BOHEMIA NUGGET. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. EVENTS OFTHE DAY A Comprehensive Rtvltw of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Prtunltd In a Condensed Form Which It Most - Likely to Prove uf Interest to Our Many Seadert. Ex-Frcmicr Crispi is dead nt Naples. Tlio United Mincworkcrs indorsed tlio steel strike. Forest fires aro beginning in West ern Washington. Another Negro wAs burned at tlio stako in tlio South, Steel workers in Western mills of tlio trust refused to strike. Engagements with insurgents wore fought recently near Panama. Business men of San Francisco are working hard to end tlio strike Civil government will bo established in northern Philippine provinces. Tho funeral sorvico over tho l:to Empress Frederick occurred at Cron-breg. Tho Phiippino commission granted $25,000 to each rinderpest stricken province. Shamrock II has arrived at Sandy Hook, after a 14 days passage across tho ocean. ' John Winters, the man under ar rest, has confessed to the robbery of tho Sclby smelter. Admiral Evans was censured by the navy department because of state ments in his book. Governor Tuft, of tho Philippines, says tariff legislation is necessary to develop the islands. An attempt was made by Boer syra pathizcrs to blow up a British trans port at iew Orleans. The steel trust is preparing to start up its idle mills. Another Negro was burned at tho stake by an Alabama mob. Thousands were drowned by tho overflowing of the Yangtse river. Two hundred sand teamsters at San Francisco have joined tho strikers. Police working on the Selby smelter robbery have mado one arrest on sua picion. Tho gunboat Machias has been or dered to Colon to protect American interests. The German army has been ordered to 0 into mourning for six weeks for tho late empress. Franco has warned Turkey that tho porto must settle claims or trance s minister will bo recalled. Foreign men on warships of Colom bia quit and have left tho country, being afraid of being murdered. Patterson, N. J., anarchists will produce a play depicting the tragedy connected with the assassination of Humbert I, of Italy. A bad wreck was caused on the Great Northern in Washington. A burnt tree fell across the track, wreck' ing the engine and killing the en gineer, beveral others were injured. A general strike has been ordered in all tho mills of the steel trust. The English minister at Pekin re fused to sign tho settlement protocol Admiral Howison will be the third member of the Schley court of in quiry. Governor Gage will be asked to mediate between the contestants in the San Francisco strike. St. Paul's cathedral, in London, is settling from the vibrations caused by passing underground trains. Thirty Turks were killed in a bat tle between Bulgarian bandits and Turkish government troops. The Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, is trying to engage non union workmen in New York. AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE. Thousands Drowned by Flooding ol Yanjtie River. Victoria, II.. 0., Aug. 0. Great Hoods causal uy tlio overflowing o tho Ynngtse, havo caused tho deal h of many thousands in China. Tho river has risen 40 feet, and for bun drods of miles the country is u great lake, with only tho tops of trees and an occasional roof showing. At Ankiug the town is Hooded, somo o tlio houses to their roofs. At Kin Kiaug, the native town is Hooded, and two feet of water stands in tho foreign settlement. Lower down the river towards Wuhn, tho destruc tion was greater, and boatmen csti- tuato that sU.iwu were drowned in that district. Chong Teh was wined away by tho Hood, ami lu.uuv) wore drowned there and many other iHimts havo been inundated, involving awful loss ot life and great destruction to property. It was feared tho embank' mont built by Chong Cheh Tung, near Wu Chang, would break, and if they did, tho Hood would drown hundreds of thousands. Tho lloug Kong police seize:!, in house m Queen s road. West, many hundreds of new Mausers, old ham nier and needle guns, several hundred revolvers and Chinese horso pistols with ammunition of every kind and reloading and recapping .tools. Chinese junk owner said his vessel had been chartered by Europeans to land the arms secretly in bamai. CLOUDBURSTS IN UTAH. As a result of the recent breaks, plans have been made to convert tho Brooklyn bridgo into a double decker. Moro raw cotton was exported dur ing tho fiscal year lust closed than ever before in the history of tho coun try. The Washington supremo court re fuses to grant a writ of habeas corpus for Eben Boyce, the Tacoma mur derer. Owing to the death of the empress dowager, tho program lor tho recep tion of Von Walderseo will bo very simple. The National Wholesale Grocery Company is tho latest trust about to bo formed. It will havo a capital of $100,000,000. Bobbers at Vallcjo, Cal., entered tho vault of tho Selby Smelting Works through a tunnel and secured $280,000 in gold bricks. No clew has .been found to the perpetrators. Rockefeller is going to build a pal .aco to cost $1,000,000. Colorado leads all tho states in the production of both gold and silver. English opponents of ostentation at funerals will extend their propa ganda to tho United States. Tho United States will not prevent Cuba assuming payment of bonds is sued by tho Now York junta. Lord Pauncefoto's talk about a new canal treaty is taken to mean that England will mako concessions to ad just differences, l Cauied Loss of Two Uves and Damaged Much Property. Salt Lake. Aug. 9. Cloudbursts and heavy rains in various parts of Utah last night caused the loss of two lives and resulted in considerable damage to railroad and other prop erty. Hundreds of miners aro idlo at Winter Quarters, tho railroad tracks being swept away, necessitating a temporary suspension of mino opera tions. At Ercka, Utah, tho flood swept through tho principal street of tho town, flooding cellars of business houtes and doing other damage. Both the Itio Grando and tho Short Line tracks wero washed away for a considerable distance, causing a sus pension of traffic for several hours. A landslide near Morgan, Utah, de layed train service on tho Union Pa cific for over four hours. Salt Lako's water supply was great ly curtailed today, owing to a land slide in Parley's Canyon, which sup plies a portion of tho city's water. Shortly before midnight it severo electrical storm broko over tho city, seriously interfering with tho tele graph and telephone service. Tho plant of tho electric light company was disabled soon alter the storm commenced, tho city being left in darkness. MAY BE INVESTIGATED. NEWS 0E THE STATE "PUTTING DOWN REBELLION. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PART8 OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im. portance A Brief Review of the Orowth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Ulesl Market RcporL Charges Likely to Be Made Against Judg Humphreys, of Hawaii. Washington, Aug. 9. Judge A. II Humphreys, of tho First circuit United Mates court, Hawaii, today had a conference with Attorney Gen cral Knox. Sonio -timcLngo tho bar association oi Jiuwan nieu a com plaint with Judge Humphreys, al leging, among other things, arbitrary and unjust treatment of members of the bar and specifying tho arrest of three well known attorneys upon charge of contempt of court. Tho sentence, however, was npt executed, and subsequently the accused were pardoned by tho governor On the other hand, it is said a large number of letters have been received here tes tifying to tho uprightness and in teg rity of Judge Humphreys, and other testimony bearing upon the case is expected very soon. It is expected that tho liar Association of Hawaii will follow its complaint by formal charges and then the matter will bo taken up by the department of justice and disposed of. It is intimated by persons in a position to havo know ledge on the subject that the com plaints against Judge Humphreys aro a result of tho antagonism that has existed for sonio time between tho new federal officials and the old regime. Judge Humphreys will main some days. Ordered to Colon. Washington, Aug.9. Tho navy de partment has ordered tho gunboat Machias, now at iioston, to proceed to colon to look after American in teresta there. This is in connection with tho reports of disturbances and interruption of traffic at tho isthmus. The Brooklyn at Manila. Manila, Aug. 9. Tho United States cruiser Brooklyn flying tho flag of Bear Admiral Bemey, has arrived here from Australia, where tho vessel took part in tho celebrations attend ing tho opening of tho first Austral ian parliament. Gold Strike In Georgia. Atlanta, Ga.( Aug. 9. Samples of ore, accompanied by attested affida vits, havo been received in Atlanta showing a remarkably rich striko of gold in Wiiks county, near Washing ton, Ga. To Save the Vermont. New York, Aug. 8. According to the Tribuno tho latest proposition oncoming tho old training ship Vermont, which comes as a result of a umber of protests to tho navy de partment against the conversion, on sanitary grounds, of tho old boat into unk, Is to establish a naval musoum or trophy room. Tho room now used as a museum is small and it is need cd for offices. Over 1,000 tons of fruit and hops wero shipped from r.ugcne in the last fiscal year. A big natatorlum has Wen finished at linker Uity, with two largo tanks, 30x00 and lfixIIJ feot. Buyers aro offering Howl Biver npplo growers $l,2fi a box for apples, to bo delivered in tho fall. A rattlesnake was killed near Ash land recently. It measured seven feet oiio inch in length and had 27 rattles. A German farmer residing on the Necanicum is reported to havo diseov ered a three foot vein of gold bear'ng quartz. Douglas county growers are already looking for lalor to pick their prunes Wages to bo paid aio not yet an nounced. Threshing machino operators of tho Powder valley havo formed a thresh ere' union, and fixed tho puces to bo paid for this work. A lorgo cray timber wolf, of tho gonuino tpyc, was killed near Elgin recently. It measured inches from tip to tip and .IS in height A 20 dav run ot tho IT) stamp quartz mill at tho Lucky Boy mine, in the Blu river district, yielded over 02 pounds of gold, valued at about $13,- olKJ. Tho first shipment of Oregon early potatoes to tho hast has been made, Counterfeit $5 gold pieces and hall dollars aro in circulation in JJaker City. Tho Euceno creamery turned out over five and a half tons of butter dur ing July. Veteran farmers say Lano county will huvo moro wheat. this year than ever bofore. A largo forest firo is reported be burning in tho neighborhood Diamond Peak. A large attendance of students expected at the Mt. Angel college dur ing tho coming year. A postoflico has been established at Lima, Coos county, to I hi supplied by special service from Dora. Wallowa stockmen aro protesting igorously against tho presence of Umatilla county sheep herds on the government ranges in tho former district. J. Ball, a Seattle cattlo buyer, was in Camas valley last week. He otter ed ?3.G0 per hundred pounds for leef cattle, but could not get anything at that price. An .experimental prune dryer, now being built at tho Oregon Agricultural Collcgo farm, will havo tho trays laid vertically in stacks after tho Cun ningham system. The special government plat of tho abandoned r-ort Klamath military and hay reservation lias been com plcted. It covers an area of about 2,200 acres. Application for entry on the lands will bo received at tho Lake viow land office on and after August 22. Annual Report ol General MacArthur on the Philippine Situation. WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. Tlio an mini ronnrt of MoJor-Gonoral Mac Arthur, dntoil July t, 1001, tho ilny ho relinquished command of tho division of tlio Philippines, has been received nt tho War Department. Tlio period covered by tho report Is from Oc tober 1, 4900, when tho Inst report from General MacArthur was dated. Ho rovlows tho policy of the ! lu pines that wero liostllo to tho Ameri cans, saying that their nctlou since tho practical collapse of tlio Insur rection liaH boon n perplexing prob lent. With tho dlstmmlmont of the Insurgent Hold armies, tlio Filipinos orgonlzod desperato resistance by banding tlio pconlo together In sup port of tho Riiorrlllas. Thin was car ried out by means of secret commit tees, who collected contributions, In dicted punishments ami carried on a considerable opposition to tho Ameri cans. Gonoral MacArthur reviews the manner In which operations wero carried on against these guerrillas and says ho hopes the policy luloptod WJLL AID STRIKERS AMUnir-AN FEDERATION OF LA' MHII.MIWI' UOR PLEDGES SUPPORT, at Sleel Trust Makes an Imporlint Move by Or derlng Its I'lvcMllllon-Dollar Plant MeKeespnrt to be Torn Down and Re moved to the Klsklmlnelas Valley-Mn Are Undaunted. to of . There is a possibility that in case tho trouble between Vene zuela mid Colombia breaks out in war one ot tho war yossols now on Pugct Sound will bo sent to Panama. Tho available warships on Ptiget Sound aro tho Oregon and tho Iowa. Tho Oregon is at Puget Sound navy yard and the Iowa at Atmcortos. Tho Wisconsin is also at tho Puget Sound yard, but is not in shape for nctivo service. If but one battleship is sent to Panama it will bo tho Iowa, owing to the need for ermanciit repairs to tho Oregon. will In time conciliate tho natives and mako them friendly to tlio United States. Tho education of tho people In times past mado them susnlcloiis of any governmental bcncflclenco, and they evidently looked on tho lenient attitude of tho United States as In dicating wcaknoss. General Mac- Arthur says the proclamation Issued on December 21, firmly declaring the intention of tlio United Statos to hoi the Island and to havo tho law obeyed, had n good effect, nnd tho sec ret rcslstanco was much abated. A considerable portion of tho port Is dovoted to tho field operations or the army, showing thnt October 1900, It occuplod 413 stations, which was or necessity Increased to G02 sta tlons, every command being In con' tact with some liostllo force. Ho speaks of tho good sorvico of tho army and says, as a result of tho co operation between tho army and tho people who havo accepted tlio Invi tatlon to comblno for mutual protcc tlon, tho armed Insurrection Is almost suppressed. PLOT AGAINST KING EDWARD Anarchists Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, export value. -babtc per bushel ;biuestem, &7Goc; valley, nominal. Flour best grades, 2.003.40 per barrel; graham, ?Z.bU. . Oats $1. 151.20 percental. Barley Feed, $1010.50; brewing. ?lti.0UlV per ton. MillstufTs Bran, $27 per ton: mid' dlings, $21,50: shorts, $20; chop, $10, llay Timothy, siiiu; clover. $79.50; Oregon wild hay, $50 per ton. Butter Fancv creamery,1720c: dairy, 1416cj; store, 11 12c per pound. .Eggs 17c per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, lira llo; Young America, 1212c per pound. Poultry Chickens, .mixed, 53.00 3.75; hens, $3.7b4.76 ; dressed. 10 11c per pound; springs, $2.604,00 per dozen ; ducks, ?J for old; $2,60 3.50 for young; geese, $44 60 ner dozen ; turkeys, live, bqiuc; dressed, lUlac per pound. Mutton lanibs, 3ic. cross: dressed, uc per pound; sheep, $3.25, gross ; dressed, 6CKo per lb. nogs uross, heavy, $o.7bU: light, $4.755; dressed, CJ7o per Veal Small. 8Uo; larce. 7 7c per pound. licel Uross top steers, $d.504.00: cows and heifers, $3.253,50; dressed beef, 0J7Kc por pound. Hops 12 14o per pound. Wool Valley, ll13o: Eastern Oregon, 812c; mohair, 2021o per pound. Potatoes 90c$1.00 per sack. Tlo odlcst speennon of paper monev lias turncu up in unina at ino ago of 634 years. American methods and manufact ure aro displacing all othors in Eng land, wnoro everybody studies tho Yankco." Intended to Assassinate Him a Prledcrlchshof, NEW YOnK, Aug. 12. Says tho London correspondent of tho Tribune stumors aro current mat tho rca son why tho departure from London for Germany of King Edward and other royal mourners has been do layed was that tho Qerman pollco authorities had received Information of a plot which tho anarchists had Intended to put Into execution at Frledrlchshof. It Is certainly some what significant that ovon now tho exact hour of tho King's doparture has not been .made known, Howovor, it is Known mat preoarations ror h a departure are complete. Accompanied by Queen Alexandra and Princess Victoria, ho will Ioavo London to morrow evening and reach Cronberg in time to do present nt tho memorial service which Is to be held thero Sun day, Boers Captured a British Post. LONDON, Aug. 12. Lord Kltch cner, In a dispatch from Pretoria, an nounces mat a noBt of 2G men. h. longing to Steynacker'e Horso on tho aaui mver, nas been surprised nnd captured by tho Boers, urd Kitchener reports also the surrender at warmbaths of Cam mandant Devlllores. who was Rnrnnil in command to Holers. Russia After the Jews BT. PETEnSBUnO, Aug. 12. The government will heroaftor limit tho numoor or Jewish studonta In Hussion universities to 3 por cent of tho total numner or students, except In tho university or Moscow, wboro they aro uiuirciy prumuiiea, Contribution from a Soldier. WABtllNUTON. Aurr. 19nnn,. nji-y uukq nns received from a sol dier In tho PhlllDnlnns a pnntrll,nH. "l lno money was sent to s-niiior uonaiy, rector or tho Catholic University, for transmission to tho Secretary. Gen. Wood has been mado a mom- ber of tho Acadomy of Science of Havana, a most exclusive society limited to 40 members, all elected I for lifo. Death Sentence Approved. WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-For thn first time since tho outbreak nf th Spanish war, President McKlnley has approved tho death sentonco In tho case of an enlisted man. Tho case Is that of Private Phlnoas Foutz, Com pany K. Nineteenth Tnfnn,. ' mui' soldlor waB convicted by a 'general court-martlnl at Cobu, P. I. for tho murder of Genovlva Torres, a natlvn Filipino girl, bv sdnM,!' i, ""I? death-wlth a sword cane In her homo at Mandaue, Cebu, November IB, 1900, PITTBtlUHO, Aug. 12. There wore gravely Important developments In ti.n Mirikn Hituntloii today. The United Htutes Stool Corporation moved do rlHlvelv In Its strike campaign, with a peremptory order directing that tho Dowees-Wood nlnnt. nt MCKuosptin bo dismantled ami removud to KIh klmlnotns Valley. President (loin pors, of tho American Federation of Labor, nfter it two days' conference with President Shaffer nnd his khho dotes, IsHtiod n formal statement to iilKht, specifically holding tho Feder ation to the moral nnd llnniiclal supi port of the Amalgamated. His writ ton rovlew of tho trn.u of events IcodltiK up to the Industrial ipmrrul sustains tho coursu of the Amnlun matod AsHodntlon, mid declares thut nothing remains for labor but to but tlo for the cnuso of unionism. Tho ofllclul announcement of tho order to dismantle tho Doweits Wood plant enmo this afternoon toward tho close of nil otherwlsu tinuvciitfiil day. and Its Importance was such that claimed the serious consideration of cither sldo of tho great Industrial conflict now being waxed hure. Pur Blfer F. Smith, district mnmiKor of tho American Shoot Stool Company, mado tho formal announcement In tho following statement: "I havo orders from Prosldont Me Murtrlc, ot tho American Sheet Steel Company, to at onco tear down tho Dcwoos-Wood Plant at McKcedport and remove the sania to Klsklmlnelns Valloy. TiiIh I shall proceed to do Immediately." Tho publication of tho order was great surpilso and McKecsport re ceived It at first with doubt. Actual preparations wero mado later In ttm day for the dismantling of the plant. nnd there U little douiit but mat it will be torn down. The strikers heard the order In a spirit of doflnncu. They simply said that It showed the steel corporation was convinced that It could not reopen tho plant In the face of tho opposition of the Amalgamated Association. Striko leaders hero said that the order was it bluff that had been worked unsuccessfully before, and declined to take it senotikiy President 3;uiTcr refused to discuss tho matter. Tho steel odlcln! declined to give any reason for tho order, but It Is stated hero that tho pronounced sym pathy of citizens and city officials at McKcosport with the nt.lkers Is re sponsible for It. It Is nlsn said Hint tho plant of Mir Nations! Tuho Com pan) at McKoespoit will be i" doned nnd tho old Cirneglo plan for n tubo plant at Co.moatit, O., re vived. Gimiers Pledges Support President Gompers, of tho American Federation of Labor, wai closeted with tho advisory board of tho Amal gamated Association for more than thrco hours. This evening ho gave out tho following statement: "8lnco tho arrival of Secretary Mor. rlson, of tho American Federation of Labor, and myself, wo have been In almost continual conference with tho advisory board of tho Amalcnmam.i Association of Iron, Stool and Tin Workers. Wo mado a thornucli in. vesication of tho prosent strike, of tho causes which led to tlio strike, tho present situation of tho country. and wo unhesitatingly declare our Judgment that tho position ot tho Amalgamated Association Is absolute ly Justified and cssontlal to I tlnuanco nnd effectiveness as a union I TL ' "lOnlly nUBHED A OLorS5 Captured by lloers Afltr S,v. ... I)wet Intend, lo Cap, f h London,' Aug. la. a ill. . . "iK t,.i i.'ii ...... . . ""Wclilm, ,,,., . , "A MooKlmti,, ,,.-", Orange Ulvor ,, r '.r,l tmptiir.Hl by the (1r, .., ' f1 llehtln. the nl..l.t r "Klllnt lim .'. anil largo ttmntuiiv ,,f J''!?01' wnuiiiis. which he i. K 'ft detiille Intvo Ikh'ii reei.ii.ui 1 Mull dlspiilehes from i,or,i , oner ImhhI today in n .....i, ' na.-er, sayl,lHen,,tant!:; ::S imiirovu n o inriiM , ' " line of coiiiimmioiti,,,,,,, Q"' "ve nervier, Kiirrinuiin uu me railways Inn ihm'h tmiriMYii. Lord Kitchener rei-fu,., ..- i .1.... ,. mmiiuiiHi nun newel lutii,,!, ' tnok CitpoTown, while (j,-m.r,i ..j,11 .is sot)., hi lit. l;-arH that the cZ! trillion In (!iihi Colony u ,.,rjT to imtor Niilnl with Good V; Imrmmnm ri ml nmL,. f... i. . I'1"' "" ""Mian. IOWA MAY QO 80UTH Will Probtbly lie Suh.lltuied for tl, coniln al Panama. Washington, Aug. Hi T, Uy ileiwrtiiitmt was willumt iiam Information today eoinuniinj Veili'idlela-Colouibln mtuaiiu,, the revolutionary t lrnk n u Indium. Thine two inmi,! j limn, oiiii iK'ing on the wenlsndi oilier on the eimt coat () Colotnti. I lie Hunger, which hasUtnort, Kv i H'"iiiiH-M at null Dlfto.ClL er of 1,020 tons ilinplnwmr-iit and bJ mt'ii PIIKIIKIII Mir Mllim l hurt tv..t.. survey work on the IWifio coast u! in iviitnu Aiiicricuii witters bi iMvwihln that lii'rM!rvici-aiii..J .1 . II ,1, ... . 7" til trillion! win niuiirc mui that tie ship jvlll not Im- iiiiilnl to mat, the long trip Iroiu the north Tt Hanger has a imilii Imtlcryof n fo iiioii rnpid-iirf gum ami Mt,mhn IkiM.iri ui I,,,... . i w .........I , "" - i lxjiiiiiicri and 4 win gun. Mie Ium it complement 21 olliwrs ami 127 men As the IwttlcKlni. Iowa hu ed her arrival nt I In mr M. the Wiiimiuslii liux nut yet Ucn from, It Is prolxthlc tint the f.,!m limy iKt stllwtitulcil rft henro.trt he trip to the Pneil'ic sxlo ff the Irtk mils, if It is ilci lilnl to wnd a Uiil ship, although the formal stin iunn meiit of tho chutie Jm not )t Uv, mnuo. TRAFFIC DECOMINQ UNSAFE Pressure I. Heine llrouthl loBeareefc Panama Railroad Company, NKW YOUIC. Auk. II, V A Drib secretary of tho Panama IUII-' Company, says that the commtukr tlon which J. Kdward Hlmmoni. pm! Ident of tho company, sent to tt' State Department siiKC'itlnit t&it i American warship go to the I'idl side nt Panama, as well as to the k lantlc side at Colon, was sent Isrrn': as tho result of tho pressure dK residents of the Isthmus havo browk' to bear on tlio company SlaH Wednesday nlstht officers of tb to nany In New York have recelrM a3 advices from the Isthmus bowmi creased activity on tho part ot u InsiirvnntH In tint shano of deprtis tlons by bnnds of from 10 to.l guerrillas, who havo raided ootljw towns, looting property and cspttf Imk citizens for ransom. , . Traffic, howovor, even in m ,nnfn nf nnv rnnnrlf ll tUtHrruSliW along tho rnllrond lino. Is clearlfM Ing, In Uio opinion of trio oncers, ..n.nV.. on,l thn ll BOW of tho movemonta of tho rebels, ttjl think, It that It nppears to be i vlvnl or tun lnMiirrcction m miuunco nnu cnoctivcness as a union ' "'. "" .,,.nPMiri of tho workers In tho trade, as woll as 1 "upposod to havo been suppress mo protection of tho rlchts nnd in. tercstn of Its members. Organized labor advances or rv cedes, never stands still. It, thoro foro. follows that If tho trust, bv tin great wealth, can provent tho otton Blon and growth of tho Amnlcnmntmt Association, It encampaoscs Its dis integration and destruction. The only powers thon standing between tho trust and tho workers ns n nrntnrinr aro the tender mercies of Its dlroctors. Against such a calamity tho sense of justice nnn numanity revolt, nnd uKuinst. it wo solemnly protest. "Wo shall stand by tho Amnlga mated Association In thn nrnnnni vm. fllct to tho fu'l oxtoit of our powor, both morally and financially; wo shall aid In overy lawful way tho mon on BtrikO or Who mnv comn nut nn ntr'rn to maintain tho workers In th lr ri lit to organlzo and tho eiteiulnn nf Hmi. KlKaiuzuilun, last year. Philippine Imports of Silk. WASHINGTON, Auk. 12. A com. paratlvo statement giving tho Imports of silk manufactures In tho Philip pines during tho yours of 1898. lsnn and 1000 has boon propared In tho Division of Insular Affairs of tho War ."jiiurmieni. o total Imports of ....wo u. D,m lo lno .JH, ippincs durlnrr tho venr innn nin,,.i. ...I 4 onrnn." . " """""" Vonn 0?'U0'i n against ?183,000 for 1839, an Increase In favor of 1000 of 111 por cont, Tho Imports of thin commodity from thn liniimi ai..i whllo comparatively small, Increased from 1301 In 1899 to fl.HO In 1000. Kruer'i Mental Condition. LONDON. Auir. 12 A .n.,1.1 At.. patch from Rotterdam says tho men tal condition of Mr. Kruger Is arous ing SOrlOUB annrehnnclnn A .,i-i 1st In nervous diseases has boon sum moned by telegraph from Dorlln. Drouth In Russia. ST. PETERsnnrtn , continued drouth has oxto'ndod tho ?!aT?ftMrop dnm'Ko, which Includoa the Baltic provinces. In tho West Siberia and Volirn. nmvin. "r". most total crop falluro Is oxp'octod, Storms on the Southern Boriir. Tucson, Ariz., Aug. 13. storms continue to rage in fWumesH em Arizona and Northern Sonon Tho road from Ilenson to OuW, whs badly whsIiimI out last nightjw this afternoon again, stripping A hurricane ruin storm vlmtcdW this afternoon, totally Mr0)in.i gas works, leaving the city rilli light. Several largo smokeatck buildings woro blown dow" largo number of trees destroyed. " destruction is considorauie. Anarchht Play Prohibited. NEW YOItK. Aug. 12. MWOf JJJ cllffo, of Pnttorson, N. J.. , "(, orders to tho "Itlght of KiWMj. group of nnnrchlsti that he wi l,n TinrfnrmnllCO la 1' of tho ndvortlsod play 'o'ln.?.,j murdor of King Humbert. TM says ho will, in ruturo, n 10 Droscl, says no win, in sum.v. . uti Mi nnn linlll rCCOntly t0 tKm German Punitive Expedition imiSUANE, Q"ons,aniJmf;i!! Tho Gormnn punltlvo oxpedltW'F; to nvongo tho mnssocro ot uv . r ken and other membors o Oorman South oa oxpu---um cannibal Island of St. Mf'brcor od from tho Oorman 1'8,ormllcr ant, noar tho scene of tho , klllod 80 natlvos nnd capturco Damaged Ins Collision. London, Aug. lfcrfffl Nttgiwaki says tho unw - ((( OhlngWo, 'rom Bcattlo Jul ' j, London, is nt Nagasaki with W' hor port bow, hor nriugo and with the Ipsa ' of Iwr ndg , inr, ri,n.i nf niiaiii, " . j,n bo mado tompornrily In TtolnJurlwwerowrta nod bit lision Willi tno ii";"" was also damaged.