'I i "MiHitifA'i, joii'N". John MmfKflcfcl, "Miucrnljolin," was in town fioin lloheinia' this week niiil iiniile the Nugget n planum t cull. John is the bend and general fnelrtliim of the little village of MlnerHville tit the fool ol the inoiintiiin thin Hide of the llnrd scrahhh usccnl. He has made it viint collection of the minerals of Uohcnlin district'. ' Me has made upward of 3500 ti nnnys of the ores of Hint district and is perluitm the best qualified man iu that district to' give n comprehensive find ex haustive opinion on the possi bilities of thai vast mineral .one. At his large assay office iu Miners villc he now has on exhibition over 500 specimens of oie from the va rious ledges and cropping through out that district. They are not little pieces of cue. but big chunks that weigh from 10 to 2.5 pounds, ho that any mining man iu looking over his exhibit can In an hour or two acquaint himself with the character of the greater pari of the mineral iu that one. lie is now engaged iu erecting a building to be 24x43 feet for the future home of this exhibit and the further ad ditions he will in the future make to it. In getting together this splendid display of character ores it has been fraught with much time and labor and required more than the ordinary amount of pluck to pack those big chunks of ore over the rugued hills and up out of the deep ravines, but t'tus far it has been with him a labor of love with out remuneration; the reward will come later on, When this ex hibit is in its new home it will be well worth going miles to inspect it. and iu the years to come thousands of men who will interest themselves in Bohemia will surely have a look nt tin's big display of character rock of that district. John has besides this exhibit a fine garden, wherein he has raised the past season, an nbundaiice of "truck." He has .supplied a good inrtity, of his miner friends with delicacies from lils , Bardeii io.iiu.d sold no, small nmouutVtinhef,f!irm5ra along tlie streams tlcif the foothills t Jlcjhai nearly tw ton of fine cabbage, a ton and over -of carrots and some 25 bushel of potatoes this .season'. "ifiKTiiiT.CvTlri'rKKi On Thursday evening Inst sev eral friends of II C. Mndsen. the jeweler, were invited to partake of n feast at the ptivatc boarding 'house or Mrs,' Patterson on Fourth street, in honor of 'his fifty-eight birthday. The guests Hat down M 6:30 and iof an hour enjoyed the good edible things set before them, which were enhanced ns an aid to digestion by flowing bumpers of rich Zimfandel wine. .A souvenir of the occasion in the form ofa handsome gold-mounted fountain pen was given to the host of the evening by his guests in a neat little' presentation speech by Mr. Arthur Young. The evening wns pleasantly passed mid music, song and merry jest, and the con sensus of the wishes of those ' present was that the coming years will deal as lightly with Mr. Mad sen as iu the past and that liis re curring birthdays will be as full of pleasure as the one just past. Bought Anothur 'Claim. Louis Hartley was in town this week from Bohemia. He and friends have have secured owner ship to the claim known as the Hole in the Ground, adjoining the six fine properties they now own. This acquisition will round out their holdings on Hohemia creek. The parties mostly interested in this groupeof claims arc business men of Corvallis. Trails have been built, cabins constructed and every thing has been and will be put in shape for energetic and continuous ,.,nri- when snrinc opens. This groupe of mines ndjoins the groupe recently sold and transferred to P. J.Jennings by Messrs. Hartley and Hughes. This new transfer shows -that properties in that locality are on the move, and with new blood 'and money that section will before long come well to the front., 'rill! LIC HOY MIXK. Supeiinlciident Johnson of the I.eKoy' Mining Company came down fioin Jlohemiu Huh week, he reports the work of packing iu winter supplies, election of a store house, blacksmith shop and shaft house on the company's property fully completed, nnd an efficient crew of meii now steadily at work sinking on the ore chute. The ledge is widening and showing up richer ore as the work goes (low 11. The company has authorized to purchase hoisting machinery and an air fan which will be shipped into the mines and made available at the earliest moment. The com pany is now having a large relief map constructed by A. I). Whittier which, when completed will be an open book for all who desire or ex pect to interest themselves in the great possibilities of Hohemia. This map will be on exhibition nt the company's headquarters and the general public is extended a carte blanch to vliw it. Tint Mummy Spkctaclh. On Saturday last was exhibited here a mummified Indian giantess, said to havu been taken from a civcru iu the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming in the year 1897, and discovered by a couple of hunters who, were seeking refuge from a fierce blizzard at the time He this as it may whether natural or artificial the mummies have gone the rounds, have been looked at by thousands of people, and by many believed true to life. It is pos sible to make artificially these crea tures of a prehistoric age. This may ormay not beof nature's origin, but if not it is certainly a mighty good imitation. At all events it answers the purpose and is an object lesson iu mummification that for the small price of 10 cents much can be learned by the young, nnd some of the older heads might get a pointer tr t.wi. S. li. Laqdcr and Jtssc Hounds of Kugcnc have this unique figurc'in charge' and are nowiviiig the people of this valley an oppor tunity to view it. Constructing , iLusiinMAr. " A. I). Whittier came down from the Hohemia hills this week to tarry for n short tiuie within the charmed circle.of jhc, yalley con tingent. A' quantity of talc pre ceded htm and-he is now. construct iug a raised map of Hohemia dis trict for the Lp Roy Milling Com pany some 3x4 fer.t, which will give the. visitors, to the Lc Roy office a better general view otthc 'topography of tlut rich mineral zone. Mr. Whittier has developed other maps of this wonderful min eral district which are now on ex hibition iu the cast, but none of them have been more accurate and (rue to detail iu the full picturesquc n ess of topographical line than the one now to be seen at the head office of the Le Roy Company. Tint Nrtw Postoi'ficu. The new postoffice building ad jacent to the Cochran furniture store is now completed and Post master Howard will move the office into the new quarters next Satur day night. He requests the Nug get to say that Sunday morning the patrons of the office will receive their mail at the new building. And while he does not expect to have every detail looked alter properly at that time, he asks the kind indulgence of the patrons for a few days, hoping by that time to have everything in good shape, feeling, assured thct the public will appreciated the new surroundings. Tint Surveyors, The surveyors in the field for the Cottage Grove and Bohemia rail road are doing good work at the front. They are now above the red bridge on the Frank Brass rreek. The force has been in creased to contend with the heavy, timber they are now going through. They are now running preliminary Hues and later on will again go over the ground and- make them permanent. Russell Kimball was in town this week ' and reports all well with tlf -survey -.outfit. Personal pai'agrupiis. TI10 Mntho'lUt Clinruli (mil just boon filled with electric limits. '. Mifs Lena l'lcdrlukBuu Is quite Hint hit numo in huh euy wun typiioin luver. Uluirley Ilnincnii viw down this week from the Helena iiiinu oil u IjiibIiiuhs trip. crvit'CH at the Clirltlun Church next Hunility morning mi' I evening. Other cervlui1 nsjiHiinl, William Klrtlovof thu lifackhntte wax I In town HiIh week, lie wiih having Home tioublu with one of liin lens. I Tho Hiiinliiv School Hoard of the M. H. Church met Tuesday f veiling to ar- j ningi! lor a uiiriHlimiM treo ami exercises. I'ellx Ciirrln nliowed lit) iikiiIii thin week looking an frenh as a dulnv. He itituiiiis in iiavo u nurucciiu wiicn ma plgH urn ilpo. .famen McFarlanil and fa'inlfy' have UiIh week moved Into town from their farm about a mile out and for the win ter will occupy their od homo 011 Main rm. V. It. Oiling iu hiilldlmr a Hiiluiidid homo on Kallroad uvennu. It Ih an eight-room Iioiico anil when completed will make a hie, Improvement In that end of town. Pititrul Hindu and wife camo out from Hohemia I IiIh week lor the winter. Tliev arO unjoying Hplenilid health and will now oeenpy tneir neat uttio nome on Fourth street until ppring. (i. W. Kelleyof Cedar Creek brought to the Niitrirct orllco this week HOinonee- oml growth pear ol the Jlnrtlctti-peelef. It iM not every land that can produce a Hocond crop of unch liincious frultr- The contractors who are nuttlni! up the new telephone line arc midline the worn ami matting a mignty goo.. ... - lug. If noth ng happens to mar the present conditions tho line will bo In running order ahead of xchedulu time. .lames Nolan of Saginaw wan iu town hint .Saturday making u fow purcliageH to fill IiIh cup of liappinai4. lie waH In Klileudid form, tho pink of condition, and bin uvf wore that merry twinkle which knows no sorrow. , Tout Gardner, the genial host who prcxiden over the ilcHtimeH of the weary traveler who g'oeH over tho Divide on the Oakland road Kiiilh from here, was In ton 11 011 Monday doing buHiness' nnd miiklngeverytXKiv Willi wnom 110 came in t-outacl cheerful with his glad hand. W. il. While and .lohn Welgermwore in town this week. They are now fork ing for the liootli-Kellcy Company ' at .Saginaw, but when the storms of wiifter havu pasiiiit they will be again in tho Hohemia hills developing their mining properties there. That princoof good felltfws.1. II. Shqrt ridgo was in town again this week with a heaping load of Hplenilid fruit. A's''e iiaHfed tho N'uuget olliee he tarried long .uuoimli to uiiliaucu our window With a dozen fDivnuiii aunies 01 tuu jj.iiuwiii virictv . II., may your shadow noyer- Shelbv Teeters came down from Hp,?. i....tn .,., i. 11.. 1... 1....... liuiillll linn i ci k . iiu lino men viii- nloved at the Helena mine for wim'e time paxt, hut will make the old lininj - ,,1 1 r' ,i' oil ivow iviver ms Hunting ihuu ir mu winter, and .when the' glorious sprlfig. timecomcaonro iigain lie will hiijliiiii- tieii 1 11 10 1110 mineral uun. , i Hilly' IltggiiiR was ' down 'tliftf ' week' from iJohrmlii. He has jutt. completed a eontiael fur the nssessinviit work'dil (hirMltclu'llelnlm-oir thernortlieajt sldo 01 I'airviuw. lie lias neen riintiin a crosscut lo. strike tho leilge, whieli.ls mine -10 feet ahead. The roek hfa hi hus. been going through was v ry hard J. S. Miuicllcld nud W. M. II iins have this week hoIiI mid mmlo 'tranaTe'r to l.onirt Hartley u claim known an (he Hole in the Ciionnd, located ,011 lite ridge between Murtiu and Kohemin creeks, for a consideiiUlon of fSoO e.iuli. this chum lumn tunnel now In BU tcct , .... 1 ... . ... . t .. s mill mu ineu eiiuwHO ieei 01 quariz. i flliss Miiircio Gouuli this week "'re ceived frpni her uncle a beautiful gold ring set witli. two rubles and a central stono of sparkling diamond. This memento came from far beyond tho sea a token of love iind afrection jfroin'tlio Emerald Isle, and was to bo a keen-sake and reminder of tho young hulles' olglitoMith birthday from her loving uneiu in uuuiin. A Bad Cut. Frank Pleurart, while dohig some slashing on the old Christian property now owned by J. I. Jones, last ' Saturday evening buried the bit of his ax iu the instep of his left foot, laying that organ open for some four inches. Dr. Job Vas phoned for from Saginaw, dressed the wound and Mr. Pleurart is uow getting on finely. NOT1CK FOR 1'UnLICATIO.V. Land Ofllco at Roseburg, Oregon, Novembor 8, 1001,. Kottco Is hereby given that tho following. named settlor lms filed notice olhti intention to ranko final proolln itpiotto Ms claim, nnd thnt snld proof will bo made boforo Mario L. Ware U. S. Commissioner ut Eugene Oregon, on December 11,1901 viz: Harmon L. Ogden on Ma II. E. No, 8728 for thoSJtf SW'H Soo. 27 Tp. 198., lr;2West. Honftmeslho following wltnessos tn prove his continuous rosldvnie upon and cultivation of said land, vltl Charlojr Ogden, Otto Morton, M. Poano, Jamos WUhelm, of Croswell, I.uno County, Oregon, i. T. IlniDor-i, Register. SCHLEE'S GROCERY. . I Corner of Main mid Becond St., Cottneo Grove. Carries a fine lino of Groceries, No tions, Candies, Tobaccos, Nuts and .Stationery. ' , , Our prices are, right,oiid wp will give you ' ' Good Vuluc for Your Mo)iey,K Buy your grHSHHced of Knkin & Hrls tow. Order vourfriiltfinkoforTliiiiikf'givlrig ami ttiu ;ioiiiiiiy 111 urown a jinkery. Jlattcnhtirg point lace patterns and rudl nt Litrch'N. Vhr the latest and moat nn-to-dulo line of fltationery, School tmpplfcH, fotin tniii pciiH, etc., no to. ibu etote of the Ileimoii OrliB Corrtpiiny. Large lines of gentuand ladles watches at II. 0 Madsen. A now invoice of plated ware, clocks, etc., at Madncn'tf. Oenulno Kve 1 1 read and Coffee Cuke at Higwii'h IJakery. TIioho diamond)) at II. C. Mudaen are beauties . Call and xee them. Try a Holiday dinner at the Imckkiai. HotkI. Served from 12 m.tn 1 :U0 p m. mid up to date In all respects. You can buy anv preparation at J. I . (Jilrrin'H that is iidvertii-ed tn any paper, Hememl)er we make u specialty of family rieeiptn, TURN US OVKU xaviianji if kvohojc; OrfJM q M0 (iuoig aiuf KJH-MaK) ua;ddiiH tup JIkia ' Aut o) oaojd otx pilU.M HOiClBI(X . ojiis j.)(dm uoii puy pujui juoa ai If you have anything' to sell or want to liny real estate, stock, ai;ricuiitirai ; implements or anything cieo go to iiipn & White. They have a call ow fortcam. wacon and harnesH and a couple of Kood cows, aluo calves and 1 yearliiiH wanted T, Drug Company han just '.., . , AJii-,,', Oranseine which is now on display in one of their show windows. Do not fail to notice the artixtic decoration when you go that way. Step iu and see Doc l'attersou and learn ail uboilt it The HciiBon Drug Co. ofTers you the in:ricci!OU 01 periiunery ami KiiHraniees . At It. .... 1 its aromatic onlors to captivate the enses. Try them and you will ever after buy them. The flue line of toilet articles on sale at tho Keuson Drug Company's store cannot bo duplicated at any other place in town . Uall ana look tlicm over I'tdlnn vnnr alli-ntlnn !r cxnrointlv culled to the completo and perfect line of rubber goods carried by tho Iteneon Drui; Company. They are the best to be had for the money in Cottage Grove or anywhere clee.. PUBLIC DINNER. . "The Eoworth Leaguo will nerve a hot Chil-kcn I'io Dinner at- Martin's Hall Thbnknifiviiitf Day from 12 to H o'clock A grand feast ifor 25c. Sjiectal rates to lanuues. ' ' J. I. Joves- 'i -Mns.-'OKi'Xii Db'ssvjs . f , .f iGKRTitcj)K,M.;Boaict.' ' : i ik' 1 1 .i . .). ) -j i..t . ; ' LADIES'. UOLI WATCH FREE.- With cacluiashpurcliuso of one dollar w.rtli 'of goods we give you a ticket for our annual dru1ng to take nhice Janii jirv Js.1, JiKlJ. Tle first prize will lo a 'l'.,rir,.i lnf.t'U'.ltll ' EAki.s-&Biu8Tow l'ARLOR ORGAN KOR SAKE. Tht) Kniizlits of PvthiiiH have 11 second hand parlor organ", for safe which is in goixl condition.. lor inlornution apply to ucn i.urcli, J. 'i. .Medley or Dr. wall PIANOS AND ORGANS. Docs a. pjano or organ interest you? Wo have interested and sold to hundreds of peoplo in this part of tho country AVo curry iill tho best mokes as well as some cheap instruments. Pianos as low us $150. Organs nil the best makes.' Wo can also show you a Sears-Hoehuck or gan for $S6, with'frcight added, but we cannot recommend thosu cheap, trashy goods, wo keep them lor comparison only. K. "&. WANACOTT. representative of l. K. uiciiai'.oson s3lueic House, itose burg, Ore. MBit IT WILL WIN. A'thlng of merit will ever risoeu pcrior to its surroundings. No matter wliero it is kept or what its environ ments may bo it is Biire to be sought out and given duo credit for the worth that it possesses. The old reliable Benson Drug Company has always kept up the standard of its wares and today carries a Btock of drugs, medicines, toilet and fancy articles that merit your inspec- lion unu will incei yuur uiiiuimiiuii 11 you will just call nt their artistic- store and feast your eyes on tho fine lino of . . , ' 1 1 . 11 goods thoy havo in display. The Ben son Drug Company stakes its reputa tion on tho freshness and purity of its drugs. Its prescriptions are compounded uy a urst-ciass pnarmueisi ana naming but tho unrest and very best material is ever used, because nothing but the best is ever kept in stock. When you need medicine to alleviate tho mttl'ering of yourself or those of your loved ones g to tho Benson Drug Company's store and get tho best, A winter trip to Southern California and Arizona via the famous Shasta Uoutu is 0110 never to bo forgotton. Be llowed acquaintance with this section will Over develop fresh points of interest and added sources of enjoyment undor its sunny Skies, in the variety of in terests mid added' industries, in itslnro lille yegotution und among its number less resorts of mountain, shore," valley nnd plain. Two trains leayo Portland dally, morning and evening for Cali fornia. Thcso trains nro equipped witn tho most improved pattern of 'standard and tourist sleeping cars, und the low riitoH place the trip in reacli ot all. . Kpr illustrated guides of California and Arizona winter rosoits, address.. c II. U. Milliui, Ucn. Pas. -Agent P.orthmd,, Or. - . , THE CASH ' We have made it a point since, starting Jiuousjncaa.ial. keep a clean, strictly tip-to-datci GROCP'RY, and as a result wc note a steady increase of customers1. ' .High-grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetable" are' our Specialties, ( Special prices quoted to the milling trade. ' , s" ' -I.'., Call and be convinced that our aim is to please you. " WE SUIT THIS 11 A 11 D TO SUIT A. ,Q. Younc:, Manager. 53 THE GASH THE WYtre.RS'1 SVlPPiX OuSi-, 33oh.emia, General ftlerelinndise, Mi Biers' Tools and Ammunition. Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Bon Ton .Meat Market Main Street, Near Fourth Beagle & McU'arland We keen constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in our effort will be to please and satisfy you. Carry the. most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns, .Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and .Caps, v-.. Also agents for the-celebrated'Studebaker Wagc-us Canton. Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may want in the Hardware line. Call and See Us and We will. Treat You Right. m &ym (IXCOKl'ORATKD) 0. W.' LLOYD, President .11, D.1 SCOTT,. Vice-President 4" The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims forming this company are located in the great Bohemia Mining District in Lane and" Douglas counties, Oregon. These properties have had much work done upon them, so that now they are embryo mines with an assured future. The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its par value is $i It is non-assessable. Its principal office is iu Cottage Grove. For development purposes a limited amount of stock has been authorized to be sold at 3 cents per share. Two of the claims the Mountain Lion and Kl Caladc are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them and the face of the tunnels are now in solid ore. Frank Jordan, Secretary Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT. We will continue to carry a full and complete stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and , Steel Ploys, Etc. : : : : : : ANY THING YOU WANT' IN THE HARDWARE LINE : : : : givjtjs a,call ' GRQCE&Y ;,,CO. S3 00 3 GROCERY CO. Oregon. 1 season. Your trade is solicited and 0011. mining o. FRANK' WHEELER, Treanurer FRANK E.-JOBDAN, Secretary AT'THE OLD STAND T'