitvcrHily llm
iitiiMailit'rilH'il Ininli) urn rtHiirliH In l(t
ttiulr ftrtlmn In iIiIh nlllio imi r Uifote n Id lit
ilny nf January.
J. T. lliillMiaa, ItmlMcr.
I'iiIIiikii (Inire, llrvitini, Nov. 'Ii, W.
TuWaiiAH II. (Iamhi.h:
Yiiii are lii'rv'liy linllllcil Ihnl u Imvu ex.
Kinli'il itiirliiir llix year iiiiiIIiik Di'C. .lint, mo,
urn' liiiinlrol ilnllnrs III latinraliil llnpriivi'iiinil
on rni'li nf llm throo IntlnwtiiK ilmrrllaHl tnlii
Itur I'laliaa, tn.wlti Tlio "Ouray" lix'sli-il lit
tlni Unliatiila MIiiIiik Hl'lrlrl suit r-sirili'il mi
imiki' WVnf llmik (V if llm MliilhK llmsiriti) nf
l.ano Coiiutjr, OrvKoni lliti,;lenvrr" Iniatcil In
tho Motiunila MlnhiK l)ltrli t ami ri'rorili'il no
piiwo ,.'7n nl Hunk A nf Ilia MIiiIuk lU'cnrila (il
Uiiiu Cniuily, Ori'K'Ui. anil iliv "Dflrolt" In
caltHl III thd llnliemln MililliK llttrtft anil ro
I'linlril nn I'KKi' '" l Ksik nf tlio MIllllIK
Iti'iiinUnf liniuttaa Cnuiity, (Ili'Kiui: III nnlor
to Imtil rntil clalma iiiiiIit IIio tirnvlainna nf
SVk'I H'li VStJI nf I tin Iterlrrd Klatnli'a nf llli
riiltvilHlHtea.anil I lie aiiieiiilini'iil llit'teln, ap
iirniiil Jan. a0, issn, roiiivrnliiK annual In
lair M inllilliK claim'. bflilK Hie ainiilltil n
iiiilri'il In lii'ld rai li nf aalil llirrn rlalm Inr
llit icrl('il enilliiK I In' 3it day nf lieriinilwr,
IlKtl. Aml.lf wltlilti iiliiclyilaafriiin ttit .ur
niiHl H'rvli'ii nl notice, or within iilm iy
lay allrr tlio tnibllcallnii Ihurvof ynti fall nr
rcluro tn I'lilitrlhiitu ynur pnrllnn nf kiii'Ii cx
iH'tiitllilinnaa riwivviior, jniir Inlrrr-l In llm
claim will tnH-fiino I lio i'i"tirir uf llm pule
arrllaira. ynur r.i-nw lirr-, who Imri) linuli I ho
minimi vxt)iiitlttirv. by Hie tonna uf m)I ace-
K.J. IIAllli
Owing To Impaired Health
We tlcsire to reduce ottr
Stock so we will K'vc '011
During a KKDUCTION SAW? of
BO Days.
We linve the Host Shoe nml
ClotliiiiK made; Our Styles nre the
Latest mid our Price:: nre cut to
almost Cost.
Our Prices on Millinery nre cut
In less tlifin half the tcfjiilnr retail
Yours For Trade
1ST. 3D. Elsea
fe Soii.
5 rpj. - 8
XitU . .
Itlver Kt.. Cnttauo (Jrnvo.
We rarryan extra flue lino nf
I.lilinra nml ClKum, nml I f you
liavo ncfanlnn tn wniit kimmIi In
ntirllno wo wnulil auiiroclale a
call fruia yuil.
Feed and
Sale Stable
Itlvor Street, nppoNltu Cottago (Irovo Hotel,
Cottugo (irovo.
Farmers will find good feed nml
stabling forvthcir stock. Haled
liny and feed for sale.
We nlso linve a few fine rigs lo
let out lor driving.
S. IE, Lander.
frealdont, fnalilur.
The First National Bunk
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Monoy to loan on approved security.
Exchanges sold, available, iinv .ilaeo
In tho United States.
Your lliifilncHit in Solicit ad.
Take tho holtemttt Kwjuei.
1 '