Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 20, 1901, Image 6

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rabllihad Xvarr TrliUr.
Lumber Shlpi Art Being Unloaded and Moved
Prttly it San Francisco.
San Francisco, Sopt, 12. According
to tlio lending lumbor denlors, tho
KtnntfmtA l. tttta lllirt flf llitaltinAS
ili ViliiN 18 OF LITE DAY tmwA 1,y tho strlko ,ms l,oon brokt,n'
Tho donlors declaro thoy have already
A Comprehensive Review of the Important nt work -100 men, mill that each day
Happenings of the Pait Week Presented sees an addition to tlio force of from
In a Condensed Form Which It Most 20 to 25.
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Tlic great stcol strike lins lcoii set-tied.
"Wo nro getting mnny new mon,
snid Secretary F. W. Cnrey. of tho
Lumber Dealers' Association, this
morning. "A short tlmo ngo tho
stntcmont that the lumber tlcut was
Tho Duke ot 1 ork has nrriveu in .tntemont doos not nnolv to conditions
Quebec as they now exist. Tho truth Is wo
There will lo no extra sossion of nrc working lumbor vessels all along
cniiL-rnss tno wntor front- nni1 'Very day tho
b , , conditions becomo better and easier
Tlio cxnr lias arrived at Kiel whon this strlko first commenced
from Dantzio. wo made no attempt to move tho vos-
ti.. v k.i. -..-i ).., .M,n int, sols, waited for what we hoped would
lliu iiiiuiiaiiiuiin b""w in i .
.!., f. .,n u" " HKVUi null 1,1. u
mon n chance to return to work. As
tlmo passed, however, and thoro was
no sign of ponce. It became a ques
tion with tho dealers of moving tho
cargoes in soma, way. In splto of
strikers or anything else. And so wo
Tlio dentil of the president was began advertising nil over tho Const
mourning for ono week.
Tho mouthers of tlio cabinet will
remain tlio same for the present.
Citiizons of Canada show much
grief over tlio dentil of tho president.
tlio tlicino of Bornions throughout
tho land.
For rejoicing over tho death of
tlio presidont, a Walla Walla man was
fined 2fi.
Tho autopsy on the president's
body sliowed that death was caused
by gangrene.
and In tho past two weeks we have
put about 400 men to work, Including
stevedores and firemen.
Caused by the Overturning ota Lamp Loot
Ing by Natives.
I'nnxnu.-n.. TI C Cnnf 11 rinfnllu
Thoro will bo a state funeral of the lf tho Brcat'flro 0fAugust 20, In Foo
Chow, which destroyed over J 1,000.000
worth of nronertv. received bv the
In honor of tho president tiovernor -. mnr TVi rtni etntn Mint I wna
lllint Of IdnllO hllS designated a day -,,..,, 1... tho m-nrt.lrnlnr- nf n lnmn
01 mourning iur uiu sia-. ,n a natv0 umlcrtaklng establishment.
President Roosevolt was sworn in
nt Buffalo. He announced that Mc
Kinlcy's policy would bo carried out.
Extra precuations are being taken
to guard tho czar. Governor Goer
lias issued a proclamation setting
apart Thursday ns a day of mourning.
A simple service over the remains
of tho president was held at Mil-
burn house, and tho body was then
Hundreds of acres of business houses
were carried nway, and many people
perished In tno Are, which burned the
greater part of two days. European
proprietors of business houses and
larger Chinese merchants were tho
heaviest sufferers.
During the progress of tho fire and
Immediately after It tho coolie native
population looted the half-burned
buildings and stole everything that
they could lay hands on. The Chinese
taken to the Duafflo city hall, where polIcc under thetr European offlccrs,
it will lio in state till taken to
, Tho steel trust is starting up more
idle mills.
Tho Schloycourt of inquiry is now
in session.
Emperors Nicholas and William
met at Dantzic.
Colombia has begun conscription
to raise an army.
Governor Gago has been asked to
nettle tho strike, at San Francisco.
A good flow of natural gas has been
discovered near McMinnville, Oregon.
wero unable to prevent the looting
except In a small degree, and before
the second evening bad passed a large
number of regular soldiers were call
ed out. At that time many people
had been killed In fights and there
were dead bodies in every street. Flvo
men were kind by tho falling of
three-story building.
The carnage on the streets was aw
ful. The soldiers, mounted, dashed u
the main thoroughfares, stabbing to
death or trampling under horses' feet
the robbers who were carrying away
goods In every direction. Even though
knocked down, the natives who were
running away with stolen goods held
Will Continue McKlnley's PolicyCabinet
Olilccrs Asked and Consent to Remain
No Special Session ol Congress Affect
Inj Scene In the Wllco.x Mouse.-Special
Religious Services Will He held.
Buffalo, Sept. 1C Theodora Roose
velt, who today wns tragically elevated
to tho Chief Magistracy of tho Ameri
can Republic by the do:. th of Presidont
McKInloy, ontered this city of mourn
ing yesterday afternoon, after n re-
ma kablo and peril. us Journoy from
the heart of tho north woods.
Ho had been I'rosldont under tho
Constitution and law of tho land, since
tho minute tho martyred l'resldont
coased to live. All the dutloa and pow
ers of tho otllco had dovolved upon
him, but ho was ns poworless as tho
humblest citizen to exorcise ono of
them until he had compiled with tlio as wolt as tho tissues around tho fur.
constitutional provision requiring him thor courso of tho bullet. Death wna
to tnko a prescribed oath to support I unavoidable by any surgical or m mi
ami defend tho Constitution nnd laws ileal treatment, nnd was tho direct ro
ot the United Stntos. suit of tho bullet wound."
Death Caused hy JfiangrenePoislblllly of the
llullct Having llcen Poisoned.
Ihiffnlo, Sept. 17. Tho following re
pot t of tho autopsy upon tho romalus
of rresident McKInloy has been umdo
"Tho bullet which struck ovor tho
bi-eastbono did nut pass through tho
skin nnd did little harm. Tho other
bullet passed through both walla ot
tho stomach nonr its lower border.
Doth IioIoh wore found to bo perfect
ly closed by the stitches, but tho
tissue around each holo hnd become
gangrenous. After passing through
tho stomach the bullet passed Into
the back walls ot tho abdomen, hit
ting and tearing tho upper end of tho
kidney. This portion o( tlio bullet'a
track was also gangrenous tho gang
rene Involving tho pancreas. Tho
bullet lina not yet boon found. Thoro
wns no sign of peritonitis or disease
ot other organs. The heart walls
wero very thin. Thoio was no evi
dence of any ntompt nt repair on tho
part of nature, and death resulted
from the gnngrouo which affected the
stomach around the bullet wounds,
president Mckinley dead
END (JAM AT 2:15
Surrounded by I'rlcnds and Relatives Mrs.
MeKlnley Not With Illin at the last Mo
ment -Their Parting Was Heartrending
Immediate Cause ot Death Unknown
Post Mortem Is Probable, ,
Mllburn Houho, Buffalo. Rent. I I.
l'losldont McKInloy died nt 2:10 it. m.
Ho had been unvoiiHcloua most of tho
tlmo slnco 7: CO p, in. His last con
Aliiior McKInloy, tlio I'ronldent'H
brother! Mm. Aimer MoKluluy; Minn
llolon, tlio President's nlutor; Mm,
Rarnli Duncan and nlstor; Mbw Mary
Harbor, a nlcco; Minn Harnh Duncan;
I. lotitonnnt J. P. MoKlnloy, n nephew;
William M. Duncan, n nephew;
CharloB Dawen, the Controller of the
Currency: P. M, Osborno, a, coiikIii;
Colonel Webb 0. Hoyonj John A.
Harbor, a nephew i Hocretnry Goorgu
II. Cortelyoiti Colonel W. C. llrown,
tho business partner of Abnor MeKln
ley; Dr. 1'. M. Hlxiy, tho fnmlly phy
sician, nnd six mi rues and ntlendantH.
Iti an nilJolnlitir room sat tho physi
cians, Including Drn. Melturnuy, Won
dln, Pnrkn, Stockton nnd Mynter.
Pr-sldcnii Last Words.
The I'rmildnnt, In his last period of
coiiHclmiHiumH, which muled alicnt
Art r ttiAl KsinitlAts TMi i- li n mi a v a n
Trial of tho noted Ferner murder thru8t them through tno iCB8 or arm8
wiin sworus 10 mane mem urop
these, and even then some of the
coolies clung to their plunder with
such desperation that they were put
to death where they had been knocked
over. Many of the injured wero taken
case was begun at Chehalis, Washing
A Colorado man was tarred and
feathered for expressing sympathy
with Czolgosz. '
The story of a plot to kill Joseph away In ambulances and were being
Chamberlain came to light in a Lon
don murder trial.
Emma Goldman, "high priestess
of Anarchy," is held in a Chicago
court without bail.
Two Nomo miners lived for fifteen
days on two birds and one fish, which
they hail to eat raw,
treated In the hospitals when the Tar
tar sailed from China,
Reply of American Consul at Colon to Notice
of Attack on City,
Colon, Colombia, Sept, 12. Via Gal
The president's condition cpntinues ypf'??; The United States gunboat
'"r""',' , , ,"i,,iX.rrn Toro. no developments having oo
the stomach have healed ahd no trace currd to lre her pretence,
oi Dioou poisoning nas appeared. The foliowIng Is tne text of tho
The Spokane Interstate Fair Is now communication, dated September 4th
Emma Goldman was
The summer season
nearly over.
Lumber vessels at San Francisco
are at work.
In Morocco are In-
arrested in
In which the United States Consul re
plied to the rebel manifesto addressed
to foreign consuls In Colon, dated
Gatun, September 3rd, and signed by
General Patlno, which Intimated that
Patlno Intended to attack Colon short-
Is ly, and which requested that tho re
spective nationalities be notified
"I acknowledge receipt of your let
ter of yesterday nnd hereby respect-
rill W nntl fr Aa tlinl fi.
French reservists indulge In revolu- 0 yo"ur p art wltrtheTree transT of
goods or passengers across the Isth'
at Nome
tlonary talk.
Strikers at McKeesport attacked mus of Panama would be a violation
nonunion men. or treaty rights with my government
Most of the President's friends au laixer, snoum you nttcmpt
have left for their homes.
Government crop report shows the
shortest corn crop on record.
such interference, would act accord'
"Obstruction of free nccesn to thn
Panama Railroad stations in Colon
Naturalized anarchists can be ex- from any docks at this port or obstruc-
polled for violating their oaths
Representative Tongue favors
law to keep out foreign anarchists.
tlon of tho main streets leading to
the Panama Railroad stations or any
net on the part of the Insurgent forces
rendering such access dangerous,
precautions are, neing tawen in jsu- Woul(, be reearrled as intorferen wiTh
rope to protect tne touring ruiers the above fflBntione ,rp
from anarchists,
Food Is being administered to the
President by natural means. A slight
.operation was performed.
Last efforts to settle the steel strike
:li&vo failed.
BUmot Plaig crushed to death In a
-well at Lents.
But Sultan of Morocco Will Be Brought to
Book by Spain.
London, Sept. 12. A dispatch to the
Times from Madrid says: "Tho tlmlo
Av.,1 1... CI 1 M il. . , . ..
oorVered UDder SS ?? and gr, Zed1
itioonsn triDes expires September 12.
It Is stated that tho Sultan wishes an
extension, because tho tribes nrn In
Chlcaco nollce believe they have lo- rooenion, which tho government Is dls
cated Emma Goldman. posea to grant, demanding, besides
.Strange death of Winter Kyle at f' ciom.P0"Bat ?" . Jn
Astoria leads to suspicion of murder, oeileved tharother powersUUB8unnort
Improvomont In 1 President's con- Spain's claim, and, falling satisfaction.
lava on Mount Hood.
The National reunion of tho G. A. R.
opened at Cleveland.
dltlon has good
effect in financial
Spanish war vessels will bo sent to
Aioonsn waters."
Every year increases the cost of the
public schools of New York. This
year they cost $18,612,000. Next year
about $19,800,000 will bo demanded by
tho Board of Education.
Great Russian Battle Ship.
Philadelphia, Sept. 12. Tho now
Of this Russian battlo ship Itelvisan, ono of
amount $15,151,000 will bo mandatory tlio most formidable war craft in tho
unaer tne uavis jaw. worldi Ioft Cramps' ship yard today
r. uumwm uu uVu ""'""" lor Her prelim nary trful tr p. After
to Trorasoo for use In tho North Polo , 3 i ...
expedition. These balloons are not ,,or compasses nro adjusted sho will
intended to carry passengers, but each steam out to sea and tho customary
will have ..n messenger buoys at- test,3 will bo made to demonstrate her
tached, which will be liberated auto- , , , , .
matlcally. thus recording tho route stau'''ty and soaworthmess. Sho is
northward. io of to finest battlo ships afloat.
hcIoiih hour on earth won spent with 7: 10, chnntod tho words of tlio hymn,
tho wife to whom ho devoted u life "Nearor. My God. to Thee,"' and IiIh
time of euro. Ho died unattended by Inst nudllilo words, nH taken down by
in.. nuiai, uui. inn iiihi nr. flionn nt the bodsldo, wero!
words were n hum do Hubmlsslon to "Oood-bye. nil; good-bye. It Is OU'h
tlio will of the God In whom ho be-, way; His will bo done."
llovi'd. Ho wim leeonclled to tho cruel Then his mind began to wander, and
fato to which an assnRRln's bullet had noon ho completely lost conscloiiHtiois.
coiidoninod him nnd faced denth hi tho Ills llfo wns prolongod for Borne liourH
Httine spirt of calmness which linn by the administration of oxygen, and
marked his long and honorable career, tho President finally expressed n de-
HIs list conscious words, roducod.slro to bo allowed to dlo.
to writing by I)r, Mann, who stood at About 8:30 tho administration of
his bediddo when they wero uttered,
were: "Oood-byo all, good bye, It Is
God's way. His will bo done."
I oxygon ceased nnd tho pulso grow
fainter nnd fainter. Ho wis Hlnklng
gradually like a child luto eternal
He took the oath at 3:30 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon in the library of tho
rldenco of Ansloy Wilcox, a personal
friend with whom he stayed earlier In
the week when the physicians thought
President McKInloy would rocovor
from tho wound Inflicted by the as
sassin. Thoro wero present when ho swore
to th oath: Secretaries Root, Hitch
Tho roport of the autopsy has giv
en riso to tho theory, hinted at a day
or two aftor tho Presidont was shot,
that Czo'gosz, In order to insure tho
accomplishment of his purpose, pois
oned tho bullets that wero fired. Tho
gangrcno found In tho path of the
bullet Is thought to bo strong ovl
dence In support of this view by Dr,
Wasdln, one ot tho consulting phy
Our Last Martyred President, Wllllnm McKlnlcy.
Ilnrn Nllra, Trumbull ro Ohio, Jnrr ?!, IMt Knleml Allttlmiiv Collrcc
HcR.lvMlo, !., I mo, Kiillnii'it prlrax-. Company E. Twenty. third olilo Vol ii tit cor
liilnturjr, Jiuir II. lMtl. Tiirtlrlpittrtl In liiiiS,iutli Moiiiiialu ml Anllrtatn, hi.
Ii'tubvr M and 17. proniotiHl liutn ro iiinliiaijr i(vul In llrinrtmiil. I'lninulwl
nf.Niii, wiiv u, nriii.iunii, ?"' ' I lilllini-BIIIIII'il Pinjtir iiy ururri .mrcu
!"'. mimirii nw mi aiiihiix, i. miiiiiiivn in Lr us n nrrtit, iiiio, inrrti, 19
1-lrctfil pr I'lillriK unnrnrt . Hturk rii'tntr. nlilii. Elrciinl in Conirmt ISTU. r
I'li'ftril to (!utiKri for Hie rciilli tlmv, NnrrinlM-r. Ih. InmiKiirmcM ciiirriinr
I liln Jniiryll. lh'.ri. Klr'li l .rcililt'nt ol II n I'ltllvO H-alca Niemlr. IWi. I!e
rirvivi .-wifloiwi i, iwj. nnoi ptpiciniwr n, iiui. invil H pwntlior II, 1VUI,
cock, Long, Wilson and Postmaster- slclans. Dr. Wnsdln Is consldorod an
export of high standing In tho Mu
rlno Hospital sorvlco. A chemical
General Smith, Senator C. M. Dopow,
of New York. Judcn of tho Court of
Anripnin Hnii-ht. John h. Scnthernd. . and bacteriological examination
Mr. and Mrs. Ansley Wilcox. Miss Wll- the remaining, bullets In tho plotol
cox. George P. Sawyer. Drs. Mnnn, w1"- however, confirm or demolish
PnrkA nnrt stnrltfnn. Mr. nnii Mrs. . this theory and such an examination
Carlton Sprague. Mr. and Mrs. John i wln undoubtedly bo mnde nt once by
G, Mllburn, the secretary to tho PresI
dent. William Iocb, Jr.; the secretary
to the deceased President, George B.
Cortleyou. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carry.
C. R. Scathered. J. D. Sawyer and Wil
liam Jeffers, official telegrapher. In ad
dition to Judge John R. Hazql, of the
United States District Court, who ad
ministered the oath.
Tho scone was a most affecting ono.
The new President had just come from
Mllburn house, whore his prcdecossor
tho authorities.
Governor Gccr's Proclamation to Oregon
People Tribute to Dead President,
Salem, Or., Sept. 17. Governor Goor
has Issued tho following proclama
deep personal sorrow ho felt. In his thlf(l t,rao wlthln tuo nl8t7 of tho
characteristically Imnulslvo way ho unucu oiaies its peopio aro in mourn
had gone first to the house of mourn- Ing over tho death of their President
ine to offer his condolonco and sym-, by means of nn assassin's bullet,
nathy to tho broken hearted widow, nnrlno-
Secretary Root, who 20 years ago had ; whon our )o , th enJoymon iV tho nnlh nfror tho. .lanlh f nn Cra ot UnOXttmpled prosperity,
of another President Who foil a vlptlm an(1 Whllo mingling freely with nil
to an assassin's bullet, nlmnst broke classes of tho peopio whoso Interests
down when ho requested Mr. Roosevelt ho had labored impartially to pro-
on pennii or tnp momoers oi tno unoi- mote, tho hand of tho treacherous as
IIKT III I III! rrHHHIHIlI. If III km inn t. . ...
prescribed oath. There was not a dry ' "" " .7" " .... "...
eye In tho room. ' ,,uuou,j,, wiuuuiu.'u uuu ui
Tho new Presidont was visibly shak- lno lowest aoous tnat win evor dark.
en. but ho controlled himself, nnd en lno pages or tno world's history,
when he lifted his hand to swear It Our beloved President, William Me
was ns steady ns though carved In Klnloy. Is dead, and In this hn.., nt
uuru.B. v.ln mo neep "o'emnuv oi Natl0naI nflllctlon tho grief which
overspreads the entire Nation
tho occasion ho announced to those
nrpsent that his lm would be to bo
William McKInley's successor In deed
as well an In name. Deliberately he
proclaimed It In these words:
Tn this hour of deoD nnd terrible
shared by tbo peopio of Oregon, with
bowed heads and sorrowing hearts.
"The mortal remains of Posldont
McKInloy will be laid to rest at Can'
National bereavement I wish to stnto , n Ti,rM.v ai,.. m
tht It shall bo my aim to continue ab- ,,' s,t.'' T '
aninrnlv wlttmtir vn rlnn re thn nnllnv . . . .. . f r..
. , .j. . -i. ,r i Vu ' ommond that on that day all publ e
of President McKlnlev for th .,.,, .'.....,
. as far as possible, that flags bo placed
nt half-mast, that tho peopio meet In
their respective places of public wor
ship to ask for that National con'
eolation which can only como from
Almighty God, and that nt tho hour
of tho funeral an churcn nous tnrougn
nnd nropoHty and honor of our beloV'
ed country."
Death Mask Marie.
DuffMo. Sppt. 17. A death mask of
the President's face waB made at 7:20
o'clock. Tho mask was taken by
Wueard Pauscn. of Hartford, Conn
many of the distinguished men who
bavo died In this country tn recont
vors. Tho inisk Is a faithful ronro
ductlon of the late President McKIn
ley's features.
PniinMi tine mnAniaA tlin fnntni-na , nf OUt the State bo tolled OS an OXprOfi'
Bion oi mo gnei which woibhb uijuh
our hearts as wo pass through this
shadow of National Doreavomont.
"By tho Governor, T. T. GBBR.
"P, I. DUNBAR, Secretary of Stato,
Grief at Manila.
Manila, Sept. 17. Tho profoundost
grief Is manircstod ny ovory cmss in
tho community oyer tho death of Pres
ident MeKlnley, Governor Taft has
Issued a proclamation which explains
to tho Filipinos, that wniie tno acatn
of Mr. McKInloy Is nn Irroporablo In
dividual loss, It does not altor tho sta
bility of tho Government or chango
tlio courso of tho administration, This
was considered necessary bocauso tho
Filipinos thought Mr. Bryan would suc
ceed blm.
Sympathy of Austrlans.
Vienna, Sept. 17. A constant stream
of diplomats and other visitors called
nt the United States Legation, tondor-
ng condolence upon tlio doath of Mr.
Anarchist Meetings Forbidden.
Berlin, Sopt. 17. Tho Cologne Ga
zette asserts that all anarchist meet
ings havo been forbidden In Germany
slnco yesterday, and that all anarchist
clubs will be closed.
I Hit relatives and tho members of his
ofllcnl family wero at tho Mllburn
House except Secretary Wilson, who
did not avail hlmsolf of tho opportun
Ity, and somo of his personal and po'
lltlcnl friends took leave of him. This
painful ceremony was simple. His
friends came to tho door of tho sick
room, took a longing glance at him
and then turned tearfully nway.
The Parting With Ills Wire.
He was practically unconscious dur
Ing this time. But poworful heart
stimulants, including oxygen, wore
employed to restore him to conscious'
ncss for his final parting with his wife
Ho askod for her and sho sat at his
Bldo and hold his hand. Ho consoled
her nnd bado her goodbye Sho wont
through tho hcnrt-rondlng scono with
tho saom brnvory and fortltudo with
which sho has borno tho grlof of tho
tragedy which ended bis life.
M the Death Chamber.
From nuthorltatlvo officials tho fol
lowing details of tho final scones In
nnd about the death chambor wore so
Tho President hnd continued In nn
unconscious stato slnco 8:30 p. m.
Dr. Rlxoy rcmnlncd with him at all
times and until death camo. Tho
other doctors were In the room at
times, and then ropalrcd to tho front
room, whoro tholr consultation had
boon hold. About 2 o'clock Dr. Rlxoy
noted tho unmlstakablo signs of dis
solution, and tho Immodiato mombors
of the fnmlly wero summoned to 'the
bedside, Mrs. McKInloy was asleop
and It was desirable not to awaken
her for tho last moments of anguish.
Silently and sadly the members of
tho family stole Into the room. They
stood about tho foot and sides ot tho
bed whero the great man's llfo was
ebbing away, Thoso In tho clrclo
The Newt at Seattle
Seattle, WaBh., Sopt. 14. Tho un-
By 10 o'clock tho pulso could no
longer bo felt In his extremities, anil
they grow cold.
Below stairs tho grief-stricken gath
ering wnlted sadly for the end.
All tho ovenlng, thoso who had has
tened horo, ns fast as steel and steam
could carry them, continued to arrive.
Thoy drove up In carriages at a gal
lop, or woro whisked up In automo
biles, all Intont upon getting horo be
foro donth camo. Ono of tho last to
arrive wna Attornoy-Gonornl Knox,
who rcachod tho houso nt D:30. Ho
wns pormttcd to go upstairs, to look
for tho last tlmo upon tho face of his
When the End Came.
It wob now 2:0G o'clock, nnd tho
mlnutoB woro slipping nway. Only tho
sobs of thoso In tho clrclo about tho
Prcsldont'H bodsldo broke tho nwo-llko
sllenco. Flvo mJnutcB passod, then
six, soven, eight now Dr. Rlxoy bont
forward, and then ono of his hnndH
was raised an If In wnrnlng. Tho flut
tering hoart was Just going to rest.
A momont more nnd Dr. rtlrnv
straightened up nnd, with a choking
volco. said:
"Tho Presidont Is dead."
Secretary Cortelyou was thn first to
turn from tho strlckon clrclo. Ho stop
pod from tho chamber to tho outor
hall and thon down tho stnlrway to
tho larco room Whoro thn mnmlmra r
tho Cabinet, Senators and distinguish
ed offlclnls woro asBomblod.
As Mb tonso white face appoarod nt
tho doorway a hush foil unnn ttm
(Jcntlomon. tho President hna n...
ed away," ho said:
For n moment not n
roply. Even though tho end had boon
fiXp.0Cw ' tno nctunl announcement
uiul mr, Aicrvinioy was dead fairly
stnnnod thoso mon who had boon his
closest confidants and advisers.
Czar'i Visit to France.
Berlin, Sopt. 14. Although
AYtlAptiirl Tinorn Tlllllnfln thta mnrnlnm K , . . . . .
--..wv. iinntz rr rpntlvlMna nt-si
haa thrown Seattle Into a Btate of nn th ""." "
almost inactivity. Buslnosa mon go interest con tors larolv 7n ?
about their tasks half-heartedly, with tvLm . It vMt
bowed heads, and Immense crowds f, Emperor Nicholas to Franco, and
throng tho streets In front of tho
newspaper offices, waiting for tho
latest bits of Information, A moro de
jected aggregation of peopio could not
oo imnginou. Mnny stand with tears
rolling down tholncheoka rending tho
late bulletins. Business Is practically
Kaufman Re-Elected.
Berlin, Sept. 10. Horr Knufmann
has boon ro-olected Second Burgo
master of Berlin by a small majority
Bmporor William onco refusod to con
firm Herr Knufmann's election bo-
nii!iu is mucn speculation as to
whothor ho will go to Paris. Judging
from tho dispatches rocolvod from
tho Fronch capital, It looks as If om
clal clrcIoB In Frnnco hnd not glvon
up that hopo, and woro devoting them-
iiriiiuipuuy to eocurlng the
safety of tho Imperial guoBt,
i ',,
North Pole Ships Are Heard From.
Crarlstlanla, Sopt, 16. A rnosaagr.
dated August 5, nnd rocolvod by way
of HammorfoBt, from Evlyn B. Bnld
win, head of the Baldwln-Zolglor North
cause of his dismissal from tho array Seek r,'p.UUao 11' Ion"'lo 38,
fnr mi,.0i oa " ?eoKnB paBBago northward throng
sor political reasons 30 years ago. Ico. All woll."
inoro is mucn curiosity ns to whether
tho Kaiser will a second time rofuso
to confirm tho oloctlon. and thus come
Into collision with tho City of Berlin.
North Sydnoy, C. B., Sopt. 16. Tho
Peary Arctic Btoamor, from Cann hT
blno Ellosmero Land August 29 a?'
rived horo today. All Veil. ' "r