Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 12, 1901, Image 5

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I. O. O. 1'. Ol'l'tCltHH.
The officers of Cottage Drove
Lodge No. GK, I. 0. O. V. were
regularly Inntnllcd by Deputy
Grand Master A. 11. Tnit Inst
Saturday evening. The officers
were: Mr. Hubbard. N. 0.; A.
Criison, V. 0.5 Altn King, Cor.
Secy.; J. W. Gowdy, lcr. .Secy. j C.
Stevenson, Trcns.j Win. Ctimtuiiig,
warden; Winters Wallace, oondttc
tor; S. S. Sbortridgc, O. S. G.; L.
Archibald, I.S.G.jC. II. Wallace,
chaplain; Mr. Sewnrd, H, S. N. G.;
Dr Seidell, L. S. N. G. After the
installation the members enjoyed a
lunch and n good thus.
Ol'N stomcn.
A shot gun was stolen from the
Helena Saloon Home time Saturday
flight. The gun belonged to Mr.
Darker the proprietor of theHaloon.
It iti thought that some one was
hid in the saloon, upstairs, and
waited until Mr. Barker closed up,
then enmc down and escaped
through the side door which was
open and could only he opened
from the inside. Mr. Marker sa s
lie is sure he locked the door and
the nightwntch also says he re
membered of trying the door and it
was locked.
' The young, people enjoyed a
boating party on the river above
town Saturday evening. The
boats were taken above the mill
dam and the party rowed up the
river about a mile to the falls just
lelow Latham. It wos a beautiful
moonlight evening and all enjoyed
it pleasant' time. The place is an
ideal one for rowing and it is
probable that boating parties will
be numerous this summer. More
boats arc needed to better accom
modate those who attend.
Hake Stewart was in town from
bis ranch on Row Kivcr this week.
Hake was after a new hay rake and
could find none in stock with the
merchants here and had to send to
Eugene lor one. He expects to
put up ovsrlflp.fAitgjMWafPJ.lHtt
own feeding, as he has at present
j 75 head of cattle and will prob
ably carry fully Hint number or
more over the coming winter.
Hake never looked better and his
Hunny smijc shed a radiance nil
over town'.;
I'ouiiTir oi' jm.vsnooT.
The following the score made
ntthc clay pigeon shoot on July 4.
out of a possible 10 birds: , !
Pitcher 5 Kredrickson 4
Vcatch I7 l'leunard ' .7
Barker 7 . Wooley ' 5
Ilnll ,fi ,'NcwcomU' 3
Teeters 5
Vcatch. Harkcrand l'leunard kill
ing 7 birds each out of the possible
io, shot off the tie which was won
by Veatch. Hull1 received. second
Mr. Horace Harms of this city,
took first place in the broad jump
at Roseburg, on the Fourth, win
ning on 19 feet 8 inches ngainst 19
feet 4 inches, which was made by a
student from the O. A. C. at Cor
vallis. Horace 1lso won second
place in the high jump, making
5 feet against 5 fett 1, inch, by a
Roseburg man. '
It is reported that the Rouse
Geer saw mill, on the Coast Ifork
has been sold to Campbell and
Alexander, of Comstock, for the
consideration of 1,000, timber
laud included. It js said that the
mill will be moved to Latham
though this report cannot be veri
fied at present. ..
' Mr. Carl Boren of the Warehouse
brought a hen egg to this office
Eridny evening which measured 6
by 8 inches in circumference. Mr.
Uoren says his hens are very pa
triotio. This large egg was laid on
July 4U1.
Tint s. v. Tin n.ANT.
TheS; P. Cos tie preserving
plant has finished its work at
Latham and has moved toDietz
rtnur. near Duiismuir, Calif, Sev
eral Cottage Grove parties who
were working with the plant went
with it
One Mr. McCuinber was nrrcntcd
and taken before Mayor Veatch
Friday for striking Mr. Drew, and
It was said unto him, $5 and costs,
all of which he complied with.
Kmina Pickerel anil l'auuic Hor
ner were tanen nciorc Keconiur
Young ittid fined 10 nnd costs,
Tuesday for running disorderly
Messrs, Geo, Wilson, of Portland,
Tom Ilrown, P. A. IJriggs, W. G.
Gardner and C. M. Tohuso'i, of
Roseburg, left Sunday morning,
for Hohcmia. Mr. Brown expects
to start the men to work on 111s
claims, after which he and Mr,
Wilson will spend some time hunt
W. I). Garman lias purchased
the W. .V. Hemenway residence
property on I bird street and is
moving into the 'same this week.
The residence vacated by Mr. Gar
man in the McKarland addition
will be occupied by Mrs. Newland,
formerly of Sodavillc.
I'uw.ic scitoor. i.hctuui: couksk.
Dr. T. A. Uoycr, "That Time Is
It, And Where Are We? Rev. W.
L. Gaston, "Humorous on Yo-
Semite " Prof. J. II . Hudson,
"Golden Age of Oratory." Prof.
M. R. Wallon, "Hawaiian Islands,
Illustrated." Dr. Win. Radcr,
n.iM.. im
Saturday Dr R. U. Job removed
a fatty tumor from Al Parkers
head which has been bothering him
for some time. It was nbout as
large as a walnut. The doctor says
they arc not serious but if allowed
to grow will sometimes Income
quite large.
On July 6th in the Fasliion
Stables at Cottage Grove, a combi
nation K. of P. nnd I. 0. 0. 1 pin
The owner can havo same by call
ing at the Nugget office and paying
for this notice.
SHIKLDS .fumes P; -Hhleldi, aged (I!)
years, - mouths mill I days passed
iiuny lit his lioniu wet ( I own
Wednesday morning at lUu..m.
Deceased wiihiiii curly pioneer of thin
country coming with IiIh futliur Win.
Shields in 1851 nnd nettled on ti portion
( tlltt Islllll HOW IKVIIpifd liy Cothigu
Grove. Ilo wiix burn In Indiana in
ISIil!. Iiu lenvus 11 wife, two daughters
11 ltd oik' Hon.
CO I'T.M A X A 1 1 ho homo of her parent
l,i iliixoity. .Inly 10, 1001. ut;i. m.
Mit Blunt'lic Marin, dniighferuf Mr.
' nnil Mis, 0. C.Ciiu"man,ugcd 21 yeurs,
H inontliH nnil 10 days.'
Hliineho Muilo Cnflinnn was born nt
Ule, luwn, Oitoli.'i- 28, 1K7H, uhoro mIiu
lived until 11 f'w years ii(.o. She ciin'u)
to thin city in 1'cliriinry, 1000, with lit r
puri'tilH, with liopi-s of Ijoiii-llttlii? lur
liuiilth. Iter illnvHn took a .criona turn
uoino 10 inontliH iiri) nnd jlie Iihh beui
conllnud to her room siircu Unit time.
Ducuiific'd was a tneinbor of tho Dnptist
(ihnri'li nnd her Kitutlo Clirlftiiui uliui
ncler and her ureiit putfunco during lur
miirerliiK Iuih boon Inlluuntiiil miioiig
her uoinpnnloiiH mid assoetntcs. Slip
liiul no four of death ii.nd u few momenta
before the pnteti of Heaven wero opened,
lierfnco brightened mid elm Biitd die
could mi her BiHterc, who Juul gone be
fo'e, waiting for her.
Tho funeral will be held lit tho
Christian ehtiruh at It u. in todnv, Rev
Wulliuio ollleiatiiig. Tho interniont
will tuko place at tho Walker cemetery
this afternoon.
INGS. A considerable business of im
portance was transacted at an ad
journed meeting of the city council
Tuesday oveuing.
The bids for grading 5th street
were read and rejected, and the Re
corder instructed to advertise for
mew bids. On recommendation of
the street committee all sidewalks
on Main street were ordered re
built, to conform with ordinance.
The proposition of the Cottage
Grove Water Company for the sale
of its plant for the consideration of
$3, 300 was rend and accepted nnd
I he recorder authorized to enter
into a contract with said company
for the purchase of the plant.
The police were ordered to
strictly enforce the ordinance rege
lating houses of prostitution, On
motion the council udjoimied,
' &11 AbolJt'Yo"-
Clmtley Clny wim In (own this week.'
A. Cntli) was down to Kukcmo Ti
dity. Minn HqIhImw went to Ktigeno Mon
day. Klr.n Ilolderinnn went to Kiigene
Mr. Alexander of Conmtork whh In
town .Monday. .
W. V. (I ray tho telephone man wiih in
town thin week .
MIko Ultu Boott.of Weiiilllng.lo vlnlt
here thin week .
I'fofecHor Day , was down from thn
111 iiitw thin week.
A. V. Connelly made a flying trip to
Kngemtthik week.
Mm. W. II. lttalr went to Albany on
bind iiuhh Monday . t
Fred Withrow wiih up from Kugcno
tho tlrnt of tho week.
.Too Colo wiih down to the county sent
oil IiiinIiil-hm Saturday.
I'Vnnk White leturitpd homo from Ku
genu Tuemlay evening.
J. S. Medley ami wife returned homo
from Kugunu .Monday.
JiiiucH Heiiieiiwny mailt a buHlnee
t(ip to Kugunu .Monday.
.1. M. Gulp wan in town from AVild
woud thu 11 rut of thu week . ;
IJr. Geo. Wall wa in Kiigene Mon
tlny, on profennioinil biiHiuem!.
MrM..I. W. Arnold has moved Into tho
Bakur property 011 l'ront Htreet.
(lio. Ilohliiuiii tlic popular tailor was
a visitor to Wuiidling this week.
C.I. Sullner, of Stityton, was regis
Ihlcrcd ut tho Kherwood Monday.
Mr. Nettio Gurred and sleter Mrs. C.
1). linker went to Kugenu Monday.
.1, C. Ixing and wlfo have returned
from an uxtended visit up tho valley.
MIks I'enrl D.treliiiH, of Kugeno, Is
viuitiug Mrs. Odour MeClellan of this
Anierent Howe returned homo to Cre
well Friday aftur spending tlie Fourlli
Krnest Younjrer rftiirne'd homo Fri
day from Sulem, where ho npeut the
F. I). Wheeler nnd wlfo mid II. P.
Seott and wife were Kugenu visitors
Mrs. Ida PvMnger, of Itoebtirg. wn,
in tliu city visiting Mrs. Pet Sunford
this week.
Mr. Itoaeh, of Coliurg, returnetl home
Frltlav ttfler spending 11 few days with
friends here.
Dr. H. II. I'etrie nnd party returned
Monday from their outing. They re
port 11 good jtjmu. i ( ,
James WUllc 'ieft' Sunday nfternpon
for Weaverville, Cidif.', whuru he goes to
work in the mines.
Mr- O-Ij; I'k':r. of Riweiinnr. U
vlnitijig herpareins Jlr. mid Mrs. W.
II. Cliiircliill-or IliiH city.
Mr. and Mrs. Slarr, of Dallas, Ore.,
were in this fily this week visiting Mr.
mid MrB. VauDcul'iirg.
Mr. mid Mrs. Glen Stono hnvo re
turned home from 11 visit witli Mrs.
Stono's parents al Ku'gciif.
W. It. Dennis and wlfo fame down
from tho llhit'k Unite mines Sunday
-'veiling anil went to Kiigene.
Try a Sunday llnner nt the Imimsiiial
IIotkIi. Served fiouii'J in. to 1:30 p
in. and up lo date in nil respects.
Mrs. Mnrv Sclnniilz, of Creswcll,
visited her fiilher Mr. Allen in this city
this week returning home Monday.
Mrs. 11. h. I'lfkurd has returnetl home
from nil extended visit willi her tlaiigh
ter, Mrs. Urn Hoyd lit Lebanon. lrs.
lloyd has been tpilto ill foreomo time.
Geo. Ilerry who has hecutip In Wash
inglon mid Knetern Oregon for some
time returned home Tuesday morning.
Mr. K. S. Ilolderinnn returnetl to
Spikenard, in Southern Oregon this
week, after a few dnys v'nit with his
family here.
Mrs. J. W. Citrrin left Inst week for
Missouri whero sliu goes in response to
11 teletrrnm iinnoiiueiiig tho serious ill
ness of her father.
Walter Robinson nnil Ruht. Blnir, of
tlusoity pliiyed lmseliall with too llojo
btirgtcnni iigniiist the French settlement
on thu Fourth at Roseburg.
Miss Mnry Ituchniinn nnd Mrs. W. II.
Currin, of Corvnllls, returnetl homo tho
first of tiio week after n few days visit
with their sister, Mrs. 11. II. Venteh.
Edgar Parsons nnd wlfo nnd Win.
Parsons, of Creswcll. naest-d throuch
town Monday morning on their way to
tho mountains on a few weeks outing
Mr. A. II. Vim Ripur, of Cnssapolis,
Mich., wns in town this week on his way
up t lie Coast Fork. Mr. Van Riper It is
snld is interested in timber lands of the
Coast Fork region.
James Benson and wife left Thursday
morning for the Perkins Unrip, on Mos
tly creek, for 11 low weeks outing. Thoy
will bo joined tho first of tho week by
Air. il.Knkiii and wlfo.
Oaenr Krowator, nged 10, received
serious injuries while firing largo lire
crackers in Kiigene on tho Fourth. A
largo cracker exploded in his hnnd mnk
liig mi amputation of tho thumb neces
sary. Messrs. Enoch nnd Frank Thompson,
Misses Syblo Waller, Sarah nnd Kfllo
Stewart returned homo to lirownsviHo
Saturday morning nfter spending tho
Fourth hero. Tha many friends of Miss
Kfllo Stownrt will bo pleased to lenrn
that she expects to return hero to live
in a eliort time.
K. J. Lea, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goo.
Lea of this city, loft Inst Wednesday for
Grand Junction, Colorado, wlioro tio ac
cepts n position ns chemist in a beet
sugar factory. Mr. Lea is one of tho
brightest young men of Oregon, mid tho
earmarks of a successful lift) tiro plainly
yielhlo In his genornl mnko 'up. Muy
success attend him.
We know no dull season at this store. When time crimes for trade to get naturally stack, we push harder
than ever. The consequence is that this store is nearly always busy, while the ordinary shops arc ,corrpar
atively deserted. This is the month for closing out Summer StUrtsi and this i the store that always closes'
out goods in Micir season. Our price efforts for the next Ihirty days will be the most deterriiincd we have
ever put in force, and that it will pay you best td do your shopping here, will noi need Further arguing whcil
once you arc in the store.
A Sale
Just to attract more
than ordinary at-
of Ladies'
vu ri lention to our
v Ladies' Underwear
Stock, we will nlace on sale two
lots of Ladies' ribbed, seamless at
less than factory price. The regular
prices 3ocand 35c a garment. Our
price 18c.
We are Giving
Strong values in
Men's Hats and
Balbriggan un
derwear, light
weight, at 25 cents
a garment.
Hotter quality at
50 cents a garment.
Our Shirt Values.
White Golf Pecay and Silk
fronts, $1.25 values at $(.00.
Let us show you a nobby line of
In Bcr.
'Toilet articles, IJeneon Drug Co.
Look ut Enkin & Hristnwt; shoes.
Fireworks, Fireworks, Fireworks,
t .1. 1', Currin.
'Perfumes, tho beat to be had, Benson
Drug Co.
Ladies crash Nkirts from 60cts to $2.00.
nt Lurch's.
Rend real estate bargains of Jerome
Knox & Co.
.Largest lino of fireworks in town at
I.'A Currin's. ' '
'know invoice, of plated 'ware, clocks.
etc., at .Miideeii ti.
Codar posts for, sale any nmoiint. Inr
'ifinre at this Ollicc.
; Wiili and see the fino' IInu of r.indict nt
Thu Cash Grocerv Co.
They are tho cheapest nnd best
Ma kin & Itristows shoes.
Look at those Indies watches just re
ceived, nt II. C. Madsen's.
Mens' nnd womens' shoes nt 60c per
jtulr nt Ivakin it Itristows.
. For r-nsonnble prices on photon go to,
Hates. Tent on Main street.
Fresh candies every day, mndo from
pure sugnr nt the Tailor shop.
Those new gents double chains nt II.
Madsen's are beauties. See them.
Fine residences, choice lots, business
blocks: for salo Jerome Knox & Co.
Our prices suit the time? on fireworks.
... .-1 r
J. 1. iiiirnn.
Tho Cash Grocery Co. keep tho most
coinplctu lino of groceries in thu city.
Snvo money in buying goods of if. 12.
Elsea lSon. Their prices win trade.
See our whitlow display of fireworks.
J, P. Currin.
If you want nnvtlilng in the lino of
pruning shears call on Griffin, Veatch Co.
.Vnlunblo mining property in Bo'
hernia for sale. Jerome Knox and Co,
Only tho best drugs in tho market nt
Benson Drug Co. Bring your prescrip
tions. Everybody pleased wfth their trimmed
hat nt'N. L. Kluea & Son, nnd money
saved. ,
Stntionery, tho best in tho mnrket, to
bo found u Cottngo Grove, nt Benson
Drug Co.
I will from now sell anything in the
millinery goods ut cost price.
Mrs. Geo. Boiu.max.
Stntbnery, pens, pon holders, and
pencils of every description at Benson
Drug Co.
Bates tho Photographer.
A largo assortment of tho great fav
orites. Poslum, Caramel nnd Fig Pruno
Ceroids, nt Cuinmings.
Aro. voii n fnrmer? Joromo Knox & Co
will Bell you a farm or several farms to
suit your convenience.
0. 12. Butos photo tont is located just
west of tho Sherwood Hotel 011 Main
sircet. Seo him for photos.
Tho drug stock of Bonson Drug Co. is
cholco, complete, nnd absolutely the
beet in tho mnrket. Try us.
Lntos millinery every week low prices
nstonisli nil. Experienced trimmer.
N. E. Elsea & Son-.
Just recoived this week a cholco va
riely of ladles niitl Misses fine shoes.
Call mid seo tliom at Cimiiniiig'a store.
Beware of nlr dried or half dry floor
ing, .ceiling ami rustic. Tho Booth
Knly Lumber Co., aro making speciul
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Gp to Geo. Bohlmnn's tailor shop
Mnln streut and seo his fall lines of
snmple's nnd goods. He can please you
in any stylo or lino you may desire
At Newland s of Course,
ran mmm
-r- -r
A Tip in Ribbons
And you have to grasp "tips"
while they are going, or else they
will be gone before you get there.
A fine assortment of No. 1 Satin
ribbon all color.i regular price is
2c a yard. Our price ic a yard.
TafTetta all colors. 3 inches,
fine quality, 20c a yard.
TafTetta inch, 25c a yard.
Satin ribbons, all colors and
widths. Let us save you money in
this line".
W. S. Chrisman.
The Fashion Stables
GljrfsnjaD & Bars, proprietors.
" iff3t-Class Turnouts, Double or Single. . .
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Geo. Gumming',
Dealer in general merchandise has now a well selected stock of choice
family groceries which he is selling at lowest living prices. He is also
offering special values in gents furnishing goods, men and boys shirts
underwear, gloves, etc., all at greatly REDUCED PRICES. Bargains ht
Ladies, Misses and Childreus Shoes.
In addition to regular stock he is now offering the balance of the
Schuller stock of shoes at less than cost.
Everybody cordially invited to call and get prices.
George dimming.
Bohemia, Oregon.
Giciicrall Merchandise,
Mifiaers' TooBs ami
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Suits! Suits!! Tailor mndo suits!!!
Up to (Into in everv respect, from $15 up.
Cull and seo samples.
Gko. Boulmax.
We have on hnnd n lnrgo stock1 of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in
grndes 1 a and 3. Let us make you
special prices.
Booth-Kelly Luuuek Co.
Mrs. E.P. Long nnd littlo dnnghter,
Lnvello, of Cottugo Grove, nrrived in
Pendleton this morning nnd is visiting
with her parents Mr. nnd Sirs F. W.
Gillette. Mrs. Long will remain hero n
couple of months, Pendleton Kast
Oregoiiinn. v
Conductor Al Veatch lins purchased
from the "V. A. Burr niauo house in this
city 11 flno $450 Cable upright concert
grnnd piuno. Tho instrument has n
handsome finish, is in 11 beautiful an
tiquo oak case nndis one of tho finest
pianos Mr. Burr has brought to this
city, Phuiuleuler.
"Why not spend tho vacation nt Ya
quinn Bay, wliero enn bo liiul excellent
faro, good iisliing, good batliing, alluring
rides and rumbles. Tho courses nnd ex
ercises nt the summer school, of 1001,11
Newport, will uflbrd grent variety of
instruction's, diversion and entertain
mont. No other retort ofTers equal at
tractions and advantages."
'.B120K. Monday July 8, 1001, to tho
wllo of Kov. L. D, Peck, i son.
f an Ever
A Big Gut
In Ladies' White Shirt Waists;
These goods arc new and up-to-date
$2.50 at $1:98. $1.75 values at
Are m
We are putting forth otir best
efforts in this department.
Picnic Hams, choice 1 2 cents.
Country Hams, 14 cents. Sugar
cured, 16 cents. Breakfast Bacon,
17 cents. Dry salt sides, 16 cents.
Heavy sides, i2j cents per pound.
A fine assortment of canned
goods Cream of Wheat, Grape
Nuts, Rolled Oats, Etc:
E1.1 Bangs.
8 Proprietors of the iBohemia k.
and z,
Black Butte Stage Lines, n
Reasonable Prices''
Lately starved in London becnuso ho
could not digest his food, Karly uso of
Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills would havo
saved him. They strengthen thostomach
aid digestion, promoto assimilation,
improve appetite. Prion 25u, Money
back if not satisfied. Sold by Benson
Drug Co. druggist.
Woodhaulers make from $3.50 to
$5.00 per day hauling wood for us
at forty, fifty and sixty cents per
cord. Steady work. Also wood
splitters wanted at 40 cents per
cord. Address or come to Pacific
Timber Company, Comstock, Ore,
John Bennett has sold the CoN
tage Grove Bakery to Mr. KuutU
sen, formerly proprietor of the Bo
hemia Hotel in this city. The new
proprietor has taken charge of the
bakery and is making some marked
improvements in the shop.
Wild blackberries. Call at this
office for particulars.