BOHEMIA NUGGET. rnblUhed Krjr tridir. TO OPEN RESERVATION. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. u. i r ... n . . i i, . .4. n . .J pnin5i ui i rill n ikhiih I ij -nlll,,.. I., f J J n ULI.L I. II.. I "" COUIHJ. 111 wuiiucnicu i unn mum i riwn Likely to Prov of Intcreit to Our Many Sudtn. The new government of Manila is now In efTcct. Liberia in afraid Oennnny wants it for a colony. i no legation dclenscs at rekin are approaching completion. Instirgctts have been driven out of threo more towns in Mindoro. England approves the stem Doer policy announced by Chamlierlain. Any settlement of the Sa.i Francis co JalKtr troubles seems very remote. The death of Dowager Km press f rcdoricK is expected at any moment. Austrtans will resort to force to keep out American shoe stores in Vienna. Another Negro has been lynched in the Taliaferro neighborhood in Mississippi. Fruit failures by drouth in Eastern states will create a good demand for IS ortli western fruit. Statistic for 1900 show the United States to be by far tho greatest coal producing nation in the world. Canners and fishermen on the Co lumbia agree that the down river salmon run was caused by hatchery woric. Several pouches of mail were stocn from tho union depot at Portland, Saturday, bonic oi the mail was re covered, but no clew to the thief. William Steffcn, a laborer, of Mos cow, Idaho, winie violently insane shot and killed Dr. W. V. Watkins, ana wounded two was shot by the posse which gathered An attempt was made to assassinate tlie queen dowager of Portugal. Conferees on steel strike have come to an agreement on peace terms. Lord Roberts has been voted 100. 000 for his services in South Africa. Another revolt has been started Bid to be Advcrtbcd for Sumy of the Qnlnatt Reicrvc. OI my jiln, Wash., Aug. 1. Serey or General Kingsbury has received trial ntnl tn.ia fmnt Cmw mlattrmrir. iliVElMfS Ul1 TJll!i J)Al 1 Dinger Hermann, at Washington, I) v., to aJvcrtlso for bids for tho sur- A Comprehensive Review of the ImporUnl ,.,,, .......:..., ni. The reservation, when surveyed, will Iks about 10 townships, or between 225,400 and 250,000 aoros, which is to be thrown open for settle ment, presumably in homestead, after tho survey is completed and ap proved. For several years various jieople have been working by petition with tho federal government to have tho reservation thrown open, but the order for its survey comes somewhat as a surprise, it not boing expected so soon. On this reserve there arc about 200 Indians, and each ono of these will Iks alloted SO acres for a home stead. All the rest will be. open for settlement through tho United States land oflicc at Olympia. It will, in all probability, tako sev eral years for the completion of tho survey and its approval by tho United Mates general land otlico at ashing- ton. Hiils will be advertised for at once, and let during tho mouth of August, after which, according to Surveyor General Kingsbury's inten tion, work will lie rushed so that as much as possiblo will bo finished this summer. Tho minimum time in which tho survey will be completed is placed at 18 months, with a maxi mum of three or four years. NEWS OP THE STATE ITEMS OF INTERE8T FROM ALL PARTS OF OREQON. Commercial and Flrunclil Happening! of Im portancc A Brief Review of the Orowth ind Improvement! of the Miny Induitrlci Throughout Our Thriving Commonweilth Utcit Market Report ' , Tho town well in Lnkoviow has gone dry ana is to be dug deeper. Heavy timber fires aro reported not more than 10 or 12 miles from Ilakcr City. A fine lot of 81 bucks from tho Lmld farm havo been taken to Gil liam county for breeding puproses. The Hooth-Kolly Lumber Company will havo 20 five room cottages built for its employes at Wcndling, Lane county. The Modoc tribo has dwindled to 77 memliers, mostly women and sick or TRAIN WA8 HELD UP. OFFICERS MUST NOT TALK. Enjoined From Making Public Statement! Re girding Schley Cue. Washington, Aug. 1. Secretary Long has issued tho following general order: ah persons in the naval service are strictly enjoined to refrain from others before he any public statement concerning the subject matter of the court of inquiry requested by Rear Admiral W. S, Schley." Secretary Long stated that if com plaint against tne languace used in the fifth specicfTaton of the nreccnt to tne ecniey court oi innuirv was oiii- ciany made to him bv Admiral I 1. ! I . - . ..1.1 . . seainst President Castro, of VJ?, !.""" ,'"'era, r.con zucla The names of 4,200 people were drawn in one day in the Oklahoma land lottery. I 1 I IT. 1 I sidoration and the language might be inuuineu. MADE BRITISH RUN. in Switzerland. The military affairs of Oregon and Washington will be turned over to General Randall. The strikes on both sides of tho continent continue with no prospect of an immediate settlement. The transport Egbert sailed from Seatttle for St. Michaels with 130 re cruits and a cargo of goods for the military post there. t lve masked men held up a' train near Chicago. They secured no treasure, although the express car carried about u.twu, captain niaz Jioreu, who com inanded one of the Spanish warships in the battle off Santiago is of the opinion that Schley was both brave and competent. Boers got much the better of a hot skirmish near Mauta. English House voted $10,000,000 jor tne racihc cable. The band of insurgents in Batangas province aiis occn captured. n i iii ... . j. no corn ueit is getting less rain and another hot wave is predicted. A new South African policy is ex pectcd to follow the return of Lord Milner to Transvaal. Admiral Kimbcrly has asked to be excused from the Schley court of in quiry. in health is given as hi reason. The pay chest stolen at Santa Cruz, Philippine islands, has been recovered, with the contents un .touched. Two nonunion teamsters in San Tranoisco fired into a body of .strik ers, wounding one man. The shoot ers wero arrested. Although the drought has been broken in tho southwest, tho effect J m been to cause tho price of all products to raise. A general strike comprising the members of the City Front Federa tion, San Francisco, has been order cd. Tho strike affects 26,000 men. Two men in a row boat upset in the A -1- 1 l . . . .straits aim were picxea up and taken to Seattlo by a steamer. They had been in the water 13 hours. One of them died from the effects. The governor of Panay has asked for aid in consequence of ravages of locusts. A new truss will have to be nlaced in the Brooklyn bridge to replace tho -broken one, Field The population of the German em piro includes 3,000,000 who uso the Polish language. Tho world has two and a quarter million acres under tobacco cultiva tion, which produces 850,000 tons each year. The will of Pierre Lorillard, of Now York, disposes of an estate valued at about $1,000,000. Twenty years ago his wealth was estimated at $20.-000,000. One of Their Gum All Day Fight Durban, atal, Aug. 1. Details received hero of what seemed at first to be a skirmish between the Boers and a British column near Matitu, July 28, shows that an all day fight occurred, in which the British nar rowly escaped the loss of a gun of the Sixty-seventy field batter'. Four hundred Boers repeatedly rushed the iiritisn position. Two British olfi- cers and five men were killed. Mow Boers In the Field Get Newt. T .1 1 . rr Minnuon, Aug. i. now isoers in the field get news is explained by dis patches to the Daily Mail from Lou- renco Marqucz and Amsterdam, from which it appears that the Boers main tain a regular service of dispatch riders. Cables aro receievd and filed at Lourenco Marqucz. diseased children. Thcroaro only able liodied warriors. fcome liiiuam county cattle wero dying of a dUeaso thought to be black leg, but veterinary diagnosis proved it to Im caused by eating rusty grass, Baker City is having lots of troublo hcatise her new gravity water system is not completed. Tho streets are six inches deep in dust and the sewerage is bad. The air is now somewhat hazy down tho Willametto valley, but not becauto of forest fires. Numerous farmers and ranchers are clearing land and burning brush. The Mule Gulch, Grant' county piacors, owned by Cannon it Jonn sou, have cleaned up $8,000 already this season, and are expected to dou blc the amount before snow flics this autumn. There are numerous parties out in the mountains n Curry county, sev eral being from San Francisco. The law requires a non resident hunter to pay a $10 license for the privilege of hunting. Sage hens arc said to be very mi nierous in Baker county. The postoflke at Emory, Crook county has been discontinued. The Nehalcm Coal Company has filed articles of incorporation. Capi tal, f 10U.UUU. The postoflke at Ophir, Curry county, has been discontinued, mail going to Wedderburn. Dry weather and horn flies aro hav ing an unfavorable efTcct on the dairy business In Curry county. Volunteer. wheat is said to be Yield ing 15 to 20 bushels to the aero Ifr some parts of Wasco county. The first shipment of Marion county peach plums was recently sent irom fcalcm to Pugct sound points. S. H. Haggard, one of the best known attorneys in Southern Oreeon. died suddenly at his home in Marsh- held, aged b2 years. Destructive wheat field fires are reported from near Pendleton. About 210 acres were burned and the losses will aggregate $2,000 or more. Chicago Machinists' Strike It Over. Chicago, Aug. 1. Local officials of the local organization of machinists Announced today that the strike in Chicago was practcally over, and that the nine hour day, so far as this city was concerned, has been firmly estab lished. Seventy-seven firms, out of a total of 05, have conceded tho de mands of tho union, whilo 18 firms, some of which- have not resumed operations, are still standing out. Tho officials say 1,500 men havo re turned to work undor union condi tions, leaving about 500 still fighting tne manuiacturers. Bruiuwlck at Port Towruend. Port Townsend, Wash., Aug. 1. Tho steam schooner Brunswick ar rived last evening, 18 days from Nomo via Dutch Harbor, having in tow tho disabled steamer Ruth. Tho Bruns wick brought down 27 passengers. ino voyago was made without inci dent, tho weather being favorable during tho entire run down. An Alleged Gigantic Swindle. Chicago, Aug. 1. George II. Phillips, the corn king, today report ed to tho postal authorities his discov ery of an alleged attempt at a gigan tic swindle. The country, Mr. Phil lips told tho insnector. has Inn flooded with circulars emanating from Oregon, 812Jc; mohair, 2021c per XT..... XT I 1.1 . I . . I m i . 1 .iiiv juis, usKing ior subscriptions The Bonanza mine, in tho Sumnter district, Eastern Oregon, will make improvements which will double tho present output of $30,000 per month Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, export value, o550c per bushel; blucstem, 57o valley, nominal Flour best grades, $2.00(33.40 ncr barrel; granam, $z.bu. Oats $1. 151.20 per cental Barley Feed, $1C16.50; brewinc iu.DU(gi per ton. MillstufTs Bran, $27 per ton: mid dlings, $21.50; shorts, ,$20; chop, $10. Hay Timothy, $1113; clover. $79.60; Oregon wild hay, $50 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery. 17M(H20a: dairy, 1415c; store, ll12o per pounu. Jiggs i.7l7c per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, lira llc; Young America, 1212Jc per pounu. Poultry Chickens, mixed. $3,000 4.75; hens, $3.764.75; dressed. 10 lie per pound; springs, $2.504.00 per dozen; ducks, $3 for old; $2.50 (33.60 for young; geese. $404 50 nor uozen ; turKoys, live, ecsiuc; dressed. lyjiSizo per pound. Mutton Lambs. 3mc. ltimh- dressed, 07c per pound; sheep, $3.25, gross; dressed, 00Ko per lb. Hogs Gross, heavv. 5.75a(!f n-i. Anr.c. .i i . H w num., yt.iuiwu: urusseu. uiftflc nr-r JIUUI1U. Veal Small. 8Uo: iarire. fiU' 7o per pound. Uccf Gross top steers. $3.5004.00! cows and heifers, $3.253.50; dressed beef, 0J7Jo per pound. Hops ixmiio per pound. Wool Valley, ll13Kc; Eastern Five Muked Men Slopped Pauengcr Near Chicago Failed to find Treaiure. Chicago, Aug. 2. Tho Baltimore' &. Ohio passongor train from tho East, which was duo to nrrivo at tho Grand Central statlun, Chicago, at U o clock last night, wm held up by five masked men at 8 o'clock last night, between KHgemoro and Grand Calumet Heights. Ind.. 31 inlltvi out of Chicago. Ono of tho mail oars, which contained no money, was dy namited and wrecked. The attempt at robbery was made after tho two mail cars had !ccn detached from tho train and run a quarter of a iiiilo aliead. The failure of the rohlmrs to mnko a rich haul was duo to the fact that the uxproM car. which con tained the train's treasure, was in an unusual place. After wrecking tho mail car and obtaining no Uwty tho men disapHared lit tho darkneM without attempting to rectifv their mistake. Tho only loot they carried away with them as a result of their adventure was tho gold watch of tho engineer. The train was the New York and Washington vestibule lim ited. Most of tho trainmen wero shot at and had narrow wcaiies from bul lets. Xo ierjon wns injured, either by firearms or dynamite. REWARD FOR LORD ROBERTS. PK0T0C0L FINISHED! TO UNITE ALASKA AND 8I0ERIA. French and FOnCICN MINISTERS AT PEKIN NOW HAVE IT. Report of Big Concern Backed hy American Capital. St. Paul, Aug. 0. Tho I'lonccr Press saysi Itoborl llnrhior, iiianngor of tho Itusso-Clilna bank, of Pckhi. All Queitlom Will Be Signed Within t rw representative of the Uinwla uovern. Oayi Unlcu Soma Unfortietn Hitch Oa. icnt and iimungcr of the Maiiohurlit cur-3,000 Chlnei, Troop, .,ng To tflffltftVM Return To the Capital Auguit 15. When doiut scheme- of railway construction the Allied Troopi Depart destined to unite Alaska mid Hllx'rla linn iiiriiinu ran nun water cornice- Ilium luilu'iun. 'Ir,.l.. rid.. .....i in. ..11 1 . f . , I " !. .... Vl.WIM VIM l.llll V Hill i - leklll, AUg. 0, 1 ho protocol COIll- VOntock. tlin minium tiirmtiuiy ..f tl... mttteo of the minister of the powers trans-HIU'rian railway, at a coat nf havo virtually finished tho draft, and $2W000,000,. submitted the same for approval to 1 . 1 ,tcrprlne, It is stated, has the tho other ministers. All ....Miln.,. of the Hank of Franco and will bo signed III the coursn nf n few days, unless there should he some ills agreement us to the phraseology, re Hcinbliug tho discussion Unit ii man over the word "Irrevocable" in tho mjrly sinew or the negotiations. Should Mieh a hitch occur the sign. ng may Ik Indefinitely postponed. powerful United States. English Home of Lordi Votci Dim a Snug Fortune for Work In South Africa. London, Aug. 2 In the liouso of commons today, proiwsing u resolu tion granting Field Marshal Lotd Roberts 100,000 for his services in South Africa, J. Balfour, tho govern ment leader, in tho courso of his eu logy of the field marshal, said that thero was no doubt that but for Lord Roberts' daring and strategy, and tho money interests in the lies. It Is to Im essentlallv a I rench-Aiiicrleaii undertaking, for which capital is already in sight should it prove feasible. Tho length of tho proponed railroad from Olrolo City to llehrliig sea will ! about 2,000 mile mid on the const of Siberia to Vladlvonlook Is Sanctioned hy foreign Ministers. M.eOO miles. If the concessions an Merlin, Aug. 6.-A dispatch re-IT" ml ' "nlUM HUtu '"."1 otved here Unlay from Pekin sav. the Tn.. V"" "? " '7 l ii. i ' 1 v -"iii'ii m niiiiiiiiiiii inn nri- loroign ministers havo sanctioned mary survey will commence nhortly. .. ISu. "V. K lf a vijiloti of M. Hardier, It is stated, is in the 1,000 thinesu trimps to a camp situ- United States for the pnrKW0 of oIh atel a few Ii from Pekin about August talning iniortnatlon us to the prod. , preparatory to tho evacuation of able attitude of the government to the thineso capital by the allied wards the iiroixisiHl lino troops on August 15. German Squadron From China. THE MOUNTED PATROL. ron irom Uhhm arrived here twlay. 11.... t.l...t.l n .1 I ... ..i .tiiiiiiiiu iiuissier ami ins cap taint repaired on board ilin l ii i nil In I t I oi rrince Jlenry of Pruiwlo. Princo '?"' of Emperor i niiiiiii, warmiy weicoiiUHl tlin n rapidity with which his plans wore l"""K olllcers In n brief sm-ech. Tho carried out, Jvimborlv and Mafok nir would have fallen, 11,000 British would havo beon starved into submis sion at Lady smith, and there would have licon a general rising of disloy alists in South Africa. Tho Liberal leader, Sir Henry, Campbell-Banner man, concurred in tho motion John Dillon, Irish Nationalist. strongly opposed tho vote. He de clared Lord Roborts had shown the greatest inhumanity in South Africa. and said he had employed barbarous methods and had proved himself a dismal failure. Mr. Labouchorc, iiamcai. anil .Mr. Kior Jlardy, social 1st and Independent ljibor. also strongly opposed the measure. Swift Maccil, Irish Aationalist. said his considered Lord Itolierts operations were conducted with a maximum of cruolty and a minimum of humanity, and that his farewell sjiecch at Capo jowii was iiorrinio hypocrisy and blasphemy. After further debato Mr. Jialfour moved tho closure, which was carried, iho resolution was adopted oy a vote oi 21 to 73, Cadiz, Aug. ft. The German squad. S,,P on ,ne " ' Ch' 'of " P'o. lection of Traveler. Washington, Aug. 0. The state department has received, through Mr. Sfjuiercs, seoretaryof tho legation at Pekin, a note from LI Hung Chang, describlnc the rrL'iilations for tlm squadron of Hear Admiral Gelsslor control of the inounteil patrol, which and the one commanded by Princo !t I" proposed to rntethlinli along the Henry of Prussia, which arrived somo r,m' detween Ching Ting and Pao days ago, will remain hero forsov- Ting Fu. eral days. Mr. Hquiurcs hhJ-h this Is the first n,m.i, F , , . step on tho imrt of the Chinene an- Brlthh Evacuation of Pekln. t,;rt,,., ,))wnr( , .,rotwtion of for. Umilon, Aug. 5. The undor eigners traveling through the dis- secn-tary of the foreign olllce, Lonl turUil districts of the provinces of l-raiiboiirno, in the house of com mons today, announced that tlm nin. cinl date fixed for tho evnmitlm nf Pekin by tho British troops was August 15. subject to a few iIiivh' nr. tension, if necessary. The evacua tion of the other portions nf niilmi deiHinded on circumstances. LOOKING FOR WAY OUT. GENERAL WOOD ON CUBA. and to a $2,000,000 fictitious pool for a aeai in (September corn. Mrs. Nation Pardoned. Topeka, Kan.. Aue. 1. Mrs. Car. rie Nation, who is serving a sentence in tno county jail hero for oint smashing, was today pardoned by Governor Stanley. She would not at first accept tho pardon, because the lino and costs woro not remitted, but afterward decided to do so. Tho county commissioners will allow her to pay tho fine and costs, amounting to $150, in installments of 35 a month, Potatoes $1.001. 25 per saelcmmv potatoes, lc ier pound. Holland hus 10,100 windmills of which drains on an avcrago of 310 acres of land. Capt. A. F. Lucas, the disenvn. of oil in Beaumont, Tex., who is said to bo worth $40,000,000, was practical ly penniless a year ago. It is reported in tho Jncksonvilin Fla papers that a comnanv nt Rt. Cloud, that state, has succcedpil In making oxcollent paper from the leaves of tho palmetto. Sayi the American! Can Settle Up Get Out Within Eight Monthi. ew York, Aug. 2. General Leon ard Wood, military governor of Cuba, ivnu is now on board mo dispatch boat Kcnawha preparing for a cruise along the coast of .New England, said today, in discussing Unban affairs : juba is u totally undcvcloned island, and has a great futuro before icliow fever, in another vear. will ccaso to bo epidemic. Wo havo not had a singlo caBo of yellow fever in Havana this summer, and none1 in Eastern Cuba for two years past. Cuba's resources require time for de velopment. The last enormous sugar crop was raised on 8 per cent of tho entire sugar producing lands Only this small percentage is under culti vation. "Wo havo $l,5d0,000 in our rcservo lund, and can pay all our dobts and get out of Cuba within the next eight months. Wo have establish! 3,000 nourishing schools. Two years ago wo wero obliged to provide about 100 orphan asylums to protect tho desti tute children. Since then wo have abolished GO, and expect to bo able to closo more lcforo we rctiro from tho management of Cuban affairs. Our San Franclico Employer! and Labor Leaden Confer Strike May Be Called Qlt. San Francisco, Aug. 5. Confer ences have been hold today with a view, of bringing the tiomliti'g local strikes to a clone. While no appre ciable result has been trained. Mnvnr 1'helan, who is laboring dard to dring iMiuiu un uiijiisiuicni, expresses con fidence that the controversy will end within a week. 1mh)t loaders and Shan Si and Chi Li. Tho regulations are quaintly expressed, hut In and stance they provide for the estiidlish incut of military K)sts at nine sta tions on the road, tho commanders of which are to furnish escorts for trav elers. The escort is to keep within 12 feet of the traveler, whoso pace must set theirs. It is to diaerso iicople who gather alwut tho traveler and are boisterous, and its iiiemlierN are not to nccept any pay from a trav- eler under pain of dismissal. A wit will io forwarded every two days. THIRD MAN NOT NAMED. No News Given Out Regarding the Schley Court of Inquiry. Washington, Aug. (1, Acting Sec retary Hnckutt had expected to do able to nniioiinco the name of the third moiuder of tlio Schlev court of prominent merchants aro alike hope- inquiry today, but could not do so lit l. .i a . . ' I a .. it... if it... .1... . i a . I i lui that tomorrow at tho latest will see peace restored, and tho striking workmen will return to their for ni!r employment. Mayor I'holan has in his possesion a lottor from the Citv Front Kednrn. tion asking for more light unon feiit. uros of the terms of eace iijon which tho employers insist. This letter will lie laid beforo the Employers' Association and numerous confer ences held. Whatever decision U reached will not directly affect tlm striking iron workers, who aro not Included in tho C tv Front Fedeni. tion of unions. The new features of the dnv In. volvcd Oriental labor. The Japancso Labor Union voluntarily called imnn Japancso employed on tho water front to stand in with tho strikers, and tho Cllineso crow of tho steamer to the time the department closed. Nevertheless, it is surmised that ho has heard from at least one of the rear admirals ho has addressed on the sub ject, and that he has communicated the result to Secretary Long, and will await his pleasure boforo making any announcement. Secretary Long Iihh specially delegated the task of mak ing a selection to Acting Secretary Hackctt, but as a matter of courtesy, it is probable that he will be made acquainted witli tho choice beforo it is mado public. QREATE8T IN THE WORLD. of the troops in this country, showing mat tno lsianu is ncaitny." iiiuiiutjViMvim u v K Ji l i MiiHJIDt Villi i i . health com nares fn vnrnhlv tlmf """ructions "Om Assistant Secretary ... . . r ... ' .0i,. r.. ..!..! n - v .! wuiiiiiijnajuiji'r x uwueriy to order tho crow back to tho Contin and to prevent and further infrac tions of the law. Eight or nino vessels wero working on tho water front today, an incrcaso over yesterday. At tho Paclfio mull dock tho remainder of tho freight and United Statei Mlnci Far More Coal Than Any Other Nation. Washington, Aug. (J. The rejwrfc of tho coal Product of tlm ITi.iin,! Coptio was prohibited from working ashore by tho Federal authorities, in f rWn u. r.R aim i. ' sion act. In . " . "7 ... D 'A " . .v"' n response to a protest dy labor leaders t " ' w ,i ou,BM1Ti" ; that tho Chinese crew of the Coptic lho. Wn?.L' "cton . ,ro,1."ct. '"" doing work ashore, Chief V,7non" .ri.?. EX" t0 V JJunn received im. ,., , j.iiu uin.uib inr mo united States in 1000 was 209,001,281 tons, an increnso of 15,321.280 tons ovnr was Chincso inspecotr received BATTLE WITH FILIPINOS. tho year preceding. This makes tho United States by far tho greatest coal producing country in tho world. American! Killed Seven Rcbcli and Took Prlioneri. 13 kuk river. Tho distnncois 000 miles, Poital Service on the Koyukuk. WnshiiiEton. Auir. 0. Th Sfanila. Aug. 2. Lieutenant Croft uaKKnf was placed aboard tho Coptic. omco . department has established n r.t tin. vinfi.i.nM, i..f.,fr.. ...iii. .. n"u siio icit on schcdu o time. Blcalnboa man scrvleo from St. mounted detachment of Cobu scouts. .. . "7., Michael, nt the mouth of tho Yukon has had an encounter with CO innnr. Vermont win not ue ueitroyed. vur, to neones, n now postoiiico nt gents. Seven of tho rebels woro killed New York, Aug. 5. It is stntcd at . 1 . "ru 01 "a.v'Kll,u.on on. Ko'."- and 13 taken prisonors. Of Lieutcn- 'do Brooklyn navy yard that the idea tant (Jrolt's altrrlil.ll wntir Tho Fhilippino comm iss on haa duty there as n reco v nc and training u,u,,u vB"un huh year. niumnd the Mnnfla nivil nlin.lnr shin, has tieen iiluiiwlntirwl ill il. I which will go into effect immediately! ls ' v'o o tho vessel will bo ro- ' FUI Sm,l,,r ExPllon. Iho tax on real property has been moved and tho hu 11 preserved as a Phoenix. Arit.. Auir. 0. Ailvlnna amended, it being nxed at 1 por cent reno. just what disposition will bo received irom Morcnoi aro to tho lor tno present, ana z per cent after maao oi tne snip will bo decided by cireot that tho contor converter of tho tne authorities at Washington. At Matron uopjior flliniiig Coiiipany i-.toiiiii, aim in uiicsiou win) water U1U,Y "(' K,IK two men aim sorious bugs and fleas, and is believed to Jy injuring eight. Tho furnaco and 1002. Tomorrow all tho military cahloand teicgrapn lines win bo opened for com mercial use. contain microbes. Baldwin Arctic Exploring Party. Vardo, Norway, Auk. 2. The Arctic exploring ship America, with Evelyn Baldwin, leader of tho Bald- win-zoigicr expedition on board, bus 1 1 t m ' saiieu irom ncro. xnoro wero 420 dogs and 10 ponies aboard. Tho ves- eel's courso was toward Capo Flora, whore Mr. Baldwin expects to ioin the Frithiof and Boleica. tho other two vessois ot tho expedition, whioh loft sovoral days ago. Mr. Baldwin con tors tance. woro scattered for somo dis- Nicaragua Friendly to America. Managua, Nicaragua, Aug. 5. Tho congress of Nicaragua assembled to night, when Presidont Zolava read a message advocating tho Monroo doc trino, welcoming tho assistanco of tho United States against Euronoan col. onizntion in South America, and set ting forth that Nicaragua is anxious for tho construction of tho Nicaragua intends to push as far north as possiblo. jcana' hy tho United States. will Manufacture Amu and Ammunition. Tien Tsin, Aug. 0. Tho govomor of Shnn Shun, Yuan Shi Kni, is con- structing nrsonnls in that provjneo for tho manufacture of arms and smokolcss powder. Ho ia ongagini' oxports who wero formerly employed' in tho arsonals hore. Tlio Chinese nro alio manufacturing arms and ammunition at Pao Ting. Trado is improving, but tho nttitudo of tho Ohineso Is sullen and dofiant.