1J N iiusiNKrta enANrtftH Whoii it comes to business ohnngcs. Cottage Grove can Hct a pretty Rood pace for some of the larger towns. Three deals of im portance wero consuinntcd this week. Wheeler & Jordan Hold the Cash Grocery to J. 15. Wheeler and A. G. Young who wilt conlinne the business. Mefisrc. Wheeler and Young are recent arrivalH here from the cast. The firm of 1 1 uni on way it llurkholder Iwih also hecii tlinsolved, W. K. Jlcmcnway retir ing, having disposed of his Inter est in the business to his brother, I). II. Ilciucuwtiy. The new firm will continue the business under the same firm name as before. Mr. I). II. Ilcmenway is well and favorably known, having been en gaged in business here lor n num ber of yonr.s, K. A. Sanders has Hold the liohemi.i saloon to Mr. Utter, an experienced saloon man, formerly of Albany. Mr. Sanders will remain here. ' IIIKTIIDAV J'AUTY. Miss Elsie Kirk, of Dorcna. en tertained her friends in honor of her ifith birthday. The forenoon was ftpcut in vocal and instrumental music after which dinner was called. The evening was spent in discuss ing events of the day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk, Mr and Mrs. Will Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Wush Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. KulixCur riu, Misses Ilattie Chapman, Jessie Heath, Koxy VauSchoiack, Mlifnie Unyles. Sadie Wilson, Wyatt Wil son, Ullic Smith, Mural and Elsie Kirk, Osie Currm, I.ula Kirk. Messrs. Grorge Currin, Lester Chapman, Iilsa and Krankie Van Schoiack. Wayne, Eurinitt, Clar cuce and Ralph Kirk. I.OTTJIt .. tii.mwn Miss Lottie L. Tillson pave an elocutionary entertainment at the Opera house Monday to a small audience, awl those who were V .present, ma,, not s:gru arijue-unc licr efforts to please. There are a uumbxr of local elocutionists Jicrc who could have given a much better entertainment. The Re becka Lodge of this city was instru mental in securing Misfi Tillison nnd they regret very much that her entertainment was not what it un represented to be. Ice cream and cake was served by the Ucbccko lidies after the entertainment. This part of the program was participated iir awl greatly enjoyed by all present. IACK 01' INTISHItST. On Tuesday afternoon Mr. L. C. Smith, of Minnesota lectured to a small audience nt the Opera bouse, oir dairying and diversified farming. The attendance for the afternoon lecture was so small thnt Mr. Smith decided not to speak in the evening. It is to be regretted that such a lack ol interest was manifested. Mr. Smith is a prac tical and experienced farmer and bis talk would have been worth dollars to every farmer who could have heard him. ltUtCTKIC FOUNTAIN. The New lira drug store has one of the most attractive show windows this week that has ever been fitted up in the city. It is. air electric . fountain, mauufucturcd by Mr. Nclsotr. It is mounted with sev eral miniture electric lights and a crowd can be seen in front of the window at almost nil hours of the night watching the maneuvers ol the frogs, fish, turtles, crawfish and polliwogs. W.ACK Mto. The dread disease, black-leg, has made its appearance to some extent among cattle itr some parts of the county. One man nearCoburg has lost 9" fine blooded calves within the last few days. JlASIillAM,, The agent of the Boston Bloomer 'girls baseball team vn4s in town . this week and arranged n game ...1.1. lVTonncrfr DllttOU Of' tllC BO- . hernia team to be played Tuesday, June 25. I'KAliTICAI, MUM,. The Engle hose team were out Tuesday evening doing n little practical work. Several loads of old ' boxes, crates and trash were gathered up around town by Mar aim I N111111 and hauled to a vacant block in the north part of town near the Christian church. About K o'clock, Tuesday evening they were saturated with oil and set fire to. A regular fire alarm was turned in awl the boys made a very pretty little run of thice blocks at.d had a stream of water playing cu the fire on short notice. The Rescue team is also doing good drill work, I.OAl) 01' 8T0V1! I'lI'ltB. All kinds of loads are hauled on wagons, but perhaps one of the most unique cargoes itood upon Main street last Saturday. It was a load of stove pipe in sections of -six joints, in all 67 sections making 402 joints besides two tops to which were added an extra joint. The pipe is sajd to have been ordered for the Black Butte quicksilver mines and will be used as air pipes. I'OK ooddhss. The voting contest for Goddess of Liberty is now in progress. Tickets have been printed and arc on sale at the New lira drug store awl R. W. Newland's, at one cent each. The lady receiving the highest number of votes will be Goddess nnd the one receiving the next highest will be Angel of Peace. HONING CONTIBT. A couple of spirited boxing con tents occurred Thursday morning. Ceran DeLassus aw) A. Ilemcnway had a 5 round go, which was a very pretty contest. Joe Lawless and Roy Ilemenway were the next in the ring and for a few rounds gave r very gocd exhibition. THlt CKI.HUUATION. The Fourth of July committees arc now getting down to hard work and nre determined to make the celebration a grand success. The Pleasant Hill band will probably furnish music for the occasion. T'.ie line of march awl program will be given next week. 'IMI'KOVINO. Word was received Thursday that lion. Ivan McQueen, who is under the care of Portland physi cians, was getting along nicely. He stood the operation very well and it is hoped thnt he may soon be able to return home. UttV KIJSiniiNCU.- Work has been commenced on the new residence of Mr. Phillip Hold. Messrs. Geo. Lea and Scott Jackson arc the contractors and when it is completed it will be one of the finest residences in the city. TO Till! MCUNTAINS. An outing party consisting of Dr. II. II. Tetrie and wife. N. H. Martin and wife and Miss Bessie Griffin left Sunday morning for the mountains. They expect to be gone several weeks. FRItSH VAINT. The residence of L. Lurch on Mniu street, is being treated to a fresh coat of paint, which adds much to its appearance Jenkins & Lawson ore doing the work. A NUW SKWHU. The I. O. O. V. lodge have had a new sewer put'in this week, leading from their property to the riven A good improvement. CI.OSHD DOWN. The Booth-Kelly 'mills at Sagi naw were closed down Monday on account of the death of Hon. John Kelly , of Eugene. ARKUSTJJI), . Wayne Starr was arrested Sun day at Sodaville for robbing the Dusty postoffice. He has made a written confession. FOUND. . A pair of ladies kid gloves, owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice, AIL ont yoij. Clinti. Cochran went to Ktigcno Mon diiy, V. .1. Jennings whs In tho city thin week . Trunk While- went to Hiigcno last Friday. Joo Grifllii wont to Kugoiie awheel ftiintluy. Albert Wo'xl was tip from Ku(r-iio Sunday. Charley Vim Fleet Is on llio sick lint this week. Miss I'Miin Martin went to Eugene hist Saturday. H. (i. Lock woo J, of limine, was in town Momluy, " Mrs. Geo. Kelly, of Wcndllng, was in town tills week. (Ico. Willoiighby, of Eugene, was in town llils week. I J. Moliiscr was doing business in Eugene Saturday. Mr, Sadlu Downing Is clerking In the poi-lollicu thin wcrk. Theodore Mnrtin, of Oreswcll, was li the tlrovo Thursday. T. A. Ix'wls, formerly of tills place, wiih in town .Monday. Win. IVrmln returned lioma from Junction, Wednesday . .Mrs. Warieu MuFarlniid has been quito ill tho past week Mrs. Anlauir eaino down from Coin stock on Monday's local. Clinc . llruneaii left on tho stago Fri day morning for Bohumiit. Will Ftetter, of Albany, was injlown thlb week visiting with E. It. Otisc. Mayor Vcaieh made n flying business trip to Drain Tuesday ufturiioou. F. J. Moinzor nnd bride arrived here from Portland ThurKlay morning. James Motnenwsy made Eugene n business viidt the llrst of the week . Mrs. H. A. Seam and moii It'itph.of Walker, were in town one day this week. Newt JoiifS returned homo Tue-day from an extended trip down tho valley. (5. Meadow 'Is in town from Ilohcmin thin week. He expects to rut urn noon. C. II. Wallace went to Coburg the first of tho week to do conic brick work. I. P. Inman, the limine merchant was In town after n load of freight, Tuos day. Geo. W. Lloyd and wifonnd Mr. and Mrs. Scott weru Kugenu visitors Tues day. Misses Lulu Currin and Neva Perkins are houiu to epciid.tliu summer from the U of O. Blanch Brown nee Strong formerly of this (dace died nt Grants 1'ass Sunday night. Mr. and Mr. W. II. Abrams were visiting friends in Eugene the llrtlot the week. , IMItor C. .17 Howard left on the early train Tuesday for Portland on it few days buHiuess trip. J. A. ChlldciH, n prominent mining mail from Los Augelen, was in tho city the past week. Mr B. I.. Piekard went to Lebanon, Saturday, on 11 visit to her daughter, Mrs. Or Boyd. ' Mrs. VanDcnbnrg and daughter went to Kuiteno Monday for a few days visit with her parents. (J. C. Milh-r stopped off hero to spend a few days with Iiih family on his way to Portland, thin went:. Mrs.'Jas. 0.trander went to Ktigene Monday for a few days visit with her daughter, Misn Nina. Misx (icrtrudti llurdick in attending the commencement exeru:aesof tho U of 0 lit Kugenu this week. Win. Ilemenway left Tuesday for Seattle, 011,11 few davs business trip, with tho view of locating. Messrs. Oco. Ilawley. Chits. Miller and Frank Phillips left' Monday morn ing for 11 trip to Kastem Oregon. Dr. Geo. Wall returned homo the first of the week from Portland whero ho at tended the grand loduuof Masons. Mrs. Itufus Dillird left Moudny for I 1 - : .. o. ..1 ...,!. ...T.nH HIT lltllllU 111 0HIMIIlt , , lint., ntivi iv a ft w days visit with relatives here. K.J, Lea, who has been absent for sometime, was shaking Hands witn ills many friends in thiaeityUhis week. Mr. Krnest. Vouneer arrived up from Monmouth Tuesday afternoon to accept a position 111 tho uanK 111 tins piacu. Kditor Iloraco Mann nnd wife, of tho Medford Knqulrcr, wero in town this week on n visit tothoir ninny friends. Lewis Ilnrtloy,' of Corvnllis, stopped In this city 0110 day last week 011 his way to llio mines, and mudo this olliuo n pteatmiitcall. Don't fall to seo Dr. Lowe nbout your back niraln until fall. His glassesare tho best ho can buy. Forest Banger Vcatch with his family left Wednesday morning for Bohemiu whoro ho will romaiii until about thu mlddlo of Octobor. , WlnfltiM Bennett cntno up from Ku couo whoro ho has been attending tho U of O, Friday to spend tho summer vacation at nomo. Thu many friends of Mrs , Jas . White, formerly of this place, but now in Brit ish Columbin will bo sorry to learn that sho is very ill with typhoid fover. P. J. Mo Cormack, of Black Mountain, Colorado, u prominent milling man, is in tho city this week. Mr. McCormack Intends spending tho summer in tho Bo hemia district In the Interest of soma Kastorn capitalists. Ohas. Destol, who for several years has been interested in mining property In Bohemia, and who has been spoiullug tho winter 111 Seattle and Portland, ar rived last Friday nreparatory to eonr moncinjj work on his property on Klo pliant iiomPlllli Our First Surprise Sale Our Big Prints Sale All new and veiy desirable patterns (and the tpiality is first class( of the kind on the market.) It's a day when judicious shoppers will they need. Wit Ori'.KATIt A model Grocery Department, It is model in the class of goods handled pure and wholesome food products. Model in the price charged which are lower than those asked for similar goods else where. Ii' You Want To set a model table buy your Groceries at Our Model Grocery Department, 'l- -i -i- : -l- t j in i vivo I) 111 I II IV I i . -i- 'lll Ii grief. Look at Kakin ft Uristows shoes. Valunblo mining proporty in Bo hemia for Hale. Jerome Knox and Co. 1 jiilies crash skirts from 50cts to $2.00. at Lurch's. Geo. Griffith for prices on cleaning and dyeing. Anew invoice of plated ware, clocks, etc., at Madsen's. Cedar posts for sale any amount. In quire at this oUice. Perfumes, tho best to be had. Helicon ; DnlgC6.- You will always find fresh fruits and vegetables nt Tho Caah Grocery Co. Head real estate bargains of Jerome Knox it Co. Lut os millinery every week low prices astonish all. .Experienced trimmer. K. K. Kimbx it Sos. Mens' and woinens' hIiocs at GOc per pair at Kakin it Bristows. Toilet articles, Benson Drug Co. A larae assortment of tho great fav orites. Porttunl, Caramel and lig Prune Cereals, at Cummings. They arc tho cheapest and best Kukin" it Bristows shoes. Look at those ladies watches just re ceived, at H. C. Madsen's. Kino residences, choice lots, business blocks for sale Jerome Knox it Co. Savo money in buying goods ofX.K. 151 sen it Son. Their prices win trade. Suits! Suits!! Tailor made suits!!! Up to date in overv respect, from $15 up. Call and seo samples. Gko. Boiii.mak. If vou want anything in tho lino of pruning8hears call on Grifljn. Veateh Co. Statbnery, pens, pen hoidors, and pencils of every description at llenson Drug Co. Stationery, the best in tho market, to bo found 111 Cottage Grove, at Benson Drug Co. Wo have on band a largo stock of kiln-dried flooring, celling aiid rustic in grades 1 '1 and 8. Let us mako you special prices. Booth-Kelly LustnF.n Co. Just received this week n choice va riety of ladies and Misses fine Bhoes. Calf and seo them nt Cumming's store. Buv your fruit jars at tho Cash Gro cary Co. They handle tho best. The drug stock of Benson Drug Co. is choico, complete, and absolutely the best in tho market. Try us. Get your prescription filled nt Benson Drug Co, I'uro drugs, of superior quality. TIioho now gents doublo chains nt II. Mndeen's are beauties. Seo them. Go to Geo. Bohlman's tailor shop Main street and seo his fall lines of samples and goods. lie can please you in nny stylo or lino you may desire. Only the host drugs in tho market at Benson Drug Co. Bring your proscrip tions. Tho Cash Grocery Co, keep tho most complete lino of groceries in the city. I will from now sell anything in thu millinery goods at cost price. Mits. Gko. Boiilmav. Fresh candies cvory day, mado from pure sugar at tho Tailor shop. Try 11 Sunday dinner nt tho Imi-khial IIotkl. Served from 12 111, to 1:80 p m. nnd up to dato In all respects. Everybody pleased wfththoir trimmed lmtsntN.L. Klseait Son, u ml money saved. Are vou n farmer? Jerome Knox it Co will sll yon fllrm or several f"r"18 10 suit your cqnyeoU'liee, PC S67 a,;ra' SATURDAY, JUNE 22. We claim special attention to Our Bargain Attractions planned for thin day. From Nine in the morning until Six in the afternoon, Saturday, June 22, we will put on Sale Hundreds of Yards of Prints At Special Prices Don't Think Or spending money for Shoes until you see what we have to offer Remember This store has that tne most desirable nf ni Shoes. Taking TlJiic style' fluality and i imes price iuto.consider- ation wc believe our present stock beats all others in this locality. Children's Ladies' Mens' 40c to $1.85 Pr. $1.25 to S3.00 Pr. r.5o to $4.00 Pr. W. S. ClIKISMAN. TiJf 7k T !i7 y f V O JL 1 Y Y J- WJ Jit. va. The Fashion Stables GhrisrpaD & Bags, proprietors. First-Qass Turnouts, Double or Single r Cottage Grove, .Oregon. Geo. Gumming;, IJealer in general merchandise has now a wellselected stock of choice family grocerieb which he is selling at lowest living prices. He is also offering special values in gents furnishing goods, men and boys shirts, underwear, gloves, etc., all at greatly RKDUCED PRICES. Bargains in Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes. In addition to regular stock he is now offering the balance of the, Schuller stock of shoes at less than cost. Everybody cordially invited to call and get prices. George dimming. DIED. KELLY At Eugene, Saturday, June 15, 1001, Hun. John Kelly," aged 85 years, 1 month, 12 days. Deceased, was 0110 of Lano county's most highly respected pioneers. His death will bo a shock to his wide circle of friends not only in Lano county but throughout tho state. M A 11 HIED. GROGEK-MAKZOLF Friday, at high noon nt the groom's homo, In Puyal lnp.Viiah., Mr. Boy Grogernnd Miss L. Marzolf, of Michigan, wero united in uiarraige. Mr. Groger is head book keeper for tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., at Wcnd ling, and is wetland favorably known in Cottago Grove. MEINZEB-AVEBEIt. Mr. F. J. Mein zer of this city and Miss Florence Weber, wero married in' Portland, Sunday, Juno 10. Tho contracting parties nro both well and favorably known hero and hnvo many friends who wish them well. Tho Nugget extends congratulations, it n t? a- J' J ii , HICKEY To Mr. and Mrs. Norman ilickey, Juno 1!), 1001, nson. WAXTKD TRUSTWOnTIIY MEN" AND WO- men to travel and advertise for old es- tahllHln'il linnan nt unll.l flnnnnial .)nn,L . v --"- ...... I. V.. 1-4 DVIIIIU- ing. Salary (780 n year and expenses, mi i.iuuiu iiii-asn. no canvassing re quireil. Give references vand enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Ad dress Manager, 355 Claxtou Bid. Chi cago. Albert Tozior, of Portland, was elected president of tho National Edi torial Association at BufTalo hist week. K S. Harking, of thu McMiunviUo Tele-phono-Begistor, was elected president of tho Oregon association. Tho noxt national association will be held nt Hot Spring), Arkansas. Tho Oregon asso ciation will meet in Salem this coming fall, during the sa,tp fjir, in fact they arc tiic very best gbodij be anxious to come and sccute what Every Woman Should be Interested Not Only In the quality of Dry Goods sold here but in the" prices asked. We: are prepared to furnish you witlt the very best Merchandise in the" market at a little lower figure than the other fellow IlAKDKKRCIIIUl'd A nice assortment, 5 to 25c BKirs Latest Styles( 25 to 70c Straight Front Corsets $1.25. L. L -L. !- .1- .1 "i- f -r- -I- -f- -1 -I- 71- -I- "1- -1- -I- -i- -i El.1 BANGSj ! Proprietors of the Bohemia y. Black Butte Stage Lines Reasonable Prices Swimming "is it." Horses for sale or trade. J. IIt Hawlcy. Johnnie Mnrtinr of Crcswell, was in town Tuesday. The shirt waist man baa made his np pearance in this city. Call and see tho fino lino. of candict at The Cash Grocery Co. The many friends of Hon. Ivan Mc Queen will regret to learn that ho iit again very ill. Hois under thecaroof Portland doctors. Bewaro of air driod or half dry floor ing, ceiling and rustic. The Booth Kelly Lumber Co.. nro making special prices on kiln-dried lumber, Geo. Bohlman, the up-to-date tailor, will show you goods, nil shades and ul( prices. Think of it. A tailor madu suit for (0 nnd up 1 Pants (4 nnd up. "Why not spend the vacation nt Yn- ?iiiua Bay, where can bo had excellent are, good llstiing, good bathing, alluring rides mid rambles. Tho courses and ox-, ercises nt tho summer school,. of 1001, a. Newport, will ufTord great variety of instructions, diversion nnd entertain ment. No other resort oilers equal nt ructions nnd advantages." wanted. Capable, reliable person in; every county to represent largo company of solid financial reputation ; (930 salary per vear, payable weekly ; (3 per day nb solutely euro and nil oxponses; straight, bona-tido salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE, 334 Dearuorn St., CmcAao. Ira Conner, of Cottage Grovo, and W, H.Bcidlor, of near Oakland, father ami uncle of Editor W. C. Conner, arrived li) this city Sunday by private convcynnco to enjoy a brief visit and look after busit no9s matters In lloieburg, Mr. Conner left muddy and rough roads in Lano county nnd was surprised to find them dustyussoonns he reached the Unipqua valley. Ho reports good crops in tho upper Willamette- and only a few aphi thus far n evidence in the grain fields. Messrs. Conner and Beluler returned homo Monday gvenlnp. Plalndealgr, lie :t J