Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 14, 1901, Image 8

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    The following officers were elec
ted at the annual reunion of the
Ianc county Veteran Association
which met in Eugene last week:
President, Comrade John Ingham;
vice presidents, Comrades C. J.
Dodd, Springfield; J. M. Shelley,
KuEcne; S. L. Landis, Lorauc; T.
J.Elliot, Waltervillc; CM. Dun
can, Cottage Grove; V. H. Lincoln
Cottage Grove; J. I Furnish,
Florence, and Comrade Gardiner,
Saginaw. President Ingham ap
pointed A. Ycrington as secretary
The next mcctiutr will be held in
Eugene the first Tuesday in June
"Our Utile dnnslitcr had nn almost
fnUl attack of whooping couch untl bron
cliitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Huviliind, of
Arinnnk. N. Y "but when nil other
remedied failed, wennved her life with
Dr. King's Now Discovery. Our nieco
who hud Consumption in nn advanced
stage, also used this wonderful niodiuino
and today sho is perfectly well." Des
perato throat and lung diseasei yield to
Dr. King's Now Discovery ns to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs
and Colds. 50c and (1.00 bottles guar
11 n Iced bv Bbsso.x Drco Co. Trial
bottles free.
Keep Out
the Wet
Klealater Braaa
Te beat watarnraor 'tii In the
wld. Mfcda fmm lb bMl matartala ead
rnrrmnlril rmrprml, la etua
wnrrMnlnl wttrir.. M-uU
taaroQgnMi wot ana wmrr.
i)dm not hitm them, writ Ir to
Mil rri4t mm.
We have sold out and all accounts
must he settled at once by cash or
note. Office with Phillips & White, & Scott.
"will wonders ever eraser" inquire
the friends of Sirs. L. Pease, of Linr
rence, Kas. They knew sho had been
unable to leave her bed in seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general de
bility; but, "Three bottles of Electric
Hitters enabled me to walk," she
writes," "and in three months I felt like
a new person.', Women suffering rom
Headuqhc, Backache, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting
and Dizzy Spells will tlnd it a priceless
blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guar
anteed Bksso.v Dnco Co. Only 50c.
men to travel and advertise for old es
tablished house of solid financial stand
ing. Salary (7S0nyear and expenses,
all payable in cash . Nn canvassing re
quired. Give references ami enclose
telf addressed stamped envelope. Ad
dress Manager, 355 Claxton Bid. Chicago.
Having permanently located in
Cottage Grove, I will take a few
pupils. Harmony and Thorough
Bass a Specialty. Either German
or American method.
Call at residence, North River
Mrs. W. H. Abrams.
You may ns well expect to run v steam
engine without water as to tlnd nn 11c
tive, energetic man with u torpid liver
and you may know that his liver is tor
pid when he does not relish his food or
feels dull and languid after eating, often
hns hcaducho and sometimes dizziness.
A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets will restore his llvci
to its normal function, renew his vi
tality, improve his digestion and make
him feel liko a new man. Price 25 cents.
Samples freo at Bknso.v Dituo Co's drug
Parties desiring lady to go to the
house and sew by the day, should
consult Mrs. O. Fredericksen. Price
$1.00 per day. Telephone No. 113
Mrs. O. Frbdbricksbn.
200 cords of Hemlock bark wanted
at Haine's Tannery, Eugene, Ore
gon. We will pay $7.00 per cord
on board cars at Cottage Grove or
Walker station. For information
write or call on W. W. Haines &
Co., Eugene, Oregon.
It speaks well for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy when druggists use it in
their own families in preference to any
other. "I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for the past five years
with complete satisfaction to myself and
customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith,
Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always used
it in iny own family both for ordinary
coughs and colds and for the cough fol
lowing la grippe, and find it very effica
cious. For sale by Lroxs & AppLeoate.
Quite a number went to Salem
from this place last Sunday.
Dave Hummer and Mrs. Hum
mer of Ashland are visiting Mr E
F Smith and family.
Miss Florence Lea and sister arc
visiting relatives on Silk Creek
this week.
Mrs. Conlas and Mrs Herbert
Button and children who have been
isitiug Mr and Mrs Roy Coffin left
last week for Drain.
John Simpson is visiting in this
The old maxim, "The Proof of the
pudding la in the Eating," applies
well to tint wearing quuuues 01 011
hosiery, unco worn nmi you win wear
them always. An exceptional trial offer
that every reader of this paper shoul
take ndvnntago of nud test tho remark
nbto wearing qualities and importer
finish of our high ariido hosiery. Y
will, on receipt of 25c. in diver nud tho
namo of your local dealer, send direct to
vou from tho mills, postage paid, 4 pa
of our finest high grndo latest stvlo Em
ptro brand ladies' or children's hose, or
men's half hose, in black, tan, wliltu or
tho fashtonnble fancy solid colors, or thv
latest combination silk embroidered
polka dots, elect riu stripes, or silk clock
ing on side, in fanfcy open work, plain or
drop stitch style, in French lisle thread
bnlbrlggan, silk finish maco, or cash
mere, with full finish elastic top and
our patent reinforced sllkand linen kn
seamless, double sole, too and higli
spliced double heel. They savo darning
and nro guaranteed to glva three times
tho wear of any other hosiery. The
same in children's with elastic top
double knee, solo, heel and toe, plain or
ribbed, fine, medium or heavy quality
guaranteed fast color, and warranted not
to crock. Tho retail valuu of these hose.
is 25c. per pair. Wo will not send more
than 4 pair each ladies' or children's to
one perron. Atrial wear of these will
convincu you of their merits. For 50c,
wo will send, postpaid, one trial pair qI
our ladies' Hue silk ho., in shades of
pink, gold, white, black, blue, cardinal
or lavender. This is n special trial offer,
If you arc not satisfied wfth them after
trial wear wo will refund your money
If you are pleased with them and wish
more, Insist on your local dealor pro
curing them lor yon, and insist on him
petting our Empire brand hosiery. Write
us to-duy, mentioning this paper, ns
this offer is limited. A beautiful little
booklet, telling how our hosiery is made
mailed free to you on request. Address
this wny.
100 and 103 Fulton St., New York City,
The operation of through trains lx!
tween San Francisco and Los Angeles
via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin
on Sunday, March 31, 1001 on the no.v
Coast Line two through trains daily,
The Coast Line Limited leaving each
terminal in the morning, equipped
with elegant cafe and parlor curs, will
make daylight trips through tho most
picturesque, varied and entertaining
scenes on the continent. Inquire of
agents of the Southern Pacific.
Besbox Droo Co., Cottage
wasted. Capable, reliable person in
every county to represent largo company
of solid financial reputation; $930 salary
per vear, payable weekly ; (3 perduv ab
solutely sure and all expenses; stra'ight,
buna-fide salary, no commission; salary
paid each Saturday and expense money
advanced each week. STANDARD
HOUSE, 334 Dearborn St.. CnicAoo.
Suits cleaned and pressed from
$2.25 and up according to texture.
Prices in proportion per single gar
ment. Eugene Steam Cleaning
and Dyeing Works, Geo. E.
Griffith, Agt.
You certainly have a good opinion
of your physician's judgment, or
you would not consult him. Then
do him the justice to carefully con
sider the compounding of his pre
scriptions. The Benson Drug Co.
select nothing but the best and
most pure drugs in the market, and
make a specialty of carefully com
pounding prescriptions. Be good
to yourself by taking your physi
cian's prescription to the Benson
Drug Co. and rest assured you will
get the best to be had in the market.
Here is a chance to get your boy
into a paying business on a small
capital. I have a choice lot of high
giade Belgian Hares that I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There Oregon, on Jul
is no need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
here at home. Lord Britain, Sir
Styles, Fashoda, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains aie 111
stock. lf. A. Rankin, Eugene.
Mr. W. 8. Whedon, Cashier of the
First National Bank of Winterset, Iowa
in a recent letter gives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that will
bo of value to other mechanics. Heeavs:
'I hud u carpenter working for me who
was obliged to stop work for several
days on account of being troubled with
diarrhoea. I mentioned to him that I
had been similarly troubled and that
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and dfar
rhoea Remedy had cured me. He
bought a bottle of it from the druggist
here and informed me that one dose
cured him and he is again at his work
For sale by Lyons & Appleoate, Drain.
Bensox Drdo Co., Cottage Grove.
Notably among tho pleasures afforded
by tho Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of Interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
Its sunny skies, in tho variety of its in
dustries, in its prolific vegetation and
among it numberless resorts of moun
tain, shore, valley and plain.
The two daily Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with tho most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but thi low rates of fare will still
continue in eiTsct.
Illustrated gu'des to the winter re
sorts of ilif r 1 11 vi I Arizona may be
had on application to
C. H.Markham, G.'P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
'Call at Benson Drug Co's drugstore
store and get a free sample of Chamber
lain's Stomach and LiverTablets. They
nlso Improve the appetite, strengthen
tho digestion nnd regulate the liver and
bowels. They arc nn elegant physic.
They are easy to take mid pleasant in
So sure nro we that tho locating of a
feyvof our Electric Belts will dovelop
Into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that wo are willing to send
one free tojany sufferer from the follow
ing diseases: Cold extremities, Crysto
cele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leucorrhea. Liver complaint,
Paralysi?, Lost vitality, Nervousilebility,
Self abuse. Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak nnd Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation. Impotenny, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc.,
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle
Creek, Michigan,
Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon,
May 31. 11)01.
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
ing-namou Peltier lias tlltxl notice ot hie
intention to make commutation final
proof in support of his claim, nnd thut
said proof will bo made before Marie L
ware U.e. UommiFsioner ut bugene.
y 15. 1001. viz Guilder
Kornstad un his II . K. No. W.'O for the
NWK Sec. 24 Tn 21 S.. R. 1 West.
He names the following witnesses to
prove tils continuous resilience upon una
cultivation 01 said laud, viz:
Martin Haagenson, Churlev Olson, of
Cottage Grove, Oregon, Peter Opium,
nugo urenni, 01 r.ugene, uregon.
J. T. Bridoes, Register,
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
May 2, 11)01.
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
intr-named tettier has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
..f 1. : I .1.1 1 .
Ul IIIB VIHJIII, UIHI lllllfr BillU jrui W ill uv
made before Marie L. Ware, U.S. Com
missioner, at Eugene, Oiegon.on June
15, 1001, viz: Robert G.Tupmau on hid
11. ii. no. louu lor tnebMMi
8 NW M Sec. 2 T. 24 S.. K. 1 East.
Jin names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
anil cultivation of said land, viz:
Robert Simpion, William It, Abbott,
oamuei u. uarson, ueorge 12. lliomp
son, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
J. T. Bridqeb, Register.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
May 2, 1001.
Notice is hereby civen that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final nroof In sunnort
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before Marie L. Ware U. 8. Com
missioner at Eugene, Oregon1, on June
15,1001, viz: William B. Ablwtton his
H. E. No. 10013 for tho SW M Sec. 2
Tp 24 S., R. 1 East
no names tne touowing witnesses to
prove his continuous residence unon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
Robert G. Tupmnn, Samuel L. Car
son, George . Thompson, RobertSimp
son, of Cottage Grovo, Oregon.
J. 1. iiiiiDOKs, liegieter.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
May 2, 1001.
Notice is hereby civen that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final nroof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
maue oetoro Marie u. ware u . a, Com
missioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on June
15, 1001, viz: Robert Simpson on his II.
E. No. 10012 for th 8K Sec. 2 Tp. 24
8., R. I East.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Robert G. Tunmaii. William B.
Abbott, Samuel L. Carson. Georiro E.
Thompson, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
j. 1. JUiiiDUKB, itegister.
When you Imvo that tired feeling run
ntng about looking for n residence In
the city, or piece of fanning laud, go to
Jerom Knox tt Co. They will give you
imtnedlntu relict by colling you anything
In the real cstnto that will please your
i.iucy or mm iu your cnmiort.
N. D. HARDY, Mgr.
iNcwiy rurnisnca ana up
to aate in all Kcspccts.
A trial will convince you that our
Meals, Beds nnd Service ate the
Ikst 111 the City.
Main St., near depot.
Parwim Usirrow,
flie First National Bank
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on npproved security
nxcuanges soiu, available any
place in tlie united btatts.
I'oiii- lititiincHii in Solicited.
Cote Grove
We are now prepared to furnish
all kinds of Brackets. Moulding.
Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Tickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and
repaired. We will also work Floor
ing, Rustic, biding, Ceiling, or
size Studding, etc.
or the
Trains lenvo Cottnuu Grovo for Port.
land and way stations ul 2:14 n in and
1 i21 p in.
Lv Tort land 8:30 it tn 8:30 p in
Cottage Grovo 2 :57 n in 2 :00 u in
Ar Ashland 12:55a in 12:35 n in
"Sacramento 5:10 pin 5:00 am
' San Francisco 7.45 p m 8:45 u ni
' Ogden 4 :55 n m 7 -.00 a in
"Denver 0:30 am 0.15 p m
Kansas city 7 25 u in 7:25nm
Chicago 7:42 u m 8:30 n in
" Los Angeles 2:00 p m 8.05 a m
"Kll'aso 0:00 1) m llsOOiini
" Fort Worth 0 :30 n in 0 :80 a m
"City of Mexico 1 1 :30 n in 11 ;30 n m
" Houston 7 :00 a in 7 :00 a in
" New Orleans It :30 pm 0:30 p in
"Washington 0:42 am 0:42 a in
" New York 12:10 p tn 12:10 p in
Pullman nnd Tourists cars an both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ouden
ml El Paso, and tourist cars toChfiinto
bt Louis, Kow Urlcans and Washington.
Connecting nt Snh Francisco with the
..,...1 ...!.!.. I!..., f,. Il. I..
CCVIM. .iiiin (ill iiuii'Jiuiiii
Jnpan, China, Phillipines, Central nnd
South America.
Seo agent ul Cottago Grove station, or
0. II. Maiikiuu, G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
visit DR. JORDAN'S cheat
(Wim SliU u4 hTXII.j
. ThUrrtIADtomlclSrDfum ,
In tti World. (
Ortaleil attraction tn tSt Cut. JL
wonderful itahUor vliltari. I
1VkB..,orncontrtiet- ,
eddUu,nolllYalreurdbr i
th oldext bprditllt un the I'mIoo '
To urn nd aniridia I
mmma men who nr Bufrprinir .
from lb tUVct of youthful ladh- I
orauoni or excruea 11, malurtr
yrarm. jifrruniana pnriicai fiauillly, Jm
rkm, OvnarrlioM, Cllcci, Vrraumurr
A ut VrlilKllnv, My n combination at
v.mullu.Af .rul.tlral va xnn I . n 1 1 I
liUBOArn.iiffdliUtrciitmiilihaf it win nnt .
only (Turd ImmrdlaU Mllrf, but Dermonint i
Urlitnllnar, !. Iiy n combination ol t
nuiM.oi Krc.i cumivu nnw.r. in. uwtn.
liuMarnnd Ma will nol
nnlr Afford Immrdlataj i-all-f. but ntrmnuiit
cure. Iba Doctor doea nnt rl.lm tn h.tirn.
miracle, but la well known to ba a fair and I
Mimra I'fiyalcUn and ftiirgeon. pre.amlr.ent 1
UibU.pucfalty Dlamaaa or Man. I
airmw. inorongnir eradicates. xroBj
n ion Bau ni.iioii, mi uav oijiavrrury. I
Trnaaaa fitted br an Exnert. Iladlral 1
J cur for nuplnra. X quick and radical t
W eiire for tllea, Vlaanre) and riatnl,br i
Ut. joraon a ipeciai painieu rnelnodi. ,
XVEUT MAM annlrlnfftonawlUMKUivat
A our hont opinion at life complaint. .
9 llawfll Uuarantet a rOMTIVH CUZB in
O'iniiiltatliin FIIKK andltrlctlyprlrate.
Treatment peraonally or br letter.
writ ftir nk. Fiin,oMorirr or'
a HAUStlAUa;. , mhudbu, (ATUtutile (
HOSIoruvnif vaiiwrwiitv
DR. JORDAN k CO..I05I Market 8L, S. P.
tie Grew to
Improved Farms forSalc.
Valunblc TownJPropcrty, consisting of Business Houses
and bplcnd'.d Residences.
Lot on the irhicljntl IhihIhchh Mtrcct.
Iining Claims in Bohemia
Abstract of tide secured nud Kunrnutccd.
Iuforttintion us to the laws governing tlie dinposal of government
How to .secure homesteads, timber Innds, minini; claims, etc.
Proncrty for sale published weekly.
COTTAGB GKOVIS i the second city in I.nue county, Oregon.
Has n population of about 1200. The center of the four points of (lie
compass when it comes to ingress or egress, llolitmla with its vust
mining resources only thirty-five miles south cast, with n good wn'gon
road leading from the S. 1 R. R. depot right here in town. Prospect
ive railroad to the mines. The Coast Fork of the Willamette river, on
which are situated the Illnck Uutte quicksilver mines sixteen milcssotttli,
flows through the center of the city, furnishing ahiindaut water facilities.
It is only n mile and a half to its confluence with How river, the outlet
of the great timber ranges to the south east Westward toward the
coast range is an iue.xhaustahlc supply of timber, interspaced with nu
merous rich farming lauds well improved nud cultivated.
North or south from hereon the h, I railroad you enn reach either
Portland or San Frnncisco and be in touch with the whole worltl on
short notice.
Water works in full operation. Klectric lights nnd tclepbonc'system
fET" The best agricultural lands fu lnuc county lie in the vicinity
surrounding Cottage Grove on either side, fit for farming or stock mis! 11 v.
Corrcjpoudcncc solicited. .
Al Few of our 13aign.ins:
1 1"0 fci't front on north xldu ol.Mnli.
Mri-ft, Iiy hIhiiiI iltX) fii't dicp. iMitinilcd
ny rivt-roi) inu norm, iniuro in huvimi
rrumi", litiriinnd imiIIiiiiihi''. TIiIk Id tin
Ih'kI 1 i i t I i 1 h m locution In CoUhku Cirovo.
Price f.MOO.00.
'A new two "tory rttfldi'tu'O, nix
riKiniH. iliK'ior'n (illlcu. conifit lliKir with
driven well tindilrfof liiniei, W foot front
on 1011th uliloof 'M11I11 ftrit't Iiy 107 feet
ilci'p. Adjiiliitlin M K imrronaj-u. A
very iiitntviivu piuve tiuu.
,1 A two ftorvllncly tllilnliod hoiifi',
oltilil riMxnri, ImlliriMiiii mill oiiIIioiihcm.
Kplendlil Inmtion, two lot" in loinr nnd
iiriift) U11111111111 111 eoir.iieuei uimiiLf
Urove. PrlcHlliUO.
4 Two tory ihvflllnn Jlioiifi'. Inn
ronniri, lirlt'k irtill lioimc. ir.iii irwf, no
fet-t front on north eitlttoi.Miiiii nlrti-t liv
100 fwl tlct'i). rorner proiM'rly. A line
loenlion for 11 hotel, l'rlre t-'iW.
B A Iwo story line. lniot nuwdwcll-
ine Iioiihv. It rxiinr. barn nnd ontlionnf
complete, tbrt-o lotx. A fplitmlld or
ehnrd of yoiinu lK-itrlnw troi-n, lou-ollicr
Willi urnitoM niiil.rurtoiiH let ltd of U'rilci.
BltllHlol III Iuil! mill 1llllilca llilillttnil
In nontlifiiHt Collniri)(ir(iVO. I'riru I'JDO.
A 1001I hiiainefii nliicr.ioiitlmlilu Mln
Street. (i00.
Two vtorv iIwcIIIiil'. Iwo lot, aiilcnillil
locution nn went nltlv. l'rlif H(X).
One hundred iirrc linprovtfl land 111I
oinliitf niiintv routl oiif'tiinirit'rof uiiulu
neat of Cottbuu Uruve, lyiiiK in 11 tnuH
iiortli nnd couth.
Hood now two hlory dwfllltii; liouap In
tlitUtnwlli;owii of .Siijtlimw. Two loin
eneloKed, .cvoiuy f.Ht front. Four
romiK, eplonilld wntur fMclllllrK. Price
Two uplondld lotrioii fit-ond utrcel in
Coltupi rovis Price (210.
.'100 foot by 100 feci in n MihurUm locu
tion. Ntitiirnl rprlmr, oak Irctn, nil ml
IoIiiIiik foot hilU In wvHt Coltui;o Urove.
Price (JtOO.
Two IoIn in hlock 20, Ixhik & Ijiiulf m
iidilllloii. K ly 100 lift icpuintcly.
Price (176. 7
A llnclr HiiInIihI two utory ilwrlllni;
Initial', ton room, lmtli room, cement
Htonoccllur. witter 11 ml electric HkIiI,
iiliout nine lot (ron 1 1 n on fmirtti tilreet
iidjolninu river In rciir, nc.r ClirlMlUn
clinrcli, kik'iI Uirn umloiitliotiint. Vrico
Twogooil IiiIm ni'iir rstlroiid 100 fret
rvpmre. Price (l'.T.
rnrinlni; liind. we)) linproriil, 1 inilo
from CotttiK(in.vf,inl()lniiiirtlie conn
ty roail, In imctH from I to 100 ucrvf.
lf yon wont a laiijruin look thin up,
HniumlldeotlMKuon Kourlli nt reel, (750.
Iok tliin iiji if you wnnt a Uirguin in u
One litimlred ncrc of Improvcil lnd
Ivlng in 11 lrcl eKt nnd wtl within n
ipm tor of 11 inilo of CoUuku lirove, ml
Joliilnu county roml.
The practical side- of acienco la reflected in
BBrwv,. -
A monthly publication of inestimable- valtio to tho atudent of every day
scientific problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial oxpert, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to every wido-awako person who hopes to better his
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importanco
escapes the vigilant oyes of its corps of oxpert editors. Everything is pre
sented in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may take time to read
and comprehend. Tho scientific- and industrial progress of tho ago is accur
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints tho official nsws of tho U. S. Patent
Office and the latest dovelopcments in tho field of invention without fiar
or favor. suiisciuitiom thick one bollak per year.
Cease your worry; Don't hurry,
But drink Microbe killer as you journey,
And physical ills both great and small
Will slowly but surely vanish.
Information and pamphlets free.
Residence with J. K. Barrott.
F. HOWARD,, Agent.
i Pistol With two Sttvoo-tXAHOio MooaTABarPoia.
I lengths of barrel, G anil JO inches. JSvertf
t one guaranteed. 1'rlcc, Postpaid, $tt,00 with
U-incli oarrci t Vf.ou wuu ui-tncli barrel.
Wo make a full lino of rljlcs ; Price, from $0,00
upwards. Every arm wo turn out is warranted
Until Xlamf fir Catalogue. J', O. ltnjo
1 !