Scrofula Few urn will rely freti from It, It tuny develop to slowly a to cmim llttlo If nny illMtirfoitiico iltirlnit tlio wliolo jicrlod of clillillioixl. It mny II lirmlurn Irrrutilnrlty (it I tin ttoinitrli mill limvela, ilyupquln, rnlnrrli, mill itmrki'il Icnili'iicy tn iimntimjilloii Iwfuro niiiiiiri'nt lnu' llfclf In lunch ciilani'oiia eruption or tilnuiliiliir iwuIIIiik, 11 In hot to I o miro Hint you nrn iiulte frm from It, mill (or It. coiiiiliU crncllrii Hon you run ri'ly on Hood's Sarsaparilla Tliu brat of nil innlltlhoi) lor nil liuinort, MuHlplled Tmvno rJco tlmt iimi)7 Weill, Mr, lio landed In tlilx country witli It in luiro fi'i'l and now Ihi'k i;t iiiIIHoiih. llrmvno (I to wlilxl IIo'h worxo oil' tlmii u cont Ijicdc, Imi't lio? & This slipiaturo la on every box ot tbe genuine j Laxative UroinoQiiIniiic TaMeu Ui remedy that rurra n rolil In one tiny Ocilrucllvcneii. ; riircnoloKiHt Vour Ihiiiiii of du rtrtiotlvciM'KH in vnry liiro. Aro you ii soldier or it ininillnt. Subject .Viiltliur. J tt i irftiniituro movor, ! rto$ Sliowcri. "A Cornell irouaor myn tlmt fro nnwn oiui iw ourricd iiii in tno lit iiiiiriiilioro mid Imtclicd out In the cIoikih." . "Jly itiim, you lid I'll curry nn tun iiriiiiu mo noxi iiiuo 1 go out." Handicapped by Science, "I unilrmtiiiid tlmt lio Iiiih lone boon n Btinlont oi ioliticiil economy, mild tlui visitor. "JIu Iihm," xulil Hcimtor Oluoose, iiihI liifi economy in politic lias ko nun out of olllco. lie thinks iiu con bu elected without upending n cent.' Our Nnllmi's Wriillh. Oohl ami Mllvfr nrn poured iibiimlnnlly llito tliu bin iif tlm iiiitlon. tmt our miilrrlnl wraith mill mii'iiKi'i I" rather In Iron, tlm niot iim-liil of nil niciiil", Jim mi tlm wriiuii in ii iiiiuimi oring nci in a imcnii Miiniiich. Ifjuii Imvn nvi-rworkcil voilrt nimi ii i iiimiini'ii, iry iioninicr nioni nub Uliti'm. It will relievo tlm nlottuvt liowid". Iiimrovo tlm nini''tll(i mill euro -'m 1 1 1 it t Ion , dvupi'pulii, biloiisneti, liver inn Kinury unieiiNM, alio mid Ctiler Job. Mm ColiwIgKor I'oor tiling, tried to roforin liur liimluind fulled. .Mm, I)orenn Wlutt U hIio triyiiK to do now? Mm. CobwIgKro To roforin tlio world. fnrinora Will lie Will Done. CutlmiM Wlmt nro you irmriiiK to do hum your 7 lliiyeedo (iilmont-nilnikKlly) Biiiu mor iHuirilers, im imiml. CITC IVrtiunwitlr Cuiwl. Mo fit. or ntrrotuMr , rllO illr fli.l.U'. i..r i. ki'aOrrl Nrr. IlMlonr. B'ii.irr l'lli:i:i.()Oiillu.iil-i.iirl im.,l.i.l..wiiAitli.')teiiill.l.,l,l'c. A Suburbinile. Mr. Inolnto (of I.onolyvillo, on nvenlnt,' tniln, oinlmrrniMwl) Vou mny noticu tlmt nearly uvory ftiiburb imlto In lirinninn out either u now cook or unit row with liliu? Mr. Ilrooklyn Ilorouuli (his giiotit, orlticiilly) You ntif;lit cull tliiu u "Cook'x jioraoniilly conducted oxcur-Ion." iiown titib: Wo offer One Hundred Pollnri Hownrd for any rue of Catarrh lliai ran no; U cure lliy Ualra Catarrh Curu P. J. o::kNKY A CO.. I'ropt.. Toledo, 0. We tba undcrilcned, have known F.J, Cheney pr luinni leycari. ami ucneve mm perieciiy lioni 01 In alt bin In traniactlon: and fin. anclal able to carry out any obllsnUoot ramlr bj i.icir urm. WkhtATrcax. Wbolrialo Iirunnttti, Toledo, '). Wau,;o, Kikkin A tlir.vm, Vinaleiata Ilrur-liti.TnlBfla ft. nall't Catarrh Cure lit kcn.n''ln I'.lreoily on the blood and m oodi turfacet a tbotyitcm. l'rl etlcperbo'llc. by el uiuj, in, idiiimoui mrcc, Utill'irunllyl'li' r th it- Too Mtny Wlvei. MIib Makcnliit It In my highest ambition to marry noino titled for eigner. Mr. Jciitcr Why don't you try tiio iultiiiiT Miss Mnkcahlt S-i-rl Stopm thm Oough and Workm Off th Cold. Lax libra llromivQulnlne Tablet! cure a cold to nnoday. No cure, No 1'ay. l'rlce 23 cenu. The Shirt WtliL The women chiim their feelings hurt; They're kicking up u fnra, Ilccnuao wo men adopt the shirt That first they stolo from us, Docin't Doait of It Now. Kelt Sho used to Uouat that sho was ono of tho charter members of tlio Woman's Suirrage Club. Shu doesn't apjiear to ho so proud of It now. liollc Oil 1 elio'd just ns proud, but you know, tho club was orgiiuicd 15 1 years ago, nnd alio nnint lmvo been at least 20 whon sho joined. , TO OUItK A :OI.I IN ONE DAT Tnko lAintlvc llroino Qillnlno Tablott. All Jrutglntj refund thetnoney II It loin to cure, r- tViUrovu atiKiiaiuienoii cacn vox. jk. Wtler Drlnken. Lady Hridget, did you givo tlio gold IIhIi fresli water today? Ilridgot Holy St. Patrick! Havo the eriituros drunk up tho whole howl of tvutlier 01 gavo tliim yestor day? l'luo't Guru fur Coiitiimptloii It mi Infill llhln inrillcltiK fur roiiclia mid roldn. N W. .Uxutl,, Oecnn (Jrove. N. J., Feb. 17 11)00. Etch In III Plice. Willie 1'a, Is there any difference between a violin and a fiddle? 1'a Yes, my son; If you hear It at fl fintr lit iiii muirn It 'a i wtnllti but when your noxt door neighbor plays it it's a fiddlo. Tlio llaat I'reaertntlon fur Mslarla Thill and Korer It a bottle of GrovCa Toitelett uuui-ionic. iimimniy iron ananulnlnoln a Uttclett form. No Cure, No l'ay. i'rlce Wc. Not Hungry, but Young Ilrido Why, Charlie, you do not seem to bo eating anything this morning. And I got up early to make these biscuits for you. Charles No, dear; I don't feol at all hungry this morning, to tell tho truth. Your biscuits aro very nico Indeed. Uy tho way, I wonder if thero aro any of thoso dog biscuit left tlmt I bought lor .Nero Friday. Mothen will find Mr. Wlntlow'f Sooth Ins; Hyrtip the beit remedy to uts for tbtlr children during tho teething period. Encore. "What do you think of that whis ky?" asked the host. "Well," said tho guest, smacking his Hps as ho sat down his glass, "it reminds mo of a good story." "Let's havo it." "Oh, you misunderstand mo. I merloy wish to imply that it's worth repeating." ITOO KNOW WHAT YOU Alt E TAKING When vou take Orove'i Taatcleu Chill Tonic became the formula la plainly printed on erorr bottle ahowlnir that It la almnly Iron and Quf. Dinoin aiaticiots Jorm. no uuro. ray. wc The Reaion. Ho It's strango you mombcrs of tho Vaesnr alumni don't hold class reunions. She Not at all. You may n well ask a woman her ago as to ask her what year she graduated. low Healing With rich, pure, strong blood one is never troubled vritn sorts or ulcers. A cut or any injury to the flesh heals in a few day, nnturc supplyinirthe healing balm In the form of healthy, new blood; but when the circulation is tainted with poisonous germs, humors or any effete matter, a slight scratch or abrasion of the skin heromea a festerint? sore, tinv nimnlcs crow to be bolls. swollen joints and inflamed glands often break out into offensive, slow healing sores. A polluted blood is always a menace to health ; not onlr does it keep the skin in a chronic state of inflammation, but every organ and fibre of the body suffers front an Impure nnd sluggish circulation. You never feci well, you are not and never can be well until the system is relieved of its terrible load of impuri ties With the blood 60 contaminated, so deeply poisoned, ulcers, boils nnd sores of every kind are apt to become chronic ana ouen ueveiop into Rnrm anil ulcers are most often caused by poverty of the blood and a weak and slow circulation, brought on by long continued sickness, malarial poisoning, torpid liver, the use of mercury, or whatever is calculated to de stroy the vitality of the blood and break down the constitu tion. Theseold chronic sores lout sometimes for vears. eat ing into the flesh, muscles, I Vinoama afflletad with a aovoro sore Isar and from the knoo to tha foot was ono aolid aora, which wan very offonelve. X spent over 81,000 on two trips to Hot Springs, and looal physi cians treated mo to no purpose. I had about decided to havo my leg- amputated, when a friend lnduoed mo to try B. S. 0. I boean to take your medlolna, and la ths short apace of seven months It has completely and thoroughly cured me. My leg; is a witness today as to what B. B. B. will do when taken roonlarly. Tho aoro has healed entirely and my health has Improved wonderfully. Z havs already trained SO pounds. J. S. T ALBERT, JUg iUVU "" " ' ' I JI03t Jo, vw lUUU.j U1M tissues, and even down into a til bones, and arc such a tax upon the system, that it is hard for the patient to recuperate, nnd a simple malady otten proves tatai. frothing so cniick'ly or surety restores lost strength and vitality to the blood as 8.8.8. It is an antidote for the severest lorms oi nioou roiwn, u hritatini greatlj of the impurities that keep the sores feverish and painful. At the same time your general health torow under the tonic effects of 8. 8. S., and the skin becomes soft, smooth ,mP:5,.i. t ,,i,,1 wh halls, carbuncles, sores or eruptions of any ana sort. mIimi vstit mm crt td Skin Diseases to aU lcmQ COMPANY, ATLANTA. OA r humora that cause tne eruptions una eures mm dujj JUu. - dishsure you. . . o. is i" k"'u"1"" i'"vY, '"o,-' t; , ' W' ! . tn.i, nrimlp nr other hurtful dnicr. It cleanses i healthy If you ore troubled with boils, carbuncles, sores or eruptions of any i our physicians all about your case; don't risk vour own Wm en tou can get medical advice from experienced doctors free. Book on Blood Wholesale Boots & Shoes KRAUSSE & PRINCE, 87 and 8p First Street, Portland, Oregon. Telephone, Oak 1891. All Kinds Carried In Stock. Cataloguo Furnished I as Upon Application. COW DEFENDED HER CALF. I'M lltiimry Vctir in I JlKlit Aftera Untile Koynl, Tlio calf, liavlng niirwMl Hiillleleutly nnd feeling IiIh baby legx tired of tho weight they had not yet learned to car ry, laid lilniHi.'lf down. .On thin tlio cow ulilfleil bur poHlllon. Hhe turned half round and lifted her head hltfli. Ah hIio did no a huiiho of peril wiih borno In itpou her Una noHlrlln. HIio recog nixed It lUHtimtly. With 11 miort of uiiKcr hIio HUlffod ngiilii, then xtiuniied n cliallengu with her fore hoof and leveled the laneo polntH of her lioriin toward tliu meiiaee. The next niomuiit hereyew, mnde keen by tliu fear of love. detected the black outline of the benr'n head through tliu coarse screen of tlio Juniper. Without n hccoikI'm hcsltntlon Abu flung up her tall, guvu a nlioi t bel low nnd elim-ged. The uioinent hIio saw berholf detected tliu bear rono upon her blnil ipiiirterH; nevcrthelexM, xbu vnn In 11 meiimiro ur- prlHed by tho k ml den blind fury of tliu attack. Nimbly kIio Hwerved lo avoid It, alining at tliu Name time 11 Mtroku with Iter mighty forearm, which, If It hnd found IIh mark, would have Hiimidi- ed her itdvemary'H neck. Hut an she Htruek out, In the net of shifting her position, u deprcuHloii of tliu ground threw bet' off her balance. Tliu next Instant ono xlmrpa horn caught her maiitingly In tliu flanic, tipping its way upward, while the mad Impact threw her upon her back. ' Crapplhig, she had her nssalliint's head and shoulders In a trap and her gigantic claw cut through the llesli and xlnew like kulven; but nt the des perate dlKiidvautnge of her position kIio could Inflict no disabling blow. TJ10 cow, on the other hand, though mutilat ed and streaming with blood, kept pounding with her whole iuuhhIvo weight and with wliort, tremendous uliocks crushing tbe breath from her foo'n rlbn. Presently, wrenching bernclf free, the cow drew off for another battering charge, and as she did fo tbe bear hurled herself violently down tin; slopo and gained her feet behind a dense thicket of bay shrill). The cow, with one eye blinded, glared around for ber In vain, then. In a panic of mother ter ror, plunged back to her calf.-Leslie's Popular Monthly. THE BEAUTIFUL MRS CALDERON Clioriulntr "Wife of the Peruvian Min ister at Washington. Mrs. Calderon, the wife of the Peru vian minister at Washington, Is a com paratively recent nddltlou to the diplo matic set. Her husband was appointed to the post less than n year ago, and they came to Washington from Europe, where Minister Calderon had business Interests. Mrs. Calderon has seven In- , ' Ins. CAI.PICHO.V. terestlng children, who speak Spanish, French, German and English with ease, and these, together with two nephews visiting her nt present, constitute n crowd of young people of whom she Is extremely proud. She Is a typically de voted South American mother. Tho Calderon res Id en co In Washington Is on Massachusetts nvenuc nnd Is ono of tho most popular gathering places for old and young of tho diplomats' families. Concert on Wlfo'a Grave. Out of respect for the memory of bis wife, Jcsso Mitchell played twenty-sev On pieces of music over her grave In Plttston Cemetery. Sho died a year ago. The strange concert was witnessed by a large crowd, among them n mini bcr of bpys who Jeered at Mitchell Others guarded tbe bereaved man as ho sat upon the newly made mound and played tho Scottish bagpipe for an hour. Plttuton correspondent Philadelphia North Amerlcnn. Sclcnoo Versus tho Hut Post, One of tho professors nt tho Pasteur Institute In Paris has discovered a ml crobe that breeds a pestilence among rats. Specimens of It have been tested on farms and in warehouses with suc cess. In one-half the cases the whole colony of rats was destroyed; In other cases, the number was greatly reduced. Thus sclenco will take the place of na ture and tho occupation of the cats will bo gone. A Truo Story. Sho (reading lnzlly)-Wby Is It that this nowspaper calls Its column Through the Microscope?" He (lighting n fresh elgar) Becauso of tho (putt) prodigious enlargement requisite (puff, puff) to see tho point to most of tho stuff that appears under It, Indianapolis Press. When a mother looks at her boy, It must often occur to her to bo thankful that soap Is cheap. Love. In a cottage is all vory well long as tho flour barrel Isn't empty. No Doubt About lb Citizen Do you bolinvo that tho constitution follows the Hag, my tun ii V Holdier My constitution followed tho flag to tho Philippines and its there yet. Out of Plice. Cholly I havo such frightful hoad aches lately, the doctor thinks per haps there's noino foreign substance in tny bwain. Miss I'cpprey An idea, pcrliapt). He Saw Two. Police Magistrate Tho chargo filed against you is obstructing tho side walk. Aro you guilty or not? Tipsy Klannigan Pardon me, your honor, hut they wor two sidewalks. Two of t Kind. "My daughter," said tho city vis itor, "has a fine touch on tho violin," "I diiiino how that may be," said tho country relation, "hut my Mary Jane, thar, is Hail Columbia on a fiddlo." FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Dyn W7 Ensilage Ill po.llil 10 build. nt material. )biit pro portion. Unit flnlnh. I.lrlil"! runnln?. Hvrmy mn' ririrncF. Ml iCIIKI.i,. lyMin ,v HTAVKK Co., lut ana Taylor MU., I'orlland.Or. Cutter. nt nnd only perfect lilcmrr cm teron tho market. Bend for circular. Mitchell, bewlt St Btarer Co. Portland, Ore. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, foot of Uorrlaon Stre.t, Can give yon the best bargains in Ilnggies. Plows, Hollers and Knviiues, Wlti'iinllla and I'nnuu and General Machinery. See us before buying PRUSSIAN LICE KILLER Kill I.lconnrotil try. Ton paint tho perches, tho lamn kill the lice. lien ennnot feed lice and feed you. Price, BOo and 81.00 a can. Sold by denier. I'lll'ftSMlt liEMF.DV CO . St Paul, Minn. Oentlam.n -I ambrt.d.rof Aretcl... SII-tsM, Wysndott.s. I won can or jmr rnOtSIAN LIQUID LICE K1LLF.R a. a .pedal primlam at tt. St I'anl l'onlti7 Show of IMO. and flod It I. all rtfbt. Thero are atreral hero ih.t wants rellahlo llco killer and joa-i H all lihl. WM 11 SWiinciFnT, Wariala, Minn. J. II MALO.NF: of Adrl.llo,arathl'ItUS.llANLrcBKILI.Ell l Jatt thw thlna-forllcaon hor., and l. worrb fl.e time, K. J, Jlowen, Coast Agent, Portland, Ore. Entitled to lb Client Uy what right arc you keeping that $5,000 damages you re covered for me? Lawyer Didn't you tell me in the first phiro that all you wanted was satisfaction? Her Handwriting. j Drown Hullo; what's tho matter? I Orccn O, I'm in an awful fix. I proposed to Misi Gray and have just I got her answer. Drown And she's refused you? Green I don't know. I can't fad her writing. i Summer Resolutions TAKg THE Cure relief fiom liquor, opium and tobacoi habit. 8end for particular, to Keeley Institute. M.0. Will hratgjj.,irt'illa,iiyjji.'il . , Attclablc Preparalionror As similating (he Food nndncdula ling liieStomachs andBcrwcis of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerrur nessandRest.Contains neither Sjium,Morpliine norlfiiieraL otHahcotic. jhaptafoua-ssKvamwm Aautif i Bit brryi i Vtowr Apcrfed ncraedy forConsUpa non.SourStomch.Diarrnoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ncss nnd Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oP NEW YORK. LWalNl VI ll Fat 1 Tho Kind Ton Havo Always Bought, and which has been, in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature oi? and has been made under bis per- j. sonal supervision slnco its Infancy. 'COcCAiWi Allmvnn riTntfifirrlYt vnn In f ills- All Counterfeits. Imitations and"Just-as-good'aro but Experiments that trlflo 'with and endanger tho health of Infants and ChUdrcn Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Oastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphino nor other Nnxcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleeps Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. The Kind You Have Always BongM In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNT.UH COMPACT. TT MUBRAT STUttT. IttW VOU CRT. You can al'.vays smell a "dead one." He has a costive-looking face. His breath knocks you down. He drags his feet. Listeners to his talk turn their heads the other way. His breath poisons God's pure air. He ought to keep clean inside; that means sweet breath, quick brain, swift moving feet. You can't feel well and act well with your bowels closed, sending poison all through your body. Clean them out gently but thoroughly and keep them clean with CASCARET5 Candy Cathartic, and you will find that all bowel and liver ills and the nasty symptoms that go with them are quickly and permanently H LIVER TONIC m JOc 25c 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS NEVER SOLD IN BULK. CURE! an bon.l tronbl.s. appendicitis, Ml- oaa orsain. uiu pioou, win a an tlisi stomach, bloatsd boivels. Twill luoutb, licadaebe. lndlcastlon, pimples, pains nrtereatliif, liver trouble, allow cetuplexlen ana dlzslness. wn.n your Dowels aon'i dit rcu larljr you are Eettlnc sick. Constipation kills more peoplo than all other diseases teeether. It la a tarter for the chronlo ailment and Ions years mt ufrbrlnK that com. aHerwardi. No matter what !! you. atart taking CASCAnHTS to-day, for you will never set well and be well all the time until you put your bowel right. Take oar advice) start with OA&CA11ETS to-day, nnder an absolute euar antee to euro or money refunded. m GUARANTEED 1 TO CXTItEl J"T. year, ajra the flnl b.l f C'ABCAU. Vra WM sold. Aw It Is similar m.dl.laa la the werld. T.r sla Mlllloa boxes y.ovr, iraatar thaa aay Tkla 1. absolute nmr.r arsat went, and ear bs.t t..tlm.alal, TV. have faltlt aad will ..11 KTB 6.ltlr loaranua to sare or a.a. v raftrndad. Ola bnv t.d.r. tw. & b.x.t. alve th.M a. ralr. beae.c trial, as prslnil sid Ify.a are a.t .atl.a.d, ofWrailu ... , raturatbe uuHdtD. b.x aad tue mntr box to u. by ata baa.s. TaV.onr .df M-.. 1 aay, u.alth will quI.Kiy roils oul.klvrollowand t. u flral,lf.J th. ua. .fCAROAnKTR, dlnui bTKUUNU UXHCDI CO., MIT TOBK or CU1 Book m .day mal Jt 9