Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 01, 1901, Image 8

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    g . ..... . -
MR m ' -
CT7 If-Jtr "SGW Silks M JW
4t 4mw wnmw if "w
M -r , a- if
guana if .My
was -vex. ..ji Htii. .m u.
i W 4Uy M4 w "t l ,
I TBWr flUnu - f -
jit : 4 w
vpr r , 1 it I, i iinhiHr iiMi Utir ftrirm-r
. I iNMw w9 W !
k 1 m4 w 4
aw.-- ft' W imrtiinic? tjtf tM4Uat asnwr: 3 faun.
A -M. - - i ifiaAifll -jf . II -u?MJI ffTj-
e -wrf SftmiriPMiiMaK7r
fife t Ytn Jnr .ne wfe cv ff; I
want --m ,H-5liwww"'v1 -
in ..Hill uf mlniwlWlHf Mnww-. .N-nlilk.
m. ;h, - I. 'r-.I.Hr
r n m jj-H. WM. h Hfl ww .Hw.-MrTH
1WMIIlitintti h lK HIT MMX WlWAtKW. J
. fkMf jh .ti n " B . 1. -
II inml. r
ana a. Ill iiwbl . .t jw .-m.m,mm m,(tt..m B-t.i.'X.i.-gl.--l.w w-w
g I
i,iiiii Mi ym m
... .
--- HLM Au MBtk. AfcMW THH
W pm-mmT
Grove Real Mate
aeafc Nv r'uiiwn
fata. Cfcufa- Su-rm2x,-
.jhnwimna V y an
ISnT,- 'Lr
tH-M v 'f- 9CMwM: ifcwawt?rf xet
km mK cxv.?fom'
i y, m m jnmt rtry
m xormm t-mi mum t -(M i wvs rMer.
y , & rater &v mc Uktx fptr
pfomtvt tA UrtysrUnl ivwfoi U
'Dm exMnxU vorlc U not1 Q
! i4 t wftttit, lut an ft the
' fcpte feM crop are wAvAt&, rA
XfaxArttttimv. txiAt'itatMl hurt
WtH 1" ivm4 u,fHrtAh "H'ls-jztt wen nunc uccfal than
HmU A Ut xfosu. wj,h 7iwa. &cvt of iht.
tl!??4Z''"'U'U'in'h' MWiwtt orated t that
.'v; , , vt6 (torn ten to 5ftti ptr
tt,U VlHmmHAMSwA errand yrtux
tMUsHfMttuAUt. IW W'J3Mt jjm: ow anaaro va-;
n iii.q-
Improved Farms for Sale.
rMlning Qaims in Bohemia.
7inarrM Mr airttfcihiiJt "
w .ii,. h,iLm.. IVCmX f f Star
-i iiMr tt ii il
awtfwMNr rK J
biw MiMfce. jrea r WWr wC sMvsr
- ' - fefa.jiJrfnWrt'HMIlHBl.
W M ''
t nH Wtmt mi num.
Ml m mwf tw
il nil I f 1Mb v iymjll' '. 4
W4. mi . . J"
A Few of our I3arjrains:
- .. . r . . 1 1 f ff. iB
M4C mvt4im
me aig iQia A
Cfiltaie Grove
u,; u
178 -Ti i ii i . ftfau. iaraUl!MllV Tfcw 1 HlbkM.
rntr K-''-
htm-. tto 1soktioUrkSA. A IjixIcm
U br IW Jert Kliium
j. irUttt mytr!i pmrtin i-lim..
it- mrcAjnrxcczti
1 ri-rtMr in Mnne4a.
Vumwr io v.. v. mi.u
Groceries, Plour
and Feed,
AW UlttiUof Yt(Awx Sunlit
al tlio IiIIkihI market volticn,
Crtll (Uid y,r (ic(itfiliitcl with
'm, Wc fllmtl 1(5 ihum nt all
tjfiltift (0 (juoto you price
tipoi (ill lli(i Itiiiidkil 1y ,
wlictlcr yon buy or not,
Our Mock, ty New, Kct a ml
.ClddSif MJ'l JfKvliiK Imd ycnr
.of cxjxirlcHcc In btwlnoK, wc
(iHKiirc you tlic very bent kowU
Die iimrkot iiUndn, and the
Jowost HttII)lc JlfltCtt
HcnciH.'r the places riillllpi'
old Mdildi Cottae drove, Ore,
Ailvarlinu in the Nu(vt.
A new metlcxl of CBttln off a "
catrtfaftfn oraUr wa prm In one
of the rivtf wardu of Chicago a
hort Hmtay,o, ay the Chicago
Chronicle 1
A metiiny, bad heen called in '
one of the Jare hal! of the ward
in hehalf of a local candidate. It!
- . . . . ..,
yii (tie 01 tnovc nail uxeu innii
fercntly for folitlcal meetings,
pleasure club dances and amateur
theatrical. There was a Mage,
with a heavy drop curtain, foot
lights and all other accevncr.
The hall was filled with ward
'constlts'' and It was time for the
"jcakinK" to begin, hut the cur
tain did not go up, .Shortly people
in the crowd noticed that there was
"soinetnlng doing" on the stage,
although no one knew just what
whs happening. The curtain would
tutlgc, first in otic place and then
in another, and then It would flap
hack and forth violently.
This coon stopped, hut still no
orator appeared and the curtain
hung stolidly In its place. 1'inally
a couple of curious politicians went
behind the scenes to see what was
up, Then the curtain went up
mid the crowd saw a man sitting
limply in n chair. Ills clothes
were half torn oirhlin, his face was
scratched and bleeding, Ills hair
kmif1MMiMmn 0
ii.ii n I 1 9tmMm.m1' I f Twft MATT lVnNfft
Q rrs . fcrfc trait imw. trn ltr,t : m wn,
1 (tfr'y9rfMUrtb ride Mie(rr-t t Pncrrtl,.
7'l Urtt 41-. turner &fTl- X &n A intir fiatrt,l lo Morr dwrlliKk
9 umifH Utr x (, I'orr TJf). j tA-.lrn nnv, ttmlh iwiw, rrmnM
fcilntM in Wat mxtA latv9 aWHtm j Twoctorr (lxtllinx liwir, h'j imih.
1 iinoatlMFtlttzeurbTe. rnre (P, Lani.nna wuoilflini, lvro urrc imi
JnoMvUnAU Aoa cond tret In Jon comer oppwire iauiolic ci.urcii
CsAtAm l rtrre. Price r!10. Trie 'J00.
A tpUmiUl nnrli of IW.aboot O) acrw Two good Iot near railroad 100 feet
LwTMyt.inrerHl. Ilauce eailr deart.1, i-jnare. Price-flSS.
nerer faiJinsf water vapply, aUwl four F-rrninK land, well improTeit, 1 mile
mile wwtoiCotUgtfOrcnre. Ca Jipriw from c,t?0,nve,niljoiniiiS; the ,ui.
tV0. Alwothr u-rmi;., 1 on will mU lr moj, J jrart,, from fi to 100 arm-,
a deal it yon urwlook Una. ft TOU want a laiitain look this up.
taVi mi, rem rJ avrtaMlltnnl airul tftllbfrr 1 f t tf 1 aa f at. -a a A
v 7 i c plenum ruunKvun ruirinvirvrilf iw,
tarul. well wateml.iwirneimDroTeineni', ii. ti.i-,... w
giyt ranKeonllet, abont 6 milea eaet of j ,,omc
yinw, Oregon, iinaia a ipi ij
$400,00. One tiundreil ncrea of Improved land
lola Iritis P. G.McFarland addition lrlng In a trurt cact and wi-Kt within a
toCottagerove,on westaide at price qua ter of amileot Colliu Cirove, ad-
toanit purcfiaer-for caeh. joinin county roa(.
KJreacreaof fine Irailding arwl agri- One hundred acres tinproviM liuid ad
cultural land, M rnile eaetof CotUsc Joining county road om-nimrterol a tulle
Grove, on koutli aide of county road to west of Cottwiio Cirove, yn in a trarl
isohemia. fiwperilcre- ' """" "
ym lnt tmn VM a mmf a t
rWl IW ,1,11 mm t t tml t
x. iafi- -y n i
Mill m M i
.HQIiiiH. W u. ru n
l,UUIWt' . , .
nWtb4.tiirrM. KT WI I.' f
Ail mm all - rM
UIntUS' ;
J T .
A complete line always in stock
Main St., (,7tUKtf llttrrt,
mm S M'KIMKEY, Props. ;
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
A CBBSolIiatlea ttal thus Moch (or that Wonderful District Stock
Row Dffored to the Public tt t Mora FncUoa oMlt Actual Value.
Jennings Broo., the own ra of the btar group of mine,
hx-ated in the well-known ISoliemta Dialrict. Ijine i-ountv,
Oregon (udjncent to Cnltngo Grove, on the line of the South
ern 1'acific Ilallrnad) lmvo purchased the llartlA Hush
group of clnlnia adjoinliiK, for the purpoteof coniolidation
of the proper lea nud the more economical operation and
worklnc of them, This connoliilntiou ha been aceomplifhcd
and a new company, known an theHtarConmlidated Mining
Company, Iium hecn organized and incorporated with a
capitalization of $1,000,000, divided into 1,000,000 Hharen of
the par value of $1 per aharu. Of thia amount idntock the
company Iran deciiltil to offer for sale, at a very low figure,
100,000 shares for the purnoHO of completing certain de
velopment work that Jiaa been in progrena for
boiiiu timo. More than $10,000 hat) already been expended
Cut thla out mid tako It to IJennoi)
DriiK Co's drug toro and get n free
aamplo of ChnmlierlRiii's Htoinueli and
Liver Tablets, the bwt phyolc. Thoy
cleamtu and InvigoraU) the atonmch, fin
provu tlm flpputltu mid ri'gnlato the
lwwcl., Iiugiilur nho, 2fie per box.
on the 8tar property, in tho way of driving deep tunnel j.
milking upraises aim uncovering ami exploring large ore
bodies. Almost a like sum has boon npcuton the Hartley
A Hughs group, so that thebo properties have long sinco
passed out of the category of prospects, nnd Into thunremi of
sure dividend-payers at an early date. When the import
an L-o and productivunesu ol thu llohemlii ilistrict is
thoroughly comprohonded thuso statumcnts will receive
unnualiflel credence,
To tliono unacquainted with thatsoctlon, Or will bo promptly forwarded by
full information will bo given a( mall to any person applying for snuic
Portland, Oregon.
l'ot'llund, Ore.
cmrt m rrai xrto
rmtmr l3ht l Trr
K.mimmtr.&ntmm.ftiw!miMit4 -51tI
tntr tm lfc "!' - "
.ML IW mWm, IHtuotr cf I
Jim X e.Hi-l -1 Jm IW '
iMII,k(i hilW f'H t "t
(M. Xrn4i .4 Vi,U i TxH'-T '
IMMl.IWrHlr UiJfUlrtM '
U KTt A- 1-IitW ' "
num. Cwmij 4fm.m-h.Ht W W-k '.f
IM.Ulkilij.r SUlta IU, mTUx:
KUMlN H IwtW rrk.w l r? kK
J-l ml f?fb Ti X ?
lbl lbcUa4 MWfkt W trr nkiU, r '
IllaU-r !' llmUrttrtrmt't''r'-
iMt lr.UVtt.k fcU ImH Urn '
burr. Oittm. ra Xk4 Ia k iJ cl -
uinuUuM: .. .
(... Wiullr mt Vnim. Orrr. L . ivw.f
1-urtUnd. IHmn. KHrr hnwa l
Urrrun. Irr lirrwa ml tit. rk.
.lariiHiau na ciiranr -
. ' . , . . , . - - - in file
ltirlrrlaliB in tal.krn r UtorrMlJ IMli
rtjr nl Noftitt,
NonrEroR itbucatios.
I'nllrd lt UJOBT. K-trr. Ow
ftft. Mb. W't
Xtle l aeirkj ftttn Ut ta rollln
wlthlbc jimii.leo.oJ Ike t et Cbkv"
Jim S. n. rntllfat -An rt lor Ike '
anil V.Btoton 'IVrrltorl, ex-
tcmtrit l all the rubllc UnJ r " ol
Aniu.1 I, U. John It- Wr oi Hf1nTr.
ciinnlr ol Unr, Orrpin, hH
thlailay Blot In thl otttrc HI "tnt n
Nil. tntl. lor thr rrrba ot the 6W . K',
HW',.SWK HWJl ot Section No. t InT xn
nldpNo.'il South. IUntN l Wet,.i "HI
oltv-r HKit In liu that Ibo UuJ toocht la more
valiulitv lor IU llintwr oritone than for tI
ciilliirnl iiihiw, ami to rlabtih hlactaln "
Mlillauil bcloiothe IUirtter aol I!frvlri
thlnnltlreat Ibwcburx, Wcdnrxl.y
Ibc nth ot NovrmWr. 1W1.
lie name a "Idcw:
L. tv. Rl(( ot feflnav.Orrfon, John Crr ol
Faxloav. Otwb, Klward Cole olStar, Orcpn,
Benjamin llatl ol Star, Orcroti.
Aaraed all iwrwot tlalmlat Jvcrelr "l0
atare-4rrlLt landi ar rcsocited to 11
Ibatrttalmt in thli oflrc on or U'lort mM -';,u
drI Xqt., ISjI.
J.T. Raipcu. UtgUtcr.
Xoticc for Publication.
InJOfflctat Rmebanr, Oregon,
OcloKr J, twt
Kottra t berety alven that the CoHowlnR
n.uicl aettler haa ltle.t notice ol lil Inlctill""
to make filial proof In unott ol hl claim n'1
that "alii proot will bo made bttore Mario f
Ware, 1'. 8. Cominhwlonor at Kugene, On-run,
on Xnrcmboi ZM, 1801, via: Malcolm A. Horn
on lilii II. K. No. V,forthc9W4SKWiKWW
HK !-! Hoc. 8, T. a, It. S Wot.
Ilo tiuinca tho following- wltnceJ to rr,,v0
lili ronlinuou rvahlwiwi uuon anj eulllvatlun
ol wfctlaiiO.vU! - '
Iniao Wilcox. Joo Nc'al, mna Mcl ,,J
It. I'nrtor of Walker, Une County Oregon.
oUnSl . .. 4;Tf.ulUnaE3Rr8ltr5