V J Catarrh Is n conitltiitloiml dlsOASO. It orlKlnnlct In a scrofulous condition ol Ilia blood nnil itoiienrti on tlmt condition, It often causes hrntlnclio nnd riltiliir, Impairs tlm tnsto, small and lirnrliiif, of. fects tlio vocnl orftnns, dlsturhii llio alonmrk It li nlwnvn rnUlrully nnd permanently cured by tlio blood-purltyltijr, alterative and tunlo action of Hood's Sarsaparilla Tills kit nt medlclna linn wrought tlio moit wonderful cures of nil dlinnscs depending on scrofula or the scrofulous habit. jiooo's jim.s rV"rirri)rciihTni!. Relict of tn Ht Long Pad, Tlio petrified forests of Arlxonn wero recently examined nr.ow under tlio direction of tlm Kimoral liuid olllco, Tlio slliolflcd Iokn Ho In tlio Kraitcut nlmndaiico within an art a of olht squaro iiiIIoh In Apuoho county. In boiiio places limy Ho inoro thickly tliun thoy could havo stood wlillo llvliif,' as trees, nnd It Id thought they must lmvo been cnrriol thoro by a swift current of water in tho nicKor-olio ngo, Dojji Work In Rtlsyi. Tlio 1,1180 miles between Sknjjwny nnd Ht, Michaels, Alaska, uro covorud liy (100 (!()(,', working in relays of 2G miles, in four nnd one-half days. Uctwoen Whito Horso mid Dawson, MO horses uro kujit going duy nnd night in relays. CITQ r.rmarinitlr Cur!, lfa fill er iimouincv r 1 1 w snr first (' uwnfbr. Kllar'aUrrat Nam Il-I..r.r. H.n.l for I'll lilt 84.00 If 1.1 Umt U. Vn.lUll. Kf.iNK,l.tl..v3l rcU3t..l,MM,llil.r. A Wliconiln Family's Prominence. Dr. Itoswoll Park, ono of tho physl ciniiH who ntti'tidcd President McKin- ley, Is n eon of tho Nov. Itoswell Park, 1). I)., who founded nnd wiih tho II rut president ol Itiicliio collvgo, leucine, Win. Mothers will find Mrs. WItialow's Bontli liiK Hyriip tho lieet ruiuudy to uso lor tlitlr cmiuren miring me teeming ixinou. Prcicnt of Philippine Products. President Koosevelt wiih recently presented n liantlsoiiio cnuu nnd novo nil pieceo of cloth manufactured in tlio Philippine islands by A. Abron, a Filipino incrohant triivolint: in this country to got n knowledge of American morcniitilo methods. I'lso't Corn i-niitiot ! too lilelilv sunken of an n oolmli cure J. W. O'IIiiik.n. Third Ave., ri., Minneapolis, .Minn., Jan. 0, MM. Madrid lo Erect Clght SUtuei. Tlio magistrates of Madrid, nt n re cent meeting, voted tlio sum of 260, 000 )Osctns for tho erection of oight statues of l.opo do Voga, Murilio, Moratin, Vonttirii'Itodriguoz, Ooya, Ariiello, Quovedo and Salamanca. Thcro In nioro Catarrh In thin section of tno country than sit other diseases put together, and until tlio Ust few yean n supposed to bo Incurable, for n (treat mnny eara doctora pro nounced It a local dlacase, and prescribed local remeillca. and Ly constantly fallliiir. to care with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Fclencu has proven catarrh to lo arnnatltn tlonal disease, and therefore requires conslltu tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man nfacturril by F, J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tho only constitutional euro on tho marled, lllatnkfn luivrnalty In dorrs from 10 drops to a tratponnfiil. It acls directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho ayatem. They offer ono hundred dollars for any cam It falls to euro. Hcnd for rlrculara and testimonials. Ad. drcsa, 1'. J. I II KSUV it CO., Toledo, 0. Hold by Driiimlat". lie. . . Uall'a Family Tills aro thebcit. Plrc Etupe Inilructlons. A doscriptivo article on Norway contains boiiio striking instructions for tho uso of flro oscapes taken from a local hotel, of which the following lino aro part: "Tho plaited miottor Hhall bo found in every room. To inorcabo tho hurry, let down tho body ono by ono until all shall bo loft. Tho cord shall put out tho' ground from tho shouldor there under." Manv cood physlclnns nnd nurses uso Wlzatd Oil for nbctinnto neuralgia and rheumatism. Jt'Mho right thing to do. Nstlonsllty ot Our Preildenli. Trosidont ltoosovolt is tho second prosilont of Dutch ancestry, Van Jluren being tho first. Of our othor chief executives, I I have sprung from Kngliah stock, flvo from Scotch-Irish, threo from Scotch and ono, JelVorson, from Welsh. Nnver Hlohen, Wi'iiUen or (IrlpB. A conttlpatlon euro that pleaaes y"fl'l,lB'(,1' plcaVi'l yo ir itomaoli, t.leaws your pooketboolc -Caaoarcta Candy CatUrllc. DrugBl.H, 10c., 2tc.,60c. . Mutt Be Lovely. "Hut nono of tho othor girls seem to ndmironiy new dress." "Is tlmt so' Turn nrotind. I didn't ronlizo it was so pretty as that." 1'hiladolpliia Ilulletin. THE ORIGINAL, J 3? OIL. CD CLOTHING" l$ SURE PROTECtlOM LSI mbt IWEATHES. eVCRYVVHERe. W- m- pHtints Send no Money S?e,Zi"r'A'wL lniton.P.C 'V"- Of UUsi - 1J oaiALB-i A OIVIU WAR HEROINE. Hlory of Jennie Wn Ir, Who Wns Killed nt (lettyaliurtr, Jennie Wnden grnve, which Is locat ed beside tier pnieiitH' In the Cltl.eim' ICvcrgreen ecinetery, iidjoliilug the I'lillndelplilu National cemeteiy, Ik now niarlied liy a iiioiiiiineut erected by tlio Women' Relief Corps of lown, Tlio pedestal is of American gray granite, the four sides of which are highly pol ished, Htiruioiiiitlng the pedestal stands n fine Italian niitrhle statue of Jennie Wade. On the suh-luuc, In large raised letters, Is the tut tno "Jennie Wade," The Inscriptions on the monument are ni follows; "Jennie Wade, aged 20 years 2 months, killed July II. 18(i;i, while making bread for the Union sol diers." On the opposite side: "Krcet cd by the Women's Relief Corps of lowu, A. I). 1001." On another side. "Whatsoever Ood wllleth must be, though a nation mourn." On the side opposite this. "Willi a courago born of loyalty sho hath done what she could," The c o in in 1 1 1 o o In charge of the erec tion of the fiiouii- JKNNIK WADI! AND IIKII IIOMB. meiit, after receiving bids from varl ous sections of the country, had placed tho contract In CettyslnirK. It Is mod' eled after the design selected liy Mrs 0. W. .McClellau, a sister to Jennie, It Is mild that the llgure and features of the statue present a kooiI likeness of tho heroine. The cost of tlio moiiii incut Is about $1,000 and It stands over ten feet hlh. The house In which Jennie Wado lived at the time of the liattlo Is ni pa rent ly a one-story dotiule brick house, as viewed from the outside. Ilowover, on entering It Is found to have two rooms on tho first floor on each side of the house, and n stairway In the rear room lends to n second floor. where two plastered rooms are found each having a small window In the end of the house, the sides of tho houso being alike. At the time of the battle that nelgu borhood possessed fewer houses, and this one, being located on high ground wns In full view of the Confederate sharpshooters, who deemed It as a pos slble headquarters of the Union army and thus It was that this house was n mark for many bullets. The murks of over a hundred which struck tlio house have been counted. The holes through the small window panes, sash es and doors are plainly visible, nnd apparently as If made but yesterday The house at tho present time Is used as n museum and among the numerous relics displayed Is shown the six-Inch shell that passed through the upper part of the house, entering the roof, passing through the middle wall and dropping on the outer sldo of the house, The positions of tho doors and tho windows of tlio houso aro as they wero on July y, lgC'I. A number of bullets passed entirely through the two win dow sashes. The marks of these but lets display the position of tho windows and tlio doors at that time. The door, as seen through the back window, dls plays a number of bullet holes which were as clearly pierced as If uindo by an auger. The bullet that proved fatal to comely Jennie Wnde, who was then '20 years of age, passed through tho panel of the outer door and through the door between the rooms, which was opened nt the time, and pierced tho breast of the heroine, who had been performing her household duties nt tho time. Her married sister lay sick nbed In tho room adjoining nt tho time, and she. too, had a narrow cscapo from death. Curiously It was that nt almost tho samo moment n Confederate colonel fell near tlio place that Jennie had fall en. Tho Confederates wero occupying the grounds Just then. They had taken caro of tho dead colonel's body nnd hnd constructed a rough cotlln for his Interment, but Inter a Kederal column took possession of tho grounds, the rudo cotlln was secured and used for the In terment of tho heroine Jennie. Later her body was removed to tho Citizens' Kvergreen cemetery, which ndjolns tho Nntlonnl. where it now rests, wvery momorlnl dny, says tho Philadelphia Record, her gravo Is decorated with llowers and tho small American flag placed thereon by tho G. A. It. post. lUInd l'coplo lu llussla. nm nmrn tlinn twleo ns mnnv LllUiW " blind persons In Russia as In tho wholo of tho rest of Europe They number 100,000, which Is equivalent to two In every 1,000 of tho population. In Great Britain and France tho propor tion is not qulto 1 per 1,000. It Is bo- i t iiiiiiiliipsa In Russia Is bo IIUVIU Hi, , prevalent because of tho length of tlmo which snow lies on tlio ground, and also owing to tho uncleanly habits of tho people Simmer. . . nt , 1 1 ii Tit-Trinity ii 1 nrlnr. Manner is ou m w.v. nnl graces of character. It Is the orna- mcnt or action, uu .......vo commonest, offices beautiful by tho way .ti. i. nAffm-me thorn. It Ih n hnn- 111 WU1CU II J'vi'". - - ---- tlilmra. nilnrnllicr oven nv way u uun -- tho smallest uvwn tme. ff SUBfirtesD ITVs otwj nflHrrx am iuziff try w&smaumm ! In this workaday world few women arc no plnced that physical exertion is not constantly domanded of them in their daily life. Wo make a special appeal to mother! of large families whose work Is never dono, nnd many of whom suffer, and suffer for lock of intelligent aid. To women, young or old, rich or poor, we extend nn Invitation to accept free advice. Oh, women 1 do not let MHS. OaSSIE BrLLKYIMJC your lives bo sacrificed when a word of advice nt tlio first approaclt of weak ness, may fill your -future years with healthy joy. Address a letter to Mrs. rinldiam's Lnlioratory, Lynn Mass., nnd you vlll not bo disappointed. "When 1 began to take Lydla E. Pinkham's Vcgctablo Compound I was not able to do my housework. I suf fered terribly at time of menstruation. Several doctors told mo tlicy could do nothing forme. Thanks to the Pink ham advice and medicine I am now well, and can do the work for eight In the family. "I would recommend Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to all wethers with large families." Mns. C a null! Belleville, Ludington, Mich. Advice for Aitor. Mr. Astor cannot Iks a peer of Eng land because tho law prohibits natur alized subjects from attaining to that dignity. Mr. Astor has tried so hard to get away from his fur and pelt ancestors that ho has brought it to tho notice of all tho world, and got nothing elso for his pains except dis appointment. It is a wise son who accepts his own pedigree Pittsburg Times. Wo w.Vo I ha aelahrntnd Antl-nuat Umhreltn Frnmo. I IN YOUR POCKET! Vnn ninil iha niffnronno. "'tween alckly. lomy chickens and healthy, .contented fowls, lull llllU II I U UlllulClluC One brlnva no inmier to your pocket, the other means money lu your tnme. Which will you harp T Prnnnhnnt'p linn lillnr I a liquid to paint or aprsy tho rnoata. quickly deatroylnar all UlOcSlJcCK S LCc IMIlCI H TlieprlrelanothliielncomparlanntntheirnodltwIlTdo. Conn Vniic Pliin&nno I'eel Orni aback'a Kgrir lTnilurrr anil llHltlt Pooil to the OdYo IUUI UlllunCllOi chicken preventa mortality. Pulleti begin laying when five or tlx mnn i In old. 2) to Ui p?r cent, more eggs produced. PORTLAND SEED CO., 13S Fror.t Slroot, Portland, Or. Coaat A dent: Why Pay High Prices? For WATCH KS, DIAMONDS and JEWELRY when you can buy un redeemed pledges for Amount of Monoy Loaned with interest at the Portland Loan Office, jSi'SSSSbo 6T".'vr Jewelry at 40 per cent, loner than at any Jewelry Store In Portland. w W Or 13 fEFRES And Act's r Pleasantly and totly. TWISTS 0 Ccp T0vECOpUS!l permanently With many millions of families Syrup of Figs lias become the ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product, which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently' with out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect freedom from any uupleasant after effects. In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the ' combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene ficially on the system. To def its benefkiaJ effects LouiBville, Ky. FOR SALE DV ALL DRUQOIOT3 Whoteiale Beer Drinken. Tho British aro tho larcest drinkers .of beer in tho world and thoconstimp- tion , srow,nK. T0 (tmi)tity of bdr absorbed in 1!)00 ntnountcd to 1,289.- 700,000 gallons, or not much less than 208,000,000 cubic feet; in other words, tlio contctits of a reservoir 2,000 feet long, 1,000 fect wldo and 101 feet dcop. Dreyfui Returning to Altsce. Captain Dreyfus, who has been liv ing at Cologne, near Geneva, for some time past, has determined tc leave Switzerland and make his home in Alsace, where ho was born. He will spend tlio winter in tho Itivcrin, after which ho will dcflnitoly settle down in Alsace, devoting his time to literature and scientific pursuits. Allegations Certified To. A Sumner county (Kansas) mnn who had a neighbor arrested for slan der, sworo to tho following affidavit: "I hereby solemnly swear that tho de fendant snt upon mo, calling mo a lobster, a pauper, n scarecrow, nnd nn idiot, all of which I certify to bo true," Not Smooth. Quinn I think Bob Evans called his book a "Bailor's Log." Do Fontc Yes, and it seems to mo some pconlo ran against a good many knots when they read it. Chicago News. ' South American Underground Telegraph Tho Argentine .Republic has lcen obliged to put tho telegraph lino between Itosario and Buenos Ayrcs tinder ground, becauso on wot days ,tho electric current wns dissipated through tho numerous spider webs attached to tho wires. A Smart Girl's Deception. A wise girl in Garnet, Kan., ties an apron nround hei waist whenever she sees her "steady" coming, and when she lets him in she blushes and excuses herself on tho plea that sho has been "helping mamma." Kan sas City Star. Holiday Resolutions TAKE IliK feure relief from liquor, opium and tooaoaJ . Batata, nana lor pariiouars Keelsy Institute, -TVl"?. N. P. Jf. V. Ho. 401901. VlUKN wltlnc U. advertisers please II mention this paper. Do not come to our atore tn nleaie ua, but we are here to pleare you. ALI.KSINA'8 ANTI-KMT L'SIllltU.I.A Fit A ME, covered with nurown make of Kno1a, will pleaae you as you have never been j.iett.en ueiore A NICU UMlltlELLA Is a fine Chrlatmas present. JOHN ALLES1NA, 309 Morrlton St., opp. Poatofflcc. POKTLAND, ORE. A 4f ? 4 Siri Frar.c.iaco.Ce.1. New YorKNX WOMEN OF THE Regard Peruna as Their Shield A-!- I A a urip anil uaiarmai Diseases. Mr I. Ilelva A. Ioclcwiyd, I,at Candidate for the Presidency. Mrs. Bclva Lockwood, the eminent barrister of Washington, D. C, is the only woman who has ever been a candi date for the presidency of tho United States. She is the best known woman in America. As a pioneer of her sex in the legal profession sho has gath ered fame and fortune. In a letter t( the Peruna Medicine company, slit says: " have used your Peruna both tor myself and my mother, Mrs. Hannah J. Bennett, now In hei 88th year, and I find It an In valuable remedy for cold, catarrh, hay fever and kindred diseases ; also a good tonic for feeble and old people, or those run down, and with nerves unstrung." Yours truly, Belva A. Lockwood. Peruna cures catarrh by removing the cause, nitlamcu mucous mem branes. Dr. Hartman, tho compounder of Tcruna, once said in a lecture to wo men: A great number of women consult mo every year. I often have occasion to sny to these patients : 'I fear you have catarrh, madam. ' Thev will generally reply, 'Oh, no, I never had catarrh. My nose is perfectly Shah Photographed la' Bed. The shah of Persia is an amateur photographer who has attained great proficiency in the uso of the camera. Ho has a mania for being taken in every conceivable pose and dress, and has even been photographed in bed. The Second Distillation. Tho "bricht child" whoso sayincs get into tho papers usually has bright j parents who are quite facile with the pen. It is a very bright child who rpnncni7pa its own inkn Afinnnon- I olis Journal. Well Informed. "Ho seems to bo a well informed man. " "Ccitainly. His wifo tells him ! everything that's coine on." Phila-1 dclpliia Bulletin. j r&& 12 PRICE JOT PER DOTTLB. IkfVj UNITED STATES Against Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, t-l n! clear, and my breath is not bail. I am not troubled with coughing or spitting, or any other disagrccablo symptoms ol catarrn. '.but you may have tho catarrh nil tho samo. Ca tarrh is not al ways located in the head. You may havo catarrh of tho lungs, or stomach or liver, or kidneys, and especially you may havo ca tarrh of tho pel vic organs." The doctor wont on to say : "I havo been nrcachint; this Mrs. T. .'. Ilallaril, Enrclta Sprlnga, Ark., cured ot aaeGMCaae of catarah by r'eruna. doctrine for tho last 40 years, but there aro a vast multitudo of women who havo never heard it yet. Cntnrrh may attack any organ of tho body. Women aro especially liable to catarrh of tho pelvic organs. Chore are one hundred cases of en urrh of tho pelvic organs to ono of ratarrh of the head. Most peoplo ihink because they havo not catarrh if tlio head, they havo not catarrh t all. This is a great mistake and is he cause of many cases of sickness tnd death." Mrs. T. Pclton, 502 St. Anthony venue, St. Paul, Minn., writes: "Pe runa has uono wonders for mo. It has cured my hcadacho and pal pitation of tho heart i has built up my wholo sys tem. I cheerfully recommend Peru na to all sufferers afllicted with ca tarrh. My moth- Mrs. T. Pelton. or is never without Peruna. When ono is tired and generally out of sorts, if Peruna is taken it imme diately removes that tired feeling." If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from tho use of Peruna, write at onco to Dr. Hart man, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuablo advico gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Colum bus, O. iESTFOBTHE If Ton haven't a regular, healthr movement of tbd bowela every day. yoaTo aide, or will be. Keep Too J bowela open, and be well. Force. In the tbapepf violent phytic or plU poison, la danaerout. The limootbeit. eatlest. moat perfect way of keeping tba bow sis clear and clean la to take Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. TseteOood. Do Oood, Never blcken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. -too. Writs for free sample, and booklet on bealtn. Addreaa SUrllaf Bcarfj ttmptaj, CUcaf. noalrtal. 5w Yark. S2SS KEEP YOUR 0L00D GLEAN HOOSIER DRILLS Are best because they are thoroughly well made of best material. Are stronger and heavier than otners, hence more durable. Tho feed Is absolutely accurate, reliable and positive, and will sow tame quantity, up or down hill or on side hill. Hoojler Drills are cheapest because liEST. We keep full stock of repairs at princi pal points lu tho Northwest. Catalogue free. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. First and Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, foot of Morrison Streat, Can cive yoa the beat bargains In Bupiriea. i'lows, boilers anil Kniinos, Win. mulls and Pnmm and General Machinery, See us before buying. local Agent Wanted. WANTED A local agent in each township to sell our up-to-date publication. Good remuneration and steady employment. Address. UNION PUDLiSHINO, CO., Cor. 8th and Morrison Sts roUTLAKJ), ORB. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Fminilntl 1 1ll fl A Homo School for Ooya Military and Manual Train In a Fall Torn) Opcnm Sopt. 12, 1DO! nriia ror iiiuatraieg uatalouua M I fiiii I ii'TsjlM ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. COURSES Classical. Llterarr. Bclentlfla and Commercial. For particulars apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, Presldtnt, University Park, Portland. Orssca OWELS j&Jf$iL CANDY SB CATHARTIC ' TRAOf noun MoarxnrD f I