BOHEMIA NUGGET. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented In Condensed Form Which It Moil Ukely to Prove of Interest la Our Many Uuiut. Pierre Lorillard, the tobaeoo king, is dead. Tbt hot wave in the eat ha bn broken. Tlie pope condemns the French law of associations. Prince von Hohenlohedied at Bag atz Switzerland: Kruger ha abandoned his contem plated trip to America. President opetM a large tract of land In Oklahoma (or settlement. The nary department has re-established the European station. Crazy man shot and killed the judge who once declared him insane. The miners' strike at Tellurkle. Colo., has been satisfactorily settled. The Standard Oil company is send inc vessels to the FaeIBe eooat wheat. C. N. Gordon, inder five years' sen tence, escaped from the jail ., , v. at an-i couvcr. Actual business on London stock exchance last week was worre than ever before.. Dr. J. W. Watts, whose vote made Rutherford B. J laves president in 1870, is dead. Montana train robbers have out witted the officers, and their capture is not probable. Robert Knapp drowned himself in the Willamette at Portland to end his sufferings from asthma. It is authoritatively stated that the lonsr-talked-of salmon ca mi era' com bine has at last been formed. In the last race at Newport the yacht Constitution beat the Columbia nine minutes and the Independence seven minutes. Head-end collision of trains on the Southern Pacific near Dunsmuir, Cal., resulted in the death of a hobo and serious injuries to two other men. Fire in Williams, Ariz., destroyed ccalry $300,000 worth of property. A new town, called Sullivan City, has sprung up at the mouth of Alder creek, Alaska. Albert L. Johnson, a -prominent trolley line promoter, is dead at his borne in Brooklyn. An American has been awarded the South African war medal for service rendered the English. England gives instructions that raising of flag at Skagway, Alaska, is qot to be insisted upon. The president has issued a pro clamation adding 142,000 acres to the Cascade reserve in Oregon. The hot wavc in the East continues and the deaths and prostrations are more numerous than ever before. An immense lead combine has been formed to control the lead fiolds in Missouri. Capitalization, $20,000, 000. A Chicago man was shot and fatal ly wounded whilo attempting to re cover a lady's purse from the man who did the shooting. A circular dead line with a radius of 1,000 feet has been drawn around the naval obscravtory at Washington, to protect the instruments. A statement prepared at the pen sion office shows that for tho fiscal year ended Juno 30, 1901, 49,012 names were added to tho pension rolls. Fighting has been renewed in Man churia. Huntington, W. Va., had a $200,- 000 lire. Tlicro is no change in the steel workers' strike. Tho cabinet has raised tho ago limit lor postmasters from 40 to 46 years, A Chinoeo imperial edict orders that lives of missionaries and con verts be respected. Tho British flag has again been lowered from tho polo on which it floated in Skagway. A Philadelphia hank clerk has dis appeared, taking with him $13,000 of the firm's money. Tho total government receipts for the fiscal year just ended w'ero $585, 848,309 and tho disbursements $509,- 893,310, leaving a surplus for tho year of 57&,tf01,l)irj. Tho Reading, Pa., strike lias been declared off. Tho men are to return to work and appoint a committco to meet a committco representing tho employers, tho joint committee to arbitrate tho differences. Tho public dobt increased $17,737, 347 in Juno. Last year 49,012 names were added .to the pension rolls. Six formr governors of Tcnnessco ro among tho citizens ol that state, ono being United States senator Wil Jiam I). Bato. Twenty torpedo boat destroyers and torpedo boats will do turned over to tho government by contractors within tno noxt iow motuns. Tho earl of Stamford, addressing tho National Vigilanco Soaicty, in London, says American womon aro tho purifiers of tho national morals, WASHINGTON GOSSIP. fell Kep to Be Publuhed Duuiugrelloa Philippine Instruction, The sgrieutlural department is about to publish a toil map tlsat will enable the farmer, wherever he is lo cated, to determine just what erop will bring him the largest returns in money. Printed in colors, it will convey information in the elrwt and moot easily comiwehended man ner imaginaMe. The map to cover the whole of tb United State, awl will be on HKh a scale that pvery ten acre patch will Iw represented by one eighth of an inch Niuaro. Lire stock receipts at the five principal market of Chicago, Kama City, Omaha, St. Louis ami St. Jo seph during 1901 show retrtarkable gaim over last year, both a regards April awl the four months ending with April, the official receipt of cattle, hogs ami sheep in the four months just ended showing an in crease of 3M.417 head, as compared with the correal Hling four months of iaoo. The rapid disintegration of the Philippine insurrection is shown by statistics civen out by the war de partment. The compilation of re ports covers the jwriod up to April 17. 1901. Unto January 1, 1901. the total number of insurgent captured or surrendered was 21,497, together for , with 5,018 rifles, 50 fieW pieces, fome thing over 3,000 shells and balls. 573,- 800 pounds of ammunition, and 19 . t 1 ' . T 1 I ions OI powurr. rruni juiiunrv i i . ,, , , . April it, iui ine nu inner oi capiun-s include 247 officers, 2,459 men; the number surrendered was 820 officers, 0,492 men; making a total of 1,007 officers, 8,951 men ; or a grand total up to date of 31,415 insurgents cap tured and surrendered. To this is to be added 1,998 rifles captured, 4,300 surrendered, a total of 0,298; 45,000 rounds of ammunition, 408 bolos, and 24 pieces of cannon. Senator Allison sap ho is too old to run for president in 1901. He de clines with thanks the nomination which some Eastern newspapers have tried to thrust upon him. "Some one else will have to pose as Iowa's favorite son, for I will not. I am serious. I mean what I say." William E. Chandler the other day enclosed to Senator Lodge his check for $100, the reward offered by him to the person who placed in the finan cial plank of the Republican platform of 1890, after the reference to interna tional hi-metallism, tho words, "Which we pledge ourselves to pro mote." The delay since 1890 has been occasioned by the claims of var ious persons that they conceived and wrote the words. It has taken. Chand ler all this time to settle the conflict of claims. Serious embarrassment has been caused tho navy department by tho strikes of machinists all over the country. At the Union Iron Works in San Francisco only 300 of tho 5,000 employes aro at work on tho government vessels under construction at those yards. Ten dollars for food for the office cat is perhaps tho most curious allow ance ever made by a postmaster gene ral. An item of this kind was sanc tioned tho other day by Postmaster General Smith. The food is for the office cat of the post office at St. Paul, Minn. Tho regular troops now in Cuba. some 5,000 in strength, will not bo recalled from the island probably until the situation is actually settled. The war department does not propose to withdraw tho troops until the ne cessity of their presence on tho island is certain!) post. A bulletin comparing and analyz ing tho population of all incorporat ed cities, towns and villages in, tho United States has been issued by the census bureau. Tho number of these places is 10,002, as compared with 7,678 in 1890. There aro in tho United States today 38 cities having a population of 100,000 or more each, as compared with 28 such cities in 1890. JAME8 H. KYLE DEAD. Wu United SUtti Senator From South Da. kola Two Termi Aberdeen, S. D,, July 3. Senator Kylo died yesterday afternoon. Ho was stricken at his homo hero about 10 days ago. His troublo was of a marlariul origin, and resulted in a functional alfection of tho heart. His caso took a turn for tho better, tho heart action growing stronger and tho general condition much mora encour aging. Tho senator had a similar attack in tho East some timo ago, and was liablo to a recotirranco of tho trouble. His health had not been ro bust for a year or so. His relapso was not expected, nowovcr. jamcs Ji. Jiyio was born near Xonia, O , February 24, 1854. He was elected to tho stato sonato upon the independent ticket in 1890; after a contest lasting 27 days, upon tho 40th ballot, was elected as an inde pendent to tho United States senate, too ins scat jtiarcn 4, iwji, aim was ro-oloctcd in 1897, Switch Had Been Turned. Pittsburg, Pa., July 2. Tho south western express on tho Pennsylvania railroad was ditched at tho oast ond siding two miles cast of Grcensburg, Pa. Only thrco passongors wcro hurt, and thoir injuries aro not serious. It is thought that tho ocoidont was a do- liborato attompt at train wrecking. Tho switch had boon turned and the look broken, ' NEWS OF THE STATE iTEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREOON. Commercial and Fbunckl Happening of Im portanceA Brief Review ol the Growth and Improvement! ef the Many Induitrlei Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Ltteit Market Report Th rUli warden collected J GOT. 30 Ash licence during June. Tlui uwuvl a fin Hit 1 Harnev omintv fair will I held September 1021. tlallA.ndl-Mi M ubl lit IrMil Am). trmen to be numerous ami dangerous near Pendleton. Tlie encampment of the Fourth reg iment, O. N. CI., at hugeuo, 1ms been brought to a close. Bids have lieen aked for the im provement of tlie federal building ami grounds in Astoria. A boy at Medford was lwdly crushed by falling in front of a moving engine, which he tried to board. There arc now four fish hatcheries in Oregon ami it is the intention of Master Fish Warden Van Dusen to establish several more. A young man at Mayville, Gilliam county, tried to duplicate proscrip tion from memory. He is dead, as the medicine was for external use. Hopyards in the northern part ef Clacakmas county and around Wood burn and Hublwrd show great im provement in the hut 30 days. Verm in so far have not appeared. The plants are healthy and cultivation has not been more thorough in 10 years. Tho present outlook is for a yield 10 per cont in excess of that of 1900. A large fruit evaporator is being built at Riddle, Douglas county. Tho First National bank ol Eugene has installed a large new money vault. The contract has been let for the building of a new school house at Riddles. The old telephone lino between Pendleton and Thorn Hollow is undergoing repairs. The new water company a? Rose- burg is troubled considerably with broken and leaking mains. A number of fish havo been found dead in the Rocuo river. Tho evi dence points to the use of dynamite. k trtur ri alifwirMYiparnnt nr. T-iitrf- view went on strike the other day for 7 cents per head. The current price tp the county is 0 cents. A boom of about 10,000,000 fcctof logs, cut on tho headwaters' ol' the Willamette and McKcnzie rivers, is being taken to Oregon City. Dome locations ui goiu ntmrtz 1 ruins in the Samn Some locations of gold bearing jartz lodes in the Sampson creek strict, southeast of Ashland, have tMmirtnf anllllinnuf. ei AmIiIhihI. been mado recently, which are likoly to prove of good value. Thn nw flmirimr mill at The Dalles 5s being rushed to completion. Uy the end of the week all that will re main unfinished of tho carpenter work will be tho windows. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, export value, 57c per bushel; bluestcm, 68Jc; valley, nominal. Flour best grades, $2.903.40 per barrel; graham, $2.00. Oats White, $1.321.35; gray, $1.301.32K per cental. Barley Feed, $1717.50; brewing, $17 17.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $21.50; shorts, $20; chop, $10. Hay Timothy, $12.5014; clover, $79.60; Oregon wild hay, $07 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery,1517Kc; dairy, 1314c; store, 1012c per pound. Eggs 1717Jc per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12 12Kc; Young America, 1313c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.76 3.50; hens, $3.254.00; dressed, 9 10c per pound; springs, $2.004.00 per dozen ; ducks, $3 for old; $2.60 3.00 for young; geese, $4 per dozen; turkeys, live, 810o; dressed, 1012Jo per pound. Mutton Lambs, 3Jc, gross; dressed, 07c per pound; sheep, $3.25, gross; dressed, G0c per lb. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.750; light, $4.755; dressed, 0J7o per pound. Veal Small, 7t8o; large, 0)4 7o per pound. Beef Grow top steers, $4.004.25; cows and heifers, $3,253.50; dressed beef, 07K5 per pound. Hops 12 14c per pound. Wool Valley, ll13o; Eastern Oregon, 812oj mohair, 2021o per pound. Potatoes $1.25 per sack; new potatoes, lJlJio per pound. Tubs will not warp or crack if a pail of water is put into each directly after using. Germany, in extending tho favored nation clause of Great Britain, ex cepts Canada, An American has ofTorcd $2,000 to havo his daughter introduced into British Bocjety. London learns that tho United States stcol corporation is planning to go after tho trado of the world. THE DALAENA WRECKED. Ancient Paclfk Whaler Goet on the Rocki In Behrlnj Sea. Seattle, July . The winter Balfl ens, of Sun Francisco, Udouging to the i'jwiftc Steam Whaling Comny, lie on St. I.wrvce Island, 20 mile west of Southeast cape, in Itehring m-h, a total wreck. (JtipUin r. t. Cotte ami tlie 90 men in the erew had an lmot miraculous eccapo from denth. Through tlie bravery of the oetirem all mchdm! In lAr- The ItaUena whs ou a voyage to the Arctic. Mie was provhuoned for 30 months. The whaler left San Fran cimxi April 4. ami, alter buttling with tlie ice for weeks, bd succeeded in working through tlie wornt of the no. She wm headed to jwm St. Lawrence island wlien the wri-ck oc curred. Shortly alter midnight, May 1. the wind ro until it assumed tho strength of a gale, ami the whaler was driven to a joint 20 miles weot of Southotst enpe, St. Lawrence island, where she struck a rock. The cap tain immediately ordered the lioate out. The whaler seemed to have lieen hung on the rock, and, although the waves wore xmnding her terribly, she did not founder. Inn very short time the boats were mnnued and tho crew started for the shore. Tho 'sea wan so high that it was impossible for the boats to keep together, but they all made tho island eventually. Tho hands and feet of several are badly froien. The Balacna is a total wreck. Sho is hanging to the rock where sho struck, hut is liable to slip off into the water and fink at any time. Shu struck on tho port side and crashed a hole fully 12 feet in the length of her hull. RESERVOIRS WERE DRY. Fire Raged In the Heart of lluntlnjlon. W. Va. Lou it $200,000. Huntington, W. Va., July 6. A fire raged in tho heart of the city from 11 o'clock this morning until 5 o'clock this evening, resulting in tho loss of $200,000. Tho flames started in a hotel which was crowded with guests, n(any of whom were women. Of these a number fainted when tho alarm of firo rang out through the halls, and it was with g'eat difficulty that they woro re moved from tho building. There was not a gallon of water in tho city re servoirs when tho fire broke out and all the fire engines in the city were out of repair. Itnpidly the flames spread and soon half n dozen resi dences wero ablaze. A livery stable and a number of private houses fruit stores, barber shops and dozens of smaller structures wore burned. DISORDERS IN MEXICO CITY. AntlXletlcal Demonstration Studcnti. by a Band ol Mexico City, July 6. The public mind is much excited and the clergy filled with indignation over the re sults of the students' anti-clerical demonstration. Tho students to the number of 300 held a public meeting. Stirring speeches wero made, showing the intense feeling of tho young men and denouncing the recent immoral ities of tho few priests, who, it was claimed, had been shielded and not punished. A company of gendarmes prefrved ordor and the demonstration was wit nessed by Governor Coral, of the fed eral district. Precautions havo been taken to pro vent further trouble, but it is liclicvcd that if tho several priests who aro publicly denounced in tho tho press are not punished tho young men may make an attempt to invade tho tem ples. Recruiting New Regiment. Washington, July 5. Acting Adju tant General Wurd has received tho reports of tho officers engaged in re cruiting tho five new infantry regi ments and the five new cavalry regi ments authorized by tho army reor ganization act, showing that tho regi ments aro all practically recruited excopt tho Thirteenth cavalry, which is reported to bo 389 men short. It is oxpectcd that all theso troops will bo sent to the Philippines for tho ro. liof of an equal number of regular troops, who have been there two years or more and who aro to bo brought home. Fighting In Manchuria. Tien Tsin, July C. Fresh reports of fighting in Manchuini and on tho frontier of Chi Li province havo been received here. A pitched buttlo has been fought at Shon Yang, in which tho natives defeated tho Mohamme dans. General Tung Funh Siting, it is reported, is attacking the Chineso converts in Shan Si province. Tu Foundered. Eaglo River, Mich., July 3. Tho tug Fern, of Algouuo, Mich., found ered off hero Saturday morning. Sho carried u crew of five mcn,all of Whom wcro lost, Tho wreck of tho yacht Marguerite, of Hancock, was discov ered between hero and Euglo Harbor. Two men aro supposed to havo been lost on her, Summer Mall Service In Alaska. Washington, July 5, Tho post offico department announced today that tho summor mail eorvico is now in operation between Lako Bonnott, B, 0,, and Dawson, in tho Yukon ter ritory. It is boing porformcd under tho samo conditions as last year, and is open to all classes of mail originat ing in Canada and tho United States, TENTII DAY OF HEAT i STORMS DROUGHT RELIEF AT A FEW POINTS. No Considerable Fall In Temperature Is Ex. peeled Heavy Rain at New York Gave That City Temporary Relief Washington the Warmest Place Call of the Allegheny Mountain. Washington, July 8. The 10th day of the present heated term was again n scorcher, except whoro severe thunder storms, local rains or violent atmospherio changes brought cool weather. In Arkansas, the euMorn Gulf states, Northern Ohio and New York, thunder, storms brought relief. In Southeaittarn New England, also cooler weather prevailed, the teiiixr attire falling from 0 to 10 degree. Tonight the weather bureau olllcials say the only pros poets for relief from the heat lie in the occurrence of storms. There is no promise, they say, of general thunder storms sulll cont to make u general fall in tho temperature. I,ocal thunder storms will give temiKuary relief, but weather iKireau officials say that ier mnnoiit relief will not come until heavy storms or local rains prevail. In Chicago n promise of a short re spite from the heat is given. New York today had n two-inch downpour of rain, which sent the thermometer down to 7(1. East of the Allegnny mountains the teiiiierature roo gen erally h few degree over the highest of yesterday, and in portions of tho Southwest it warmed up, also in Arkansas and Oklahoma, maximum tcmtKTaturi of over 100 Inilng record ed. Wnshiiigtoit was the warmest place cast of tho Allegli'inicti today, tho maximum temperaturo recorded being 95. There war not muoh hu midity, but the day was very trying. General John W. Dnrr, formerly of Fort Scott, Kan., who served on tho staff of General Garfield duVing tho civil war, is critically ill from heat prostration. STORM AT BUFFALO. Exposition Grounds and Basements Flooded and Electric Wires Bumcd Out. Buffalo, July 8. A severe electrical storm passed over this city tonight. Tho lightning struck in a dozen places. It hit the supply wires that bring ' tho 'clectrlcal r-powgr from Niagara Fulls to Buffalo, burning out transformers and other electrical ma chinery in tho Buffalo receiving house. "For over an hour tho streets wcro Without electrio light, and tho street cars were at a standstill. Tho rain fell in torrents, tho water flood ing many cellars. The flash of light ning that put out tho downtown elec tric lights and stopped' the street cars also burned nut all the circuits lend ing to tho exposition. The conduits were utterly inadequate to carry fT the water and the grounds were flood ed . Some of tho midway shows woro flooded to a depth of thrco feet. Tho cngino room under tho Machinery nnd Transportation building was also filled with water and tho machinery stopped. Martial Law Proclaimed. Buenos Ayres, July 8. A stato of siege has lieen proclaimed hero. ,This is duo to tho participation of anarch ists in local disturbances. Quiet now prevails hero. Tho minister of finance, Dr. Enrique Bcrduo, has re signed. The government will send a mcssago to congress withdrawing the bill for tho unification of tho for eign debt, Will Test Japanese Coal. Washington, July 8. Tho quarter masters' department lias contracted for largo quantities of miiko coal at Nagasaki, Japan, for uso on tho Unit ed States army transports. Tho con tract extends for six months, running up to tho end of tho calendar year. It is desired to test this hunker coal thoroughly lcforo an agreement for a further supply is effected. Serious Cloudburst In Michigan. Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 8. Western Michigan was visited by a destructive cloudburst early yester day, and tho resultant damage will amount to thousands of dollars. Both tho Pero Marquotto & Grand tRupids and Indiana railroads aro crippled north of here. Dams in tho Flat and Rougo rivers havo been washed out, and many mills along tha streams will bo idlo for days. Tho Grand river roso thrco feet and six inches in four hours this morning. Groat dam ago was dono to fruit trees and crops, Work on the Colorado, Washington, July 8. Tho navy de partment lias been advised that a start has been mado on tho now bat tlo ships and armored cruisers, tho Colorado, buildingkat Cramps, being tho first under way, Tho forthcoiu. ing roport will show that sho is 2 por cent complotod. It marks tho start on 11 big ships, Tho 2 por cont rep resents tho kool and eonio 300 tonu of material, frames, cto. TELLURIDE STRIKE ENDS. Miners Regard the Terms of Silllemint as t Practical Victory, Telltirlde, Colo., July 9. With tho positive Information from Lioutimnt Governor CtHites, a member of tho commisalmi iipHiliited by the governor to invetiKat the strike In the Smuggler-Union mine, that Governor Ornmii would not semi troojw, and with tlie itMiirittiuo from the mine managers of the illstrlut that they could not longer afford to How) down, Arthur L. Collins, iimiingir of tho Sitiiiggler-Uiilon mine, baa conceded several points, and a settlement I--tweeti himself and tho Miners' I'nion lias lieen timde. This ends the strike, and mmiy miners will return to work tin. mediately. The terms of settlement are looked upon as a victory for the miners, mid tonight hundred urn cclt'lirating in Tclliirldit. Tho tension of the last four (lays has Ih-kii removed anil tho minors and citizens alike are jubilant. The agreement was signed after a con fluence lasting three hours. The minors deolaro that the settloniniit Is a victory for them, hut Malinger Col lins claim that ho is satisfied and that ho has not conceded any material points. Tho local union held a meet ing tonight and declared the strike oil. By the terms of the settlement non union men may Ixt employed in tho Smuggler-Union mines. It Iseertnln. however, that the union minor will not allow non-union men to remain so any longer limn they can .help. Tho union Is permitted, through it president or secretary, to declare n man iiiconiieteiit nnd order his dis charge. This feature of the wttle ment is a diatinut advantage to tho union, and will enable tho union to rgulitto unionlrm in the milieu. The secretory is given the right to visit tho mine at any time, nnd can order tho menmiring of tho liion's work whenever ho wishes, even though tho man has worked but one hour. Ho can uIko order the wtymout of tho men at any time. The Liberty Hell and Tomboy mines, which weniclosiil during the Smuggler-Union trouble, will also open again. The following is the agreement: First Tho company agrees not to discriminate against the union or the mombcr thereof, and the union and the members thereof agree not to molest nor nor interfere with non union men. Second Tho union oxpreMiw it entire disapproval of the recent out rages. Third The company agree to let the president or secretary of the local union havo full access to its nurfuoo projwrty at all reasonable hours; pro vided that tho work of the men is not interfered with. Fourth Tho union agrees to uso all its influence to stop tlie illicit sell ing of liquor in Marshall Basin or around the mine. Fifth Tho company is to have tho right to let contracts to any men wiirs winli to take them, all such contrauts to Ihi on printed forms which iiro hero alter to lie drafted by a rt'pruontntivo of tho union and a representative of the company. A TASTE OF FREEDOM. That Is All the Cubans Want. Says General Gomez, Then Annexation. New York, July 9. A dinner was given tonight at tho Union INiguo club to General Maximo Gomez and General T. Estrada Pa I in a, by W. E. D. Stokes. Mr. Stokes was formerly a, member of tho Cuban league of Amer ica, and was cloxcly identified with tho work of tho junta, of which Gen eral Pulma was the head. The Cuban general made u brief speech, which was interpreted by General Gotuales. General Gomez said ho was deeply touched by tho remiirkablo reception ha had received in tho United States. Cuba and tho United States, 'said tho general, belong together. It is only a question of gravitation when they will bo ono. But at present, after tho great struggle in which thousands ot lives were sacrificed, and when men returned to their homes only to find their wives und children starved to death in the restricted barriors in which Weylcr had them under bin policy of concentration, they felt that they must havo Cuban libro. It in now fully realized. Ho said that Cuba cannot got along without tho United States,, but tho Cubans want to feel freedom. After dinner General Gomez said to tho newspaper mon that ho wished to express his gratitude to tho press of tho United States and of tho world for the great good thoy had dono to tho cause of Cuban libro. Ho was suro that tho Cubans would now establish thoir own govornniont, and would show tho gratitudo thoy fcol for tho holp of the Americans in removing the Spanish yoko. Jessie Morrison Sentenced, Eldorado, Kan., July 0, Jessie Morrison, convicted of manslaughter in tho second degrco for tho murder of Mrs. Clara Wfloy Castlo, on Juno 22, 1900, was today sentenced to fivo years in tho penitentiary in olose con finement at hard labor. Privateering Threatened. Brussols, July 9. -Tho Potit Bleu says that Mr. Krugor has lately re fused to ontortain proposals to arm prlvatcors, hut that tho promotors aro again urging tho ox-presidont of the South African ropublio to notify tho powors that unless thoy intorvono ha will issuo lottors of marquo. In tho event of Mr. Krugor's continued ro fusal, tho promotors propose to act without authorization.