( IT llAl'PKNBD IN A DttUGSTOUK. "Ono day last winter; n lady cnuio to my drugstore nml askcxl tor n brnnd ol rough medicine that I did not hnve in took," says Mr. 0. K. Grnndln, the uopnlnrtlniggistof Onhirlo.N. Y. "Bho was disappointed nnd wanted to know what coug.li preparation I could recom mend, 1 said to her tlint I could freely xocuiumcnd Chamberlain's Cough Item edy und. that sbo could trtko n bottlo of the remedy nnd after Riving it n fair trial if Him did not find it worth the money to briiiK btii'k the bottle nml I would re fund tho price paid. In the course of u iliiy or two the lmly anno back in com pany with n friendln need of n rough medicine and ndviecd her to bo v it Iwt tlo of Uluimbci Iain's Cough ltemtdy. I consider that n very good recom menilation for tho remedy." It is lor salo ty Benson Diiuh Co.. Cottage Grove. Lyons & Ai'i-lkhatk, Drain. ABOUT IRRIGATION. TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mm. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky . , "it seemed it .would strangle liefore wo could get a. doctor, so wo gave it Dr. King's New Difcovery, which gave quick relief and fiernianently cured it. We always keep t In thu house to protect our children from Croup and hooping Cough, t cured mo of n chronic bronical troiibl that no other remedy woidd relieve Infallible for Coughs. Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. Trail bottles ireo Benson Duuo Co. The following letter from the Weather Uureau is self cxplattitory and will be read witb interest: Tortlnrid, Ore., Sept. 24, oi To Tint Editok: Mr. Iv. 11. Dunn, formerly nn official in thcU. S. Weather Bureau in a recent article in the Washing ton Star, advances the rather start ling theory that the severe hot spell which occured in the middle West last July was due to the increased Pennsylvania is reprotetl by Mr, Wricht at St.05 per day. Low ns this may seem when compared with the wajjes of rollers of, iron and steel, it is high enough to bring coal miners from Europe. Tli Asiatic standard is even lower. the Asiatic exclusion law expires by limitation the European coal miners will be rooted out by Chinese who will take their places at $1 day.S. P. Bulletin. "Tho Great Carnival, which opens n I...-. I I .... U lUll. .....I ...... . ., , l urilllllll Ull oiTiPiimi'vi mil, mm vim area now turner irrigation aiong uic 1 tinmMJ , ()ctoler lUih, 11)01, will I East slope of the Rocky mountains, well worth a visit to tho metropolis it. n... .. .1.. , Kxh bits of HgrL-ultiiral and hortlcul nn. iumi tiu iiu ' tural iinniucts, uiinnii! nun iiianuiactiir burning up of the corn crop oil the nu industries, uthletiecNcrelses, u horu sbouUlcrsoftlieirrigationcompaniessiiov hi wnicn teats 01 norscniansnip unci tit mnl1 fnrniFM who are trv- and the vaiinus forms of fancy rltllug and the small farmers w 10 are tr unJ u m it,,.t,nt mWtnry ine to make the desett bring lortli ,,,.; Iul,ii,.i, 1 in hV i,t,.bmi sustenance for roan and beast, and cotnimnies from thu Oregon Ntitlouu he nreues that the farmer who Guard, area few of the attractions at cmii! nnc l.v n,wiK nf Jr. the Carnival this year. 1 ho southern " . , ' "", ' U'ucllloCo. will sell tickets at low rate ngauon nmsiucsupjucK.cu mui. . .1 oo..,,,,. rtm w II also run farmer who raises large crops with- special excursion front Ashland to Port at A FIENDISH ATTACK. .An attack was lately tnado on C Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearl. nroved fatal. It came throuch his kid neys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped with cushions No remedy cured Id in until he tried Electric Bitters which effected such a wonderful change that he writes he feels like a new man. Ihis marvelous ineil icinecures headache and kidnev trouble purines the blood aud builds up you health. Only 50c at Benson's Dnco store. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brouzht on bv eatinc cucum hers says M. b. Lowther, clerk of the lisfrict court, Centeryille, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die. and tried n dofen diirerent medicines but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's (Jolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy and three doses relieved me en tirely." Tins remedy is for sale bv Uk.vson- Dnva Co.. Cottage Grove Lyon A Aitleoatk, Drain. SENT KKKE. Sosurenre we that tho locating of a few of our Electric Belts will develop into numerous sales of our Belts and Appliances, that we are willing to send one free toany sufferer from the follow ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto celo, Female weakness, Kidney com- Iilaint, Leucorrhen, Liver complaint, 'analysis, Lost vitality, Nervoustlebility, Self abuse, IVorn-out women, Sciatica, Weak ami Nervous women, Irregular menstruation. Impotency, Kheumatism. Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped Sexual organs, and Catarrh. Address for illustrated circular, etc.. Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle Creek. Michigan. STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS. uVhcn a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes V. II. Eads of lonesville. Va., "which caused horrible legaores for thirty years, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burncs, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by Benson Dbco Co. 25c. WHAT'S YOUK FACE WORTH? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on inesKin, an signs ot Litver Trouble, But Dr. Kinir'a New Life Pills at vi Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complex ion. Only 25 cents at Benson's Diiug- BTOKE. out irrigation may prosper. Hesays that low pressure, trougl. shaped, areas occupy this semi-arid region and that the moisture evapo rated from the soil is commeusurato for their existance but insufficient to propel them onward, and warm air is thus drawn from the south which for many days at a time flows over the corn belt and withers the crops. This theory is illogical and is con demned by the entire scientific staff 1 of the Weather Bureau. It is, in fact, unworthv of serious consider ation and its publication is intended to injure the cause of irrigation not only in Eastern Oregon but m all of the rapidly growing states of the sub-arid West. TheVeatber of the United States is controlled by the passage ol low and high pressure areas and these disturbances are carried Eastward by the general movement of the upper atmosphere. liie general movement of the upper atmosphere is controlled by tne dinerences in the temperature between the Poles aud the Equator. When these dif ferences, as in the winter time, are great, the upper current moves rapidly, but when they are slight, as is the case during the midsummer season, they move slowly and some times become stagnant. Last July the upper air currants were sluggish and the high and low preasure areas drifted very slowly, and their in action was not in any way caused the moisture element they con tained. Severe drouths and heat waves have occurred in the past long be fore irrigation was practiced and they may be expected in the future as long as the difference between the temperature at the Poles and the Equator decreases, 111 the sum mer time as it now does, and no effort on the part of man can change it. Edward A. Buals, Forecast Official, U. S. W. B land ami return, stopping at all inter mediate stations, the date and rates for which will be announced heienltvr. NOTICE FOR 1'UllMCATlON. Land Olllcc at Rosehurg, Oregon, September 6, 11)01. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-namcd settler has filed notice ol her intention to make thud proof In suit' port of her claim, and that said proof will bo made ucioro me tiegister and Ueceiver U. a. I-mm Otlico at uosehun: Orevon. on October ll. 1001, vlr.: Emma 0. Jones on her II. E. No. HOIS for the E SE )i, S .j NE. Sec. JK Tp. -". S R. V She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous rcxtdciicc ujhiu and cultivation 01 said land, vu: William T. Jones. Henry C. Combs Elisha (jeer, .May Geer, of Amos, Ore n. J. T. HittiHiKs, Register. THE SOUTH AND SHASTA OK THE f?RM 1 'i EAST ROUTE Trains leavo Cottage Grnvo for Port land nml way stations ut 2:14 n 111 and 1 p 111. AMERICAN SCALE OF WAGES When you cannot sleep for coughing, It is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy suiiuy me irriiiuion 01 ine inroai, anu make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. ior sale by Benson Dura Co., Cottage uruve. .L.YOXS iK APPLEGATE, Drain. A new remedy for billiousness is now en sale at Benson's Drugstore. It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver lomets. it gives quick relief and will U11.1V111, me niuio u gimn us goon as ine urst indication ot the disease nn pears, rrlce so cents per box. Sam ples iree. When you have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eat ing you may know that you need a dose of Charoberl tin's Stomach and Liver lameis. rrice 20 cents. Samples free For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber- Jain's Pain Balm. Try It. For sale by Itaso: Dnuo Co.. Cottage Grove. Lyons & Avpleoate, Drain. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notably among the pleasures afforded by'tho Shasta Route is tho winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will over develop fresh points of interest and added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of its in dustries, in its prolilio vegetation and among its numberless resorts of moun tain, shore, valley und plain. The two daily Shasta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, but the low rates of fare will still continue in effects Illustrated guides to tho winter re torts of California and Arizona may be liad on application to . .R.Bj Mu.T.kuV G . P. A., -y Portland, Oregon, An Eastern free-trade journal quotes from Carroll D. Wright's table of wages, showing a consider able difference in wages paid in different parts of the country and in different grades of skilled labor, to establish its assertion that there is no American scale of wages The daily wages of heaters in roll ing mills are quoted as $6.75 in Pennsylvania and $6.62 in Ohio. Rollers of iron and steel are paid $10.69 in Ohio and $6.75 in New York. These high wages are con trasted with the smaller wages of cotton spinners in Massachusetts and in the Southern cotton mills. The fact that in some kinds of labor requiring more than ordinary skill men are paid from $6 to $10 a day is pretty good evidence that there is an American standard of wages. No kind of manual labor receives such compension elsewhere. The scale stands by itself. It shows what protection to American labor has done for the workingman in the United States. It is now said that the branches of industry in which these high wages are paid no longer need pro tection. It is probably true that such industries would be prosecuted if there were no tariff duties. But if the American market should be opened to the free importation of the products of lower wages the American sqale would certainly be reduced. Competition is first felt in the lower grades of work. Ameri cans have been driven out of coal mines in Pennsylvania and Ohio by ,tbe cheaper European laborers. The average pay' of coal miners in Lv Portland 8 :30 a 111 8 :30 p 111 " Cottage Grove 2 :"7 p 111 :W a m Ar Ashland 12:55 a 111 1 2 :.to p m "Sacramento 5:10 pin 5:00 u 111 " San Francisco 7.45 p in 8:45 u m ' Ogden 4 :55 a in 7 :00 a 111 " Denver ::10 a m 11.15 p 111 " Kansas city 7 25 a m 7:25 a 111 " Chicago 7:42 a in 8::I0 p 111 " Los Angeles 2:00 p in S.tVVu m " El I'aso 0:00 p m 11:00 p m ' Fort Worth OiHO a 111 0:30 11 111 " Citv of Mexico 1 1 :30 a m 1 1 ;.S0 a m " Houston 7:00 a 111 7:00 n 111 "New Orleans 0:30 pm (1:30 pin " Washington (1:42 a m (1:42 a m "New York 12:10 p m 12:10 p 11 Pullman and Tourists cars nn both trains. Chair ears Sacramento to OlmIcii ami El Paso, mid tourist cars to Chicago St louis, .e' Orleans and ashingtou. Connecting at San Francisco with the several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, 1'hillipines, Central and &01U11 America. See agent at Cottage Grove station, or address R. B. Milleii, G P. A. Portland, Oregon. visit DR. JORDAN'S owat( MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1091 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL In Hie World. i Gnalut attraction In tU CUi. J. Wmke,ornjr contract. tho olilnt UpvclulUtuii tli I'idflo 1 Comu UlrUUelMyrara. , OB. JORDAN-PRIVATE DISEASES ' Tubbk urn anil nililille I from lb cOVcU ol youthful nd. ( Or tin I a. I.. - . ' ' '-i""-M14l.ll lieu iiiw.im. i rtl"nril mm4 In all Iticorapli. W - - . . a ru.iHiDp a wr.,M"i,"-. "y combinntioVi St r..i.n,, 01 gitn caraiira poivfr, tlie lector huaorraiidlil. trrutmriitlht will nol only .rrord TmmKllMt ntM. but pcrnuncn. cure. Tbs Doctor dor. not claim to perform mlruclrj. but la well known to l a fair ami Muura I'lirnidan and Burgeon, pre-eminent III MaapectutJ'-DlavMae. 'ot Mn. WVIMIII.IN thnrongblr eradicated from tha aitem without theuieof ilercuri. ,ur? taL BPr). A quick anil rtuttntl turt forlMlre. riaaare and Fl.tuli. br Br. Jordan'a apedal palnteu metbcKla. jiaji anpIlngtoawliiiccera ,nnl Oathonrituntntonnt blicnninlnlnr. l tl Uunrcmllt a iVXIXIVE CUnB V Cnnwitatlon KHKhS and atrlctlr PrlraU. 0 Trejiment personally or by letter. ttr Book. I'lIII.OIOI'irr OF boolcformen.) Call or writ 6 DnjOnDANaCO., IOSIMttllt8t,$.p. Ql igli Ak 'fc fWOJWfBMOCfJNmocm. fl Makers, St.iousMo. A complete line always iu stock At LURCH'S. ASTHMA CftJKE FREE ! Astlimalenc Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in all Cues. SUNT ABSOIeUTKLY FRKU ON UKCHH'T OV POSTAL. ) Thoro Is nothing liku AHtluiinlunu. It brings Instant lullef, even in thu worst ciisuh, It cures whun all ulsu fullit. Tho Rev. 0. K. W'KLM of Villa Rlilgc, III. CKAINCU rOR TEN YEARS tt'. tii,, sn.vs: " our trial tiottlool Asthiuaienu lecuiveti 1 11 good eoiiilltiuii . 1 uaiinot tell vim how thank ful I feel for tho goml derived from it, I was iv. slave, uhaliH'tl with putrid sorethroataudiiHthiua for ten years. 1 despaired of ever being cured, I saw vonr atlvertifeiueiit for the nine of this dreadful and tormenting disease, iiHthiua, and thought you had overspoken yourself, hut resolved to give it h trial. To my surpilso Hie- trlalneled like 11 damn. Heiul inu 11 full-Mixed liottltt." Wo want to send to everv sull'erer 11 trial trentineut of Avthnuilene. similar to Iheonu that eiifed Mr. Wells. We'll send It hy mall I'O.Vl'- 1'Alli, Ahsolutely I'reuof Charire, to any sulrerur who will write for It, even on a poial. Never inlud. though you iiredecpiilriug, however had your ease, Asthuialeiiu will rellevoaiid euro, Tim worse youreiiso tho more uliel we are to send It. Do not delav. Write at mice, ud- dre-Hiug DR. TA FT BitOS.' MKDIOI.N'K CO., 70 Kast lilOth St., x. 1 . t'lty. Mild hy all Urut'giHts. a urn AGENCT Roa. 1 j J Improved Farms for Sale. Valuable Town Property, consisting of Businsss Houses and Splendid Residences. I.ottt on the jirlnrijitil hitHhtrsn Hlrcet, Mining Claims in Bohemia. Ah'traet of title securetl and guaranteed. Iiifurmation as to thu laws governing tho disposal of government lands. How to secure homesteads, timher lands, mining claims, etc. Property for sale published weekly. diTTAOK (iltoVK is till! second I'llv ill fjllio roiiiil v. Orii'iin. I Itm u iwiiuiliillmi of nliout l,JUt). 1 lie center of the four points of the compa when it eonies to ingress anil egress, liohumia with Its vast mining resources onlv thlrtv.llvu mil until oast, with n goM wagon road leading from the S. P. It. It. depot right heio in town. Prospective railioad to tho mines. The Coast Fork of tho Willamette river, on which is sittiatetl thu uluek Butte ipiieksllvei mines, sixteen miles south, flows tlirouuh tho center of the city fiirnishinu abundant water facillt s. Ills only a mile anil a half to Hs coutliienco with ICow river, the outlet of tho ureal timber ranges to tho soul h east. Westward toward the coast ranue Is an In. exhaiittalile Hiiiply of timber, interspaced with ntiinurous rich farming lands well Improved anil cuitivateii. North or south from hereon the S. P. railroad vou can reach either Porlland or San Francisco and lie In touch with the whole world nil short uolfce. V ater works in mil operation, l-.leelrfc llghtsand telephone system complete. aTj&The beat aitrieultiiral lauds ill I-iino count y lie ill the vicinity siirruund. ing Cottage (trove on either side, III foi farming or stock raising. lorreronucncc solicited. A. DCTew o: our .'Bara-airis: 1 V0 feet front on north side of Main street, hy mIkjiU .100 feet deep. Iroundetl by river on the north. House ol seven rooms, ham and outhouses. This is thu best biuducHH location in Cottage Grove. Price f.NOO.OO. 3 A two store finely finished house, eight rooms, bathroom anil outhouses. spienuiti location, two 101s in Ming nun Lai des addition in southeast Cottage irove. Price fl'JOO. 4 Two story dwelling hoiice, ten riHimw, Itriek irult house, trull trees, w feet front oil north r-ideof M11I11 sheet by K) feel deep, corner property. A fine location lor a hotel, l'ricc f.Miu. C A two story lino, almost newilwell- iug liouse, II rooms, barn and oiilliom-e omplete, three lotH. A spieiKiiu qr haril of vouni! beariui! trees, together with u nines and various kinds of livrries. Sitmlted in 1-nng and l.nndes nddiliou in southeast Cottugu (irove. Price ll'-Dt). A splendid ranch of 1(K), About (50 acres heavily tinilered, balance casilvelcareil, never 'failing water supply, about four lines west ol uottiigotirovo . uiisn price f,50. Also other terms. oil will miss a deal if you overlook this. 100 acres of agricultural and timber land, well watered, some improvements, goou range outlet, about 6 miles cast of Saginaw, Oregon. This is a bargain ut 800.00. Lots in the I). G. McFarland addition to Cottage Grove, 011 west sitlu at prices to suit purchasers for cash. Five acres of lino building and agri cultural land, H niilo east of Cottage Grove, on south side of county road to lionemin. iuu iiuruuru. 1 A good business place, south side Main Street. IKK). Two splendid lots on second street in Coltugo Orove. Price I'-'IO. n00 feet by 100 feet In a suburban loca lion. Natural spring, oak trees, all ad joining foot hills in west Cottage) Grove, I'rice f.m Two lots in block 'JO, I-ong it: IiihIchi addition, Ki by 100 feet scpuinlcly Price I7. j- A finely llliirhcil two story dwelling lioiise, ten rooms, bath room, cement stonu cellar, water and electric lights about nine lots fronting on fourth stieet iid Joining river ill rear, near Christian church, gocd barn iiiidoulhoiiscs. Price $:tooo. Two story dwelling house, six rooms, good barn, and woodshed, twit huge lots on corner opposite. Catholic church. Price flRK). Two good lots near railroad 100 feet sipiare. Price fl'.Ti. Farming laud, well Improved, 1 mile from Cottage (irove, ad joining the coun ty road, in tracts from C lo 100 acres. If you want a haigain look this up. Splendid cottngeon Fourth street. 7fi0. Look this up if you want n bargain in a 1101110. Ono hundred acres of improved hind lying in a tract east and west within 1111a ter of a mile of Cottage Grove, ad joining county road. NOTIUH FOIl 1'UIII.IOATHW. 1'nlloil rJUIoN IjjnJ Oftlfs, ItnwitmtK, Or.., AubuU, Nntlc la licreCjr flvm dial la t'iiiiip,n'. with thu I'tovlcloim ol tin set ol (.'niiarem of J turn .1, 1K7K, tiulllli'il "An net tor lk Mleoi lliulx'r lionl In Iku Hlnlmnl CitllluniU, (ira, Kim, NevsiU Mill Wsaliliiitliui Turrllnrx,'1 at extemli'il tnatl thu Ptiblln Uinl 8tt(.a hy a(ll f Auuimt I, W3, Milan H. Ilaikvi ol Kiinvn. couiilyiil l.itiio, vtHtv (or Trrltirr)(itOrt'ii,ii' lirnt thl ilny IU01I In llila nltlr hl awntii hi till, Nn, m, (or Ibe vjirrlmso ol thu sw 1. up I. XKU NW lj, K lj HW PI, of Hiillun N, IhhihIiIh No. llatiKv X11. ft ami i ulUir t"Hl l show Hint lliu land tuinht I. mnru nahiaMu (or II. tlnitur or tomi ilall . NKrli'tillnral imriHiKi, ami to olabll.lt hi, claim limalil lainl llnre Ihti llcjUlur ami ;,. eelveriil llila urll,1 at llowliiiri, )r.Kini,ou' 'riiur.ilay, Id illlli iy ol Urlutrr, IMI. He 11 m in es m wllnrooi Mri. (,'nrfl. M. lUtlur ul Ciiiviip, Orriug Clisrlr WlllavMil Iximna, Omnia, It. , m,' ell nl Ijiwall, O.CK'in.1', (llUllaii Hi Kiim,, Onvoii, rnr ion! all I'.r.ntia vtalailiiv ailvrr.tly Ik? stuHMleacrlliixl Umla arr rt-iirleil In to tlii'lr illin In till oilliv tut or M'ni. rai 'i lay l Hflulcr, iwil, J.T. IIuduiu, tlrnl.icr, ,VOTICi: I'd It ITM.UUTI0N. I'nllnl Hiului Umt oniiv. IIiwIitirK, Ore., Aiiku.i it, ttnit Xotli. la heriliy Klwn that In iniii,anc, Willi lliu ITovlilniinol I In art ul Coilutr.. ,, June 3, ll7, I'lilltliil "All art lor llial ul llmlxrlaiiil lu Ike Main nl California, of0. Him, NeVHila ami IVa.hhiKliui Ttrrltiiry." a. onti'iiilnl In all 111 ii I'ntillii l.n.il Htalra ,j ai'i (,f Aurii.I I, IkW, Mia, Catrlii M. Ilatker ol Ki'iie, roiuily iilUnt, Malt (r Tttthnry) (lf Ori'fini, ha. llila ilay fllnl In ,( ,tlu )(r .oriiliilri!icnl,.o. ITM, (ot III. furib... ,, tlioHljNKtS t,HKI-t olfVrlloii No, Towulili Nii.W , Rmiku Xli, S 1V.,aml Kill nffpr I'fiMil In allow that th. land anurhl I. worn talnalilv (or IU Umber ur slmie tliati fur "Ktlnilluial .iir.n-ii, anil lo r.labll.h lt, claim lu.alil land IhfIoiv lliv lie al.lfr ami itlivrol llila nflkoal Itn.burit, (Ireiton. im Thnr.ila)-, lb. a HI, ilny ol Oiiolior, 1WI. Hbe 1111 111 cm. uluioavc Jl. X, IlatLcr ul fcUijE.ne, Oitjnu, (Uarlr, WIIImj ol Uiratii', DriRnii, . i. )ll.,cl ( lmttl, I- llll.ttHiot KinrviH', Orvitoti. Any umt all i.rHina cUIuiIuk advurnl)- (lit aliotr-iliiH'ilHil land ate lt.Ucl(l ,i P Ihi'lr I'lalma la thta oSUv nil ur l.'lole .aid I'll U (lay lliiobr, IVUI. i-T, llanxiM, lunl.lcr One hundred acres improved land nil joining county road one-nuarterof a mile west of Cottage Grove, lying in a tract north ami south. JEROME KNOX & CO. XOTICK KOH ITHMCATJON, Iiut Olllcu at Itoxcbtirif, Oregon, AuiftiatKI, IWt. Kotloo 1 hereby elvon that thu following- nmcdKCttlvr baa tiled notlcuofhU Intention to make (I mil proof In support of ll claim, Mid that raid proof will bo made before Marie I Ware, I'. B. Commlanloner at Eugene, Oregon, on October 8, J1W1, vlr: Teler Jolitiaon, on H. K. 97W for tho L0U8, 0, 10, 11 Sec. 0, Tp. 'JO H., K. HonHmcs tho following wllnce to prove hit contlniioua roaldeiicu upon and cultivation f asm lanu, vti: tile Olaon, Aitnrew n. uiaren 01 uoimnu OroVe, Oregon, Martin Terklenon, Israel Kelt tniin of Kngune, Oregon. J 1, jlHIliuu, llCKiaici KOTIdK FOR l'UIIMOATjON. Iind Ofllco at Itoeburg, Oregon, Augimt M, 1U01. Not Ire ) hereby given that the following. named nctller haa tiled notice of hla Inlentlon to make final proof In upport of his claim, hiu! that ld prool will bo inado before Mario I Ware, V. B, Commlnaloner ut Eugene, Oregon, on October 8, 1001, via! Olo Olaon, on II. K, 9702 for the BE 1-1, BVl-l,Bco. 8, Tp. 1MB., It. 2 Vt Ho names tho following witncuKej to prove hla cnntlhuoiia retidenco upon and cultivation of salil Irtinl, vlr: Andrew M. Olavcn, I'cter Johnion of Cottago Orove, Oregon, Martin Tcrklceon, Israel Ken inun of Kugone, Oregon. j. 1. jiitiiJUKN, jii'Kin.ur NOTICE KOH rUllMC'ATION. Ijind Olllceut Itoscburg, Oregon, AUK'UHISI, imn. Kotloo Is hereby given Unit thu folloulug. named settlor haa filed notice of hla Inientlnti to iiiuko llnnlprorilin aupjiort ot hla claim, and mat rain prool kiii bo inado beforu Murlu I,, Ware, U. B, Comiiilnaloncr at Eugene, Oregon oil OctolH!! 8th,lKil, vizi Andrew M. Clnveu, 011 11. K. iri tor tnu Bj K l-l, B i Bv .f, Hcc, S.Tp.iyS., It. 2 Vi'. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation nf said lanit, viz: Peter Johnson, Olo Olson ol Collage Orove, Oregon, Martin Terklvsou, Israol Neumiinol Kugeno, Oregon, j.t. 1111IDOEH, iioglster. Common Rough Lumber, per M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, r Saginaw, Or. NOTICE KOIt 1'UIIMCATIO.V. United States IjuiU Olllcc, Itnseburg, Oregon, Kept., 3rd, 11101. Notice is horcby given that lu romnllant'o I with the provisions ot tho aetol Congress of jiuio 3, i7s, entitled "An net for tho sitlool timber lands In the Btntesof Cnllfornln, Ore gon, nevauii ana wnsiiington Territory," us extended to nil tho Public Lund Kintcs by net ol August I, 1892, Ivur Ivorson, ol Kir, County of Bloiglt, Htalo of Washington, has tills day lllod In this ofllco his sworn statement No. 1811, for tho purchase of the N M NK J-, an M NE -, NE M BE 1-1, ol Boctlon No, a) In Township No. 20S., Ilango No, 7 West, und will offer prool to show that tho laud sought is more valuable for Its timber or ttouu than for agricultural purposes, and to cslnbllsh his claim to (aid landbeforo the Register anil Kecuiverol this nlllce ut Itokoburg, Oregon, on Monday the I8II1 day ot November, 1U01. He names as witnesses: Oeo. Woolly 0! Drain, Oregon, I,. 0. DeWolf ol Portland, Oregon, Hlloy Bmlth of Itosoburg Oregon, Hubert A. Lauderdalo ol Norman, Wash Sittasssi? ,m ,,r bi"ru w i. T.lir.moiai, licgislcr. I NOTICK KOIl I't'llLICATION. t'nllwl Klalra Und Ofllrc. Iliwtliiirg.Or... Align. t 12th, 11-01. Ni'lliw la hervbjr glu-n ibul hi iiimpllanru with Hie provl.lon. nl Ibe art nl t'uiiarvaaol June I, IMS. riilllle.l "An art fur Hie salv 11 1 Imlier land. In Hut Matt of t alllomla, Hi,. gon. Nevada and Wa.lihiKtniiT.rrltorr," a.rs- leaded In all Hi. rubllr Und flak', by ai tnl Augiial I, isw, HvrlairlA. I1U011, l.'llutoif Hie. County nl Wan para, ffiaiv ol Wl. mti.lli, ha till, day riled lu till, i.lllie hla sworn slalriurlit No, 1TU, fur Hie liili-lia. ollliuK', MV.i, 1-IKlVM, NW l-l HK I I nlfri'lloii No. HlliloMi.hlp No. VUH., Il.ti(n No. 2 Wet, and Mill offer prool lo show I tat the land sought la more valuable for lis limber iir.liiim Ibsn foragrlmliural purivwea, and lu establish his claim lo said land bulnru Iho It.Kl.ler and llvrelver ol llila nnice at lloae- tiutg, llregim, 011 Kaltirday, lb. 2nd day ol Nil Yembcr. ivn. lleiianic. us llneM;.: Ilrnnaii Dow, Win. NcImiii, Frank MrKlle ln, Mortis MelClblivns, of Collage (lu,e, (lis- gen. Any and nil iktmiiib i lalmlng aclvriM'lj Ihn alHireilc-rrltied laud, an- rrout-tt.l In tile Hiclrrlaliiia In this "Biro ou or l-(oi said 2nd day nl November. I'JUI. J. T. llRiuiKs, lleglster. NOTICE KOIt I'CIIUCATIOX, I'uIUhI Hlatea Und Office Hnaeburg, Ore., Augur! 21, ltwl, Ni'lliu la hereby given that hi com. pllauru w UK the pruvl.lous of the ait ol Congicsa ol Juno il, 1KTD, t'tillllcd "An art Im thu snlu ol timber land in Iho KtatesnlCalllnrnla. Oregon. Nuvarta and Wash. higloti Territory," a. cut emit. I to all I br Public UudHlalvsb)' act ol Augil.t I, lr02, 1'iatik A. Kent ol Kly, county nl Kt, Umls, Btato of Mill. ncMita,hnalhlailay ftleil In thla o.lie hla sworn atatumcnt. No, l'ttt, (or tho par. iha.o ol the HW l-l NW l-l, N 1-2 HW l-l. NW l-l HE l-l ol Htvllon No, 8 In Town, ship No. 21 H, Itimgo 7 West, anil will offer prool to show Hint the land sought l more valu able for ll limber or stone than fur agricultural piirimsus, and to uatabllsli hla i bilm to said land beforu the Itegiater and Ilerelver nf thta offlee at Ito.ebilrg, Oregon, on Thursday, thu 7th dny ol November, 1901. Ho nnmea as witnesses! I,. (1. JieWnlf ol rortluud, Oregon, (Icorgo Woolly ol Drain, Ore gon, Elmer Woolly ot Drain, Oregon, Henry Rlelnlek ol l'otlland, Oregon. Any nml nil persons claiming adversely Hi. ubote-dcscrlhed lands are reipjeatei! lo II lo their claims In this ofllro on ur before said "Hi day ol November, IMI. J.T. llniPfiM, Ilcglsl.r. NOTICE VOU PyilUCATION. Und omeo at Itnseburg, Oregon. August 23, 1901. Nollrols horoby given that the following- named settler )ia Died nulleoof hla intention to make Html proof lu support of his claim, ami Hint suld prool will lai made before Marie I.. Ware, V.H, Commissioner ut Eugene, Oregon. on October 10th, ltll, vlxs Charles Wlltso on II. h. 8171 for the Nj NW1-I.N14NU 1-I.Beo. 82. Tp.ai H., rt.sw. Honiimcs the following wltnolaes to nrnre lilsi'ontlniinus residence upon and eultlvutloa ot sulci land, vie : lsuae I, Blmpsoti, M. ft. Ilarker of Enrene. Oregon, (leorge Buider, James Kach of Lorone, Oregon. J. T. HHIDflft, Rcglslor. NOTICK KOH PUBLICATION. Land Ofllco at Itosoburg, Oregon. , , , September fi, 1101. ISOtlCG lsIlOI'nllV nll'in (lint ll, fnllnttr. iliu'-nnmed SUttlnr Im. Illo.l ll,. nt lila 'nlcntlon to maku ftnnl proof in support of his claim, ,i that said proof will bo Hindu before Mario h. Ware U. S, Oom nilssloner at Kugeno, Oregoii, (.11 Octo ber 18. 1001. vis.- .Incnl, n,.w. nn bin ,' No. 8217 for tho NW See. 1 Tp. -1 o., H, 4 West. 110 names tho following witnesses to PrOV'ti his COntllinonu niul.lmwo iinnil mill uiiitivaiiou 01 Hani fund vu: -- w, n,,,i, lllllll, 11. , J. It, Konilnll, John Robinson, IMI. Loo, J. U.Tupp, of Cottngo Grovo, Ore- J. T. HniDaK8, Rogistor. gon. Subaitrlbe for the Nugget. ..BMV,