Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 09, 1901, Image 8

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    .:.iHkl .
"I liml n Hovere nttnck of billons rollo,
rot ii buttle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera am! Diarrhoea Remedy, took
Iwo doses and wita entirely cured," fays
Rev. A. A. Power, of Kmporia, Knn.
"My nciglilmr aero the street was flick I
MINING. sent to the front' up to the tint?
mentioned mid S7i33 thiek-set
No branch of industry to which little horses or cobs for the mounted
ninn sets his hand returns such infantry. In addition si, 252cavnlry
handsome profits ns docs mining, horses and 9385 tor tho nttilery
The dividends derived from the
for over n week, had two or three bottles j prosecution of legitimate mining far
el nictiicinu irom tnc nocior. ne useu olltrank the net returns from any
thuin for three or four days without re
lief, then culled In nnother doctor who
trented him for conic days and gave him
were also lauded. On Lord Robert's
march from the Modder river to
lllocmfontaiu 11,368 mules began
other line of activity which en-, the trip and 796 or about seven per
gages the commercial energies of s cent failed to finish the journey.
r..iinf .iipi,nHv! htm. I went mankind today. Hie womiernti 1 w nen a sum was. imiiicirum uiucm-
ovortoeeo him the noxt morning. He I stimulus which the successes of the ' fontain for Pretoria 22,000 mules
mid lils bowels were In n terrible fix past three years has imparted to 'set their necks in the collars in the
that nicy nail oecn running on so lung, . .v ,.:-,i ; ,i. .rm,l. irnnsrtnrt wntrons nnil somewhat
ous outlay which has been made in : less than seven an-J ouc-hnlf per
this department of industry during 1 cent fell by the wayside. 1 he
the past six months, the results ' figures presenting the loss among
from which can only be hinted at, the horses arc not given in as pre
fer they will not be reducible to cise a manner, but it is practically
statistical form until the end of the certain that the ccjuininc casualties
year. Suffice it is to say that from t cannot have been nearly as large as
every branch and avenue of the they have been represented when
minintr industry comes most en-! we compare the actual number of
thusiastic reports of progress and '' deaths among the transport mules
renewed achievement. I with the estimates hitherto made at
All of which merely means that long range.
with our much vaunted commercial
expansion abroad there is going on
that It wns almost bloody flux. I asked
film if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he
aid, 'No I went home and brought
Mm my bottle ami gave him one dose;
told him to take another dose in fifteen
or twenty minuted if he did not tlnd re
lief, but he took no more and was en
tirely cured." For pule by Hbnson Dauo
Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons A Awle
hate, Drain.
Editors. A. Brown, of Bennettsville,
S. C. wns onco immensely surprised.
Through long sutTering from Dyspepsia.,
J10 writes, "My wife was greatly run
down. She had no strength or vigoria most i;veiy internal development
and suflVred great distress from her. , ,. . , f . . ,..,,
, , , . T-i . , v 11 tint, iwwiUkVJ vyi uiii liiitu IZsTJZ Iui olin Irtml T rtr Hi r f ri
which helped her at once, and after use-
j The truth is that our outward com
ing four bottles, she was entirely well, 1 mercial expansion is builded upon
ran eat anything. Its a grand tonic, I our internal prosperity. The great-
ami its gentle laxative qualities are
splendid for torpid liver." For Indi
gention, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and
Liver troubles Its a positive, guaranteed
cure. Onlv 60c at Uesso.v Dnca Co's.
Nou.bly among the pleasures afforded
by tho Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona, j of thjs s;de of ,he mtim..
i.eneweu acquaintance witn 11113 section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in the varietv of its in
dustries, in its prolific vegetation and
auionU its numberless resorts of moun
tain, shore, valley und plain.
The two dnilv Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but Xhi low rates of fare will still
continue in eiT-ttt.
Illustrated gtdes to the winter re
ports of ilit'i-11 1 'i 1 Arizona maybe
had on application to
C. II. Markiiam, G . I. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
All Sadierille, Ky., was curious to
learn the cause of the vast improvement
in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whittaker,
who had for a long time endured untold
suffering from a chronic bronchial'
trouble. "Its all due to Dr. King's New
Discovery," writes her husband. "It
completely cured her and also cured our
littlegrand-daujrhter of a severe attack
of Whooping Cough." It positively
cure Cough?, Colds, LaGrippe, Bron
chitis, all Throat and Lung troubles.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Bexbo.v Dbio Co's. drug
ness of the United States lies in her
abounding resources agricultural,
mining and manufacturing. Agri
culturally the country is fairly well
developed; in manufacture, the
same; but mining is up to this time
an infant industry, undeveloped.
It is in the exploiting and unfolding
s wealth
that the greatest achievements of
the future arc to be seen.
Modern metallurgy is but fifty
years old, and metallurgy as ap
plied today is but ten years of age.
What remarkable results have been
wrought out in that short time!
The earth's riches are year by year
being laid under contribution to
supply man's wants, and untold
wealth is being placed at the dis-
Keep Out
the Wet
Tt beat waterproof Kurinrnta la th
world. AIM from tbe miurUU to4
wnrrmntnl wmeritrnof. Utda to ataad
tba roacbaat work and waalbrr,
, Look for tho crnilt mark. llrnardtaltr
do, not bar tbam, writ for cataloctt to
1. 1. WtlaxnJ rtitlir U, lit.. Sta 'raitlic. KAWVEIt A MIH.rWItllrr.
r.u( 1 mm r idg-r, juea.
What most people want is something
mild and gentle, when in need of a
phytic. Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets till the hill to a dot. They
aro eai-y lo lake and pleasant in effect.
For sale by Bknho.v Pituo Co.
You certainly have a good opinion
of your physician's judgment, or
you would not consult him. Then
do him the justice to carefully con
sider the compounding of his pre
scriptions. The Benson Drug Co.
select nothing but the best and
posal of the man who can and will mst pure drugs in the market, and
develop these resources.
All that the capitalist desires is a
fair shake for his money, and min
ing is now upon such a basis as to
assure him of that.' It is a regu
larly constituted business, and suc
cess in it is achieved along the
lines and according to the condi
tions that prevail in every other
line of commercial endeavor. The
horse pistol and salting mine epoch
make a specialty of carefully com
pounding prescriptions. He good
to yourself by taking your physi
cian's prescription to the Benson
Drug Co. and rest assured you will
get tbe best to be had in the market.
historic past, and mining today is
the same earnest, strenuous propo-
cit?nn ttiaf tli mnfnnr,r tf o r-
jLiirougn 1110 IHUMWI3 ni June una: ... r
Julvour babvwas teething ami tooka!n,or Plate or the development f
So sure arc wo that tho locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develop
Into numerous: sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we site willing to send
0110 free tounv sufferer from the follow-
of mining has been relegated to thei ine diseases: Cold extremities, C'rysto-
vviv, ruiunii! wi'UKiftrri, reunify cuur
plaint, Leucorrhca, Liver complaint
Tunning off of the ltowcls and sickness of
tho stomach," says O. P. M. Hollidav,
of Deming, Ind. "His bowels would
move from five to eight times a day. I
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the
house and gavofum four drops in a tea-
spoonful of water and ho got better at
once. Sold by Be.nsox Dnuo Co.. Cot
tage Grove. Lyosb & ArrMMATE, Drain.
The laws of health require that tho
bowels move once each day and one of
tho penalties for violating this law is
piles. Keep your bowels regular by
taking a dose of' Camberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets when necessary and
you will never have that severe punish
ment inflicted upon you. Price 25 cents
For sale by Benson Drug Co.
''My baby was terribly sick with the
diarrhoea," says J. II. Doak, of Williams,
Oregon. "We were unable to euro him
with the doctor's assistance,and as a last
resort wo tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am
happy to nay it gavo immediato relief
and a complete cure." For sale by Bes-
bon Duva Co., Cottago Grove. Lyons &
Aitlkuate, Drain.
Xt tnat mirror 01 yours snows a
wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun
diced look, moth patches and blotches
on tho skin, its liver trouble; but Dr,
King's New Life PUN regulate tho liver,
purify tho blood, give clear skin, rosy
clipeks, rich comploxioti. Only 25c at
Benson Ditua Co'h drug store.
From frightful disfigurement Mrs.
Nannio Gallegor, of LaGrango, Ga., ap
plied Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo to great
sores on her head and faco, and writes
its quick euro exceeded all her hopes.
It works wonders in Sores, Bruises,
Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds
and. Piles, 25c. Curo guaranteed by
Bknsqn Dava Co. druggist .
Subscribe for the Nuyyet.
manufacture in the east is. It has
been stripped of the romance of
pioneerism and has settled down to
the basis of a legitimate business
Mining today is in the position
where it has the right and the pros
pect of inviting capital to its sup
port, and as has been said, this is be?
ing mpsl generously accorded. -It isl
the mission, therefore, of everyone
interested in the devojpment of the
mining resources of our land, and
especially of the west, to see to it
that the industry is kept strictly
within the lines of "business, not
gambling;" to put the industry to
the front in its true light; to let it
speak for itselffor if this is done,
it will raise up. its own friends and
rally its own supporters. Daily
Mining Record.
Piiralysii', Lost vitality, Nervnusdebility,
Self abuee. Worn-out women. Sciatica.
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impotency. ItheuuiatlHui
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, anil Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co.. Battle
vrcuK, .im:iii.'uii.
The British-Boer war in South
Africa has furnished the only sample
of real fighting with modern lethal
weapons. Much has been written
and more said about the morality
among horses and tuulesin warfare;
but it is only of late that the actual
figures Jiavc been available, says
Breeders' Gazette. These we get
from Lord Roberts' statement of his
conduct of the eampaign in South
Africa up to the. time he handed
over the command to Kitchener of
Khartoumj From the beginning of
the war in question up to October
30, 1900, the British government
landed 179,577 auimals on South
African soil. Of these some 500
died of glanders and 200 of the
African "horsesickness." For trans
port services 60,711 mules had been
; The Weekly
on the Pacific Coast
and the
One Year for $2
Rough Lumber,
6B6 per M. at
Saginaw, Or.
When von have that tired fccllitu rim
nliig about looking for u lodilcnro in
llu city, or piece 01 tunning mini, go
Jcroni Knox A Co. They will give y
mmcdiiite relief by oiling you anything
u the rent estate that will pluaso your
fancy or miti to your comiort.
J 1
N. D. HARDY, Mgr.
Newly Furnished and up
to date in all Respects.
A trial will convince yon that our
meals, beds and service aro the bent in
the city.
Main St., near depot.
corr.Mii: miiovk, olicdov.
llKRllint K.IKI.
File First National Dank
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Monev to loan nu approved tcciirlty
Kxclinnjji'n sold, available any .dacn
in the united State.
Your JlimlnrH Ih Solicited.
$fc BROS.
Cottage Grove
Planii Mill!
Wo aro now prepared to furnifh all
kindH of brackets, mo IiIIiikr, rornicit,
fash and door, door and window frames,
window h, pickets, etc.
Woodwork of njl kind made and re
paired. We will ulo work riiBtie, iridini;,
ceiling or nizb studding, etc
or THE
Trains leave Cottace Grove for
In n I and way stations at 2:U a m
I p in.
Lv Portland
" Cottage Grove
Ar Ashland
" Sacramento
" San Francisco
' Ogden
" Kaunas citv
" Chicago '
" Loh Angeles
" HI I'ano
" Fort Worth
" City of Mexico
" Houston
" New Orleans
" Washington
" New York
8:30 a m
L:57p m
li!:55 a in
6:10 p m
7 AH p m
1 :55 a 111
0:30 a 111
8:30 pm
'.':0(lu 111
V2:V in
5 :00 a in
8M5it 111
7 :00 a m
0.15 p 111
Ix'iR a 111
eal Mate
8:30 p 111
8 .05 11 ni
1'A'lA 111
'J:00 p m
0:00pm 11:00 pin
0:30 11 111 0:30 am
11:30am 11. '30 am
7:00 a in 7 :00 a in
0:30 pm (1:30 p in
0:42 am 0:42 am
12:10 pm 12:10 pm
Pullman and Tourists curs an both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden
and Kl Paso, and tourist earn to Chicago
St Louis, New Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with the
several stcainsinn lines lor Honolulu
Japan, China, Pliilliplncs, Central am
South America.
See agent at Cottago Grovo station, or
C. II. M.uikiiam, G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
vioit DR. JORDAN'S obat
I Jlalt Bills aad Sattalk.;
The lnriMtAnalomlcal Itoieum
lu iiiu tvunu.
Ortatett atlracllon In tht Cy,
I Ml
4 dlaeaM.noai II rrlr ru rrtt hr
lbs uldtMt bpecliilltiiii h I'axlOa
Comu KnUiiIUIied 3d yrara.
1VaaiUnaae, or kny con Intel.
I Tuniif nirn and mlildla
HIEU lUVn Wlm nrn
(rum Ilia aOtcU o( youlblul Indln-
:E r LII1IIH nr WUfM III mnttlWAa,
' rear, Nervima ami phytlcai
iiiilrner. l.,,at 91 mj. Iiu.xl in .,11
. H..IU..., n'.i wm... riiuH. STUMM lUI
rlitcn. Uouarrli, Ulcci, Vrrquonry
f Urliiullntr, etc. Ily n comblnalloil o
remedlon. oncrcutcurnllvn mw.. dm ti.,n. I
liuaonrraiuiHl trmtnjoirt Ihutlt will not .
only Hirord Iramvdlats rrl rf. but nrrmfnifint I
In n.. .... ....
miracle;, but l well known to be a Ilr and
ROIIfira 1'livafHan anil MiirvAAK-
. HYI'IIII.IM thnroiighly eradlMted from
I tb ayttem without llieuiaof ficrurr.
Truaara fltteil hv nn Ktni itrfi.i
cure for Itiiitiiira. A. quick and radical
twetot I'llv. flaauro and ritnlia,by
1 Ilr. Jnrntin'a .n..lnl ti.t.l... ' "
.. - v.-.w.h. (wui.w JU.IfluUK
KVI!lir HIV annl.ln.lAH.i.lll.u.lB.
our horutt uplnton ot iilaconiploliit. 1
' 11 0 will Ouarunltt a VOUITIVB CtmB In 9
utinsiiiiauon i iticr. finaatrietiypnTate.
Treatment perioimlly or by letter.
Write fur llnokr. lllf r.ovoi.irv nv
I HA It HI AQ 13. JUitKD Vaxa. (A. valuable
book tor men.) Caller writ
DR. JORDAN It CO., I OBI Market SI, 8. P.
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Businsss Houses
and Splendid Residences.
, Zwf on the principal biinlncnn ttrcet.
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Ahslract of title seen red ami imiirantccd.
Inforniiilloi) an to the lawn kovuniIiik tho dlspo-iil of yoverninont lands. .
How to secure lioiitotdouiln, tlmher lamb, mining claims, eto.
Properly for sale puhtishid weekly.
Cumins Giuivi: Is the socond city hi law ctiunty, Orcoii. I Ins it poptiliitloti
of nhout 1,200. Tno center of tho four points of the compass when It coinos to
Injtrewi and iross. Ilohciula with Hn vast mining resuurccs only Ihlrty-llre iiiIIch
fouth east, with a good wagon road luadlug from the S. P. It, It. dtipot'rlt(ht hem
In town. Prospective rallioad to the iiiiniw. The Count Fork of tint Willamette
river, on which Is situated the Illack lliitttt ijuicksllm milieu, sixteen miles south,
Hows through tho center of the city furnishing aliiindaiit water facilities. It In
only a milonnd a half tplta eonlluenco with Itnw river, the outlet of thu gicat
tlmher ranges to the southeast. Westward toward the coast range is nn In
exhaustahle supply of tlmlier, liiterspnced with nuuieious rich farming ltiiiils
wen improveii ana ciiittvnteii.
North or south from hereon tlu S. P. rnilnwd vim nin reach either Portland
or Kau I'mnclsco nud Iks In touch with thtfwhohi world nu slioit nuifcc.
Mater works In full operation, llhrlrfc llghtsiuid teluphoiiOHyslein complete.
WTIhi liext ngrlciiltnriil lands In Limn county lie lu the vicinity surround
Ing Cottage (iiovu on either side, lit (or farming or stock raising.
CorrosKndcncu solicited.
A. .."F'ew ol oxiv ."Bai'-ffaJiis:
1120 feet front on north side of Main
street, by about 300 feet deep. Imamled
by river on the north. House of seven
rooms, barn anil nuthouses. This is the
iH'st tiiinluess locution in Cottago Grove.
Price 2 100.00.
3 A two story fluclv llnlshcd house.
eight riHiins, iHiihnHiui mid outhouses.
.Splendid location, two lots lu Long und
Luetics aildithiii in southeast Cottage
Grove. Pric". S1200.
4 Two slorv dwellinu' hoilse. ten
rooms, brick fruit house, fruit Iters, Id)
feel front on north ide of .Main slrwt by
300 feet deep, corner property. A lint'
location for it hutvl. Price I27A0.
r A two story tine, almost new dwelt.
ing house, 0 rihiuis, burn ami ouihuiise
complete, three lots. A splendid or
chard of vouug bearing trees, together
with grapes mid various kinds of berries.
Situated in Long anil Uiudes addition
In southeast Cottage (5 rove. Price 200.
A giKsl business iiliice.soiithalileMaln
Street. f(I0O.
One billlilrnl nrres ImtirnVMl Inml n.l-
joining eoiiniy road uuc'iiimitfrof a milu
west ot Oottnge Grove, lying in a tract
north and south.
Two splendid lols on siconil slrcctiln
Cottage Grove. Price 210.
.100 feet by 100 feet lu a suburban 1oeii
lion. Niitunil spring, ouk trees, all ml
joining foot hills In west Cottugu Grove.
Price t.'KH).
Two lots lu block 20, Lung & I.uii.Icm
iidilllliiii, Kt by 100 feet aeliurately.
Price 175.
A llnelv finished two story dwellliifc
house, ten rooms, hath room, cement
stone cellar, water and electric llglils
iiImhii nine lots fronting on fourth strict
adjoining river in nur, iieur Christian
church, died Ixirn iiiiiloullioiiii. Irlin
Two giKs) lots near railroad 100 feet
riiiurc. Price fl'.'o.
riirming hitiil, well improved, I milu
from Cottage Grove, adjoining the conn,
ty road, in tracts (rum h to 100 acres.
If you want u baigaiii look iIiIh up.
Splendid coltageon 1'ourth treet,t7fi0.
Iwk this up if you want a bargain in n
One hundred acre of luiroved bind
Iviug in a lim l cast ami wtst within it
iiin ter of a mllcof Cottngu Greve, siU
joining county road.
2 H
Bohemia JHugget
Tho Joti offlcu of llila pujiit Is at your IUoa1
for the tMiMt if prliillng, ol any nnil all kliul ut
barely living iirlcen.
When you nce't anytlilnx lu Iho lino ol jirlnt.
inir (iletVu remombdr lhat the niottu ol tblaonlru la
.'Oooit Work, (limit Matorlsl, Neatnt-as nnit Ills
jiatch" and Iho prlcen are wllhln Iho reach ol alt.
Bohemia JNfagget
Up-to-dat. PrlnthiK-The Kind That I'nyt.
Em Hangs.
The Fashion Stables
Glrrisinan &. Baiigs, Proprietors.
Proprietors of the Bqliemia
fj and
L Black Butte Stuge Cities.
Reasonable Prices
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon,