Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 20, 1901, Image 3

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la n ronatlttitlonnl illacnao.
It orljtlnntcii In u ecrof nloiin condition ot
t lie blood nnit depend on llwit condition.
It often cmiNCR licmlntlio mid dlKzlnun,
liiiimlra thn timte, mihiII and lieiirlwr, nf
fccln tlio voenl orKima, iMMurlm tlm nlonmcli.
U Ih nlwuvn radically and iifriiiiitirntly
cured ly llio lilood-imrlfyln, altvrallvu
mid tonlu action of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Thin (treat inedlcllin dan wriiuitlii. tlm tuont
ivonderful turns of nil dlneimeii dciicndlnu
.., .Fltfull. .... II... I. ..I. It '
a-y w. n I Will Kill B , fill,) I,
IIimiu'h I'n.Ln are ilia tint cntlii.rt.a7
lie Thought Quickly.
Himily Oil, imllconmn, yor Hair
noud't In (tt "Illuclc Hull" yonder
Uimo'h n iniilut iiwfn' foclit unci! on.
I'olluuiiiiiii Ih Made Jock tlioru?
Handy Ayol
i?ollcoiiiiui And I.iini! .IJmmy?
lUnudy Ayol
I'ollcomim All, wool, I'm Horry, lint
I 'iiinnn lemvo mo boat, yo Icon.
la algnaturo la on erery hois ot tlio genuine
laxative HromoOiiininc Tabid.
Vu remedy that cure n colli In out) itay
"MoH(iilt(R'H nro ncciiHod of propn
giitlnn dlRtiiiHo," Hitld BpyltcB,
"Well, I know that tlioy proimcnto
prof unity," Hitld BpokoB.-
ii:ai'.nkhh (iannot nu cuiuci)
By lorul aillratlms, as tliey raiiriiit reaeli tlio I'lirtlon ill tlio fur. Tliere It only uno
way to cum iU aln, riul that la ty rnn-lltii.
Iluual reineilli'. lleafni'sa la raiiidl liy an ln
tlnini'il riinullliui ol tlio muciiiia llnluir of tlio
Kimtaehlati 'In he. When tills tube itela In.
Ilaiiied tint liavn a rumbling anuml or Imper
fect hcnriinc. ami ttlii'ii It la entirely cloaeil
ilenltiea la tlm remit, ami milranlieliillamina
linn chii lm tnkeii nut ami llila tutia rrntnreil to
Ha niirriinl eiiiulltlou, lirarlnK wlllbeiletirureil
lnreter; nliiu eaaea nut nl ten are ('aiismfljy
ralnrrli, Hlileh la iiolliliiK but an Inllained
ruiiilltliiiuil tlio iiiueouaaiirlaeta.
Wo Mill Rive (Ino lluuilreil Diillara for any
raMtnf llenliieaafraiiaeil by l ilnrrh) Hint Can
lint bn cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. Bend lor
circular., Ire,. C,,KNKV & co. Tolelo0.
Hold by I)rUk'Klita,7te .
II air. Family l'lll. are the best.
An Easy One.
RIcopIcHH wnnttt to know: What
would yon kIvo n dog to provont Its
ImrldnB nt nlKlit?
Olvo It nwny.
lake Laxative Ilrorno Quinine Tableta. All
Irurrl.ta refund tlie money lilt lall. to cure.
K. W, tirore't signature I. on each box. 2.'ic.
A Skillful Dodgtr.
"That bookkcopor of yours novor
seems to bo Hick."
"No; no's tlio most export germ
doilRur wo'vo over hnd In the catnb
llBhmont." Chicago Tribune.
1.1 IK ..m,. . .. . . v..w;
a . i v aiiit nrti it tfr it, kiib . ureal nrm
IlclcTrr. 111,1 lor I'll lSKS'i.OO Irl.l l.lll.n.lUrt. Kni, I.1J..V3I Arcli8L.rhlM'lrhia.I'ft
llrtrli Not Trumpi.
Oldspark I-ovo, thoy say, Is tho per
finno of tho heart.
Miss Youngor Well, porhnps It Is;
but, really, I don't caro for porfumory.
When vou take drove' Taatclena Chill Tonic,
becaute tbo formula li plainly printed on every
bottlo .bowliii that it la almjily Iron and Onf
nine In a tutcleu form. Mo Curo, Np Var. 60c
Always Dot; Dav
I.nynround Lucas Doy'a only wun
t'ing I don't llko orbout our porfeshun.
Dusty Dan Wot's dat?
Lnynroiind Lucas Wo have dawg
days nil do year 'run'. Ohio State
The Heat I'reacrlptlon for Slatalla
Chilli and Fever la a bottlo of Grovo'a Taatolcta
CblUTonle. III. .Imply Iron and quInlDO In
a Uitcleai lorm. No Cure. Ho l'ay. Price 60c.
A Dilemma.
Mrs. Von Blumcr-rl don't know
what wo shall do about that cook.
Von Ulumer What's tho matter
"Sho threatens to stay." Llfo.
Tlio KInil You Havo Always Bought lias uorno tlio signa
ture of CIuih. II. Fletcher, and lias been mado uudcr Ills
perKonal supervision for over HO years. Allow no ono
to dccelvo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-BOod nro hut Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless nubstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotlo
Hiihstnnco. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Povcrlshncss. It cures DIarrhuja and AVInd
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
W iiiniilllMWliWT
In Use For Over 30 Years.
I uoet Coutfh Birup. faiteaUooa.
wjumu B(.R W"T
in lima, puiu ufui....""
10. poia
I'lraiant Death.
Dnrk I'oucntrliin And tho lust thine
nnnt' .Inllll rll.l wnu ll lfluu tw,
Knlr CyollHt Ah I And thon ho died,
t BiippoiioA iy Hiopor.
Extraordinary Man.
Mr. HlmpkliiB Arnbolln, you arc tho
on y woman i over loved.
A nbolla Thoro Ib only ono man In
111,, wnrtri lllf, vm.
Mr. HlmpkltiH How Bwoct of you to
Hay inai.
Ambolla Yon; you told that Hmlth
tf I rl llu i vnrxr anmi till,,,' utiil I trtinu,
thuro Ih no otlior man living could do
u. uwo Htnto Journal.
Vnlltff nfn Milll'a I, If".
The Kiliirruift t'onrla Imve ilei'ldeil ihnt
tin life tif the iiveraue iniin Ih wi.rtli luai
lint lie itlili' in earn. A man V f iimf im
ili'iii'inl to a uri'iil I'xli'iit iiiMin nlivfiiiil
linillli. The Hioiuai'h la thu uienaiiru nf
Iteiiltli ami niri'tiiMli. l.very iiiaii iiinv Iik
Inlirht am) ncllve iriiix illireatlon la iiiiriual
II' It la mil, lliMtetter'a iSloiiuicli lllllera
w ill iniiktt It mi. Try It tor 1 i-jilu. 1 11
dlgeatlon, I'liii.tliiiiiliin, 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 en n , rial ill
eney, liver or kliluey troubled.
Cobblt) There kocb Olovcr, ono ot
my Ijc.'Ht frlvntlR. Novor know him to
liny ono word ngnlnRt mo.
Htono ycb. Ho h a fellow of rare
restraint. Detroit Krco I'rcBB.
! I tin nut believe l'lcn'a Cure fur Oon
1 Mliiiptltin has no equal fur rnunlin and
riiiim, .Kiii.i i'. ikivkh, iriniiy njirini;.
! inn., i ei). 1,1. IIKJU.
In Ihc Labour Market.
Tho following nppcal Ih oxtractcd
from it church paper: "Old man, lamo,
denf, oplloptlc, iIokuob Bltuatlon. Will
any ChrlHtlan take him for a gnrdon
or?" St. James Gazette.
Slapti tho Cough and
Work Off ilia Void.
Laxritlvo II r,rnH-Qi I ri I no Tablet, cure a cold in
ono any. i-ay. rnco a ccnu.
Made Money In America.
Theodore Clmrtraln. tho French por
trait painter, Ib Hnld to havo earned
more money during his short .visit to
tho United HtatcB than during all tho
rest of his provloun career.
Mother will find Mrs. Wlnslow'a Booth
lug Hyrup the beat remedy to use lor tbelr
cniiiircii uuriug mo ivetuing penou.
Flndlnit tils Place.
Ho (complacently) I'm. Just begin
nlng to find my place In tho world!
Sho (Innocently) Dear mo! How
humiliating! Fun.
Little Liver Pills,
IVTuat Boar Signature, of
5ee PaoSlmlle Wrapper Dtlow.
Tacry aimall and aa easy
to talcs as augnr.
Signaturo of
Not a Conjenlat Pursuit,
"And will -you dovoto your eon to
"No. Ho has too good an appetite."
Cleveland Plain Doalor-
Debtor I'rnponmla ri Onerr tluit Hot"
One Mnn Id Tliltiklnir.
A collector of bail nccount received
a Iohkoii from n ilellniiiiKiit ileblor n few
days ngo that lins started him to think
ing u bit. The collector hud liccii cling
ing this delinquent for about six
months mid had become tired of "Cull
to-morrow," "I haven't It Just now,"
nml other exemscs or n similar nature,
mid thought It was time to become
"8eo here," he said the Inst time ho
cnllcd, "nro you ever going to pay that
"Why, yes," replied the delinquent, "I
suppoite I will pay It some day or other.
Hut look here yourxelf, young man, I
think I can show you n thing or two,
How many bills have you In that bun
dle V"
"About forty, I guess."
"How long does It take you to visit
these people?"
"Oenerally, I can get over my route
In a day."
"Suppose evefyono of them should
pay up'"
"That would bo line?"
"Oh, It would, would It? What would
you do for n living If everybody paid
Tho collector turned the thought over
In his mind for a moment or two, and
looked blank.
"Gracious!" bo said, "I'd be out of a
"That's exactly my point. Don't there
fore, bo fo Infernally anxious to collect
every cent due to your people at one
time. A few collections a day arc
enough. As for my account, x-omc
around some day next week, nnd I may
hell) J'ou out of business by paying It.
Good day." Now York Tribune.
A rillplno Delicacy.
The Filipinos In Manila have been
having nn unexpected feast. It eaino
to them like the mnnun to the Israel
ites, being furnished by a swarm of lo
custs, which recently Hew over the
city. To these people the locusts nro n
grent delicacy. The Insects are served
dry or In a potpourri. They nre also
mnde Into pies mid cakes, nnd In some
Instances ground Into powder and
steeped In liquid so ns to make a bev
erage.. At times catching tho Insects
becomes n very profitable business. In
Mrmlln nnd tho other largo cities they
sell at fl! n sack, gold. These sacks
hold about n bushel. When dried, tho
locust can be kept Indellnltely. The
natives never eat the grasshoppers
green, but they wit them In every form,
dried or cooked. They even carry them
In their pockets nnd eat them ns they
would candles nnd other confections.
When dried the locust Is nlcu nnd crisp,
and tnstes something like glngersnnps.
Koine confectioners dress the grasshop
per In various ways, serving lilin up
occasionally with chocolate trimmings
and coats of sugar. New York Tost.
CYntcrboaril AVoll Wns Deep.
There wus n new young man on
board. lie didn't seem to linve much
to say about the management of the
boat, but he. wore n lovely yachting
suit. The girls were very much Im
pressed. It seemed to give them n
sense of protection Just to sit near
hltn. One blue-eyed girl wns heard to
sny to lilin: "I am not the least bit
afraid when there are so many good
sailors aboard. You know all about
sailing, don't you?"
"Not quite." he answered modestly.
Just then the cnptaln called to him:
"Harry, rake the pall nnd fill. up the
centerboard well."
Cheerfully the young man went to
work nnd the girls stared.
"How many does It take?" he asked
as ho emptied the sixth pall: then he
added: "What are you lubbers laugh
ing at?"
Then tho girls realized that It wns
tho first time the man In the lovely
yachting suit had ever been on a sail
boat. Chicago News.
A "Tennessee Ijarlc."
The "Tennessee Lark" n fresh
young singer from Memphis, Tenn. Is
all the rage among society people of
Washington. She
I s wonderfully
fascinating, nnd
Just as chic ns
any 1001 girl.
Mrs. Letter and
Mrs. Kcgtnnld Do
Koveu and the
wives of the cabi
net olllccra arc es
pecially Interest
ed In her. Sho
recently gave a
loncert at tho ex
exclusive Wash-
x tsnnksssk lark ington Club,
when a tremendous ovation was given
Rovolntlonary War Claim.
A Revolutionary Wor claim for $400,
tho special value of which wns $40.09,
contracted uudcr tho act of 1770, has
recently been liquidated by tho Treas
ury Department. Tho Interest aud prin
cipal amounted to $12,000.20.
"Wo havo tho most wonderful cook
you ever saw. You know, wo only en
gaged her as a plain cook."
"Well, sho makes good bread." Town
and Country.
Lead, Copper and Iron Wires.
If a lead wire will sustain a weight
of twenty-eight pounds a copper wire
of tbo same thickness will uphold 302
pounds and ono of Iron 310 pounds.
Too Kxponsivo.
Two tons of beets aro equal In feed
ing valuo to four tons of hay, but Its
cultivation abas proved to expensive to
bo profitable.
For Evidence of Fraud in Testimo
nials Advertising Dr. Will
iams' Pink Pills for
Pale People.
It is (sometimes thought that some
concerns, in order to mnko people
boliove that tlio article in which thoyi
deal is a good one, manufacture
themselves the testimonials which
they itso in their advertisements.
The Dr. Williams .Medicine Co., man
ufiictiirers of Dr. Williams Pink Pills
for Palo Pcoplo, however, have nlwnys
held that tlio publication of u ficti
tious or oven a misleading testimon
ial is not only bad morally but is bad
advertising. Consequently tho great
est cure lias always boon taken in se
lecting testimonials for their adver
tising. Kveiy ease is not only care
fully investigated, but in most in
stances it is sworn to in legal form
and tlio iiflidavit placed on file. That
no doubt tuny be in the minds of tlio
public, the company oilers one thou
sand dollars ($1,000) for evidence of
fraud, on its part, in the publication
of any of the testimonials used in mak
ing known tlio merits of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pule People. In view
of this, tlio following remarkable case,
published in tho Democrat und Sen
tinel, J.ewiston, Ph., is given without
further comment :
Mr. Frank A. .Means, a well known
farmer Jlccdsvillc, Mifllin county,
Pa., writes:
"I had the grip nnd ns n result my
nerves broke down. I lost the entire
use of tho lower half of my lody.
For n whole year I luy in bed jicrfectly
helpless, with no power in cither
limb, and the feeling gone so that I
couldn't feel a pin run into my legs
at all. I couldn't turn over in bed
without help. Six doctors gave me
up and said it was only a question of
a few weeks with me, as nothing moro
could bo done. Then a friend sent
mo n pamphlet containing statements
of two men who had been afllioted
something like me and who had been
cured by the uso of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I began taking them at
once and although my improvement
was slow it was certain. Now I can
walk most of the time without a cane
nnd everybody around hero thinks it
is a miracle that i can get about as I do.
Your pills have certainly been a
God-send to me."
Signed, F. A. MEANS.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 17th day of April, 1001.
' Notary Public.
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Company, Sche
nectady, N. Y., fifty cents per box ;
six boxes for two dollars and fifty j
cents. j
Accepted. j
Mr. Falntart Miss Upperton, I feel
that I am overpresumptuous; that you
are not for me; that you will refuse
my hand; nevertheless I offer It to
you, In order to satisfy In a measure
Miss Upperton (faintly) April fool!
Puck. i
25c. 50c.
niinP a" bowel trouble, appendicitis, bll
1 1 1 If Ls lousnces, bad breath, bad blood, wind
B HI III I " (I atomaeh, bloated bowela, foul
WWIIIa mouth, headache, Irullrreatlon, plitiplee,
palna after eatliitr. liver trouble, aallow complexion
aud dlzzlneai. When your bowela don't uiove recu
larly you are getting; silclc. Conatlpatlon Ullla more
peoplo than all other dlaeuacs together, it a n
atartor for the chroulo ailments and lone years of
unVrluc that eome afterward. No matter what
all you, tart taking OASCAKKTS to-day, for you
will never set well und bo well all the time until
you put your bowel right- Take our advice; atari
with OASOAIIKTS to-day, under an abaoluto guar
autoe to cure or money refunded. ui
Hf.t piwihlr to bnllil. lie it matprlat. Ileal pro
portlhn. IImii flnl.h, UkIiimi running. Mveniy
Tfr' exn-rlrnce. M I CM Kl.i.. I.KMI-" A
H I AVKIl ;,., lat anil Taylor 8t., l'ortlanft.Or
Hard to Understand.
"What makes Mrs. Vyporl apparent
ly so welcome and charming a conver
sationalist In society?"
"It's a mystery to me. I understand
she's been sued reveral times for slan
der." Philadelphia Times.
and all wise mothers make
a household remedy for tho
simple reason that it always
Conquers Pain
Summer Resolutions
ture relief fi om liquor, oplnm and tobacco
, Habits, tana i
lor partiooiaia to
Keslej Institute. MoTX1t.!B4.05Td,.I.lra,
San Francisco Business College
1230 Market St., San Franclaco, Cat.
FULL COURSE, $60.00.
Write for Catalogue.
Means misery on the eve of life. Nine out
of ten old people are constipated because the
muscles of their intestines have become
weak, worn out and flabby. Constipation
is the curse of old age, causes bile and
add poisons to remain in the blood, making
the skin yellow and wrinkled, the eyes
bleary and causing the "bones to ache."
Keep the bowels strong; healthy and regular
and old age loses all its terrors and weak-'
nesses. No reason why grandpa and
grandma shouldn't have bright eyes, and
clear, ruddy skin and feel lively and active,
if they will only keep their bowels open and
vigorous with CASCARETS CANDY
CATHARTIC, the greatest bowel tonic
ever heard of. Try them to-day a 50c
box a whole month s treatment and find
that the tortures of constipated old age arc
rnir, bonest trial,
not satisfied, after
box and the empty
whom you purchased
whom you purchased St and Bet your money back for both
boxes. Tako our advice no matter what alls you -start to
day. Health will quickly follow nnd you will bless the day
youflrststartedtheiiieorOAfe.OAltKTb. Hook free by malk
Auurcui oiLuunu
IUt and onlr
perfect blowof out
lor on tlio market,
Hcml lor clroulitr.
Mitchell, Iwlf.U
Slaver Co.
Porilnml, Ore.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
ootol Uorrlaoa Street,
Can give yoa the best bargains In
Iliiuies. I'lowf, boilers and Kiiiruiei,
Win. mills and Piimni mil G uno nil
Machinery. See us before buying
Willing lo Share,
Old Gent My boy, I'm sovonty-flvo
years old, and I novcr smoked a cigar
In my life.
Boy Well, If yer likes tor follor mo,
you can 'ave this butts when I'm dono
with It. Ally Sloper.
Patonts ProctiroU.
fromtit. r.lllelcnt and SatlnfacttT Servlcn.
Attorney'a lee not rinynble tilt patent granted.
Try ua. 'labcr A Whitman Co., 8-4) Warder
Bldg., Washington, I). C.
Not a Climatic Distinction.
"A Virginia man died at the poker
table tho other day."
"Nothing wonderful about that.
Lots of Nevada and Arizona men havo
dono tho same thing." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Felt Honored.
Father My daughter tells me, sir,
that you have been making love to
Clubberly I don't know why sho
should single me out among so many.
Detroit Free Press.
A Sporfing Note
First Bear I saw a man shot a min
ute ago.
Second Bear What for?
First Bear For impersonating me,
I think Puck.
Bri,o' lyn, N. Y.. Sept. loth. The Garfield
Tea Co., manufacturers ol (larfleld lea. Oar.
field lleailnche Poirdera, Gardeld Ten fyrup,
(larfleld liellel PlAstera, Garfield Plzcatlvs
Tableta and Garfield IOtlon, are now owupy
InRthe large and eletrant otllce bulldlne and
factory recently erected hy thm. For many
rear the Garfield Remedies have been grow
ing In popularity, and their success la welt
rtewired. The" cure dlaiwea and keep people,
we 1 and atrong.
"Oh, I don't know!" remarked the
cptlmlst. "After all, you'll find in
every one at least some of the milk
of human kindness."
i "Huh!" crunted tho cynic. "What
vou do flnd iB usually the condensed
variety ?"-Phlladelphla Press.
Easily made for the next 90 days, selling 'an
attractive line of Holiday Goods. For full par
tlculara send name und addre&s to
I Star Hldg., Chicago, Ilia.
N. F. N. C.
Urn. 3 j 1801.
WllBS wrltlnc tt. advertisers pleaso
mention this paper.
TO CTJItEi Viva 7r nro
KTtt w BAld. Now it la
over iix minion noxet a
vrur. trrcitfei than amnv
similar medicine la the world. TbJ i utablute proof oT
treat merit, and our best testimonial, AVe have falUi and
will sell CAKCAlCKTH absolutely guaranteed to curo cr
money refunded. Qo buy today, two 50 boxes, sjIto them n
us per simple directions, and IT you nro
using; uno fiOc box, return the unused COo
box to us by mall, or tho drurirut from
St and set your money back for both
ucucoji vu. n&n lulu., or iiuu&uu.