Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 11, 1901, Image 8

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"One day Init winter n lady came to
my drugstore and naked for n Initial of
cough medicine that I did not have In
stock," naya Mr. 0. R. Grnndin, the
iwpular druggist of Ontario.N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. 1 said to her that 1 could freely
recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy and that she could take n bottlo of
tho remedy and after giving it a fair trial
if ho did not find it worth tho money to
bring back the Itotllu una 1 would re
fund the price paid. In the course oi u
day or two the lady came back in com
pany with a frlendin need of n cough
medicine and ndvised her to buy a bot
tle of Chatnbei Iain's Cough Remedy.
I consider that a very good recom
mendation for tho remedy." It Is
for nalc by ISrs'bon Dnuo Co., Cottago
Grove. Lrox& Aitumiatk, Drain.
"One night my brother's lwhy was
taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky . , "it seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so wo gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
ft in the house to protect our children
from Croup and Whooping Cough. It
cured me of a chronic bruntcal trouble
that no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for Coughs. Cold a, Throat ami
Lung troubles. Trail bottles free at
Benson Drug Co.
An attack was lately made on C. F.
Collier of Clierokec, Iowa, that near!
proved fatal. It came through his kid
nevs. His back cot so lamo he coul
not stoop without great pain, nor sit in
a chair cxceid nronned with cushions,
No remedy cured him until he tried
Electric Bitters which effected such a
wonderful change that he writes he feels
like n new man. mis marvelous meti
icinocuroshe.ulncheund kidney trouble
purines the blood and builds up your
lieaitn. Only 60c at Jjenson's Dttua-
"For three days and nighta I suffered
aeony untold from an attack of cholera
morbus brought on hv eating cucum
bers says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the
listnct court, Centervillo, Iowa. "I
thought I should surely die, and tried a
dozen different medicines but all to no
purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
remedy and three doses relieved me en
tirely. ' This remedy is for tale by
Benson Dnuo Co., Cottage Grove.
Lxos &. Aitleoatk, Drain,
sentfreeT "
Sosurenre wo that tho locating of a
lew of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we arc willing to send
ne free to any s.ufTerer from tho follow
ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto
cele, Fumalo weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leueorrhea, Liver complaint.
Paralysis, Lost vitality, Nervousdebility,
Self nbusu. Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregului
menstruation. Impotency, Rheumatism.
Dlminutivo Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc.,
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle
Creek. Michigan.
"When a child I burned my foot
frightfully," writes W. H. Eads of
Jonesville. Va., "which caused horrible
leg sores for thirty years, hut Bucklcn's
Arnica Salve wholly cured me after
everything else failed." Infallible for
Burnes, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and
rues, bout bv uessox (Jo. Joe
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if
vou have a sallow complexion, a iaun
diced look, moth patchei and blotches
on the skill, all signs of Liver Trouble,
1J at ir. King's Piew JMio rills give
viear Skin, nosy uheeks, Kicli uomplex
ion. Only 25 cents at Bknso.n's DuuQ'
When you cannot sleep for coughing,
it is hardly necessary that any one
should toll you that you need a few
doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to away mo irritation oi tnotnroat, and
make sleep possible. It is good. Try it
For sale by Benson Diiuq Co., Cottage
urove. JjYo.vb & Aitlkoatk, Drain.
A now remedy for billiousnesa is now
onsaioat Benson's Drugstore It is
called Chamberlain's Stomach and Live
Tablets. It gives quick relief and will
prevent tho attack if given as soon as
the first indication of the disease ap
pears. Price 25 cents per box. Sam
pies freo.
When you have no appetite, do not
relish your food and feel dull after eat
ing you may know that you need a dose
of Chamberl tin's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Prico 25 cents. Samples free
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there i nothing so good us Chamber-
Iain's Pain Balm. Try It. For salo by
ubnson uuva wo., uoungu urove,
Lyons & Aitlkoate, Drain.
Notably among the pleasures uflbrded
by tho Shasta Route is tho winter trip
to Southern California nnd Arizona.
Ronawcd uoquniutnnco with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in tho variety of its in
dustries, in its prolillc vegetation and
among its numberless resorts of moun
tain, shoro, valley and plain.
The two daily Khasta trains from
Portland to California lmvo been re
cently equipped with tho most npproved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but the low rates of faro will still
continue in effrct.
Illustrated guides lo tho winter re
torts of California and Arizona .may be
fcad on application to
, 1$. B. Milmju, G. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Pan Francisco llullclln.
Some witty ami domestically un
happy judge defined home to be
the place where a matt goes when
he has nowhere else to go. A good
many men seem to accept this defi
nition. They make of home n
mere dormitory ami restaurant, and
except at meal time or bed time are
never to lie found under the domicili
ary roof. Yet home should be the
pleasantest place on earth, and a
man ought to enjoy his hearth as
the nearest approach to a mundane
No matter how humbly a man's
position in life, no matter how his
btfsiness or his necessities compel
him to knuckle down to others and
sacrifice his pride, no matter what
selfishness and injustice he encount
ers in the world, at home if it be n
true home his spirit enlarges and
acquires a sense of freedom and im
portance. There, if nowhere else,
he is treated as an equal and a free
man. There, if nowhere else, he
has dignity and position.
Home is not merely a furnished
house occupied by relatives. Home
is an idea, a tradition, n miniature
Utopia. Every family does not suc
ceed in making a home. Relatives
may live togetheraud their common
abode be no more a home than a
rabbit warren is a home.
To the man who has no home
and the bachelor dwelling in a hotel
or uoardinguouse is merely camp
ing out there is nothing pleasanter
than to spend a day or an evening
in a real home, where all the mem
bers of the family get on well to
getheraud love one another. Home
is made possible only by mutual
forbearance, tact and by a sort of
well-fitting discipline. One sharp
tongue, one vinegary temperament,
one shrew, male or female, can ruin
a home and turn paradise into hell.
That is why so many families fail
to create a true home.
All must co-operate to make the
home cheerful. There must be a
willingness to share the work and
responsibility. .Each member of
the family should make allowance
for the other. Above all, tongues
should be curbed and all speech
should be gentle.
Dwellers in a home owe it to the
home to be as scrupulously consid
erate of one another as they are
to strangers and guests. A man
should be as polite to his wife as to J
other women. He has no right to
come to dinner en famille unshaved
or with soiled cuffs He should
how her the little attentions which
he never fajls to show women whom
he knows only slightly and Lr whom
he may care nothing.
On the other hand, a woman
should be as attentive to husband.
father or brother as to the chum
whom he may bring home to dinner.
A wife should be as pretty and well
dressed when she dines alone with
her husband as when there is com
pany. All her good clothes, her
jewelry and her smiles should not
be spent on persons to whom she is
more or less indifferent.
There are many beautiful homes
in small houses and many noble
mansions are abodes of bitterness
and infelicity. A home is beautiful
only when it is ruled by love.
Gardens, commodious rooms, fine
furnishings do not make the beau
tiful souls; there must be charity
If people ate more fruit they
would take less medicine and have
tnucn uetter tieaitu. Tiiere is an
old saying that fruit is gold in the
morning and lead at night, says an
exchange. As a matter of fact, it
may be gold at both times, but then
it should be eaten on an empty
stomach and not as a dessert, when
the appetite is satisfied and di
gestion is already sufficiently taxes,
says "North American Horticultur
ist." Fruit taken in the morning be
fore the fast of the night has been
broken is very refreshing and it
serves as a stimulus to the digestive
organs. A ripe apple or an orange
may be taken at this time with good
effect. Fruit, to be really good as
an article of diet, should be ripe,
sound and in every way of good
quality, and, if possible, should be
calen raw. Instead of eating a
plate of ham and eggs and bacon
for breakfast, most people would do
far better if they took some grapes,
pears or apples fresh fruit as long
as it is to be had, nud after that
they will fall back on stewed prunes,
fins. etc. If only Iruit nt some
sort formed an important item in
their breakfast, women would feel
brighter and stronger, and would
have far better complexion than is
the rule at present.
Lund Otlico at Itoscbnnr. Oregon,
September 5. IDOI.
Notice is hereby mven that the ful
lowing-muned settler has filed notice of
her intention lo make filial proof in sup
Htrt of her claim, and that Mil id proof
will bo made before the Register and
Iteceiver U. S. Lund Otllce at Koseburg,
Oregon, on October HI, 100 1, vis : hmina
C.Jones mi her U.K. No. 8018 for the
E . SE S J NKI4 Sec. Ill' Tp. 22 S
it. :i w
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous resilience upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
William T. .lone. Henry C. Coml!,
Ellsha Goer, May Geer, of Amos, Ore-
a n.
J. T. Hriixikh, Register,
Trains leavo Cottnite Grove for Port
land ami way stations at 2:14 a in and
1:21 p m.
Lv Portland S:!W a m 8:.')0 p m
" Cottago Grove 2 :57 p m 1! :0ft a m
Ar Ashland 12 :1m.. m 12:,'Upiu
" Sacramento 6:10 p In 6:00 a m
" San Francisco 7.-16 p m 8:16 u in
' Ogden 4 :55 a in 7 :00 a m
" Denver :80 a m 9.15 p in
" Kansas citv 7 26 a in 7:26nui
" Chicago 7:4'.' a m 8:30 p m
" Los Angeles) 2:00 pm S.Ooam
" El Paso 0:00 pm 0:00 pm
"rort worth litiiuum 0:.iu n in
" City of Mexico 1 1 :.'i0 a in I1;:i0um
"Houston 7:00 a m 7t00um
"New Orleans 0:30 p m 0:30 pm
" Washington 0:42 a in 0:42 a in
"New York 12:10 pm 13:10 pm
Pullman and Tourists cars an both
train". Chair cars Sacramento to Oinleu
and El Paso, und tourist curs to Chicago
St Louis, New Orleans nnd Washington.
Councctinc at San Fritnripco with the
several steamship lines for Honolulu,
Japan, Ulilun, I'lilllipines, Lent nil und
South America.
See ncent al Cottauo Grove station, or
R. B. Mii.iKn, G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
'viarr DP. JORDAN'S great
Ttislnrcr-t Anatomical Hcjtom
in iuv wr.u.
arwttftt attmctton in t4 CWy. JL
wniultrlul lljhtjor vUlCtirl.
ld!wu6,nullltl7rurrlh)r 0
the uMe-t ttjrtclullMun ttircLda
Comu li.tiAlUlinlJyfr. J
Tuanr mrn and mlildlo '
! hi rn who Mr iinVrlnc J
Irum th 0Vcl al routhful IndU- w
crellnna op mcmim In ...... .
' jeara. 2TervHiauiidphrilcmlibllllT.Iin. fi
, totnejr. Ijont JJm,iiiuoi1 if.f..mnii. v
Icitttniu; irrmnliiriliiFii, HruMmor. 6
rUirn. fluuorrliwn, Ulrrl, frrqarnrj .
r Vrliiuiliiar. elc. Iiy it comtilnailon ol A
rrmxlli,olirtcurallr) ponrr, tlilioctr r
haj 10 artuncHit hla trpuimrnttlmtlt will not A
only air.ird IromrdlaU rlp, but pernunent r
cure, roe Doctor dors not claim to pe'furm
' miracle;, but H well known to be a Ulr and 9
. MlOlira IMlVHlriAn unit Hurst-an- tir.mln..i
nublspcliilty DUrnirior Hen. Q
HTrilll.m Ihoronghly mdlcated from
) ttaa ayatemulthout tho moot Jteicurj. Q
. Truafltted by on Kzprrt. Itnillrnl
rtrr ror Iliipinrr. A qulclc and rtultail A
rnrefor IMIra. FUvnrn and F
Dr. Jordan'a apclal palnln methoda. A
EVKIIY MAN anplrlnitouawlUrecclr.
Il ulll Ouaranite a I-OHITIVE COSE
event eai log unttrrtnlg-
i:nimafin viikk annmnctirpriTata.
Treatment pemonully or by Itlltr.
Write fur noAl;. iiirv.ooinv nv
llAltnia(IK. MaiLKO Fiixa. (A valuable
boolc (or mrn.) Call or writ
OIL JORDAN k CO., 1 0S I Market SL, 8. F.
A completo line always in stock
Music Lessons
On the Piano.
A lato Gradc'l German Mcthoil of Mulo
Is now bolng taught at the C. I', lUn6 by
Mrs. Xj. D. Beck.
HecttalawUlbe given at priner Interval.
phrweH!!"g.P"C!U" opportunity to no
50 cents per lesson, 30 inluut ?s cacii
Asthmalenc Brings Instant Relief and Perinancnt Cure
in all Cists.
ICHAiriKU 1 Theio Is nothing liku Asthumlciie. It brings
roft TCN
limtant icllof,
Ifor ten years.
j liku a chili in.
x e want to fciiii to every suiitirer u trial treatment ol Auiiimiiic nc,
Himilai' lo the mitt Hint ciit'ed Mr. WcIIh. We'll cend ll by mull 1'0T
5 I'AID, Alnluiely Free of Clmruc, to any suH'erer who will write for
It, even on u postal. .Never mind,
ihui your fiiite, AHtiimiiieiie w:ll iclleveauil cure, I po worse yiiiircui'e
the mort) eliei un ilrn to hciiiI II.
dre-mng DR. TA FT UUOS.' MEDICINE CO.. 70 East lilOth St.,
N.Y. City, riotilbyall DruggiHts.
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Businsss Houses
and Splendid Residences.
Jtotti on tho irlncli(ll liimlttrHM Hti'vvttt.
rMijiing Claims in Bohemia.
Abstract of title secured and guaranteed.
Information as to the laws govern I in: the dlspoial of government hinds.
How to secure homesteads, timlier lauds, mining claims, etc.
Property for sale published weekly.
Cottaok (inovi: is the second citv in Initio coltntv. Oreuon. Hun a itoiiul.illon
of n bout 1,200. Tho center of the four points of the compass when It comes to
ingress and egress. Bohemia with Its vant miiilin: rerourcfx only thli ly-llve mile
ninth east, with a good wagon road loaillng from the -s. 1 . It. It. ihiot right lieic
in town. Prospective railroad to the mines. The Count Fork of the Willrtuictlc
river, on which is situated the Black lluttu (inickcilvei mines, sixteen miles south,
tlorts through the center of thecity fiirnlHhing abundant water fscilithti. It is
oulv n mile and a half lo lis conliiicnco with how river, the outlet of the gn'HI
linilH-r ranges to the mxiiIi enxt. Wontwiird toward the coiihi range Is an In
exhaiiHtnble supply of tiiiiber, interspaced wall numerous rich farming lands
well improved nnd cultivated.
North or south from hereon the S. P. railroad you can reach either Portland
or Sun Francisco and Iki in touch with the whole woild on short nolfce.
Water works in full operation. Elcelrfe llghtsand telephone system complete.
3The best agricultural lauds in Lane county lie in the vicinity surround'
lug Outline (i love on either side, lit foi farming or slock raining.
C(irresHMidenco solicited.
A. Few o: our .Bai's-ams:
1 lL'Ofcet front on north side of .Main
street, by about 800 feet deep, Imuiidcd
oy river on tno norm, nonce 01 seven
rooms, oar 11 and 0111 nous-ex. 1 111s is tne
Ihs hindue's location in Cottago (i rove.
Price $2 100.00.
3 A two storv finely "llninluil house,
eight rooms, ImthnMini anil outhoiifex.
iilemlid location, two lots In Long anil
Lintles iiililitiou in southeast Cottage
lirove. Prion tl'-'OO.
4 Two story dwelling honce, ten
rooms, DrlcK iruit house, ir.iit trees, no
feet front on north Mile of Main street by
liOO feel deep, comer property. A line
location for a hotel. Price $U7o0.
i A two storv line, almort new dwell
ing house, 11 rooms, burn and oiiiIiiuihc
complete, three lots. A splendid or
chard of voinig iHmring trees, together
with grapes itlal various kinds of lieriics.
Situnted in lug mid Lalides inldilioll
in soutbeust Cottage (irtive. l'rlco $ ll'OO.
A splendid rnneh of 100, about (X) acres
heavily tinil'eretl. b.tliiiice easily cleared,
never 'failing water supply, ulout four
miles wentof Cottage U rove. Cash price
1550. Also other terms. 1 ou will miss
11 deal if you overlook this.
100 acres of agricultural and timber
land, well watered, some improvements,
gooii range outlet, about b miles east ol
Saginaw, Oregon. Tills is a bargain at
Lots in the I). G. MuFarland addition
to Cottage (i rove, on westsido at prices
to suit purchasers for cash.
Five acres of fine building and agri
cultural land, li mile enst of Cottage
Grove, on south side of county road to
Bohemia. $100 per acre.
United Statci Land Office, Itonoljurg, Ore.
Bit. fith.lWl.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
wlthtlic provlnlonn of the act of Congreiw of
Juno 8, 187S, entitled "An act or tho aaleof
timber lamia in the 8tatcn of California, Oregon,
Nevada ami Wanhlngton Territory," a ex.
tended to all the I'uMIc Land Blatoa by act of
Augut , 1(92, John II. Weaver of Haglnaw,
county of Lane, Statu of Oregon, haa
tills day filed In thla olflce hit aworn atntemunt
No. 1821, for the purchae of the BW'K BK, Kj4
HW'H. HW4 of Section No. 20 In Town-
(hip No. 21 South, ItangeNo. 1 West, ami will
offer proof to ahow that the hind nought in more
valuable for lta timber or Mono than for ngrl.
cultural purpose, und to cMabllsli hla claim to
said land boforotho Register nnd Receiver ol
thl ofllco at Koseburg, Oregon, on Wcdnoaday
tho 27th day of November, 1901.
lie namea aa wltnexiiea;
J. W. Klggn of Saginaw, Oregon, John Oray of
Saginaw, Oregon, Kdward Colo of Star, Oregon,
Ilenjamln Hull of Star, Oregon.
Any and all pemona claiming advereely tho
nbove-dencribcd lands are requested to fllo
ther claims In this odlco on or beforo said 27lh
day of Nov., 1001.
J. T. HiiiuoKS, Rcglstor,
Rough Lumber,
S6 per M. at
Saginaw, Ok.
even in tho worst eiinos. It cures
when nil elpo fails.
The Rev. C. F. WELLS of Villa Rhlge, 111.,
says: "Vourtrlnl Uittloof Aetlinmlcnc iceelvcil
In goixl coiidltloii . 1 cannot tell vou how thank
ful 1 feci for the good derived from It, I iih a
ului'it. cluiliicit ullli toilrlil worn llirimL mill itHlliiiiii
1 de'puircd ol ever being cured, 1
saw vonr ndvertircmeiit for the cine of tills
dreuiflul and tormenting dlieiiec, imthina, und
thought . vim hudoverspokeii onrfel(. lint renolvt'd
tnuivo it a trial. To my hiii iiiIkc 'the trial iieled
fctaiul mo a fiill-siited bottle."
though you art'dcspairlng, however
Do not ileluv. Write at mice, nil
Real Mate
A giMxl business plaee.soiitlt side Main
Two splendid lots on second street in
Cottiigu I'lovr. .Price flilO.
300 feet by 100 feet In a siiburUiu loca
tion. Nalunil spring, oak trees, all ad
joining foot hills in west Cottngu Urovu.
Price f'lOO.
Two lots in block SO, img it Iindcsl
addition, 55 by 100 feet sepmatelv
l'rlce m,
A lltiely lluitdicd two storv (fwelllnn
Iiiiiim', ten rooms, bath room, cement
clone cellar, wuler ami electric lights
ulxiitt nine loU fronting 011 fourth "tteet
adjoining river In rcjtr, near Chrlsliiiu
cliurch, gwtl bum and outhouses. Price
Two story dwelliiiL' hon, six rooin.-,
goiHl burn, and woodshed, two laige lots
on corner opposite Catholic ehiiruh.
1 rico 000.
Two good tois near railroad 100 feet
square. Price Ili'O.
Farming land, well Improved, 1 mile
from Cottage (irnve, adjoining the conn
ty road, in irncls irom 0 to 100 acres.
If you want a baigain look this up.
Splendid cottngu ou Fourth street ,$7fi0.
Look this up if you want it bargain in a
One hundred acres of improved land
lying in a tract east nud west within a
ipia ter of 11 mile of Cottugu Orove, ad
joining county road.
One hundred acres improved hind nil
joining county road onc-nimiler of 11 mile
west of Cottago Grove, lying in a tract
north and south.
Land Ofllco at Rnxchurg, Orecnn.
September 5, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that tho following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make Until proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
mndn before Mario L. Wnro U. 8. Com
missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Octo
ber 18, 1001, viz: Jacob tioiwlU 011 Ids
II. E. No. 8217 for tho NW X Bee. 2 Tp.
21 8., R. 4 West.
IIo names tho following witnesses to
provo his continuous residence, upon
ami cultivation of said land, viz:
J, R. Kendall, John Robinson, IS. II,
Lee, J. li.Tapp, of Cottage Grove, Ore
gon. J. T. BiiiDUKS, Register.
United States Land Ofllco,
Roscburg, Oregon, Hoptcmbor3rd,1!K)l.
Notice li hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An uct for the ralonf
timber lands In tho States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," uscx
loutlcd to nil tho 1'ubllo Innd States by act of
August !, 1(02, Robort A, I.iunlordulo of Nor
man, County of Snohomish, State of Washing
ton, has this day filed In this office his sworn
BtiitomeiitNn, 1812 for the purehasoof thoBK
1-1 of Feotlon No, 18 In Township No. 20 S,
Rango No. 7 West, and will oll'or proof to show
Unit tho land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stono than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register ami Receiver of this ofllro lit lloso
burg, Oregon, on Monday tho 18th day of No
vember, loot,
lie names as witnesses!
Geo, Woolly of Drain, Oregon, I.O. DoWolfof
Portland, Oregon, ltllcy Smith of Roscburg,
Oregon, Ivor Ivorsnn of Fir, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described limits aru requested to 111 u
their claims In this ollk'o oil or before said 18th
day of November, IWI.
J. T. UHllar.s, Register.
NOTiui: for ruiiMUATioN,
United Msttt I,iiil Offlre,
- llosuhiirg, Ore,, August t, tul,
Kotlro Is herthy given that in romllanr
with the prnv Isltina of Ilia act of Conirrss of
Juno It, lhTs, entitled "An art for I bo sale of
limber lands In Ihn Htiiltsnf California, (Ire.
gnu, Nvvada mid Washington Territory," as
extended toall the Public) l-aiul Stales by art of
August I, m, Milan ft. Darker of Ktigcne,
eoimiyof l.anc, HIhIu (01 Territory) of Oregon,
has this day flint III this tiDIre his sworn stale,
men!, Nn. 1TC7, for the purcliano of Ihn HV HK
tj HK l( N W M, I! i W 1-4, of Section No, S2 In
township No. am, llnnitvNn. fv W., and will
nirur proof lo show that Ilia land sought Is
uiiirtl valuable for lis limber or Mono than fur
agricultural purpescs, and In establish his
rtiilm tumid I11111I before Ibe Register and lit
et'tverof this otllce al llrischurg, OifK"ii,oii
Thursilny, Hit 411 li day of tlrlobcr, IPel.
He mimes as ivlliiii's!
Mrs. Carrie M. Ilrtlker of Kugene, Orrgon,
Clin rid Wills of fitune, Oiegon, M. t . Ills-
sell of liwrll, Oicgtiu, I.. (Iltsllsp uf Kugens,
ny and all persons rlaluilng sdltrrely tho
nlNive-tteserlboil lands are reUfsti'd In II In
their claims lit this onirtt on or befote said tilth
day of Otiober, ivul.
J.T. llatiKiw, Koclsitr.
rnlltsl Stales Und OPIre,
llimtbiirg, Ore., August (I, W.
Notliels hereby glrru lhal In compllanro
wllh Hie provlsluns of Die art of Congress of
Julie!!, 17, entitled "An, act for Hie sale of
timber lauds In Ihn Stales of California, Onv
xnii, Ncvnila nud Washington Territory," as
extended to all Hie Public Slates by acl of
August I, IHM, Mrs, Cattle M. Ilatker of Kit
gene, rouuty of Ijine, Stale (or Territory) ol
Oregon, has this day filed III Hits olllm her
sworn statement, No. KM, for Hit putrhaso of
the Hi, NK I I, N I, SK1I ofrtlotl Nii..T!Iii
Touiislilp No. 20 H, Usage No. 1 W.,and will
offer proof In show that the land sought la
mote aluable for lta limber or stone than for
agricultural puroscs, and lo utaMMi her
elnlnt In said land hefotit Hie RcgMtr and Re
ceiver of Ihls olllceal Riseburg, Orermt, on
Thursday, Ihn Villi day of Oeli.ber, 1V1.
She names us lltic-a. a :
M. S. Marker of htigetie, Oregon, Charles
Wlhso of llane, Oregon, M. 11. Ill-sell of
lwell, I.. (Hist tap of Cugetie, Oregon.
Any and all rsoiis claiming adrersely Ilia
abot vilest" Ibed lands am rciieltil In II lo
their claims In this otlliu on or U'fuie said 'Jltli
lay of October, Wl.
J.T. Iimwirji, llegliler.
t'nltwl Hoil 1mim OBIm-,
IliKeburg.Ore.. Augnst Hlli, IWil.
Notice Is hereby glieu tbat lit nimpllauru
wllh Hie provisions of the art of I'ongrtosof
Juno. IWr, arulllltHt "An art for Hie rale ol
limber lands In the State of alllornla, Ore
gun, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex
tended lo all Hie Public Ijind Slates by att of
August I, mi, llctberl A. IHxou, Clinton,
vltle, County of Wanpara, Stale of Wis.
eoiislu, has this day tiled In Ibis offlco
his sworn ststemr nt No, 1779, for the purrbai
of Hie HI, SWj, NK l-l MV 1-1, ,NW II SKI 4
ofSeetloii No. Slnlonmhlp No. :e S llango
No. 2 West, and will offer proof to show thai
lh land viiuvbl ! innru valilaltlu fur Its lllnlMtr
or stone Ihati for agricultural pnrxsvs, ami lis
establish his culm In said land beforo Ihu
llestlster ami Hire I re r nl this orilre at llnse.
burg, Orrgiiu, ouFaluritay, Hie 2nd day of No
U'mlwr, lvi'li
He names as,wllnees:
Herman flow. Wu. Nelson, frank MrKII-
bvlis, Morris MpKlblwns, of (.'ullage lltove, Ore
gon. Any nnd all iwrsons claiming adversely lh
lKivslecf llivd lands art rcnoestcil to (Ha
Ihclt rlaltns In this offlea 011 or before rsld'imt
day of November, Usil.
J.T. ItRitMiKs, Register.
I'iiIImI Slalra Ijind Office
Roscburg, Ore., August 21, 1WH.
Not lee Is hereby given that In com
pliance wllh Hie provl'lniis of the art
of Congre-s of June A, I87H, entlllcl "Alt
act lot tho salo of limber lands in tho
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash.
Ingtou Territory," as extended in all Hie Public
I-Hiid Slates by act of August 1, WJ, Prank A.
Kent of Kly, county ol St. touls, Statu of Min
nesota, haa Hits day llled 111 thla o;1re Ida
sworn atatement, No. 1791, for the par
thasuof tho HW 1-1 NW 1-1, N l-'J UW I I,
NW I I HK 1-4 of Suction No. In Town,
ship No. 21 H, Rangu 7 West, and will offer
proof to show that tho land sought la more valu
able for lis timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and lo establish his claim tnsatdland
beforo tho Register and Receiver of this
ofllco at Koseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, tho
71 li day of November, 10U1.
IIo names as witnesses; I,. (I. DeWolf of
Portland, Otegon, Oeorge Woolly of Drain, Ore
gon, Klmer Woolly of Drain, Oregon, Henry
Stelnlek of Portland, Orrgou.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
iibnve-descrlbed lands are requested to fllo
their claims In Ihls office ou or before said
7th day of November, 1V01.
J.T. Rmbors, Register.
t'n I ted States Und Office,
Koseburg, Oregon, Sept., 3rd, RsJl,
Notice Is horeby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June il, 1878, untitled "An net for tho salo of
timber lands In the Slates of California, Ote
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho Pubtlo Ijind States by act
of August 4, 1892, Ivor Iverson, of Fir, County
of Sltuglt, Statonf Washington, has this day
filed In this nfllcu his aworn statement No, 1811,
for tho nurchiiso of the N H UK 1-1, SK 1-4 NK
1-4, NK 1-1 SK 1-4, of Section Nn. 2Uln Township
No. 20 B., Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof
to show that tho land sought Is more valuublu
for Its limber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to sntd
land before tho Register and Receiver of this
otllce at Roscburg, Oregon, an Monday tho 18th,
day of November. 1U0I.
He names us witnesses!
(loo, Woolly ol Drain. Oregon, !,.(). DoWolt
of Portland, Oregon, Riley Smith of Roscburg,
Oregon, Robert A. Iiuderdale of Normun, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
nbovu-descilbcd landsuro requested to tile their
claims In this ollleo on or bfere suld 18th day
of Novombor, 1VU1.
J. T. llniDOF.s, Register.
Notlco Is hereby given that In pursuance of
an order of tho Probate Court ot the County of
Uitiu, Statu of Oregon, muiln on the 3rd duy of
September, 11)01, In tlio mutter of tho estateof
(loo. P, (laroutto, deceased, tho undersigned,
tho administrator of suld estate, will toll at
public auction to tho highest bidder, for cish,
subject to tho coullrmatlon of sum Probata
Court, on Siilurdav the lutli day of October,
H'01, at 1U o'clock a, m. at the front door of tho
dwelling house oulho following described truct
of laud bolonglng lo tho estate of Ibe said Geo,
P. (luroutlo, lu I.iino County, Statu of Oregon all
of the following described frnct of land, towlti
The NK 1-1 of tho SW 1-4 of Section o und Lot I
of said Section t all In Tp. 21 S, It. 2 W, contain
ing 57.U2 ucres of land lu Lane County, Oregon.
Dated this 19th day of September, liWl.
. , . , . . f kamk KrUY,
AumlnlstruteroftLo eitattvfOeo, P.Curvutte.