Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 06, 1901, Image 4

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Krtltorn Mid l'nbllshera
Errttrwlnt the iMinp nt OMUge Orovei
Ore son Becotiil Clnn mall mat .r.
Hlibnorlpttnn prlre. I.nn, In tvivnnrr.
A(lvrllaliit ltktea uini'tt Umiwn upon
Friday, SitrTitMimu 6, 1901.
Tlie Oregon Mining Journal in
writing up the exhibit of ores on
display nt the International Mining
Congress held recently in Boise
City makes mention of several ex
hibits and then says: "There was
also a small collection from Bo
hemia district" As a matter of
fact Bohemia district was there
represented by over 100 pounds of
ore in splendid specimens from the
leading properties of the district
and all nicely labelled, and they
drew the attention and admiration
of the entire congress. This is not
the first time the Journal has mis
represented Bohemia and sought to
belittle its mines. For the benefit
of the Journal it can be truthfully
stated that Bohemia today contains
larger and more deposits of mineral
wealth than were ever uncovered
in the Northwest; and some day
when the spiteof the Journal toward
Bohemia cools offit will awaken to
the fact. The influence of that
paper can never hurt Bohemia and
in spite of all adverse criticism this
great mineral zone will go steadily
on until it stands in the front rank
of wealth producing districts of the
Pacific Coast.
Money don't come to every man
in this town every day, but it does
come to some men some days. Only
a few days ago a bunch of $6,000
was dumped into the lap of one of
our prominent citizens, and just
this week another thousand and
more found its way into the pocket
of our good friend J. E. Young, it
being the third payment on the sale
of the Gold Cross mining property
owned by Mr. Young. This
promising property was promoted by
Mr. Lloyd and is under his general
supervision, and that it is proving
all that was hoped for it is evidenced
by the regularity and promptness
with which the payments are being
Last week the pipe for the mains
through town and to make a com
plete water circuit in the Grove ar
rived and were distributed along
the line of trenches already pre
pared for their reception. The
connecting of links in the stringing
of the pipe will go ahead as fast as
it can be pushed. The weather is
now fine and if it continues for a
few days there is no good reason
why all the system of pipes are not
uuder. the ground and ready to re
spond with a good flow of water
for all' purposes.
The Eugene Register comes to
ns this week in a bright hew dress
and clean smiling face. The Reg
ister is one of our most valued ex
changes and is an able exponent of
the interests of its section. In re
ciprocity the merchants of Ea
gene have nobly upheld its hands
to keep abreast of the times and the
Register has been worth to them
xco cents on the dollar.
The camera ofithe amateur pho
togiapher is playing an important
part in the world of art these days
A delightful phase of its value as a
depfcter of nature is shown in The
Ladies' Home Journal for Septem
ber. In this issue two pages are
given to the last of tbat magazine's
prize photographs of rural scenes,
and the collection is a notable one,
interesting alike to the picture-taker
and the lovers of pictures. Some
of the scenes have all the distin
guishing qualities of paintings,
with the added charm of being true
to nature.
The past few months has made a
record for more terrible disasters on
land and sea than have ever oc
curred during the same period in
the past. The details keep coming
of wreck, explosion, fire and flood,
nil telling of the destruction of hu
man life.
S. U. Piper has returned from
Bohemia after letting a coiiipct
lor 'the assessment work on his
promising property, the Tcmics.ce
and La Fioflta on Jackass ridge.
Henry Johnson vns out this
week from Bohemia and says- that
development is going ahead steadily
on their recent purchase, the I,e
Roy mine in Champion gulch.
They have had assays of $94 and
the ledge is 5 feet wide with 2 feet
of the finest galena ever uncovered
in Bohemia. They have sent too
pounds to Tacoma for a smelting
F, J. Hard, with his family,
came out from Bohemin this week
and has gone to Portland. Mr.
Hard lias put the Oregon-Colorado
in good shape and a 600 foot tun
nel is being run in tltc ledge which
at present is in 100 feet and shows
a ledee 12 feet wide which carries
heavy per cent of copper.
Good news comes from the Sun
set group on Adams mountain thi
week. The face of tunnel No. 2,
which is in 70 feet, is very rich and
the ledsre is 7 feet wide at that
point rnd the depth from the sur
face is over 300 feet. This splen
did property is located on the
northeast slope of Adams mountain.
Dr. Oglesby. president of the
Golden Slipper Companion Horse-
heaven creek, 1ms just come out
from Bohemia and the company's
property, where he has let a con
tract for 100 feet of tunnel at $6
per foot. When this is completed
other arrangements will be made
so as to continue work all winter.
The property of this company is
getting into fine shape and the doc
tor will soon go east to promote
the interests of this group of claims,
which consists of nine locations and
contains an unlimited supply of
timber, water, etc., for the future
operation of plants for the working
of the ores. In one of the 100 feet
tunnels the ore body is now 8 feet
wide and carries 12 per cent of
copper and 18 per cent of gold.
The Bohemia Gold Mining Com
pany on Tuesday ntade its third
payment of $1,100 to J. E. Young
on the purchase price of the Gold
Cross property.
Clucky and Peterson on the east
side of Fairview have a large ledge
and two feet of it is free milling
and pans out fine stringers of gold,
while the rest of the ledge is of an
excellent quality of base ore.
Harlow and Brund.arc sinking a
shaft on a new claim on the north
side of Fairview mountain and are
now in a body of galena ore the
whole width of the shaft, and from
the assays and samples taken out
they think they are fast uncovering
a mine that will one day be a good
J. L. Le Roy. came out from Bo
hemia this week. He and 'his
brothers are steadily working on
the Laura. They have five tunnels
on the group and all go. in on the
ledges from 25 to 70 feet, together
with several other openings, and
every day's work shows up better
ore that contains gold, copper,
silver and lead and assays that run
from $10 to $15 in gold.
Colonel Blair has returned from
Bohemia after an inspection of his
promising property, the Big Maud,
and has let a contract for 50 feet of
tunnel on the ledge. He looked at
several other properties in the dis
trict and from his observation bis
faith in Bohemia is more secure
than ever and the Colonel is
thoroughly imbued with faith.
One of the fine properties of Bo
hemia is owned by Higgins and
Jenks. Ihey have a group of
mines. In the Mountain Lion 140
feet of tunnel has been run and in
the Lake 3ss feet, and the face' of
both tunnels are in quartz that
average $10 in gold. The mineral
values are much higher, for the
ore contains gold, copper, silver
and lead.
Tho busiest and inightius little thing
tlmt oyer wus inndo is Dr. King's Now
Lifo Pills. TIiubo pillii uhutigo wenkuose
into strength, liBtlosmioHS into onuruy,
bruin-fug into mental power. Tliuy'10
wonderful in building up tho health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by Benson
Daua Co.
.NM5W KHA imiiq STOUK.
Portland, Oto., Sept., 1, 1001.
To Tim Citiuknh w Corr.vnK llitovn
ASM Vll'INttY:
Wo mo pleiiMsl to toatify that Hurry
Proliant nnil Doll M 01 gun, proprietor
oftbe New Urn Drug Slow, tuo Ixith
voiing men of excollent. habit; thor
oughly qualified to conduct tliA Inndm
in which tlicy have entered anil worthy
tlio oonnMonco of tho hhiIu of CottHg?
CimvpHiul vicinity . Ilolh Mr. Itrohniit
mul Mr. Mo run 1 1 biivlng been In our em
plov, in tins l'rwuriplion Department mm
well n In our I-nboratorv, for u iiamheruf
yoHre, becoming funiiiUr with every
iioint of tho btiHino-mi. unit wo liefiicnl;
for tJium tlio hwfcTty oo-nperation urn!
conthtcui'o of tlio people in tho town
mul neighborhood which will now be
tlicir liouiu.
WoOllAKU, CttAKK it Co.
Mr. Morgan, atiovti reform! to, repre
sented ids iuicrwty in tlio New Hut
Drug Store, thin week hi person, nnil
Mewu, lUeliHilt A Morgan, to well
recommended, will no doubt soomo
their portion of the trade of IIjUluU.
CONDON At Newport. Ore., on Mon
.lav, September 2. 1I0, Mr. Thomas
London, uveit iri yeure, i monin ami
ill days. Interment tit Kugeue on
ltrofowor and Mr. Thomas Condon
have been cloM'ly identified with Ore
gon's ctluciitiontil hlctory nnil progress
siuco 1858. They Imve lived in Kiigeuu
mih-c 1870. when? her IiiihImuwI hi dur
ing hII t'.e intervening period men pre
feasor of geoloy in tlio University of
Oregon. During her long residence in
Kuirene mid bv licr splendid woik she herself lo host W warm
tun! loving friend all over the Mute.
Her husband und rive children survive
Anv wrson wishing tn obtain Wn Hoo
inn get it of Lewis A V natch for fifty
wits per bottle.
Two yinall tint kevs. the finder will
1 libcinllv rew-inle.1 by leaving thelit
Ht the Nugget olHce.
I'ltorotfAi-s roit bonus or Tin: city or
Fealed 101-1 will be recelred by the He
nler id the I'llr nt CnttSMt- Ororo. Ulw
rnmily, ore., onlll'ian I". M.,n(smplrobcrath
1901. for the mle nf the whole r pf fmrt
il.VVCOnt the hnl of wtil city, of the ilmuial
nation ( fliw ech. to be fluted Viobr
1.1, 111. prtyable In 30 jrrar from ilto, nnil
bearing lnterenl at lh rate of Sper rest r an
num, pajratile n-m1-mmunlly on January 1 anil
July 1 of each year. I'rlnHpul and liilertwt
pnyaWu In United Slnloa gold rain, atjilatv
ilealRDHtPil lir imrt'hmwr. No UUlr ntr !
than Ir will 1 c ronllvtel,at)l tb Cotiartl nf
mIiI cllr reorvi Ibo rlclit to rolott aur un I
alt bll.
j. K. YouNO, 1:1 iy iMeomr.
I.ncl ODIre at Itotcburg, Oregon,
Align. t a, 1WI.
Notice l hereby giTim tliat tho follimloif-
namoil oltlor haaflleit notice of bl Intention
to make final proiif In rapport of hi claim, and
that Mid )rmit will be made before Marie U
Ware. V. 8. Oornmltaioner at Bugene, Oregon,
on October ft, 1WI, via: Die Olmn, on II. K.
Witt lor the NSK 1-1, XUj SWM.Hec. It, Tf..
8., K. 2 W.
He naroea the following vritnevea to prove
hlneontlnnoiia reoidonce ujKin and euHltatlon
, nil rew M. CUven, I'eter Johnran of Culiaire
Orore, Oregon, Martin Terklenon, Inrael Xen-
man of Kugenu, Oregon.
J. T. IIbimfji, HoplMer.
United Stateii Land Olllre,
Ito.oburft. OreKOli, Scjil., 3rd, 1011.
Notice l hereby glron that In roinplianee
with the )irovlnlntin of the apt of Conffrenaof
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the le of
timber lands In the State of California, Ore
gon. Nevada und Washington Terrilory," a
extended to all the I'ulille band tltatoa by act
ofAuguntJ, 1MU, Iver Irermn, of Kir, County
of Skagit, Wale of VVuiililngtoli, has thin day
filed In thla office Jil nwornntatoment No. 1811,
for the pure-hare of the N NE 1-1, Ki; 1-1 NK
1-1, Ni: I-l 8K 1-1, of Peetlou No. a)ln TowriKlilp
No. 2UH Itange No. 7 West, and will offer proof
to show that the land nought la more valuable
for ita timber or atone than for agrlmiltural
lmrponeii, and to eatabllth Ills claim to raid
land before the Itoglftter and llecelrerof thin
oltlce at liowbiirg, Oregon, on Monday the lHtli
day of Noveio ber, W.
He hhiiioh an wltnecw :
Geo. Woolly 01 Drain, Oregon,!. (I. DeWolf
of Portland, Oregon, Itiloy Smith of Honubiirg,
OreK n, Uobert A. Laudenlalc of Norman, VVanh,
Any and nU'purhonii claiming advereely ilia
aboveletc-ilMd laudaare reiiueaU-d to file tholr
clnlniH in thl olMce on or before aald Wlh-i!y
of November, l'JOl.
J. T. IiitiuK, Itoxlmer.
United KIuIck Land OfTlce,
ItoKburg, Oregon, f-ej. Iuniber.ini, 1'jui.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provl.loim of the Vet of Congreim of
June 3, lb"8, entitled "An act for tho tiiloof
timber lauds in tho Slates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," an vx-
tended to all the I'ublle Land Htates by act nf "I
Auguht 1, l-', Uobert A, baiiilerdale of Nor.
man, County of Snohomish, State of Washing,
ton, has this day filed In this office his sworn
stutemont No, 1612 for the purchuHj of the HK
1-1 of petition No,. ISJll Township No. a) 8.
Itange .So. 7 West, and will odor proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purpotes, Jits claim to said lund before
the Ileglster and Itsrolrer of this ofllce at Hose,
burg, Oregon, on Monday tho 16th day of No-,,
veinbor, 1901,
Ho names as witnesses:
Geo. Woolly of Drain, Oregon, !,.(. DoWolfof
.Portland, Oregon, Ulley Smith of Itoxcburg,
Oregon, Ivor iverBOii of l lr, Wash,
Any and all persons clnlmtng adversely the
abovoduscrlbcd lands 1110 reqiiettod to (lie
their vlulms In this ofllce on or before said istli
duy of November, 1901.
J. T, IIuioohs, Ileglster.
Advertise In the yttyyet.
First Heralds of Fall are Here
Here mid thete nbout the store new nood nte in evidence tlmt mum to my "Knll in Hero." New
colors, now styles, new coiiCBpUons and creation, lo please you und fill your wants, or to lute you on to want
more than you .should. Kither way, the gondii are here and anxious to ruceivc your visit. The new nre
always interestinif, and we wulcome you, even but to look novy., so that you may know later where l'oll'.s
best .selections can he round.
You know you should begin your
Call kuittiiiR early so to he done in
time. This week we latt the yarn
busbies, with a Merle of .special
prices that will be quiet savi'iitf.
Dotnestic S.ixon, jwr skein, ,05
Imported " " " '.ooJ-J
Simni.ih Yams, " lb 1.00
Select KuittiiiK " H .80
l"Iiconomy in Klovos" menus buy
iiiR the best (jloveK the only kind
we keep. . livery mir guaranteed.
The price is Ji.od per pair.
KALI, msws....
Just received by express pulley
and buckle. You will be able t
get a desitable belt here now nt
reasonable prices.
At Newlands, of
?F T 1.
I Lurch's
Cote Grove
111 nun
We nro now preinred to furiiUh nil
kitiilR of brmtkuls, inn liliniw, cnriiiun,
h.-ihIi und iloors. door und window fnunue,
window8, pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinilg inudu and re.
paired. We will 11U0 work rimtlu, bidlnni
coiling or size studding, ole,
w. Now all Toeoliior !
In tlicHprlnti time pontlo Annie '
Thuro'nu sinullin the hack yaid
And an odor in our city
That li ita the Ntrangur linnl.
Ii's an argiinmiit for fowuruuo
iut thi'i'o iriiinotliurplun; ,
Yon can go to the Now JJra Drug Storo
And yon may buy 11 can of Cliloriito
of I.lmo.
IIh very Una
Take it In time
Don't loeoa dollar
' To Hiwo a dhno.
Call cariy and avoid thu rueli.
livehnut & MorynH, Xnu ICi'U
Jii'iiy Stove.
Head the ltohemla Xttuyet.
We hnv: all the
sires in the Nnx
areth 'ait forbovs
tind isi'l' Don't
i 7 , allow vourscil tone
f- deceived into buy-
inp. any old kind of
n "knit" waist.
, We can supply
Myou with the Nhx
urctli or the h.c
t 25c
Lute designs in the lending cor
sets. We carry cheap corsets too,
but we would like to suggest that
it will only pay you to buy the
best. We will sell you the best
corset in the City for $1 00, the
famous Royal Worcester or O. I)
The cheapest prired corset wecarry
in stock is 25c, then 50c, (oe, 75c
and $1.00.
'"New Thought is
ind W
Radam's Microbe Killer, slowly but surely banishes
diseased conditions, and frees the body and mind of it's
ill effect. Thus it jjives the ri'lit 'of way to "New
Thought and New Life."
II you are interested I will give you names of parties
who have used M. K. in this city.
Hwldcncu with J. K. Ihmett.
TT. ...
....... ........ ,v
.i' ht VOi.1n HjhII Ht ll 1 1 iix-h 11 lrt .!. atnclc nf Wtrlir,
krniiKht tii tiiUMty'1' ' "10 ""L",t rtment III lilllK" OUT
My .rli-. Hr.; the lowest (nr (lie l t Kml, y, n uver IjiirIi(. Hnit within
lli.r.;Mli.f,ilI. (llveiiieKiiillmnll.lnill ,eMire III iliuwlnij you
MIj. fr...t
ItKl'AIllINti .V Bl'fcCIAUV
lew Harness Shop:
A Full line of all kinds of Harness and Harness Goods. Sfidd1i.
Uridles, Whips, etc. Ivvervthintr
Repairing neatly and promptly done. Call and see me.
Fred Gale, Prop.
The Fashion Stables
GlH'isiDui) Buigs, Proprietors.
Quite awhile since we mentioned
the liuitiK department. Possibly
bccatist' business lias been so Mills
factor) we did not consider it
uecessaiy, Some new things in
HniiiKs will be nut for I'all and you
may he sure you'll find them here.
We intend to keep this always,
"the best place lo buy liuini."
Some new touches of Fall that
are achiii"; for you to .see them.
Kverybuly pronounces our Silk
stock the finest in the city ns well
as the lowest prices.
: 1 J.
aists I
Lurch's I
New Lifcw
A. F. HOWARD, Agent.
A nt t
r .1-
found 'ill n KirO.n1n.iii Ct,nn
Km Bangs.
Also own and opperatc the Uolieruia
Iilaek Hutte Stage pities
KiHt-Class Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices