Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 29, 1901, Image 5

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ClIAMl'IOtf Okoijpjc Wokk
J. S. Medley received n telegram
from the 1 hut ford Mining Com
pany of Chicago, commonly known
M thc.Chtunpion grottpc of .sixteen
claims, to Imvu the nnnuiil assess
inent workjperforined, Cy J. Mug
hnm will ltnvt clinic of tlic work,
A large force of men will be imme
diately put on the work which will
1)0 prosecuted with all dispatch.
John liar nits on Monday left with
a four-horse loud of provisions for
the Warehouse, from which point
the goods will lie packed into the
Champion groupe. Owing to the
lateness of the cviimhi anil the con
dition of the roads and mountain
trails, the work ol completing an
undertaking of this character,
wherein Home of the claims are Keg
rcgated, will require a great effort,
hut Mr. llinglmm being familiar
with the entire ptopcuy and hav
ing an ample force to prosecute the
work, will no douht complete the
full requirement of labor in time to
meet all necessary demands by
January ist, at which time all
necessary affidavits ol labor per
formed must be filed.
KoAt) Out.
Joe Cole came in on Monday
with another load of fine ore from
the Helena mine and delivered it
at the Umw & Hingham warehouse.
lie says that will be the last load
he can haul for some time, per
haps until spring, for soon after he
came over the Noonday road about
three miles above the Warehouse,
over ioo feet of roadway that was
supported by nibbing had been
undermined by the heavy rains and
slid oft the mountain side, leaving
the road impassable even for a pick
animal. This will be a ureal draw
back for further supplying the dis
trict by that route, but the large
bulk of winter supplies have nearly
nil been taken in. The Sharp's
creek and Ilardscrahhlc route is
pretty badly cut up now and the
overflowed creeks have wrought
havoc with the roads. The stage
TewTlTRIUan- iu"the 'ctarly part
of this mouth and the mail is being
carried by pack animal.
KiCit ClIUTH In VltHUVlt.'S.
l.nst week Jack IClopfenstein
came out fiom
brought witli him a piece of ore
fiom the Vesuvius mine on Ifatr
view which, alter being assayed,
was. round t be very rich. He
says the boys are now in a big
chute of this ore and that it com
pares very favorably with the fa
mous Helena. This property is
being worked now under bond and
this good luck will be gloiious
news for the lucky holders of the
bond. They are George W. I.Ioyd,
If. J. Hard and J. W. Cook. It
also brings much happiness and
joy to the owners of the mine, who
are also employed in its develop
ment by the gentlemen who hold
the bond, for to them it means a
little fortune at the expiration of the
bond, as the property will surely
merit the stipulated price and the
contract will be closed with benefit
and good feeling among all inter
ested. Success to the Vesuvius.
Tin? Lit Roy Mining Co.miwnv.
Manager Alfred Johnson of the
LcRoy Mining Company who came
down from the mine on business
last week, went up on Monday
morning with an addition to the
crew of men already at work on
the company's property, and wi 1
i., mish development work
morc rapidly. The company has
.,.....,i ndditional machinery
S w hen installed, will facili
.... .i. ,nrk and at the same time
dvc thenien plenty of good air in
rsl.aftofthe.ninc. Thus the
good work goeso
r....,.,r.T fllMtHATION.
n Wednesday morning a ZC
cancerous tumor of the breast was
tJ" . - r wpnnev by
., r,. Mrs. M. Sweaney Dy
rcmoveu uu... . .
Dr. Wall, assisted oy
The ...:.'.:u(',r!.ir the anesthetic
jjours uim '
patient now getting on as wll o
could posslblyjw expected
The fine store of the l'acllic Tim
ber Company, under the Odd l'cl-
low's Hall, was opened on Wednes
day to the general public, For
several weeks past extensive re
modeling and thorough renovating
lias been in progress, and the re
sult is an up-to-date store in every
appointment. This enterprising
firm has also built on the opposite
side of the street a large and well
fitted blacksmith shop where, be
sides their own, custom work will
be done. They have also adjoin
ing in course of construction a
large building to he used as a lum
ber depot, where the general pub
lic can get the best of seasoned
lumber at all times, The ' head
office of this company adjoins the
store, where the general business
of their Coast Fork lumbering,
milling and piling interests arc
looked after under the efficient
management of Messrs. Campbell
and Alexander and their painstak
ing and courteous chief clerk F. II.
The genial sunshine, the balmy
atmosphere, the general good health
of our 'citv. the abundance of all
good things on every side, ths well
dressed and cheerful men, the
nicely robed and smiling counte
nances of our lovely women, the
merry laughter ol our manly boys
and budding girls and little folks,
the bounteous supply of edibles and
the hearty appetites to enjoy them,
the evidences of good cheer on
in iiln niut ibp l.iclc of distress
. . .... ,, .i.i ,i,, i
and poverty, the notable gather-
ings nt our cliutclms and the gen-
cral weal of this commonwealth is
surely enough to cause thanks to
the benign providence that has as
sured these manifold blessings.
Tho irnml tionidt! of CottriL'e Grove
had much to be thankful for, and
with the added knowledge and
hope of a blight future ahead they
are indeed grateful to the giver of
all good
A petition has been circulated
asking for a spur or side track near
the Krauk Veatch farm and as 1600
cords of wood lias been subscribed
and a large amount of piling is ob
tainable wc hope to see it put in
Through the kindness of oilr
teacher, Miss Ida bmith, under
whose skillful guidance the scholars
are rapidly progressing in meir
studies, wc are able to give the
monthly report of the Divide school:
Si'bool report for tho mouth beginning
Oct. at to Nov. lfi:
Whole number dayu attendance 57
" alienee.
' " times latt
Number pupiln enrolled ok llo.voit
Florence, Anna llarrinon, 15Milnli
Collin, Mary 1'orini, hmiun Long, hilnu
Turner, .Mfmilo Turner, Jci-bIo Turner,
MUM Turner, luo neurit, josou
Sic Dole.
Nmv Incorporation.
On Monday articles of incorpor
ation of the Judson Rock Mining
Company were filed with the
county clerk. The capital stock is
$ 50,000, divided into 600,000
shares of 25 cents each. Cottage
Grove will be the principal place of
business and the mines to be oper
ated are in the Bohemia district.
The incorporators are: A. D. L,e
Roy, P. Patterson, John Sherwood
and W. H. Hlair. The new com
pany will thoroughly organize in a
few days by electing its officers and
will soon be in shape to place its
stock in the market.
I'oot IJaui.y Cut.--
Johnny Kehelbeck, while split
ting wood for the donkey engine at
Mill No. 1 on Sunday last, cut his
foot badly. The ax glanced and
caught him 011 the inside of the
right foot, making a gash some
three inches long. Dr. Job dressed
the wound and he will soon be able
to have full use of the injured foot.
Hand tAcmiATKo.-
On Wednesday evening the'
wife of Michael Mulligan nt Sagi
naw cut the back of her hand on a
lamp chimney, making on ugly and
very painful wound. Dr. Job was
phoned for and dreescd the wound
and the lady will soon have full use
of her baud. li. I.'. ZiihinnriMnn will nrcnoh t '
HiikIiiiiw next Holiday afternoon at "i-'W t
O cluck.
Preaching both morning and ovonlnu
lit tlm M. K. Church next Sunday.
Morning text; Konmiis 14, 17. j
lion Carry eiiino down from Bohemia I
on Tiiuwlay lid wan iccllni? I nn nil' ltl0 of stationery, mdmol sapplfes, loan
tald lio Iniciided tolnivo HiankiivliiK ,.litl ,... .,.' ... ,,. '.1)rf. of ,i.u
dinner In tbo Urovo. i
Harry I'lckiinl, who hint lor some n ,
been employed in Orcein City, is lio iim ;
thin week to unloy TnankeelviiiK with
li in paruiito and many friends hero.
I' Kilumril l.iitur n( Olvmnlll
wiih registered this week at tliu Hltor-1
wood. He Ih a lutuNniiiu arliHt and In ,
to inako viuwh at tho Ulacknuuo mine.
AlClitircliili euiiiodown from ISoliumiii
on Tnenday to eat liin Tliankeglvlngilin-
nor In tliu Urovo. Al is a warm number
when It coiiidh to turkey and eranburry
Kred Galo has remodeled his hnrnem
nliop und liud limit for his own own-;
lanuy n neat little cottage in t no roar.
ThiM ehango given nun iiiucn nioro roon
t.. ...I.I..I. . .Itut.ltiv hlu Oliu tlflll fll
. , , , ,
Van Colton dropped down from l.o-,
bi'iiilaon TiiOHdav to bo in tlmo for a
ii - .... 'i' i i. ..;.. I.,,, Din I
was iii tliu pink of condition and Inteiidn
cnloylnt! Iiinnielf for a few days before
going back.
A Col Ivor of tho Ynqiilnn, Hay life
wiving Htation left on Wednewlay to to-
h u bin duties at that point. The
cerioiiH illnenH of his littlo boy called
him here. The littlo fellow is now out
of danger and will noon be well.
Dell .Morgan, the genial pharmnrNt,
and bin I'liuriiilng bride linn gone to
l'ortliind for Botuo two month' tny.
While away ho will purmiu his inter
rupted coutho in chemistry by attend
ing tbo evening lei-tmes In that Btudv
and try hard to boeuru the coveted di
ploma. Colonel Blair HiIh week bought tlio
old linker place on the eat end of town.
ThiniHOtioof tho llnent residence-Hand
Hiinounding grftnnds in that part of
town. Mr. lluker and Hin wife wero
gutting old mid feeble and they have
now gone to dwell witli their son in
Oregon Ci'y.
I'd JuiiUh chiiio out from tho hills
Tlllwll,v t0 has been working at tho
Annum ami will put in a few day in
' IOWM. I.H llllo liuwil luninii); iwi dih
duyx with a cold, but under the j
Hootbing inllueucu of turkey und crnn-
berrv Bailee waslied down with 1110
Vito bitters ho hopud to put that ugly
cold to flight.
W. II. Lincoln presented the Xugget
I hisfarin. They wero of 1 1
souiu 01 me
s grown 011
hlHlarm. nicy were 01 me .iiraumii
Hffi: v tr
'.v"r : - ' 1 , , ' ..,r
'" "" " "i r , ' ; .
.1 .. 7.. .11- ..f the., in imvm.antitieH
desired at the lowest market value,
Tlic Indies of the Kpworth lA'ngue en
turtaiued their friends in renal kind 011
ThnnkscJviiig Dav. Their dinner nt the
Onoru HoiiM'was indeed a roval feast.
Six huge tables fairly groaned under the
weight of a most siiuiptuoiis spread and
tlic delicious viands tiieruset forth and
enjoved will long bo remembered by all
who participated at tlio feast.
There were Thanksgiving exercises at
the I'libhu School on Wednesday after
noon. It wns a rare literary and Miluca
tional treat and much enjoyed by all
who attended. Tlio children also made
a donation of 000 pounds of vegetables
and fruit to tliu Hoys' and Girls' Society
of l'oilland, which was sent forward 'on
Thursday, and also 70 cents in cash by
tint wee tots.
Felix Cnrrin was In town this week
and presented tlio Xngget with tiireo
dozen splendid lien Davis apples. If
any friend of tills olllce happens around
now ho or sho shall be welcoinu to tbo
most luscious ono in tho hunch. Felix
says that some of bis prize hogs are
about ripo und thuro will soon bo a
slaughtering and tho town will bo sup
plied with his fatted porkers.
Advertise In the Xufluet.
Harness and Saddle
George Meinzer, Prop.
A flno lino of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Itnggy
Itolwa, Lent her lloltlng, Ktc, lwiiy on hnnd.
All kinds o( Repairing a Specialty All hand
sow cd work turned out.
Our Farmer Friends can got tho very best at
tho Lowcut Living Prices. Come In and exam
ine tho goods and sco for yourself.
Land Olllco at Itoseburg, Oregon,
November 0. 1001.
Notleo In hereby given that tho following
named settlor has Iliad notleo of Ids Intention
to mak'o anal proof In eupport of his clatm.aml
that said proof will bo made before Marie L.
Ware V. S, Cominlhsloner at Jiugene, Oregon,
on December U, 11W vlr: Harmon I.. Ogdon
on his II. K. No, 8728 for tho S M SW U 27
Tp, 19 S U. 2 West.
Ho naincB the following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Charloy Ogden, Otto Morton, M. Doane, Jamos
Wllhelm, ol Croswoll, Limu Count)') Oregon.
J. T. IIkidoes, Itcglster.
Corner of Main and Second St., Cottago Orovo.
Carries a lino lino of Groceries, No
tions, Candles, Tobaccos, Nats and
Our prices are right and wo will givo
Good Value fov 1'oae Money-
liny your Krafts seed of Knklti fc Brio
Onlcir vniii- fruit !tiko for ThniikptdvliiL'
mid tliu holiday nt brown's Bakery,
iit(orlljr(, ,)0jMt i!lcc pattornn and
hruld at Lurch's.
v ,., . , . , , Iln.fwtft
it.imon Dnik Company.
, f KQntllnnA indies watches
llt u. tf Madgon.
I Kino residences, choice lots, business
I blocks for huIu Juroino Knox & Co.
Anew invoice of plated ware, clocks,
etc., at Mnilnen'H.
T(Crc ,H Jm mnm n Cottngo Orovo
bat a Kiilwiaiitiid growth. If you want
a piuce to do biiKinonH wo will eell It to
you In the Long A iiingiium property
newly platted.
Genuine Ilyo Ilread and Cotfeo Cake
at liiown'K liakery
Thoo diainoiidH nt II. C. Mndeon are
beilllticH Cl,n lln,i Beu thl;m
Try a Similay dinner at tlio Impkhiai.
noTKi.. Hervea irom vi iwu p
Ui nml , , t0 (lllt0 , ul r0!!,)t.:tH.
Vim ran lmv nnv urennrntion nt .1
I. Currin's that in advertleed in any
paper. Itemeiiiber we uiako u specialty
!' n"y recelptc
iflYiiaiiil v Kvonopi
.MM 00, MO
(0J0isJliuaJji .wo.O
H.lIddllH tfiup Jno.t
Xnq o) onitpi 3IIJ,
pun .w Iioa' inix
ojiih jo,o.w uoil puy
pllllll JMO.f II J
Tlic Benson Drug Company ban just
received a hirire invoice of Oranceine
wbicli in now on display in ono of their
enow winooWH. uo 1101 11111 10 nonce
tho arliHtii: decoration wlien you go that
wav. Stettin and see Docl'attereon and
learn all about it.
Head real estate bargains of Jerome
Knox it Uu.
The lino line of toilet articles on Hale
!it tin. Ilmmnii Drill? (Tmimiinv'H Htore
cannot bo duplicatel at any other place
In town . lull anu iook mum over.
I.Milii'M vnnr nttention is csneciallv
called to the complete and perfect line of
roblter sooiIh carried bv tliu Iiencon
DrugCompany. t'hey are the best tobe
had for the nioney in Cottago Grove or
niiywiicru eiau. .
We pell choice lots in tho Long &
HiiiL'liani nronertv. lately nlatteil anil
ail oimni: Cnttuue Grove, right at tlio
iunctinn of the S. V. 11. It. and tlieC.G
& 11. It. It. Prices according to locality
jkiiumk rv.ux n iyu.
. IWwaro ofnir dried or half dry .floor
inir. ceilinir anil rustic, the itootn
Kelly lumber Co. nn, ...aking special
! P " lamoer.
A L'ood income bearini: nronertv in a
thrivine mill town In Oregon for ealo or
trinli. For iriforiinitinii
address Lock
Box 11, Coltnsu Grovo
With ench cn?h mirclmteof onodollarV
w l td of gocKls wu give you a tielcut for
our nmiuiii iinnvm to tuue pciro jiiiiu
my 1st, 11)01. Tlio liret prise will uo u
ladies ' Uolil Wutcn.
Kakis & Bristow
Does a nianoor orisun inturest you?
Wo luivuimt'iested i.iid euld to hmidrcdc
of people in this part of tho country
Wo carrv nil tlio bust makes as well ap
some cliciin instniments. l'innos as low
as $100. Ostitis all the boat makes. Wo
vmi ulini hIiow vou a Seiirs-Roolmck or
L-iin for with freiitlit added, but we
cannot reconimond tlioso cheap, trashy
goods. Wo keep tlieui lor comparison
K. N. WANACOTT. representative of
T. K. KicitAitnsoN's JIusic House, Kose
burg, Ore.
A thing of merit will ever riso su
perior to its surroundings. No matter
whero it is kept or what its environ
ments may bo it is sure to be sought out
and given duo credit for tho worth that
It possesses. Tlio old rellnblo Bonsou
Drug Company has always kept up the
standard of its wares and today carries
a stock of drugs, medicines, toilet and
fancy articles that merit your inspec
tion and will meet your approbation if
you will just call at their nrtistio storo
ami toast your eyes on tho lino line of
goods they havo in display. Tho Bon
sou Drug Company stakes its reputa
tion on tho freshness and purity of its
drugs. Its prescriptions aro compounded
by a II rut-class pharmacist ami nothing
but tho purest anil very best inatorial is
over used, because nothing but the best
Is over kept in stock. When you need
medieino to alleviato tlio suilering of
yourself or thoso of your loved ones go
to tho Benson Drug Company's storo
and get tho best.
A winter trip to Southern California
and Arizona via tho famoua Shasta
Route is ono nover to bo forgotten. Re
newed uciiunlntanco with this section
will ever dovelop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment undor
its sunny skies, In tho variety of in
terests and added industries, in its pro
lific vegetation and among its number
less resorts of mountain, shoro, valley
and plain. Two trains leavo Portland
daily, morning and evening for Cali
fornia. Tlieso trains aro equipped with
tho most Improved pattern qf standard
and tourist sleeping cars, and tho low
rates place tho trip In reaeh of all.
For illustrated guides of California
and Arizona winter resorts, address,
R. Ii. Matun, Uon. Pas." Agent,
rprtland, Or.
ICvad the Bohemia Xugget,
-w- -l1Ji
Wc have made it a point since starting in business to
keep n clean, strictly up-to-date GROCL'RY, and as
n. result wc note a steady increase of customers.
High-grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are
our Specialties.
Special prices quoted to the mining trade.
Call and be convinced that our aim is to please you.
A. Q. Young, Manager.
Gciae&'al ill ;rch sued isc,
Miiiei-H' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Bon Ton Meat Market
Main Street, Near Fourth
OBeag'le & McTarland.
We keen constantly on hand the choicest of Beef. Veal. Mutton.
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in
our effort will be to please and satisfy
Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns,
Ammunition and Fishing' Tackle. We are Headquarters
for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps.
Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton
Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may
want in the Hardware line,
Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right.
Under Odd Fellows' Building
$ '
We have for your inspection a full line of
Fawcy CMsisiwsirc, Crockery Glass
ware, Granitcwarc and Tiaiware,
We shall deem it a pleasure to show our goods.
Call and look over our large stock.
Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows, Etc. ::::::
Music Lessons
'On the Piano.
A late Orarteil, Gorman Method of Simla
Is now being tnught at tlio C. P. JIunso by
Mrs. L.D. 3?eck.
ltocltnls will bo Bivon nt proper Intervals
thus giving pajonts an opportunity to noto
progross, '
50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each
season. Your trade is solicited and
If you have anything to sell or want
to buy real estate, stock, agricultural
Implements or anything else go' to
Phillips & White. They have ii call
now for team, wagon and harness and a
conplo of good cows, also calves and
yearlings wanted.
Tho Knights of Pythins.lmvo a second
hand parlor organ (orialp which is in
cnod condition. I'Vir Infnrrrtnf lr., unnl...
to lion Laroh, J. S, Medley pr Dr. Wall.
I Bo-