Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 01, 1901, Image 5

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TIlC fCCOIld team of tile JvtlKGIIC
High School came to tin Grove on
Saturday last to mix up on the
gtldiron with our local Coming
Men of .Ainericn. I he htigcne
boys cniue in larc force to witness
the game and the town was just
full of boys of high degree. Our
boyH were much outclassed and
lost the game, but they put up n
strong front and the lads from the
county scat early in the struggle
discovered that they had to play
ball and keep right at it. Our lads
ranged from 14 to 17 years and the
visiting team lined up from 17 to
20. It was an exciting game and
held the Interest of a large crowd
of spectators throughout the play.
When the piny watfover the boys
from Eugene were pleasantly en
tertained by the Inds ami lassies
here mid all had n merry time.
KltVIVAI. Mkktino.
Hcv. linker, the Texas evange
list, is holding protracted meetings
nt the I'rcsbytei inn Church nightly.
In jKiiut of numbers to attend the
reverend sky pilot seems to have
his share of novitiates who hope
eventually to climb the golden
stairs. Thus far but few sinners
have sought the st.jul of repen
tance, but those on the anxious
sent are momentarily expecting the
Hpirit to move. Rev. Baker is hurl
ing hot s'lot into the devil's ranks
and eagerly waiting to pour the
iiniiointiug oil of salvation over the
repentant sinners. A moral wave
hit the town pretty haid a year ago
and quite a number got in out of
the wet of despond, but
some of them backslid. Once again
the gales arc open anil all are in
vited 10 come into the fold.
One of the handsomest displays
of ore in town can be seen at the
llenson Drug Store. It is all taken
from the 1000 foot tunnel of the
Mu-dck mine under old Hmcmia
mountain. The character of this
fine ore is base and its assay value
is away up v the . hundreds, ;joc
Patterson has given up ncarly-nll
of one of the big show windows of
the stotc to this splendid display of
spuiutins and all who like lo lock
nt fine rich ore can now have an
opportunity to feast their eyes.
Gi'rriNU Uicahv.
During the past week J. V.
Cook has ordered and had shipped
tuthe Musiik mine large invoices
of supplies, thus more than doub
ling the usual quantities provided
for winter consumption in past
years. It is not decided just when
a force of men will be put to work
pn the mine nor how large a force,
but provision is being made for an
event of that kind and it is not at
all unlikely that active and ener
getic work will follow in the near
Hhi.hna Oni5. "
On the return trip from the
Helena mine this week Joe Cole
brought out 4500 pounds of base
ore from the new chute recently
opened up through the lower tun
nel. This ore goes 339 B0".
besides silver, copper and lead.
The freighters will continue to
bring out return loads of this splen
did ore until a par is filled for ship
ment. '
J. I. Jones has secured the right
of use to string n wire between his
ranch and the old Major. Chrisman
property four miles from town re
cently purchased by him, -He has
built and now has in use n fine
two-story building and will make
many other improvements in that
direction. When he gets things
fixed as he has planned he will
have a model dairy farm.
Tint Funny Fouk.t
Thc colored troupe knowil ns the
Fuuny Four held down the stage
at the Opera House on Tuesday
evening. They did not attract
much of an audience, but they gave
a much better show than several
larger troupes that have visited this
town. Their performance was clean
and continued without waits from
start to finish and was well re
ceived by the audience present;
Gonic Hunting.
Early Sunday morning last a
finely equipped outfit parsed out of
the east limits of town headed for
the Johnson Meadows and the
wilds beyond Bohemia. The guid
ing spirits that accompanied the
caravan ware Mayor Robert Veatch,
Councilman W. C. Johnson, R. W.
Veatch and George Comer. They
aie hooked up for bear, wolves and
deer and expect to begone over a
week. When they get back there
will be a new set of wonderful ad
ventures put on the market.
Since the above was put in cold
type these doughty hunters have
returned. They got as far as the
Musick mine in Bohemia, from
whence they intended to pack. At
this point they ran into a .snow
storm; the m ealher was mighty for
bidding and there was 110 telling
how long it would last so the hunt
was abandoned and they regret
fully took the back track. Their
friends are much disappointed for it
has cut oirthe supply of yarns that
were relied upon to enliven the
coining winter evenings.
Tun Chystai. Con. Co.
Through the intercession of H.
D. Scott the Crystal Consolidated
Mining Company has been placed
upon the lists of Ihe Portland Min
nig Exchange. This move will
give the stock of that company a
prestige in eastern markets where
the bulk of the stock will eventu
ally be placed. From this point of
view there is but one sentiment,
and that is. the mines arc all and
more than their promoters claim
for them. This property is being
hnndled by men of integrity and of
worth and standing in this com
munity and the representations
they' make for this property are
honest and truthful and must carry
that weight which will bring suc
cess. Work on tlicse properties is
being systematically prosecuted and
results arc being attained far be
yond the hope of the promoters.
Investors in the stock of the Crys
tal Consolidated Conioaiiv will in
the futuieMiavc cause''- to congratu
late their foresight.
Lloyd's Hoksk Found.
Some four mouths since the fine
riding , animal belonging to George
W. Lloyd one day .suddenly disap
peared while he was saddled and
bridled and left at the foot of llard
scrabble. Scaich was made for the
animal in every diiectiou, but he
had completely vanished and not a
trace of him could be lotiud. Last
week Hilly Higgins and Ben Curry
were on a deer hunt beyond the
Adams mountain and discovered
the horse down in a deep ravine
and very sadly emaciated. There
was some five acres for him to feed
on but not a drop of water until
the recent rains. The horse must
have slid off the trail into the ra
vine, for there is no way of getting
him out. Mr. Lloyd, Billy Hig
gins and Ben Curry have gone to
the rescue, of the poor animal and
will build a trail and get him out of
bis prison ravine.
Tint Fisciiuh-Van Cr,iive Snow.
S. Guy Hirsch has billed Cottage
Grove this week for the entertain
ment you will read about in another
column. If the show is as lively
and up-to-date as the agent, it will
be n good thing. You have all to
gain and but a paltry sum to lose
and if the aggregation pans out all
right you can congratulate your
selves that 7011 have entertained
angels unawares. If Mr. Hirsch
is not the biggest liar on earth his
show will be a joy to the enter
tained and a financial success to
thc.cutcrtaiuers. He gnve us seas
on tickets nnd we shall see his show
and if there is any hocus-pocus
about it we will let the people know.
If S, Guy Hirsch' is a fair saniple
of the show, we say take it in and
you will be glad you went.
Thu'ICniglitB of 1'ythiim havo a second
hand parlor organ for huIo which is in
good condition. Kor information apply
to Bon Larch, J. S. Medley or Dr. Willi.
With ouch cash purchiiBOof onodolhir's
worth of goods wo glvo you a ticket for
oiir annual diawing to talio placo Janu
ary Ht, 1 001. Tlio (list prizo will bo q
Indies' (iold Watch. '
H.v kin A Bin mow.
Personal panigiviplis.
" .
(leormt I.oji Iiiih urine (o lllnn Illver to
dotliu work of HMni'Miiiciit oil Home'flno
eliilnm Im otviiH near tho Lucky JJoy.
It. AV. Tompkins mid family of Fair
Held, lowit, arrived in tie Urnvu QU 1
week, lie Im 11 brothi-riii-law of J. I.
J. I. Joiim ami family returned iIiIh
ui'ck from tlii-lr oxH-iitiod visit to. La
Plata, MlHrtonil, tliu homo of IiIh boy-i
liood. Tliuy had 11 pleiiHiirit visit. j
MIhh Mi-rllo Itolicrtof LoiOntoH. Cidi- 1
fornln, Ih on 11 viclt to tier nnelu mid
until, Mr. mid Mm. ClmrloH Vim Din-;
lini'K. Kin will 1 on nt 1 11 luiro- for a'mnu
to wi'ukx.
Cliurloy llmidiirer mill wifo wore-in
tlio (irovo IIiIh wci-k from looi'ia. Tlu-y
citine liv iiriviitn i-otivovaiico mid 1 u-
nutted iii'iiiniiitiiiicu witli
their mmiy
irlenilH nuru.
Kil WiNon mill Hurry Miirtln will
twikHit hunt 011 the Cunt Fork next
week. Tlieir iiiiliul point, will he Anion
mid woo Itetlilii tho buur,, wylvee
mid oilier viirtiiliitn in tluit section.
0. I''. Mitchell wan down from ' Bo-
liciniu tlii week on hiiHiliccH mid .went lo tho iniiitM. Churl' did not for -
Ket to l.iiv.. Hit. Nngin.4 follow him o ho
can keen in touch with events .obfe on
in Hie vii 1 ley.
John Cochran, wliilo working with
llio ciit-oiriiw ill tho Itootli-rCellyinill
No. 1 hint week, Hourly ecverod his fee -
ond llnuer of tlio right liitnd. Dr. Job
dregxed tho wound mid that linger will
be good iih ever booh.
John lliirker nnd Walter HAkcr came
'auV"' V" ".. "r."ulL " .4"V
1,,, ,i,, ii..i MMimtitvr i-ii min for:
tho deleututioii of ihoir frieiuls
. r : . .1 . . V . .
Horn Veatch thin week brought to
the Nugget otlieo two xplfiulid Iiartlolt
penrHUK MpecimciiH of the nt-cond erop
giown on his trees thin year. It in not
uvery country that can niiho a Hocond
crop of Niielt dellcioiiH fruit.
Joo Vim Neen mi old-timer in thei-o
imrtM but who fur hoiiio lime pant liai
liei'ii mining in Hotithuril Oregon, not
far from Merlin, on the Jump-oil- Joo
cieek, Ih back ngnin in I lie J rove and
renewing fellinvflilp wit'u bin old friundn.
I'd Hebiiril came up this week from
Yoncolla. lie Iiuh taken bin old place
fur a t-liort time in the ntoro of L. Lurch,
lib) many friend hero are pleaded to
hi-o him hack again, mid bin emlling
face will loud an added Iiiriter to the
goinln bo will oirer you when you cull.
John IIiirniH has got back from tho
'Jregon-.Oolorado mliie, nflur delivering
uiu itiii. iuaii iji niijfiiii-s ii, i niiut:, ur
111. IIKIb l,Mllll- l Ut- (IIUIIKIIb UIU III
load of Rucked ore which will lienhinoed
to F. J. Hani at Portland. Thin ore in
of high grade and in a fair average of the
io k ibnUia now being taken out of that
P. J . .leaning!! wnn down thin week for
a couple of days from Portland. lie
went out over tho lino of mirvev of the
('otlugo lirovo mid lioliembV itailr'ial
for some tioven ihIIom. look in the bltli-
atinu an if grows, mid by Ins advice and
consultation stimulated tho eni'cavuih
of nil. lie in i.iucli pleaded uith (he
progresn lhu far made.
J. AV. Ciok came down from the Mu
sick on Wednesday. He shvb there wuh
some four inehen of snow m'anl cling the
tre.'iHiire vanlls of Bohemia mid tho
mIiIIc covering of tlio ' beaut ifnl" ex
tended down tho mountain to neartileii
wood on tho Ihinlu-nthhlu road. J. W.
wan in tho pink of health and good
spirits and looked an bright its a new
coin just oulof tlio mini.
11. C. Marcus, owner of the Utopeau
grnupo of uiino.4 which an; located be
tw een tlio Ailninn and Klepliaut moiiii
tiiiuain Itobeiiila district, was in tovvn
this week on business and returned to
his property. During the past summer
Mr. MnrciiH lias built trails, a good
cabin and blacksmith shop ami done
much work on each of his claims, mid
ids groiinn nt the iiruseut time Is in tine
M nipe mm snowing up to Ills entire sat-
I. .1. Taylor was in town from his
ranch near tho Divide this week and
brought to tho Nugget office half a dozen
of tho finest Baldwin apples ever seen
in this section, and also one lioiianza
Italdu in which is more than double the
size of tlio others. They are faultless
in appearance, with smooth hriirht
skins and not it hleminli on thorn or a
worm hole. Many thanks Mr. Taylor
and wo will keep them to hang on the
.iun ivdl lieu.
F. J. Hani, tho efficient and onorgclic
secretary of tho Portland Mining and
Stock Exchange, niadoa flying trip to
mo ijrovo on initrsday. lie was look
ing after liis interests in ilio Ore.on-
Colorndo property. ThisHplcndid grotipe
oi mines is last coming to Ihu trout ami
its development is being syi-teiniitically
pusiien lorwarn. oxt week Mr. nuru
will go cast In tho interest of Oreeon
mines and will not bo back until tlio
holiday season.
Scntt Chrisnian was this week called
to Central Point to attend tho funeral of
his stepmother, Mrs. Lucinda Chris
miin. She was but threu davs short of
05 years old. Tho interment was at
Riddles, in tho old family plot whore
rests tho remains of his own mother.
She hud for many years made her homo
witli Mrs, Ann Bcall of Central Point,
having lost her, Husband in 1835. She
will bo sincerely mourned by a largo
circlo of friends mid relatives.
A TiaupiioNK Linij.
Parties nre now here from the
east with the object in view of con
structing a telephone line into Bo
hemia, The project is taking shape
in real earnest and it is not nt all
unlikely that in a few days arrange
ments will be concluded whereby,
operations in that direction will be
put in a practical shape. Tilings
nre moving all along the line now
and the ground-floor people are
getting a hustle op.
i 1, Inn,
Valuable, mfipjijj' "property- in Bo
liciula fo'r'a!o. iiiibiiiju 'Knox and Co,-
Iocul ftre'Veties.
Buy your griiKg feed of Makln it i?rin
(lot iloujditiiiif, hot, buns mid rolls for
mippt- r nt JSrown'n bakery.
A Hiiro cure for Whooping Cough. Dr.
Hiniinn 8ier!tllc, at tho New Km l)
All kliidH of mIioo repnlriiiL'iit tho now
hiiriiCHHHhop, weclHiile. l'reil (into.
Head real uutnto harniiiB of .lerome
Knox & Co.
Iliittenliiirt; point lucu jiuttenifl nnd
luaid til Lurch'8.
Kor tho luteHt mid inoct ini-lo-dulo
line of Htutioneryj k:IidoI HiippllOH, fonn
tnin pent, etc., go to tho Htoro of tho
I I-n -1 n l)rii; Coinpany.
I.iiiKo linen of gentMiind ladiea watelieH
nt u
U iUllllKCII.
Yon Inivo heard of Long Tom? Wait,
have you ever heard of the "long (1 Her"
I'Vifor'n Union fi cent Aiiiericnii Lahor
Cipu? If not, cull al A. J!. Atkin'H
eigiir ntoro, midget tho hi-Ht Hinoko in
Uuhlier lo-elo mid'HolcM 11 Hpecmlty at
, the woatnlilo harm-on nbop. FiedUidi-
1 ., n,.,.!.,,,,, !lfi vhi.t Hnm.1
. 1,1 " "-""-ry-
A now invoice) of plutod "ware; clo-kp.
l't(!- Ht M'"'"-'
Tlioe diamonds at II. C. Miuiecn are
, lien utU-H . Cull aiid.Ht-c them
' The lino line of toilet nrtirleH on enle
ut the HciiKon Drug Companv'n Htoro
, ciinnot ho duplicated nt any other place
, 111 town . call mid look llieiu over.
One box 11 day ih the regular Hide on
Kcifer'n Union 6 cunt American Labor
y'K"r 111 AlK Ll',r "'"f"
rii'll v i'ooiI Kiilii.nli? 1 rv nno.
. - . j n . tr
1 Kino renidonces, choice lotn, biiclnesa
' IiIockh lor Hale .Jerome Knox iV Co
Shoo repairing neatly and
done ut tho went eido barnesn
. Fred tilde.
I The BeiiBon Drug Cnmpmiv . has just
. received a Iuro invoice of Oranueine
u bich in now on dicpliivin one of their
j hIiow windowH. Do not fail to notice
the articlic decoration when yoii go thiit
uiiv. Step in mid tee Doc Patter on mid
i learn all about it
A Reliable Iti-mody for AViinooing
! Cnugli, Dr. .SiminH ijpecilic, al tlio New
bra Drug atore
I Try a Sunday dinner nt tho Imi-kiiiai.
i llotm.. Served from 12 1:30 p
m. ami up to date in till ronpectn.
Yon can bin- anv preparation at J
1'. Currin's that is udvortieed i
p;,,)Ur Rprnmnljer we make a specialty
' ,j family receipts
Ladies vour attention ia esncciallv
called to tho complete mid perfect lino of
runner gooun curried ny inn lieiisnn
Dni-'Couipauv. They are the lies! to bo
had fur the money in Cotttigo Giove or
anyw hero else.
"Feifor's Union." the celebrated 5
ocnX uiuar inado bv while American In-
W, A 15. 'Atkins special agent for
Cottage Grove. .
' A fine lino of horse blanket and lap
roues of all kuuH aLtlio wosc slilo liar
ness shop. Fred (?ide.-
Beware of a ir dried or hnlfdrv floor
iug. ceiling and rustic. The' liooth
Kelly 'Lumber Co. nre making, special
priu-son kiln-drittl IiiiiiImt.
Tho.ltensoii Drug Co. oirera you the
perfei-iion of perfmnorv mid guarantees
. 1 . ....! . l .
lis iiruiiiaiic oniors ui rapuvaio uic
tente. Try tlicin mid you will ever
after buy them.
If von have anything to sell or want
to bay real estate, stock, agricultural
implements or anything else go to
Phillips & White. They have a call
now tor team, wagon and harness "and a
conplo of good cows, also calves mid
yearlings wanted.
Wo have on hand -a large stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic: in
.grades 1 '2 -mid 3. Let us make yoii
special prices.
llooTit-Kui.r.v Louieii Co.
Wood ranch for sale, three thousand
cords, several hundred pieces of piling,
convenient to n it woodyaru. ceo .i. n
Kendall, Cottage Grove.
A tiling of merit will ever rise su
perior to its surroundings. No matter
where it is kept or what its environ
incntB may bo It is sure, to bu sought out
and given duo credit lor too worm mat
it possesses. Tho old reliable Benson
Drug Company has always kept up the
standard of its wares and today carries
a stock of drugs, medicines, toilet and
fnncv articles that merit vour insnec
tion and will meet your approbation if
you will just call at their artistic store
and feast your eyes on tho fine lino of
goods they havo In display. Tlio Ben
son Drug Coinpany stakes its reputa
tion on tho freshness and purity of its
drill's. Its nrescrintionsuro compounded
by a II rat-class pharmacist and nothing
but tlio putVst and very best material Is
ever used, because nothing but Ihe best
is ever Rent in stock. When yon need
inedii-iiio. to idleviato. tho fullering of
yourself or those of your loved ones go
to tho Heimon Drug Company's store
and get the best.
For A Social Club.
Steps have been taken and
organization effected for the estab
lishment cf a social club for men,
to contain a reading room, bath
house and an up-to-date gymna
sium. It the proper nmount oi en
thusiasm airl financial encourage
ment is met with this 'new enter
prise will be inaugurated in the
near future and vyill be located in
the building now occupied by Jen
kins & l,awson on Fifth street.
This is a move in the right direc
tion anil will redound to the better
ment of social conditions in' our
thriving town, When a more ma
tured stage is reached in the affairs
of Jin's new departure a mintite de-
tairwill be given our renders,1 ' ,
Coiinwi Main and I'w'ktii Stiieem,
i UTTAur. uuuvt:, ukmjuh.
Ucaltr In
Arc now selling Clothing and Shoes nt botlom-rock
prices. A large supply of Groceries and all new.
Wo have the most Complete Line of FRKSII GUOCKRIKS in your
city and arc selling everylliiiigat the LOWKST POSSIKLIC i'RlOK.
A good usHortment of I'resh Fruit and Vegetables nlways displayed in
front of our store, fcl-o our fine lino of FANCY CHOCOLATES and
pCdll and Sec Ch ami
THE mmERS'4 SlPPiN $0lSE
IBoliemia, Oregc n.
CJciierjil liaercSiisisidBSC,
Miners' TooSs iuul
Give us a call and we will treat you Tight.
Harness and Saddlery.
Ctcrje Meinzer. Prop.
A fine llnoof Humors Rutillevvjilf.i,, JlURgy
Kobo.Tjca'tticr lUlllnR. Etf.Vnlwaj-n on Intnd.
All klnilii (f rtuiitirlng a Specialty All hand
suttcd wort tnrned ait.
Our KBrmer Frk-nl con get tho vcrjrLet at
tho Lowest I.ivliiR 1'rlica. Come In und exnn
Ine the RoodH nnd see for yourxilt.
J3on Tou Meat Market
Main Street, Near Fourth
-13 eagle fe Mcjj'ar'land
We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton,
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
our effort will be, to please and satisfy you.
Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tiuware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns,
Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters
for Mining Supplies, Hufcules Powder, luise and' Caps.
Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton
Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may
want in the Hardware line.
Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right.
Successors to WIIEELER.& SCOTT.
We will continue to carry n full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Hro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and .
Steel Plows, Etc. : r : : : .
Semi fur Color Cards to W 13.
Wc ll'llf Treat You ItlftitTfy
G. Young, Manager.
Alusic Lessons
On the Piano.
A late Orailed German Method of Muslo
I now being taught at the C. P. Manse by
Mrs. L. X). JBeclv.
Itccltals will be given at proper Intervals
thiin (,-lvIiig parent an opportunity to note
50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each
,14 KK I HON
I'UI.I.P.k & Co., Portland, fra.