Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 22, 1901, Image 7

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Slmr AI-KI Arrlvci from Alaskan I'orli
and Reports Mcavy Gales.
Tort Townsond, Wash., Nov. 15,
Tlio count of Houthonstorii Alaska con
tliiucK (o Ihi swept by Ntorm, accord
Ing to roportN brought by tho steamer
AIM wirly lonlght, 10 days from
... m. .
storms liiivo proviiilod almost contln
tioiialy during tint past two weeks,
mill (tonsniorniiio Hunting ico Ih in
Iho clumnolH. Tlio Al-Ki, in t
tepinting to cross (Jnoou Clmrlottu
miiiiiiI, was inrecil lo liirn bank, ow
ing (o liio fury or tlio gain nod high
w'iih. jnir ueoKS wero swept with
immense waves, mill I'ilot llrndlev
who has been continuously on thn
A liiMkit roulii during thn pJIHt 111
yearn, miyit mo ntorm on Queen Chnr.
lotto Bound wild tlio moNt furious ho
had witnessed during Hint, period.
Ico (low, ho miyn, nru much larger
thiin oyer known before, unit lio no.
counts for It H8 being tlio result of
tlio nevoid cttrtliijiniko of two years
up, wliluli shattered various gin.
eHTH, llllll MillCO tllllt tllllll sloUghillg
of loelsirgM from glnolors hut been
very rout mid oliiiimnlH urn filled
with them, which render nnvign.
lion Imnnloiih during iho long, durk
nights of winter.
The Al-Ki brought down n remark
ably big cargo, consisting of b'(K)
tons of concentrate, from tint Tread
well mine on Douglas Island and 700
i ....i....... i ....
limn in milium irmii various llHlnng
stations, ami this cargo nractieallv
cleans up the puck along the lower
eoiiht oi Alaska. J lie Al-Ki brought
an .... . . "
mi jmsfleiigt'rs, most (il Wlioin weio
from fishing stations. Mho uUo
drought ?Hi,UOO in treasure.
Kevlewa Hit Miller from Hie lliSlnnlnS-,
"tapered In III. Efforts by Movements
f liuljarlan Troopi Will Hold Uuhjarla
Iteipimilble lr the Life of Mln Stone
Should Slit he Slain.
Created by in Ordir of the Secretary of thi
Interior department's Policy.
Washington, Nov. Ji. TJio secro
a ,.F,i...r.. .- , i. .
eary in mo interior loony issued an
order creating a bureau of fortmtry.
under the interior depiirtment to lo
in charge, of Mlihurt Iloth, of Now
York, Kdward T. Allen, of Washing
ton, 1k)1iik appointed forost insoctor.
In his letter of imttructionii to tlio
new bureau tlio secretary outlined tlio
department', forestry policy. Ho
fuvoni tlio immediate creation of ad
oitijiinl reserves designed to liborato
the smallest ossiblo ainnunt of scrip.
"Tlio wido extension of tlio forest ro-
aorvo area in, In my judgment." ho
), "tlio most vital need of our
A ostorn forests, and of tlio vnHt inter
CMtN which doKuil upon them. Thu
1180 of real agricultural laud within
forost reserves for njrriculttiral mir-
jiosos should lio encouraged, and ovory
otber reiicrvo or reserves should lw
mndo avuilablo foi conservative lino.
ICadh" r'caorvb 'Should bo dealt with
on its own merits. Tlio present ays
torn of rules for diverse conditions in
xhliply destructive."
Danish Wcit Indlci Truly Miy Not Come
(iefore Next Congress.
Washington, Nov. M. It in doubt
ful wbothor tlio projected treaty of
cession of tlio Danish West Indies to
tlio United Stated will bo completed
in time to submit to congress when it
reassembles next month. Tlio delay
appears to havo arisen through the
last change in tlio ministry at Copen
hagen, with tlio state department,
practically lulling reached an agree
ment with tlio Danish government
on tlio treaty when the entry into
jKiwor of a now ministry not well dis
posed toward tlio treaty made it nee
essury to begin the work all bver
again. Tlio issues do not touch the
price toho paid so much as tlio con
ditions as to tlio future of the citizen
ship of tlio Danish West Indies,
nought to Im imposed by Denmark.
Demand ((eduction of Hours.
Apploton, Wis., Nov. 15. Uetween
fi.OOO mid 8,000 employes of tlio fiO to
(10 papor mills located in tlio Kox and
Wisconsin river valleys, represented
by tlio Paper Mill Employes' Uniun,
today united in a demand upon tho
Jnanufaoturors to closo tho mills from
Saturday evening to Monday morn
ing, instoad, as at present, from Sun
day morning until Monday morning.
This means a reduction of tho work
ing hours 10 per cent without n ro
iluction of pay. Tho manufacturers
nro given until December 10 to answer
tho demand.
Kitchener Hn Lociled Dewet.
London, Nov. 14. Lord Kitchener,
In a dispatch 'from Pretoria, presents
his wcolky roport and incidentally
locates General Dowot In tho north
eastern part of tho Orango Itiver
Colony. Ho says tho Uoors havo ro
contly boo.i collooting under his lead
ership, and that tho Uritish nro now
moving to disjiorso him. Lord
Kitohonor gives tho Door casualties
sinco Novombor 4 as 0.') killed, 105
wounded, 101 captured and 45 sur-ondorod.
Fired it United States Minister.
Now York, Nov. 14. A Ilogota,
Colombia, correspondent of tho Her
ald cables as follows; A sentinel at
Tequondaina Fnlla October 25, de
clined to honor tho passport of
United Btatos Minister Charlos 1 .
Hart, and fired ono shot at tho di
plomat. Tho ministor was not hit by
tho bullet. Tho government has
sovoroly punished tho sontluol and is
aooing that tho ministor ia fully protected.
Koflu, Ilulgarla.
(leneral Dickinson, of Constantino-
pie, has supplemented his verbal
loprosonlatiuns to tho Jlulgariim
government by a nolo today, in
which ho recapitulates thn ln-i,,.
of tho aduetloii by brigands of Miss
mono and her comnanlon.
Tsllka, mid the slops taken to obtain
her release, and reminds tho foreign
minister of his promise to ivo overv
assistance. He also iiishm,
tl)0 ilttitlMlo of Mlli-Hmliimf
ias not conformed with this assur
ance, (''inallv. Mr. Dhild liftfill 1-11.
cats his demand for the non-interfer-
nce of tho government in tlm mum.
Mr. Dickinson also
Miss Htono's letters, saying that tho
jiiiui uaiiger 10 wiileli she is exposed
is lliglit from liidinu nlaces bv niirht
... . i . . . ---o.---
hi. uiu approiicn oi troops. Ho de
clares that tho people of the United
Htates will hold tho Iliilgarian gov
ernment morally and legally respons
ible for tho lives of the captives,
should tho bandits, exasjiorated by
pursuit, shiy them.
The government's reply, according
to the opinion expressed in olliclal
circles, will set forth that while hesi
tating to establish tho precedent that
the government gave protection to
brigands in treating for tho ransom
of captives in tho present case, in
volving the safety of two ladies, the
government, as an act of courtesy
and Immunity, will comply with Mr.
Dickinson's iKjuest.
A private agent who was employed
to vis't Doubritza reports that tho
members of tho secret committee
were discussing the lowest terms of
ransom that would Im acceptable.
Ono member of tho committee in
formed tho correspondent of tho
Associated Press that her had lieen
invited to join tho baud and tako
part in tho kidnaping, but that ho
refused mid deprecated an attack
upon inoffensive women, pointing
out that such action was calculated
to cost the committee more in sym
pathy anil support than the value of
20 ransoms. This view seems to 1
dawning gradually, oven in Ihilgar
ian circles, where tho kidnaping is
couiloneu as in the interest of a sacred
Two llallalloni of the 28lh U. S Infantry
Go to San Pranclico.
Portland, Nov. lit. Tho first and
third battalions of tho Twenty-eighth
Infantry, II. H. A., left Portland yes
terday afternoon for San Francisco.
At that city tlm troops will embark
for the Philippines on tho transport
Grant. They were a gay set of young
men as they started on their journey.
Neither the prospect of hardships in
tho Philippines, nor war's eloomv
side cooled tho warmth of their ardor.
Iho two battalions consist of 74!)
regular soldiers mid 22 commissioned
ollicors. Tho (list battalion departed
at :i :.'!() P. M., on a train of IS cars.
Ten of tlio cars were tourist sleepers
for the soldiers, one a standard sleep
er for tho olliceis, and two were given
to baggage. The second battalion
left 10 minutes later. Its train was
made up of a standard sleeper, nino
tourist sleepers and two cars for bag
gage. Tho cars of tho regular troops
in both trains bad 2(i(J sections. Col-
OI1l!l Mutt. Hftntmt ntiitiitiiwlnf tl Hin
' I'lMM IIKttl f fl'i.U .... ilifi CvmI Ikiihi .....I
"", .... .iiu inn. b.i.i, tiij.i.
also Lieutenant Colonel John V.
Stretch. The third battalion, on
the second train, was commanded by
Major P. K. ICiistman. Several of
the ollicors were accompanied by thoir
The Schley Court of Inquiry Holds Its First
Secret Session.
Washington, Nov. 14. At 10
o'clock today, Admiral Dewey and
Hear Admirals Pciiham and Itamtoy,
composing the Schley court of in
itiiry, met at the iiartcrs in 'ho Mc
Lean building behind closed doorsr
and began the discussion mid con
sideration of the evidenco brought
forward in tho investigation conclud
ed last week. Tho sittings of tho
court are to bo strictly secret. Its
present plan is to hold daily sittings
from 10 to 12:30 o'clock, adjourning
at the latter hour for the day, though
this arrangement may Ik) changed as
tho work of tho body progrossos.
Admiral Dewey said after today's
session that as yet ho could not fore
tell how long it would bo before the
court would be ready with its find
ings. Ho pointed out that it had
taken nearly eight weeks of searching
examination to produce tho material
in hand, and that the court would
not bo expected to draw its conclu
sions in a hurry. When asked if tho
work was divided in tho interest of
expediency among tho members of
the court, the admiral said: "No,
wo are working together as a court
China Continues ( Minufacture Arms ind
Ammunition In Vast Quantities,
London, Nov. 14. ToJeuranhlnc
iron) iiaiiKow, tlio rckm correspond
out of tho Times, says:
"Iho ianetso valloy is now ncaco-
fill and no doubt is entertained that
tho court will return to Pckin.
1 rado is very activo hero. Tho man
ufacturo of anus and ammunition is
proceeding on a great scale at all tho
principal Chineso arsenals. Thcro
are about 2,000 workmen in tho Han
kow arsenal and 2,000 in tho arsenal
at Shanghai. I-orty thousand gun
stocks wcro recently imported and
15,000 Mausers aro now ready for
distribution. Largo contracts for
tho supply of rilles aro boing negoti
ated by tho representatives of Kuro
peau firearm makers. Work on tho
railway from Hankow to Canton lias
not yet begun. Recently Shang, tho
laotai, asked that categorical assur-
auco should bo given the Chinese gov
ernment that this concession, which
was granted to an American syndi
cate, becaiiEO ' tho syndicato was
American, should not hcconio sub
ject, as was reported from America,
to tho lielgians, wno lioui tnrco-
fourths of tho original stock."
First Monument (o McKlnley.
Towor. Minn., Nov. 12. Tho first
monument to bo orcctcd in honor of
William MoKinloy was. unveiled hero
yesteiday before thousands of people
who canio from all over tho North
west. Governor Van Sunt was among
tho sneakers. All tho bands that
could bo mustered wero on hand and
united in playing "Nearer My God to
Thee, "tho crowd singing tlio words.
Due on Ute President's Salary.
Washington. Nov. 14. A state
ment of accounts was mado today by
tho auditor of tho stato dopartmont,
charging tho lato Presidont MoKin
ley with tho warrants issued to him
on account of salary from tho begin
ning of bis incumboncy of tho ollico
of president to tho day of his death
and orcditing him with tho amount
duo him on account of salary. A
balance duo of $1,du was lounu. a
warrant in lavor of tho administra
tors of tho ostato was drawn by tho
secretary of tho treasury.
Northwest Postal Orders.
Washington, Nov. 11. On Novom-
lior aO tho postoiuces a v.iuiiiun
llcaoh, Clatsop county, and Lartor,
Malheur county, Or., aro to bo dis
continued. A postol lco has noon cs
tablishcd .at Niblaok, Alaska, to bo
supplied from Dolom , I. Iho rccont
ordor of tho postolllco department
discontinuing tho postollico at lies
soltlno. Lincoln county, Wash., has
mm I
fnlr Dornthcn. n Koortlr mnjilc,
Trorn I'tit-ltnnn tlPireiidH,
In kirilc, cio nuil kerchief prayed
Thai famine ore he ended.
Though plump nnd fnlr nlliclt utie kept,
Hhi- tired of fruifal llvtntr.
Bo prnred nlic while I lip Hlders (dept.
"f.ord. rend n true TlifllikKlIn(f'
Tho running Inns. Hhe had no lack
Of K'wn or ermine tippet,
Of mettled pnlfrer'n pinioned tiaclrr"
Or pretty fawning whippet.
The ropd In her naucjr cheeki
Are not ljr famine shrunken.
Her wholeaome nppetlte liespenks
The (W- of fpilnce or pumpkin.
Hut ah, her necrct you have Bneancd,
Kharp eyea her trleka dlaeoreri
for SIIire lorothen la rexed
To i:il her aoldler lover.
in fnreqta denae la llrlnir.
That he the lioiinilln? roe mar anatcb
To make their flrat Thnnkeglvlnif.
Ah, MIm Dorothea, your face
In umlllnc heauty painted,
Ixiok on me from n panel's epaee
I.oiic, long, bare you lieen painted.
Slay wp.'thotich renttirlea apart.
In peaee nnd iilenfy llrlns.
Voire your petition of the heart.
"Lord, nend a true Thanksgiving."
irlth hla linlleta, powder, match.
11 r in
FHOCf.AMATION" liy virtue Of
authority In me vested, Jo herr
liy appoint as a day of
thnnkaglvlns "
In aonoroua, well-rounded ncccnta the
sentences rolled forth. Little Jimmy
Qiilim. newsboy and wnlf. listened, catch
Ins not all that was spoken. Hut he un
derstood the import, nnd he thought how
prand nnd ninjextlc did the name nnd the
official designation, "Governor," fill out
the dignified, wcll-wordei announcement.
lie wns outside the hotel. Now he tip
toed :nd looked over a screen Into a
lounging room.
Jimmy saw a person he thought the
nicest-faced, nohlcst looking man he had
ever met. standing facing a mixed audi
ence, who had been listening while ho
read the Governor's Thanksgiving proc
lamation, though Jimmy, not seeing tho
man, two to half orphans, three to"
Ned disdainfully turned the cold shoul
der on his brother.
"Hut. nnr "
"Now! Thcre'a nothln' to It. Some
body's been Itlddln' you!"
"Hut It wns the Governor! Didn't ho
talk out the proc-lermation? Don't ho
look a Governor nil over? Two turkeys."
"Hay, Jimmy," gravely Interrupted
Ned, "drop it. You're been hoaxed. Get
down to business now, If you crer expect
to make n imiti of yourself."
ISrer since the Inst circus enme to town
tho Qultin boys had been "making nun
of themselves" In n way unique the ac
robatic way.
They were spry, supple, daring. Ned
was "India rubber!" lie could flip up
In the air like an expert tumbler already,
nfler n month's practice. And as to Jim
my's wlrc-walklng feats Ned declared
they would soon be earning "fifty per"
ns "the celebrated Plying Hrothers!''
And they had a sncred motive In view,
"for mother's sake." She had scrubbed,
washed, worked day and night to ralso
them. Now, even out of the trivial
amount they earned selling papers, they
had saved a small sum to buy her a new
"comfort-rocker" w'hen alio came out of
the hospital.
Jimmy went through his practice in a
half-henrted way. Ills cherished hopes
had been "sat on." lie believed In fairies
and luck, and therefore In "the Governor"
and his turkeys, and ho determined to
find out more about them the next day,
without saying anything about It to tho
seeding Ned.
Opportunity presented the following af
ternoon. Jimmy was getting rid of his
last "extry," when he recognized a splen
did figure coming up the street It was
"the Governor!"
With duo awe and hesitation Jimmy
approached him, and the smiling, good
natured young man noticed It.
"Well, youngster," he said, "you act as
If you wanted to speak to me."
"I do, Governor."
"What's that?" exclaimed the other,
"Oh. I know yon!" nodded Jimmy In
a mysterious. Masonic way anil blurted
out his story, and asked to be put on "tho
two-turkey list."
An amused cxprcasloa crossed "the
Governor's" face. He wos only a trav
eling jewelry salesman, but he could not
mar this lad's bright faith. He looked
Interested nud grave when Jimmy told
all his story of. hardship, hope and en
deavor. "Jimmy Qulnn." he said, taking out his
note book and making an entry. "Keep
ijulet about my being the Governor, be
cause I'm a modest man, and don't like
to attract attention."
"Yes, sir," promised Jimmy fervently,
proud of the confidence Implied.
"Thanksgiving day, when your mother
comes home, you shall have two turkeys,
behind 8 SAteht! containing hnt lt'
gone up! I hoped I could crosi to tho
roof "
"Which room, sir?" demanded Jimmy,
In the sparkling ardor of a mighty
"That where this wire crosius to an
arm, nnd cuts above tho court. Hoy, stop!
Whiz! Jimmy had seized tho wire. I.lka
a sprite he made a descent to which his
practiced hands were Inured.
Into the open window-lost In tho
smoke a moment, Into view again, blind
ed, spluttering, a satchel strnpped to his
"I've got It!" he yelled hilariously.
"I'or merry's sake, be careful!" remark
ed the nnxloiis "Governor."
Hut Jimmy laughed. He cvrn cut nn
acrobatic caper across the dangling wire,
and, lliiaherl and happy, landed on tho
opposite roof, tendering the satchel with
the words':
"There-you are, Mr. Governor!"
That satchel coa'nlned "the Govern
or's" samples, !?20,000 In precious gems.
When he wrote to his firm and then to
the insurance people explaining Jimmy's
brave and daring exploit, one sent a check
for $300, tho other "for double that
The happiest woman In Christendom
the bright Thanksgiving day ensuing was
Mrs. Mary Qulnn.
Her "brave lads" had placed ?000 In
7ank to her account.
And, truo to his promise, "tho Gov
ernor" saw that their merry dinner labia
was actually graced with two turkeys!
The MennliiK of It.
kittle h.rnstus I'oppy wny Uey say
Kanksglbbln' turkey, huh?
I'oppy Dat's cr cause yo' tank la
owna oh de coop fo' leabln' de do' open.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Causcn for Thankuslvlncr.
For all that Uod In mercy sends;
For health aid children, home and friends,
For comfort in the time of need.
For every kindly word and deed.
For happy thoughts and holy talk,
For guidance In our dally walk
For everything give thanksl
For beauty In this world of ours.
For verdant grass and lovejy flowers.
For song nf birds, for hum of bees.
For hill and plain, for streams and wood.
For the great, ocean's mighty flood
For everything gire thanks!
For the sweet sleep that comes at night.
Conductors and Trainmen Dectlne to Give It
Any Support.
Denver, Nov. 14. A meeting of
members of. tho Order of Railway
Conductors and tho iJrotherhood of
Itailway Trainmen was hold this
afternoon, nnd tonight it is nn
nounced that they havo sustained
tho position of Vice Grand Master
Leo in his opposition to tho switch
men's strike, and decided to expel
from tho orders nil who wont out ns a
result of tho switchmen's strike.
Grand Chief Clark, of tho conductors.
and Grand Master Morrissoy, of tho
trainmen, wcro present.
Grand Chief CInrk nnd Grand Mas-
tro Morrissoy tonight issued a state
ment in regard to tho strike, which
says that tho present agreement be
tween tho itio Grando Company and
tho order mentioned cover yard ser
vice, and that it wns mado years be-
lore tlio organization of tho switch
men's Union hero. Tho statcmct do
clnrcs that tho conductors nnd train
men s organizations linvo nttaincd a
high placo in. public cstimntion by
living up to tlioir agreements and that
they will observe tho same polioy in
tlio present case.
Warship Launching Postponed.
Loudon, Nov. 15. Tho armored
cruiser Monmouth was to havo been
launched on tho Olydo today, but
tho storm obliged a postponement of
tho coromony. This is tho first timo
in history that tho launch of a war-
in has been postponed on tho
paper ho had just put aside, supposed ho
had been speaking It out.
"Further," said the pleasant faced, nno-
cyed young man who held the Interest of
the group by his magnetic oratorical
grasp and general good fellowship, "be (t
ordained that X, tho Governor, command
thnt one ten-pound turkey bo given to
every poor family, family with no father
twp turkeys, family with no mother three
Jimmy got down from painful tlptoo
nnl.n .ill n , t. a mnmnat A V..1 ,nm An f
new lore, i uv. ia. , i uispaicn to wrought ud br a vivid Imagination
Work Train Wrecked.
Toxarkann, Ark., Nov. 14. Train
mon arriving hero tonight on the Iron
Mountain say n work train was
wrecked at Proscott, near Texarkana,
killing six negroes and injuring 15
others. Tho names of tho dead mon
aro not obtainable
To Divert American Traffic.
down the
street for
tho Tribuno from London says: Ac
cording to tlio British correspondent
of tho London Chroniolo tho German
railway authorities aro arranging to
run a train in connection with tho nr
rival of tho North Gorman Lloyd
steamers, which will leavo Hamburg
and Uroinon twice wcokly. It is ho-
liovcd that if this plan can be carried
out it will divert much of tho Amer
ican passenger trafllo wh oh at prosont "rIng.boaril wltll
passes tnrougn Liverpool nnu lionuon un(jer tt
for boiltlicril JMiropo. Jimmy's older brother, Ned, had just
7Z, ". 7T turned a double somersault as tho former
n l.viuiv, uiiiur ....... , ..... ,lnnn thn - nrolnI1Irp.l
Now York, Nov. 13. Firo in tho "Say!"
carpet making plant of the Planet "Hollo! what's up?" queried Ned, pos-
Mills in ijrooKiyn touay enuangereu nig ror anotner tumuie.
"Jlold on I Bay great newsi
"Crackey!" he
news!" and bolted
"Home" was a rickety cabin Jn an ufr
kempt yard. It had known no woman's
care lor tnrco weeks. Jimmy ana ms
brother had been "kr.dng bachelor's
ball" while she was In tlv hospital.
Across the back yard has stretched a
taut wire, and agalast It leaned a balanc
ing polo. Just near It was an Impromptu
an old torn mattress
of the Planet
today endangered
tho lives of 800 women nt work on tho
upper floors of tho building, nut tnoy
WOrO all gOHOU ouv. rinnun aimy
art, an elevator man, kopt lna cago
.mine- until tho last woman had loft
n.n iHilhlinff. nnd thou foil uncoil-
soious from tho smoko and firo fumos
im lind inhaled. Three firemen woro
ovorcomo by smoko. Loss, $35,000.
"Tho Governor's In town!"
"Hey! what GoyoMor?" challenged
Ned, suspiciously and Incrcdalously.
"Why, of tho State the big nob, see?
I saw him! I heard him speak his proc
proc "
' lcrmation go ahead.
"lie promised one turkey to every poor
I pledgo the Governor's royal word for
It, friend Jimmy! '
Jimmy turned over la bed with a yell.
'Aid his brother grabbed him. lie had
been dreaming of ten thousand turkeys
roasting on a spit a mile long, and
thought ho fell In among them, so
"Fire!" he shouted.
"Uet your life!" cried Ned. "Get up!
There s a corker of a blaze somewhere!
Suro enough, there was. Tho town was
astir. Half-dressed, the brothers were
soon scudding wildly down the street.
"Jimmy, said Ned, breathlessly, as
they turned tho corner, "tho Central's all
ablazo!' X.
Tho principal hotel of the little inland
city was doomed. In tho crush the broth
ers became separated.
Jimmy wub hurrying past a building ad
joining, when ho gave a quick stare.
A man in his shirt sleeves, batlesa and
barefooted, dashed past him.
"Why!" said Jimmy, electrically, "It's
tho Governor!"
Tho man darted up the dark stairs of
the vacant building, next across a brief
court to tho hotel,
Jimmy put after him, ho hardly know
why. Up one flight, two, three tho roof,
throdgh a scuttle, tho man went, beforo
Jimmy overtook him.
"Tho Governor" ran to tho edgo of tho
cartfS and looked down.
"No use!" Jimmy heard him groan.
"Mr. Governor, what's the matter?"
asked Jimmy, presenting himself In view.
"Hey? Oh, It's you? Well, my boy,
I'm ruined, that's all"
"Yes, sir; but why aro you up here?
"Because the firo drove me out of my
room, la the excitement and peril I left
For the returning mornlug's light.
For the bright sun that shines on high,
For the stars glittering In the sky,
For these and everything we see,
O Lord! oar hearts we lift to thee
For everything give thanks!
Our Now Subjects.
Chief of tho La Drones I have just
been out reading the President's Thanks
giving proclamation to the tribe. Hav
we a dinner fit for the occasion?
Ills Wlfe Yes. my lord, we have two
missionaries and a bottle of domestic rve.
made in Kentucky.
Tommy' Thankaalvlnir.
I'm tbankfjil I've papa and mamma,
And turkey nnd rrnnherrv sanr.
And mlnce-pte, and brothers and sisters.
I'm thankful t never am cross!
I'm thankfu, our school has decided
To close for tbe rest of the week;
I'm thankful I'm stronger than Jlmrar. .
And nerer feci backward to speak.
There'll Uo No Parting There.
First Turkey Gobblcr-I hear your son
had a terrible experience on Thanksrrlv.
ng day.
Second Turkey Gobbler Yes: he was
all cut up by It,
boon reaoindeil.