Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 20, 1901, Image 4

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F.dltor and I'ubllahera.
Knitted at the pontpfllc at Cntuja Grove
Oregon aistrond CImi inall niat'.t r., In mlvaur..
Ari.artWItig ItatMtuHi'a known upo
THIS P.U'Klt It tit on Ulc at K C. Drako
Ailwrtlitmr Anir. 61 and to Merchant! h
clunra, &u Francl'Co, California . when.' con
trart for advertising ran be made lor II.
Friday, Skptkmbkr 20, 1901.
The passing of President Mc
Kinley through the act of an in
spired demon has filled the heart of
this nation with deepest grief for
its chosen leader, and caused
feeling of revenge to well out
against the methods and creed of
all those who unite by blood-bound
oath to raise their hands against
the leaders of men. The remains
of our beloved President have lain
in state at the National Capitol and
been viewed for the last time by
millions of his countrymen. They
were taken to his old home at Can
ton, Ohio, and yesterday consigned
to the tomb, while throughout this
great land in every city, town and
hamlet memorial services were
held in honor of our splendid chief.
The last sad rites are over and the
hero sleeps, while his deeds will
forever be cherished in the hearts
of his countrymen and his
will adorn the scroll of fame.
It has been suggested that it
would be a good plan in order to
avoid the usual delay in court pro
ceedings in like criminal cases, to
electrocute Czolgosz first and try
him afterwards. It is a suggestion,
if acted upon at once, that would
meet the approval of nine hundred
and ninety-nine out of every thous
and, and the other one ought to be
hanged anyway.
His Policy as Announced to Per
sonal Friends.
Buffalo, Sept. 16. President
Roosevelt has outlined, in some de
tail, the policy he will follow dur
ing his incumbency of office. When
he took the oath of .office, he stated
with much definiteness: "It shall
be my aim to continue ; absolutely
unbroken the policy of President
McKinley for the peace, prosperity
and honor of the country.
A more liberal and extensive re
ciprocity in the purchase and sale
of commodities, so that the over
production of this country can be
disposed of by fair1 and equitable
arrangements with foreign coun
tries. The abolition entirely of com
mercial war with other countries
and the adoption of reciprocity
The abolition of such tariffs on
foreign goods as are no longer
needed lor revenue, if such aboli
tion can be bad without harm to
our industries and labor.
The establishment of direct com
mercial lines between the eastern
coast of the United States and the
ports in South America, and the
Pacific Coast ports of Mexico, Cen
tral America and South America.
The encouragement of the mer
chant marine and the building of
ships which snail carry the Ameri
can nag and be owned and con
trolled by Americans and Ameri
can capital.
The building and completion as
soon as possible of the Isthmian
canal, so as to give direct water
communication to the coasts of
Central America and Mexico.
The construction of a cable
owned by the government, connect
ing our main land with foreign
possessions, notably Hawaii and
the Philippines.
The use of conciliatory methods
of arbitration in all disputes with
foreign nations, so as to avoid
armed strife.
The protection of the savings of
the people in banks and in other
forms ot investments, Dy the pres'
ervation of the commercial pros
perity of the country and the plac
jng in positions of trust of men of
only the highest integrity.
The Roseburg Carnival ond street
fair is proving a grand success this
week. They have had many at
tractions to entertain and enlighten
and the people have gathered there
. from nil the country round to view
the wonderful sights and enjoy the
iappy occasion.
Last Saturday witnessed the end
of the controversy between the
owners of the Helena Consolidated
Company and the White Wings
property. This dispute has hung
fire for a long time and in its liti
gation ft has been the direct cause
of retarding the progress and growth
of the district in many ways. The
Helena Consolidated Milling and
Mining Company now absorbs the
White Wings, which was between
the Helena and the Helena No. 2.
Could this suit have been settled a
year ago Bohemia today would
have been far 011 the load toward
the bustling camp it should and
will soon be There would have
been many men employed cud
several properties that have been
idle would now be in full blast
But no harm ever comes without
its attendant good and in this cas
many miners not being able
find work for wages, hrve developed
their individual and collective
holdings and uncovered many
ledges that would not have been
brought to light had they been able
to have sold their time and labor to
the bin companies. Thus while
the large companies have been
waging legal warfare the individual
miner lias been tiotng permanent
and lasting work and brought to
ight many ledges that will in the
future become famous producers of
wealth. When the plans now being
mapped out are matured the future
of Bohemia is assured.
O. P. Adams came out from Bo
hemia last week, after a full sum
mers iaooron nis properties mere.
He has three claims, each of which
have been looked after this season
and a great deal of development
work done upon them with the as
surance ot a uotaoic luturc lor
them. First is the Ophir, which
has two tunnels, one 100 feet and
the other over 50. In the longer
tunnel the face is all in ore aud the
ledge at this point is 10 feet wide,
carrying gold, silver and galena.
The ore is base, but carries stringers
of free milling that readily pans
and show excellent values. This
ledge dips into and under old Bo
hemia and parallels it, at an angle
about 10 degrees, and can be
traced through the famous Musick
mine which is but 180 feet north
west. As you enter the crosscut
to the tunnel on the west you first
encounter 3 feet of ore, that assays
of the base over $8 and of free over
S18 in cold. A distance of to feet
further in is come upon porphyry
and quartz mixed and Here is a
foot ledge, and beyond this to
the face of the tunnel it is all ore,
no foot-wall being in sight. The
Fraction adjoins the Ophir about
500 feet from west end line and ad
joins on the east the line of the Al'
ferita. Some 25 feet of tunnel has
been put in here and for every foot
of work dona the ore is widening
and the face of the tunnel is im
proving, carrying gold, copper and
galena. The Royal joins the
Uphir on tne east end and runs
northeasterly. The crosscut tun
nel is in 50 feet and has every in
dication of being very near the
Advices from the Le Roy mine
in Champion gulch, are very flatter
ing. The Johnson boys are doing
.splendid work on this property qnd
with every foot of development
the mine is unfolding more treas'
ures. A shaft is now being put
down near the confluences of the
ledges and it is expected to shortly
come upon a big body of ore.
The Laura group adjoining the
Le Roy on one side and the Hel
ena No. 2 on the other, is in fine
shape. There are five tunnels on
this property and the face of each
is in solid ore of good quality.
Work goes steadily ahead and will
be kept up all winter.
Ralph and Frank Whipple are
down this week from Bohemia
They are interested in and develop
ing the group of mines on the west
side of Grouse mountain known as
the Humming Bird, Mountain Lily
and Evening Star. On the latter
claim they are in 40 feet on the
ledge and the face of the tunnel is
all in free milling ore. Supplies
will be taken in and work will go
ahead all winter.
J. C. Clucky of the Golden Star
mine 011 the cast side ofl'turvicw
came down on Tuesday's stage.
Mr. Clucky has been developing
his property nil summer. They
now have a tunnel in over too feet
and the face of the tunnel is in a
fine body of ore. This property in
the future wilt make a big stir in
that camp. Mr. Clucky goes, to
his home at Drain for the winter.
Since the above was in type mat'
ters in mining circles have inatur
rialized into solid and substantial
works. All clouds and adverse
claims have been cleared up and
permanently settled mid the money
paid out, so that today the Helcita
company has a ciear field for future
operation. The attachment suit
against 'the Musick tying up the
Brady interests has also been set
tled and suit dismissed, and now
altogether the camp will go forward
to its future grand destiny.
The President of the United
States is the commander and chief
of our armies and navies. Make
anarchy a military crime and try
anarchists by military law. Make
it a crime punishable by death,
upon military conviction, to bean
anarchist, to voice anarchy, or to
be found in possession of anarch
istic documents. Court martial
these creatures and take them out
and shoot them. In one year from
the establishment of such proceed
ings the president of the United
States can travel cast and west and
north aud south without a body
guard, and much of the strain that
today besmirches this great gov
ernment in the licensing of human
slimy snakes to hiss aud squirhi
within the confines of civilization
shall havebeen obliterated.
KKNNKDY In Kugenn 011 September
1? inni f-.. i.-i! iV 1..
tiui, .ma., i-.iiuiutrill -fYUilimiv,
nged 4S yearn.
Mn. Kennedy was 11 resident of Sagi
naw, where she leaves' two children.'
Frank L. Kennedy, tmpcriiiU'iulout of
tin IIooth-Kely Lumber Company's
,11.. O 1 ... , . . m J'
limn ui ftnzmnn . unu -lire. 11. i. joi-
lins, also of fcagtnaw.
First Heralds ofPallareflpre
Here and there about the stotc new goods ate in evidence that scotn to say "Fall U Uprc!"'',Ncv
colors, newstyles.'new conceptions and creations, to please you und fill your wants, or to hue'y'o'ii '(in (o want
more than you should. Kither way, the goods ore here find anxious to receive your visit. ''Tlie" ijtV nte
always interesting, and we welcome you, even but to look now, so that you niay iili'dw la'tur wlYetC Full's
best selections can be found, "' '.' A '" r v ''
You know you should begin your
fall knitting early so to be done in
time. This week we start the yorn
business, wilh a series of special
prices that will be quiet a saving.
Domestic Snxoti, per skein, .05
Imported " " " ,o(yi
Spanish Yarns, " lt i.oo
Select Knitting " !! .So
"Economy in gloves" means buy
ing the best gloves the only kind
we keep. Every pair guaranteed.
The price is Si.od per pair.
Just received by express pulley
and buckle. You will be able to
get n desirable belt here now at
reasonable prices.
ato-TJk We
1 rWHL. i"K iv old kind of
HBEf ft'lVlCkl. you with (he N.r.-
or the Eze
hove nil the in the Nay. ,
nreth Waist foflioys
and gills'. Don't
allow yourself to be
deceived into , bus -
'11(250". ' '
Lute designs in the leading cor
sets. We cany cheap corsets too,
but we would like to suggest that
it will only pay you to buy the
best. We will sell you' the best
corset in the city for $i.od, the
famous Royal Worcester or G.I)
The cheapest priced corset weoarry
in stock is 25c, then 50c, 60c, 75c
anil $t.oo.
I , I N 1 JS ( 5j A N 1) V I K j)l NGS.
Quite awhile since we iiicnioned
the, lining denurtliieiiL,. . L'tmibly
hcctius'lUsiitus. jias-ibuon so, biiiis
fncMry we did. njrt, consider it
mscewmry, r.i(iiu;.qv) thi,ng in
lining will bj oji for J'all uijd you
tuuv be oUWtfwril fl-1"' Jbmi'li-'tc.
Wo intend, to .kviii; (hit; .ijl.wiiys,
"thu besjt .place to buy lining,"
DRESS 00ODS:-J "'! .-(.'
AND -SILKS.., j.'.' jr i
Some nclv touches of Fad that
are aching for yon! to"( see 'ditni.
EvcVyboily, jMiiotinecH' "our1 Silk
stock the' finest in the clt "(is well
us" the lowest prices; '
At N
of Coii'f ffl? .
g "We T-Xave the 3Jifc, jF'inisl.i and 3TVusliioi
An Ujt-to'ilnte Elfin which
Commumltt nn Exjxituttiig
Our reporter in visiting the vari
ous business -houses of this
thriving city dropped tor a few
moments into the General Merchan
dising store of Garman & Heraen-
way and found the clerks busy
tieing up goods for a lot of people
who thronged the store. In talk
ing with a few of the customers it
was found they were from Drain,
Lorane, Saginaw and Creswell and"
all united in saying they could buy
goods cheaper aud of a better qual
ity than any other place in south
Lane county or in fact this side of
Portland. This firm has a large
and commodious brick building 48
by 70, with a wareroom in the rear
filled with bright, new and up-to-
date goods. There has been some
complaint among a lew of our
merchants that they are not selling
as many goods as formerly. But
in talking with Mr. Garman, the
senior member of the firm, he said:
"We are selling more goods this
year than for any past year, for the
same month. And we believe our
success lies in the fact that we are
selling standard and up-to-date
goods at a saving to those who are
paying cash for their goods."
After the 20th of this month they
will give a ticket to each cash pur
chaser for every $1.00 worth of
goods, that will entitled the holder
to an opportunity in the distribution
of the prizes that will be presented
about the first of next March, con
sisting of $150 to $200 in premiums,
or 157 prizes. The capital prize will,
be a $30 Gent's or Ladies' tailor
made suit; 2nd prize, $15 do; 3rd
prize, $10 do; 4th prize, $8 do; 3
prizes of pairs of Gent's or Ladies'
$3.50 shoes; jo prizes, $2 each; 20
prizes, $1 each; 40 prizes, 500 each
and 80 prizes 25c each, in goods.
This is an up-to-date firm and
its success is undoubtedly assured.
lle(u the Bohemia Xttffget,
Will be
and '
Found at
" ff.
!?;. fii M mm trr--2e
rVWaVaVVaWV 4 - fVV'!
TWT . A ' i .. ifii. " ' v
Cottage Grove
We nro now prepnred to fnrnlali all
kinds of brackets, 1110 Minus, cornion,
Hash and doors, door und window frames,
wlndowH, pickets, etc
Woodwork of nil klndu mnilu and re
paired. Wc will also work rustic, Hiding,
ceiling or itizo Htudiling, etc, , 1
Main Strfct, Cottage (lrovr.
I liM'ti on Imml mul .lull kM al all lhno a Hrl 'fit ttitak'ltf YMd,'
CTi-k. IMim, KlnMom Dulioiia null I lie rtliuit awvrlviput i.f mt'r
lirniiKht to (iilnrlly.
My rl' nre Ilia loot (or lha ImhI kixkU you mer bone li, ami ullhlli .
tlie rraeliof all. fllvo mo it wll Mint I ahull lukc iU'amn In Miinilnu )oh '
my Um1. , , . .,
. . .
-iij'.r.iiiu.xi A ni r.ui.)iii) a.i .J.i. nuiits ur.wiA.A ir.nn
New Harness Bli op-
, I')
. A Full line of all kinds of Iliirness and Harness Goods, Saddles,
liridles, Whips, etc., IS very thing found 111 a First-class Shop.
Rcpairit'g neatly and promptly done;' (tall and see inc.-
Fred Gale. Prop.
Er.i Hangs.
Now all Tostetlier !
In UioHprinK tlmo gentlo Annlo
There's n otnellln the baek yard
And an odor in our city
That lilts 'tlio stranger linrd.
It's an argument for Bowornno
But tliuro isanotherplan ;
You can ro to the Now Kra Drug Storo
And you may buy u can of Clilorldo
of Lltno.
Its very fine
Tnko it In tlmo
Don't.JoHO a dollar
To'snvo a dimo.
Call early nnd avoid tlia rush .
' Jirehnut & Morgan, New Era
Drug Store.
Wo hnvo on hand a largo 'stork of
kllu-drlcd flooring, celling and rnstlo In
grades 1 2 und S, Lot'us' mnko you
special prices.
The Fashion ;:Stables
Gl)risii)an &. Bar(gst Proprietors.
Also own and oppefate theI5$hemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines '' "
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices r-v
Tkain Kit.i.kd a Di!u.
One of the night trains last week
run over and killed a fine deer on
a short curve just south of Walker
Station, only a few miles north of
this city. These animals have been
quite plentiful in the mountains
this season and several have
ventured down into the valley, but
it is iudeed rare for one to bc'rlin
down on the railroad track..
1 ; ... , 1 -
To nil tlioao who so valicntly assisted
in Having property wlio'n tlio rlro was
consuming our dwelling, wo grotttfully
extend our heartfelt thanks. .,Muy tlioy
rest oHsureil that Wo .njiprctilato their
valuable efforts more than wo can
express. Sincerely
, " Mah. II. MoFiirlnnd
' -Laura IcPurlund.
Fin 11 roBlduiu!as.,f,lioici
hlfjdktf for sale ,)oiWk IsoH
sV V.i