Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 16, 1901, Image 5

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    t TkAVUHTKY on MlIHIC.
'I'here lire ninny ways of disturb
lug the dignity mill all-prevatlliig
.witcc tlmt Hhould prevail on the
holy Sabbath tiny. The timii who,
, through I"'"0 tcaclihiK ntul evil
' coHUHiiiloiiahip, partaken to freely
oftlic destroying cup, often times,
when under the Influence, maker) a
fool of hlmxelf and become a mil
nance to the nverage citizen, may
linvc Home extenuating cause to
offer for hlft disturbance of (he one
dny that Hhould he kept in peace,
jl ut there i little to lc mid for the
young men of this community,
wIiohc parents have tried to raise
them in a Christian atmosphere,
when they congregate at all hours
of Sunday and fill the air and
offend the ear and senses of the
pious people with their awful din
of inharmonious sounds, accom
panied by the weird cadences of
the piano, in their fearful and dis
jointed rendition of coon songs,
"Goo Goo Eyas" may be all right
in its place, when sung by the
negro, but when turned loose upon
the Sabbath air by a score of young
men who represent some of our
best families, and who have either
imagined or been told that they
could sing, and who have but a
faint conception of music at best,
it is, to say the least a travestry on
music. If some ol the leaders of
this precious baud of would-be
nightingales would attend night
school for n few yearn and take a
thousand or two lessons in articu
lation, harmony and melody, they
might some day, long in the dim
future, aspire to line up with the
rank of artists who command the
magnificent price of 30 cents. Thetsc
few words arc not expected to dis
courage the efforts of the young
men in their chosen trying ordeals,
for the average youngster nowadays
grows a big bump of slf esteem,
and words of pruisc or condem
nation full alike upon the inflated
bump. It would be a blessing in
deed If a few of our young people
would learn at least the rudiments
of singing before they inflict their
inouthiugs upon a long-suffering
and indulgent public.
To the many other accomplish'
ments possessed by I)r Patterson,
the presiding genius of the Henson
Drug Company, he has of late dis
played artistic ability of much
merit. Hill Landers, the converter
of populists uud commuuer with
nature, brought from his home on
the cast hillside a punk growth
that flourishes on the bark of the
willow and maple that abound on
his farm and presented it to the
doctor. Now the doctor is never
to be outdone in politeness and
good deeds, and he straightway
transformed the underside of the
punk into n landscape wherein is
presented a sloping beach, an open
expanse of blue water, in the oiling
a lordly ship plowing the crested
waves, the blue sky above dotted
with white winged sea gulls and
birds of brilliant plumage, and last,
thought not least, our William, the
only Bill, is portrayed on the
sandy beach looking- longingly
seaward and meditating on the
voice of the mighty deep. The
doctor in his magnanimity then re
turned the punk to Dill, who now
declares tlmt it shall for all future
time occupy the choicest nook in
the Lawless home.
Dadi,v Locokd.
On Sunday forenoon the marshal
was obliged to arrest a man for
loud yelling and boisterous conduct
on the street. This man had come
to town on Saturday, drank freely
nil day and night and by Sunday
morning he was as crazy as a loon.
After being locked up for a few
hours his normal senses returned
and with them repentance, end the
marshal turned him lose and told
him to go and sin no more.
Running a Crosscut.
J. I, Jones has let a contract for
$1400 to Gover and Tqplan to run
a crosscut of 200 feet on the Win
chester group in Bohemia. The
surface work already done proves
the ledge to be over 100 feet wide,
This crosscut, when completed,
will tap the ore body in the ledge
at a depth of soo feet.
Dkunkkn Khoai'Aiuc,
The ourly risers on Tuesday
morning were treated to a drunken
escapade that brought to the mind
of old-timers in border towns the
scenes of many such pranks. A
carpet drummer from San Francis
co came to town the night before
and proceeded to fill his hide with
booze. One of the town boys who
had recently been lot out r.r l.iu
job, was out on a toot and fell in
with the drummer and together
they made a uiulit of It. In the
early mom they decided to go fish-
tug. 1 He (Irummrr hired a suddlc
horse at the stable of Chrismau &
Bangs and soon after mounting it
must have imagined that he was a
cowboy of the wild and woolly west,
for he didn't do a thing but ride
tlie animal into the Helena saloon.
He was gotten out without much
trouble or offense, and then he
took a few turns up and down the
main street. In the meantime the
young man was loading himself
up with bottles of liquids to charm
the fishes. When all wos ready
the young man mounted up behind
the dtutumcr and away they went
out west of town up Silk Creek on
the keen jump. Mr. Chrismau
was soon appraised of the double
load on his valuable horse and
straightway hooked up a rig and
gave chase. About three milesout,
near the old Jones mill, the young
man was met on the road alone and
011 foot. When asked by Chris
mau for the horse he pointed into
the brush and just then the loud
breathing of the hore was heard.
When the horse was reached it
was found on the hillside with its
bend down in the tangled brush
and partly under its body and
nearly strangled, while the poor
brute was as wet with lather and
prespiratiou as if he had been
dragged out of a pond. The horse
was with much difficulty gotten
onto its feet and assisted to the
road and brought into town.
When the precious pair got to
town the marshal took them in
chnrte airl locked them in the city
bastile. When they sobered up
and were taken before the City
Recorder that official fined the
drummer $10 and costs and the
young man ?5 and costs. Pay
ment for injuries to the horse was
guaranteed to Mr. Chrismau and
the drummer took the southbound
In Fkom Saginaw'.
I.nst Saturday was pay day at
the Booth-Kelly plant at Saginaw
and a good number of the men
came to town to make purchases
and enjoy the delights of town life
for a day or two The addition on
our streets of so many men made
the town look lively indeed and
the business men were kept busy
for n while attending to their wants.
The men from the mills and log
ging camps are all fine fellows and
well behaved and they are always
welcomed to Cottage Grove.
Crackkk Jacks.
The little fellows who uphold the
sport of baseball in this town were
invited down to Youcolla on Mon
day to try conclusions with the
boys of that town. Our boys
started off early in the morning by
livery team, made the long drive,
played the game with vim and re
turned late in the evening iu the
most enthusiastic spirits with vic
tory crowning their play. I lie
score was 19 to 12 in favor of Cot
tage Grove.
Ln and Chin Badly Cut.
The little 6-year-old daughter of
George Harrison of Divide had a
very serious and painful accident
befall her last week. She was play
ing in the woodhouse and in some
manner an old fashioned sickle tell
iinon her., cutting the lip and chin
to the bone. Dr. Snapp sewed up
the cut and the little girl is now
mending rapidly.
Afra. MuKibbon
intlio early part of tho week by Dra.
alio him lieim pottinij alonjr lino and will
boon bo well again.
Paul Carpenter of Chlcimo mndo tho
Nuiru'ct ollluo 11 pleasant cull thin week.
Vtbhn .....or .! tn 1 10 Grovo in
company with lck JonnlnM. Ho wont
un to look nt Uohomlu. Ho is milking a
tour 01 1110 cu , " ' " 1.1.
Crlpplo Creek, and will return by tho
iioriiiiTii nut " i" "
Persoijul Pm'ugruplis.
I'Wcr I'lillllpH iiml mother havo ro
turned from tholr trip in liio Bohemia
llx-Sherlir A. J. .IoImihoii nnd his non
Iiiils emtio op from Oroowcll on a vlnlt
Harry C. Hurt winm baek thlx week
from ItoHidaml. I!, 0 , where helm been
nt work for uveral months.
MIks Mlntilo Smmt, lonelier of tho
oilk Creek neliool, who hint been very
nlek for dijiiiu time is now entirely re
cuver ).
Oimtnlo O'llrlcn wiih In town on Hiiior
day renh from bin rani:li on the Hiiiclnw.
where the red tipples grow, and linn koiio
up 10 Mill No 1.
fieorito ltoiieo went up to Iloliemin on
Monday, lie baa bud n good timoiti
town for a week mid will now pound
roek for tho rout of tho smuttier.
W. W. On I heart, who In mi nltncho of
tho Hiirveyor-itenerid'H olllro ut Portland
mid 1111 old-tiino resident of thix hurt;, is
hoto vlHitlnj; relative mid friend for a
few days,
Frank Wheeler mid family tiro home
attain from their outing in tho hills of
Holieinlii, They f entiled on mountain
tiootmid veiib-on mid enjoyed 11 cplen
did time.
Jntiien Nolnn of Mill No. 1 wn in
town on Hominy. Mr. Nolan ban been
.. i.i. .1... u.....i. L-..11.. ...
" .1.. li.u I.W.JIIJ-IUIIT vuiiijmuv I IT IV
lotiK time mid is a moat nitreeahlo
.foo Colo went 'out on Monday for tho
Helena. Ho loaded 11 new emit abaft,
live eama nnd twocrtialier jawa for the
Helena mill, to rephiCM the old ones
that wine recently broken.
Willie PiiKtiutnl Comatnuk waa acci
dentally allot while liuntlnn wiiirrelH
laat week. Dr. Bnnpp nttetided mid
found tlmt 18 allot bad (tntio into Ida
thigh, lluia getting on alt right now.
Dr. Snapp la tho proud poHMUHorof a
Hue gold ring act with n mugoiuYent
puio white Hitphiro that ho baa had for
11 long lime. Ho recently atmtlhe Mono
to bun ! rancicco and luiu it poiiatieu ami
it la imieetia beauty.
llounpart Paltou wits badly hurt at
Mill .M. 1 luxt iiieMiay ny geltrng
tmigled up witn 11 trolley wire. Dr.
.Siiaoi) went out mid llndintr that blood
puieon wna netting in bud him aent to
mo company noHpllal ill JMigcuc.
John ritin arrived this week from
P ne Jtlvc r, WiKtoiiidn, mid i looking
alxint lor aometbing good to tie to ao lie
can remain permanently here. Mr.
I' inn ia a nlenamil tientieinan mid wo
hope ho will llnd what tie wunta and go
Into cam;) witn ua. ,
J. II, Lewie ran n large rm-tv mill into
t . . 1.. . c ....i 11T 1 1.! .
iton were moving koiiiu hectiotm of old
..I.I. II. ...l !., I... .!.,,. .1,,,.... .. I. ........
niitt., nt) ...... ... .. t.
niece, qoieklv the nail penetrated the
back of hia hand near the thumb and
lacerated it o.iuiy. 11 ta inclining nieeiy
Otto Nidaon baa a line jewelry atoro on
.Main htreet. onnof ite the pottolllce. mid
eurrieH nn excellent atoek of good. Ho
la a llrat-eliiHH mechanic In lux line and
imikea a specialty of rvpair work. Head
hia new "ad" In'anotlier eoliiinn mid ac
cept bin invitation to call and look over
ma goods.
Harney Lock wood canto down from
llolieinia tli Jh week witli 11 badly awollen
banil. Ho baa been at work in the
Helena No. "J and recently cut bis hand
011 11 roek. The. mineral in tho rock in-
noculuted tlie cut mid blood pniaou set
in mid lie iina been having it tough time
of it, but ia gutting on nil right uuw.
Tho Imperial Hotel, under tho able
management ol r. l. linrity, la supplied
witli all modern eonvutiieiieeH mid kept
In lltat-ehiha alyle. Tliu dining room la
Hiai'ioua mid neatly arranged mid the
titot a aro auppneii witn 1111 01 me
tieiiaoii'ri dulleaeiea and presided over by
u moil aeeoiiiplialied und eiKcient
J. D. Cochran has n new ami catchy
"ml" in another column. Ho earriea
the hirgent and mott cumplotu atoek of
furniture nnd undertaking goods In this
oily, and la constantly receiving new
invoices. When you tiro in neeil of
anything iu hia lino drop in mid look nt
Ida warea, for hia price tiro all right for
tho high class goods ho will show you.
The old relinblonml well knownSher
wood Hotel, hnving underdone thorough
renovation both inside und out, tmikou
a very attractive appearance. Thoso
who enter ita portals for reat mid food
llnd a full measure, of both, mid the
genial boat and hostess havo ever in
mind the comfort und happiness of
their guests.
Fred Gale, a pnetical flrst-clnss me
chanic, has opened n harness shop on
Itiver street, west side, uud displays n
full line of now and choice goods. Re
pairing is a specialty with him. Rend
Ids new "ad" 111 another column. Call
on him, examine his stock, got ac
quainted and you will find that you ean
do business witli him and get tho worth
of yoiirmonoy.
Ruth lid wauls in coming down from
Ida claim in Bohemia laat week bad ids
left hand badly burned with a rope. Ho
was driving 11 cart and leading a pack
horse. The pack animal suddonly
stopped and tn nulling buck drew the
lend rope, like a Hash thiough his hand.
Tho llcsh wos badly larceruted. Dr.
Job fixed it up and Ruth will bo all
rigjit in a week or two.
Colonel Blair, Cliarloy Van Denburg,
Henry Veatch and Mr. Burton got a rig
last Friday and went out on Row river
to lleh, promising many of tlioir frlonds
a luces of tho finny beauties on their re
turn. They had splendid sport and
such great luck that they postponed
coming back into town until after dark,
nnd not one of them havo said fish sinco.
They went out loaded with solids and
liquids, but tho Hah only eaw the corks.
Goorgo Bohlmnn hns been In tho Bo
homia hills for tho past threo weeks
doing assessment work on hiselulm,
known as tho United States. Ho iias
run a tunnel 30,feot In to striko the
ledge. Tho proporty is now looking lino
and he feels much encouraged. Albert
Zinikor naa been helping to do the work
tints far nnd has rendored good eorvice.
Air. Hold man will co buck to tho hills
iicain in a few ilavs to do tho work of
.... .1 ..1 .1 ... 1
assessment 011 itiioiiivi einuu nu owns.
Lcocnl greVeties.
Toilet articles, fleuaon Drug Co,
IOok at link In A Brlatows shoes.
Perfumes, the beat to be had, Benson
Drug Co.
Bo anro and call nt Taylor's Gallery
and see the new work.
I.ndies cnish skirts from ftOetH to $2,00.
at Lurch's.
Head real estate bargains of Jerome
Knox & Co.
A new invoice of pluted ware, clocks,
etc., at Miuinen'a.
IKik at thoie Indies watches just re
ceived, at II. C. Madnen's.
Mra; .1, F". Taylor has been nt Kogeno
this week taking art lessons.
Mens' nnd womens' shoes at COo per
pair ut Knkin & Bristows.
Fresh candies every dny, tnado front
pure sugar at tho Tailor shop.
Those now gents doublo chains at II.
Madnen's nro beauties. 8eo them.
Fine residences, choice lots, business
blocks for sale Jerome Knox x Co.
Shingles nnd brick for sale.
Snvo money in buying goods ofN'.K.
Bison A. Hon. Their prices win trade.
Try u Sunday dinner nt the iMmaiiAL
IIoti'.i,. Served from 12 1:30 p
m. nnd up to date in all respects.
If you want anything In the lino of
pruningslicars call on Griflin, Veatch Co.
Vnlmtblo mining property In Bo
hemia for Bale. Jerome Knox and Co.
Only tho best drugs In tho market at
ltetiHon Urug uo. xiring your, preacrlp
tions. Kvorybody pleased with their trimmed
hats at N. L. Klsea & Son, und money
Stnttoncry, the best in the market, to
be found 111 Cottage Grove, ut Benson
Drug Co.
I will lisr.i now sell anything in the
millinery goodaut coat price.
Mas. Gi:o. Boiii.suk.
Phillips it White sold n quarter sec
tion of laud to Wisconsin parties this
week und expect to eloso tho deal on
another ranch today.
Stnthnery, pens, pen holders, and
pencjin ui every uusunjJiiun hi. ji:iibuii
Drug Co.
Lnlea millinerv every week low prices
1.1. ..ti T.-I.n...i. 1
anvuuioii mi. MArvui:iKi.M i .....iii;.
N. K. Klska it Sox.
C. E. Bateo. the photographer in tho
lug tent on Main street, next to Sher
wood Hotel, is doing up-to-date, work
and lota of it. Cull and inspect my work
nnd you will surely bu pleased. I have
Iiml vcitrsof extierienoo nnd do Al work,
nnd U can not be beat anywhere. Prices
are within the reach of all.
Go to Geo. Boblmnn's tailor slion
Main street mid see his full lines of
samples and goods. He run plenao you
111 tiny style or tine you mny uesire.
Get your prescription tilled at Benson
Drug Co, Pure drugi, of superior
Gen. Bohlman, tho up-to-date tnllor,
will show you goods, all shades and all
prices. Hunk or It. A tailor maue
suit for $0 und up! Pants 4 nnd up.
Suitsl Suits!! Tailor made, suits!!!
Up to duto in everv respect, from $15 up
Cull und see samples.
Gko. Bohlmam.
If you have anything to sell or want
to uuy rem eatiuc, siock, iigriciiiiiirni
implements or anything elso go to
Phillips & White. They have u call
now for team, wagon and harness mid n
couple of good cows, also calves und
yearlings wanted.
Having just taken u courso of in
structions iu tho Professor Rogers sys
tem of tinting we are prepared to do tho
most beautiful work known to our busi
ness. This work is beautiful. Call and
see our simples.
Mas. J. F.T.u-1-on.
Successor to B. F. PIIILLIPS,-
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and haying had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market afTords, and the
lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Lyman Adams and Lee Mnrtln came
in from Blue" river this week on n visit
to their homes. After a short rest up
thev will return to tholr chosen field of
1 labor.
Groceries Vegetables
Eresli Fruits
We have tho moat Complete Lino of FRESH GROCERIES In your
city ami nro selling everything nt tho LOWKST POSSIBLE PRICE.
A good assortment of Fresh Fruit nnd Vegetables nlwnyH displayed In
front of our Btoru. See our lino lino of FANCY CHOCOLATES and
jr.fcV and Sec Un and We WW Trent You JltQlit
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplier, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows, Etc. ::::::
Bohemia, Oregon.
General Mci'chnnd&sc,
Miners' Tools sum!
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
i Harness and Saddlery
George Meinzer, Prop.
tc A fine line of IIarnc., Saildles. Whips, liuggy Rnben, Ixupior ndllnR, Etc
!9 Mlivnyt on hand. All kiwis of Repairing a Specialty All hand-stiwcil
M work turned out.
fx Our Farmer Friends can pet the very best at tho lowest Living Trices.
M Come In and examine tho goods nnd sea lor yourself
Bon Ton Meat Market
Alain Street, Near Fourth
OBeag'le fe McTTarlancl
We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton,
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
bur effort will be to please and satisfy you. '
Main Street, Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Supplies Fresh Bread daily, also Pies, Cakes and Confections
of all kinds.
Your patronage is solicited. Give lis a call aud we will try
to please you.
Before foil Boy a Piano or ao Op
It will pay you to write
Eiler's Piano House.
OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or.
We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the
Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a fine piano or organ
for less money than you can get them elsewhere. "Write today. Cata
logues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim
ball, the Chickering and the Weber--together with other good makes.'
Easy Payment Plan.
Eiler's Piano House.
Or call on MRS. L- D. BiiCK, Local Representative, Cottage Grove, Or.
Q. Young, Manager.