Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 29, 1901, Image 8

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    A )
: v.
nil ,
Tlio llttlo daughter of Mr. J. N.
'Powell Jumped on an Inverted
nindo of ten penny nails, and thrust ono
noil entirely through her foot mid n ec
nrul ono half nv through. Chamber
Iain's Pain Balniwaa promptly implied
nnd llvo mlnutea Inter tlio ndn luul dls
hpponred nnd no inoro eullerinjt was ex
perienced. In three days the child was
wearing her shoo aw usual and with ab
solutely no discomfort. Mr. Powell Is
u well known merchant of l'orklitnd.
Vii. Pitin Halm is an nntmentio and
i i i. ti i.i ...
ncnis sucii injuries wmium iii.huii.himi;
nnd in one-third the time required by
the nanal treatment, tor sale ny Hon-
hou Drug Co., Cottage Grove.
Lyons fc
Applegnto, urnin.
"Last winter nn infant child of mine
had croup in a violent form." says Kl
dorJohn W. Honors, n Christian Kvan-
gellstj of Killey. Mo. "I gave her u few
doses of Chamberlain's Couch Kcinedy
and i'l short time nil dancer was past
and tho child recovered." This remedy
not only cures croup, but when given as
soon as"tho llrst symptoms appear, will
revcnt tho attaek. It contains no
opium or other harmful substance and
may bo given ns- confidently ton hahy
ns to nn ndnlt. For pale by Benson
Drug Co., Cottago Grove. Lyons A. Ap
plegate, Drain.
Allow me to say a few words in praiso
of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy.
had n verv severe cough nnd cold nnd
feared I would get pneumonia, but after
inking the second dosoofthis medicine
l-felt better, three bottles ot it etirtM
my cold nnd tho paint in my chest dis
hn'noared cntirclv. I am most respect
fullv vonrs for health, S. Mbykr,
64 "rfiirty-sevcnth St. Wheeling, W.
Vn. For sale by Benson Drug Co., Cot
tage Grove. Lyons & Applegate, Drum
Tho undersigned will givo n free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets to anyone wanting u re
liable remeily for disorders ol the
stomach, billiousness or constipation.
This is a new remedy and a good one.
Benson Drug Co.
So sure are we that tho locating of a
fow of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we are willing to send
ono free to any sufferer from tho follow
ing diseases: Cold extremities, Crysto
cele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leucorrhen, Liver complaint.
Paralysis, Lost vitality, Xervousdebility,
Self n'buse, Worn-out women, Sciatica,
"Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impotency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken anil Undeveloped
Sexun organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circnlnr, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle
Creek. Michigan.
sj. .'.,4. -X- -K-i- -;- -i-.-i- -v
r -i- 1- 1 t t- -r- -1- -1- -i- t sv
Main St., Cottage Grove.
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Cottage Grove
Planinff Mill!
We nro now prepared to furnish all
xinds of brackets, mouldings, cornice.
Bash nnd doors, door nnd window frames,
windows, pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made nnd re
paired. Wo will nlso work rustic, siding,
ceiling or exo studding, etc,
Is Absolutely PURE, and will
OUTWEAR all other Leads.
H youi local dcalor docs not carry It write
to us and wo will tco tlint you get It.
W. P. Fuller & Co.
H TlioBoneon Drug Co. Qffbra you tho
perfection of porfnmery and guarantees
its aromatic nrdors to cnptlvnto tho
eensoH. Try them nnd you will over
after buy thorn.
There is no plausible reason why
every fanner in America should not
be n breeder of pure-bred cattle
within the next five years. There
is a greater profit in purc-brcds,
whether they are raised for beef or
for breeding purposes. Twostccrs,
a scrub and a pure-bred, both of
the same age, raised in the same
, leeamg pen ami on me miiuc muuu,
...jii at maturitv. crcatly surprise
the farmer whose experience has
been limited to the production of
scrubs. The pure-bred steer will
outweigh the scrub from 200 to
' 500 pounds- and bring from
1 to
3 cents per pound more money.
Why, then, not buy more pure
breds? The average farmer will contend
that the first cost of a foundation
herd is too great he hesitates
about paying $200 to $500 for a
first-class bull, and, in his short
sightedness, is unable to figure a
profit from his investment. He is
1 ,
either in debt or has lived up his
income aud would consider it the
height of folly to pay more than
$35 for a cow, which he breeds to
a neighbor's grade bull perhaps a
Jersey. We are not speaking of
the many farmers who are already
raising pure-bred cattle, but of the
small farmers who have not been
awakened to the importance of pro
ducing better beef. The demand
for better beef is growing rapidly,
and the supply, instead of increas
ing at a corresponding rate, is
Some farmers tell us they can't
tret money enough a beau wttli
In this '
which to make a start
they are wrong they can get
ahead if they wish. In most cases
one year of industry, self-denial
aud intelligent management is all
that is required. The greater the
sacrifice the grander the victory
get ahead and stay ahead, and a
fund will soon be established which
will enable the farmer to make
profitable investments in improved
stock, as well as improved farm ma
chinery. In any business worth pursuing
the first object should be to get
that business on a safe financial
basis. It may be necessary to bor
row some money to start with, and
to borrow more money to repay
with, but there is no business that
can be called successful where this
borrowing process remains perma
nently. We should prefer to see a
farmer sell a load of pure-bred or
high-grade steers, averaging 1400
pounds at 6 cents per pound than a
lot of scrubs or very low-grades
weighing three-fourths as much at
4 cents. Any farmer who has re
placed his scrubs with pure-breds
will never permit the spirit of retro
gression to influence him his one
aim will be to constantly improve
his herd.
We know of no better plan for
CDe Crystal Cm. mining Co.
O. W. LLOYD, Pronldent
H. D. 8COTT, Vlce.JTcldent
The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims
forming this company are located in the great Bohemia
Mining District in Iane aud Douglas counties, Oregon.
These properties have had much work done upon them,
so that now they are embryo' mines with an assured
The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its
par value is $i It is non-assessable. Its principal
office is in Cottage Grove.
For development purposes a limited amount of stock has
been authorized to be sold at 3 cents per share.
Two of the claims the Mountain Lion and El Calado
are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims
have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them aud the
face of the tunnels are now in solid ore.
JTxaixlx iJorclan, , Secretary
thv farmer to secure start' in
bleeding ol pure-bred cattle tlmn to
buy bred cows. There are ninny
prominent breeders who have in
their herds cows from 8 to to years
old which they will breed to their
best bull aud sell lor $100 to $300
each. A farmer buying ten of
these aged cows, properly bred,
would double his money when each
would be good for several calves
after they pass their tenth year,
and the farmer would have a foun
dation herd at a very slight cost.
The bull calves might be sold for
breeding purposes ami tltc pro
ceeds of the sale used to buy a herd
bull. Several high-grade cows
should be bought to breed to the
herd bull, and from this mating
would come the steer calves to be
finished as high-priced beef. Thus
in a few years the farmer would
have a pure-bred herd, from which
he would select his show animals
and sell his fine breeding bulls, and
a beef herd from which he would
select animals for his feed lot. Take
a pencil nnd figure it out. All
that is needed is a good piece of
land on which to raise the feed, a
small amount of money with
which to purchase the foundation
stock and the energy to push a
good thing along.
The only reason the farmer can
give is that the first cost is too
great. Is it a plausible one when
the ultimate results arc considered?
We think not. Drover's Journal.
I know a huntress fair indeed
And womanly sweet is she;
muny " roPhy of tho hunt
in ner iiomc you may uany see;
And many it story of the glory
Of the chase she has told to mo.
How far away in tho morning light
Where the forests drip with dew,
With shortened skirts and still-shod feet
She wanders the woodland through,
And swiftly creeps or quiet keeps
For her prey to como in view.
She has caught the deer in their lissom
As they drank from soino rock-bound
And tho birds thnt come for their morn
ing dip
In its waters sweet nnd cool .
Yes, mnnv a raid has my huntress made
On the pupils in nature's school I
But never the forest tins heard her gun,
Or its shadows seen its flame
And never a bird ir beast has known
They were prev of her deadly aim.
Yet those she sought were surely caught
When into her range they came.
A camera only my huntress takes,
And she joys in life. so free;
There comes no thought of struggle or
When sho shows her "iramo" tome.
And her eyes are bright with kindness
For womanly sweet is she.
Alick Louise Brow.v.
Cut this out and take it to Benson
Drug Co's drug storo and get n free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach nnd
Liver Tablets, the best physic. They
cleanse nnd invigorato the stomach, im
prove tho appetite nnd regulate the
Dowels, ltegular size, 25c per box.
Asthmalenc Brings
in nit
Wo wit nt to send to ovory sufferer n trial treatment ol Aithmnlene,
similar to the onu that cured; Mr. Wells. We'll send It by mail POT.
l'AII), Absolutely Free of Charge, to any sufferer who will write for
it, even on it postal. Never mind, though you nrodespalrlng, however
bud your ease, Asthiualeno will relluveitnd emu. Tho woiho yourt'iiso
thu nioro glad wo are to send It. Do not delay. Write at once, nil-
dre-sing DR. TAFT DUOS.' MEDICINE CO., 70 East KlOth St.,
m .i.vuy cum iy mi wnipfiiniB.
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and Splendid Residences.
Lot 1 on the in'lctinl buttnrK ntreeln.
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Abstract of title secured nnd guaranteed.
Information ns to tho laws governing tho disposal of government lands.
How to secure homi-stcails, HiiiIht lauds, mining claims, etc.
Property for sale published weekly.
CorrAtii: Giiovk is tho second city In Ijiiio county, Oregon. Has it itopulMlion
of iilKiut 1,200. The center of tho four points of the compass when It comes to
ingress and egress. Bohemia with its vast mining resmirces only thirty-live miles
south east, with 11 good wagon road lending from the S. I'. It. It. depot right here
in town. Prospective railroad to the minus. The Count I'ork of tho Willamette
river, on which is situated thu Black Butte quicksilver mines, sixteen miles south,
llous through the center of the city furnishing abundant water facilities. It is
only a mile it ml it half to its coulltienco with Itow river, the outlet of the Krtmt
timber ramies to tho southeast. Westward toward the coast riiuuo is tin In-
exhaustiible supply of timber, interspaced with numerous rich farming lands
well Improved ami cultivated .
North or south from hereon the S.
or San Francisco und be ill touch with the
Wilier works in full operation, hleclrfc lights and telephone system complete.
JfjCTTho liest imricultural lands in Lnno couulv lie in the viciuitv surround
ing Cottage litoveou eithor side, lit fot
Correspondence solicited.
.A. Few ol our J3arg-ains:
1 120 feet front on north side of Main
street, by about 300 feet deep, bounded
uy river on tne norm. House 01 seven
rooms, barn and outhouses. This Is tho
Ix'st business location in Cottage Urove.
Price 12400.00.
3 A two story finely finished house,
eight rooms, balhnioni und outhouses.
Splendid location, two lots in Long and
iupies aiiiiiiioii in aotr.iieasi uomigo
Urove. Price 1200.
4 Two story dwelling house, ten
rooms, brick fruit house, fruit trees, K)
feet front on north fide of Main street by
300 feet deep, corner property. A line
location lor it notei. iticc f.iou.
0 A two storv line, almost nowdwell-
ing house, i rooms, barn and outhouse
complete, three lots. A splendid or
chard of voting bearing trees, together
with grapes and various kinds of beriies.
Situated in Long and Luudes xddiliou
In southeast Cottage Grove. I'rico $1200.
Two splendid lols on second street in
Cottago tirovo. Price $210.
A. snlcndid ranch of 1(X). about 00 acres
licit vilv timL'cml, balance easily cleared,
. ...
a deal if you overlook this.
ICO acres of agricultural and timber
land, well watered, soino improvements.
good range outlet, about 5 miles east 01
Saginaw, Oregon. This is a bargain nt
Lots in tho I). G. McFnrlnnd addition
to Cottage Grovo, on west side nt prices
to suit purchasers for cash.
Five ncrcs of fino building nnd agri
cultural html, i mllo cast of Cottage
Grove, on south side ot county road to
Bohemia. $100 perucre.
The Currin Park principally within
thocltv limits, consisting of seven acres
on tho banks of the Const F'ork rivor, nn
ideal pleasure resort or building spot.
splendid grove, exponslvo new foot
bridge spanning tho river, tho most
available place for it public park. Price
vioit DR. JORDAN'S our at
(Uiva tilth fcad Btvtlh.)
Tht Iftrrt Anatomical Utueum
!n lue World.
Ortattit attraction in tht Cttjf, JL
wonderful tiuhtjor vtittort.
lVrnkneMei, or ny contract
e4UlflenefpoalllY!j'curtlby a
the oldtHt HnerlulJRt on the raclflo
Coast. JSrtlttblLslittf 88 roars. A
TuaHf Hie ii and niltdl
ft ored men who ara an (Turin if .
from the tflecta of youthful IndW- f
creuona or exuesne 111 rnaiurvr
' years, nervous ana pnysicai feuuity,iui
l uuicnor. fjoaMnrtnicl JuallltacomDll.
I cation WpennMtorrlicen, rutnlor-(
, rlitea, Oouorrli, Uleei, Frequency
I f UrliiHdur. vie. Uy tt combination of i
remelles,of ffmat curative power, the Doctor '
I lias to Arranged his treatment tlmttt wlJl not ,
' only afford Immediate relief, but nermaiient I
cure. 1 no iocior aoes noi claim toperxorui .
' miracle, nut i won lcnuwn to be a lair and 1
l iquare I'hyMclan una Burgeon, pre-eminent
t ui en specialty uiaenaea or jnen
HVl'IIIIilK thoroughly erad ca ted from '
1 iun yaiauj wiiuout mo use Ol nvrrur j i
Truiiei fitted br an KxnerL Itndianl '
I Pure far Htmlum. A outfit and radlritl 1
curetnr file, riaaure and F!tnl,by
I vt, jurumi Bpeciai painiens roeiguus.
EVKKT MAX applying to us wlUiecelTO
nowHommonm uucompiainr. i
WewtU Guarantee a CUBJ3tn
ly'nnvuuaiion r ilist? una n(noii)r iirivMw.
Treatment persouully or by letter.
Write fur nook. I'HI J.OHOIMIT- OF
HAllllIAai:. Mailkd 1'uKB. (AVMlaiilila
book lor men.) Call or writ
OR. JORDAN & CO., tool Mtrkel St, 8. r.
never inning water supply, 1100111 iour,"i
miles west of CottagoGrovo. Cash price , farming hind, well improved, 1 mile
650. Also othr terms. ou will miss , fro, Cottago Urove, ndlolnlng the conn-
Relief and Permanent Cure
There lit nothing 1 1 lit) Antliimileuo. It brings
Intdnnt icllef, even In tho worst eaten. It emeu
when nil else falls.
The Rev. C. V. WKLI.S of Villa Ridge, 111..
iMiyns "Your trial bottle of Awlhmiilenc icielved
In good condition. I cannot tell vou how thank
ful 1 feel for tho pood derived from it. I wax it
ilave, clutliu'd Willi putrid sore throat and iiHthma
for ten years. I despaired of over being cured. I
av your ndvortlceint'iit for Ihu cure of this
dreadful ami tormenting disease, iiHthma, and
thought you luidovcrHpokcii yourself, but resolved
logivo It a trial. To my surprise tho trial uuted
llku ii charm. Send me it full-slrcd bottle."
tal Mate
P. railroad you can reach cither I'orll.iml
whole world 011 short notfrc.
farming or stock raising.
A good business place. south side Main
Street. fOOO.
A splendid llvn-rnom cottage, stable,
workshop, chicken house, wiHslshtd ;
three lots nil enclosed: line local Ion in
Wyniie'sndditiou toCottngulirovo. Price
$1000, half down.
.100 feet by 100 feet In 11 suburban locu
tion. Natural spring, oak trees, all ad-
i olnlng foot hills in west Cottage Cirove.
rice (iiOO.
Two lots in block 20, J-ong & Landcs
addition, 6T by 100 feel scparntely
Price 176.
A linely finished two slorv dwelling
house, ten rooms, bath room, ceineui
stone cellar, water nnd electric lights
about nine lols fronting on fourth street
adjoining river in rear, near Christian
church, good barn und outhouses. Price
Two story dwelllnir house, six rooms,
goixl barn, and woodshed, two huge lots
on corner opposlro Catholic church.
Price fOOO.
Two good lots near railroad 100 feet
aniinrxi I'rlim m I ''ft
ty rniul, in tracts Irom It to imi acres
If you want a baigain look this up.
Splendid cottngonn Fourth street. $750,
Look this up if you want n bargain in n
Ono hundred ncrcs of improved land
lying in a tract cast and west within 11
qua ter of n mile of Cottage Grove, ad
joining county ronu.
One hundred ncrcs Improved land ad
joining county road onc-qunricr 01 11 tulle
west 01 uottngo urove, lying in a tract
north und south,
Twocood dwelling houses on ndioin
imrlotsin the Sherwood block, Prlco
100 ncros improved farm on north lmnk
of How Itlver, twelve miles from Cottage
urovo on tlio lino 01 tne 1;, 11. survey to
Bohemia, rrico faitou.
or THE
TrninH lenvo Cottngo Grovo for Port
land and way stations nt 2:14 n in nnd
12:55 p in.
Lv Portland 8:30 it m
" Cottago Grovo 2:57 p lit
Ar Ashland 12:80nir.
"Sacramento 5:10 pm
" San Franclaco 7.55 p m
Pullman nnd TonrUtu enra
8 :80 p m
2:00 it m
12:05 p in
C:00 it m
8:45 u m
trnlnR. Chair rnra Sacrnmento to Oudon
and Kl Poro, und tourist cars to Chicago
St Louiu, Now Orleans nnd Washington.
Connecting nt Snn Frnncisco with tho
eo'voral Hteamshin lines for Honolulu.
Japan, China, Pliilllplnca, Central and
South America.
Seo agent nt Cottngo Grovo station, or
II. B. Mn.Lnn, G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
Wo have on hand n Inrgo stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling nnd rustle in
grades 1 2 nnd 3. Let ua make you
special prices.
Boom-KEitY Lumber Co,
. unpen row r.t'i'Mi' i'i in,
t'nlliMt Hibiix i.iiiiil (nili'c,
nmelaifHi Oiu,, IH UjI it in, m
NdllCO I" tiiTi'liy xlvitn lliiil m iiiiillniii'e
Willi llio lirovlkliiim at tliu m l nt ( ininn..,,,;
Juno n. 1MB, ohtllleil "An m'l fur llm ,)(
lliulmr ImnU III IlinKlnlM (it ( bIIIiiiiiU, n,0.
Him, Novmlii mid WindilliKloilTurrltnry." nnvx
tuttitnl In nil llio I'liMlo Uml ViMvn liy ni l
AliKlinl I, HW, Tlioinim I". UihhiiI (Inwiiiir
rll))l)im, County ol HoiikIh, Hliitu ol or.
(ion, lm IIiId ilnjr IIUmI hi t 111 ol!n,
IiId nwiirii tnli'inonl Nn. lCt)3, (or tint .iirc li,i,
nfllie I'. )( nf tlio K )i ol Htvllim Nn. u ,
1omiIiIi Nu. VI H., llxnK" A WimI, niiil mil
nftcr rHit In ulinw I hut Ihu In tut iniiikIii u
inoro vuhmtlu (or lln lliulwr nrttiiiH llmti for
nKrlciilluml nuxw., nml In I'ulnl.M.h hl
rliilm In .ii laii'l lMif.nv (In, ItCKliler mi.
lUicvlrur nl llil ulllt'u nt llimvliurn, OrcKim,
oiiH.ilnriUy,tlio It) ilny til .Innimry, ltKri,
He nmiii wlliir.n'nt
I, M, IVtklnn, llinry V, I'linreliltl, W, a.
IVrklii", K. J. t'nixOmiil, nl lmm, Otfiton,
An)' nml nil KrMiim clntmliiK mlvirply llm
HlMivelivitlliMl laiiiln att) rt'illclul lu llln
lliclri'lrtliiiliillil ii(Htv on or liuloto rulil ih
ilny nt Jnnuery. lvt'1,
J. T. HitllKiKis llmlilir.
rntliiKK (lriiv. OiTKim, Nur. IB, IWl.
To WlM UM II. (Umiii.k;
Ynii nro lutri'liy luittlli'il Ikml Unw rx
I'tmli'il iliitlmr llio ymr oihIIiik lire. ,n.i, m.
nai' liiiintrnl ilolinrn In Ulmrmul liiiiriiviiiniii
nil vmpIi nl tlio 111 ico f"llolllf iUrrlUil mill.
If IK Hit I ill . In.wll; Tlio "llurnr" luralril In
tlm llnliemln .Mlnlnit llltltli't Mtiil rt .ntloil oil
tiagrinrtnf llniilt A nl tli MIiiIiik llttiolil. ol
Une Ctniiily, Orptfoiii llicliiiivcr" liK'nlt-.l in
Hut lliilmiiiU JIIiiIiik lllnttlrt nml rvnintiwl mi
lmito no nl llonk A nl Hit MIiiIiik llocnrtU nl
I-aiio Ctiiitiiy, tirrKiiii, nml I In- "iitnll" In.
mini In tha IlnliruiU Milling lll.lrlrt nml tr
rordotl nn iinku A7o nt llnnk 11 nf the MIiiIiik
ItfcortLnt l)oinili Ciiiintjr, tlu-iiniii Innttltr
In litilil mIiI cUliriP innliT llm imvllon of
ovtinii UWI nl tho Iturl.r.l mtiilit nl tin
I'lillttl HlHte, mul Hie miu'liilini'iit llicrrlo. it it
nrnri'tl Jen. VAul, Ifxi. coiiifriiliiir mitiiial In
lMr tiHn 111 I II I tl K elallil", lirlUK llm nmoiitil (..
iiulrml in linltl ii Ii of mIiI tlirra rlnliu. lor
lint cirlxt enillnx tho JI'I ilay nl licrrinWr,
l'.Mi. Ami. II wllliln iiliittlyilayiilriim tlio
onnl ,crvlcti nl tlil nullro, or within nliu iy
ilny itllrr Ihe !'iiMli'llnii thoimlymi lull or
tvlti In I'liiilrllmto yuiir imrllmi nl mch r
H'iultliir an it cn-imiirr. yniir lalrrvt Initio
Halm will Ihiniiiiu I he .rooriy nt ihtt .iih.
.rrllwrn, your in.nwner., Klmliavv nnolo llm
rtviilrtKl cl oiiiIIIiiic, ly the Icrinn nl J.I mii'
t loll.
ui:o. w. i.ixiyii
Owing To Impaired llenllli
We desire to reduce our
Stock so we will bvc 'ou
Duriiiij a KliDUCTION SAIJi of
30 Days.
We have the Uest Shoes nnd
Clothing made; Our Styles nrc the
Latest find our Prices urc cut to
almost Cost.
Our Prices on Millinery are cut
to less than half the uvular retail
Yours For Trade
iST. E. DElsea
tfc Son.
The . . .
Itlvorflt., CoIUko Ornve.
. BLEW & JONIiS, Props i
We rarry an extra fine line of
Million mnl ClRaro, nmt If you
linve orraatnn In want KiNiila In
our line wo trnulit avi'tocluto n
rail from you. '
Feed and
Sale Stable
Hirer Htrcot,opi.oMlo Collngo (Irovo Hotel,
Cottago (Irovo.
Partners will find good feed and
stabling for their stock, Bajed
hay and feed lor sale.
We also have a few fine ritrs to
let out for driving.
'7.0V,, . HKiiaT Hakim,
i'roHldont, C'unhlor.
The First National Bank
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on npprovod soeurity.
Uxchanges sold.'nyallnblo nnv plnco
tlio United States.
Your ItualneHH In Solicited.
llcud the Ilohcmlu tVuuyct.
in uk.iu.1 Kim.ujmMwnmmemwKis'mm'au