Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 22, 1901, Image 4

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    bobemia nugget:
HOWARt) asurple .
lMltiirsnnU I'ubSUhera. 4" .
KntenftUt tb poAoineat fcAttag Hrovo,
Oregon a"sKecond Ohm ranlt mtt'.er.
Hiiliifplon irl t,I.&0, l
Advertising "Intra nm'n known' ujion
, -
THIS PAI'KI U on lll nt K. C. InVe'
Ailvertlilna Agency. 01 ! Marcliaiits !
rtVnw ii Wa.)oWlVllf..rnl,.. where wn.
trnrta fir advertising etui bomada lor It.
Friday, NovimnuR 22, 1901.
Atijarticle of some length siring
tip tlit political situation with ref
erence to the election of the next
United States senator to succeed
Senator Joseph Simon, appeared in
the Guard last week, setting forth,
among other prominent men in the
state,' Hon. Harvey Scott, editor of
the Qregoniau, as a likely candi
date ffor the high office. The
writer goes over familiar ground,
heretofore well threshed; but aside
from j that the article deserves the
attention of those most interested
in the political affairs of the state.
The political pot is evidently on
the simmer, and more or less specu
lation is now rife, heralding the
names of a number of good men.
among them that of no less a per
sonage than State Senator C. W.
Fulton of Astoria, the energetic
broadminded, conservative republi
can, vvlio has figured conspicuously
in Oregon politics for these many
years. It is known beyond a
doubt that Mr. Fulton will be a
candidate, and it is only justice to
himand his constituency, as well as
the 'voters of Oregon, that the fact
be sent broadcast over the state.
It isnot" necessary to review at
lengtli Mr. Fulton's record. It is
a clean one, and is on the lips of
ever)! one acquainted with the
politics of the state. This, iu itself,
does not entitle him to a seat in the
United States, senate; but iucer.
tainiyfrnakes' him eligible,' and
when coupled with his magnificent
ability, surrounded by his friends(
who are legion, he becomes a for
midable figure, not easily outdone
by other candidates who may
asptre'to the. high honor. He is
oneof those courageous republicans
who has never been fonnd wanting
and always ready to put his best
efforts foremost in support of his
partyt.and its interests, giving his
own,$at least on two occasions in
his political career, a secondary
place.. No one can gainsay his
ability. In- fact today, if not the
peer,Xbe stands in the Very-front
Tank.of brainy men identified with
the political affairs of the state.
The writer of the article which
appeared in the Guard intimates
that Mr Scott's chances are good
and it must be admitted that the
assertion does not sound altogether
like poetry.
Mr. Scott, like some others who
have been - in state and national
politics has his enemies, political
as well as personal; and the fact
that he has been the head and
front of one of the greatest and
most influential papers on the Pa
cific Coast for a quarter of a cen
lury, does not serve to lessen the
number of his enemies. Again
Mr. Scott's prominence in political
and newspaper circles has served as
the tie that binds, and has mad
his true friends the stronger, the
better and more determined, when
the time comes, to fight his battl
hard, fast and furious, if possible, to
a victorious finish.
The article also calls attention to
. the renewal of friendship of Senator
Mitchell and Mr. Scott. While thisis
110 new thing to many of the onlook
ers at the political ringside, it also
is worthy of some consideration at
the present time. The populace of
the state has faith implicit faith
in the ability and earnestness of
Senator Mitchell, and the regret
able thintr 111 his present term is
the fact that harmony does not
exist in the United States sena
torial boat from Oregon; hejice
thoe who bank their all du Sena
torMitchell would not be adverse
do the election of. a senator who
n 1.1 TTfc .h.h.;.. in mmmon
iwith him. A long time ago, sena
tor Mitchell and Mr. Scott quit
gliding-down the same cellar door,
and since that time things have
been in somewhat of a jumble, and
many a powerful blow that should
have been struck for the general
good of Oregon has been blocked,
as a result, directly or indirectly,
of the estrangement of Mr. Mitchell
and Mr. Scott. In Pome re
spects the condition of affairs was
not unlike an irresistablc force
coming in contact with an invin
cible body. Without reference
to the relative merits of the es
trangement of these two political
generals, let us as republicans con
gratulate ourselves in that they
have buried the hatchet, and are
ready to put shoulders, together and
work for the common good of the
state. Of Mr. Scott's political as
perations the writer knows noth
ing. However, it is a. fair pre
sumption that he would not refuse
the office if it were thrust upon
him; but the fact should not be
lost sight of that there are other
good and brilliant men in Oregon,
among whom stands the staunch
figure of Hon. C."W. Fulton well
to the front, who would make ins
mark as an energetic and torceiui
representative in the national sen
ate, giving Oregon a team capable
of accomplishing much good and
exemplifying to the letter, the
pint of harmony so much needed
n the Oregon delegation.
It ESQ h V VIO Nit j $
At the regular meeting of, the
Cottngfc Grove Lodge. No. 63;i..O.
0. F. held Saturday evening NqV.
16, 1901, the following resolutions
were unanimously adopted:
WiiBiiKAiS It pImkwI r Creator
to remove from our nildit onr beloved
lirothiT, John A. .Stinnott and,
WiiKiiuAS, It la but 'not Unit n flttiiin
recognition of hi;) many vIMiiich bIiouM
be made, therefore bo It reeolved by
CotlKU Orovv I.xljw No. 8 that wlillo
we humbly bow in mibnilnsloo to the
will of our Creator, wo do nevertheless
mourn the o of our brother who luia
been taken away from its.
Resolved further, That In tho death of
out- brother thin lodgo laments tho loct
of 11 biother who was ever ready to
proffer the hand of aid and voieo of
sympathy to the needy and diiftremVd of
the fraternity ; an aelive member of the
Uxltie, whosto utmost, endeavors were ex
tended for Ittt welfare ami ju-nsneritv; a
friend and eomimiiion who wan dear to
. . . t " 1 r i. I
us nil; n eilixen wm uprigut ami
noble life was a Mnmlurd for emulation
to his fellow men .
l!u it fnither iwolved.Thnt the heart
felt sympathy of Jhi lodto bo extended
o tno ooreaveti lamny ami,
ncAT Hiesc resolutions lie sprenn on
tho minutes of this lodge, 11 copy fur
nished tho lamily of tliu tlenartwi
brother and each of the newspaiiers of
Cottage CSrove. ,
signed: .:. w. h ai.i.ack
A. II, Cuuskn
II. 0. SeiiLKKr.
SCOTT-ltAltOU I'TR At Kuguno on
November 12, 1001, Walter Scott to
Miss Lela Giiroiitte.
Thev were former residents of Cottace
Grove and are well and favorably known
hero ami have he best wishes of their
mnny friends. They will reside. in end
Since the splendid tract of sixty
acres of the most desirable land in
town, has changed hands a grand
transformation is taking place. The
land immediately adjacent to the
depot on the east has been plotted
nd. staked into town lots and a
number have already found their
way into the possession of intend
ing builders The first generous
act the new owners out was 10
donate a ' strio of. fifteen feet wide.
the entire lengtlTof their possessions
for road facilities. .This strip will
bring the road on an even line with
east Main street in the south side..
Noyv if the City Council can pre-
ail upon the property owners on
the north side of this street to be
equally generous then a grand
thoroughfare is assured through
that district. The new owners of
this property. Messrs'. -Long &.
Bingham, will extend .every - couri
tesy to intending purchasers of lets
in this tract, and will be willing to
make liberal concessions at all
times. That the lots in this tract
will go off like hot cakes and that
the improvement will be rapid goes
without saying. It is expected and
the expectation will no doubt be
fully realized in the construction of
a line union depot on tnose termi
nal grounds of the Bohemia and
Cottage Grove railroad. That
commodious and first-class hotel
will be a feature of the near future
is without doubt, as an assurance
of $5000 has already been given
and the hotel when built is de
signed to be three stories high, of
brick and stone, to contain fifty
rooms and be modern in every and
all conveniences, and when com
pleted will have cost $12,000. The
laree display "ad" on our front
page this week is replete with in
terrogations which will be gladly
explained by the advertisers.
HAWLKY At Creswell on November
10.1001, Mrs. Ira ilnwluy.oi caueer
of tho stomach, nged about 80 years.
Tho decased lady was 0110 of the cnrlv
pioneers, having come across the plains
with her husband in 185.1, settling at
Divide in the southern part of Lane
eounty, whore for '20 years or more Mr,
Hawlev conducted n stage station belote.
the railroad was built. They lived an
Uiiiicne for several years- They tlien
rawed to Creswell where Air. Hawlev
died on August ilth, this year. The de-
ca.ised was a womiiu of prpminencq niid
was well known nil over tho e ast in the
early stage dnys. Shu leaves ilvti jsons.
M. M. of MYrt'cowV -Idaho: W. D...G. M.
anil J. Cottage (trove, 'and' R.Jb.
of Creswell. The remains were brought
U Cottage Grovo on Wednesday where
funeral services were held 011 Thurfduy
and iho remains were laid to rest by thij
side of her hushand at Divide. .. .
Cottage Grove, Oregon, Nor. 22, 1001.
To WiLLiiu n. Oamblk:
You are hereby notified that wo hare cr
nancleil durlnir the Year ending Dec. 31st. 19U).
one hundred dollar In laboraud Improvement
on eacn 01 ine inree louowing uencriuea min
ing elulint, to-wlt: The Ouray" located In
the Bohemia Mining District and recorded on
pagc75of Boole 0 of the Mining llecorim 01
ijine loamy, urezon ; ine,"jienrer" locaiea in
the llohemla Mining DUtrlct and recorded on
EageCTCot Hook A 01 the Mining Itecords 01
ane County, Oregon, and the "Detroit" lo
cated in the llohemla Mining DKtrlct and re
corded on page 73 nt Doolttl of the Mining
ltcrordaor liouglaa County, Oregon; In order
to hold said clnlrai under the provisions of
motion uui ot me uoviteu maiuiea 01 mo
I'nltcd mates, and the amendment thereto, ap
E roved Jan. 22nd, 1SS0, concerning annual la
or unon mlnlnir elaluu. befnir the amount re
quired to hold each of said three claims (or
tno i-erlod ending the 31st day of December,
1O0O. And. If within nlnetr dava from the iter.
unnal tervlco of tills notice, or within ninety
daya after the publication thereof you' fall or
refuw to contribute your portion of uch ex.
pcndlturena a co-owner, your Interest in tho
claim will become the property oi the tub
ecribcrB, your co-ownert, who have made tho
required expenditure, by the termt of fajd sec
tion. OEO. W. IXOYD
J) IE J).
-Let Mi Tel! It Agatn
t the risk wlivn
(in?et that wc run
It's so easy to lorgct, an we um. t j - ; - . k llimcM-8lltv f(ir
ClICVC 'QU ui J""""'r .V .V" t.i.l.llrr rntHrnde he.,, ...
Ill ini'I l IIL VUUHH-.PV ...-. ............ v
vou irnuc ncic. v
a a 1 . - at c 1 is
you to be n judge 01 ,)0I ny. Wc .say coiitiiiunlly mid
safely ns you; ns W1 tegtet it, ,et,,r tl.e
to make it and these Kail poods arc anxiously awaiting our lstt.
At Newlands, of Course.
Thanksgiving Invitation
The presence of yourself and friends is requested
at the
isiita (i
Latest Styles in
FancyChina, Decorated Lamps, fineTablo
Linens, Napkins, Etc.
Now being held at
ion salt; ou tbadk. "
A cool incomi! lHirinir t)rotKrty jit, a
thriving mill town In Oiegoii 'lor ludtjur
into, l-or lniormaiioii auiirtus lakh-
Box 11, Cottac Urove.
Beware of-Hir driod or half dry floot'
...til.... Tl... ItruMli.
Ki-Ay LtiinlxT UOi-;trtj making Hpetiall
prict-H on kllii-Utiiil liiinl)er.
(fxat Lowest Prices
That If what you are looking for,
lan't ItT
Well we have them. Come
and see for yourself.
Look at our prices, our
goods and you will see
it pays to huy where you
can select from the largest
Millinery goods shown in
rju i ins !- s
M at. mm. mm w.m. j w-ij-l x
Jss the Old Maid
Said when Slie
Kissed the
Ituad real edtatu bargains of Jerome
Knox &. Co.
Our ndu arc bliort and sweetand right
to the point.
Your special attention is directed to our EAST WIN
DOW during Thanksgiving week.
Clothing !
We will null you clothing, Metf and Boy, neat iivtodnto hiiHm uhenper than you liavo cvur Iniimht
thcrn' In town. Come nnd.Hi-tj our itoodianil net our prit-un before you buy a full lluuof Kiiimnt-r licxtU.
IadieH' Sliirt WnlatB on tlio samo lint', chvapor than ever.
Ihe New
Di'iiy Store.
Subscribe for the Nugget.
' One door west of Opera Homo
Tbo boat of lonwrial work iruaraiitcc-il
EvcrytlilnK new, clean and nont and
wo invito you to give ua a cull.
Take the Lohe'mta NtiygeU
Harness and Saddlery.
George Melnzer, Prop.
A lino lino of IlarncMMtaddluH.WIilpi, lliiKgy
HobOH, Icatbcr Iloltlpg, Klc, nlwuyi on linnd.
AUklndaof ltopnlrltiK a Kpoclnlly All liand.
sowed worlc turned out.
Coltagc Grove
Planing Mil
Wo nro now prepared to furnish nil
kinds of brackolH, mo Minus, t-oruioi,
onHh nnd doom, door and window fnni,
wlntlowH, plcketH, etc.
Woodwork of nil kinds nifldo nnd rc
imlrod. Wo will nlHo work nwtlc, Biding,
celling or nlzo Btiuldlng, olo.
Music Lessons
"On tho Piano.
A- lnle'cirarted Oormaii Methtwl of "Mimlo
It now being taunht at tlio C. V. Mumo by
Mrs. Ij.X). Beck.
Ilccltnli will bo kIvcii ut proper Intervals
thu Rlvlug puteuU bu oppottuiilty to nolo
Our .farmer Frlondi can got tlio very best nt
tho Lowed Living I'rlcCi. Conio In mul uxnm,
Ino tlio gooiU and seo for yournelf.
50 cents per lesson. 39 mhiutesench
.. - -Kfi' "':
Ifli, ut.l lniw. lititiineeti
titvertiBO in the Nuggtt., .. Uml