Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 11, 1901, Image 4

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lidltnrs anil I'aMtsbcr.
Enlrl at tn postorflce it Onttaxt Ororf,
Oregon aiF-ttMMid Clan mall mat'.cr.
Hnburrlptlnn prlr.1.30, Incltano.
AilvsirtUIng l!ti wit'ii known upon
THIS I'.U'KK l kept on ffl at E. C. Pratt's
rhsnre.&ati rtan4,rlllorBl. Vw
tratts Jar wlrerthtbt; ran be nutria lor H.
Friday, October it, 1901.
Tbrouch the efibrts of Senator
Mitcbellthe President has appointed
George W. Bibee of Sheridan as
Receiver of tbe Oregon City Land
Office. This place has been dis
puted for by several applicants,
and because of a lack of harmony
the Democratic occupant has held
the office for eighteen months over
his term.
The past week has witnessed
much travel through town, both
north and south. People seem to
be migrating all the time to better
their conditions. Many have splen
did wagons nnd stock and well
equipped outfits and nearly all have
an abundance of judge
by the number of tot-heads peep-
intr out from the canvas covers of
the prairie schooners. All seem to
be in the pink of health aud the
caravan keeps moving on.
LHTTEll Fit O 31 ltOJIE3tlJ.
all of
The international cup races last
week were by far the closest
ever sailed in American
The Columbia beat the
rock fair and honest in
the three trials. Sir Thomas Lipton
took his defeat manfully and
in the true spirit of a thorough
sportsman. He felt much dis
appointment that the challenger did
not Ret at least one of the trails when
the victory seemed to be almost
within his grasp. He has the con
solation of knowing, however, that
he owns one of the fleetest boats
that ever crossed the ocean to try
conclusion with a Yankee yacht.
Iu another column will be seen
the "ad" of the Star Consolidated
Mining Company which is located
on Martin Creek in the great Do
hernia mining district. The prop
erty as now incorporated and
capitalized is one of the finest groups
of mines in that district. One
hundred thousand shares of stock
in this company will now be sold
for the purpose of completing de
velopment work and putting the
property on a dividend paying basis
at an early date. Many thousands
of dollars have already been spent
upon this excellent group and it has
Jong since passed tlie experimen
tal stage. Full information can be
had by applying to Jennings Bros.,
112 Sherlock Building, Portland,
The assassin of President McKin
ley will gajn ho notoriety while in
prison. The New York officials
are determined that no morbid
sentimentality shall be allowed.
State Superintendent of Prisons
Collins has gi-en orders that the
murderer must not be a subject of
notoriety while 111 Auburn prison
awaiting electrocution. He must
not be seen, and visitors must not
be permitted to enter any part of the
prison where knowledge might be
gained of his location. The warden
of the prison has been instructed to
inform the guards and other em
ployes of the prison that the divulg'
ingofany information concerning
Inm or his doings will be considered
a crave breach of discipline, and
will be dealt with accordingly.
Bohemia, October, 9, oi
The camp is still here, even if so
many of the mine owners and pros
pectors have gone to a lower alii
tude to enjoy the refreshing showers
of Oregon's pleasant winters.
Chrisman, the stage man and
mail contractor, is stocking up his
route with horse provfeiows for
winter and expects mx I do
away with tbe stage "c
the pack saddle.
Frothier Ben Pkcfcer t dame a
good buttress in i Kk. by brat
ins in lots of sum fer tbe
sttctuitire mtmers.
A great deal of derefopeaeRt
work and xaNoal labor has been
dooe by tbe people tbat bare hii-
boaudrd feitk ia tbe fotare of the
ereatest roid caatp of tbe Xortu-
west. We pcedict and bope they
will leahut mumy of their expecta
tions before tbe doe of 1902.
Postata&ier Gettys fetls quite
lively coasideriK tbe long kme-
sotae wuiter tbat looms up before
bis scuta! vision.
Wbittier bas bis relief maps of
Bobtail aixmt completed. They are
beauties ami true representations
of tbe cassp aad will be quite a
souvesir to remind him of his
sojourn aad mar tramps over the
hills during his pleasant stay
amoog as. We are loth to see him
leave bs aad look forward to bis
return ia tbe sear future.
Tbe rangers are "rounding up"
and will leave the bills about the
13th of this month. Bob Veatch
will take with him his third "ba'r"
Albert Ziniker realizes that "the
absence of the better-half gives
freedom to the other-half." He has
also proof positive tbat life is too
short and he has missed many a
year of wedded bliss by being so
bashful or afraid of a blank lottery
in selecting a "vrow." J.
Tlic First National Bank
Of Cottage Grove, at Cottaye Grove, in
the Stat; of Oregon, at the close of busi
ness Sept. 30, 1001.
Loans and dlsroants 121,169 CI
Overdraft!, secured and unsecured.... A.1I9 52
I. 8. Bonds to Kcnre circulation 12,500 00
I'remluma on V. S. Dondi WC 00
Stocks, securities, etc 10,7l 2S
Banking house, furniture and fixture 5,000 00
Due from National Hanks (not lie serve
Agents) 8,181 15
Due from approve! reserve agents l."J,CJ3 09
Checks and other Cash Items
Notes of other National Ranks ...CO 00
Fractional jmper currency, nickels,
and cents 202 03
Bpeclc HAW 00
Legal-tender notes lou 00
Redemption 'fund with U. .8 Treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation) C25 00
Total 10H,868
Capital stock paid In 21,000 00
Undivided profit, less expenses and
taxes paid 87G 71
National Dank notes outstanding 12,500 00
Due to Trust Companies and Ravings
Hanks 2S 4'
Individual deposits subject to check.. W,T77 61
Demand certificates of deposit 2.10J 00
At the last meeting of the Coun
cil an appropriation was made of
$100 for the purchase of a new
alarm bell for the fire department
This is a good move and oue that
will be appreciated by all our
citizens. The old bell was badly
cracked and could not be heard two
blocks from the City Hall. Wilh
' good streets, an abundant supply of
water, nearly sixteen hundred
feet of first-class hose and a large
and loud-toned bell to wake up our
people when occasioti requires,
there ought to be no occasion to
fear any serious conflagration in the
future, and with all these assurances
the rates of insurance should and
will come down to a point where
every citizen can afford to carry
some adequate protection against
loss by fire. Our City Dads are be
ginning to get fully awake. Let
the good work go on. ' I
Total 108,8S 70
State of Oregon,)
County of Lane.)
I, Herbert Kakin, Cashier of the above
named bank, dosolomnly en-ear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this 9th day or Oct., 1001.
(a) J. E. Youxo,
i hkal Notary Public.
( ) Attest :
( Darwin Rihhtow
Director" N. W. Whitb
( Gko. M. Hawlkv
Miss Burdtck of Cottage Grove
was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Lee and family.
There was a barn raising at Jacob
Geiwitz's last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Damewood
and family are now numbered as
residents of Divide.
Mr. Dominago Perini a short
time ago purchased the steam saw
formely used by Campbell & Alex
ander at Alca and is now cutting
the surrounding forest.
School is progressing nicely un
der the hkillful guidance of Miss
Ida Smith.
Mr. and Mrs, James Mackey of
Hudson were visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Framel aud family last Sunday,
Cottage Grove
Planing ill!
We are now prepared to furnish all
kifxW of Unuikets, mo Minn, coinkv,
aaii and tUwe. door am! window frames',
winsfoaa, pk-kvt, etc.
WVulwork of all kind mailt) ami re
aatireti. We will aim) work rustic, siding,
ceiling or size studding, etc
A.s the Old Moid
Said wlien She
Kissed the
Our nds are short and'imeet and right
to the point.
BSreh.uit & Morgan
The Sew Urn Drug Store.
Feed and
Sale Stable
Rlrcr Street, opposite Cottage Grove Hotel,
Cottage Grove.
Farmers will find good feed and
stabling for their stock. Baled
bay and feed for sale.
We also have a few fine rigs to
let out for driving.
S. E. La-Lidex;
The . . .
Itfver St., Cottage Grove.
We carryan extra line line of
Liquors and Cigars, ami If you
have orcnxlon to want goods In
our line we would appreciate a
call from you.
Sheriff Sale on JCxvcutlon.
Notice 1 hereby given that by virtue of an
Execution duly Iwmert out of the Circuit fonrt
of the Htate of Oregon for the Connty of Lane,
on the 18th day of Feptember, 1901, on a Judg
ment rendered in the Juitire Court, for the
Juntlce district of Cottage drove, of the Htato
of Oregon for the County of Ijine, on the 4th
day of May, 1901, which judgment w enrolled
and docketed In the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court on tlioZid day of Augut, 1'jO, in
a tult In the Juntlce Court, for tho Jintlce
dliitrlct of Cottage Orovc, wherein lr. O. V.
Snapp In plaintiff and J, II. Ittuher ludefendant.
and to ine directed commanding mo that out of
the personal property of said defendant, or,
If sufficient could not be found, then out of tho
real property belonging toiald defendant In
said County on or after tho mild "jai, day of
August, lSMl, tosatisfythesum of Forty-two and
2'MCO (f U.2.-) I'ollars, and a further sum of Hlx
and HMU)(fo80) Dollars coma, and the costs of
and upon this writ, and being unable to find
iiersonal rtronertv of said riefandHnt tn ii.ti.fv
aid Judgment and coats and accruing coats I
did on the 20th day of Keptember, lt)l, levy
upon the following dcacrlbed real proper'y be
longing to raid defendant on the tliil day of
August, l!)01,or ub-cuuently to-wlt;
I Att No. Klght (S) in block No. two (2) of Per
kins' addition to rhe City of Cottage drove,
Ijine County, Oregon, as the same 7s platted
and recorded.
Now thcrcforo In tho name of the Hate of
Oresron and in conndlarvo with nuiii writ r will
offer for sale at public auction for cash, subject
to redemption, all the right, title and Interest
of the said defendant In and to the above de
scribed premises, at the Bouth-wcat door of tho
County Court House, In Kugcne, I.ane County,
Oregon, on Monday the 1th day of November.
1001. between tho hours of 0 nVWlr u m ami
1 o'clock p. in. towltat 1 o'clock p.m. on said
Dutcd this the 28th day of Keptember, 1001,
oltnl Sheriff of I,ane County, Oregon.
At tho Concur Bond ranch thoro g n
Htruyeil ntuor. Tho animal ha hoen on
tho place for three weeks. Thoownercan
have tho utucr by calllntr for him nnd
paying expenses of his keep and for this
G, L. SnonntiDOK.
Let Us Tell It Again
It's so easy to forget, nnd wc don't want you to ever lorgct that wc run all the risk when
you trade here. Wc relieve you of all judgment, till doubt nnd uinkc it unnecessary for
you to be n judge of quality, color or price. In fact the youngest toddler cun trade here ns
safely ns you; as safely ns the shrewdest that ever saved a penny. Wc say continually and
forever to all, if at any time you make n purchase here tuid ttftcrwutd regret it, return the
goods within a reasonable length of time nnd get your money. Thnl's ns fair as we know-how
to uinke it and these Fall Goods nrc anxiously awaiting your visit.
At Newlands, of Cours
"We I-Xave the Fit, Finish and .IPashion. H
7v. . . .". r. ;1. ;'. ;-Tr v
Will be Found at
Lurch's, i
O-at Lowest Prices
That Is what you are looking for.
Isn't Itt
Well wehavcthctn. Come
nnd see far yourself.
Look at our prices, our
goods nnd you will sec
it pays to buy where you
can select from the largest
Millinery gooda shown in
Itlilliaiery Store
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
i -
)Mew Jewelry Store
Main Straot. Cottage drove.
I have on hand and shall kvp at all time a rtrt-Jai slock ol U'atrhes,
Clucks. J'lii. Km litem lluttoiis and the finest aMirltnent ol King ever
brought to thl rlty.
My price arc the lowet for the law! goods yon ever bought, and within
the. reach of all. tilre tnea t all and I shall lake pleasure III showing you
ray tioods.
New Harness Shop.
n"" """"
A Pull line of all kinds of Harness and Harness Goods, Saddles,
Uridles, Whips, etc. Everything found in a First-class Shop.
Repairing neatly and promptly done. Call and sec me.
Fred Gale, Prop.
Hiieceawr to Mrs. (luo, llohlmaii nt tho old stand on Main Street.
om:.ts vol ciioick asd hki,k.(t i.isk ok
. . . MILLINERY . . .
For the Kali and Winter wear In all tho 1'p-to-dnttt styles and of the
finest Kabrlc.
Yon are earnestly requested to call and examine tho lovely head.
ji frearon display, which yon may poscsfortheloest llrinK prlcos. ft!
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
7 Bohemia t
vft" Main St.. Cottaeo Grove. 4
vjnoicei line 01 iviquors dj.
hand. Your patronage
4K- is resnectfullv solicited.
A Consolidation that Means Much for that Wonderful DIstrlctSfock
How Offered toJhs public at jMerB Fraction of Its Actual Value.
Ji'!iiiinj,'n IlroH., tho own r of tho Stur Kroup of inlnt-a,
loi-iiti'd in tho uoll-kitown Itoliumlit Diatrlct, I.tiiit' t'oiuitv,
Oregon (tidjiiL-unt to CoUiiku Hrovo, on tho Hue of tliu Sontfi.
orti I'nuitlii Itailrnml) lmvu pu rctiael tho llnrtly it IIiikIik
Kroup of cliiiiiin iidjoininjf, for I In purpose of conxollilntioii
of tint propcr'irn nnil tlm more mmomlcii) opcrntlon nnd
woiklim of them. TIiIh uoiiHoliilittioii tuts been aecotnplltheil
nntl a new unmpnny, known iih tluiHtiir Coimiliiltiteil Mining
Cuinpnny, Iiiih Iwun orptulzed nnd IncorporMti'il with n
capltulUiitlon of $1,000,(XK), divided into 1,000,000 Rlmreu of
tho pur vitluoof $1 per nlinro. Of thin amount of Btnrktlio
company Iiuh duclded to oflur for snlo, nt n very low llgtiro,
100,000 Bhnrca fur tho purpoHo of rompluling ccrtnln de
velopment work tluit Iiiih been in progrcMH for
Home tlmo. Moro tlmn 10,000 Iiuh ulreiulv liotm vxpondod
on tho Star property, In tho way of driving deep tunnels,
making utmilsuH and uncovering nnd uxploriiiK Iiitku ore
bodloH. AlmoHt u like ouin Iiiih been spent on Uio Ilnrtloy
it IltmliM uroup, bo that these properties have lout; alnco
passed out of thu cutegory of pro8peet,nml into tlionreiia of
auro diviilond-pnycrs at an early (Into, Whon the Import
nneo nnd produutivnness of the Hohemlti dUtriet h
lliorouKhly comprehentled theno Htutemcnta will receive
uiHuinlifled credence.
To thoBo uiHicqmiinted with that section,
full Information will bo given at
Portland, Oregon.
Or will bo promptly forwarded by
mall to any peruon applying for same.
Portland, Ore.
''Tho Great Carnival, which opens at
Portland on September 18tli and con
tinues until October 10th, 1001, will bo
well worth n visit to tho metropolis,
Kxhibita of ngri'tultural and horticul
tural products, minium and manufuctur
Intr Industries, athletic exercises, a hornu
show at which featH of horscmnnehjp
and tho various forms of fnncy riding
will bo seen, and a magnificent military
tournament, participated in by picked
companies fiom the Oregon National
Guard, nro a few of tho attractions nt
tho Carnival this year. Tho Southern
Pacini) Co. will sell tickets nt low rates
for this occasion, and will also run n
special excursion from Ashland in Port
land and return, stopping nt nil tutor
medlnto stations, the ditto nnd rates for
which will be announced hereafter."
Many people have secrets and gunrd
tlicm leiiloiiutir tint tlw .,it tv.i,w.r.,
! .., ..... , ..... , ,VVI(tU-
I tors of tho human rnco havolnall time
mm niuo mo secrets that benefit Im
munity. Ho It is with tho Uonson Drtiir
Co. They make no secret ot having tho
best, largest nntl frostiest nupplv of
Hrngs ever offered for salo iu Cottngo
Grovo. In tho eoinpountllng of pro
scriptions nothing but tho very choicest
of ingredients nro used, and they aro
prepared by nn oxport pharmacist who
stakes ills reputntlon upon his ability.
Tho Ilenson Drug Co. leads and Its repu
tation Is known far nnd wldo for first
class goot's and fair nnd honest prices,
When you need anything that Is tisunlly
found in nn ilrnc fr
on tho Ilonson Drug Co. and you can