a T What are Humors? They sro vltlstrri or morbid fluids rotiri Inif tho , veins ,nntl nftrctliii tliri Hunt. Tliey aro commonly' duo to riofrctlvo UIkcs (Ion fiyt lr omttmci InliorlUd, lloVjilj) tlic''iimnKcut llirinior(iif In, nrtiii, forulii of i ciitiinrOtia eruption, alt rltouiti or rat'tnrt, pimples riml holli, mul In wiftkncnit, languor, Krnornl debility. How nra tlicy ixplli 1 lly Hood's Sarsaparilla which nlso Imllili ui thu system (hut linn suffered from tlicin. It li the but medicine for nil humors. Contradictions. .."Willi, Dlgl.y, I'm surmised! jou'ro getting gray I" "Yin, yes; I'v got loin of gray liniix nnd priolous fuw of tlium." Tbli slgnatnro la on every Iwi nf the gentilnn Laxative HromoQiiininc t.i.i.i. lb. remedy that cure, n rnlil In on tiny Tin Proper Trm. "Why do you speak of iilin as ii fin ished lirtlHt?" "lli'oiiiiM) lid tolil Mid ho was utterly illiwouriigcd itnd wiih going to tilt thu profession. If that doesn't show Unit ln.ru finished, I don't know what (Ioch, " No Reciprocity, "Tlmt Mm. Himpkius didn't return my cull." "Woll, thill's no mntter." "No matter? Him lived in ilia suburbs, and 1 sjHint 'ZU centfi gutting out mere. Pip.lHgli I" ll IlKlllirril to One Cent. i mi rrraininii wno mnwij In irrttlna till iiiriitire through emigres, will hull! n lilxli plai n In lliu vteem cif ilm people, Inn mi liliilii'r prrlutna, tlmii thn enleeiii In vthleh everybody holds llnmciif r' Htinu mil Hitter:, Tliln medicine- pel nt the iiiriniix point of illiit-nM! by iivtlnu mi Ilii' MhimiicIi, licljiliu; lluil (irKiin In It (liny or uigi'Mlng fnoil, It cure dyannp nil., Inillitcfitlmi. riiimtniuitliiii, Htlinillnira tlx-kidneys, ami itreiiKtlicu thn nerves, lid mini tu trv It. Juil Like Dick. I'liHVlmin Vnni- lir.illinr Tll,.l- mil ntlt of !1) hint nlidit. I Miss Weiirlo That's just like Dick. 1 ,VIIH ""'y t 'H :ompasioii. J mi h always doing some ridiculous thing. A Phllanlhroplit. She (haulily) I hatincn to , that yon have proponed o two did KirlH this year. I in; i en, near, nut i assure know other yon it If yon wish to keep in tonoli with new things in plidtorupliy Htilmorilx' toCamorit Craft, tho beat photographic toiirnnl in thn world. ICIU Mutter itrcet, Han Frunclnco, Cal. A Slave to raihlon. j Warden What tliu row over there in tlio cell Iiouho? (Iimril Unit omho?.r.lor sny he tiliouldcm in his cout CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Honrs tho Signature The Limit. JliiHter I niu having awful luck. I am now down to my Taut dollar. Pcdhroke Pshaw, that's nntliinc! won't Htity any longer if lie oun'thavo Wuil till your an; down to thu hint orcimcM In It in trouiiurii and rimlan dollar of your hint friend. 1 Thn llnat 1'reaorlptlon fur Miliaria Thllla And Yrrfr la . l.ntfln nl IIm..'. n-. nil Infill- UlllllTonlc. 11 lailmnlr Iron iindaulnlnn In 1'liiiV ('urn for I'diiiiiiiiiiIIiiii I Hold inrilli'liic for iiiii);ha anil rolila, N. w. 4a Mi' ix. Occnn drone, N. J., Vrh. I' 110. Sleepy llutterfllti. iluttcrllicit are mild to lioveryMleepy licuded. Twilight h'iuIb tliiiui to kit, itnd they are ntill drowny nt nunriite. BEST FOR THE OWE!. If jo tiATOu't ft rr Ku!r, tivalibj moftmni of tbfl towU Try df, tou tm tick, or will Kmu vutir bofit own. (d t wen, turre In ttie tipi uf flolinl bbrilA or itltl 1mUod, la d&ntrtiriiuti. rmwiiwii cttirti, moil ?riri way c"l clour ftiMl clMn I to ukt nreroui. Tti f kff(ilDf ib jWgp&m candy a Ultvlcit form, tio run. No I'ay. l'rlce Ux. Longevity of Qucen't Trtln-Uurcrt. All the eight ladies who acted nt train liearern to the queen on her wed ding day, IKI years ago, an; still alive. All nave one are married. Tho Lady Victoria Howard is tho one exception. t 1 BTATtor Ohio, rrrr orTowco, 11,1'UI ClIl'NTV. ' Fmank J. Uhknkv makra oalli that he Ii the cnlor -riroI the Drin ol V, J. Chkxet &Co dulnic boalnrat In Hie City ol Tolrilo, Coamy nil 8UIO sforraalil, and that aalil firm wlllinr tlioium ol UNK llt'.SIIHKll IiOI.I.AIW for each atul erery raxinl Catarrh that raniiut bo cured by the uo of Hall's Catikrii Ci'hk. KHANK J. CIIKNKY fiworn to tKfore me anil mhierlhcd Innr prrsritre, tulatlli day ol Uereinber, A. I. 1M. TltAL f A.W.OI.KABON, ' ll .Votary Puttie Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken Internally ami acta directly on thu blood and mucoiu aiirfacea of the irtlcm. rk-nd lor lexlmnnlali, tree. K. J. C1IKNKY i CO., Toledo, O. roiu ny nrilKRiaia, 7 Uall'a family l'lll. are tho beiL The Supctlttlve. Hoax Wigwag always callci: first wifo "dear," lint ho cnlls lii ond wifo "dearest." Joax Well, I gues sho is. THE 3Utt :kdustry, onoWTH If Cr POULTrSV 'iTiACti '.Ir'.'b COUNTKy. 1 his is sec ahovc everything else is llaianl lttUtkhlM. Infnt Tmmlm flMri rv.riwu1. MatsrHloktn. Vfnkpn, ordrli. 0e. tun Wrllo for flooimil, awl tooklot on baalm. AitOrtu I t,iii-.ini. IImMu ILuJ. I I.. Mk. M.I jiiniriu irrn tnun ninnn ni nil needed in pliotograpliy. Uur new liCCr lUUn DLUUU uLCAiT Iwlimco wulo weighs a grain as easy ' us an ounce. V rico S.I.IX). At deal ers, or Kirk, Oeary & Co., 330 Slitter at., can rraucisco. Coal Mlnen by the Million. Over 2,000,000 ihinors aro required to produce tho world's supply nf coal. Of this ntnuhor, (13,(1(10 aro employed in Great llritain and -101,220 aro em ployed in tho United Btates. TO OUItK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take lAxntlre nromo Quinine Tabletb All trunlata refund themnney II It falls to cure. . W.Urovo'ailklialurc la on each box. '. Took the Blow. IIT.. II.I..I. !... .... A iiiAi.tmi ii I.iiii. I kl IIIIIIR llltlf III, . WI, ..,.- ncr should ever stand u blow without returning it." "When did that happen?" "To tho weather luircatt storm flag In tho last cyclone." Mothers will find Mrs. Wlmlow's Sooth- fHynip the best remedy to use lor their Id mi during the teething period. From the "Vodtvtel." "Well," asked tho spiritualistic fortune toller's next door neighbor, "how'sjiiisinesslf" . "Oh, medium." The Early Bird. "The shirt waist must bo about to bloom." "Why do you think so?" "llecauso thcro goes ono on a bud." CITQ Farmatiiilly Cured. Ko flu cr nervouiOMi I IO aHrr nralilay'anoiiflir. Kllaa'aOrrat Nrm Iteatnrtr. SnJ lor Fit Ii It 8J.00 IrUI Unlle ao.l trrat !m. Pa.ll.ll Klll,LlJ..V3IArciiSL,i'LUl.ll,bl.r. At Prcicnt Prices. Mrs: Wtinder Hut what could Mr. Mux do with ull tho money in the world oven if ho should comer it? Mr. Wtinder Perhaps ho is fond of strawberries. Stop tho Oouph mnd Workm Oft thm Cold. Lauatlre lirnmo-Qulnlne Tablet! cure a cold In ono day, no cure, no ray, i-nce aa centa. Engaging Candor. Stern Parent So you want to mar ry my daughter, oh? Well, sir, what have you to live on? Younir Urokelmh II I bucccu in marrying her, I'll havo you. THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL HUMAN DISEASES. The poison elected from tho fangs of tho rattle- S nnkc ia not more surely fatal thnu the virus of rvtninlniw Wood Po son. which pollutes and vitiates eh IdXnd. destrovs the tissues aud bones and cats like "This iSSrtbte dUcae appears first in the for of a little sore or blister ; soon the glSuds bSMo sweU,&lcs break SSS Si 8 conpe7co$M 8'81S of W rol!?n thSase progresses, and the destructive virus takes deeper hold upon the S5f The ScS men are' as sorely perplexed over the character this blood t they tell you to wh mcrem i"""-. 'i Li.i- nf nohumon beiuircansianotuuireauucunuuK , Uw...w, -.v ox nonuroun iK "b ...,..,,. ,,, t.nv. trj,.,l It know. disease pennanenwy, i. the onlr . EAfiu sent., xuuu. nolson as ever but the stomach not cure the WWT.T.TWnTOW, . -V-ri . Til.n Ivn vnara alio thta fall nd persuided to try a medtolno vrldely advor tuld by S "imody oontpSny In Ohioatro. Z wi re ViJfrLi i to w i Urire iimount la dvno. and onn SSfLurP.S thLVl wV worse irh th.Uittm.rt thn when I Beg-n. jiimuw !. iMjion ou ' ".".,T -uV,.nnl.h matter I eon- ? B7,0.m T Jr .wollen. nd my hair vm oom "l nrdl, w"b9l. wai my condition when I boir an inir out rapidly. ,Af 7.". ,.tT.two bottles, and gtiaranteed purely vege table blood purifier, and the only antidote for this particular virus: It purifies the blood and builds up the constitu tion. The appetite Im proves almost from the first dose, the sores soon show signs of healing, and the unsightly, dirty splotchca and eruptions grow paler and paler, ana unaiiy aisamu a c q I. tint a new medicine ; for nearly so years it has been known and used . hf'&lvul dliSL It ho. brought ew iff. ami hope tc . thouund. Mil I over thU land : it will cure you as it has ouiers. .hifoinitinn niuiuL vuui umli t u n(jMvfjw j . . and all correspondence Is conducted lu "..'u"ut' "l our'ohvslcians about your case. We will help you ,i you w - ."-"-", f . advice, and all correspondence is conuutiw Sffitfl& THSWIFT 'SPECIFIO COMPANY, ATUNTA, OA. On.' ifKp rt, Airr O.'citer II in Hver ilexire, While Iitiuirln rliut u He el ed Ijei-reme I'liii trj-Wnl luuMiiy He Mud n J'rolltr.lila Ccciiiintliui. Tho i'i,'ir IndiiHtry la of eonsldernhle eoiiiuieiviul liiiiiertiiiiee. The total mini liei' of ck:u inodiieed In thu United lilnte In Jt;U wur, ettluialeil to be 'MO,- 0UO,O(X) dozen, uik; ' litio itg.iieH are r.hu often said to be too low. The United Htntea formerly Imported n largo munlier of eggn nun exported wry fuw. Tho ratio Iiiih ehuiiged with In the last ten vii;-h, mid now Hie ex Ii orw laig'l exeaed the ImportH. In iUVU tlm total niiuilicr exported wns, In round iiiiinU'i'M, UHi,W0 dozen, worth fMi.OOO; in 1601, .'MiiM.OU.) dozen, worth V.U't.'MO. In'lMK) IIiIm (-(1111111 Import ed 15,U00,0o0 dozen, which were valued at jrl'.UJO.OiiO, ii ml lu 18LU only ITJ.'i.lXIO dozen, valued nt t'2l,iXA). Taking Into netoinit the live yearn up to and Including 1808, (li per cent of Hi.- fcxported e;a were sent to ('iiiin, 'M percent to Cv.iii.om, mul II per cent lo Olent ltrlltiln. l.uilnj; the Hume perloii M per tent of ihi egga ImportJ eiimt from Cimaoii, ii isr cent fro.r, C'lilua, nid too remainder from vuiljr, other countrlea. These ht,'.!s:lec of the rg trade lire of Interest bi-cnUMo they show the great growth of the poultry IndiiHtry, ninl In dicate what It iiuij beeoiiie hi the fu ture. Home of the development innj lie falily ultrlhuied lo Hie work of the (Joveriinient, nnd the ngrlcultiiral ex periment atntloua. For many yenm n coiihlOerahlb number of the Htniioim especially those In Aln'imnin, t 'nil for ulA, Indiana, Kentucky, IoulHltiuii, .Mnl.ie, MaHHaehiiHutta, Michigan. New Yoik, North Carolina, North Dakota. Ok.nhomn, Orei;on, Ithodc Island South Cnrollni., Utah, and West Vir ginia, have been expcrlmentliif; upon methods of feedl.ig find earing for poul try, the comparative vultle of ("ilfTcrenl brcedx, the poHHliilllty of InereiiHltiK STZ proouetlon by proper feeding and selection of lnyhiK stock, nnd clinlliir prooleiriH. The Ieparttuent of Agrleul turo hta done much to eneournse the pc.iltry ImlUHt.? by edllectlug nnd tl 1k- t.-itnnlng Information and In other IV,ultt7 TCi',n'nn Im of:en earrlixl on In t crijiui.iion with i;cnernl fartnlug, nnd inn Ll ptofltnbly developed ulonc hik-Ii lines. V. Utn It hi fnllov.-ed iih an lu."e- r.nit entenwls?. Its pjHMllnlltlzc are nlro preat. There Ik nlwayH ii i.-.M-tiet for poultry nud n; for food, w nil. tne rnisiug of f.tney Mock for 1 r.-edliiR pur- lOKes lo frequently worth conslnern-tlon. J.tJ;ed hy iiTillnhle t'.5tl.Ccs. cjiha compare favorably with Hie .now coin moil nnltnnl foodx. nnd It Ik hIiuwii that the h.gb food value of czgs Is nppre- c.nted, nnd Hint they constitute r.ne of the very linpoitiint articled of diet In the American houieliuld. In many of the dlelnry fitnds luaif In tho United Stuten data were reio ed of the cost of different foods and the relative amount of nutriment material contributed by each In proportion to tho total cost. Compared with otter foods at the usual prices, egs at 1.' cents pir dozen were found to lo a cheap ocurce of nutrients; nt 1(J tentr. psr cozon they were fairly e.ije.i,, and at 23 cents per desea nnd cer they wcro very expensive. Washington Star. Our Troop In Ciimu lu cplto of his many ht.ridkt.p3 the American ooldler has fully telu his own, says Hcrlbner's. Uc has numer ous weaknesses, but tear of the enemy Is not, fortunately for the Ilepuhllc, nmons them. I heard foreign officers f.'eely criticise his mlltta.'y m.mnera and organization, but nover his right Ing qualities, onco lilo burden of null Ciuated methods hnu been cast nslde and ho faces tho foo ou the llrlng-lluc. Then Is ho ns ho always wns. nnd, let us liof.e, always will lie. lu nil the criticism one hears there Is mi under current ot respect. I never noo him In a light but I feel, with absolute cer tainty, that tho American soldier will OTcr fclvo a good account of himself If not asked to do more than should be aeked of n man. Other elements belli;, approximately equal, the stoutest heart nnd tho steadiest ucrro will win the most battles. In these qualities. Undo Sam's boys aro second to none. "Thay'vo dono their share," Is tho ver dict of pcoplo In China, who havo been hero through It all. to Ahlo to Help Slok Woman Whon Daatora Fall, How gladly would men lly to wo man's aid did they but understand a wo'm'ii feelings, trials, fcenalbllltlcs, anil peculiar organic disturbances. Thow! things arc known only to women, nnd the aid a man would give la not nt his command. To treat a case properly It Is neces sary to know all about It, and full Information, many times, cannot be given by n woman to her family phy sician. She cannot bring herself to tell everything, and tho physician Is Historical Associations. In the South Carolina Legislature tho President of the Senate and the Cpcnkcr of tho House wear silk robes whllo presiding over their respective houses. This custofn Is about u ecu tu:'y old, nnd Its origin Is somewhat obacurc. Present attention to th mut ter arises from a change In tho color of tho rohts from the original ultra marine blue. Over this tho South Car olina pnpers aro Justly agitated. At ono time, far dlstnnt, the robo was red, Instead of blue, but both colors are those of the natlonnl flag, nnd either, In the South Carolina vlow, Is prefer nblo to the robo of tho royal purple donned by the Speaker nt the recent session, the gown of heliotrope grace fully worn by tho President of tho Sen ate. Tho robo worn by tho former Speaker was blue, and the press asks tiant that color, which hns somo his torical associations, bo fixed by statute. Una, O. II. CnArrxxL. t a constant disadvantage. This In why, for the past twenty-live years, thousands of- women havo been con fiding their troubles to us, and our advice lino brought happiness and health to countless women in the U.S. Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park, III., whose portrait we publish, advlbeH all suffering women to use Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, as It cured her of Inflammation of tho ovaries and womb ; she. therefore, speaks from knowledge, and her experience ought to give others confidence. Address .Mrs. Pinkham's Laboratory, Lynn, Maw. Exccti of Women In Norway. In cnnseqtionco of emigration, thcro is it greater preponderance of women in Norway than in almost any other country in Kuroiio. Tho cen sus of 1801 showed that thcro was nn exces of women over men of almost 70,000, while in 1870 this excess amounted to only 43,000. A MONTANA GIRL Sho Was Pale and Bloodless, But Now Has a Good Complexion. Her Ailments Gone, From the rioneer Pren, St. Fault Minn. From Florence, Itavalli county, Mont., comes a cheerful letter, tho writer of which is willing to toll how nnd I urn willlno- f,. .nv tl.nantlmr 1. no Obtained tllO HClI glOW Ol IlCnllll right. For instanco" i that thotisiuids of women nro envious "I inn already a believer" Mrs. l? , PO"cs. JJcforo alio found tho Hixson interrupted. "You will in-' r,K''t remedy sho was In that pale, list on having lobster for supper emaciated condition which doctors always. " , call anaemic, and winch, if neglect- Mr. A Living Example, "We arc what wo feed on," l!ixon, laying his quoted liook, And .Mr. very red. Hixson, mortified, grew , l Mutt Economize. j "I would like to cell you an auto-' mobile." "I'd like to buy it, too, but I can't. 1 .My (laughter has jut cabled me that she has married the Duke Do No-1 coy ne." Knew Illi Builnen. A Formtr ConquetL He Iliit why do you want mo to r.sk Ilinuleigli to the house? She Why do you wear your medal? He It represents that victorious campaign I went through before wo married. Sho So does he. No Suggtitloru. "I must snv," remarked tho physi cian, "your husband is in a bad way. Any arrangements you may want to make" "Oh. doctor, " she cried, "I could neter think of marrying aguin." yOO KNOW WHAT YO0 AE TAKING When vor .ako Grove's Taateleas Chill Tonic, became tbo lonnulals plainly prlntedm every cottletbourlnirthat It Is almDly Iron and Qui alno In a taalclcas form. Ko Cure, Xp Vay. bOc. Sorrows o' Research. ' "Did you succeed in finding any illuxtriotiH iiiifvstors?'" I "No, but I scared up a lot of kin folks that I didn't want to know at , all." ed, inevitably means early death. Miss May Smith, whoso address is given in the first words of this ar ticle, says: 'About five years ago I becamo ill without npparant cause, and I grew worso until 1 was completely run down. Tho least exertion would bring on it very severe pain in tho pit of my stomach. At other times I j would have a pain in my head, some thing like neuralgia. My kidneys were very weak and my limbs always Hostess Dear me, the conversation felt tired. I was troubled with short is flagging. What can we do to ncss of breath and I had a pale, blood amuse our guests? j less appearance. Thcro was a smoth- Host I don't know, unless we ering sensation about my heart, leave the drawing room for a few min-' which would beat heavily, with fits of utes and give them a chance to talk 1 palpitation. For three years I was about us. 1 under the care of two doctors, neither of whom seemed to know tho naturo of my trouble. They treated mo for dyspepsia, ulceration of tho Btomnch, gastritus nnd neuralgia, but without good results, I "Two years ago, when I saw an ad vertisement in a St. Paul paper ol Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple, I bought a box and began taking them. They helped mo so much that I kept on with them until I had taken five boxes alto gether, and became well and strong again. I gained in flesh nnd they gave me a healthy color. I have great faith in Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills for Pale People, nnd take them every spring and fall as a blood medicine and for the general building up of my system. "I have recommended Pink Pills to many people who aro suffering much as I was, and they have nil been bene fited. My younger sister, whoso skin is pale and transparent, is now taking them to restore her color." Signed. MAY SMITH. At all druggists or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Sche nectady, N. Y., on receipt of price, 50 cents per box ; six boxes 12.60. Revised in Time. "MiBS Strong," he began, "will you be mino? That is to say, er " She had knottd her fair brows in a frown. "r that is, may I bo yours?" "Yes," she said, with a smile. The Truth Forced Home. "I'm afraid," she sighed, "that I'm getting old." "Why?" lie asked. "When I go to tho grocery now, the clerks don't nearly break their necks trying to beat one another in getting my orders." w. r. N. c. ita. 25-1901. I y 11 EX writing- t. advertiser, plasao 1 mention thla paper. FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Charity that beglr.o at homo usually suspends operations during tho house cleaning period. THate tl I. ! (litnil. .IJOIV't picket! ami ruin youratnmarh with pill 10111,. n. Knt I a--jiri'ta like randy, IiHrinlfta. FREE TO FARMERS, buy the Mccormick mkmtm tilt In ihi- alomach, do the work itintn, luv, sftr, flee. Il.nik- Evolution Again. "AdvertiMti is one er de fits' laws of nature," i-aid Uncle Eben. "A hen's biiKiuesM is lavin' nigs, an' cv'y time -die compVte 11 transaction shestahts right 111 to cackle. Opcua lor ararun June 23, 1901. Col. J. F Harvey, Manager THE "MONTKItKY" OF OREGON. Moat beautiful and perfectly equipped um- mer rcaort. Every convenience and comfort. Free mi from hotel to aurf. Hathlne. nthlnir. ilmn-lug, howling. A iplcndld hotel with lovely aiirrnumlinira. Under new management this year. For rah a and reservations address HOTEL FLAVEL, Flavot, Ore). Or J. L. MITCHELL, aia Martjuam nldg., Portland, On. WHAT I c3y m mm IF IT BEARS THIS TKADE MARK IT l& THE DE&T WATERPROOF OILED COAT IN THE WORLD. 0N&KUe. MADL FOR StRVICt jyjWfjjTlTUT"- WTrltROWatMIWATIttK, TARE Na CATALOGUES PREE 5H0WIN5 PULL LINE OP GARMENTS AND HATS. A.J.T0WER CO.. BOSTON. MA5&.48 Springtime Resolutions BZeeley Cure TAKE TUB Eure relief fiom liquor, opium and tobacco send for particulars 10 Moved to 4SO Williams Ave., Kuat Side. habit'. Keeley Institute. JOHN POOLB, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Streak Can elve you the best bargains in Ilngfeies, Plows, Hollers and Engines, Windmills and Pumps and General Machlnory, Seo us before buying. la best time to eure Catarrh, Ilroncbttls and Consumption, Our remedy Is guaranteed, II. I ri. llnr 073. W. II. SMITH S CO., Buffalo, N. Y. T CUHtS HM ML USM unostUougnBjnip. TaateaQi I In time. Hold m in lime, worn py aruggiiitv. ei Our 1901 Vehicle Book Our 1901 Implement Catalogue JUST ISSUED. The Mccormick machines are the most Mod ern. They are the pride ol tne new century! highest In awards at the Paris exposition Built best work best are best. With erery 1 test they prove the best. The Prop from Fend yonr name and P. O. address and we will mall one or both, as desired, free of all charge. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., First and Taylor Sis. PORTLAND, OR. Call on the agent, or address for catalozuei A. H. BOYLAN, Gen'l Agt. I'OIVrXAND, OltKRON itS LAND PLASTER Jjp The perfection ot Wall Plaster, Is the only material with which repairing can be done neatly and to atay. If you have never used it send and get a trial lot. It will pay you. For Information address Agents wanted in every town. THE ADAMANT GO., . Foot ol Hth Street. Portland, dragon. Chas. L. Mastick & Co. 75 ToT CASH BUYEKS OF HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW. Consignments solicited. Pay highest market price. PROMPT RETURNS. Deal ers in Leather and Findings. Refer to Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank, Portland, Oregon. Cure Your Horses cJrfS,P..'t!i1 PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS. AT DCAltflS. Sci BY HAIL. 000. CUUKU TIIIttTV-FOUK HOUSES. PsnaslAx Rbubdy Co.. St. Pant. Minn. Gektlbuen: I have been using the Prcssian Hbavb Pow-I dbrs the past eltrht months, and In that time have cured 1 1 horses I of heaves, 14 of distemper and O of chronic conph. Your Prussian! Remedies have gained a great reputation in this section. Hrneft riKHNcKR. Newark. N.Y. 1. J. ltOWKN, Coitet Agent, Portland, Oregon. IS IS What Does It Cost? i We have just Issued an excellent little Cat alogue on Fence subjects. Full illustrations; all the newest Fence information. .A postal card will bring it to you. Portland Anchor Fence Co. 72 Nicolai St., Portland, Or. tvr j-- --