Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 22, 1901, Image 8

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    Us I
'16 little daughter of Mr. J. N.
Powell jumped on mi inverted .j uke
made of ion penny nulla, ami thrust ong
mill entirely through her foot mid n eco
imd one Imlf ay through. OlminlK'r
laln'n Pain Italmwas troi(ty npplitHl
uml live minute Inter the pain Imil ills
nppgarcd ami no mote, sulk'ting whs ex
perienced. In three days the child was
wearing her thoo iik iifual unit with iili
olutelv no discomfort. Mr. Powell Is
u well" known inurchant of Korkhtinl,
Va. Pain Balm is an atitisi.ptlo anil
heals eneli injuries wit limit maturation
anil in one-third Hit time riHpiircil by
llitf iumuiI treatment. For mle My l.on
mn Drill? (., Cottage Grove. I,vons &
Applcgute, Dr.tln.
"Inl winter
an infant child of mine
bail oronp I" a violent form." says Ki
lter John W. Kigers.n Christian Kvan
cellst of Filler. Mo. "1 Rave her a few
Iowa of Chamberlain' Coiipli .iiieily
linn i i u mvu t hiiiu .... ..t..... , - -
and the child rec-wcrcd.'' This remedy
nut only cures croup, hut when given as
iln drat yvinntoms nimeiir, will
urnvunt tlio ntttick. It contains no
upturn or other harmful sulvtanee and
limy lie given as conliilently ton Imliy
ii h to an adult. For sale by lVinson
lrug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons A Ap
l1'g,lte,.Draiii. TO THE PUBLIC.
Allow me to say a few words in praise
of Chamberlain's Cough Ilcmedy. I
had a verv severe cough and cold and
leared I would get pneumonia, but after
taking the second dose of this medicine
1 felt letter, three bottles of it enrol
niv cold and the pains in my chest dis
appeared entirely. I am most respect
fullv vours for health, Kaumi S. Mkvkr,
CA Thirtv-eevcnth St. Wheeling, W.
Va. For sale by Benson Prng Co., Cot
tage Grove. Lyons & Applegate, Drain.
Tlio undersigned will give a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets to anyone wanting n re
liable remedy for" disorders of the
stomach, billlousness or constipation.
This is a new remedy and a good one.
Benson Drug Co.
Sbsurearo we that the locating of a
ie of our Electric .Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we are willing to send
ono free to any sufferer from the follow
ing diseases: Cold extremities, Cryslo
cele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Loucorrhea, Uver complaint.
I'aralysi?, Lost vitality, Xervousdobility,
Pelf abuse. Worn-out women. Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Im potency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, anil Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle
Creek. 3riohican. . . .
We have ever looked upon the
economic value of our native song
birds as resting on their services
in the destruction of troublesome
insects, but in "The Year Book of
Agriculture" lor the year 1898
Professor Sylvester D. Judd, as
sistant in biological survey for the
Agricultural Department points
outs the services of some species
in destroying innumerable seeds of
some of our most common weeds.
Some of the weeds from which
these birds like to pick the seeds,
and which, indeed, form a large
part of their substance in winter
and fall, are ragweed, smartweed,
bindweed, pigweed, lambs' quar
ters, amaranth, dandelion, pnr
slarie, knotweed and chickweed.
Then there are the coarser grasses,
as the sedges, crab grass, nut grass,
pigeon grass and others that often
crowd out better grasses in fields
and the lawns.
-While it may be said that good
farming would mean the destruc
tion of these weeds, most of which
are annuals, in our cultivated fields,
so that they should not ripen their
seed, yet few can do even this,
while the roadsides, edges of wood-1
lauds, hedgerows and pastures will
produce many to perpetuate the
pests. And what a power of per
petuation they have! Some of the
above species are said to produce
a hundred thousand seeds to a
single plant, while most of them
exceed five thousand or ten thou
The bitds most actively engaged
in this work are the sparrows and
finches, which include more than
twenty species; homed larks,
meadow larks, blackbirds, cow
birds, quail, grouse, grosbeaks and
others. Their capacity for this
work is illustrated by a few ex-
A crow blackbird will eat from
thirty to fifty, seeds of smartweed
oj bindweed nt a single meal, and
a field sparrow one hundred seeds
tjfcraJi grass, atid they take several
tncnlsn tlay. In the stomach of n
iStlt tail's spnrTOV were found three
hundred seeds of nmarnnth ami In
another tluec humlreil seeds of
lnmhs' qnnrters; n tree sparrow
had cnten seven hundred seeds Of
pigeon grass, and a snowflnke in
Shrewsbury, Mass., picked up one
thousand seeds of pigweed for its
Goldfinches have been noticed
buisly feeding upon the seeds of
the Scotch thistle, the bull thistle,
wild sunflowers, cone (lowers, wild
. S..1.1.. i... ...... .i
icuuw. ! .
niullen, anil wncn Kiue i uieir stoui
Jachswere found filled with these
I seeds. Remember that for at least
I tllrte.fourlls 0f tle ycar weed seeds
...,-, . r
' are the principal food of most ot
. thcse varje,jeSi yerv few 0f them
eat much grain, even where it is
frown largely. Of nineteen na- J
tive birds, including four varieties
of sparrows, killed in a wheat field
a few miles south of Washington, i
only two had eaten grain, and they j
but a single kernel each, while five
English sparrows were literally
corced with wheet. In fact, this
imported pest is the only one of our!
small birds that is known to do
much damage to grain or fruit, ex
cepting some of the larger species,
which have a liking for cherries
and green peas.
Many of these birds that breed
in New-Kngland and the Central
States go further south for the win
ter, while others, whose homes in
summer are across the Canadian
border, may be found with us here
in winter, buislv at work around
hedges and ditches in seeking their i
lavcrite food, which, by the way,
seems to vary with the different
spicus. American Cultivator.
In recent years our apple crop
has become one of the leading iti-
dustries in this country. andthelfor ..' rnve,.t Cr.
great national fruit is more gen
erally distributed throughout all
parts of the country than anything
else raised on the farms. The
apple, or some - varieties of it, suc
ceeds in nearly every state. Even
California, with its tropical soil and
climate, has become a leading
apple producing state, while Wash
ington and Oregon promise to dut
rival the Eastern New England
states in this .respect."
There arc two things essential
for the success of this -industry.
One is to see that the distribution
is general and. wisely made, and
the other is to cultivate the or
chards so that fair crops cm be de
pended upon every season. We
cannot afford to raise big crops of
nnntac rxna 1 no ntirt 1I111 Ac f nnrtiittfr
the next. There is no reason to,
accept tneom idea mat alter a tull
crop year of apples the next will I
be an off year. It will be a poor
year following a good year if we
permit the trees to exhaust their
W. S. Chrisman.
The Fashion Stables
GIriisiiai & BaH4s, proprietors.
Is Absolutely PURE, and will
OUTWEAR alUther Leads.
If you, local denier doc not carry It write
to u and wu w 111 ico that you gel it.
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Cut tliis out iuul tnko it to Benson
Druj? Co's drug More ami get a freo
Biitnploof Chaiiiberluiii'H Stoinneli mid
Livor TnbletB, tlio best pliy&ie. Tbfty
eleniisu and invigorate the stomach, ini
nrovo the appetite iuul regulate tlio
bowela. Regular size, 25e per box. 1
rinuiitug'n -Inrfccr $p!
vitality m
tlihn.thcy' can profitably produce. '
The remedy for tills Is ill pruning
and thinning. The trees thutjfet
an abundance of fruit should be
carefully looked after. Prune them
off to a fair number, and then the
apples will be larger, better ami far
more profitable than a load of in
ferior fruits. Ik-sides that, the
pruned tret- does not use up its vi
tality. It ripens up the crop thor
oughly and stores up strength for
another ycar. There are not off
years in such trees. It is exhaus
tion of vitality that produces a pom
crop after h year or two of good
harvests. The trees should also
be nourished rind cultivated, and
especially be ptotected from insect-'
and diseases. Hut these latter arc
more often the results of bad man-
ngemeut than anything else. The
tress get run down in vitality, ami
they become easy targets for
enemies. Keep the trees tip to a
high state of efficiency, and then
rob them of their vitality by
greedily trying to get more from
them than nature intended. It s
better to split the big crop into two
CCilWtlO I LI till IVI 1111 It till Villi. J Vltl
-.-...... Minn ir IfitUi tt nil Altn tiir
and nothing the next. If divided
into two crops the apples will be
larger and more profitable.
The distribution of apples must
lie more general. The export
trade must be encouraged, and
growers as well as shippers should
co-operate in this. The Pacific
Coast apple states should build up
a trade with the far east. There is
no doubt but this fruit could be
profitably introduced in the Oti-
j ental countries. The natives there
would pay double for an apple than
they would for a tropical fruit
raised at home. It is the novelty
of a new and strange fruit. There
are opportuni'ies in this direction
that may it) the next few years
orove verv remunerative to the
.... 0
tainly the markets are worth trv
infj for. S. W. Chambers in Mas
sachusetts Ploughman.
;c f. T-.J .I
! Bfjcdman mafiafhr! fmoi
siiucs for liio inonoy 111 H
U&STf ' - - " -
A COmpleto line always in stock
SiibncrlOe for the Xuyyet.
Eli Bangs.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices -x
4 .
' r
7 5-
Main St., Cottage drove.
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
asthma ou:u.lo :LR..I.'HS !.
Asthmalenc Brinp.s Instant
In ail
ran tch
Tim Hev. U.
We wmit to oenil to every nuU'erer
dimiliu- to the one thnt enrml Mr.
PAID. AlnHilutelv rrin of Clmnie,
a .
It, even on 11 piwtiil. Never 111I111I. though yon iireileHpulrlng. however
1 111 1 1 viinr i'iiki1. A sihniiilone wll lellevemiil vine. Tl'tiwome .MMireiico
the i'iioiv ghi"l wo nro to Hi'iicl It.
ducHing I'll. J AIT HltOS.' MIJDiri.M'; Ul., in 1-.HHI liiui" pi., V
N.Y.l-itv. ?oiu iiy 1111 nru:giiiix.
ic Grove
TniTirnvcd Fnrms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
1 ri 1 T- S.l..
anu opicnu.u i.csiui:u-i;a.
J.otmnithc nrliiciinit Imshirsit street.
Alwlrwet of title ueeuietl mill gimriiiiteed.
Inforuiiiiiou iih to the Iiiuh governing' the dlMponl of goveniliient liuiilo.
How to Hveure hoiiitittidi4. HiiiIht IiiiiiIm. mining itliilins, ete.
I jiiiinirinii imi nu .
i Yttxiw. liituvu in llio MivDiiil i'ilv in
ol al)out t,'-MK). TtiiM'cntcr of tliO four pointa of tho iniuimHH wIiimi ft romcH to
inisrei anil i'uns. Iloliomiu with Uh vuM tiiinf hit rt'Kounv only thirty. live iniU'H
outh uHct. with a mhI wiikou rt:ui Iwiithin from tlu S. I'. U. It. Uent rilit hu
..... . ii . .1 ... .1 1 'PI... tl.i Will,
It) UlW II. ritmniVllVe rHUrOHO HI Hit' IHHKT. I in- nnt ui rv ui niv " 1 )
i :.. ..... I I... ltt.i,.L Ititt in t iiliL mIIi'di itilnnii w t v I iuhi in 11im Mittil li
rlVlT, ill I w II in l in nil uiii ii V' imi n . .
,...,) il.u iriK- (iirtiUlitlH tllmtlilrint UltllT 1 lIlM 1 1 1 ltU
.miIvu null hiuIu half toil coiitliwnco
. . .1 W..
Milliter rallKrs in Hie mmiiii i'UM nniwnm umhimi iii- vnr miijii- if mi 111-
u:hiiutahteMupitiv of timlr, iuternaewt with nuiueroUH lieh fanning IhiiiIm
11 ,...wt....i..ii
nil) iiiihii Mini 1 uiiMuitii .
Norlti or Houth fioin liertMin tho S. V.
c ! 1 1 1... 1.. 1. :t. t. a.
ir 0HI1 I rilllulPl li II im I III IUIH II mill
t . .1 im
t Uier VOrK' lltlllll HjrHllIII, iirvil
njEs Hie OeV arieuilliriil lauot in
f jt... v fi ..III.,. ji. I.. 111 f,n
Ml; v-inwijiu niir i-iiiiv niiv, iik imi B...Vr, .......f,.
Corre!Mjiu1euru Hulii iu W.
A. 10 v ol oi:ir .Bargni ns:
1 IL'Ofect front on north ide of Mnin
treet, liy nlxitit 300 feet deep. Itoiiiitlt-tl
oy river'on the north. Ilouce of even
riMini!', hitrniiiid outlioineH. Tliit Ih the
liCKt liiinine'! locution in Cotliigu Cirove.
l'riee fJ400.00.
8 A two ntory fliiofy fliilnlieil house,
eight roouiH, iMillirooui :iml oiithoui'ei'.
.Splenilid loe.ition, two loU in ling it ml
Utnlea uililitioii in Hou'.lieimt Cultngu
drove. I'riei-tU'OO.
4 Two ftory dwelling hoiue, ten
rooniH, liriek fruit lioiifv. fr.ilt tteetf, 111
feel front on north iile of .Muin xlre.-t tiy
:itH)feel deep, corner property. A lino
locution for a hotel, l'riee !!7f0.
0 A twohtory tine, itlniOHt new duell
ing house, il ioo'tn, b.irn noil iinthouxe
complete, three lotn. A fplnuilid 01
elmril of voung bearing tntf, together
with grupca 11111I viirioimkindii uf heriiiv.
Situated in lmg uml I.tiinleH mldilion
in HoutheiiHt Coltngetirove. l'riee fl'JOO.
Two nplenditl loin on yecotul Htreot ill
Cottuge l rove. I'rico 210.
A Hpleiidid nineh of J(10,iihont (10 iicren
1 11.. .1...1 1 1...1.. 1 1 . 1
III-.IVIIV llllll. II VII. "iiiiiinu linrin "ti'l MnliiiM. I'rii.l, 1 1 ''K
never failing water miniily, iihont four,"l""n- ir"-'-'J
milvH weit of CottugvGroxe. Cuuh price
t5"0. Alxo other teruiH. 1 on will mina
u deal if you overlook thin.
00acreof agricultiirnl am! timber
land, well watered, himo improvements
gooii range outlet, about fi miles eaft o
ijagimiw, Oregon. TIiIh ia it bargain nt
LotH in the I). G. MeFa'rland ndditioii
to Cottage(5rovQ, on wCBtHlde lit prices
tOHilit pureluiserH for eiiHh.
Five neret) of lino building nnd ngri
cultural land, 14 mile earn of. Cottage
(.irove, on Hontli nido'of comity road to
Ilohemin. $100 peracro.
Tho Currin Park principally within
thocity limltH, cotiHiHting of cevnn aercH
on the b.iukH of tliu CriiiHt Fork river, nn
ideal plcatulru rcHnrt or building epot.
Splendid grove, oxpetmivo new foot
bridge cpnnninij tlio river, the most
available place lor u public park. Price
visit DR. JORDAN'S qhiat(
U.l.Ma BliUi md g.,,oi.
The Inrrrat Anatomical Maaeum
In luo World.
Orralett attraction n A CUV. A
vioiulerul ituhljor vUlUirt,
lVenUn., or ny contract-
MUIaQHae,i,HlTClXriii clhy a
the olilcnt BpwliilUtnii the 1'nclUo
Coott. JiUblUliil U y Pitra. a
Yuiihk turn and illiler
niretl mvli who lire aiinVrhur A
lium Ida rn"t'Ctt ut youthful lndl:i. r
1 yearn. Norvuut will plivtUml livlilllly.liii.
iul,nor. JLUHt ImiIiui,i1 111 lillltacomDll.
rrKtliilia or niuttmtsH III maturar
I cutlou; Mperiunlori'liwii. Irihiuiur.
rhirn, Uunorrliwa, llrl, rrfquoir)
f UrliiHlliibTi tilo. 11 u combination of
remoiltea, otxriut curative pou er. tho Doctor
i Iiqji to nrrauffeil lila trutnifnt that It will not
only uirurd Immfdlate rt'llrl, but permanent
i cure. The Doctor doe. nnt claim tonerforiu
I mlr.folii. hut U well known to be B. fair anil
. aqunre CliVNlclan Hnd Bureeoiiiiire.emuient
I la bliapec(4lty-llaeAe of Men.
. NYl'lill.IM thorouehly emdlcated from
) the ayateni without tho uieotMerrury.
Trliate fitted by an Kxpert Ilndlcnl
I rura for lliiplure. A quick and radtcut
curt for Illve. liiro end FUlulio, by
i IJr. Jordan'a aneclal iiulnlebil methods.
EVISliY HAN applying tout win receive
our tionuM ontnton of blacmnplaliif. . A
ll .,! llunriinim a l'OMTIVE CURE tnV
i evrru out we uwurtnKt. ,
UOIIRIIIUlIlilIl J'l, r.l!. mm pwiuii I'lnnim
TrniitmoiitnerBonuUv or by letter.
Wrlln for linolt. 1'IIII.OSOl'IIY OP '
HAIIIUAU1J. MailkdI'ueb. (Avalaable(
booKIormeiLi wmgrwiiw
DR. JORDAN & CO., 1031 Market St., 8. F.
Relief and Permanent' Cure
1 There Ih iioUiIiiu HI') AHiliiiinlcmi. It bilnp
InMiiiit lellel, even In lliu woihI iC8. It eitreN
wliuit nil eUu
.. . ,. 1.1.... ,11
I . Wl.l.l." 01 Mini iniinr, in..
HiUH! "Your tiiul iMittlo ol AHtiiiiiiiiene leteiven
inuoMl eoiiilitlou . 1 eiiniiot tell vim ln' Hhhik
lul 1 (eel for the eood derived (itnii It. I vum u
hliiw, eluilned Mlth putilil coie llirimt nmliiHlliinit
for leu veur. I leniiilred of ever being enred. I
Hiiw vo'nr HiheillM'tui'iii for tlio vine of thin
dri'Milful uml totinentlnt: dlMMee, iitliiiiu, inn
lliuiiglit yuu liiuloverMikeu .xourcelf, Imt ivhoIvii
logive it 11 tilul. To my hiiiiiIhi tlio trlnliiettil
liko 11 eliiu 111. ieml 1110 11 full-lml bottle."
11 tiiul treiitinent of AHlliiniileiie,
Well, tte'llfeml II ity iuiui 1 'um-
to uuy anuDrer who win rnu nn
Do not ileluv. Write nt oniv, nil- V
Real Estate
Iimu county. Orwon, Huh ii M)iniuiion
with Kow river, the outlet of the iuh
ul t... ...t t l..t ,.,.al .. tt I...
1 1 1 1. 1 1
riutrtmil you onn reeh either rorthunl
it'll.. li. tt ti-l.l 11.. uimci inttfi.
niimn "mm "i
.r.. 1 1,. 1.... 1 I..I...J.1...H Ufi. I.. 1..
iv llino hum uibjihwhu f.irtvin mm
ihihi ruuiuy in- in uu- hihhj aunuunu-
f.irttttm tvr wmL' rilttlllll'.
A gootl ItitHiiiufM iltfee,MOiitliMMu.Mniii
Street. IHK'.
A splenilid llvo-riHini cottage, Ktablo,
worknhup, chicken hiiiice, wootlrlicil ;
thrru liiti till eneloreil : line umuiIioii in
Vvnm'Hiiitilition tuColiiiguClrove. l'riee
f 1(K,0, half ilown.
:100 feel by 100 feel in u Hiiliiirlmii Iik-h
lion. Natural flitini:. oak treec. nil nil
joining foot liilu lii went Cultagu (irove
1'llee $m.
Twalotit in bltH'k SO, ling & I.iinileci
uililitioii, M, by 100 feet FenHiitely
l'riee f 170.
A liuely finltfliiil two etorv ihvelllon
Iioiihi', ten kmjiiia, IniiIi umiiii, ceuieiil
i-toiio icllnr. ualOr anil electric IL'litc
about nine lotn fronting on fonrlb ftieet
liitioliilng river in rear, near l;lirMliii
ehuieli, go'd barn aniluulliuuHLf. 1'rict
1 ttrt Hlory ilivelllng iimico, his rnonn"
goinl barn, and wooiliilieil, two lnige loS
on corner oppoMiu uutiioiie uiiureti
I rice, l)00.
Two giWMl IoIh near railroad 100 feel
I'arluing liind, well IniprriVed, 1 milt
Irom Uottnge iirove, aiijoining tiie conn
ty rouil, in tracla iriini ft to KM) nereH.
If you want a Imigaiu loik IIiIh up.
Splendid eotlageoii l-'onrth ntreet,7n0,
Iook tlii up if you waiit u bargain in a
One humlreil nereH of improved land
lying In a tract cant ami wint within u
(iui ter of n inilo of Cottugo Ciovo, iul
joining county road.
One hundred acres improved land ad
joining county roan one.iuarieroi a mile
west of Cottugo Grove, lying in trnet
north iuul south.
Two good dwelling linuiTH on adjoin.
iim lotrt in the Sherwood block, l'riee
100 aercH imiiroved farm on north bank
of Kow Hiver, twelveinilcR from Cottage
urovu on tlio line ol tnu it, it. survey to
jMiuemui. iTiccijow.
in lirn
Trains leave uottnge urnvo for Tort
' land and wny BtutioiiH nt 2:14 n m and
1 12:05 pm.
LVl'ortland 8:a0um 8;30ptn
" Cottage Grovo 2:07 pm 2:00 n in
ArAHltlnnd 12:!10n tr. J2:05r,m
" 8aeramento 5:10 pm 5:(M)um
" San Francisco 7.55 p m 8:45 it in
Pullman and Tourists ears nn both
twin. Clinir cars Sacramento to Ogden
and VA Paso, uml tourist cars to Chicago
St Jouis, Now Orleans nnd VnHllngoi.
Connecting nt Snn Francisco with tho
soveral Rtcamsliiii lines for Honolulu,
Inpiin, China, Pliilllplncs, Central nnd
South Amerien.
See agent ill Cottage Grovo station, or
11,11. Mim.kii, G P. A.
Portland, Oregon,
Wo luiyo on hand n Inrgo stock of
klln-diled flooring, celling nnd'rustia in
grades 1 2 nnd 3. I.ot us mnko you
spoeliil prices, ,
Hoora.Kiii.tA- J(t)Miii:ti Coi
I! 11 1 1 I Hliitw Uml Olllri', llii.uluirii. it.
HM1, IHll. KI,'
Kdllro Ii !nri'lr kItcii t lint In tumuli
wllh tin- vriiililnni n( tlit tit nf riirui,,,. ,
Jtiim n, IMH, intlili'it "An urt lurilic !
IliiiMr iionmiii 1110 miuu in uiuriilt, Orritun
Nov.iln mot Vn)iliiitiiii Ti'illtiiry,"
trliilnl In nllllm I'lilille IjoicI Nutm lv bpioI
AllKll"! I, It VI, Jlillll II. HMIlir ill Hnuliliiw
IHHIIll)' III l.ltllM, HlKll) III tllfKIIII, i,,,
I III. liny llli'il In II1I11 (il)lrii lilt HW11111 iiiiiiiini
No IM1, (or Hie iniri'lmni nf I tin VW. m n.
HM, Ntt'lj KWij nt m-rtlun N11. w , itt,"
lll Nn. 31 K1111II1, lltUKii Mi. I Wvil.nii.l
nlfur I'lmil In kIiiiw llml Ihu Imiil nuuitlii 1. mln
vnlimMi' tur im lluiu'r ni.iiniu limn in, a(,
iittuui iHiri'iiw. tmi in,'iuiiMi lii riiM, ,
lliltoaiiv Hi Itiwliiiig, OrruiHi, nu U vOii
1 in
I lie '.'7lli titty ol NiiM iiiIht, IVI.
Hi' iitini' nt tvltiiPMpt:
U V. niKK" il fHKllinM,OirKnii, Jnlni ' 1,1
H.i1iinv, tlrf roil. Kimil (.'nl ul Hlr, Hn'mm
lloiijuinln lliill of Jlnr, llitKiin.
Any mul nil irMitm t luliulng miter,!.!, ih.
nlinHMlirltiil ImiiU mo tnincnit'il in ni
llii'lr clnlnii In lliln olllri mi nr livlmr iii :ii
ilny nl Niir., IMI.
J.T. Illinium. Ili'itlih ,
Xotlev for I'liMlrtttfan.
llllll Ulthf nl llmrliuiK, Hick
Oi lnlr In. I'm
Nollco I lu'n'li)- KiM'li Ibm tlir.Mluniin,.
imiiHil Mlllitr tun Illfl million! Iil iiHcnii.iii
to untki Hum lirniillii Uiiii nl lil I'Ulm nu,
lllNt mi prtKif UlltliU llltilp l.rfnfc Ma,l I.
Wiirr, t'. H. (NiMiiitHiliiniT l Kiirpiio. iir.n..ii.
nti Nnv.'tiilx'i Xlil, IVOI. vim MdIiiiIiu A II. .111
nil lil II.K.Nn.KM.hirllHVHWNKI I.NW 1
HUM fn'- . Tp. -M H., It. a Wot.
IICIIHIIIV4 lll InllllHlUlt WMlH-"CI III l.lut
IiIiviiiiIIiiii.iiii ru.liUnre Umiii ami rulilrti..u
n( .mil lam:, 1c;
Irnni' WIIwk, Jlat Nnal, Kiallk Varllu ami
It. Y. Curler uf VVnllpr, Ijiiip Cuiinlr iiit-nrni
nlsui 1. T. ItlttlKIKX,,
NOTICK f(lt I'flll.lfATKl.N
t'llltlM flatca llllll llftlrr.
Itifetiiirir. (lr.. (n tntier si. i"oi
t'utlrv la hereby iiheti llml in nuniillaiini
with Hie prmlalmia nl Itiu net ul Conurt-a-..I
JiiihO, IM. eiitlllnl "An ml fur the .air ..
HinUr land" In thAHIale ul alll.irnla. i,i
Kuii, NuraiU ami WaalilngluliTeriltury." in
temlcil III til llie I'tltillr Ullil Jtnt-a liy ait.t
Allk'ilat I, In?.', Tlmuiat K. I)KImj lit (tui..i
l llyllima, Oitiiity nl Uniinlaa, Hlatn ul nm
IPHl. Iiaa thla day fltril III tlila ufli.i.
Ilia aunni atalPllU'llt No. IK1, (ur tlm uit,'Ii.o
of I Ii v Kl, uf the K ut Hllun Nu. 71 In
lim until No. 11 f., fiance A H'o-t, and mil
offer priail to aliuw that Ihu Uml autinhi i
ihuib aluatilf fur Ita llnilitir nr atoll Ikaii d.r
airrU'Hltltral .uim, 'nlnl to ki.
claim tn imM laud txlurv the ItvirUtcr ul
Iteerlevr uf tlil iftlit at IliiwInOK. (irrKoii.
nu tin) H ilny uf Jniiuary, X'A'i.
lie iianie ai wIIiicmw:
t.. M IVrklna, Henry V. rinirrlilll. W A
IViklna, K J. C.ipctaiiil, nl OrcKnti.
Any mul nil prrauiit rlalmlng adrerM-ly Hi-lKvele-rrllil
lalld ,nrr retlettil In tile
tlielr rlnlnialn llila nfllreMi irtelure raid it
day ul January. ''-"
J. T. lloitKiir. llriililtr.
Owing To Impaired llcallli
We desire to reduce our
. Stock no we will yive you
3D Day$.
We hiive tiie Best Shoes nnd
Clotliinj,' innde; Our Styles nrc t'ic
I.ntcst nnd our Piices nrc cut to
almost Cost.
Our Prices on Millinery nrc cut
to less tlinn Iinlf the le(jtilar retail
Yours For Trade
1ST. E. Eisea
& Son.
The . . ,
ItlvorSt., (.'otlaKO Urnvo.
1HEW&J0NI5S, Props
Wo carry nnoxlrn lino line of
I.iiiiir anil C'luara, itnd If you,
Imvo aeration to want RiHiilt In
ourlliio wo wnulil uiprccinte a
cull from you.
Feed arid
Sale Stable
Itlvor lrcct(iPl"Ho Collugo drove Hotel,
C'uttnxu Urnvo,
Ifnrmers will find good feed nnd
. stabling for their stock. Baled
hny nnd feed for sale.
Wc nlso linve a few fine rigs lo
let out for driving,
S. 353, 31iarid3r.
Advertlne lu tho Xttffoet.