Eczema How It rrdilimii llio akin, llclicn, ootcn, dries mid sraU'fil Homo xoiIt.cnll It letter, mllic crtut or nit rliouiiii Tlio "iiffi-rlni? from It In nonictlino In trine) local nipllciitloiia ore remitted to tlicy mlllKitto, liut ciimiot euro. It proceed from liumors Irilmrllf'ri or nc (iiilrcd nnd persist until tlictu lmv Iwn removed. Hood'6 Sarsaparilla positively removes tlicm, Uan rntllcitlly mill permmiciilly cured tlio worm oihcn, mill Is wltliout mi c(imi lot nil cutiiiiutius rtiptloii". Hoou'b 1'ii.La amUietum clTurllc.' lTrctilicoiiu, Dltciie and Remedy. "Tlmt intuit bo o pretty Imd tooth nclio to swell your fnco Illeo tlmt. Why don't you moo ft dotitlBt?" "I did cnll on my frlorid, Dr. I'ulloin, yofttonltty, rtnd oxporloncod Brent ro Hor." "You must bo mistaken. I'ullom him bean out of town for n wuok." "I know. I foil rollovod whon I found that out." Plilladcilnhla 1'ronH. A Picnic Incldtnt. "Klttior tlmt youitir follow down tlioro with hlti i;lrl In n lliir or I'm nothlni?," ronmrkod tlio ftdvotitiiroim cntorplllnr, nB ho procuodod to lowor himself on Ills allium tlirond. "Wlint do you moan?" lnijulrod tho troo tond. "I Jimt hoard him toll hor (hat noth I lit;, ulio mli;ht ho Hiiro, would ovor namo hctwoon thorn I" I'lilladolpliln I'rcmi. Thli ilfrnaturp on every lx of the eonulne Laxnlivc BromoQuininc Tablet. Uia rnuwJy tint t'lirv n cold In one itnjr Showed Judgment. A Kontlomnn who In no toiler youtiK nnd who novor wob ImuilHomo, indeed IiIh boii'b child what lib thought of him, Thu hqy'u p.'irontu wore proaont. Tho yomiKstor made no reply. "Woll, so you won't toll mo what you think of mo? Why won't you?" "CniiBo I don't want to sot Mcleod," rvpllod tho nprls of a rlBlnn Kontiru- tlon. Mothers will II ml Mrs. Window's Sooth loir Hyrup tho bast remedy to nso lor their ohlldreu during tho tt'vtliltii; period. A Clou Call. "Don't you talk to your husband ovor the phono?" "Novor. When I hnvo anything of Importnnco to Bay to my husband, I want to net noar him." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tlio Host l'roscrlptlon for Mnlr.rlr Chilli and t'ovor Is a. bottle of eJrora'a Tasteless fJlilllTonic. His simply Iron unci qulnlno In tutvlcis lorn. No Cure. Ho l'sy. 1'rlce Mc. Not tilt Wife. CloBoflst Does your wife ctornnlly poster you for money? GniHjilt No; tho pooplo alio buys thlngB from do that. Ohio State Jour nal. Fsitldloui. "Jano Meadows was nlmost drown ed In tho latest Statcn Island ferry collision." "How was that?" "She Bald the llfo prenorvor didn't match that new Bhlrt waist of nora." Cloveland Plain Dealer. Ily local I'pllrntlrinn. fit they cannot reach tho disvaktil pnrlW'it cil lue ear. 'luoro U only ono way to euro ill adieu, ami that l y eoiitltu tlonsl ri-inrillcs. Jlcalnusa In rautail y an In lUtiirri rntiilliloti ol tlio inuroun liriltiK of tho KiuucliUii 'Julio. Wlirn till tute ifets In HiiiniMl )imi liaru n riimtilliiickonnil or Impcr led li'-nrlnir, ami when It n entirely cloned leafnoas ! tun remit, and unleMllio Inflamma tion rnn lo taken out ami tills tnbn rrst'ired to llaiiurmal roiiilltlon, lirarltiK wlllbudt-itrore-l lorcvrr; iilnu on t ol ti n aro canted by catarrh, which In nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We Mill ifltrx One Hundred Hollars lor any catonf liraliiCMfranaeil by catarrh) that can not U cured by llall'a Catarrh Care. Bend lor circular., Ire. CHUNKY 4 CO.. Toledo. O. Hold by DruKKlut', Va ilall'a family l'lll. are the best. Not a Congenial Pursuit. "And you will dovoto your son to nrt7" "No, Ho linn too Rood an appetite." Cloveland Plain Denier. I Right Up to Date. Sculptor What sort of bust do you i wish for yourself 7 1 Mr. Nowrocks Woll, I ain't parties lar, but I'm Kettln' It to plcaso Mrs, Nowrocks, and she says It must bo a mythlologlcal one. Urooklyn Englo, I nni ante l'lo'a Cure for Con.iiniptloii lived my life three yi-nra tiert. Mux. Tito. to lint Mn, Maple Uriel, Nurlch, N, Y., Pcli. 17, 11)00. Illi Utile Scheme. "I.eddy," ho said, ns ho doffed his chnpoau, "I havou't had a blto to cut Blnco ylstlddy mornUiV "An I don't want none." Denver Times. The Proper Time. "Amy," said Mabol, "when do you Intend to wear that stunning bathing suit of yours?" "When tho mon nrrlvo," replied Amy. Detroit Prco Pross. 4 P.i ton is Procuvatl. lromd. Kltlclcnt and HatUlactrr Horvlro. Attorney leo not luiynble till fnleiit cranled, Iry ui. lahvr Jk Whltmun Co., WM) Warder llldi., W.ihlliKton, U. C. Sta&a tlim Ooussh and Works Off tlio Cold. toxatlra Itromo-cjiilnlnp Tablet, cure a cold In ono aay. ito cure, Moray, nice -a cents. - - i 1 What It "Nolhlnj"? An old Scotch farmer, being elected a member of the local school board visited tho school and tostcd tho In telligence of the class by his quos tioiiB. Tlio first Inottlry was: "Noo, boys, can ony o' yo ell mo wiiat naotniriK ls7" -After a moment's silence, n small boy )n tho back scat arose and repli ed: "It's what yo glo mo t'other day for liaudln yer horse! London Answers Nothing at All. Ilrown There is n Intly piimist at tlio circus wlio tilnys with fier toon. Jones Umphl 'flint's nothing; my baby Hoes that. Exchange Ilrio'slyn, N. V., Sept. lath. The Oatfleld Tea in., itiamitaetitreM of (larllelil 'fea.tiar field lliHiluuIn l'owdern. Oarilulil Tea Xvrnu. liarlleld llullef I'lHUtcni, Uarllehl Illire.tlvu Tabieu and (lurfleld Uitfou, are now ovupy- inn llio tarVH ami p tirant omee tulluiiiK and faelorv reiiMttlv creeled hrthim. Kor niunv yearn the (larfleld Itemedle have been itrow nig in iu)ummy, niiu ineir nucees. i. won doericd. 1he cure dlcnc. and kcop peoplo Out of Place. Cholly I get such frightful head nchos latoly. Doctor thinks, perhaps, thoro'B somo foreign substance In my bwnln. Miss Poppory Ah! An Idea, per haps. Philadelphia Pross, Sarcastic. Volco from up stntrB Ethol! Ethol Yes, papa. Volco Please toll that young man that If ho thinks ho would llko this housQ for n pormanont residence, tho placo Is for salo on easy terms, at tho olllco of Sklnn & Shark, tho real es tato agontB. A Truj Prophecy. Nnbb I believe Madam DoTouch can forotell one's future accurately. Dabb Nonsense I Nnbb But she Bald a cold, haughty i man would cross my path. Dabb well, as I loft nor apartments tlio iceman entered. Pittsburg Dl8' patch. In the Philadelphia Style. "Tho Sultan of Jolo has given a fifty year absolute concession of the Island of Paragua to ono of tho natlvo prlncos." "Woll, say, tho Sultan of Jolo must think ho'a tho Mayor Ashhrldgo of tho riiiiippinos." Cleveland Plain Doalor, Odd. "Mlns Sontyment la a groat lover of cnlB." N "Yob; now Isn't It Odd that Bhol draws tho lino on cutorplllurB7 Ohio Htnto Journal, Tim Typeivrlter Iiiventlml. A alntlmlftlnu linn proved tlmt the Inven tion of tlm typewriter ha. ulven emjiloy inviit to WX).(KK) people, hut hi) fill In to rtntu now ninny noiea oi treiiKBiiiiiittUiiaiiitii uys-iei-lu U 1 tn x Induced. All people, of ac dt'lltiir.vo(Tllmtloii need Hotetli:r' Htoni- uch Hitlers, It I. a wonderful inedluliio uiid help nature War the alniln willed I'liauva from coiiliieiiielit. It nlao curu. dv.pepnla, InillireKiloii, I'oiintipalliin and ' iiiiiiiieiMiv. in- kiip' to try n aim you win not be dltmppolmcd. Excluilvencu. Mrs, PursoproiidI boo whoro sev eral millionaires chartered a wholo Rtonmbont In order to come across tho ocean. Mr. Pursoproud Wtdl, when wo go ovor wo will lcnso tho ocean for a week. Iialtlnioro American. DKAI'NKHH CANNOT JIIC CUIIKD ThE GIRL WHO IS TO MARRY ROCKEFELLER. Miss Abble C. Aldrlch Is the second daughter of the inlllloiuilre, Hcnntor Aldt'lch, of Itlioilc Islnnd. find her re cently niinoiinml engagement to wed John D. Itockuftdler, Jr., the only son of John I). Rockefeller, the Standard Oil (ungualc, and perhaps the rlchost mini In thu world, has caused ft furor In Eastern society circles, Young ltockc feller Is by all odds the richest catch In the matrimonial market, find his deler initiation to take up dancing has caused discussion In Ilaptlst circles, where ho has long shone as a Iilhlc class teacher. The father of his fiancee was n grocer before ho entered politics. Now ho is president of tho United Traction Com pany, of Providence, It. I., and very UIHK AIIIIIK C. AI.DK1CII. When there is a natural and healthy circulation of tne blood, the entire quantity, estimated at one-eighth the weight of the body, passes through the heart every five minutes. This rapid flow of the blood through the system prevents the entrance of disease germs and impurities of every description. It filters out all that la not necessary or cood for the growth and development of the body and nourish lng and strengthening the muscles, tissues, nerves and bones. Dut, unfortunately, few persons can rightly claim an absolutely pure blood supply and perfect and unpolluted circulation, and in consequence are exposed to innumerable diseases. Contagious Blood Poison, the greatest enemy to mankind, cntera the system through the blood, and Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Tetter in fact-the majority of human ailments ore caused by Soisons or humors that arc engen- . ered and fostered in a sluggish TftO BiOOtS IS tiiO SOUrCO nnd impoverished blood. Old . sores, chronic ulcers nnd rheumatic pains are com- Of ftlB StrGISfSttB mon, especially among old people, whose blood naturally grows thin and pale because of the lack of the red corpuscles that give color and strength to youthful blood. Sallow complexions and rough, oily skins evidence some constitutional or blood trouble, which salves, lotions, powders nor any external treatment can cure. Diseases that originate in the blood, whether they manifest themselves as ulcers, tumors, itching eruptions, muscular or bone pains, require a tonic and blood purifier such as S. S. S., which not only antidotes and neutralizes blood poisons and humors, but possesses health-giving tonic proper ties that no other blood medicine does. It goes down to the very foundation of the disease and eliminates from the system every- tPniEtitpltZ tSBoOa thing of a poisonous character or that obstructs and roMMuauu dg tfai clrculatlon( u bund9 nnd lmpart3 M$ieS5tfS3 Di&GSSQ new strength and vitality to the old innutritious blood, and when the arteries and veins are once more filled with new rich blood, the general health begins to improve, muscles crow stronger, and sores and eruptions of every kind disappear. S. S. ST is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier, and the purest and niost reliable in all blood diseases. It has been tested in thousands of cases during the past fifty years and is more popular today than ever. We will be glad to send you our book free, and if in need of medical advice write our physicians nil about your case; this information will cost you nothing and comes from experi enced and educated doctors. All correspondence is conducted in strictest StSct TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. rich. Miss Aldrlch will, It Is expected, ndil several millions to young Rockefel ler's Immense fortune. The frli'iidsof both sny this Is purely a love match. Tho bride-to-be Is a social loader, and cares more for gaiety than for Instrtie tlon In Illbllcal topics. She will doubt less look with more favor r.u young Mr Itockuftdler after lie has achieved tho snmo succ(s ns lender of a dancing class that has greeted his work as load er of a Itlltlu claso. SUES A ROYAL PRINCESS. An Anicr'cau Woman Ilrlnc Ettlt Acilrnt Infuntn I'lllull.n. Mrs. Charles T. Yerkes, wife of Charles T. Yerkes. the millionaire rail way promoter, formerly of Chicago but now of Ixindon, has come Into Interna tional notoriety owing to n suit she In stituted ngalnst a Paris dressmaker nnd the Infanta Eulalln of Spain. It soeins that eight gowns ordered by Mrs. Yerkes were shown lo the Infanta as specimens of tho dressmaker's work. The Princess fell In love with two of Mn. ClIAItl.KS T. VKIUCRS. tho dresses and offered to buy them provided the dressmaker would not duplicate them for tho American mil lionairess. Tho dressmaker promised nnd offered Mrs. Yerkes two othet modes gratis. Hut the American woman rebelled violently nnd refused to aceep any of tho gowns unless tho whole or iginal lot were delivered to hor Imino dlntely. After a couplo of dnys spent In argument nnd expostulation Mrs. lcrkes Instituted suit chwslng the dressmaker and tho Infanta with con spiracy to prevent tho delivery of dresses which she had ordered nnd which sho had tried on several times. And because a royal princess of Spain Is mado n defendant Mrs, Yerkes has found hersUf Internationally famous. It Is not expected that another war will result botween Spain nnd tho United States Just because these two women cannot agree. Kite's lllKbest Kllglit. ' A meterologlcal kite was flown to nn altitude of 1,000 feet at the American Observatory, at nine mil, recently. This Is the highest flight ou record In America, oven for balloons. Four and three quarter tulles of piano wlro form ed the lino. Tho nlr wns very dry and tho temperature freezing nt tho highest point. Troo Growing; Out of n Chimney. Tho curious Bight may bo scon in Dover, England, of a young tree grow ing out of n high mill chimney In a public thoroughfare Notwithstanding its extraordinary position, the troo has grown 2 feet, or 3 feet high. It Is bo lloved to have its root in nn old nest. To iimka Him Right. Illcks That young Freshleigh Isn't worth his salt. Wicks I suppose you moan tho amount of salt ho needs. Somervlllo Journal. Pinny Amorlonns In Kitropo. American travel to Eurono is Rtntmi in London to havo been greater In vol- umo tbls year than oven during tho Tarls (1000) exposition. An Incomplete llouie. Wo run wild over tlio furnishings ol a lioueo; its furniture, carpets, hangings, pictures ami music, and always forget or neglect tho most im portant requisite), Something there should )m always on tho shnlf to pro vide against Huddctt casualties or at tacks of pain. Such como like a thief in the night; a sprain, strain, sudden backache, toothache or neu ralgic attack, There is nothing easi er to get than a bottle of Bt, Jacobs Oil, and nothing surer to euro quick ly any form of pain. Tlio houso is incomplete without it. Coinploto it witli a gootl supply. FAMOU8 "ANCHOR" FENCE. FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Sis Ensilage Cutter. Dot and only perfect blower out teron tlio market. Remt for clroiilar. Mitchell, Lewis .Si Staver Co. Portland, Ore. A Boon to the Northweit Which It Liked by Land Owner!. The famous "Anchor" fence that is being so generally introduced now in thu northwest has the universal dis tinction of being even hotter than its friends claimed. Tlio Portland Anchor Fence Company has agents all over tho country now introducing this really wonderful fence. Its sim plicity, extreme durability, and cheap ness make everybody marvel. To satiffy tho general interest, an ofllrcr of tlio company was asked to describe tho chief points of construc tion, lie mid: "in the first place, it is made of nil large wires, tho upright stays being of Is'o. 8, and tlio running of No, J) wire, which singly stand n breaking strain of 1,500 pounds. In the second jilnco there is not a small, weak or twisted wire used in our fence con struction. "The uprights arc so securely fast ened that man or beast cilnnot break the fence down. "The end, corner nnd gate posts must bo large, and fecurnly braced, and so placed that the center of the posts will lie on a lino with tho face of the lino posts. After the posts are set, fasten one end of the wire and run to the other end or corner post, where tho wires aro cut, passed through tho center of post, then at taclad to the automatic ratchet and tightened to a hard tension. Use n gauge to keep tho wires nt n uniform spacing before stapling to lino posts, and do not drive staples tight, but allow room for tho wires to work. Take upright stays and placo equal distance, put on tiic clamps and close with clamp pincers. Theso clamps will hold, you cannot get the wires to move. This is tho secret of our fence. It's tho most economical nnd stur eliest fence on earth. Tell tho people to send to the Portland Anchor Fence Co., 742 Nicholai street, Portland, Ore., for freo photographs and full elescription." The Mat Got It. Dnsliley Did Miss Av'crdtipois mako an impression on you at tlio re ccption last night? Flash ley No, I nm happy to eay, it was my hat. Ohio State Journal. TO CURE A COLD IK ONE DAY Tfcio Lttiatlvo Bromo Qnlnlne Tablets. All Jrogglata refund the money If It falla to cure. E. V), arove'a algnatnro it on each box. 25c. The Lion's Mouth. Lion Do you mind taking off your clothes? Bertie W Why? Lion Only n littlo fnncy of mine. I prefer my food without dressing. Fun. ' CITC Permanently Cured. I.'o llU or nerrousnos II IO after llrfct'lav' uenflir KIlBe'ttlreat Nerve Keetortr. Ken.l lor Fit E K S'2.00 trUI Im,ii!c aDd treat. 1m. Im.IL II KLHIC.LI4..KU ArcbSt.,PliUlelbla,la, JIei pomiMp lo bnlld. lie t material. l!etprr portion, nm flnlftb l.lalifMt running. Herentr rear' experience. UHI'MKM, l,'l & HTAVKIl Oi'., Hit and Tuylor Ht., Portland, Or JOHN POOLS, Portland, Oregon, root of Moniaon StrMtt Can give you the best bargains in Iitieuiea. flow. Hollers and Engines, Win, mills and, Pttmns and Goneral Machinery. Seo as before buying KRAUSSE & FRINGE, 87 and 89 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Telephone, Oak 1391. All Kinds Carried in Stock. Catalogue Furnished Upon Application. y a ! PWjiSIAHfi! SWCK'fMp pi liEisiiE&y PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD The Oreat Conditioner and Stock Pattener. HORSES do More Work on Leaa Peed. COWS sive More and Richer Milk. MOOS Patten Quicker If given thu Pood. Package, SOc and SI.OO. MAKES TIOS GltOW OOtlD FOR STUNTED' CALVES. Phukjiam Khjif.dy Co.. St. Panl, Minn. Or.sTLiiuEN : I have been feeding your PnuamM Stock Pood to my thoroughbred awine. It fives them an appetite, and mnkee the plga grow. 1 also tried It on atunted calrea with aatmactorr resnlta. P. W. Oroouk. Bltrln. Neb. K. J. IIOWKN, Count A cent, Portland, Oregon. FREE CARNIVAL TICKETS In order that the general public may understand the ipecial bargains now offered in shoes and men's furnishings, -we will present a ticket of admission to the Carnival rpcp with every pur chase of goods a- ' mounting to $20 from our s'ock. Our aim is to supply the greatest possible value for the least money. M. BILLINGS, 220 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Poiitive Proof. Tess Oh. yes; I'm positive she Is twentr-flve. Jess I suppose you saw tne record 1 In the family Bible, eh? 1 Tess Better than that. I askea 1 her at what age she thought a girl , snouia marry, anu sue promptly oaiu twenty-eight," Philadelphia Press. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. IF CLAIM 'NTS FOR 1E:1VJ S TtTlTXJ I Wflta (.0 NATHAN s - BICKFORU. Washington, D. C thervrlll re. eel re quick replies. B. 6th N. II. Vol'. Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878. Odd Custom. Tlio women in Germany hnve a pe culiar idea in regard to receiving a rose minus its leaves or green foliage. It is considered a gross insult there to offer a lady a' rose stripped of its leaves. on know wn.T ion ahe taking iVhen vou take Grove's Toatelesa Chin Tonic, Dccauso the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle ebonlnir that it la alnmly Iron and Quf- ainoin auistcieas zona, no iure, fay. ouc No Experience. 4 Dlggs Do you believe thor Is any truth In tho saying that it takes a genius to live with n genius? Biggs No, I don't. I never consid ered my wlfo a genius. Chicago News Extinguished, Though. Nell You surely don't think Jenk ins wife pretty? Belle. Certainly not. "But you told May Sowers that sho was Just lovely." "That was because May was an old flamo of Jenkins." Philadelphia Record. BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Poat Strat, Pan Franclaeo, Cat. Tb- Lemdl if noMi Trel"ln-Behool ot the West. lrerre Y-on Men and Women for Pn-l-'e rreers. 10 flfin OradnaiMUftweueewftollr Q fldf! 0,UUU appl'lnr their knowl'dir. IB.UUU 3 500 8teot?:&T. 3,500 ,00,N",rroU,Myy!r.'D- ,000 450 A"rte atttT attendance. 450 300 274 ThII lst year tkatroold Dot l-e lU dlJ fl 1,I lorlMkM rriulaa'ea. &UU 300 274 Nearly 300 trdn.U lut Pusltiois fltlt-d during tbe Cfl TypwU'nj5 macMivs la U'J Uif lypii'g isvpnrinirat. rn Ccuntl In Cl'frnU rep J) 3 reit A lt yer. ft llea!a' BtmreMCol fgvSs 4 (J nearly 40 ye An old. 00 Te-chers nm ployed la the J q ichool, . 8taf s and Territories eat 1 7 tudn'i to the co.!Ke I I Ulyer. 7Forr Un c u .trleawererrp rcseiitM In the itudtnt body lat y ar. 3 Tb re are ll.rfe IliDka In tbe Ilnslne-a I notice PtpHrtmeut S3.00 TO S5.0Q PER DAY Easily made for the next 90 days, telling an attractive line of Holiday Goods. For full par. ticulors tend name and address to AI.nF.RT nEPRES, Star lilds., Chicago, Ills. RQ 53 40 28 17 7 3 School Is open the et tire 3 ear, day s nd night. Write! for Illustrated Catalogue 2Tree I Seeking rest. Mrs. Xagsby Why don't you spend your nights at home? I always do, Nagsby Perliaps, my dear, that nccounts for it. Judge. Summer Resolutions M. P. W. V. Urn, 391001, TAKE TUE E8ey Care fcure relief fiom liquor, opium and tobacDH aaDiu. na zor pariteuian to W,li?N'5Tr,t!?F ndertler plcaae Ifpolou Inefilnfn J'oved m t.'U Wllllnuis tnouMsn thla paper. RBBIBJ IIISIIIUIS, Ave., fortluml, Ureuun. Afcfjetable PreparalionrorAs slmilaling HtcFoodandRcgula Ung ihcStoinachs andBowols of Promotes Digeslion,Checrrur- ness and liest.tonmins neuncr Oplum,rofplune norJIiiieral. NOT NARCOTIC. Jix.Snvut ' CtiMtASiuar VVibiytwi flavor. Apeafecl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stoniach.DiatThoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish neas nndLoss of Sleep. racSlmilo St'gnolure of NEW YORK. I EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. r i Tho Kind Ton Havo Always Bought, and which has been. ln use ior over 30 years, has borno tho signature off nnu has been mado under his per Sjg, Bonul supervision Blnco its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd"Tust-as-c;ood" aro but Experiments tlmt trlilo Avlth and endanger tho health of Xirftmts and Chlldron Esperienco against ISxperhncnt What is CASTORIA Onstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Poro gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Forerlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop. Tho' Children's PanaccaTho Mother's Friend. GENUINE ALWAYS CASTORIA Bears the Signature of The Kind You toe Always Bo In Use For Over 30 Years. TH OINTAUB OOMMNT. TT HUSIUT THT. KM YORK OITT. , up I