'i Difficult Digestion That la dyspepsia, It tnaaee llfo miserable. lta sufferers eat not becntmo they want to, -but simply hecauao thoy mtuf. Tlicy know they nro Irritable nrtil fretful) but they cannot bo otherwise, They complain of a Imd tnstn In tho mouth, n tenderness at tho pit of the stom ach, an uneasy fmlliiK of puffy fuliicaa, headache, heartburn and wlint not, Tlio effectual remedy, proved by permit Unit cures of thousands of auviiro cases, la Hood's Sarsaparllla HOUUe 1'ILLa aia tl.. UirtiiUillc. LlmlUlloni, Onco upon a tlmo tbo KntcH on. dowod a certain people with a boiiko of humor, Uvontunlly tho pooplo bocamo awaro of thin, and their mortlllcatlon thoro upon was vory Kront. "I.V... ln, M ....1..t ... i, v! iuiiiikj, iniiiiininin iiugni HUM NO tniiKlit In tbo hcIiooIb. Detroit Jour nal. iioiv'H Tiimr WoefferpnoHundredDollaraltenardforanv ".U?Ai Cilf otO"""r H U? W tho undersigned. haroknowur1. J.ChenJy for Urn i,.t u, vr, n. kaiir m,,i rriw"i!v fJSi'iW ,,ln. '." I'u,''" traniotI..aii. an" fl ii. i iielllral,leloirry oiitanjr obligations made vj iiitvir nrtti WrrrA Tit vax, I Wholesale liniitalate. Toledo, , JVAUiiyo KiknanA Makvik, ! .ii.f....wJ,yJ",f "'"Mieia, Toledo, o. Mj ;t,rL,,.V"r? h '''' l"tnallr,a-ll1(r airectlyoniliiililoiKj unit inueoiia aurfsreeoi Ihe aynem. Price 76 pi r hoitle. nuu by al llell'a ratullr I'llli nro Dm i4i. I A $10,000 llirncu Set. Tho young Kgyptlnn khodlvo In Bald to possess tho moHt cofltly not of bur nous In tbo world. It In mado of black leathor, with chimed koIiI buckloB and collarH ornamented with tho name coHtly metal. Tho pad cloths aro alno timbroldored with koIiI, and tho Hft Ih wild to hnvo cost $10,000. It Ih for four homos and Ih lined on all Btuto occasions Paying "Did that mining Htock you boiiRhti turn out to ho a pitylnR Investment? ' "Voh," nriBwcroil'tho mlld-cyod man, nfter nn Ineffectual effort to cheer up. "It has kept mo paying iiBHosHtnontfl cvor sluco I first got bold of It." WaBhlnRton Star. I (SWA Tbla alciiature la on every box of lbs genuine Laxative Bromo'Quinine Tbi.u Ui remedy that cures a colli In one tiny Nol Alwryi. Tho I'hlloHopher Tbo ompty barrel rIvch tbo loudOBt Round. Tho Politician There's where you nro wronK. During a political cam palnn a bar'l filled with boodlo talks tho loudest. MRS. JOHCS' FLESH GROWER. Price $2.00. ThU la (lie Ki'iiulne, It IncreA on UmIi on any part or tin Ixxlr, devplia lmt to any deilrtd alio l juid make runtl,liiu)priico and neck. Ilrinona all blckhraU-. 3-r- Ull rrK.,M, pimplM, Itfali worme, and tnaVca the akin nn and lillo. Write OHIita cio-eil liner Ocean J)IJ.-.,CliUaiio, III. FARM MACHINERY ll-.t Knllil lo build. Ileal mate rll. Heat pro. rorilon. Ileat flnlih, Uahmt runnlns. Hyrmy S?AVKi?ul!rii Ind'T."Jr fiiV. ''oriT.nd.or Nearly So. "When a weak-natured man tries to braco up on' ho firm," sold Undo Ebon "ho usually doosn' 'compllsh 1 nuflln' 'coptln' to git low down obBtln- ftte." ! Poisoned Dy anncnM n&Bf. . TlJrou5h.t;P0"sof P?h.V.9. m r j. bosotdcii into mc oioou, ucrangin(; uic tuiuiuuuu rtWtM3 B ifV and affecting the constitution as quickly and rUM&USv B V p seriously as those generated within the Bvstem. lust BARBER'S BTGH, LEAD and BRASS POISONING, ETC rWIUVIIIlIM; mmm -mmm (Ile gMtlU IS UlOSl OC11VC UnU II1C pOtC3 WCll onen we are much more liable to be affected by Poison Oalc and Ivy and other i' ' ... Wnrltrra In brasa. conner. lead and zinc have their health im paired and the blood supply poisoned through the absorption of fine particles of these metaU and the acids ued in polishing and cleaning them. Inhaling the fumes of lead give painters that pallid, waxy appearance of the skin. Barber's Itch. U another disease that reaches the blood through the skin, and is a most obstinate one when it becomes firmly fixed in the system. After the poison has reached tho Wood and been disseminated throughout the system it is too late to resort to local .iiii..ilBaa In many cases the blood is affected simultaneously with the appear olt 5 the ruh cripUon on the skin, and all efforts should'be directed to the Scat IoS .ml buildinPff.P of the blood. Ugly eruptions and sores will continue F EV nut in snite of salves, washes, soaps or other external treatment, io b"!0"1 XecWly recommentled for poisons of this character. So com i . i a'JZ It destroy the effects of the Oak ind Ivy that there is no possibility of lletelrnner.nce and ilk equally as efficacious in brass or lead poisoning or fiar- . j.i A ilwrvkind and removing every blemish, sore! or eruption from tho impurities of safute for S. STS. ! it is the only purely vegetable blood Aerknown and the safest and best in all constitutional or Wood diseases. Pun , rft.uiatlon Deoartment. If you desire any spccialinfonnation Our MedlCl C0nu?i10" ,.!P,,; Xlrlnn Plaining- vour condition, and m- nitvlce about your cuc, er novice j M,i,nt vou have i... intn to write iiiiiy ::. you say goes beyond out office, we we in be lad to mail ttt9m Lerctlng bool; ggajjf SPECIFIC fcoMPANY. ATLANTA. OA. Slo. Policeman WlmUro you trying to put that luttor In Ihoro for? That nlnt n lottor box; lt'H ii llro alarm 1)01, Mr. Wnylmck I Ww nil that, but Unit Iioiiho ovor tlnro Ih on flro, nml 1 m going to notify tlio flro depart-mont. Jerrel' I'rofoHHor Hooswit According to UiIh cookbook, you (lldn't mnko tbo omolot correctly. Bridget An' do U' book any any thing about your not having pald'ine wages for tbroo mon3m? l.tiynlty to III Knpliiyar. Tlint young iiiiiii wlio ((fulfil to havn ft portion of Ilia lilood kit out to raw 111" employer, act n reninlmlle exuinple of linrolam, Tim liii'lilmitiliows lint power there la In good lilood. 'i'licro la only one initiiriil way to t (."'"llilood, mill timt la from IIki atoiiiiich. If hi- niiniiiicli lirrila niii-iii linllif ulloii, contllMlot mill m'ukca rich mi moon, Flallercl Tramp Them dou(hnutfl waB bo Kood, mum, I four I enn never ngnln ont ordinary grub. Lady Hr, Bit tlowt thoro, Just a moment. I'll put you up a nice lunch, my man. It Would Sttn So. Iluhborton May I Inqulro what your hiiBlncBH Ih, Htrnigor? Stranger (haughtily) Sir, I'm a gentleman. Iluhborton Well. I reckon thnt'ft u Rood huBlnonB, stronger, hut you'ro not tbo only man tint's failed at It KITG rtrmAiirnlJr Currt, k'o r.u or iirrrouioMi II IO nfKr Ural .far'a iltri.f hr KIlB.'.Ur.it Nml llwlonr. Siul fur I'll III! 8.1. SO IrUI lllwl trt- n, Dtt.il. ii ii like. I.III..V3I Artiiet..riiiiviriina,i The Way to Pleiie lllm. "They say tho way to plcaBO a man Is to talk about himself." "No; tbo way to ploaso him Ih to lot nun tniic to you about iiimugir. ' lxin don Tld-Hltfl. Molhers will find Mrs. Wlnalow's Sooth ltiir Hymp the beet remedy to uao lor their children during lliu tcttlibiy period. Table. Now tho Horno, bolng sensitive to ridicule, paiiHOd iih thoy w'ora about to enter tho Rates of tho city. "You look ho llko 30 contBl" pro tested tho Horso, regarding palnedly tho woman driving. "Well, money's supposed to make tbo in nro got" retorted tho woman, with a loud laugh. SaylnK which sho belabored tho benflt vehemently. This fablo teaches that tbo Rift of speech Is not of necessity fortunate Dotrolt Journal. Cherry Batter Puddlnj. Stono thrco cupfuls of ripe cherries, Heat two crrb light, stir Into them a tablospoonful of ircltcd butter and a pint of ml k, then four cupfuls of pre pared Hour. Last of all stir In tho cherries, woll d edged with flour. Turn Into n greased mold and steam for throo hours. Sorvo with a hard satico. Detroit rrco "Press. Simmer Resolutions TAKK 7IIK euro relief fiom liquor, opium and tobaoOJ hablU. Band lor partleulara to Keeley Institute. ""'IMi't AND SUPPLIES. ni IT-r A nn tlett and only perfect blower cut. erou tlio market. Hend for clrciiUr. Mitchell, Lew la A .Stiver Co. Portland, Ore. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, root of Horrleoa Street. Can give you the best bargains In IIUL'Kiee. Plows, Hollers and Kukiiics, Wllli'mllls anil Pumps and Gonorul Machinery. See us before buying Mil Prophecy. Sho Is that Ico thick enough to support mo? Owner of tho Pond I don't know, I oxpect It to support xno all next Bummor. ADsorpSion jsly as those generated witliln the system, lust under the skin are innumerable hair-like blood vessels, and connecting these with the skin arc millions of small tubes or glands, through which the poison is conveyed to the blood sys tem, Dunne the spring and summer, while .. . ... i . . v i . ii , . - to sav alia HWr THE SODA FOUNTAIN OUERK. lie Una Ilia Troiilile., Mke the Heat or the World or Wure, I Consider now tbo meek and htunblo soda fountain clerk, 1 Who draivctli off the moistened air with nimble turn and Jerk. I Ills Riirb Is always spotless whlto u-lmn ilr.i Ik. imiIm It mi. Hill lo. before an hour bath pas-cd II. mumII,...,,,,.. I,tl, .rrnin I'or then he hath vanilla on tbo bos on. of his vest, and streaks of red rasp - berry make his trousers socm a Jest, wi.ii.. ..i..minf.. ..r vi, IT Mill; 1IIV,WIII M tln ftaaffva i w tlgcr-IIke effect lo the balance of tho KiinnentH In which he In proudly docked. HIm hair Is limp and languid, and Is pr.rled siiuaro anil true Above the very center of his nose, which tunieth blue, Ilecnuae he Imtli to linger In tbo acid and the leu, to fix up funny mixtures for the one that bath the price. Ho mnketh ulrango concoctions In the line of fancy drinks, mid nil Uic while he walcheth for persuasive sorts of wlnkH. x From early morn be twlsteth at the odn water ppout, and turneth the Ico crusher till the Ice hath given out Ho dlggulh In the Ice cream and ho ruslieth with the glass, while his deadly hated rival buys tho soda for the lns. Yea, verily, the soda clerk, he hath a sorry time, for ho must know the way to get nine cents out of each dime. And he must be a hustler, that there will not be n loss of Ice or gas or water, or he'll tremble at the boss. How often, oh, how often, hath the coda Jerker grinned at tho one who pay eth nickels for a penny's worth of wind; How oflen, oh. how often, doth a cnlm and peaceful smile go Hitting o'er his visage when a drink goes out of style. Hut, ah, alas, my Hon, sometimes he fcclcth very bad, and then Is when the ladlu come with garments rich and glad. The Indies fill the rockers and the doorways mid the stools, and Insist upon a liquid that both elevates and cools. And one declnreth that she'd like some chocolate with cream, nnd, Um he draweth It, straightway "Oh, nol" the maid doth scream. And then sho voweth that she hath already changed her mind, nnd wanteth Just a phoaphatc with a plc c of lemon rind. And yet, again the other maid? de dure they do not know Jui-t what they wish and on and on their mild objec tions tlow. The weary soda fountain clerk mis- gesteth this nnd that, from plain old Ii'jncM phosphate to a dose of anti-fat. And llnnlly the ladles fair with one consent conclude that chocolate nnd cri-nm shall be their soda fountain food, i Now. when he drnweth all the drinks,1 bis troubles arc not done Nay, verily, my trusting ch:id. they arc but half begun: For each and every maldpn there doth straTgbfwii.v r!so-nnd say;- I "Now. girls. I'll think It's awful'lf you do not let me pay!" I All all protest, and nil object, and all their plans defend. . And not n one takes out her purse her lovely cash to spend. Now, llnnlly, the soda clerk suggest eth that each maid shall pay for what sho drank and then hegluneth the tirade. For nil tho Indies vow In wrath yea, yea, thoy almost sob that they will hi! employer see, and lake from him hla Job. And then they take their parasols and sternly go away, and not n cent of all that bill do they take steps to pay. Tho gentle soda fountain clerk, he falleth In a daze, and leaneth on the vlchy tube, and wicked things ho says. Is this not true, Ju?t as wo have com posed It, with much work? It surely Is nnd If you doubt, go ask the soda clerk. Baltimore American. Study or Delirium Tremens. Tho familiar svmiitnnia nf ilollrltim tremens, kuown as "snakes," have been mntio tlio subject of study with some Intvrostlnc results. It nmunra Rnra the New York Ledger, that what hove ueen supposed to bo hallucinations hnvo n certain sort of ovldenco In fact. Certain blood vessels In tho eyes be come congested and nssumo a dnrk color. These, when they appear on tho retina,' which Is ordinarily transparent, suggest to tho nervous nnd over wrought pnUent tho presence of somo moving, living creature. Imagination, of course, Increases tho nervousness, and finally tho mind becomes so disor dered that Uio form of nn offensive crenturo Is suggested. As these fan cies grow by what they feed on, It Is easy to seo how creeping nud crawling things may fill tho soul of tho vlcUin with tho most horrible sensations. Sawmill Oporatod by Air. Tho only sawmill In the world where tho machluery Is operated by compress ed air Is located In Oronte, M,e., nnd tho wnter wheel and tho air compressoi nro below tho floor of tho mill, with also largo storage tnnks. Pipes lend the air to tho various machines, which technically aro known as tho carriage, nigger, log loader, log flipper, band log saw and two cut-off sawa. A Taper Cliurcli. Bergen, Norway, boasts of a paper church largo enough to seat 1,000 per sons. Tlio building Is rendered water proof by n solution of quicklime, cur dled In milk, nnd whlto of eggs. Afternoon Nap. Tho New York Medical Record says n nap of half an hour or so In tho af ternoon after n meal Is helpful, and fa vors raUier than hinders good sleep at night Thoro la no man so deep but that hi has at least ono shallow spot COSTLY MINCE PlEa Knltiel a llor'a llamaae flnlt Asalnal a Itallrrajr Canipiiar- Johnny Foehl ato five mlnco plc at one sitting, and this little feast cost blm exactly 5,000, His suit against tbo Camden A Suburban Hallway Com pany for that amount for Injuries bus- I '" piiaiieu irora a car was ,Filn...t I .. I. i . m P;"ng favorable to him yesterday I "JeH Olin. liail a OOXCI1 I drir.fnra lin.l tu.i.ti fl. I... nM iH . -. . . . ii t i ui i. tuot uv v. un UU 114- , " "!,,l0rMU,t r tl,e ldent. w c" w "rower, one of Johnny's ' witnesses, In his rambllnc testimony toia or Johnny's Iovo for pies. Counsel for tho trolley company sow a glimmer of hope In this. "Could ho eat a whole pie?" was asked of Willie. "Why. yiB; he ato five within a few minutes last week," the boy replied. Tho three lawyers who represented Johnny were on their feet In nn Instant dcmnndlng of the court to know what mlnco plo had to do with Johnny Foehl being Injured by a trolley car. They wanted this portion of the testimony stricken out. "Well," declared counsel for the trol ley company, "any boy who can eat flvo tnlnce pies at one sitting Is not very much of an Invalid." The court admitted the mince plo testimony. Having got Into the case, the pics remained to a finish. Counsel for the plaintiff wanted to bring witnesses to prove the pics wero small five-cent ones. They were will ing to send for a pic to show tho Jury. Tho railway company's lawyers con ceded that the pics were small, but contended that oven so no Invalid could cat five of them. When all tbo testimony wns In the court, relieving the Jury, declared that Johnny Foehl had not made out a case. The mlnco pie testimony had been fa tal to It. Philadelphia North Ameri can. I'lao'a Cure for Consumption la an lufnl llliln medicine for roughs ami colds. N. W. 3AMLT.1.. Ocean Orove, N. J., Kcb. 17, 110. Genuine artels Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of See FaoSlmlle Wrapper Below. Tary email and aa easy to take as incur. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOFI BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIU. FOR THE COMPLEXION oimunni mutmaviuhatv.c. i Pnrelr TeyettMevtfS?-! CURE SICK HEADACHE. Careful Ccoki. He Our cook Is so careful about thloves. Sho always locks the doors, oven' In tho daytime. She That's nothing. Our cook al ways keops a policeman In the kitchen. Tld-Btts. Tho lloat Preacrlptlon for Malaria Chllla and Fever la a bottle of Grore'a Tuteleas Chill Tonic. It la limply Iron and quinine In B v&sicicaB rorzn ko tun, no r;. nice wo. Ruined by Home Cleaning Missionary Was It Hauor that "brought you to this? Imprisoned Burglar No, sir; It was houso-cloanln' spring houso-cleanln', sir. Missionary Eh! houso-cleanlng? Burglar Yesslr. Tho woman had been houso-cleanln', an' tho stair car pet was up, an' the folks heard me. TIt-BIts. Could Protect Ills Rights. Undo Hiram I tell you what, that young JorklnB that's sparkln' our Mandy knows how to look out for number ono. Aunt Malaprop Yes, ho's no eye sore runnln nroun' selling his birth right for a mess of pottngo. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. San Francisco Business College 1830 Mnrket St., San Franoleoo, Oat. FULL COURSE, $60.00. Write for Catalojue. If CLAIM NTS FOR nF?IV55IOIN IL Write (o NATHAN "E-'1:r1 Vf, If 0ICKF0R0, Waahlngten, D. C, thevwlll re. 1 1 celve quick repllea. B. Sth N. II. Vola. Stall 20th Corpa. I'roiecutlng claims alnce 1S78. v, r. m. u. Aa. 30-1SO1. w IT I untl3U Una paper. tragi m i ra a oi CURtS rVHIBt All tlSt FAILS, nut Couch Hii-iin. Tutea Good, uao I fc?J Deat Couen Bjrup. Tutea OooJ. Dee Pr In time. Sold br drult. rl ABSOLUTE SECURITY, ! (CARTER'S 3Pi7TLE i i IVER 1 1 x cSTrt I POUND, and thanks to It, to-day I am a woll woman."-MRS. L. L. TOWNE, Littleton, N. H. Mrs. Towne, like many other suffering women, was a victim of theory. Her physician did his best. Ho had battled with her caso steadily and could do no more. If Mrs. Towno had asked advice of Mrs. Plnkhnm seven or eight years earlier sho would have had just so many more years of happiness and comfort and health. It Is not reasonable to expect that any livlnn person can adrlso for female troubles as safely as Mrs Plnkhnm, whose experience Is without parallel In the world. This should appeal to tho common sense of any woman, especially when nearly overy newspaper in this country Is printing In almoat every lxsuo the letter of some woman who baa been cured by Mrs. Pinkhara when doctors had given her up. Don't wait for the doctor to give you up to tho surgical knlfo, or tell you that you cannot live. Get your advice where you are certain to nave the benefit of the widest experience. Write to Mrs, Plnkhnm, at Lynn, Mass. , and rely on her. No chargo is mado for advice. The In nn femnln ivimnlnlnt. however simple or however serious, that Lyilla E. Plnkham'8 Vegetable Compound will not help; of this there is monumental evidence in its thirty years' record of constant success. When you ask for this medi cine at the druggist's, bo sure you get what you ask for and nothing else. Tbo medicine that cures is Lydia E. Plnkham's The Suffering Congregation. Deacon Parson, do you think It wrong for a preacher to steal his ser mons? Parson Certainly I do. Deacon I think you are too par ticular, parson, too particular. to curtn a cold in one day Take Laxatlre Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All Irurettta ro'und the money II It falls to cure. E. W, (irove'a alcnatnrc la on each box. 2&. Ills Preference. Oldham Are you going to the lec ture tonight on "Tho Girl of Today?" Younger Cuess not The girl of tonight is more attractive. Her Fate. Mind Reader You're In love with a man. He has light hair. Bridget No. He has dark hair. Mind Reader Then he must have bleached It. What Ailed Her. The Rev. Dr. Thirdly What's this? Weeping? I have come Just In time. My dear .young Jady, you are. under going a change of heart. Young Lady No koo-boo my heart hasn't changed, but, Oh, dear! : Oh, dear! His has! , A Paradoxical Talisman. I Judge Have you formed any opin ion on this case? I Wouldbelgh Juror No, sir: haven't ' mentioned It to my wife. Smart Set. Out of Practice. Boss (to workman) Do ypu that a good Job? Have you call ever served an apprenticeship? Workman Yes, twenty years ago. Boss What have you been doing since? Workman I've been out on a strike most of the time. BEST FOR CANDY 1 CATHARTIC i PURELY I VEGETABLE LIVER TONIC t nru inn will be paid 3IUU IL.YtVIVU' port to us " something for, and furnish evidence upon which we can saaf laav vnau II lea a M Ml iiMIBaal IMaaaaaa I iaarHI I on 1 II I in af3Vi a Vi rA v P f rmvav avavav mwwm v PsWEETElTl dg&coJttto jjthetomachJ 2 (jAtfWtUaAeVelVafmAatartelVrf j 1 1 i LIVER TONIC CC0l MOJJjERjJ stzlzft& jmjmjJ "For olfjhi yaars I 8 of" farad with Inflamma tion of tho womb and bladdor,profuBO and A llurip unu hi umuts aoomodaB though I should diom I doo" iorod most of tho tlmo, but saomod to fall ovory tlmo. A short tlmo ago I began to tako LYDIA E. PINK- HAM'S VEGETABLE COM- Vogotablo Compound. We bare depoalted with the National City Bark, of Lvnn. llcoo. which " will be paid to any per son who can find that the above testimonial letter la not Renutne. or waa publUhed before obtaining the wrlter'a apcclal penniMion. LYDIi IS. Finksau MemciNa Co. j Never Too Late to Mend. Naggs Dear me, Jaggs, I'm sorry to see you In this condition. I under I Etood you had quit drinking. Jaggs Yesh (hie), sho Pave, ol' chap. Jush (hie) let' off drlnkln 'bout (htc) minute ago, shee? limitation!. Teacher Bobby, you must go and wash your face. Bobby returns with mouth and nose fairly clean. His forehead Is wet and dirty. Teacher Bobby, why Bobby I did wipe It as high as my shirt would reach! Music In PunkviCe. "Did yer hear my daughter render that solo last night?" "Yes." "What did yer think?" "Thought she'd do a sight better renderln' lard." "What have you here?" asked tho fresh young man of tho waiter at a first-class restaurant. "Everything, sir." "Everything?" sneerlngly; "havo It served at once." "Hash for one!" yelled tho waiter. Detroit Free Press. , Slops tho Cough and Works Oft iho Cold. Laxative Dromc-Quinlno Tablets euro s. cold In ono clay. No cure, No Par. Trice 25 cents. j -Well Named. Harry Say, she Is your step mother, ain't she? Alice I guess so. Anyway, sho steps out and leaves me to work. Thought He Was One of Them. Manning A year or two ago I ad vised Pitcher to write a book on the famous men he had met Boyd And did he do It? Manning Ho wroto an autobiog raphy. Boston Transcript. THE BOWELS as so ALL DRUGGISTS. taste sood. Eat them like candy. They remove any bad taste In the mouth, leav ing the breath aweet and perfumed. It Is a pleasure to take them, and they are liked especially by children, sweeten the stomach by cleansing- ths mouth, throat and food channel. That means, they stop undigested food from souring In the stomach, prevent gas form ing In the bowels, and kill disease germs of any kind that breed and feed In the en tire system. are purely vegetable and contain no mer curial or other mineral poison. They con sist of the latest discoveries In medicine, and form a combination of remedies un equaled to make the blood pure and rich and make clean skin and beautiful com plexion. tone the stomach and bowels and stir up the tazy liver. They do not merely soften the stools and cause their discharge, but strengthen the bowels and put them Into lively, healthy condition, making their ac tion natural. never grip nor gripe. They act quietly, pos itively and never cause any kind of uncom fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make the liver act regularly and naturally as It should. They keep the sewerage of the body properly moving and keep the system clean. Increase the flow of milk In nursing moth ers. If the mother eats a tablet. It makes her milk mildly purgative and has a mild but certain effect on the baby. In tnts way they are the only safe laxative for ths nursing Infant. taken patiently, persistently, will cure, any form of constipation, no matter how old or how often other remedies have failed. They are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case, or purchase money will be cheerfully re funded. cost 10c, 2Sc, COc a box. Samples sent free, for the asking. We publish no teatlmonlals but sell Cascarets on their merit under ab solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a box to-day. or write us for free samples and booklet, iuim enm.no biiidt co., cmaoo r iitr toix. to any reader of this paper who will re. any attempt of substitution, or sale of just as good" when Cascarets are called convict. All correspondence confident!!.