Goi.DltN WKDMNO. The fiftieth nnuiversary of the innrringe of Mr. mid Mm. Mclvln Dnmcwood drew to their plcnsrnt home in Gold Hill numerous fricndH to extend their congratulations upon n hnlf century of n happy and well spent life. Among their friends were the 4 sons, a daughter-in-law mid two grandchildren, Mrs, J. W. Hicks of Cottage Grove, Mr. and Mm. John W. Mastcrsou mid family, Mr. and Mrs. Ncff, Mr., and Mrs. Harney Olson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stover, Dr. Jnmcs Hradcn, all of Gold Hill and vicinity. A sumptuous wed ding dinner was much enjoyed by nil and later many wishes for con tinued happiness and health of the host and hostess were extended in the farewell of the guests. On the return of Mrs. J. W. Hicks the Nugget was remembered by a box of cake, for which many thanks, UONIJ El.UCTION. On account of legal technicalities the late bond election was rendered void. At a recent meeting of the City Council nnothcr election has been ordered, and the day desig nated is Monday, August 13, 1 901. It is most earnestly hoped and de sired that the voters of Cottage Grove sec to it that every vote Is polled on that day. thereby ex emplifying the unanimity of our citizens and proportionately enhanc ing the value of, the bonds. Sev eral parties desire to bid for the bonds when issued and the city should get a handsome bonus from the successful bidder. Let all turn out and vote. INJOKUI) By Fai.mno Iist week at Lorauc the seven-year-old daughter of Mr. Stone fell from n horse, striking on her head nud shoulders, and it was feared that the base of the skull had been fractured, ns blood issued from the mouth, cars and nose. The hem orrhage was checked. The doctor found, 011 examination, that no fracture had occurred, but that -the Utile girl was very seriously in JureiT lie fixed his' tittle patient up in good fihac and when last heard Ironi the little lady was gettjng along finely. Foot Badly Bukkkd Last Thursday forenoon out on Moshy creek the little baby boy of Jasper l'atton had his foot badly burned. Mrs. l'atton had been ' having nu outdoor fire and her little boy was playing in the yard . She had just removed a bed of live coalH and the hoy in running after n tin can in play stepped his bare feet in the bed of scalding ashes, burning and blistering the left foot terribly. The little sufferer was brought to town on Saturday and taken to Dr. Job, who treated the injured member, and the boy is now getting on nicely. Birthday Pauty. Last Thursday evening the home of VV. C. Johnson was the scene of much festivity, a large gathering of young folks being called together to celebrate the seventetth birthday of his charming daughter, Miss Blanche Johnson. The young lady received many presents from her friends and her loving father gave her n beautiful gold watch and chain. All the participants en joyed a happy evening and showered Miss Blanche with many wishes for her future good. Eakly Corn. The Nugget man is under obli irations to Master Lewis McKib- beu of this city for n couple of dozen ears of early sweet com of most delicious flavor. Master Lewis is one of those energetic little men who takes more delight in watching things grow in his well-kept garden than he does in continuallY roatn- Si,r tin. streets: rind this fact "b coupled with his modest manners, bespeak for him a profitable and happy life Vhuy Sick. Mrs. Ed McKibben was brought down from the Booth-Kelly mill No. 1 on Monday evening in a most rnnditinn. She has heart failure and other troubles and is now at the home of her mother, Mrs, J, V. Gowdy. 'J'HSTfMOXlAfi. Mr. G. W. Lloyd accompanied the Boston party to Portland, where, before going cast, the members presented him with the following testimonial which we are permitted to publish. The many friends here of Mr. Lloyd will be pleased to read the estimate placed upon his char acter nnd services by the men whose money he handles nud in whose service he labors. The testimonial will be heartily approved by nil who know him: ' To Mil. (Iko. W. Uoyii, ColtKi' C.rnvo, OrejjMi. Wo, tliu Now Knuliuid irty,coirito)icd n olliiWH.iiguriH nud ctockluililurH of the Itolicniln Guld Milling Company. t thu clone of a porHOtml mill thorough cxii ini tial Ion of tho prlnulpiil propertied of tho coinpiwiy, located In tint lloliciniu Mining PUtrlct, .Donlim county, Oregon, iluxiro toxiiy tlmt we heartily colnelduwltli yon in your anticipating 11 great future, for tlioUohcmlu Mining Dintric Wo epp 'dully ilonlro to tentify lo the marked liiipreKalon mudo upon tin by tliu inanterly Judgement uud akill you linve shown uh tiuperintcnileut, In your ml- mlnlxtrntion of tho propertleM; by thu carrfulneita and breadth of your ntuily of the condltloim; hy tho abun-lantiilgtiHof your high professional ability .In appli cation to local prohleniH; and wltlml hy tho ImprcHulvo i 1111 1 i t Ich of your permxiul hearing toward all daws, giving impor tant contribution to your edlclency hh a malinger. , Wo heartily apprerlato your faithful dovotlon lo thu inteientM of thu company and In addition we tender you ourgrate fill acknowledgement! for your present hoHpIiulity and kind attention to our comforts and enjoyment upon thin trip. M. V. Li 1 1 In K. T. '.'human Henry 0. Alvord W. F. Trlliou Ktlwiirtl Maiiter W. J; Darling Edward 8. .Vewball K. B. Martin Portland, Anginas, IUOI. Rl'.l'ltl.SUINO SlloWKK. On Tuesday night this section was visited with a most refreshing and timely shower. For several days previous the warm wave had been heating and drying up all in sight, nud the native webfootcrs were beginning to look serious and hang out signs of distress. The embargo of the city dads placed upon the use of water from the city reservoirs has had the effect of al most ruining the lawns and flower ing plants about the homes, and so the gentle downpour was indeed a welcome messenger from above. For three days previous to the shower the temperature ran up to and held close around too degrees, and some of the old time boys were sniffing the air for brimstone and the favorite meeting place of the festive populist was deserted. All is changed now, the atmosphere is pleasant and refreshing, and every body is happy since the shower. Busy Blacksmiths. From early morn till late in the evening the blacksmiths of this town arc busy repairing wagons and shoeing horses. There is much travel on the road at the present time and rigs will get out of order and break down, so the blacksmiths are having a little harvest all their own. Much new work is being made in the several shops and prosperity seems to have come upon them with a rush. Ni'.w and Nkat The brick building occupied by the Benson Drug Co. and the mer chandizing firm of Hemeuway & Burkholder has undergone n thorough renovation, been newly painted, the signs touched up, a new ponrch and side walk constructed nud it now looms up in handsome shape and is an ornament to Main street. Making Brick. C. H. Wallace and son have com menced active operations in their brickyard north of town. They intend to put up enough brick to make an extra large kiln: There arc no brick for sale on the market at present nud Mr. Wallace expects to find ready sale for nil the brick he can make this summer. RI2DUGI2D PKIOES FOB CASH On bedroom shits, mattresses, conchos, lounges and window shades 5 per cent, also other goods at reduced prices. Call nnd get them nt J. D. Cochruna Furni ture. Stoic. personal paragraphs. vci'ln jvifiinu in III lirnu i'i . day and will then go back to Itohciula, Many of thu town folk liavogono to (hi! IiIIIh In milntf niiinn llfo for u abort time, ffunry LandcM left Sunday for Illuo liiver mining dliitrlct wliuru lie will work for noiiie tliuo. .J. L. Loltov Ih down from Bohemia and feelN very comfortublu on tliuncoro of that caiup'd future. Prank Jordan cut hi hand badly the other day while out on thu road repair- lug tnu teiegnipn iiuu. Mm, L. M. Thompcon left thin week for a half tnoutli'n vinit witli her daugh ter, Mm, Ilattlo Kent, ntGorvln. Mr. J. W. IIIckn returned homo from Gold Hill Friday, whero hIio Httunded t lit) ecieiiratlon ol liio uoiiien weiiiung oi Mr. and Mm. Mclvln Dumuwood. O. W. Mcltoynoldi) camo In from the Dividu hint tiaturduy on huglncHK and' mudo tho Nugget office n pleaoant cull. Mo wax looking wull n rid feeling fine. .1. 1. Joiich luat week mudo a vlean-iin on hlnMiiKick Htock of ttU50 Bpot ciiMi. Mr. .Union now thluka thutirood minimi oliurcH are mighty nlco thing to own. Oniric Urn neu ii returned this week from Portland, whoru lie went on u InndneHrf trip, and went inlo ISolicmia. Charley wuh looking lino and feeling good. Minn Nina Oxtrander 1b home on a visit for a mouth from her dtitlcn as Postal Telegraph opciutor nt Kugene, and Mien Nuvu PerkliiM will supply her place at the keyboard. The planing mill of Glass Ilron. in now and hint been for u long time running to lis full cMpaeltv. They aru turning out dictum work of thu very beet quality and everything about tho mill looks prosperous. John Holland hna been over on Coyote creek for xeveral (Iiivm, Hit) mother nnd other relatlvea dwefl over in that section uud while paying Ihein u visit benlo gutliered u largo rjuantity of raspberries to bring lioine. , Moat of the Woodmen of tho World people wlio went to Portland to wltm-M tlm monster installation at MountTubor huve got buck to tho Grovo uguin. They all hud u fine time and enjoyed the excursion vory much. Superintendent Itehnoof tho Helena Consolidated Company camo down from Ilohemla yecterduy. Tho mill Ih run- uiug Hteudllv iinif work all about .the r.. , ii i mine I! going rigiu uiong. iieiuiiu mi. 'i is in tine' shape uud getting better overy day. John Hull, who lives on tho Coast Fork Homo three miles out. wan In town on Monday attending to business uud made thu Nugget u pleasant cull. Mr. Hull biivh that everythingout IiIh wuy n propvrbns and tnut pe.icound harmony reign in bin neighborhood. k Fingal Hindu nnd wife cam J out (rfim Ituheuiiii thin week to upend a few Lliiyu ut their cory little Jiome jn tlw G'rov'c. Mr. Hindu linn Iuimi iloiiiK'ii gooil fle;trof development work on hl property and feclx re wii riled hy llle greatly improved uppeiiriiico of h(i; inliic, in fact, ho now liaa his lioldiugs in itxcellent nbape, - Mm. Dr. Wall and daughter and 3ia Comer of Luthiim went to Bobcmia on Tueudiiy by privato conveyance, to'oe gone fbr n month. Mrs. Willi' will make camp with her two pons, Italph and Frank Whipple, who are developing their mining claims. They expect to und wjd have u glorious time. D. K. Spuhr, M. 1)., of Clifton, Ohio, wuh in town this week on u visit to fricndH und in now in tho llnhemiu hills with Ids ton. Tho doctor has been tn at tendance at the Kpworth Leugu conven tion ut San Francisco; has made quito n tour of the coast and Ih now doing this section before returning to his easfe'rn homo. C. L. Johnson camo out from Bohemia on Saturday last und wont to Saleui to get acquainted with bis wife foru few duys when Jiu will return to his illo lio.nln property fbr tho suinnier. .Mr. Johnson (in a recently furnished the Nugget with somo breeiy letters of the doings in Bohemia, for which bo lias our sincere thanks. Harry Plilppa of Olympia was In tho Grovo for u few days visiting tho family of Colonel Blair. Thu young man is very near one of tho family, Mrs. Blair having performed tho otlico of foster mother to him during his earliest in fancy and ho grew up Hide by side will) tier own loved ones. Ho is having n good tinio uud is u vory agrcetiblo young nan. Gcorgo Meinzcr, tho popular harness and saddlery man on Main street, has tho finest, largest nnd bent stock of goods in his lino that is carried by any house in South Luno county. Bead his new "ad" in another column nnd when you need anything In his lino drop in and look over his stock, Ho Ih nil right nnd ho wants to know yon, nnd it is to your Interest to got acquainted with him . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN. frttlnn la nnrnltt, ..Itrnn tliaf (lm firm of Wheeler & Scott hnvo this day dis solved partnership. All accounts duo tho Into firm, can bo sottled with either party. All accounts must bo settled ut oncooryour account will bo put In tho hands of nn nttornny. Dated July 31, 1001. . , V. D. WUBEXBR. ' II. D. Scorr. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN ERS. You are hereby notified to cut the thistles on and fronting your city property, within the next io days from the date of this notice. Upon failure to comply with this request the work will be executed and fee collected from the property owner. Burt Nonn, Marshal, Dated August 2, 1901, . . 0: Iocal greVetics. Toilet articles, Benson Drug Co. 1-ook at Eakin & llrlstows shoes. 1'nrfumcB, tho hoot to bo had, Benson 1'rugCo. I jhIIch crash skirts from 50c ts to $'2.00. at f.ureh's. Head real est a to bargains of Jerome Knox it Co. Anew invoice of plated ware, clocks, etc, at Malleoli's. Cedar posts for sale any amount. In quire nt this office. Ixik at iboce ladles watches Just re ceived, nt II. C. Madsen's. Mens' nnd womens' shoos at 60c per pair nt Kakin A Bristows. Fresh candies every day, made from pure sugar nt tho Tailor shop. TIioho now gents double chains at II. Madsen's nrc beauties. Sco them. Fine residences, choice lots, business blocks for sale Jerome Knox & Co. Shingles and brick for sale. Kakin & IIiuhtow. Savo money In buying goods of N.K. Klren A. Hon. Their prices win trade. Try u Sunday dinner nt tho Imprkiai. Hotki.. Hurved from 12 tn.tn 1:.'!0 p m. und up to date in all respects. If you want anything in tho line of pruni ng shears call on Griflln , Ventcb Co. Valuable mining property in Bo hemia for sale. Jerome Knox nnd Co. Only tho best drugs in tho market at Benson Drug Co. Bring your prescrip tions. Kverylwdy pleased with their trimmed ban ut '. b. Klsea & Son, und money saved. Stationery, tho best in tho market, to ue found in tOtiage urove, nt uenson Drug Co. I will from now sell anything in the millinery goods ut cost price. Mns. Geo. Boiiuian. Stationery, pens, pen holders, nnd pencils oi every description ut lieuson Urtig lo. A larue assortment of tho (Trent fnv oritcs. Post u m, Caramel und Fig Prune CcreiilB, at Cummlngs. Are vou a fanner? Jerome Knox & Co will sell you u farm or several farms to suit your convenience. The drug stock of Benson Drug Co. is choice, complete, and absolutely the bestin tliu market, try us. Latos millinery every week low prices . i ,1 . . , UBlonisii nil. .experienced trimmer. . E. bLSEA cc bos. r. V IXntna tltn i.lintrwrrfinltpr in tilt, lit.. ,i.if .in Main strnot nprt In Klior- wood Hotel, is doing up-to-date work and lots of it. Call and inspect my work and you will surely be pleased. I have alid it iyn n6t w beat anywhere. Prices ure within the rencu oi an. ' Jirst received this week a choice va rfety :of Indies, find Misses flno shoes Call und seo them nt Cumming's store Tfj U A.UII iiii.ii. o .ni.vr. niiuji Main street und see his full lines of f h i"-nA Hn,M.nl. nll. al,nn samples und goods, lie can please you in nny stylo or lino you muy desire. f?i, v.inp nrpanrtnlintl flllfvl nt. Rptlftmi Drua Co. Puro drugs, of superior quality. Geo. Bohlninn, tho up-to-date tailor, ...III ..I n.l ll l....l .....I ..II n il! aiiu tuu xt.in. .11. diiuuch n. u,, prices. Think of it. A tailor made suit lor fu una up: ranis f-innu up. Suits! Suits!! Tailor madnsuitn!!! Up to date in everv respect, from $15 up. Cull und seo samples. Geo. Boiilman. ' We hnvo on hand n largo stock of kiln-dried flooring, celling nnd rustic in grades 1 'J und 3. Let us make you special prices. Uooth-Kkllv LuxnF.tt Co. "Why not spend tho vacation nt Vu- ?iiina Bay, where can bo bad excellent are, good flsning, good bathing, alluring rides nnd rambles. Tho courses und ex ercises ut the summer school, of 1001, a' Newport, will afford great vnriety of instructions, diversion nnd entertain niont. No other resort offers equal at tractions nnd advantages." NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The 1900 assessment rolls will be closed August 20, 1901, and delin quent roll made out thereafter. W. W. Withers, ' Sheriff of Lane County. CITATION, In the County Conrt at tho Stnto of Oregon (or I-Hne Countys In the matter o( the Ktate of Geo, 1'. Ga routte, deceased. , To Catherine Oarontte, 1. It. Oaroutte and Garontte, his wife, II. N. narontteanil Oaroutio, hi! wife, M. L. Oarontte and Uaroutto, his wife, V. M. Oaroutte, M. 3. Gross and Gross, her husband, Lucy Hoyt and Hoyt, her hufcband, Clay Garoutte, Carl Garoutte, Sadie Uarouttc, M. r. Garoutte and Uuroutte, hta wife, May Hart and W. K. Hart, her husband, Jessie. Kelly and Frank Kelly, her husband, Roy Garoutte, Vern Ga routte, Alex Garoutte, I-ella Garoutte, CatcMla Uaroutto, Gnsta Swank and Swank, her husband, Adelia Huchtmon and llucn- lnson, her husband, Soli Gross, Claud Gross, Ad Gross and LIUtoGrossandaU personsunknown. claiming or having an Interest In the estate of Geo, 1'. Garoutte, deceased, In the name of tho State of Oregon yon are hereby cited and required to appear In tho County Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Lane In the Court room thereof In Eugene, In wild County, on Monday theVnd day of Sepiembor, lVOl.at 8 o'clock In the after noon of patd day, then and there to show cause. If any tlicro bo, why tho administrator of said ostate should not be nuthorUed and directed by an ordor of tho above entitled Court to sell at publlo sale to the highest bidder for cash, In tho manner prescribed bylaw for the sale o( real proierty on execution, the follow ng de. scribed real property owned by the said Geo, 1. Garoutte, deceased, to-wlt: The N.K, qur terof the 8, W. quarter and Lot I of See, 6 all in Tp. 21 8., It. '2 W. containing 67.0J aoros of land li! Lane County, Oregon. Orso much thereof as may be necessary to pay the claims pre. sented and allowed against said estate. Witness: The lion. It. It. Kincaid, Judge of tho County Court 0! lAa County, Ojegon, this 80th day of July, 1901. 1 r-t Attest! K.U.Lkk, County Clerk. . J nsAL j By Hoy Kjioii Deputy. Groceries Eresh Fruits We have tho most Complete Line of FBKSH OR00KUIKS in your city and are selling everything at tho LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. A good assortment of Fresh Fruit nnd Vegetables nlwnyg displayed in front of our store. Seo our flno lino of FANCY CHOCOLATES and BON BONS. gyCV and Hcc Vu anil We WW Treat Yon ltlyhtC THE CASH GROCERY COMPANY A. PIPER & VAN DENBURG SncccoKort to WHEELER & SCOTT, We will continue to carry a full and complete stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows, Etc. :::::: ANY THING YOU WANT IN THE HARDWARE LINE : : : : GIVE US A CAIvIv THE toWERS-1 SVJPPM YMSS, Bohemia, General Merchandise, Miners9 Tools and Ammunition. Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Harness and Saddlery MAIN STREET. COTTAOK DROVE. George Meinzer, Prop. -" Unallnnnrir.MlM. !3,,,t,lf U'hlnfl . RllrffT Ftllhp. Tltlhl.r nellltlPEta ,lB.nnnh.nrl Alllrlnrianf nAtkllrfni & HlWi'Inlltr All halld-HllU I'd work turncl out. Our Farmer Friends can get the Terr Coma in and examine the goods and Bon Ton Meat Market Main Street, Near Fourth Beagle & McFarlancU We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and our effort will be to please and satisfy you. CITY BAKERY Main Street, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Supplies Fresh Bread daily, also Pies, Cakes and Confections of all kinds. Your patronage is solicited. Give ' us a call and we will try to please vou. Mrs. C. KNTJDSEN. Before Y011 Buy a Piano or an Organ It will pay you to write Eiler's Piano House. OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or. : o We are the great 5fjtjstillers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our'secial facilities can sell a fine piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Cata logues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with other good makes. INVESTIGATE OUR NEW Easy Payment Plan, Eiler's Piano House. Or call on MRS. L. D. BUCK, Iocal Representative, Cottage Grove, Or. Vegetables G. Young, Manager. AT THE OLD STAND Oregon. best at the Lowest Living Prices. see for yourself. t