Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 06, 1901, Image 5

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    Tint Mayor Saw It.
There lire few men in Liitic
county today wlio nrc nny better
known tlnui ex-Senator Jlol Vcntcli
for veracity nnd ordinary truthful
ness, and it in even said tlmt lie
could not dreniti of n falsehood tin
less under a heavy stress of weather
He rales ho IiIkIi mi the line of
truth idling that lie has been
elevated to the proud dignity of
Mayor of this nourishing burg, and
when he vouches for anything that
lias happened bin Htatemeiit is re
ccived as gospel truth. Last Iri
day be bad occasion o tnks a short
Htroll in the suburbs of town and,
as usual, something happened and
lie (luiii i nave a nun. lie was
roaming over the Oowdy farm
when to bis amazement nut from a
clump of trees n little way off canie
hounding toward him the largest
buck deer he ever saw. In his tin
protected condition for the moment
be was nonplussed and the buck
came charging on, but Hob is ever
resourceful, and be quickly doffed
bis broad sombrero and shied it at
the ferocious deer just m time to
avert what might have been. The
deer wped on and as .soon as the
frightened Mayor got bis second
wind be hied himself to town and
related the thrilling event. Jivery
Ixxly took stock in the story until
it butted up against Hill l.nudcw,
not a bad story teller hiinsell, and
Hill, well Mayor Veatch and Hill
Lawless are not just now enjoying
one anutlier's society. A .sort of
coolness, as it were, between old
To Tint Uof
This week inaugurates the be
ginning of the hop harvesting and
many of our people have taken the
opportunity of enjoying an outing
for a few weeks and at the same
time picking up a little ready
money by picking the golden hops.
The recent rain has cleared the at
mosphere and cleaned the vines of
dust, and if the weather now holds
good a most enjoyable time will be
bad while gatbeiing the harvest in
the hoo'ik-lds.- This fa one of the
delights of the year that many look
,-forward to and as well 10 ma King n
neat little sum lor extras. 10
sonic families it gives an oppor
tunity to provide the necessities for
winter, and in that it is indeed a
great boon. Aside, from some
little inconveniences the bop pick
ing season is one of the happiest
times of the year.
Oi't' For Hoston
Isaac C. Thompson, who has this
summer interested himself in sev
eral enterprises in this section has
gone home for the winter to IIol
brook, Mass. Mr. Thompson has
had a good deal of prospecting done
for coal in the bills west of town,
and recently he acquired an interest
with Messrs. Finn and Lloyd in
the Stocks. Harlow & Brush prop
erty in Hohemia. Mr. Thompson
is well satisfied with his investments
here and will tell his friends and
neighbors in the east of the future
possibilities that here abound. He
is a most pleasant gentleman, and
lias done good work while here for
the building up of this section. If
nil goes well with him be will be
back again about the ist of next
May. The Nugget wishes him a
safe voyage to bis old home.
Nitw Sign.
The people who travel up and
down Main street by themselves or
in bunches will in the future marvel
at the remarkably attractive and
artistic Higupost that ornaments the
sidewalk in front of the up-to-date
jewelry store of Otto Nelson. Those
finished artists, Jenkins, & Lawson,
are directly responsible for the
catchy attraction, but the polished
gentleman who winds the main
springs in that jewelery emporium
is at all time ready and willing to
tell you bow it happened.
G. A. R. Social Dinnuk.
The members of Ord Post, G. A.
R., will give a social dinner at their
headquarters on the fourth Satur
day in September. Commander
Lincoln extends to all old soldiers
of all wars a most cordial invita
tion to be present and help to en
joy the good tijiiifc'9.
Nitw Two Story Mkick.
Next Monday will witness the
initial Mtpn in the building up of n
substantial Htiucture on the corner
of Main nnd 1'oiirth streets. That
prominent and central corner will
in the f n lu re be ornamented with a
two-story brick edifice. The struc
ture to goup will be 50x100; the
foundation to be stone and the
structuic to be brick. The lot whs
lately puichimcd by Frank Wheeler
but the building that goes up will
be fostered by Wheeler and Phillip
The intention is to push it right
through to completion. C. II. Wal
lace has the contract for the work
He has now n kiln ot 100,000
brick and will put a big force of
men at wink immediately to make
all the brick that the sun will dry
before the rain Hets in. This new
building will require over 140,000
brick atid when finished will be
one of the finest ornaments on Main
Houoiit a Fa km.
Last Saturday saw the transfer
ofoncol the finest farms in this
section of the valley. The old Ma
jor UiriHiium place, lour nines
northeast of CottaKO drove, con
sisting of 756 acre?, was bought by
I. I. Jones for S7,ooo stmt cash.
Mr. Jones intends going exten
sively into the dairy and creamery
business and expects to keep when
well under .way at least 150 cowx
This enterprise will be of great
benefit to the people of Cottage
Grove in having almost at their
very doors an ample supply of
good butter at all seasons of the
year, a thing that has been badly
needed in the past.
Cut His IIkad Haii.v.
The little son of Mr. Mulligan,
the efficient foreman of the Hooth-
Kelly mill at bngmaw, uati n
rious accident happen him the
other day He was playing with
other l6ys on a whirling plank
called a "flying dutchman" when
he fell off and the plank came sud
dciily around and hit him in the
hack of tbe'bcnd; cutting a terrible
ga-di to the skull. Dr. Job was
called and after tnking several
stitches dressed the wound and the
little fellow is getting on all right,
but he will have a pretty sore bead
for many days to come.
J. M. Hidwell met with a very
painful accident while working 011
the wood train this week at the
Divide. He was piling wood in
the car as it was thrown in from
the track piles, and just as be was
stooping to pick up a stick another
was hurled from the outside and
caught his hand between the two,
smashing the tbitd finger of the
left band badly. Dr. Job dressed
the wound and it won't be long
before Mr. Hidwell will be able to
report for duty.
Lucky Hunthks.
15. A. Wilson mid J. H.Martin
Spent severnl days last week in the
wilds of the Coast Fork in the
neighborhood of Amos. They bad
a glorious time hunting and fishing
and were successful in both pur
suits, having fish galore and bring
ing to town ineatof a fine big buck.
They made their headquarters at
Judge Suthei land's and are loud 111
their praise of that prince of good
fellows and bis bright and alto
gether gracious family for the gen
erous hospitality afforded thorn.
Council PnociiiiniNGS.
At the Council meeting on Tues
day night a number of petitions
were presented and grnnted for
minor purposes, but the main
petition entertained was for a side
walk on the .west side of l'ifth
street, and the marshal was in
structed to notify property owners
to construct said walk.
Having jiiBt taken a courso of in
structions in tlio Professor Hogorn sys
tem of tinting we are prepared to do tlio
most beautiful work known to our busi
ness. Tills work Is beautiful, Call and
see our samples.
Mas. J. F.T.wi.011.
SulserH'o for the XHyuvt,
pe rsoiia I pu vugvu pi s,
It Is ftiiiioiinuftl ilmt tlin Drain Wnteli
limn Inn Himpmxled iiiililloiilion.
A new Hi'lMuiilk iiIomk the entire front
of Hie I, O. (J. ! property wt laid IIiIh
we"k' , ,1
Mm, Kranlt H. Ooodiiiiin lmj uone for ,
11 iiiDiiiii'M visit to liur pHi'iintH in J iiiiu
Clnrlov llrittiuiiii wunooiit from JIo -
li.jii.iu HIh week ami went 10 l'ortlun.i
on iHltflllPM.
MImnk Dora Vmiluh and I, Minn Put
(crniM urn hiiioiiu lliii hop pfukerM at
Crrmu.'li till week.
Hon. .linnet) llemenway in NnfTyrl nvr
wiili 11 Hcveio Httiu'k of imuonlwr rliou
mitt ixiii thin week.
Mrp. Dr. Snnpp went to I'eiiillelon on
Monday to- a wi-ck's vixii anil to imtlier
cm iox wtiero 1 o!Ih tlio Oregon,
Mrn O.II. Cnui-hill of UiIh idly wlf,
him been no cBiloimly ill with iineliinoiiin
tlio piiHi week iH now iiiipiovlnj; nicely.
Mrn. J. V. Ciirrln Iimh returned from
an I'Xlionleil vinit Hunt. Hliiee nor re-
turn hIio Ihir been ipiitu ill witli throat 1
Dr. Iloliiiifon Iiiih retiirmsl frnni-1iin!
iroHieclinu trip 11 Iihik way mum uf
licic. lie hml a uihhI time and feeU
well rcjiitid for bis trip. I
O. O. MiClelicn formerly with I,,1
I.nrcli til iIiIm citv left for Haiom Siiniliiv ;
where be roHiimcH IiIh old jiOiitioii with
Iaber A. XeiM. hop buyers,
J.M. Howe of Kngene the hmdline
auent of tin Olio Schumann monument
(Inn of Portland, Oregon, did hmdncDH
in (.'ottauo Orovo TnciMilay.
Krncttt Klter. formerly pioprietor of
tlit' Ilohi'iiibi ciiIikjii cif iIiIh city Iimh jmr
cIihhciI the "Itiiri-au" hiiIdoii in Kiic,enu
and touk cIihtkh thin week.
1 mil 1 "V 11 1 " ti
She will miMi likelyeull upon you and
it will do yon oinl lo meet her.
Clin rlcy .McKarbind and Mine Kllcn
Hall went to tlio county M-at tbic week
to view the nixing ami ee how the land
liiyf around tlio comity court Iioiiki.
Mr. and Mrn. Jim Mcrnrland accom
imnlwl 1 iy their nephowri Herman and
IVarion 'I'Mwaiiln, left for Iloiiio City,
tdulio, Tuesday on an extended visit.
P. J. l!lakernton of Kngone is withUie
bridge force that are just now repairing
the entintv Hlrueturex. He is a mitihty
pleaftint follow to get tangled up with.
(ion. Hawloy mid wife and Kd Under
w od and wife have returned from a
two wi'okH outini: at Florence, on the
Siii'lnw river, and reiiort a nplendiil
U.S. Ciilkenon and wife nnd .lumen
(iilkencon and wife of SlioenHing valley
were in Oittae lirove Mnndav. they
were well ple.ifiit with th'o town ami
euntemplate locating here.
.1.11. Sliort ridge broie.'lit to tiilc office
this week a email limb from mm of lii.s
pllliiio Ireea on which were liangliiK'
twenty ilelieioiii! -pliimltM of J lie Orlean?
nrimv. Thev uru a ImMiiotit fruit wnd
the Nugget force appreciates them very)
mucii. .uaiiy inatiKH.
I'red CofTvn. a well known eneinoer
froui the coast. i tilling mil hia Imliday
in I lie valley and has made many friends
diirini! his Ntay in tlie Grove. Ho saili
the ocean utile nnd make his heme
upon the wave, but hie chore legs pilot
him into pleasant harborf.
Kor Homo time John Sears lias been
I rott hied w itli a Krowing tumor just oeir
the H-cohd knuckle ot the ritcht hand.
lie came to town this week and Dr.
Snnpp relieved him of t lint tumor.
ilrewcod tlio wound and in a eliort time
that uood nuht hand will be able to
assort iti-clf as of old.
P. J. .lenniitgH tills week made a liv
ing trip through tlio Grovo to the
IlelPilaC'oii'oltilaied and nutagiiin. Ills
iiianv friends Hero would have liked
much to have met him, but they didn't
liavx wlngH and could not make the con
nection, however bo was in a big harry
and must be forgiven this time.
Lvmau Adams, Al Adams Samuel
Kit'hatds, James. Hurt, Jamos Potts and
jacK ki lenstein came into town this
week from their laborsat the Lucky Hoy
mine in tlio Blue river country. They
were all looking well, feeling line and
Inula liiioii time. All tlio liovs liavo a
good time when they eomoto tlio Grove.
Hon. Ivan McQueen, accompanied by
Ids brother George, visited Portland
this week to submit himself to his
physicians at tlie Good Samaritan Hos
pital for examination 10 determine the
success of tlio oporation undergone some
weeks sinco. Ihu cent emeu returned
Wednesday and -Ivan's condition is so
much improved and that hois now on
tlio rapid road to recovery.
Wit lini'i. An litntil 11 luixvt. QtnnL' f
kiln-dried llourfnis. cellini: unci rustic! In
grades 1 ti and !1. Lotus make von,
special prices.
JIOOTII-lvELtV i.umhi:i; uo.
When you have that tired feel 1 11 l run
ning about lookint: for a residence in
the cit.Vj or piece of farming laud, go-to
Jurcm Knnx it Co. Tlioy will give von
immediate) relief by solliinr you anything
in the real estato that will please your
fancy or add' lo your comfort.
"Why not spend tlio vacation at Yu
qiiinu Hay, wliero can be had excellent
faro, good, fishing, good bathing, alluring
rides upd rambles. Tlio courses and ex
ercises at tlio slimmer school, of 1',101,'ut
Newport, will aflbid great variety of
Instructions, diversion and enleitaip
mont. No other resort odors equal at
tractions and advantages."
"Tlio Oregon State Fair at Salem,
September 38 rd twL'tith, 1001, inclusive,
promises, to bo the best this that
lias yet boon held. New features for
amusement and instruction have boon
added, and particular attention will bo
given to tho Stock Kxbiblt, owing to the
great and constantly increasing interest
in dairying throughout the state. For
this occasion, th ' Southern l'acille Co.
will make a rate of 0110 faro for the round
trip, from all its stations in Oregon, to
Salem uud return, and It is to be hoped
that everyone who can do so will show
hiS'iipproehUlon by taking advantage of
tlila opportunity to pass a few days
pjaasautly and profitably ntotir Statu
JjocmI BreVelies.
liny your erHii toed of Kftkln A IHIh
1 low.
lliilteribiirtf point luce tiittlenis mid
braid at Lurch's,
lie nro anil call at Taylor's Oitllery
nnd bob llio now work.
' lMtm lliieg of vents anil Indie watelio
I at If n
, , , , , , ,
I.Ut""' r.t',"1 t,lHl(J lnBinM of Jerome
I K" Co-
TI10 l!eiion Drojf Co. iMrritwn com
jilplo Hlock of wbool etui lottery in the
very htnlof imtlei inl iiini for tliu, km cot
poAlblo pricoH,
A new invoice of plutcil ware, clock,
etc., at Ma(iir,
I 'N""1116"
Tlio(! (lUiiiomlM atll.C. Muclten are
011 atiil h'l- tliern.
j Finn roalilenecci, choice lotn, bitfinoM
1 block for hhIo Jerome Knox A Oo.
Tlio lienxon Drnif Co. Im for union
; clioico line of Kvrinxe of iwrfout'imiko
, 11,1,1 Reaper than the chenpuit.
.Savo money in buying kocxIh ofN.K.
Kle A Son. Tlieir prieeH win trade.
If yon want anything in the line of
pnililiiKfthoariicfilloiiUriffln, Veatch Co.
Valuable mining property in
hernia for wale. Jerome
Knox and (Jo,
Kverybody pleawd with tlieir trimmed
liatn at K. J.. JCIceaA 8on,Hiid money
Lcit oh millinery cverv week low price
attoiiifh all. JJxperienciMl trimmer,
X. K. KlMK. A Son'.
Tlio llemcoii Driift Co. ofTer yon the
perfeellon of perfumery and tmiirnntee
ItH aromatic oritur to cjiptiviite tin
emien. Try lliem and you will over
after buy them.
Are von a farmer? Jerome Knnx & Co
it'll! u.,11 t'.t, . Cui,. .... uui'itni I in
The Helicon Drug Co. ban on ilifilay
tlio tinost line of rubber Rood ever
bronulit to Cottage Urove. Inspect
them and be convinced.
Try 11 Sunday dinner at the Ixi'KKiAi.
IIotki.. Served from 12 1:80 p
m. and up to duto in all respects.
If yon have anything to sell or want
to buy real estate, clock, Hiirieiiluirnl
implemeiiu or anything olno go to
I'l.illi.. X, U'l.ii.. 'I'l,..,. 1, ., ..oil
WIW ()r t.Hm wil(, am"haiiHHH and a
couple of gooij cow, aluo calves and
yearling wanted.
C. K. ISaten, the photographer in tlio
Ingtent on .Main street
next to Slier
wikmI Hotel, is doing up-to-date work
ami lots of it. Call and iuspoet my work
and you will surely lie pleaded. I have
had veursof oxperienoe and do Al work,
and it can not be beat anywhere. Prices
are within the reach of nil.
Many people have tecrets and guard
them jealously, but the groat benefac
tors of the human race have in all time
laid bmo the ecrcts tlmt benefit hu
manity. So it is with the lienson Drug
Co. They make no secret ot having the
bout, 'largest nnd TrKftlest mippiv of
Drugs ever ofTerud for sale in Cottage
Grovo. In tlio compounding of pre
scriptions notliini: but the very choicest
of ingredients are used, and they are
prepared by an expert pharmacist who
stakes bis reputation upon his ability.
The Benson Drug Co. leads and its repu
tation is known far and wide for first
class gooi's and fair and honest prices.
When you need anything that is iisualiv
found in no up-to-ilato drug store cult
011 the Heiibou Drug Co. and von can
gel it.
Howute of air dried or half dry floor
ine. eoilim: and rustic. The Ilooth
Kelly Liimlier Co., are making special
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
GrocerieS, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at. all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New; Neat and
Clean, and having bad years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
T0: LET....
Inquire of-
The Booth-Kelly Lumfcer Co.,
Saginaw! Oregon.
Groceries M Vegetables
Fresh Fruits
We have the most Complete. Line of FltHSH GltOOHUIHS in your
city and are selling the LOWUST POSSIHLK PKICK.
A good ncwirtrrinnt of l'resh Fruit mid Vegetables always displayed In
front or our sioro. See Onr fine line of FANCY CHOCOLATKS nnd
(g2s,C(ttl an tl fire Uh utul 11'c Will Trent You Jllffitj
A. Q. Young, Manager.
Corker Maw axii Kocrth HrnrKTi,
I)rulrs tn
Are now selling Clothing and Shoes at bottom-rock
d prices. A large supply of
IBohemia, Oregc ri.
Miaaevs' Tools aasrt
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
I Harness and Saddlery
George Meinzer, Prop.
?J A fine line of IlarncM. Sitlle. V.'hlpi. Baggy HnbeK, Leather Belting, Eto
7 HiurnyH 011 nmiii. .u kihus ui ipairiug u 9eviiiii7 aii nunu.sewcu
( work tanieil out.
Our Farmer Frlendn can cot tbe very beat at the Loweit Living Prices.
M Come In unit examine the gooda anil we for yourself.
Bon Tod Meat Market
Main Street, Near Fourth
We keep constantly on band the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton,
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
our effort will be to please and satisfy you.
Suits of all kinds made' to order on shortest
notice and at the Lowest Prices from $12 up.
FEET At 10c. par pair.
AIki Fresh Iloinemoile Ciuulie
ntallklmlK. I buy old rubber, hluea, copper, Iron and zinc and pay tho
highest price. Utvo me a cull.
Geo. B03I.MAxT, S&'fiJS&.or..
Sacceseors to WIlliCLUR & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled unci
Steel Plows, Etc. ::::::
Send for Color Cards to W G. PULLERS Co., Portland, Ore.
Groceries and all new.
Tailoring I
JF &
anil the biggest measure In town. Nuta ft