Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 28, 1901, Image 7

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Is a roimlltuLloiml tlinio,
It originate In u nurufuloiin condition of
tlm Monti nml ili'peniln on Unit roiiilltloii.
It ofluii cmiKUN liciiilncli-i nml illzr.liicii,
litilialrit tlm turtle, mnull (ititl htiirliiK, it r
fueis llio vocul orirn MMurliH !!io ntoiwuli,
It Is (iltvnyN riulloiilly nml ,irimuiiiitly
cured liy Ifiu lilooil-iurlylii(f. nllunitlvo
mill tonlu notion of '
Hood's Sarsaparllla
'I'M In Kiwil iiicdlclno linn wrotiKlit tlm most
wonderful in ret of nil illncnnon iIc'iuiiiIIiik
oil rtcrofuln or tlm ncrofulom Imlilt.
llooii' i'lix iiia tli bait cathartic.
In Their Urctmt.
"Yon j I ileolliied mi offer of MOOD
n week to iiliiy tlm locum circuit,"
mid tint Vaudeville Hoiilirolto.
' "liiihl I iiovit ilrciuii 'cm tlmt
wuy, I nhvnyH accopt, " coiiiinoiiled
1 1 10 Boltner Wider Coined luii,
Vorhm Off tho Oolii.
lAiftttra llriiino-tlulnlnn Tablets cure cold la
ono Cay, Hucuro,Ho 1'ay, I'rlco go cents.
liy (lit Wront; Proetii.
Tlio toucher wan try I ml' to nx-thilii
to I ho little Kirl what fiiltli 1m.
"Now, when your father pliiiitu hl
llowur M'Ciln In tlio njirliiK. Iiow dim
ho know they'll oonio iii?"
'"Ciuko our nnlKlil'orri lina got
chicken., iiiii'iiin," mild tho llttlo our.
Head in ccnln In Miiiiiim (or n miiii
iile of copy of Ciiinoru Crnft nml u
largo threecolor picture of "Wit wonn."
Tlio lt pliotogni'ihiti iniiKiuino oiiIk
HhIimI. niiOHnttur Ht., Hun KrunolHCo. j
Jimn J. Illll'i Early biyi.
Jniium J. Hill, thoritilwiiy iiingimti',
wun ill oiio tiiiio .MlimlMippi rivnr
ntcnmlioiit "niiiiuT," nml uh hucIi wu'
well known in tlio curly development '
of Milwaukee, lie wiim tlicu nccoiint 1
cil ono of tlio lxHt "driiiiiiiienT'of hint-,
incas for rlvor bout., i
Btati or Onto, City or toleiio, ( !
I.i'Cae County. I"
FrakkJ. I'liKM-.r inkc olh that ht la tlio
senior nartrr nl tlm firm of X. i. I'linter t, ft.
dolus business In the ( llr of Toledo, County
and mate afnrrsald, and that aalil firm will pay
tho ium ul ONK llt'NI'KKI) HUI.I.AIW for eacfi
and every cam of Calarrli that rannot be cured
by tho uh) of Hill's CiTiiittti Cunt
Hworn to before mo and aiitcrltd In mr
presence, Ihli4tli day of Prmntxr, A. I. laid,
I I JWary iitWe
Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and act
directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of
tlio system, fend for testimonials, free.
Hold t,y ilrnitcl"!", 76c.
XlaU'a rainlly I'llii art tlio beat.
r j i f'iirfir.i at uv,t loieuo, v.
Syitcmalle Economy.
"Tlio idea of your tclliiiK mo I'm
rxtrnvHpintl" protcntctl .Mr CIiur
water, "when I liavo unveil up $r00 in
tlio hint 10 yearn on ono item alone,
by n little n;lf denial I"
"Wliat ilom wan tlmt?" domandwl
lr. Cliugwaler.
"CotlliiK down my Ufa insurance
from $5,000 to $1,000."
to cimi: a oi,i in omi; day
Taltolxntlro llromo quinine TaMeta. All
Aruvglita rufiiMd Ihoinouey If It falla to cure.
E. W.UtOYO'aalKiiaturo laon rach bo. T.
A Wirnlnj. -
"You luiil lietter not eo boatlntr
with ttintvr," viiiil Tommy to his ui
tcr'rt Ih.miu.
"Why not, ToniinyT"
"'CiiiiM) I heard her nay nho Intend
ed to throw you ovorlioard noon,"
llolll'a Mcliiiiil.
At Mm 1 1 Park, Fan Malm County, Cl., with
Ita Lcaiiluitl, iiirMiinUlnca, H-rfrot cllmaln,
ramtul mien a on, tlioiouiih Imtruclloii,
comilf lo laturalnrlit, and xymnailum, caally
liantaiim II. loalilon u ilie front ranka of
icnoola for boja on Ilia 1'acllle Coaat. Iia (I.
Uoltt, I'll. 1)., 1-ilnclbal.
. A Problem Solved
George Why do women talk no
Fanny So tho men can't. They
think tho leaner of tho two evils tho
Thai Ilait I'reacrlptlon for Malaria
Chllla and Farer li a bottlo of Orore'a Taatelen
Oblll Tonic It la ilmply Iron and quinine In
a tajtcloat form. Wo Cnre. Wo l'ay. 1'rlce too.
Blj Cililci Doubled.
It ia dcclnred by Wall ntreot men
tlmt tho cstatcH of Commodore Van
tlcrbilt and Jay Gould havo about dou
bled in tlio handa of tho Into owners.
Tho Vandcrbilt properties wcro worth
$80,000,000 und tho Gould interests
Rheumatism is due to an excess of add in the
blood. When this escapes through the pores of the
kin, as it often does, it produces some form of skin
eruption some itching disease like Kczema or
Tetter but when these little tubes or owect glands
aIa.m.1 In. .rtinclirn n nHl c .1 r! i M
tillllni. nf llii Kmlv. llien the nataous thrown off hv sJi
.t. - IsIaa.1 r.nAttrr ir millpf AlflA in
muscles, tlssuea and nerves. These parts become greatly inflamed, feverish end
hot ; dagger-like, maddening pains follow in miick succession, the muscles become
extremely tender, the nerves break down and iho sufTcrcr ia coon reduced to a state
of helplessness and misery. This acid poison penetrates tho joints and seems to
dry out the natural oils, and the legs, arms and fingers become so stiff and eoro
that every movement is attended with excruciating pains.
Liniments, plasters, electricity and baths, while their use may give temporary
ease, cannot be called cures, for the disease returns with every change of the weather.
"'Threo roars airo Z baa sayaro attack or
la trxlppa, whloh left ma almost a pbysloal
wroek. To add to tay wretobod oonditlon, a
aovero form of Khoumatlam dovolopod. X
tried all tho phyalolans In our city, Tout none
of them could do me any permanent trood. X
mod all the xboumatlo ouroa I oould hoar of,
hut rooolrod no bonaflt. After boirlnnlnff B. 0.
B. X rellarod of tho palna and bare tralnod
In floah and atronarth and my conaral health
ia hotter than for years. X oonaldor 8. S. B.
tho grandest blood medlolno In the world,
and heartily reoommond It to any one nook
Imr xoltof from the tortures of Ehoumatlam.
, a. s. onEaoinr, union, b. o.
to ruinous habits. Alkalies and the potash and mineral remedies so often pre
cribed, affect the tender lining of the stomach and weaken the digestion, thus
adding another burden to the already weak and impoverished blood. 8. S. 8. con
tains no mineral or dangerous drug of any kind, but is a simple, vegetable
remedy ond the most perfect blood purifier known. Send for our book on Rheu
matlstn and write our physicians if you wish any information or advice. We would
fco glad to R-ail you a book free ; we charge nothing whatever for medical advice.
Kins; Henry's Dthli,
Diiko Hunry .My dour, wliv nro nil
oi mono loyni ttnrriiiKLwt Htiifniiii"; on
... . . r.
III lllllll. 01 IIIO llllll(.'07
Oiii'on W'lllmliniiiii I wonder Hint
you link. Tlioy nro hIiiiiiIIiik thcro to
jirovont tlio wriiloiiwl oolkiutlon
iiKi'iioy from HtoppiiiK it iloml wuon
in ironl of tlio tloor. I Hut u why.
I Stll-Cvldml.
icnolKir .loiinny, winit Ho wo
.loiinny Air.
'I'molier Tliut'M rlglit. Now, Tom
my, of wlmt Ik jtlr oonipohcil?
Tommy fliciitli.
1 lir Nlr lllryiiln.
llicvclr inuiiiifucllirnra anito tlmt Hie III
iiyolr for ilila mr will lm prurtlcully l
mum niiiillv 4 IIKK), mloiirini'iiicnt rp
in Im IiiipiiIIiIi'. I'ri'i'Urly iho aniiio
I rui- of lln-tclliT'B HloiMiicli lliltrra.
rciiriiniila ilmllinlin ol uli-nt'i-, nml II InIhi
linimlliln to innkii it hctlcr nn'illi Inn fur tlm
rioiinti'li, liver, k III iif h mill lilooil Try
for ilycii'lii, IikIIkiiIoii. ronatiputlo
lliitllli'iirv.iirooll ml ymi.wlll
ion vtnt fil. Nevvriuki' u iilimuute.
I A Time for Ceryllilni.
! "I Imvo iiiihIo nil tln nmiiiuciiioiitr,
for your ill voice," cuiil tlio kwyc
"Hlmll I Hccurc it lit onci'V"
"No, " rciillcd Hut M'imutloiml in:
run, after hoiihj rnllcction. "Not yet
Iy iirww nKciit iH on Iiih vncation.
Mm. VT. T. VlnrU, of Itmiip, N, Y. Trlla
Vliy Nlin la Niiur Itpriiiiiiiiriiilliia; a
VplhttitVM ItrniMily to
llnr FrlniiiU.
i Indigoiitiou and ntomaoh trouble
' have many roitultH that aro iiotalwiiyrs
reailily traced to their real caime.
noiuetlmeH tlio kidney 8 are apparently
I alVeeti-d hut more often an irregular!
: ty of tho heart'H notion produces a far
moro alnrmiiig nymptom. The call bo
, is easily explained ami is removed
I when tho stomach trouble is cured,
A caso in point is that of .Mm. W. T.
1 Clark, of 1118 West Thomas street,
Koine. N. 1 . Hlio says:
"To begin with, 1 had gastritis,
I which brought on sinking spells for
about an hour every morning. I was
very weak and nervous ami finally was
compelled to take to my bed. .My
illness iMjguii in tho spring ol 1HU7,
ami continued for alxiut four months.
For about half this time I was con
lined to my bed. I sulTered greatly
, from tho stomach trouble and nor
votisuess, but what alarmed mc most
1 ii. i ... .1.- l .
nun niu niu nig leeimg lit tuu neuri.
"I had r"iul aliout Dr. Williams
Pink Fills for Palo I'conlo and when
. some of my friends recommended the
i pills very highly, I decided to give
them a trial. I bought ono Ikix and
hy the time this was used up tho sink
ini spells had ceased. 1 felt bettor
but continued takinc tho pills until I
had iir-cd 12 boxes, I still keep the
nllls in tho liouio for I lielievo that
they nro a splendid medicine. I
always recommend Dr. Williams'
Fink Fills to my friends who aro ail-
in u for I know that they will do all
that is claimed for them."
Signed, MKS. W. T. CLARK.
subscribed and sworn to bcloro me
this Oth day of April, 1000.
llenj. S. Ilrown,
Seal. Notary Public.
No discovery of modern times has
proved such n blessing to women as
I)r. Williams' Fink Pills for Palo Feo
pic. Acting directly on tho blood
and nerves, invigorating tho body,
rcguiatug tho functions, they rcstcro
the strength and health in tho ex
hausted patient when overy effort of
tho physician proves unavailing.
These, pills aro sold in boxes at 60
cents n box or six boxes for $2.50, and
may bo had at all druggists, or direct
by mail from Dr. miliums Medicine
Co,. Schenectady, N. Y.
After Serine; the Library.
"Grnn'pa, plcaso draw mo a naked
boy 'thout a stitch o' clothes not
oven shoes."
"Why, Tommy, that wouldn't bo
"Yes, it would, gran'pa; I want to
put wings on him an' mako mm an
fTlfmhratlp tlw'
working a complete change ia
the blood : the acids are neutral
ized, the circulation puriGed and
the rich, healthy blood that to
carried to the irritated, aching
muscles and joints, soothes and
heals them. 8. S. 8. cures Rheu
matism even when inherited or
brought on by the excessive ur.e
of mercury. Opium, in some
form, is the basis of nearly all
so-called Rheumatic Cures,
which deaden the pain but do
not touch tho disease and lead
w ... -;
Went tip Into (lie Wooila, Mile, from
Any 'lolmcco or I'r cu lt, mill l'onullt
Die I IkIM Out Aloiia-Aiiollier iiritl
(Julio lllirerant line,
"One of Iho pleiiHiiutCHt llvc-mlniltc
visits I Imvi) Iniely enjoyed win with
the mini whom Itoosevelt, with tils con
tempt for the via media oven In words,
CIIIlM 'till! IIIDHt UHl'dll Clll.CI! Ill SllSV
York,' .IikiiI) KIIh. Ills coming was
lllie a westerly hreer.e, and In a mlnuto
wo had left our deskx nml were laugh
ing with him. No Iiiim tho most Infec
tious at laiigliM-thi IiiukIi of the hope
ful iiiiiu. ilo wiih off hi it moment on
ono of his Jolly little stories. "Hurts
your bridges', that's my motto. Did I
ever tell you how I ijult tobacco? Well,
I Just guvo It up at ono blow. 'Heroic,'
hoiiiu ono remarked, doubtless having
memory of successive ilefeatH In a sim
ilar undertaking. 'Von, my wife says
It was the inoHt heroic thing J ever did.
1 went up Into the wood.i 100 miles,
where there wasn't any tobacco, sent
my guldo oft" on an errand with tho
Din means of traveling wo hild n steam
launch and then I settled down to fin
ish up my tobacco habit. In a week 1
was cured.'
"Now, (hero uro other wnya of cur-
hie oneself of this habit, but tho most
original way was pointed out to me
by it portly, good-natured, mid healthy
iiiiiu of ffti. who looked to bo not over
W): "IVventy yenrs iiko.' ho said. '1
found that 1 was using too much to
bacco, for I was not without some form
of nicotine every hour of tho day. So
ono New Year's uvo I sat down nml
with a box of cigars before mo decided
to smoke the old year out und unit.
At five minutes before midnight I throw
the stub of my cigar Into tho Arc and
arose to retire, remarking to my wife:
"I am not going to want to smoke uny
more." Hhe laughed nt inc. but I meant
It. The next morning before starting
for the o 111 co I placed three or four
cigars In my pocket as usual, and my
wife, seeing the act, said triumphantly:
"I thought you were not going to sraoko
nny more." I replied: "I didn't sny
that; I said I was not going to want to
smoke nny more. If I want to smoke
I shall smoke." Hut I have never had
the desire and bare never smoked since
that time.'
"That was certainly an odd sort of
mind-cure, and It leads mc to an anec
dote of personal experience which I
shall not ask to be explained. Ono
evening Inst week I turned from a
newspnper to a book shelf, thinking to
rend something soothing and substan
tial before retiring. Glanclug over the
volumes I nt length picked up "Plu
tarch's I.Ives" and began to rend of our
somewhat dissipated Socratlc friend.
lclblndes. Ilcforc I had read a iiniro
li feellug on in e upon me that an anni
versary was connected somehow with
that book. I rend on, but the annivers
ary thought hnunted mo and spoiled
my understanding of the text until I
turned nt last In desperation to the fly
leaf and Raw that tho book wns bought
March 25, 1881, Just twenty years be
fore! Now, one can understand In n
vnguo sort of way how he can cotno
suddenly upon a friend of whom he had
Just been thinking, but how a bit. of
writing posted on tho flyleaf of a book
can reach down through twenty years
of tlino and tantnllzo one's brain Is
something beyond my thought, nnd I
am not seeking an explanation." Lis
tener, in Boston Transcript
A now mouse trap Is made from a
corncob, having a hole drilled through
tho center, Into which a bolt-holder ex
tends to drop a spring bale over tho en
franco and catch the rodent as soon 'as
bo enters and touches the bait.
For use In discharging puncture-clos
ing compounds Into blcyclo tires a new
roccptaclo Is fitted with a sliding bot
tom, which Is pushed In after tho nos
zlo Is attached to the valve, thus forc
ing the heavy liquid Into tho tire.
In a 6lmplo nut lock recently patent
ed a spring-steel coll Is slipped over the
end of tho bolt after tlio nut Is In place,
one end of tho coll overlapping the op
posite end nnd causing it to grip tho
threads of the holt to hold It In place.
Iu a now blcyclo chain adjustment
tho hub Is carried by a plato sliding In
a slot In tho rear fork, with a screw
bolt headed In ono side of tho plate and
running through a llxcd lug on tho side
of tho work to draw tho plato In cither
direction. . ,
Spectacles can bo fitted with a now
attachment to enable tho wearer to seo
what Is behind him without turning
around, a reflector being placed on tlio
outer edgo of each lens, with adjust
able clamps, which allow them to bo
sot at any angle.
Railroad car Journals are cooled while
tho train Is In motion by tho uso of an
Illinois man's Invention, arrangement
being mado to suspend a water vessel
over the bearing, with a tubo leading
into tho latter, to discharge tho liquid
and reduce the heat.
Canary Statistics.
About 250,000 canary birds aro raised
every year In Germany, and, besides
the 100,000 birds that aro sent to Amer
ica, tho English market takes about
50,000, and the next best customers are
Brazil, China, the Argentine Republic
and Austria, to which country agents
aro sent with largo numbers of birds
every year,
Somo men are Judged by their works,
but tlio tramp Is Judged by the work ht
doesn't do.
Cured of Catarrh of Long .Standing.
Kx-ConKrcnrnnn A, T. Ooodwyn.
Kx-f'ongrcssman A. T. Ooodwyn,
from Alabama writes tho following
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
Gentlemen "I have now used two
bottles of Peruna, and am a well man
today. I could feel tlio good effects
of your medicine before I had used it
n week, after suffering with catarrh
for over a, year." Kcspcctfully, A.
T. Ooodwyn.
Catarrh in its various forms is
rapidly becoming a national curse.
An undoubted remedy has been dis
covered hy Dr. Ilartman. This rem
edy has been thoroughly tested dur
ing tlio past 4i) years. Prominent
men have come to know of its virtues
and are making public utterances on
the subject. I o save tho country wo
must save tho people. To savo tho
people we must protect them from
disease The discaee that is at once tho
most prevalent and stubborn of euro
is catarrh. Public men of all parties
rccognirc in Peruna a nationul catarrh
remedy of unequalled merit.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from tho uso of
1,1'crunn, write at once to Dr. Hart
i man, giving a full statement of your
ciifc and ho will bo pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman, president of
the ilartman Sanitarum, Columbus,
I A Conscientious Jury.
Judge H'm. Your verdict seems
to lie decidedly mixed.
Forcmnn of Jury Yes, your honor.
It's in accordance with the evidence.
Iliiia Your Wire HulTur?
Indira auffer terribly from eonatlratlon, atck
heiulaihea. Cakcareta Candy Cathartic reive
quick ri'lirf. Keep a box bandy. Alldruggltu.
lCr, 2Zc, Mc.
A PhllnthropUL
Sho (haughtily) I happen to know
that you havo already proposed to twe
other cirls this year.
He Yes, dear; but I assure you il
was only out of companion.
When v.v jito Grove'a T&ftelpiK Chill Tnnlo.
tccAUo the formula Is plainly printed on every
Lotllc allowing that it Is timely Iron nnd Qui-
nine in a uuicisrs lonn. no uure, ear, cue
Trying to Break Him of Smoking.
Onyboy What's wrong with this
Slippers To tell the truth, old
man, it's adulterated. I've dis
covered that my wife has been empty
ing tho dustpan in my tobacco jar fot
tho past few mornings.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winsiow's 8ooth.
Inp Syrup the best remedy to use tor theii
children during the teething period.
Not a French Scholar.
"Here, son, you've studied French;
what's this word on tho cut in' list"
"That's 'fillet'."
"Fillio! Do they think I want
horse meat?"
CITQ rarmaAcntly Cured. No Sta or nerroniDeai
rl IO after flntiUr'KnMxif Or. KlIaa'aGrrat Nana
Ileatorer. Stud for Fit KK 84.00 trial bottlaand treat.
ua. Da, u. u. .u i, Ann st, rniitatipaia. ra.
la the Presence of Greatness.
Parke I suppose you havo great
hopes of that new baby of yours,
haven't you?
Lane Well, yes, I have, old man.
When I think of what tho baby is
likely to bo I fairly tremblo at my
own insignificance
l'Iso's Cure i the best medicine we ever
used for all ntlcotlons of the throat ami
luiigs. Wm. 0. Endslkv, Vaiiburen, Ind..
Feb. 10, 1000.
The Critic's Way.
Indignant Artist You say it's a
bad picturo? And pray, what do you
know about pictures? You novor
painted any.
Critic My dear follow, I know a
bad egg, though I never laid any.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
foot of Morriton Street,
Can givo you the best bargains in
Buggies, Flows, Boilers and Kngiues,
Windmills and Pumps and General
Machinery. See us before buying.
Springtime Resolutions
Seeley Gufg
Euro relief fiom liquor, opium and tobaooo
habit" , Bond for particulars to
Keeley Institute. MoTAdv,tKs.0t5yu,.Vn"
ad Beat Cough Syrup. Toilea flood. Dsogl
lti in Lima, cola ur uniKKi.ih r-
Our 1901 Vehicle Book
Our 1901 Implement Catalogue
Pend your name and P. n. addreaa and ire
will mall one or both, at desired, free of all
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
Flrtt and Taylor Su.
l OItTI.AND, OR. i
Ilullders of High tirade
EDWARD HUGHES, General Agent.
Catalogue' Mailed Free.
The Great Conditioner and Stock Fattener. HORSES do
More Work on Lesa Peed. COWS give More and Richer
Milk. MOOS Fatten Quicker II given thU Food.
Package, OOc and SI.OO.
PaoeaiAN Kbubdt Co.. Ht Paal, Minn.
Gh.itleukx: I bare brrn feeding your Stock Foon to my
thoroughbred evrlne. It Kire them an appetite, and maliet the pigs
Crow. I alio tried It on atunted calves with aatlofactory rcanlta.
II. W nnnu. nMn N.h
1 siSSXI'Z0 If
E. J. KOWKK, Coaat Agent, Front
aTJUT" Atcnta wanted In every town.
What Does It Cost?
We have just issued an excellent little Cat
alogue on Fence subj'ects. Full illustrations;
all the newest Fence information. A postal
card will bring it to you.
Portland Anchor Fence Co.
742 Nicolai St., Portland, Or.
.no letter terms or faculties
Chamber of Commerce, A.S?U0TO,
The Only Way.
An Illinois attorney argued to the
court, one utter another, a series of
very weak points, none of which
seemed to tho court to have any merit,
until the court finally said:
"Mr , do you think there Is
anything in these points? "
"Well, ludce, pcrhnns there isn t
much in any one of them alone, but
I didn't know hut your honor would
kind of bunch them."
Tho Kind You Ilnvo Always
turo of Ghas. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been mado under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no 0110
to deceive you lu this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
" Just-as-grood " nro hut Experiments, nnd endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria, is a harmless substltuto for Castor OH, Paro
jorle, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is lMcasajit. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Karcotlo
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Eovcrlslmess. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years. tt Munn.y amirr. niwtokk city.
J. A. FROGMAN, General Agent,
300 K. Wlr HI. I'IMiri.ANIl, Or.
182 - 180 Madison St., Portland, Oregon.
and Taylor Ht., Portland, Oregon.
fjf The perfection of Wall Plaster, la the only material
with which repairing can be done neatly and to Hay,
If you hare nerer used It send and get a trial,
lot. It will pay you. For Information address-
Foot of 14th Street. Portland. Orogon
Becurea patents for Inventions
In the United States and foreign
countries. Also negotiates mar
kets and defends patent lnven.
All LHJ uriCIiCU kill HalCM 1
allonreJ. Write for pamphlet.
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