1 ' Thc Proiprrouj Business Men of Cattagi Grave Advertise in the Nugget. Bring Your Job Wert to tU Nugget Job Office. - Prices Reasonable Devoted lo lite Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interoiits opthi Community, to Good Government, and Hulling for a Grub Stake. vox,. :i::d: Ooi;(;age Grove, Oregofa, Friday, June 28, 1901, jsro. 24- PKOFF.SSIQNAL. 13 9 'tit ' ,,if J. E. YOUNQ Alloi'iicy-dL-Law Oitlc. mi Mnlii Mrr.l, Wl Hide COTTAC.U C.UOVK, Ouit. IuOHNSON and P. (i, EBY rltlorneusand Gouiisclun-at-faiw Hiielnl atteiilloti iilfon ln'tlliiliiir.Ciirixiratloi) hikI MmmmiIIo iMW. . OlllNim'tr tktritiau A Niiwlmiil'iloi(!. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. J. S. MEDLEY Altoh'tiRii-al-Law o o o :OI1lr on Main lrfot : CoTTAOit Gkovic, Oku. JEROME KNOX jlttomcu-al-Law I'nimM nllwnlUm lil Ki MImIhk llntliipM. Cottage Gitovit, Okk. L. L. STEVENS JtLoniGy-at-Lriw o o o Fl-wUI tlonlloii iflfon In Mining III! lien mnl rullortlann. HUliKXK, OHB. nOBSQOMODig3DODOBOBSDOBeSOtieCOaoDOQ9BSEOD9BOBaECDOBOtlOBOHOBeBaaon e . H r o w o n o a o m o a M u m a n e II fa a o m obcooboh o e m At Costs We are offering all of our Ladies and metis h'pes, in fine, medium nud heavy grades at actual cost. . : : Sonic, of them in good. wearers at 50c, 75c and $1 per pair. Wc will sell you the cheapest : ; : : Oiily three items reserved.. shoes you ever bought. M O n M n a a n o n o tt ti o a n a u o a oaonaBaoaeu8EaoEonoBHonoBQHenenoEoffo3sso20BenonoEoBerjnoBonoBnesBonno H a H o ta 0 0 0 o ta o n B O H O Mm 1 Jtbms o onertvf; inJcresY to Mirvintf Men o sa B O H ta n n o El o H O D O ta o R3 IIKI.IIU" W. tMUXMflK t'IU. J. lUHUIT. THOMPSON & HARDY fittoriitustind Counselors-lit faun. HmwU! Mlwltmi irlvfi I'Htm Uy jf jUn. KliilKNK, OltK. Wi appei Wrappers Vc are not exactly liks little Gsorgc and the lntchet ami the cherry tree story; cannot tell a lie. And it is not necessary for us to misrepresent to sell Our Goods, being first class in every respect. Fair Treat ment and Fair Dealing is Our Motto, L. T. HARRIS TSWf- Rntiirrlnv wp will nffhr Our P.ntire T.ine of Jk'ouk!' " " ; ' l-25 for 95c. $1.00 for SOc. - . . I Mf.. .... J ... 1 r -NT C4 1. T TTt- .t! r-... t. T?A... 'P!. T) AArtntont onrl TTrw WW IIHVCJUai ICU'VlVCll Will Ul llilUUIICWl 11U11I kllU I'.ltlUl. A Ut; iJt.il to-date Hat in the market. Our $1.75 Hat is a crnck-a-jacl:. Produce taken in Exchange f Hninilt liy mlt refelro .mraptitloiilloii.' FRAN2C P. WHITE, rtiiT.Mir. disovn. oun. Oleo wlib Jmt lUwenwuy. MlMit. Mtj. KilktrlBC Sthleef, M. D. Diseases of Women ami Cliililrcn' COTfAOB (JltOVK, OUK. D. J. GOVER .Prospector and Mine Locator. For Information on Hohemia Mining District write me. HiKifUl AtlcnUon Olvon In Cotre'len" UOHKMIA, OKU. UUSINUSS. (10 '10j ment and Un- change for Goods. Gar man & ffemenway, ii'ii iiwl u bl win iw inin mm iiiin 1111 BinBM mm mm iwnimwi i ib ibui ji hiiiiiwwiii ii n iiiw i m 1 1 mi i m irn Clothiifi' ! Ulo MRS. PET SANFORD'S for Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIN HTKIIBT COTTAGIC GkOVU, Oltli. J. W. BENTLY, The practical Hoot and Shoe maker, ' . . ..C tl. 1!lin. located one door wehi ui . inia hotel, Kepairing neatly and quickly done and satisfacUonguanuiteed. Call BARKER & PERMIN imol'ttlKTOKU OK THE EXCHANQI niwr.inm IM 1'INK- WINBS, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Mttlnntroot, C.tl.iB" rv.Oro. We will sell you clothing, Men and IJoy's, neat up-to-date suits cheaper than you have ever bought them in town. Come and see our goods and get our prices before you buy a full line of Summer Goods, and Ladies Shirt Waists on the same line cheaper than ever. W. H. SMITH Proprietor of the ALIIAMBRA CHOP IIOUSU, near depot, CoTTAfiit Grov. Oris. . Short orders day and night. Every thing first-class and the bebt Uie market affords. ' mt ' H. C. MADSEN, 1 ' . t ' WATCHMAKUH. , nopal tins it rcnuQimblo chargci, Shelf and I-Ieavy Hardware . farming Tools, Simonds Saws, Studebaker Wagons, Hercules Powder, Mining Supplies, Dunn's solid Tree Spray, Successor to I). F. PHILLIPS, ' . DIJAUSRS IN Groceries, Flour Griffin & Veatch Company. JV-"1- Hotel Eugene I10LLBNBBGK' BROS. & IIRISIOW. Headquarters for MINING MEN. ljvuiw WA-r ArnwuHD to. "SOROSIS" A SHOE THAT IS WORN BY All fashionable Ladies. ! ' All Jlltill Onlers 1'oiiiptly Filled. 1 A." GILBERT, 'Eiigetje, Oregon. and Feed. All kinds of Produce bought at the highest market values. Call and g"et acquainted with us. We shall be pleased at all times to quote you prices upon all lines handled by us, whether you buy or not. " Our Stock is New, Neat and Clean, and havinir had years of experience in business we i ' A . i. rrnA the market affords, aiid the ' lowest possible prices . ' Remember the place: Phillips .' i i . 'l . . . r UKl SRVtlU V-OlWlje IJiOVt, VJC Some of the machinery in the Helena mill, at Bohemia was broken the past week, making it necessary to shutdown 5 stamps. The brokeil' machinery will be replaced as soon as possible; and then the full 10 stamps will be dropping again. J. P. Hart came down from Bohemia Monday, Where he lias been doing development work on the Docia claim belonging to F. Jordan. This claim is located 011 the Champion trail about 3 mile3 from the ware hous;. The tunnel is now in about so feet and is showing up cood ore. A. W. Zinikar, No. 2, who has been doing contract work on the Mayflower group of Claims in Bohemia, belonging to Mr. Ely of Kelso, Wash., is meeting with good success. He is driving the tunnel aa tapidly as possible and reports that the ledge is showing up nicely. Mr. Ziniker is worthy of the success he is attaining with his work. The oil-boring machinery for the Southern Oregon Oil Company, of Ashland, which has been delayed in Shipment from Chicago to that place, reached its destination this week. The machinery weighs 17 tons, and includes a 35-horse power bojler and 23-horse powerengine, making a complete standard rig. It is hoped to get the machinery in operation about July i . J. E. Ostrander this week shipped to Mr. S. E. Lovelace at Mimic apolis, Minn., some ore from the Sunset mine on Adams Mountain, Bo hemia, which is to be tested by a new mill, that is safd to save the gold as well as a smelter. Mr. Lovelace contemplates placing one of theso mills on the Sunset property, provided the result of the test is satis factory. Titos. Awbrey, Chas. VanDenburg and J. M. Sherwood left Friday morning for Bohemia, with a load of supplies for their mines. Two men will be put to work on the 'Oversight and Homestake claims be longing to Awbrey and Sherwood, driving a 50-foot tunnel. Messrs. Frank Hughes and Felix Laudess will do the work. There is at present a 3c-foot tunnel on the ledge and it is showing up nicely. Work will also be started on the Pilot Boy belonging to VauDenburg and Aubrey. The people of Myrtle Creek are much elated over the mining out look. Much encouragement has been given by a return this week from an assay irpm ttic new claim qt Lx. V rewsn &p.utlilv,r.tie. .some 10 face the assay shows a yield, we Are told, of S78.91 per ton. The vein is about two feet in width with a very rich "yellowochte" stripof about four inches. The character of the one appears to be improving steadily as depth is attained. Adjoining this, claims are also being developed by John Hall and others and these also promise well. The new dis- cjveries are several miles further up the creek than the big dyke of Crew & Chauey, and Jackson and Armitage, now being developed and worked, under bond, by Seattle parties. Many people now believe one of the finest mining districts on the coast will be developed there. CHARM KI) BY TUB GLITTER OF GOLD. Attorney Johnson and C. B. Clement, the genial proprietor of the cigar and confectionery store on the bridge corner, have been act ing strangely of late, and many have heen the speculations of those who hold the boys dear to heart as to the meaning of their actions. They have been closely associated and engaged in mj'sterous conver sation, as if plots most vile and treacherous were being laid for the commitment of deeds most horrible. A week ago, to make the excite ment of their friends the more in tense they suddenly disappeared and did not show up for several days, and then told the story that they had been fishing; but as every body who knows anything about the boys at all, knows full well that they are altogether too am bitious to engage in such lazy sport, the report was taken with salt in large doses. However the truth leaked out at last. The boys had been attracted by the glitter of gold. They are prospecting somewhere in the neighborhood of Cottage Grove, but as yet their find is a mystery. It has been intimated that their claim is very rich,, but no one seenis to know what in. It has beeu said that Johnson will hereafter re sign the practice of law and that cigar business' isn't to iJlement's taste in future. DIDN'T MAIiRV FOR MONEY. t Tho Boston nmn, who lately married 11 sickly rich youm; wonmn, is hnppy iiQW, for lip got Dr. Khig's Now Life. Pills, which restored hur to perfect health. Infallible., for Jaundice, Mil imisMt Mliiiir Fovor nnd Ague. and nil r,lvoi- uiid stomiioli troubles. Gentle but ullootivo. Only 25c. at Uenson Uruq ;Uo' drug ture. ' A TERRIBLE DISASTER. A terrible flood occurred in West Virginia Sunday causing the loss of the lives of about.200 persoits. The loss to railroads and other property is estimated at $2,000,000. The storm came with a suddeness and severity that is unprecedented and many people were overwhelmed with the rush of water before they could realize what had occurred. A TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. "Of a gasoline stove burned 11 ladv frightfully," writes N. 15. Palmer, of Kirkninn, la. "The best doctors couldn't heal ths running sore that fol lowed, but Buclilon's Arnica Salvo en tirely cured her." Infallible for CntSj Corns, Soros, Rolls, Bruises, Skin Dis eases and Tiles. '25o at Bk.nso.s- Daua Co's. It is estimated that repairs to the Oregon, which has just arrived home from the Orient( rendered necessary by the damage sustained when wrecked in the Gulf of Pe Chi Li, will require about six months on the dry dock and cost fully $250,000. It is intended to present the silk pennat which the Oregon carried on her homeward voyage and which is 410 feet long to the State of Oregon upon the vessels going out of commission during repairs. A special detail o f three petty officers will .carry it to the state officials at Salem. STARTED up. The Eugene fruit cannery began operations for the season Tuesday afternoon on the cherry crop. A force of 25 or 30 girls, and severa men are employed. l'OUND. A trunk key. Owner can havcj same by identifying koy and pay ing for notice.