Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 15, 1901, Image 8

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-r 1"''-
l -.frij
r ' K - '
' Tho'MUo (UuRhtor of Mr. J. N.
l'owult '"jnmiwd on nn inverted nike
iiitidu often penny nalln, nnd thrust one
stall entirely through lior foot nml a sec
(imt ono lialf ny tlirongli. Chamber
lain's ftdn IJnlniwas promptly applied
iiikI lire minute Inter the puin. Im.l dis
nppoured nml no moru sultering wna ex
)urioncd. In tlireednys tlie ehild was
wearing her sJioe u usual am) with ub
KOlntoly no discomfort. Mr. l'mvell is
it well known iiiercliiint of Knrkhwd.
Vn. I'm I ii Balm is nn tintiplH' nml
IioaIs urh injnrloa without nuttiirntion
nml in one-third the time required by
the uaintl menu Kor sale hy Hen
von Drug C".f Cottage lirove. Lyons it
Applpgtlte, Or.iln.
I have found in tny experience
that hogs go naturally with dairy
ing nnd that it pays to keep them
on the dairy farm, even if for no
other purpose than to dispose of
the skim milk profitably. Ifew
dairy fanners can find market for
all their dairy products, nnd the
waste sometimes is large, writes
W. Ii. Edwards in the Ploughman.
If this waste can be converted into
something profitable no matter how
small, it may turn an otherwise.
luaiu miauiu niiu tint uiuv
We cannot do ltetter in the present
"Iiat winter mi Infant ehild of mine
mil croup . in n violent form." says KI
ilur.Tuhn V. It worn, n Christian Kvnn-
gellst of l'illev. Mo. "I gave her n few condition of dairying than to find
doHw of Chamberlain's Cough Keinedy j some market for all t'ic by-pro-uml
i i ii short time nil danger was pant j ,iltrl. r ,i. .. .....i ;r .....succeed
unit the child rtviverod." This . llucts 01 ,l,e. Iarm' 11 W-succ;"
nut nnlv irures eromi. but when isiven as ' in doinir this I am sure there will
boon us the first symptoms nppeur, will j ,, i:..:..., .,,i o..r,.l. !... mnm
t.rev.nt the mtack. It eont.iim. no 1)e a a,1(l something more
His Answer to the Question of Sn
Young Man About to Take
a Wife.
opium or other harmful tmb-'tmicc nml
limy be given ns conlhlently to n lmhy
im to nn mliilt. I'or Kile hy ISenon
Driitf Co.,Cottnge Orovo. Lyons iV..p-pI-Tjite,
Allow ino to wty ii few wonln in prniiK!
of Chniiibcrliiin's Conli Retniily. I
bail a very severe cough nml eoltl nml
fearetl I would get pneumonia, but nfter
tnkinj: the veeoml do;uoflliis metlieine
I felt Imtter, tiree bottles of it curti!
my cdld nnd the pains in my chest ilis-
i.ppc-.irtti entirely, l urn most recpe!t
lully yours for health, Ralph S. Mkveb,
t',1 riiirtv-fevonlh St. Wheelini;, V.
n. tor aile by Itonsnn Drug Co., Cot
tago Grove. Lyons A Aiiplej.ate, Drain
nio uuueniunel will glo a free
nainplo of Chamberlain's Stomach anil
Liver Tablets to anyone want ing a re
linhle reimsly for disorders of the
ptojuach, billiomoiess or constipation.
Tin's is n new remedy nnd n good one.
Oeuson Drug Uo.
Sosuronro wo thnt the locatins ofn
lew of our Electric Delta will develop
into niiuieroiis sales of our llelts mid
Appliances, that wo me willing to tend
one free tonny sufferer from the follow
ing diseases: Cold extremities, Crysto
ecle, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Lencorrhen, Liver complaint.
Paralvsi?, Lost vitality, Nervousilehilitv,
Hnlfnnnse, Worn-out women. Sciatica,
Weak nnd Xervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impntency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc.,
S.initariuin City Electrical Co., Uattle
Creek. Michigan.
"Why is-poultry valuable to the
farmer?" is answered by Prof. Gil
bert of Ontario, Oregon.
r. Because he ought, by their
means, to convert a great deal of
tne . waste ot his farm into money
in the shape of eggs and chickens
for the market.
2. . Because with intelligent man
agement, they ought to be- all year
producers, with the exception of
perhaps two months during the
moulting season.
3. Because poultry will yield
him a quicker return for the capital
invested than any other depart
ment of agriculture.
4. Because the manure from
the poultry house will make a val
uaDle compost for use 111 either
vegetable garden or orchard. The
birds themselves, if allowed to run
in plum or apple orchard, will de
stroy all injurious insect life.
5. Because, while cereals and
fruit can only be grown in certain
sections, poultry can be raised for
table use or layers of eggs in all
parts of the country.
.6. Because poultry raising is an
employment in which the farmer
wife and daughters can engage and
leave linn tree to attend to other
7. Because it will bring him the
best results 111 the shape of new
iaul eggs during the winter season
when the farmer has most time on
his hands.
8. Because to start poultry
raising on the farm, requires little
or no capital. By good manage
ment, poultry can be made, with
little cost, a valuable adjunct 011
the farm. Gem State Rural.
Notice in hereby Riven that the undersigned,
administrator nf the eMuto of (ieo. I'. (iarouttc.
lei-enstd, ims men in mo rniinty t'ourtnf Land
Mit'li Milmlnlitrator ot -al(l estate, anil Unit
Monday the '2nd day of Pec-ember, KOI, at the
hour of 3 o'clock p. mhaiheen fixed by said
court an the time for hearing objection fo naloT
report, and tho settlement thereof.
Administrator of tho estate of (jco. 1'. Ga
routte, deceased. . 11 1 1 22
Tho fine Hue of toilet articles on sale
at tho Benson Drug Company's store
cannot bo duplicated at any other place
ir tovu . Call aud look tlem over.
found in dairying. Hogsgovith
the dairy for several reasons. There
is first the need of plenty of milk
to laise hogs successfully, and if
we had to buy this we would
hardly figure out much profit. The
swill barrel need not be the old-
fashioned sour mixture that was
enough to make any hog sick, but
it can le composed of sweet tkim
milk that when fed with a little
grain makes the very best fattening
ration for hogs. Then the young
pigs must be raised on sweet milk
and weaned gradually from their
mother with the greatest care. It
is only in the daiiy that one actu
ally finds milk in sufficient nuati
titles to be extravagant with it in
feeding pigs. This extravagance
is really economy when we con
sider on how many dairy farms the
same amount of skim milk is act
ually wasted.
Not only this, but the hogs re
quire good pasture today as well as
the cows, and when you raise grass
and clover for one you have an ex
cellent food for the other. - The
hogs that are reared when young
on good sweet milk, turned out in
the clover field in summer and
topped off with corn, make the
ideal creatures for the market. We
need the corn for the dairy cows,
too, and one class of farm animals
eat what the others do not like sr
welL The cows will eat the young
corn stalks in winter, while tht
hogs will turn away from them
But the corn forms the ideal foot
for fattening the hogs In this
way the two animals fit togethc.
land make excellent ones for Hit
dairy farm. Since' I have been ii.
creasing my herd of swine I havt
become more convinced than evei
that hogs are actually necessary to
the successful development of a
dairy, and the man who does with
out them is losing money that he
otherwise might make. Because
A young man recently wrote to
the editor of The Ladies' Home
Journal askinjj: "Whot lmvc you
to sny, squarely nm' fairly, to n
young man of twenty-nine who is
about to marry?" In the October
Journal Mr. Bok ttws a pace for
his answer. Its salient points are
these: that a man should make . the
woman of his choice his chum, ns
well as his wife; that he should
show her the highest consideration
as well as love her; that he should
remember that he owes hi.i wife tb
her mother, and treat his mother-in-law
with respect, at least; that he
should keep his wife informed ns
to his income; that he should give
her a regular nllowaiice nnd thnt
he should have his wife insured in
her favor. Aud , nbove all, thnt
when a young . man marries, he
must remember thnt he leaves u
world of self mid enters into a world
of another and self.
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Pertrunent Cure
in all Gists.
rem TSM
Thw U nothing liU Athtulono. It brhiu
IntUiit itltvt, rvTti in the worst ctnsen. It union
whtnalt tm foil.
1 Th lUv. 0. V. WK1.I.S of Villa 15lu, 111..
: "Yourttlal totth of AsthinMloiii' iveolved
In pmd (Viutillon . I etinuot tell vnu how llnuik
In I I fvl for the pod derived from It, 1 hhk ii
fUve, WiKlHed with putrid mretliriwl iimlnKthiim
tor ten vmr. 1 depliti4 of ever belufe cured. 1
ww vour advvrtireiurnt for the cute of iIiIh
dteadful nud tormenting dpoMm, ntdltimi, nml
thought Vnu lntdnvoipokt'iiumri'tlf, hut roMolvi'd
touive it a trial. To my surprleu the trial noled
"' iikoh eimrin. .eini 1110 11 IiiII-kIxviI iiettii'.
We want to trnd to nvnrv mitrnror m trial lnnlii.. iil nf AnllininloiiK
similar to the ..ue that cured Mr. Wells. We'll 'end it bv imill l'0T-
I'.UD, Alwollllelv no of Clutive. til unv aiitfWitr whu will urltt fur
it, even on it Hwtnl. Never iiilnd, thoiiihyon aredeiipalrln, however
Iwl volir ence. AylliiilHlene W'll relleveand euro. Tl 11 wiimo iiiiri-ime
the Inore ulnd wo are to m-nd ll." Hn mil iI.'Imv. lim-i. ml.
drtwHiiiR DR. TA IT ltltOS.' M KDK'INE CO., 71) Kimt lUtb St..
a..l-ity. !oldI)Vii UrueifiHlH. A
W I iKOMra
j Bohemia "Jf
2 Saloorurs 4
drove Ik
Choice line of Liquors X.
ami cigars Kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
:jc :f-
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Businsss Houses
and Splendid Residences.
I.ntfi on th(f jirliirljidl huxliicsH HlrrrtM.
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Altntntet of title feeuml and ciiarntiteiil.
Inforniniion as to tho lawn xovernlni: thidlHpnHlof Kovernmept Itindr,
How to Heeure honiecteiidH, tiniher IiiiiiIk. iniuiiiK' ehiliiu, ete.
l'rK'rly for cale puhllHhed weekly.
Corr.vuuUKovK in the Hecond city "in Itne enunt v, Orison. IIkh ti population
of alioul 1.2D0. Tlie venter of the four imlnto of the eonipnM when It eome to
inureiMi mid wretm. Bohemia with ilH vat 110111111.' rtwiuri'im nnlv ihlriv.flvi.,..
f-ontli out. with it l'immI wnuon road lettditw from thoS. I. It. It.'deunt rlL.hL h,,,..
in town. I'nwptetive railrottd In the uiinen. The Oant Fork of the WfllHinetle
river, on whlt h U slttuilel the Illaek Untie onlekull V'UI lllilll'M. hlrlf'OI. Iillliul Itnulli
down throiiuh the ivnter of the eilv furiiichini; ahniidant unlr fui.tlhliu. Ii 1.
inly a mile nnd 11 half to Hi! eonllueiire How river, Iho outlet of the Kroat
tiniher rHiiKei totlie totiih eanl. Westward 1ohmI the einm mnue U mi In.
exIiMiutnlileHiipplv of limber, iuterKpaeetl with niiluuroiM rich fat tnitie luuiU
well improved and enltivaitHl .
Xoith or wnth from hereon the S. I'. railroad vou enn mteh ellhef- Portland
or ban l'umeiwo and he in toueh with the whole wiirld 011 Hiort nuifrf.
hut woi k in lull operation. KltnMrfe llliliuiil teleihone nvvlem eomplete.
arThe U'it arienltiiral land.- in I,u, mmnty lie in tho vielnity iiurruuiid
inj; t'ottajro Hiove on either Hide, lit foi funning or Moek raining.
CorreHK,inletK'i wlit-ihil,
A. i'eAv oi our iBora'ains:
' tl'liwf iKfttw lIMl ()nr.
;iiwhtrtK. Ot., Aiimm vi, i,
.Ntitlro Ii livrelij- ttlieii (hut In ,.
rllmieti Willi Ilia iirnvlolmi f in.. ,.'
f tiifit of June m, Mittiit.,1 ...
Mi l fm Dim ntlo. nt tlnil.ur Ian,. , ,'. '
Hldtwi nf CHllforntn, Oihmi, Ntwrt. ,i
lnttHmTrrlliiry,"ii(.xleMa(Uii.U Uii, ,,h
UmlHUtwl,). ah ,, AilKliM I, mi, l',nllk K
K(Ul nf lily, eoMHlJrnf tU Uilln, HHA ..r Mi
tiK)l, linn ttiln liny MM In IM, !, h
wiiii MlMluinotil. Nn. )W, i, ..
limn) id Ilia aV l-l NW I t, N 12 h 1 1
MV I I HK t-t nf Uwtlon Hit. h In T...
Iilp Ne. Jl H, nH 7 Wm'.hiiiI Hill offr .'
.mfliiiiiiiw tliHltliUnlMlia mm, ,,
ltc f(irltltiiilrorUiiiuthuii,ft)r .(.Ht.,,1,,,,,.'
nrM w, unit In liWtliU lil IaIiii ,
ta.forit tlm ltllr nr,.l l(trlr,.r nf ,,
nftlcn nl lUwol.lint. Ortiifiill, tll TIlUtMlitr t,.
Itli tiny nf, IVM.
II iinm m wltiitum: J (, , o(
IVrlUnit.()i((Hi,(l,rK. Wnollynf ll,.!,,,
Kn. Klmr olly el Kwln, Uit i'i,, '
Hl.'lnlik nM'i.rllniMl, oronw.
Any nml nil intuitu rJnlmlnn mtrFnti) n,,
iiI)vmIm!I.I ImuU i reU.tiHl i r,i
their I'Ulin. In lid ettlee im i,r M,0 lhl
Ttli iluy ot .Vin.idWr, 1MI.
J.T. HmiHiM, ltKl.ier
NOI'IfKI'Olt I'I'lll.tCAl IDS.
fiiltc-l Vtte I jin.l oniiit.
lloliiirf. Iifimeii, fiit., int. nii
Nrtltre Ii lmriy irlveu ifi.t In,m.
wllli tin. .u. l.lon. nf tlit in of Touyr 1
June . IhtH, MitltM "An not for ( ,rtl , Ih'ihU Intlic Htafemif Ollfiirili. 11, r
Ron. Ntfvvtln tout Wmliliixhin Trnlinry."
1X1 fiwloit to .11 iim I'litillu I Jill' I HI. lea l,v n. 1
elAiiKUilt, INN, Iri-r herten, (il llr, C. 1,1,,
nf Hk.ili. fiumiil tl'.liliieiiii. li.i no. ,iy
flint III llil nftlt lil,iirii((ptimit No l.-n,
fr tUy iiuh-tu.e oflli S X.S'B 1-1. Mi: t I K
1, .11. ii fit i-i.iii rrpiiiiii .-Nl., win 7lm .1, .
V . ! U llih j .. .. Him
llOH Hint
lii.l.i.v. I nni I no I.Uu HUB!
for ll. tlnilwi or ti im 1 1.
!. .lilt win . it.
in l.ud .uplil l bii.iv fKiuai '..
or f I'tiu It.. ii fur
niriHM, Hint In UI.IIh lta rlaii.i i,. ,
Ull lefoHl I III! f J 11 it ll..Ur ..I .1
omre.t iln'ftr. llrctnri.biiMoiiilav tin. imi.
day ot .Sortiutor, ltH.
Ill- i-an:M. MllnrMn:
ii woolly o Dtnln. Orryon,!. ti itt. t
of rnnlaM, tiirii.n. Illlpy Hu.llli of in u t,,
iil'(iuii,nnui.l A. l.auuf rur l.ul Mil mail. Ha-1
all l!.i s well W$W
ijAsdur-Ablllty vaaJ j
in tho popuW 2
fnea'manWu ' ,
A good Imniiiem place, nutil h hI.Ic MiiIii
BinTI, (OUU.
A HpU-ndid llve-riHim eottHge, .Inlile,
workdhop, ehfeken Iioiim-, uoimUIuiI ;
three loll iilleneliwitl: line liuviilmi in
WynneVfldditlon toCottitgeirove. 1'rlto
riuvu, nun now II.
300 feel hy 100 feet in it VKn.
lion. .Vilural M.yfng, (,k iifee, lilt nil.
v ' Jrtoo'1 '""MKU t'r,,Vl'
Two loin in hlm-k 20, Illg k Ullidoai
addition, 55 hy 100 feel heimnilelv
A complete line alvas in stock
Cut this out nnd take it to Jlennon
Drug Co's drug store nnd get n free
Rnmnln nf niiurnliorlitlii'K RfmnnM, niwt
your dairy is does' Liver TabletH, tho best physic. They
not toilow that it would not nq v . ca'",ll!,J !IMl1 invigorate tne Htomaeii, Im
I 120 feet front on north cide of .Main
ntreet, hy itlMiut K00 feet deep. iMiundtHl
oy river on tho north. Iloure of roveu
rouiiif, ham and outhouse. This In tho
Ih-kI liiij-inei'M liH'utlon in Cottne Urove.
I'riee 12-100.00.
3 A two i"torvflnDlv fii'liMliiil house.
eight riKinm, hnthroon'i and outlioiitex.
nlendid location, two lot h in Loiil' and
Lardea ndditlou in oii:lieitnt Cottauu
uiivc. I'rie.'fl200.
f Two story dwelline houne. ton
riiilin. Iirli.b frtitf ln.iiw.. ...... tut
, lr' " ...... t. , 1, 11,1 IIHT, lU J
iceiiroin on norm Mile ot .1 In in x reel v ; i,!.... ti-rn
3.X)feel deep, coiner property. A line,' . ,i....i'n. i.i . i . . ...
location for a hotel. Price 27fl(). , ""ely Onlflitil two wtorv dwelling
Miiim., it'n ii,uiui, iiHin room, ct'iueul
H A two Ftorv line. hIuioiI new duell. . vlone rellar. uninr nml i:..i..
inc limine. !l roouiK. liarn aud nulhoiixu iilmnl nino inln frmitliur ,.n -T......
eiiiiiileie, three lotc. , i-plfiiilid or- Miljoinlnc river in nur, near (JhrlMian
........... ,w,..iS inruiuiK in'i-i-, iiigrinvr t iiiiiini, i;imu uarii unn uiiitiouifeif, I'rlce
with trrapew and various kiiuln of herilei". ' t)t)0.
Sitnalil in Img and Lanilec nddlllon I T. ,.., ,, ., .. , ,
In HoutheaHt Cottage drove, i'rHi (2tX). IJ? ? "Z f,l,,?,,,0,l,f' ,nn,n'N
Two H.leudid Iota on -econd mrcut to ' : . "IV" "'7. V ""P "
Cottage I rove. Price fM0. I I rice ilKH) ' ' "mii einircii.
A !iilendiii ranch of lGO.ahont oTf iii-mx 1 . ... ...
heavily liniLered. balance ea-ilvoleared, . t nwtr ruil.oiid 100 feel
never failing water fiipply, ahoiu four, wl 1 r"'u
inilea we?t of Cdltace Urove. CaHhnrice" I'lirmlnir land, well hni.rnvi.,1 I ...ti
$550. Aleo other tciW. You will nriad , from Cottiigotirnvo.ndioinliiir ihecoifn.
even more if yon had hogs on the
farm. It certainly will prove a
good experience to try.
prove the appetite nud rcgulato
DouelH. uegular size, 2o per box.
Subucrthe for the Xii((et.
a deal if you overlook thin.
ICOacrCH of imriculturnl and timber
laud, well Watered, Homo improvement.
goon range outlet, about 6 iiiilcn end of
Saginaw, Oregon. Thin in u baigain at
800.00. b
Lots In thoD. 0. MuFnrlnnd nddlllon
to uottnge
i mini, in iriniiK iriiiu o to mo iieren,
ii you want u naigain louk IIiih up.
.SplonilldeotltigHon Kourth 8trecl,f760,
ivuni, ni ii you want, it uaig.iln in
Atir.iitlall trmi i.afmlni, hAvmi . i
UihW IIuhI lamt.arvtiIH.ltatiir)r lb' f
1-latlo.lH llilai aire nil or Mole aalti II- ti .-
of .NuMmtr, IMII.
t'nlleil fi.tcm Unit orTr-.
Itewburr, OiKn. I'ti'lfUiUrJf.l, I'.ti
NiMlmla J.mliy irlH Hint ffi
lili Hit. .rmlli.ii ofllie il of t'oiixrv.. .
Juikj, tff. vntlllt "An art fur flic al. !
tlhiltf UiuU In lb. 8t.ltM of Callfirnla n c
KOii. Nt.ta ami Wuhlnni. n Twrlioty.". r
lii'le. in all llirfnlilli' lanil a.i . f
Auriif I. tft Itolmrt A. Umlnnl.le ot...
wan. I'oiiniy of Hmihnml.h.Knic of Uniti'mi
Ion, li.lhlilr aiol In tlit otfktlil.
.Utt' So. HIS for lb I. (.iitrlnicof il. -K
t-l rf fvlli.n So. I In Ti tMihli. N,.. ,n h o. 7 IVeil, ana will oflei .n.of lo .Ii.
tn.t the I n.l rnVKliflt morr fr n
lliutwr or alone M ali Ur aurlruliuial .i.rrn-ra.
.nil tn.fabll,ll Ilia rtalm totalil la.( fi f
I he llf rl.trr a ml trltrr ol t lift otitic at ft. m
I'enlttr'Tft'l"' I''H,I', ,ha at Nt
lie intniM wlltiQMtw:
(lto. Mmly of ln.ln, Oierun, t,.n I'ctWIfi.f
I'drllainl, lump)). lilUy fmllli of limvt.iira.
OrtnAit, ftrrlWrMliof Ur, W.i.
Any .n.l all c,ll. rl.lmliiK .iliraly tl
alKire-ikNflbftl arc rriir.itl or ftl
the r ilalnia In (III nfllit. on or lfoifalil If Ih
itay of NurmiU-r, Iwi.
J.T. lllili.OHa. Ilc4il,tjr.
n . H
Ono hundred
..a ... v - w . ft mi IIIIUIIIIM f t , 4 ---- - ... IMilU
fltUrove,on west etdu at nricOBi ,infc 111 1 'ioi vim mm whu wiihin
liuruhnsorti forcjihh. im Itn of a miluof CottK0 (irovo, mU
L-l. f I... ll. if i . t hvvmihj lunii.
i Muutiwui ijuu uuiKiini; mill aurl! .
I a 1 I At .ft . . I If Wl It It ti.l mA I t
niinir coiintv road oncniiiiiiornr.. ..u
a. ..rvAA r. . K ""ii
ncfi in v, urove, lying In n tract
Bohemia JNfagget
Tlie Joliolfiroof tliliai.erliit your illajionit
for tho bent nf printing, 0f any nnd all kind at
barellivlng priced. .
:'J.. '
When you need anything In the line of prlnti
liiBplenM) rcmomber that the motto of thlaoflleo la '
"(iooil Work, (iood Mutcrlal, Kcatneaa unit 'ills,
patch" aud tho price ure within Iho reach of all.
Bohemia JNhugget
Upo-ilate Prlntlng-Tlie Kind That Pay..
I cultural land, yx mile otiHtof Cottage
nrove, on Houtn miieoi county road to
ouiiciiiia. tiuu per acre.
Tho Currln Park nrincinallv within
tllOfitV lilliitH. ronHiHtine nf unven ncriM
on the banka of tho Count. Fork river, an
Ideal pIciiHiiro lenort or building spot.
Splendid giove, expensive new foot
bridiiO enanninu tho river, tho ihohI.
nvnilnhle pluco for a public park. Price
joining county road one-riiini lerof a mile
north and aoiith.
Two lrnnd iltt'i.MI III limtlAU nt. ...If..f..
I . l a-i"iirn nil llll Iff M
j. in Uiu Sheiwood block. I'rico
lOOncreH linnrnvcd fnrm nn nnr.l. i...i.
of How Hiver, tnclvomileH from Cottime
- " " mirvey to
Hull en i i fi . I'rt.... tium '
.......... HI L ytlJJ ,
visit DR. JORDAN'S ohcat
f U.1VMH SikUi and Sivta Ol.j
, Tb.IaripajAnatomlcalMiuetim
Orralut attraction tn tht Ctlu. A
i """, orniiy contrnet-
OV Till!
Trtilna Innun r?,.-s r
eiidin Tr,.Tri.i?.:.f..?':rer: A ' i.,.T.i ..... 5 ..","" "r."y 'ort-
tl.oldt,Vcl r,r.mtl ae ' OIIIIIOIIH 111 JlH a jJ
Coail. JialabllahKiaoyilir. . A 12:55 p ,
nn .inDnAtjooiuiiTr r
I Tonne nirn nd tulilUle
nirt'tl ltll.,1 wlm i.-a u..r.i..
from lh Kiccu ot youthful India.
... w-7....... r....'T"."-::7.,:,..","'r
j , .h;UI ii rui illy, I,.,,
ualaiior. l.ual ftln jilii...., i.. ..n i.V.':.1.
I cituoiia; Niierinnlorrlifeu, roaimor.
i liirn.Moiioi rliit'ii, (Jlrri, Frroiit'
i.nT' rMSr;c?rH' vo Pwr. tho Doctor
aiy n tJHuirni, If HI I t Will IIOI ,
only airiird fnimcdlat. rell., but .ermiiei,
t ill not
Tho 111 .-tor docs nut claim toficifun o
lea, but la well known tn h t.i. h
I f'lditr. t'liyaiclan and Bnrecoii, nrceiahieat
) III blaprelalty-ll.-na.. ur Men.
, 1 '!? Iiiomiiglily rd cnted from
I tbn ayateni without Iho uaeofiloicurT.
Ti'uaar. flttpil hmn v.r.n.
i ,... . . . ....... . n ... i.i
Dr. Jordan', special nalnkta ninimiin. ' '
1,y,:".v .MAN PPlyl" to oi will receive T
ourAon,a0n((oot hlsconiplaliit. A
lit wilt uuarautea a lfixrrivn nrrrr w tr
I ' U "'V HI'll I III...
taiiiaiiiiaii.iu l-iiiou ntmatr ctly private.
ciuna::n iv;r uvAbOKAiiLK
Treuimout personully or by letter.
Wrlto for llnnlr. aw
I HAItltlAfli:. frAILKD Fucu. (Avuluoble
book (or men,) Call or write
Da. JORDAN & CO., I0BI Market St., 8, F.
Lv I'ortlaml
" Cottago Crovo
At AbIiIiiuiI
" Bneraiiicnto
" 8nn Franulsco
8;.'J0ani 8:80 pm
2:57 p m 2:00 ii,
12:80nir. 12:05pm
j:10pin 5 :00 a in
7 ,65 p m 8:16 n in
l'lillninn and Tourlsta cara an both
IraiiiH, Chair cnra Bnoi'iimntun n...i..
nml Kl I'iibo, nnd tourint
St Louis, New Orleans and Washington.
CoilliectillK lit Ban rrnnnlapn with tlwa
several steamship lines for Honolulu.
several sieainsnin lines for Jlono;
Jiiptin, China, IhllipinL.8( Central
uuiiim miiunca.
Beo agent al Cottiigo Orovo slntlon, or
aUdtess '
n. ii. sitM.iiii, o j. a.
Portland, Oregon.
notick rou rnii.icATio.v.
t'ullrd Ht.lM Ijimt Office, Iloachiirg, Ore.
K'.t. eth. IKd.
Nollcc la hereby ilrn that In rtinpllai co
wllhlbc pri.rtali.naof th art of Coperi-.a of
June , MS. entitled "An art for the aatc . f
lltnlier l.liil In th Hl.teanf C.lifoinl., (Iicftin .
Ncmda ami Whlii(lim Territory," .a ix
teiiitid to nil the Public Unit Water ,y art I
Autruat i, 11!?, John 11. Vfr of .
iv.unly of Unc. Hl.le ul Ormi.u, l.v .
IhlaiUy filed la Ihla office hla awom .talrh.cnt
No. IU). fc.r tin" I'litiliare of the MV. fr:'..J'.
KW. NUt, KV4 of Btcllon Xo. JoniTott:.
ahlpXo.21 Hotlth, Ibtllgc No, 1 MVat.and will
offer proof lo iIh.m that flit, land aouirht la moio
valuable for Ita llmtwr oritonu than for .nl.
cultural i.nrpoea,aiid lo ratahllnh hla claim tn
aaldlnnd Uforelhe lieglater and Itvcchuroi
Ihlanniicat llowburg, rvKn,on Widiionlay
the 27th day of .S'ovoinber, JMll.
He nnmoana wltnewea:
I,. W. Itlgga of KaKlnaw.drcitoii, John Oray of
FaKhiiiw. fln yoii, Kln aril Cole of Star, Oregon,
Ileafamlli Hall of Hlar, Oregon.
Any and all imraona claiming advrracly tho
abovolwerlbod lamia aro rviieited to file
tholr claims In this nfflce on or bufoio said i'flli
day of Nov., IMI.
J.T. IliutiaiM, Itegfslcr.
Xotlcp for J'ubllcdtlon.
liind Ofllre at Itoauburg, Orogrn,
OctoU-r 1A, iimi.
Notice Is hereby Klyon that tho folIolne.
Jiameoltlorhaalllijt notice of hit Intention
in inaao llnal priM.f In support of his claim, nml
that said proof will b mad before Marie h.
Ware, IT. 8. Commissioner at Kuiruno. Orcion.
onNovembci ?.'d, IflOl, vlxi Malcolm A. Horn
on his H. K. No. RV.Vfr Muy u NK1-I.NH' l-l
HK 1-1 Bee. 8, Tp. Wl H., ft. a West.
JIO names the fllltowlllu wltlicaaca In nrura
hla continuous residence tllioil and rtutltvitllnii
of nil. 1 In m:, viz:
laaan Wllmx. Joo Ncnl. IViltilc Afui'VIn ftfitl
It. Y. Porter of Walker, Uin? County Oregon.
"""" iT. mtinOKB, ItcgUler.
liownrp of nlr dried or hnlftlfy Hoor-
illL'. CO 111 L' and niutli. 'Pl. n n.
Kelly Lnniber Co. aio making special
prices on kilu.diicd lumber. 0 1
United Hliitps Land Ofllcn,
Rni.eljiirg,Oie., Ortober .11, lliol.
otlco Is hfcrubv trlVDtl (hat in nsiistttll.itirwt
Kith iho provihloriH oi ihu
Junes, 187ft, entitled "An act for tho tale of
timber lands In thofllatos nf California, Ore
Kin, Nevada and Washington Territory," nsex
tended to all the I'libllo
AiiKiist I, IBM, Thomas 15, lllodsu of (town or
city) fxionn, County of Douslas, Btuto of Ore
Ron, has this day filed In il.i. m,.,.
his awoni stalomcnt No. 1693, for the purchase
of tho KU of tho K M of Uecilnn v.. i..
lownshl,, No. ai H rtatiBO 0 West, and will
offer proof to show that tho land nought Iff
more valuable for Its timber orstone than for
agricultural purposes, and to .atni.ii.i, i.i
claim to said land before tho Itcglster anil
Iteculver of ,hls olllco at Itosoburg, Oregon,
".........j, tnu io nny oi jauiiilry, 1002,
Ho names as wltnoHcst
h. M. I'erklns, Henry IV. Oiiirohlll, w. A
Ierklns, h. J.fopeUml, ofUoua, Oregon.
Any and all porspns claiming advomily ho
above-lekcrlbcl lauds aro reqneslcil to file
Ihelr claims In this ofllco on or Wn-. i i
day of January, JOOi.
J'T. DmiiflBH, itogister.
yulnnblo inlnlng pronorty in ilo-,
honiln forsalo. Jeroinu Knox nml Co.
Jft'fftf tho nohem(uy7il(fvt,