1: i . s i ti . v.- ti'W'fHWIHWft Jbe Doctor's fjllemma By Hcsba CIIArTEU XX.-(Contlmicd.) "Yau Totc her?" said Johanna. "Certainly," I nnswerod. "ns my ' ter." "Better than any woman now living" he pursued. "Yes." I ronllrd. "Tliat J all Julia requires," she con tinued ; "so lot us say no more at pres ent, .Martin. Only understand that ail Idea of marriage between her and my brother Is quite put away. Don't argue with me, don't contradict me. Come to see us as you would have done hut for that unfortunate conversation last night. All will come right hyaud-by." "nt Ptintfiln Carev " I began. "There! not a word." she Interrupted Imperatively. "Tell mo all about Unit - --- .. . ooniesiic iirrauKvuit-uis mci v, Foster. How did jou , olI(.nly Ilborai sci0.' Here , ai,0 a pho ? Is he likely to die 1 toKrapIlc ycw ot the place: a charming like Kate Daltrey l ' vj vou ju tltf bost i?rench gtyle. wretch, Itichard b osier, come across him? is ne anyming iiKe juit- -j - will never call her Kate Dobree as ions, as the world lasts. Come, Martin, ten trythng j, (nupht by professors cosmog me everything about him." raphy and pedagogy, and other studies of She sat with me most of the morning. whJrfi W(j nercr hcrJ whfn , wns n Rrli talking with animated perseverance, ana , 01irla ts t0 staj. tuere twelve months, and at last prevailed upon mc to take her a ,n rpturn ror ncr services will take les- walk In Hyde Park. Her pemnaciij um me good in spite ot the irritation it caused me. When her dinner Dour was at hand I felt bound to attend tier to her house In Hanover street; and I could not cet nwar from her wltuout nrsi speaking to Julia. Her face was very sorrowful, and her manner sympathetic. We said onlv a few words to one another, but I went away with the impression that her heart was still with nie. At dinner Jaek announced his intention of paying a visit to Itichard froster. "You are not lit to deal with the fel low," he said; "you may be sharp enough upon your own black sheep in uuernscy, but you know nothing ot the breed here. Now If I see him I will squeeze out of him every mortal thing he knows about Olivia Jack returned, his face kindled with excitement. He caught my hand, and rrasned it heartily. "I no more believe she Is dead than 1 am." were his first words. "ou recol lect me te.ling you of a drunken brawi In a street off the Strand, where a lei low. as drunk as a lord, wus for claim' Ing a pretty girl as his wife; only I had followed her out of KIdleys agency ot fice, and was just in time to protect her from him. A girl 1 could have fallen in love with myself. You recollect?" "Yes, yes," I said, almost breathless. "He was the man, and Olivia was the girl I' exclaimed Jack. "No!" I cried. "Yes!" continued Jack, with an affec tionate lunge at me; "at any rate I can swear he is the man; and I would bet, a thousand to one that the girl was Olivia." "But wh n was it?" I asked. "Sitree he married again," he answer ed; "they were married on the 2d of Oc tober, and this was early In November I had gone to Kldley's after a place for a poor fellow as an assistant to a drug gist, and I jaw the girl distinctly. She gave the name of Ellen Martineau. Thos letters about her death are all forgeries.' "Olivia's is not 1 said; "I know bei handwriting too well." "Well, then," observed Jack, "there is only one explanation. She has sent them herself to throw Foster off the scent; she thinks she will be safe if he believes her . i dead." f "No," I answered hotly, "she would never have done such a thing as that." "Who else Is benefited by it?" he ask vfc3p - d gravely. "It doesnot put Foster Into possession of any of her property, or that would have been a motive for him to do It. But he gains nothing by it; and - he Is so convinced of her death that be j has taken a second wife." "What can I do now?" I said, speakln; ' aloud, though I was thinking to myself. "Martin," replied Jack, gravely, "isn't ; - It wisest to leave the matter as It stands'; ' ' ' If you find Olivia, what then? She is as ., much separated from you as she can be ' "r"'" - by death. So long as Foster lives It Is worse than useless to he thinking of her." "I only wish to satisfy myself that she Is alive," I answered. "Just think of it. Jack, not to know whether she is living Sir or dead! You must help me to satisfy if i myself. This mystery would be Intolera ' ble to me." "You're right, old fellow," he said, cor dially; "we will go to Itldley's together to-morrow morning." We were there soon after the doors were open. There were not many cli ents present, and the clerks were enjoy ing a slack time. Jack had recalled to ' f- , his mind the exact date of his former visit; and thus the sole difficulty was overcome. The clerk found the name of Ellen Martineau entered under that date in his book. "Yes," he said, "Miss Ellen Martineau. English teacher in a French school: tire- mium to be paid, about 10; no salary: reference, Mrs. Wilkinson, No. 10, Bell ringer street," "No. 10 Bellringer street!" we repeateJ In one breath. "Yes, gentlemen, that Is the addre said the clerk, closing the book. "Shall fa . I write It down for you? Mrs. Wilkin ?r . ton was the party who should have paid W-' our commission; as you perceive, a pre mium was required Instead of a salary given. We feel pretty sure the young jaoy went to me scnooi, nut airs. Wil kinson denies It, and it Is not worth our while to pursue our claim In law," "Can you describe the young lady?" I Inquired. "Well, no. We have such hosts of young ladles here." "Do you know where the school IsV" "No. Mrs. Wilkinson was the party," he said. "We had nothing to do with It. except to send any ladies to her who thought It worth their while. That was nil." As we could obtain no further Informa tion we went away, and paced up and down tho tolerably quiet street, deep In consultation. That we should have need for great caution, and as much craftings as we both possessed. In pursuing our In quiries was quite evident. Who could be this Mrs. Wilkinson? Was It possi ble that she might prove to be Mrs. Fos- fH Mil I H" 1 " H " ' ' "M. Strctton ter herself? At any rate It would not do for either of us to present ourselves mere in quest of Miss Hllen Martlneitu. It wns Anally ttll betwu us that Jo hanna should be entrusted with the diplo matic enterprise. Johanna put In the next day following down the clews Jack and I had ttiscoi ered. "Well. Martin." she said that evening. "you need suffer no more anxiety. Olivia- has gone as English teacher m an excel lent French school, where the lady Is thoroughly acquainted with Euglish ways aud comforts. This Is the prospectus of the establishment. You see there arc 'extensive trouuds for recreation, and the comforts of a cheerfully happy home, the ,omiwtlc arrangements being on a thor- vina vou , . husband 3 an nvocat; and ev from anj. professors attending tho establishmcnt. Your mind may be quite Tt ease now." "But where Is the place?" I Inquired. "Oh! it Is in Normandy Nolrcau." he said "quite out of Jhe range of railways and tourists. Thcro will bo no danger of any one finding her out there; and you know she has changed her name alto gether this time." "Did you discover that Olivia and Ellen Martineau are the same persons?" I ask- od. "SITTING BESIDE 'No. I did not." she answered; "I J thought you were sure of that." But I was not sure of It; neither couiu I lack be sure. He puzzled himself In irylng to give a satisfactory description jf his Ellen Martineau: but every an swer he gave to my ejger question plunged ns Into greater uncertainty. He was not sure of the color either or her balr or eyes, and made blunderlug guesses at her height. What was I to believe? It was running too great a risk to make any further Inquiries at No. 10 Bellringer street. Mrs. Wilkinson was the landlady of the lodging bouse, and she had told Johanna that Madame Ter rier boarded with her when she was in London. But she might begin to talk to her other lodgers, If her own curiosity were excited: and once more my desire to fathom the mystery banging about Olivia might plunge her into fresh diffi culties, should It reach the ears ot Fos ter or his wife. "I must satisfy myself about her safe ty now," I said. "Only put yourself In my place. Jack. How can I rest till I know more about Olivia?" "I do put myself In your place," he answered. "What do you say to having u run down to this place in Basse Nor mandy, and seeing for yourself whether Miss Ellen Martineau Is your Olivia?" "How can I?" I asked, attempting to hang back from the suggestion. It was a busy time with us. The season was In full roll, and our most aristocratic pa rents were in town. The easterly winds tvere bringing in their usual harvest of bronchitis and diphtheria. If I went Jack's hands would be more than full. Had these things come to perplex us only two months earlier, I could have taken a holiday with a clear conscience. "Dad will Jump at the chance of com ing back for a week," replied Jack; "he is bored to death down at Fulham. Go you must, for my sake, old fellow. You are good for nothing as long as you're so down in the mouth. I shall be glad to be rid of you." In this way It came to pass that two evenings later I was crossing the Chan nel to Havre, and found myself about five o'clock In the afternoon ot the next day at Falalse. It was the terminus of the railway In that direction; and a very ancient conveyance was In waiting to carry on any travelers who were venture some enough to explore the reglous be yond. I very much preferred sitting beside the driver, a red-faced, smooth-cheeked Norman, habited In a blue blouse, who could crack his long whip with almost the skill of a Parisian omnibus driver. We were friends In a trice, for my patois was almost Identical with his own. jud be could not believe his own ears that he was talking with an Englishman. The sun sank below the distant hori zon, with the trees showing 'clearly against it, and the light of the stars that came out one by one almost cast a defined shadow upon our path, from the poplar trees standlug in long straight rows in the hedges. If I found Olivia at tho end of that star-lit path my gladness In It would be completed. Yet If I found her, what then? I should see her for a few minutes In the dull salon of a school, per haps with some watchful, spying French woman present. I should simply satisfy myself that she was living. There could be nothing more between us. I dared not tell her how dear sho was to mc, or ask her If she ever thought of mo In her loneliness aud frlondlessncss. I began to sound tho driver, cautiously wheeling about the object of my excur sion Into those remote regions. I had tramped through Normandy and Brit tany three or four times, but thero had bom no Inducement to vlilt Nolrcau, whh'h resembled n Lancashire cotton town, and I had never beu there. "Thero are not many Kngllsh ut Nol rcau?" I remarked suggestively. "Not one," he rep. led "not one at this immifnt. Thero was one little KuglUh mam'iolle nestel a very pretty llttlo English girl, who was voyaging precisely U'c ion. m'sletir. some muutlis sgo. There was a little child with her, and the two were uulte aioue. They nre very In trepl'l. "re the KnglUh WHin'so'lc. Sho did not kuow a word ot our language. But that was droll, m'slcurl A Freu h demoiselle would never voyago Itke that." The little child punlcd me. let 1 could not help fancying that this young Englishwoman traveling alone, with tu knowledge of French, must be my Olivia At any rate It could be no other than Miss Ellen Martineau. "Where was sho going to?" I asked. "She came to Nolrcau to be an In structress in an establishment," nmwered the driver, In n tone of great enjoyment "an establishment founded by the wife of Monsieur Kmlle 1'errler, the avocaf He! he! he! how droll that was, m'sleur! An avoeat! So they believed that iu Euglaud? Bah! Emllo Ferrier an avo eat t" "But what Is there to laugh at?" I ask ed. "Am I an nvocat?" he Inquired deris ively, "am I a proprietor? am I even a cure? Pardon, m sleur. but I am just as much nvocat, proprietor, cure, as Emile Perrler. He was an Impostor. He lie came bankrupt; he aud his wife rati nway to save themselves; the establishment was broken up. It was a bubble, m'sleur, and It burst." My driver clapped his hands together lightly, as though Jlons.eur Tomer s uud ble needed very little pressure to dis perse It. "Good heavens!" I exclaimed, "but THE DBIVEIt." what became of Oil of the young Eng- llsh lady, and the child?" An, m sleurl be said, "I do not know, I do not live In Nolreau. but I nasi to nnd fro from Falalse. She has not re- turned In my omnibus, that Is all I know. But she could go to Granville, or to Caen. There are other omnibuses, you see. Somebody will tell you down there." It was nearly eleven o'clock beforo we entered the town; but I learned a few more particulars from tho middle-aged woman In the omnibus bureau. She rec ollected the name of Miss Ellen Marti neau, and her arrival; and she described ber with the accuracy and faithfulness of a woman. If she were not Olivia her self she must be her very counterpart. I started out early the next morning to find the Rue de Grace, where the In scription on my photographic view of the premises: represented them as situated. There jvere two houses, one standing In the street, tho other lylug back beyond a very pleasant garden. A Frenchman was pacing up and down the broad grave path which connected them, examining critically the vines growing against the walls. .Two little children wero gam boling about In close white caps, and with frocks down to their heels. Upon seeing me he lifted his hat. I returned the sal utation with a politeness as ceremonious as his own. "Monsieur is an Englishman?'' he said In a doubtful tone. "From the Channel Islands," I replied. "Ah! you belong to us," he said, "but you are hybrid, half English, half French: a fine race. I also have English blood in my veins." " I paid monsieur a compliment upon the result ot the admlxturo of blood In his own Instance, and then proceeded to un fold my object In now visiting him. "Ah!" he said, "yes, yes, yes; Perrier was an impostor. These houses are mine, monsieur, I live In tho front yon der; my daughter and son-in-law occupy the other. We bad the photographs tak en for our own pleasure, but Perrler must have bought them from the artist, no doubt. I have a small cottage at the back of my house; monsieur! there it Is. Perrier rented It from mo for two hun dred francs a year. I permitted him to pass along this walk, aud through our coach house Into a passage which leads to the street where madatne had her school. Permit me, and I will show it to you." He led me through a shed, and along a dirty, vaulted passage, Into a mean street at the back. A small, miserable-looking house stood In It, shut up, with broken persiennes covering the windows. My heart sank at the Idea of Olivia living here. In such discomfort and neglect 'and sordid poverty, "Did you ever see a young English lady here, monsieur?" I asked; "she ar rived ubout the beginning of last Novem ber." "But yes, certainly, monsieur," he re plied, "a charming English demoiselle! One must have been blind not to observe her. A sweet face, with hair of gold, but a little more somber. "What height was she, monsieur?". I inquired. "A Just height," he answered, "not tall like a camel, nor too short like a mon key. She would stand an Inch or two hbova your shoulder, monsieur," It could he no other than my Ollvlat She had been living here, theu, In this mlaerablo pUce, only a month ago; hut where could she be now? How was I "I will make some Inquiries from my daughter, sain mo i rvncniunn: wm-u l... ...tl,!!lmii nt ivna lirilliKtl nil I Was III with the fever, monsieur. Wo Imvu fever often hero. But she Wilt know I will ask her." He returned to mo after aoiuo time, with the Information that tho Ktul.sh dcinolnclte had beou scon In the hoiso of a woman who sold milk, Mademoiselle Itosalle by name; and ho volunteered to accompany me to her dwelling. It was u poor-looking house, ot one ........ ....I.. II. ,1... .Illlt.. Utflbtt I1H lltO ltij, ... t.V .... school; but we found nu one there except . . it ... .i. ..a... an oiu woiiiHii, vxccrtmiK'y , told ns Hint Mndemolsellu Kosallo was gone somewhere to uiune a relative, who was dangerously III, ami she knew noth ing of mi Englishwoman and n llttlo girl. I turned nway batllod aud dlscourageil; but my now friend was not ho quickly depressed. It was Impossible, ho main tained, that the Kugll?h girt and tho l.ll. I ......1. 1 I..r !.. tV. lllllllltlf.,.1. Hum luum nu ivtt - m... He went with mo to all the omnibus bu . . u... reaus, where we mailo urgent inquiries concerning the passengers who had quit ted Nolrcau during the last mouth. No places had been taken for Mis Ellen Miirtlnonii mid tho child, for thero was nn such name In any of the books. But a, mi.1i t.i-..ni, 1 wnm riMiitlllllllllllHl tO lift VII-, WU.1.MI. . seo tho drivers upon their return In the . 1. - . ! .... evening; onu i was compelled a gnu m tho pursuit for that day. (To be continued.) SPOILED THE FLIRTATION. Pour Wus n Itucer mid Hud to Keep III I lie Front. A goulleiimn who In n member of tho Meadow Brook Hunt Chili uud dcllght 1 n horbobnek riding received a few iluyH ngo :i wiry "cnyuso" or cow-pony, nu they nre called Iu tho Northwest. Tho nulnml had komo vpeetl nnd mi 'i-nxy gnlt, uud, after riding It uroutul tho country ronds n few days, ho rodo It, one evening, with n pnrty of Indies and Kiflitlemcn who wero out for a moou light canter. Tho party split tip Into couples, nutl while the gentleman In question would much prefer to have taken the rear of tho lino with tho lady whoso escort ho wns. yet tho jwny developed nu unex pected munition to lead tho pVocesslou, nceordlng to tho New York Mall nnd Express. Ho let tlio "eayUKo" have Its own way only to lind that tho head, strong animal Insisted on being nt least one-hnlf n length In front of tho horso ridden by the lndy. There was no holding that pony back on even terms with tho other horses. It prnnccd about. Jumped from side to sldo nnd pulled the hit nnd would bo quiet only when It had its noso well to the frout. The lady en joyed It Immensely, but the gentleman well, ho left unsaid many things which bo had planned to say to tho young lady when they started on tho ride. Subsequently tho gentleman found tho pony had been used for rac ing In tho West and had been tmlued to "go to tho front nnd stay there." Wlicro Centenarians Dwell. More people over one hundred years old nro found Iu mild climates than in tho higher altitudes, nceordlng to the "Family Doctor." According to tho last census of tho German Empire, of n population of 55,000,000 only 78 have passed tho hundredth year. France, with a population of 40,000,000, has 213 centennrlans. In England thero nro 1.0; In Ireland, GTS; and In Scotland, 40. Sweden hns 10, nnd Norway S3; Belgium, 0; Denmark, 'J; Switzerland, none. Spain, with a population of 18, 000,000, has 401 persons over 100 years ot age. Of the 2,250,000 Inhabitants of Servla, 575 liavo passed tho century mark. It is said that the oldest person living Is Bruno Cotrltu, born In Africa, and now living In Itlo Janeiro. Ho Is 150 years old. A coachman In Moscow bus lived for 140 years. Further Information AVnntcil. In one of tho later, settlements of Now South Wnles n man was put on trial for stealing a watch. Tho evidence had been very conflicting, and ns tho Jury retired tho Judge remnrked kindly tlint.lt he could give any assistance in tho way of smoothing out possible dllll- cultles ho should be huppy to do so. Eleven ot the Jury had tiled out of the box, but the twelfth remnlned, and tho expression on his face showed that ho wns In deep trouble. "Well, sir," remarked tho Judge, "Is there any question you would Hko to ask me before you retire?" The Juror's face brightened, nnd ho replied eagerly: "I would like to know, my lord, If you could tell us whether tho prisoner stolo tho watclx." Wanted to Do a Heathen, r.ittio John faftor casting his penny into tho fund for tho Bamalam Island ers) I wish I was a heathen! Sabbnth-School Teacncr-un, jonnnyi Why do you wish such an awful thing as that? Tho heathen don t never hnvo to glvo nothln' they nro always gettln soinethln'." Harper's Bazar. What Ho Was Dolnjr or. ir-a Kollv Did yez hear of tho felly ocrosht the way dyln' of Anglophobia? Mrs, Googun xes mean uyoropiiomai Mrs. Kelly No; I mean Anglopho bia! Ho wuz cheerln' fer King Ed ward, an' de gnng hecrd him! Judge. Speed of Ocean Steamers. Tho speed of our fastest ocean steam ers is now greater than that of express trains on Italian railways. Few Millionaires in France. Thero arc four millionaires In En gland to one In France. A second-class Joko hns caused many a man to lose a Urst-chiss friend. Are . Professions Law On the Hint of Jiiiitmry thero were enough lawyers In Chicago to till four full reglmi'iitM In tho United .States nrmy. wtyH tho Tribune. Tho exact llguru wits 4.10.'!. At tho minus tlnio there wero practically I.IHN) less physi cians, which allowed one doctor to ev ery i"i00 people, no Unit It Is pin lit that lawyers hnvo n worse prospect before them than those who follow medicine. DurliV th year 11KX). which Is the lat est year for which llgures are avail able, 1 It) members of tho bur In Chica go left the profession for Homo other line of work. During thu sumo period forty lawyers tiled mid twenty went out of practice for one reason or anoth er, making a total of "(H) Iiwm litwyeis lu ChlcHgo than Iu January, HUM). Dur lug the snii period, however, .'VTiO new lawyers hung out their shingles lu Chi cago, so that there actually at least 150 moro attorneys lu the city than thero wero one year ngo. It Is estimated that (luring 1000 tho average Income of tho attorneys of tho city did not exceed $750. One lawyer, who tins been moro than ordinarily successful, and whoso average Income for the last tow years has been moro than $4,000 a year, declares that tho average of his professional brethren docs not exceed $500 n year. ' Tho sec rotary of one of thu leading law schools of tho city ettluiates that the Income of tho lawyers of Chicago averages $1,000 n year. Striking mi average be tween them the llguru of $750 Is reach rd. Even with an average of $1,000 n year It Is to be considered that at least 2,000 of the mem bers of tho legal profession lu Chi cago Io not make as much as tho In come of a brick masons under tho union scale. It Is estimated that perhaps six or eight lawyers In Chicago nverago $40,000 a year, while a targe nuta ns ixtuiuxcs josxt. ber touch tho $30.- 000 mark. A considerable number of lawyers, who count themselves among tho successful, make between $10,000 nnd 20,000 a year, while tho attorney who can figure up $5,000 n year Is by uo means to bo despised. This leaves n startllugly small amount ns tho av erage of tho less fortunato half of tho legal profession. To tho man who looks at tho subject from nn unprejudiced standpoint It would seem that tho legal profession Is already greatly overcrowded. That lawyers take tho samo view of the sit uation Is shown by the changes which havo been made within recent years In tho matter of requirements for admis sion to the bar. Under tho rule which prevailed but n few years ago It was only necessary for an applicant to ai pear In open court and pass a so-called examination, which wns supervised by n few members of the bar appointed for the punxise, and which. In many enscs, was based chlelly on the pre vious ncqualutimco of tho applicant with the exnmlners. A young man who had read law for n couple of years In tho nlllce of n mem- ter of tho bar had only to appear In court, under proper auspices, aud state that ho wanted to bo -admitted to have his petition grunted, Tho present rule, which wus adopted by tho Supremo Court of tlu? Htnto lu 1S07, only four years ago, provides that every nppll cant for admission to tho bar must present credentials showing that ho Is a man of good moral character; that ho Is a graduate of one of the high schools of tho State or possesses an equivalent education, and that he has studied law for at least three years. It Is also pro vided that all or at least part of tho examination shall bo written. As n matter of fact, It Is said by lawyers to be ten times ns hard to securo ad mission to tho bar nt present ns It was a few years ngo. HE GAVE TO THE WORLD. ill Felf-Seeklnir Nclhbor All Called 1 1 1 tit ccentrlc. Three years ngo there died In ouo of our Southern cities n man whoso rules of II fo wero so different from those of hlsnelghbors that most of thuin thought htm mad. Ho lived In a spacious old house, sur rounded by a garden, which ho lrnd bought forty yeurs ago. Largo blocks of business houses now hemmed It In, aud he wns offered a prlco for his lot which would havo made him rich. But bo would not sell It. "This Is homo to my old wife," ho said. "I could not buy for her with tho money you offer tho comfort and con tent sho tins In her homo and garden," "But you can mnke your sous rich," it was urged. "I do not want to mnko them rich," ho replied. Ills neighbors sold their lots, sneeu- lated, nmnsscd largo fortunes, pushed their sons into politics or mndo them niuinifocturors or brokers, that they might nninss still larger wealth. Ho mado of his boys working horticultur ists llko himself, "It Is a buslucss wfilch will glvo the OVEECROWDEJD? Tho conditions which prevail In r. cngo exist iirni'tlcnlly nil over "the i . ted States, And lit the hiiiiio time iiio Increase lu tho number of law Hiti'lcmn and of law graduates all over the . ..h,,. try Is nothing less than startling iM 1870 tho total number of regularly ei,. rolled law students In tho Fulled Hmies was 1,0" :i. lu 1801) they numbered no less than 11,874. lu tho last tunned year thu totat number of graduate from taw schools was .'1,110, or to nriy twlco ns many as was enrolled ih.riy yeais before. It Is apparent, therefore, that ui,,i the dllllcultlcs of scouring ndinlNHimi to the liar hate in creased by ninny fold within Ho, last Milliner tnr the iiuinlier of graduates Ims moro Until Uept pa co wlih It. lu fact, there are at present in r young la wj cr ambitious to u run up With the .uilll. try lu tiroiHiritnii IX I'OMTIl'S. , poptltflliiil) than that thero wore beforo tho new rulu went Into effect. But when n young lawyer hns ls-en admitted to thu bar his troubles luno only commenced. Ho has yet in quire lu sumo way a practice wio.-li will nt least pay hts necessary living expenses. This task Is made harder hj tho fact that tho so-called "ethics" of tho legal profession nro almost. If not quite, ns hard to evade as those of the medical profession. A physician ho advertises lu thu regular ways Is damn ed, professionally speaking. A young lawyer faces tho samo condition. Ho must And his clients without oxtciislhly looklug for them. Onu large class of lawyers combine with their regular legal business that of loaning money, buying notes, selling life, lire, plate glass, nnd other Insur ance. Many nf them, lu fact, II ml sumo one of these "sldo lines" so profltnblo that they never glvo It up nnd remain until the end more Insurance or loan agent than lawyer. Those who work out of tho Insiiranco or loan business Into tho practice of tho law find that they acquire lu this way n wider no qualutanco than they could hopo to get lu tho samo length of tlmo lu a legal way. In n big city thero are a number of legitimate schemes which are tried by young lawyers in their effort to ac quire n paying practice. Ouo fnvorlto method, particularly among men who come to town without any Influential acquaintance. Is to seek for preferment In a political way. Tho young lawyer who Is able t( get up on Ids feet and mako a telling speech Is alwnys Hiiro of an appreciative audience. Ho mny get his niimo In tho nowspnpers nnd It he Is shrewd lu n political way he may get Homo minor ofllco which will bring him Into prominence, while his tongue tied brethren nro still .living on what they havo saved, Another class of legal aspirants look for notoriety nbotit tho criminal courts. A young lawyer who can gut ns his client a celebrated crlinlnnl Is certain of much notoriety, the value of which Is dependent on his success In "living It down," while nt tho snuio tlmo retain ing the prominence which It has given him. third nnd ono of tho largest clnss of young limbs of tho law In tho largo cities start as clerks In tho olllces of es tablished law llrms. They often work for many years at salaries ranging from $40 a month upward, after they have been ndmltted to tho bar. and us often as not nro dlsnppolnted In their expectations of being admitted ns part ners lu tho linn. With all these fncts before them tho nmbltlous young men of tho country persist In crowding tho law schools to n greater extent every year. Tho In crease of students lu tho law schools of tho country from 1875 to 1800 was no less than 313 per cent. them comfort, but not wealth," ho said "In It, too, thoy will not. bo employed by other mou, nor employ many hnnds, nnd so will bo outside of nny futtiro strugglo between cnpltnl nnd labor In this country." When ho bad galued a sum largo enough to keep his wife from want, If sho should survive him, ho gave up his vineyard and gardens to his sons, nnd devoted tho rest of his llfo to chnrltnblo work nnd to tho culturo of n now grnpo of n peculiarly lino flavor. When ho had succeeded In bringing It to perfection, ho gave cuttings from It to all tho poor horticulturists that ho know, "A man," ho said, "should try to leuvo the world richer by something for his having been In It. Soiiiq men leavo a great picture or a book or noblo thoughts to it. I only hnvo n grapo to give." Ho gavo It with all his heart. Hh neighbors, whoso business In llfo had been to gather great heaps of money, called him eccentric. JiutLeii in- nti h, ni ls noblo In llfo, who was moro sane, ho or moy You nro protty suro to hnvo your opin ion respected If you criticise n eluger'a voice to another singer. 1