V ' .. NU The Prosperous Business Men of Cottage Grave Advertise ip the Nuffget. Brine Your Jot Work fo th Nugget Job Offfce1. ' ,. Pr Sect Reasonable Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. Ill Cottage G-rove, Oregon, Friday, June 21, 1901 jSTO. 23 GGET 1 I PROFESSIONAL. J. 12. YOUNG Attorney -at-Law fllta on Xalll i(rel, Wt M1 COTTAOK GKOVK, OKK. J, a JOHNSON and P. G. EBY Attorneys and Gounselors-at-law lle(at tlnlloii Klvtti lit Mlnln. Corporation and Mammilla law. .OfficanvcrOarman A Nawlinl'itora. COTTAGE GROVU, ORU. J. S. MEDLEY . Attonicy-ut-Laxu o o o i Ofllfton Main twt: CoTTAOK GkOVK, OUK. JEROME KNOX Attoriiey-at-LctAV Prompt attention al'l to MjnliiiMliiliim. Cottaok Grovh, Oku. L. L. STEVENS Attomcy-al-Law Hocll attention 1ven to Mining luminal all'l ('(lllfll'ilH. EUGENE, OKK. H UKLNUa W. TMOMrilOK Cllil". At IIAttir. THOMPSON & HARDY Attorneys and Caunselors-ai- laic Hixf Ul attention Khen to the law of Mine. EUGENE, ORE. L. T. HARRIS Attornty and (iounselor-at-T.aic HioUI attention til th law of lllnai. l frit -National .Hunk Julltliiv , EUUENE, ORE. It 9 LIABLE ASS A VS. HumplM by null reeelv trompt attention. FRANK P. WHITE, COTTAUK flltOVi:. OUK. (l ira with Jro llomenaay, Jlalrnt. Mrs. KalherlDC Sclilccf, M. I). Diseases of Women and Children COTTAOK OUOVK, OKK. D. J. GOVER Prospector and Mine Locator. For Information on Bohemia Mining District write me. Brlat Attention lvn to CarrMitilance BOHEMIA, ORE. BUSINESS. 00 'Wj3 MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIS STRUCT CoTTAOK GKOVU, ORU. J. W. BENTLY, The practical Hoot and Shoe maker, located one door west of the Bohe mia hotel. Repairing neatly and quickly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Call. BARKER & PERMIN IMtOl'UIKTOltS OV THE EXCHANGE- iDBALHUH IN FINK WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Malnitreet, OntUB" Urova, Ore. W. H. SMITH Proprietor of the ALHAMBRA CHOP HOUSE, near depot. COTTAGK GROVU, OKK. Short orders day and night. Every, thing first-class and the best ihc market affords. H. C. MADSEN, Watchmaker. M M M At Cost Wc arc offering all of our Ladies and mens Shoes, in fine, medium and heavy grados at actual cost; . : :., Some of them in good wearers at 50c; 75c and $1 per pair. We will sell you the cheapest fihoes you ever bought. Only three items reserved. "1 Eakin & Bristow o a e e H m e n B a a o a m OB9ROBSBaB0B6B0flSB0BOC08BBSB0BeB0B0B9flCB9BSBeB9BOBaBOBaB0B0BOB0BCBSB.9BOBOBO lote Our Prices on This Line Article A avina Every a lew S liei presents to Ton. f smitT WAISTS $t.IO $1.50 Line SlllllT WAISTS $1.00 $1.25 Line Sill It T WAISTS goc to 85c $1.00 mi I It T WAISTS 75c . 75c Sill It T WAISTS 65c to 60c 60C SIIIIIT WAISTS 50C 50C SlIIItT WAISTS 40C . Our line of Prints atid.Percnlctr"" ohlTlin oy-w. ...w ..- b.u.... ...... ...w est to the highest priced there are different grades of each kind of Prints. Our 6c Prints are the best; Our 7c Prints are standard, on up to 15c are the best. Druggists Sundries We have a large line and are sold at uniform profits. We sell No. 1 bottle of Vaseline 5c, generally sold at iop, No. 2, for 10, generally sold for 15c to 20c. Our line of Syringes are sold from 20 to 40 per cent less than the regular retail price. A good 2-quart Fountain Syringe for .Soc, 3-quart for $1.00. Whisk Br6oms, 15 and 20c, regular price 20 and 25c. Combs, rubber, horn, aluminum, celluloid from 5c to 25c, in fact Our Line of Notions is sold' for less than you can buy them elsewhere. Buy from us and save your dime. Cash buyers are always ready for low quotations. We do not claim that we are the cheapest people ! fdkrf but we do claim that the quality of ceT JVWQ(ffjt goods we sell, are sold for less JBffiPj" fyk money man you can uuy tnem elsewhere. Hosiery New Line in colors Red, Blue and Black, Polka-dots, 20 and 25c. ChiidrensRed, White and Block, 'know he 25c. wear the say they Those people who Hamilton Brown Shoe, are the best Shoes made. It is no trouble to sell them to those who Be among those who know a good thing Men's , TAyht , Summer J$tLii. Strtctltr p All Wool. l'uttcrnH AUw Vl f aiul StyleH wfl 'anil jji $19.00. MiDesaDdMipmq I & . era . r DcvoTod To BohenSI-ew Nofoj and Items of ener&r inroejrro Mining Man Oregon last year produced $690,000 more of gold than did its sister state of Washington, and yet Washington has three smelters in oper ation and Oregon none at all. r F.J. Hard, secretary of the Oregon Mining Stock Exchange, re cently made a tour of the Bohemia district, and in a letter to the Daily Mining Record describing his trip, says that sylvanite has been iound in Fairview mountain. Oregon Mining Journal. The Jennings Bros, owners of the Helena and Helena No. 2 gold mines, Bohemia district, Lane county, Oregon, say that they would gladly contract to send 500 tons of ore daily to a Portland smelter and ho smelter here to accept the offer. Pacific Miner. The Granite Hill consolidated mines, situated on Louse creek, about eight miles r.orth of Grants Pass, were bonded this week to Colonel J. Wiggings, of Minneapolis, for $75,000, by Messrs. Booth, Mangun, ct al. The first payment on the bond is due September 1. The balance to be paid witnin eighteen months at intervals ofninety days. This is a placer and quartz mine combined, the placer having been worked for Siveral years, while the quartz mine has a five stamp mill on it. A force of men was oent out this week to begin development work, and next week it is the intention to put on a larger force. J. D. Meyer, of Portland, returned to that city from Buffalo on Thursday, and in an interview with a reporter of the Telegram said: "There is not another mineral display in the exposition that can sur pas that of Oregon. Southern and Eastern Oregon mines are well rep resented, although Eastern Oregon has the best collection of the twe mining districts. Specimens from every mine are plainly marked, and the whole is tastefully arranged. Fred R. Mellis, of Eaker City, is a hustler, and is booming the mines of this state in an energetic manner. He was the onfy one in the mineral building who was enterprising enough to give away samples of ore. He placed several specimens in pasteboard boxes and distributed them liberally where they would 'o the most good. In short, the mineral display of Oregon is one of the features of the Pan-American Exposition." Stale NeVs. -'iWi ,Thatwheat, harvest wilbbe-bcgun 111 Umatilla county June 25, or at the usual time. The season has been cold and unusually moist, yet the grain appears to have matured about as early as in previous years. The Dusty postoffice near Harris- burg was entered by robbers Fri day night and $35 in 2-cent stamps were taken. The miscreants went in at the front door, and it is thought they had a key to fit the lock. Monmouth has again been visited by fire. Sunday morning about 9 o'clock the Normal book store was discovered on fire. The alarm was given but owing to lack of water, and the great headway already gained by the flames, which soon spread to the postoffice adjoining. They arc all union made, which means that they are upto-date, new and just what they are represented to be. ( A lcrge line of dark suits $6.00 to $18.00. Garman & Ilemciiway Garman & tlciciiway G-roceries And still the immense sale goes on. We sold more groceries in the last 30 days than we did in any 3 months prior, why? because people learn it is to their interest to do so try us, we have . made reductions in prices on nearly everything we have in the grocery line also fruit and vegetables. Garman & Ilcuway The S. P. R. R. Co. will make extensive improvements on their Oregon lines this summer.. As. soon as practicable the steam shovel will be moved to the river pit at Harrisburg aiid will re-ballast their entire main line, placing about 18 inches of gravel upon the roadbed. This will place the roadbed up to the standard of Eastern roads. The Medford merchants have signed an agreement for Sunday closing of their respective places of businsss and "further agree, for the sake of religious privilege and bodily rest to encourage a quiet Sunday within the borders of their city. A fine not Jess than fifty dollars is adjudged on each and every offender of the agreement, said sum to be paid iuto the city treasury. Black Horn, a Umatilla Indian, was found in a canyon of the Blue lL fl, a- , " . i mountains Tuesday forenoon des Ings south of the postoffice burned 1 , , . . , - narnrttlif itiniinrlari htrtttfn rtfla cltAt( to the ground, us did also the barber shop and dentist's office. This is the third bad fire Monmouth has suffered in the last few years, be sides numerous smaller ones, and it seems that a good water supply is necessary. The business houses were all insured but the contents of all were a total wreck. Clothing ! Clothing ! We will-sell you clothing, Men and Boy's, neat up-to-date suits cheaper than you have ever bought them in town. Come and see our goods and get our prices before you buy a full line of Summer Goods, and Ladies Shirt Waists ou the same line cheaper than ever. HEM EN WAY & BUEKHOLDEB. DIDVT MAURY FOR MONEY. TI10 Boston ninn, who lately married a eickly rich young woman, ia' happy now, (or ho got Dr. King's New Life i'illa, which restored her to perfect health. Infallible for Jaundice, liil i msness, Malaria, Fever and Agiioaml all Liver and stomach troubles. Ucntla but effective. Only '25c M Benson Dnua Co'b drug store. perately wounded by two rifle shots. He was shot from ambush and whoever did the shooting left the Indian to welter in his own blood. Black Horn was out on bail on the charge ot attempting to murder Chief of Indian Police Brisbow Saturday night. It is charged that Black Horn was shot under se cret orders from Brisbow. A TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. "Of n gasolino stove burned a ladv fiightfully," writes N. E. Palmer, of Kirkman, In. "Tlio beet doctors couldn't heal tlis running soro that fol lowed, but Bucklen's Arnica Salvo en tirely cured her." Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skin Dit eases and Files. '25c at Benson Dnua I Co's. Slaelf and DECeavy I-Iardware. Farming Tools, sys Simonds Saws, Studebaker Wagons, Hercules Powder, Mining Supplies, Dunn's solid Tree Spray, Repairing at Telonttoieu-.Bv. Or if fin & Veatch Company. COTTAGE GBOVK, 4-