Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 20, 1901, Image 5

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Onl Post and the Ladles' Circle
of the O. A. H, lutciul giving a
banquet on Saturday, September
28th, the last Saturday of this
month, to which nil Holdicrs and
gallon) of our country of nil wnrB
ore cordially Invited to attend. It
will he a basket affair and the
ladles of the Circle will sec to it
that there will be an abundance
for all who came. The time of
gathering is to o'clock in the fore
noon and the place is the head
quarters of Ord Post in the City
Hnll. A welcome is extended to
every old noldicr and young soldier
and tltcir wives, daughters and
sweethearts, and don't forget to
bring the children also. A jolly
good time will be had and the in
tentiou is to make everybody
happy and fill them full of the
good things that God provides for
us all. For some of the old vet
erans this may be the Inst banquet
that they may be prlvilcdgcd to at
tend ere they cross the shinning
river, so come one and nil and
make merry, for it is written that
all will be a long time dead. Re
member, the Inst Saturday of this
month, and the ladies will sec to it
that the baskets are heaping full.
Brokk Out ok Jail.
The attention of the city dads
has on several occasions lceu called
to the insecure condition of both
the houses of detention for wrong
doers. The calaboos on River
street has been broken open several
times and criminals have gone free
and jumped the town because the
building was not strong enough to
Tctaiu them. On Sunday night
this act was again repeated. The
marshal arrested a tough character
who got off the night train, locked
him up to appear before the Re
corder in the roorriiug, and when
morning came the bird had flown
and a big hole in the rear of the
jail showed where he had kicked
the boards off and taken wing,
The cooler is all Tight for drunks
but it will not hold live criiniiinls,
and should be made strong enougl
to hold even n "bad" man. Our
city fathers should remember that
"an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure," and do something
-1 c ,.t :i - ....
111 wie way 01 imiKiii wic juhs sc
A Busy Music Box.
Brchaut & Morton of the New
Era drug store have recently
bought a large music box and with
it fifty odd tunes and songs, .Each
of their many mends linve some
expressed preference for a certain
number, and as they are quite
often happening around and asking
to hear their favorite, it keeps the
music box grinding from early
dawn till late at night. "Music
hath charms to soothe the savage,
etc., and if reports be true there are
several people in that neighbor
hood that are mighty near savage
now and are making threats to im
port an Italian hand organ as a
counter attraction.
Flu it Alaum Saturday
An alarm was rung in last Satur
day forenoon for a supposed fire iu
the Cottage Grove Hotel. A large
volume of smoke was issuing from
the apex of the rdof near the chim
ney. The fire department was soon
on the spot, but it was practically
useless as there was not sufficient
water in the pipes to reach the
awning of the porch. One quick
witted fireman soon evolved a
scheme for saving the building.
He lit a caudle, climbed into the
attic from an inside trap, sought
out the defective flue and salted it,
and presto, the fire was out. The
whole town was out too.
Always Welcomb.
The smiling countenance of
"Bob" Mabry, the bustling adver
tising agent for Chamberlain's
Medicine Co, of Des Moines, Iowa,
whose goods, so thoroughly known
ond appreciated, are constantly on
baud at the Benson Drug Co.
headquarters In this city, blew in
on his annual visit this week.
"Bob" is always welcome, for he
is a straight-up business man, and
takes pride in representing one of
the best firms now business
in the west,
Ill accordance with the Mayor's
proclamation the business houses
of this town were closed and all of
our citizens assembled at the M. Iv.
church nt 10:30 yesterday to listen
to an appropriate program rendered
iu mciuoriutu of the Nation's chief.
The proclamation is herewith ap
pended: In linrinmiy wllli the proclamations
of tliu 1'renlilent of tint United States
unit tliu Governor of the Stale of Oregon,
cull I ii upon tliu American people 10 net
tipnrt Thursday, fleiWitiil)er It), 1001, as
a day of mourning out of liecoinlnn re
spect to the ail 11 ml lamentable dentil
of our beloved I'tilcftliin, President
Win. .McKlnkty, It In earnestly requested
t hut tliu people of Cottage Urovo
lay aside their biihliK'HH cares 011 that
day, im far iih, possible, iiiijI that appro
priate memorial, Hefvk'es bo held at a
suitable time ami jiIhco, cliirinn tlio day,
at which all may uscemble iu reipect
to ami in memory of our murdered
President, Instills hour of national be
reavement. It. M. Vkatch, Mayor.
The meeting was called to order
by Mayor Vcatch iu an appropriate
and feeling way. The choir sang
the "Star Spangled Banner." Rev.
Craudul offered an eloquent prayer.
"Kindly Light" was tendered by
choir. The Rev. L. D. Beck, the
orator of the occasion, delivered a
splendid address full of inspiration
and pathetic feeling. C.J. Howard
gave a short and pungent recitation.
J. E. Young introduced a set of
resolutions, which were spoken to
by J. S. Medley, Darwin Bristow
and N. Martin, Sr., and adopted by
a rising vole. Jl tie cnoir sang
"Nearer My God to Thee," Rev
HecK ottered a most lerveut prayer
and the large audience was dts
missed by the Mayor.
VVhkn tiik Sad Nkws Camk.
Last Friday night when the
President was dying the telegraph
oinccs were oeseigcu witn eager
and sad faced men until the last
uuitetin announced mat ail was
over and the spirit of our beloved
president had left its tenement of
clay. At midnight a national sa-
lutpA':r!UredTOMMt!(KOnts!:irts of
town and '(lie bells of the C. P
Christian Church and City Hall
tolled out a requiem. Since then
the flags have been at half-mast,
pictures of the President are draped
in most of the business window
and private homes, and evidences
of mourning on all sides. The
loyal American is ever ready to be
stow honor where honor is due.
Hops auk Gathhrkd.
Hop picking will all be over by
the end of this week, and then
Oregon will be ready for the gentle
showers. Hopcrowers have been
favored with the best of weather
for gathering the harvest, which is
a trifle light as compared to other
seasons, but the quality is of the
best nnd prices are expected to
range well up. The many pickers
who went out into the field from
here are returning singly and iu
groups with the fruits of their toil,
and will be able to provide for
themselves many comforts for the
coming winter.
Doing Whm..
A letter received by a friend in
this city last Saturday from P. B.
Sherwood, now of Colorado Springs,
Colo., announces the fact that Mr.
Sherwood has sold his large farm
there for $8,500 and will soon look j
up another location. While the
family have experienced more or
less sickness during their stay in
Colorado, nt the time of writing
their general health was good and
Perry says things are beginning to
come their way. The Nugget joins
their friends here in wishing them
The cotinty bridge force is now
at work on repairs to the bridge at
the west end of Main street over
the Coast Fork, which connects the
east and west side of town. New
bents are being put in, new plank
will be laid and the bridge will be
put in good shape for whiter. This
work is being done none to soon,
for the bridge of late was in such
a condition tlwt most people were
afraid to be ou it when heavy tiaras
were crossing.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mm, Hob Martin of Dorcna camo to
town on Tuesday.
Mrs. James Keilfonl camo down from
Dorcnu 011 Tuesday.
Dave Clover camo down from Bohemia
on tliu HtiiKO Tuesday.
Mr. Tapllng camo out from Ilolicmia
011 tliu stage iaht Tuesday.
Miss. Smith, sister of Mrs, Bchleef, In
back from Aberdeen, Wash'., 'where slio
Iiiih been making n long ylslf Kith
J. U. Yoiiiib not back from llohemln
on I'lieHdny. He has been In thn IiIIIh
for over a week looking after his mining
Frank Wheeler and bin dither K. K.
Wlieoler left on .Tuewlity by team nnil
buck for Klnmuth Kalis, to he gone about
three weeks.
Mm. I). T. Aubrey left on Tuesday
for Portland for it three ucek's visit and
will view tliu' gloriua of tliu Carnival
wlillo there.
J. II. Teeters and wife came- to town
thin week 011 horseback from their home
on How rlvur. Mr. Tectum in 07 years
old and rides witli the spirit and vim of
a cowboy.
Professor Day has come out from hie
line property 011 Ilor'selicaven creek ,niid
ttono to Kitgoue for the winter The
professor looks forward to a bright
future for Ilohcuiiii.
U. T. Kawlltigs of Meshy creek waa-iii
town thiH week nnd made the Nugget
office u pleasant call. Mr. KnwIinjM
says tliingH lire gliding along smoothly
out liia way nnd the neighbors are
well and happy.
Thu W. C. T. (J. will give n dime so
cial at tho reading room next Tuesday
e veiling.- Admission will bo 10c. The
ladies invlluuverybody to come and do
niic to sav that nil who do como will
have a jolly good time.
Mrs. X. E. Klson &. Son have ah at
tractive "nd" in this ifsuu setting forth
tliu nice goods they have to show you.
Their prices arc within your renrh and
they havo a tine stock which they de
sire you to call and look over.
Mr. K. Havden of Mohawk in here on
h visit to his son-in-law and family,
the Itev. C. K. Craudall. He Is de
lighted with tho beautiful weather here
and Is much surprLed to find Cottage
drove such a (urge and flourishing t6wh.
.1. A. Sears lias rentcd-Tils farm nnd
stock ranch "near Hnglnaw and will
journey by team with his family to Cali
fornia, where he will visit many local
ities in search of health and pleasure;
lie expects to return here next summer.
James H. McFnrland and wife-returned
thin week from their trip to Boise
City, Idaho. Their return was in
response to n summons that their
beautiful home was in ruins, and
they arc now quartered ntnlio home of
wieir iiiiugnier.
County Assessor Dick Burton camo
down to thu Grove lust Sunday, . flH
;vieit.vis u combination jOfnisinepij'Uml
iiiciipiiru iiiiu fii mi" nuier n
; 1. .1 . ..t nt.
Local BreVeties.
Buy your grass seed of Kakln it Urls
Ilnttonburg point lace patterns and
braid at Lurch's.
I.argo lines of gents nnd Indies watches
at n.u Ataiiseii.
If you want anything In tho lino of
prutiingsliuars call on Griflln, Veatch Co.
The Benson Drm? Co. has for sale n
choice linuof syringes of perfect make
aim cnenpur tuan tnu cheapest.
Those diamonds u t II. C. Madeen are
beauties . Call and see them .
Try a Sunday dinner at tliu Impkrmi.
110TK!,. herveii irom ill 1 :3u p
m. and up to uatu in all respects.
The Ilenson Drug Co, carries n com
pleto stock of school stationery in the
very best of material nnd fortlie lowest
possible prices.
Yon can buy anv preparation at .1.
I'. Currin's that fs advurtised in any
paper. Iteiiiumber we maku a specialty
of family receipts.
Anew invoice of plated ware, clocks,
etc., at Madsen's.
The Benson Drug Co. has on display
the finest lino of rubber goods ever
brought to Cottage Grove. Inspect
them and be convinced. '
Itcwareofnir dried or half dry floor
ing, ceiling nnd rustic. The "Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. nro making special
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Tho Ilenson Drug Co. offers you the
perfection of perfumery and guarantees
its aromatic ordors to captivate the
senses. Try them and you will ever
after buy them.
If you have anything to sell or want
to uuy real estate, stock, agricultural
implements or anything else go to
I'hllllps it White. .They liavu" a call
now for team, wagon and harness nnd a
couple of good cows, also calves and
yearlings wanted.
wantkd'at ONCE.
the time to ft -nicety- Dick Is n genial
fellow nnd has li hdst of friends in this
end of I.ano county.
Curtis Veatch and wife came down
from Bohemia on Tuesday. Ho drove
from thu, Musick miuu that day ,uind
brought out some of the effects of Iloh
Veatch, thu raniter, and his two .eldest
daughters. Bob and his wife will be
down in about n month.
.Mr. Campbell of tho firm of Campbell
it Alexander, tho Cpmstock lumbering
ami piling firm, has rented the tine
dwelling of James Benson and will
movo his family here for future rpbi
deuce. The Campbells will be n pleas
ant addition to the already largu social
circle of the Grove.
J, I. Jones and family this week left
for l.u Plata, Missouri, thn boyhood
homo 01. Mr. .loncn, They will remain
away for about two months and will
visit all their old friends in that section.
Their many friends hero wish them n
aafoand joyoiiB trip and will be glad to
greet them on their return.
Dr. finapp on Monday took leave' of
Ids many fricudt, hero and went by the
northbound train toward Ukiah. Mrs.
Sntpp will follow him in .1 few days.
It is not at nil unlikely that the doctor
will return again before another year,
but tho prospects in his new field aro
flattering and ho was desirous of n
.1. A. Archibald, salesman for the
Ulaeslng Granite Company, was in town
this week. He has lust returned from
Lorane, where ho tins put up several
lino monuments. Much of the-'-tino
work of this firm Is to bo seen in our
own cemetery and nil who expqct to
erect monuments to tho memory of their
loved ones should sou Mr. Archibald . ,
Your attention is called to the disnlav
"nd" in another column of Miss' Mary
Bartels, who has succeeded Mrs. George
Jiohlmnn in 'lie millinery business at
tho old stand on Main street Miss
Bartels is just from one of the largest es
tablishments in Portland, and has n
stock of elegant up-to-date goods which
siio win no pleased to nave you can una
Louis Hartley nnd family enmo out
this week from Martin Creek, where ho
lias been mining nil summer on the
Hartley & Hughs group. This property
Is now showing up lino nnd will command
much nttcntion next season. Mr, Hart
ley and family go to Corvallis to spend
tlio winter, wlioro tho son Warien and
daughter Sophia will attend tho Agri
cultural College.
Prof. Kendall was in town on Satur
day and says that ho has just completed
a now barn, nnd hns nothing to put in
It, so tho neighbors out his way. had
bettor keep n lookout for the!- .looso
animals. They had 11 jolly time nt tho
raising, tho neighbors for miles around
lending n helping hand, nnd woro re
warded for helr kindness by depluting
tho Professor's stock of provisions in
tho shape of n sumptuous spread that
filled them nil with good cheer.
A woman who Is a good cook; one
who can provide for about 25 boarders
and transients. Apply at the Cottage
Grove Hotel. A liberal salary will be
Tlio old reliable firm of J. P. Currln is
still doing business as of olden times,
with 11 full line of Drugs, Paints, Oils,
Glass, School Books, School Supplies,
etc. The past eighteen years before the
citizens of Cottage Grove in this line is
evidence of his ability, which has never
been questioned. Wo give vou 111st
what you call for and always keep a lino
of Pure drugs. "
Koep In
that the
acr y. b.
mind whon buying Drugs
1 nresurintion donartmcnt of J.
P. Currin's is presided ovor by a thor
ough Pharmacist, pno
proven rebe,
whom tipie lins
J. II. Shortridge was in town this
week with a watinn load of splendid
Bartlet pears which he disposed of to
our town people so cheaply that they
-were almost in tho nature of 11 gift.
The Nugget man got half 11 dozen choice
J.K. Y0Ung on Wednesday bought tjy
0:.b KOlirer liroprtV'Cn' Klypr street.
'T1 1 . . !....' I ... . . . 1 .'. . ? 1 . ., r
x 111a hub riijicriv niijoiiis ifiu resilience
grounds of H. II; Veatch; formerly the
stone property. Mr. v 011111: will nulld
a handsome' dwelling on this splendid
site in the near future.
T. W- Duncan of tho San Franci6oo
Examiner is in town in the "interest of
that great metropolitan journal. The
principal premium of the Weekly Ex "
aminer, $10,000 in U. S. bonds, was
awarded to Mrs. Davo Story of Oregon
City, last June
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of
nn onlor of tho Probate Court of tho Oountr of
Lane, State of Oregon, made on the 3rd day of
September, lfOl.lnthe matter of the estate of
Oeo. P. (laroutte, deceased, the undersigned,
the administrator of Fald'estato, will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder, for cash,
subject to the confirmation of said Trobato
Court, on Saturday the 19th day of October,
1901. at 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of tho
dwelling house on thofollowlngdescrlbed tract
of land, belonfflni; to tho eitate ol the s.ild Oeo.
P. Garouttc, In Lane County. State of Oregon all
of I he following described tract of land, towlt:
Tho NE M of the 8W 1-4 of Section and Lot 4
of saltl Section S all InTp. 21 S, It. 2 W. contain
ing Sl.92 acre of land In l.ane County, Oregon,
tinted this 19th day of September, Hull.
Fiunk Kelly,
Admlnlstratorof tho estateof Ueo. 1'. Garouttc.
t f
T Bohemia t
J Sa.loo-nra
" Main St., Cottago Orovo.
fill RR AM & H'KIHHFY Prons
S t
Choice Hue of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
7r is respectfully solicited.
Yes Sir!
io per cent
3 -o
shoes for
Saturday and Monday
Sept 21 and 23.
Corner Main ano KocftTii htrekw,
Dealer In
Are now selling Clothing and Shoes at bottoju-rock
prices. A large supply of Groceries and nil new.
Groceries W Vegetables
We have the most Complete Mrie of FRESH GROCBKlR1n"yonr'
city and are selling everything nt the "LOWKST POSSIBLE -TltlCE
A good assortment of fresh Fruitand Vegdtahles always displayed- fn
front or our store. See our fine line of FANCY CHOCOLATES and
BONBONS. , . . , ,
ffCull and See V ami IVc Will Trent Toil Rlfflit
A. G. Young, Manager,.
TVVE. SlPPi l0lSE.
Bohemia, Oreg( li.
General Mcie!iii(lisN
i Mifinevs' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you fight. ; .
"I io"
Harness and Saddlery
, . , George Meinzen, Prop. .
n'e"'; Sitill!e, Whip?, Buggy IJobftvLeAflier PcfjltipKlp
. All kinds of Ilciwlrlng'a Specialty1' AH'.tiivnlwmi' 9
Our Farmer Friends fan pet thd Wry best at fhef Lotfis't? iivhig PMcesf 5g
lome in unu examine iuq gopuH anu see jor-yourseu. , -; - - w o
A fine line of Ifarn'eu"
always on hand.
work turned ou
Bon Ton Meat Mat let
Main Street, Near Fourth
OB eagle & jSd!cl7,ai'laiicl
We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, button,
Pork, Sausaee and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
our effort will be to please and satisfy you.
Suits of all kinds made to order on shortest a
.. .t.. t . .
nonce aucrai me iowesi rrices irotn jsiz up.
FEET AtlOc. per pair.
Also Fresh Homemado Candlea and the biggest measure In town. Nnts
of all kinds. I buy old rubber, hides, copper, Iron undoing nnd pay tho
highest price. Give mo a call.
Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Bro's, Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows, Etc. : : : : ; i
Senil for Coor Card to W K. POLLER & Co., Portland, Ore. .