BOHEMIA NUGGET. rnblUWt Er TrliU. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. Mm OE-TIiE WEEK A Comprehtnlvt Review of the Important Happenings ol the Past Week Presented In i Condeiutd Form Which It Molt Ukcly to Prove of Interut to Our Many Scvcrnl lives were lost in a tornado In Oklahoma. A mint is not likely to bo estab lished at Manila. A nuuect wcicliintr $204 lias boon found in the Klondike. Secretary Gnco favors a "token' dollar for tho Philippines. Tho weather bureau has sent out warning against rainmakers. Tho coventor has called an extra session of the Washington legislature The explosion of a car of dynamite at Binghaniptoii, N. Y., cost six lives. Dr. Dalv. who started tho "em balmed " beef imitation, committed suicide. Edgar Gicrhafer was arrested m California for larceny of $10,000 in New York. The Lake Washington canal pro ject has been referred to the general naval board for linal decision. Action of Canadians m jumping Americans' mining claims causes protest to bo made to former govern ment. Sixty British surrendered to a Doer force. Senator Tillman has withdrawn his resignation. Tho English Derby raco was won by an American horse. The labor situation throughout Spain is in a critical condition. Fire destroyed a valuable library within the sacred city at Pekin. Another naval cadet has been dis missed from Annapolis for hazing. Five fishing boats, carrying 177 men have been lost in Iceland waters. Late advices trom Alaska say the Yukon river is now open to a point below Dawson. There arc several thousand Ameri cans, in South Africa fighting on one side or the other. The driver was killed and three passengers injured in a British Co lumbia stage accident, International survey planes most valuable mines in Mount Baker dis trict on American side. Immigrants suffering from tubercu losis in any form will not be allowed to land in this country. The Mexican government refuses to allow the removal of a number of an tiquities from that country. The delegates of the New York chamber of commerce were banqueted by the London chamber of commerce. There are yet many rebels in arms in the island of Cebu. Jamestown, Cape Colony, has been captured by the Boers. Judge Taft will be the first governor of the Philippine islands. The Chinese emperor is planning a trip to Europe for next year. Civil government will be inaugur ated in the Philippines July 1. Eight miners were killed by an ex plosion in a Michigan coal mine. The cup defender Costutitiun was dismasted in a squall during her trial trip. Chicago machinists demand that tho Employers Association shall dis band. Three persons were killed and 15 injured, some fatally, in a train wreck in Georgia. Construction has begun on a rail road from Grand Forks, B. C, to Re public, Wash. Carnegio says that England will yet appeal to the United States for military help. The president and cabinet has de cided that an extra session of con gress is unnecessary. A new tobacco trust has been formed to take over the American and Contrntenal companies. Twenty thousand acres of hay and grain were destroyed by fire near tho town of Los Banos, Cal, Lord Kitchener's reports of tho re cent battle at Vlakfontcin shows the British loss to have been 200. Russia's casualties during tho Chi nese campaign were 31 ollicers and C82 men killed or died of woujods. Tho city of iTattoon, 111., was almost entirely destoryed by lire. Tho property loss will reach $75,000. Tho rebel general Caillcs doubted that Aguinaldo had been captured, and sent a special servant to satisfy hmself. England's averago winter tempera ture is eight degrees abovo freezing point. Germany has now 19,000,000 moro inhabitants than Franco, 15,000,000 moro than Austria-Hungary, 22, 000,000 moro than Italy. Mortality among tho colored people of Baltimore during 1900 was threo times greater than among tho whites. Tuberculosis caused ono-tenth of tho deaths. POPULATION CF SAMOA. On the American Islands There Are 6,100 Persons. Washington, Juno 7. In accord ance with instructions from the navy department, Commrnler llenjnmin Tillpv. tho naval commandant ai tho United States naval station, at Tntiiiln. Samoa, has forwarded to Washincton a reiort on the popula tion of those islands of tho Sanioan group under mo junsiiicwun .. ...... ..!-.. ..r United States. From tho most reii ihlo authority in tho islands, ho has ascertained that tho population of Tntutln totals 1.000. and of tho Nanua groups, 2,000, including adults and children. In addition to ttio lmtivn nonulation thoro are on tno islands approximately 100 whites. Sineo his last report to uio uepan- ment, Commander tilley lias visiicu Mm islands of Nanua aboanl his sta- timi Khin. tno Aiiarenua, aim una . . .. i ii found everything in a most satisu-c tnrv condition. The natives of these islands, ho says, exhibit much kmd- ier feeling than ever betore. iney lavo voted a tax lor uio payment vi heir officials and for other exronses of the government. It is paid m S.. . . i .... At 1.. I copra. Tno rate is aooui i per mi for every inhabitant. This, says the commander, is a very light tax, and is not in tho loi-st burdensome to tno natives. The abundant copra crop of the islands is now being harvested and shipped, and Commander Tilley endeavoring to navo inciiawcs realize fair prices for it something verv unusual in the p-ist. Commander Tilley reports every thing in tho island of Tutuila in a very satisfactory state. HAZER WAS CAUGHT. Naval Cadet Dlsmised From Annapollt Acad. emy Convicted by Court Martial Washington, Juno 7. Following tho examplo set at West Point, ttio superintendent of tho naval academy has caused a cadet to bo dismissed for hazing. In this case, however, the accused was tried by court mar tial and regularly convicted. Tho statement in the cao made public at the navy department is as follows: "Tho court martial before which Naval Cadet Calvin Joy Crcasscy, fourth class, was tried Juno 3, con- ened by the superintendent of tho naval academy, pursuant to tho authority vested in him by the act of congress, approved Jiino ioiu, having found tho specification of the charge preferred against him proved, and that he was guilty ol the charce. 'violation of the act ol congress, approved on tho 23rd day of June, 1875, to prevent hazing at tho naval academy,' which recom mendation was approved by the super intendent, ho was dismissed from the academy accordingly." The details of the court martial are not mndo public, but it is understood that the dismissed cadet was discov ered in tho act of hazing another cadet in his room by compelling him to stand on his head. It was sus pected that the practico might spread rapidly, so drastic and speedy action was had as a deterrent. COL. WEISENBURGER DEAD. A Philippine War Veteran and Officer In the Regular Army. New Whatcom, Wash., June 6. Colonel J. J. Weiscnburger, of tho First regiment of tho National Guard of Washington, died hero yesterday, aged 4G years. Death resulted from cerebral meningitis, which caused tho sufferer much acuto agony. Col onel Weisenburgerdistinguished him self in tho Philippines, in which war ho served as ranking major in the First Washington regiment. Ilia gallantry was on several occasions mentioned in tho dispatches, and General Merriam recommended him to President McKinley for promo tion Ho was given a lieutenant colonelcy in'tho regular army, but soon resigned it, and returned here, whero lie took up tho practico of law. Ho was city attorney of this city at tho time of his death. Ho was a native of Illinois. GRAVE TIME FOR 8PAIN. The Country Passing Through Another of Its disorderly Periods. Madrid, Juno 7. Tho situation throughout Spain remains critical. Noninai tranquility has been restored at Corunna, but tho Octroi offices arc still occupied by gendarmes, and ar rests continuo to bo mado. A general striko is threatened owing to a refusal of one factory to employ 300 work men. Tho railway men have struck at Vigo and anarchist excitement is rifo at Barcelona, whero tho "reds" met in defiance of tho civil governor's prohibition and passed secret resolu tions. Senor Gamazeo, a "Liberal leader, characterizes tho crisis as an exceedingly gravo moment for Spain. On the American Side. New Whatcom, Juno 7. Tho boundary commission of tho Ameri can and Canadian governments en gaged in relocating tho international line on tho western slopo of tho Cas cades havo completed thoir work through tho Mount Bakor mining district, and find that it runs threo fifths of a mile furthor south than generally believed. All tho most valuable mines, however, aro on the American eido. NEWS OF THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL OVER OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happr.nlngs of Inv portance A Brief Review of of the Growth and Improvement of the Many Industries Throughout Onr Thriving Com. monwealth Latest Market Report A nugget, valued at $38, was found on Pine creek in Eastern Oregon. Sleet and bhow fell at La Grande recently, No damage was done. Governor Geer will deliver the Fourth of July oration at Uakor City. Tho Bonanza mine, in Eastern Ore gon, yielded nearly $110,000 for the May cleanup. Cattlemen in tho John Day district havo oragnized for protection against cattle tluoves. The extension of tho Similiter Val ley Railroad to Whitney has been opened to tralllc. Tho Lauu County Veterans' Asso- citaion met in Eugene. Eighty members cr.o present. There is strong ground for suspicion tnat John Mnniey, who was found dead in balem a few days ago, was murdered. An extensive program was rendered At the commencement of tho Oregon Acricultural College, Corvallis. There were 35 in the graduating class. Cherries in Marion county are fall ing off pretty badly and appearances do not iudicato as largo a yield as ox- ected. The size and quality prom ises to be good, however. Ground has been broken for the new Patterson school building at Eugene. iVbout 100,000 pounds of wool was sold tit The Dalles tho other day for 10 cents. Placer work in tho Weathorby and Durkeo districts, Eastern Oregon, is now in full progress. Slugs and cutworms aro doinc no small amount of damage to early gar dens around Cottage Grove. The Oregon Telephono Company has a largo force of men employed at Dallas making extensivo repairs. Preparations for tho Eastern Ore gon Fourth of July celebration, to be lield in linker City, aro bcinc pushed with vigor. Tho hop yards in Lincoln countv aro looking fine. Tho great trouble is to get a sufhcicnt number of men to do necessary work. John A. Van Gross a student in the University of Oregon, has iust re ceived notice that lie has been award ed a scholarship in Yalo University. Albany col lego commencement cal ender June 14 to' 19 provides an elab orate program of orations, sermon--receptions nnd reunions. The college is just closing its 34th year. A prominent mining engineer from Colorado is making a tour of the sev eral mining districts of Eastern Ore con in tho interest of a largo syndi cate of capitalists of that state. Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, COc. ; val ley, nominal; blucstcm, Gl62c. per bushel. Flour Bqst grades, $2.903.40 per barrel; graham, $2.00. Oats White, $1.321.35 percen tal; gray, $1.301.32 per cental. Barley Feed, $1717.50; brewing. $17 17.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; midd lings, $21.50; shorts, $20.00: chop, $16. Hay Timothy, $12.5014: clover. $70.50; Oregon wild hay, $07 per ton. Hops 12 14c. per lb. Wool Valley, ll13c; Eastern Oregon, 7llc; mohair, 2021c. per pound. Butter. Fanpy creamery, 15 17c. ; dairy, 1314c. ; store, 10 12c. per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 1212Jc. per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12c; Young America, 13J14c. per pound. Poultry ChickenB,mixed,$3.504; hens, $45.00; dressed, ll12c. per pound; springs, $1.50 3 per dozen; ducks, $57; gceso, $07; turkeys, live, 1012cr dressed, 1410c. per pound. Potatoes Old, 90c$1.10 per sack; new, 2c. per pound. Mutton Lambs 4?5c. per pound gross; best sheep, wethers, with wool, $4.254.50; dressed, 07o per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5,750; light, $4. 75 5; dressed, 7c. per pound. Veal Large, 0J7c. per pound; small, 78c. per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $55.25; Cows and heifers, $4.504.75; dicsscd beef, 77c. per pound. A Georgia coroner's jury brought in tho following verdict recently: "Tho deceased camo to his death from a railroad in tho hands of a re ceiver, and the samo is manslaughter in tho first degree." Banana flour has lately bogun to bo used in making cakes, bread and bis cuits, It is also used as a children's food, and for dyspeptics. In the making of beer it is claimed that it can bo advantageously used in placo rf barley. CLEAN-UP IN FULL SWING. Klondike Oold Pouring Into Dawson at the Rale of $40,000 Per Day. Dawson, .May 21, via Seattle, Juno 8. I ho spring cleanup Is in full swing in all parts of tho Klondiko camp. Millions of dollars' worth of tho precious dust hits been washed from the mountain-like dumps of pay dirt that were taken out by tho army ol toning miners through Uio long, weary winter mounts, witiitn a mouth $3,000,000 or $1,000,000 moro will Havo been taken out and tho washing of tho winter dumps will bo miiNitcd. 'l no spring olean-up of tho camp Is estimated at $15,000,000, and thosuniineroutputat $10,000,000. Tho dust is coming into Dawson at tho rate of $30,000 to $10,000 u day. After two or three weeks tho roads will bo drier and it will How In at a heavier rate. Tho two banks at Daw son aro busier than they havo been for months buying or receiving tho dust for storago. Tho big trading companies aro receiving a great deal of dust In payment for goods advanced to miners during tho winter. The camp is in a nourishing condition, and everywhere good feeling prevails. Tho first shipments of dust of any consequence to the outside will per haps not start for iv week or two, or until tho river is at a moro steady stage and tho lxmts run moro regu larly. However, there will bo it rush of people out by tho first boats, and all will carry moro or less of the precious product. Tho work of washing up is in pro gress on all tho creeks, mid all aro sending in dust. Soino of tho moro remote creeks aro not sending much yet, because of tho muddy condition of tho roads or trails. Some of tho trails aro almost impassable for oven tho pack animals. What gold is sent from Gold Run. Hiinkor, Domin ion, Sulphur, Eureka, Quartz, Last Chance, Gold Bottom and others of the outi-ido creeks comes by horse back. The stages from Grand Forks frequently bring in us much as $20 000 at a time, and it is no uncommon sight to M'c prosperous mini) owner car crying into banks grips of tho yel low metal that draw them heavily earthward. CUBANS MAY REPENT, Administration Hopeful That It Will Accept Ammendmcnt. Washington, Juno 10. Tho cabi net was in session over two hours today discussing tho Cuban and Philippine situations A communi cation has lcen received from Gover nor General Wood in regard to the prospect for tho unconditional accept ance of the Piatt amendment, but its contents are not made public. It can bo stated, huwcvur, that thcro is a hopeful feeling in administrative circles that after tho first soreness wears off tho convention will sec tho wisdom of accepting tho terms of tho amendment. Tho answer to Gen eral Wood to le scut and the language. of tho communication was under consideration today. Meanwhile tho status in Cuba is to bo maintained. No action looking to the calling of another convention is contemplated if the present convention should de cline to accede to our terms. Tho program looking to tho estab lishment of civil government in tho Philippines is being formulated in tho shape of an order which is to be promulgated shortly, It is said that thcro is no definite conclusion as to whether the powers of tho civil ad ministration will bo exercised under tho general war powers of tho presi dent or tho power vested in him by tho Spooncr amendment. That, how ever, is considered a matter of detail. Tho main point is that tho civil ad mnistration, which will bo confined largely to tho municipalities, will bo vested in tho head of tho Taft com mission and such other officials as may be designated, and that they will exercise their functions subject to tho direct authority of tho secre tary of war, to whom all reports will lo made. Civil administration un der military supervision, such as is contemplated, is said not to bo anom alous, and tho civil government in New Mexico and tho Southern states during tho early stages of tho recon struction period aro pointed to as be ing substantially analogus to what is proposed in tho Philippines, Sentence Commuted. Denver, Juno 10. Tho stato board of pardons has commuted to 18 years the Hie sentenco of JS. O'KolIcy, tho man who killed Bob Ford, tho slayer of Jcsso James. Tho killing occurred at Credo, Col., July 12, 1892. Telescope Mirror Broken. Pittsburg, Juno 8. A great 30 inch mirror belonging to a Newtonian reflecting tolcscopo at Lick observa tory was, shattered into many frag ments wtiilo it was being drilled to convert it into a casscgrain glass. As a result it is probaulo that tho long projected exposition of tho Lick observatory into tho southern hemi sphere will havo to bo postponed. l'rofessor Jirashcar will mako a now glass for tho Lick scientists, but tho glass cannot bo obtained in less than six months. It was valued at $3,000. Big Fire at Lexington. Lexington, Ky., Juno 10. Tho Otts cooper shop burned this after noon and tho firo communicated to other buildings so rapidly that it was feared for some, timo that tho city would bo laid in ashes. Tho firo was boyond control for two hours. Twon-ty-thrco houses, mostly tcnoments, wore destroyed, with thoir contents. Loss, $80,000. ADVEK8K DECISION BOARD REPORTS ON LAKE WA8H INGTON CANAL. Ma'orlty Does Not favor the Proposition, as They Believe that Cither It or the Puget Sound Naval Station Would Have to be Abandoned In the Cnd-Mlnorlty Made a favorable Report. iiMiington, Juno 10. Tho naval board appointed under tho tonus of an net of congrins, to examine Into the adavntagoH of Lakes Union and Washington, In tho stato of Wash ington, near Seattle, as froth witter basins for laying up naval vessels, has mndo an adverse re-tort upon tho proposition. The majority find in sulwtaneo. after careful examinations, that, having in view tho Inwt interest and welfare of tho navy, u fresh water basin in this location separated by some distance from tho naval station on Puget sound, would bo oxKMislvo to maintain, and in the end, one or tho other would huvo to bo abandoned. Tho minority of tho board mado a Btrong plea in favor of tho proKsed naval basin, and dinouss at sumo length the engineering work which Would be required to carry out tho project. RELATIONS ARE DISTURBED. High Explosives Canse Trouble Between the Army Ilurcas. Now York. Juno 10. A special from Wa.tihiigtou says: High oxplosives havo disturbed re lations betwien tho bureau of ord nance and loard of ordnance and fortifications. A bitter controversy has been raging lictween those two hranclics of the army lor moro than a year and has been brought to tho attention of Secretary Root Tor linal action. Tho fortifications law authorizes tho secretary in his discretion to purclutso for $100,000 tho right to manufacture thorite, an explosive for filling shells, and tho Ishaiu shell, a projectile in which tho explosive gohitiuo can lx fired. Tho board ol ordnance and fortifications, has re commended that tho secretary of war acquire tho patents upon the explos ive shells named. Tho luiard of whioh Major Rogers Ilirnoys is president, has leon con ducting tests at Sandy Hook. Tlioso explosives included thorite, maxim ite, rendrock and others. Its rejiort has just Ik'CU received but General llullliugton decline to make it pub lic. It is known, however that the Ixmrd reports that "after exhaustive trials of thorite ns a shell filler, In cluding field, siege and seacoast shell, it is found that a reasonable degree of efficiency cannot Ihj obtained, and the lioard therefore recommends that the tests Ihj discontinued." Maximito seems to have pleased tho board moro than thorite. Tho board of ordnance mid forticliutions thinks animus influenced tho ordnuueo board in its decision. UNDER ARMY POWER. Secretary Root the Real Head of Philippine Government. Washington, Juno 8. Tho now civil government to bo established in tlio Philippines is receiving tho considcratou of tho president and tho secretary of war. It will differ hut little from what was first outlined, as thoro will bo a governor for tho archipelago and legislative council and other officers. This government will have control of all civil affairs, but it will bo under tho war power to tho extent of being directed by tho secretary of war. Thero will bo a nico distinction as lo tho iiuthortiy of tho general commanding tho troops in tho Philippines and tho governor to bo appointed under the civil gov ernment. No official declaration lias been mado as to which will be the supremo authority, but it Is known that tho secretary of war will bo su premo. Wliilo it is not tho Intention to conduct tho government of tho Philippines under tho I-orakcr law, that law will bo taken as sanctioning what is to bo dono. Tho new govorn ment will bo similar to that which existed for a short timo in tho early days of Now Mexico. Thcro was a civil L'ovcrnor. appointed by tho pros ident, and a commanding general of tho army. Both had their functions in preserving tho peace and control ling tho affairs of tho territory. Major George Arthur Dead. Olevoland, Juno 8. Major Ocorgo Arthur, assistant paymaster of tho United States Army, who recently ro turned from tho Philippines, died suddenly at tho Wcddell housof this city, early yesterday. Ho was obout 43 years of ago and unmarried. Major Arthur arrived at tho hotel at a very early hour, and sat down in a chair in tho lobby. Shortly afterward an at tacho of tho hotel found him gasping for breath and unconscious. Ilo was removed at onco to a room, but soon expired, June Snow In North Dakota. Jamestown, N, D., Juno 8. A snow storm occurred today through out tho central and northern por tions of North Dakota. At James town snow fell two hours. A similar etato of affairs is reported in towns on tho Jamestown Northern Railroad. Tho snow quickly molted. Snow foil lato in May 1891, but a similar oo currenco in Juno is not known to havo happened before SUICIDE OF DU. DALY. Sureon on Miles' Staff In Pnrlo Rico -Insomnia Affected Illi Mind. Pittsburg, Juno 10. Major V. II. Daly, dirgeon on tho staff of General Miles In' Porto Kluo, committed sui cide tit his homo by shooting himself In tho right temple. The body wat found In tho bathroom lying In a pool of blood, with a !I8 ciilllw' volver lying on tho floor. Dr. !' oi , who was summoned at once, found tho bullet hole In tho toinplo mid announced that death had taken place several hours before. No vtuim Is known for Dr. Daly's deed, uiilees It bo that insomnia drove hlui tempo rarily Insane, l'or some time ho had been unablo to sleep regularly. The doctor was a widower anil leaves no immediate family. Ilo was 50 years of ago and for many years lind boon prominent in inedleal circles. Ho gained international promlueiieo during tho Cuban war, as it was his report to tho commanding general of tho army that started tho "one halmed" beef inquiry. 8HE 18 GOOD AT REACHING. The Boston Yacht Independence Takes An other Trial Spin. Boston, Juno II. Tho IndeM'ii deuce hiul another short sail In tho bay this afternoon, and tho hreeo being only modorato the yacht spread moro canvas than has yet Ikmjii hoist ed. Tho sea was smooth, and again sho proved her wonderful reaching qimhtiox, boNidoMshuwingcoiiHiderablo ability hi windward work. Not only did sho hold very well up to tho broozo, keeping within an averago of three points, but sho footed quite fast and tacked in tho lieigliorliood of 20 seconds. The trial was confined to less than two hour) of actual sailing, most of tho timo leing spent on the wind or reaching, and as yet tho yacht has not been sent deail to leeward, It leiiig thought well lo wait for the spinnaker and club to-wall. Thero was no accident today, barring u slight rent the miiinsail, which rather hindered tho setting of that great" piece of canvas. Tho yacht may go out again tomorrow after noon, although there is considerablo work to Im done iihiii her. DYNAMITE IN A CAR. Collision Causes Two Trains to Be Blown lo Atoms Six Lives Lost. Illughnmptoii, N. Y., June II. While a freight train on tho Lacka wiina was taking water at Vestal, 10 miles west of hure, It was inn into from In-hind by a double header wild cat train. In the second car from the caboose of tho stationary train was a largo quantity of dnyamite, which . was exploded by tho impact. Six men were killed and three fatally in jured Both trains woro blown to atoms, but tho remainder of their crews CMcaHd with slight injuries. Much damiigo was done by tho concussion, most of tho windows in Vestal and Union, across tho river from Vestal, being shattered. Ringhampton's plate glass fronts did not escape, ninny of the largest glasses In tho city lwing broken. The shock was felt at a distanca of 30 miles. REINDEER TRIP ABANDONED. Officer Who Is Now In Siberia lo Secure the Animals May Starve to Death. Seattle, Juno 11. Tho minimi voy ago of a government ship to Hil-cria after reindeer, according t,o Dr. Shel den Jackson, who left for tho north on tho transport Warren today, lots been abandoned for tho season. Lcutcnant Borthoff, who crossed Rus sia and Siberia last year to gather u herd of deer, will bo left to get along as best ho can until a year from tho coming July. Dr. Jackson thinks Borthoff may storvoto death or perish whilo waiting for a ship to take hiini off. Ho is likely to bo left all alone, and to his own personal efforts for subsistence throughout next win ter, as thcro aro few natives where ho will bo. It will bo impossible to at tempt to rescuo him until after next Juno, as tho ico will permit no ap proach to tho coast. Prospector's Rich Find. Davenport, Washington, Juno II. II. D. WinholY, a prospector, ar rived yesterday from Stevens county, having in his possession. a gold brick valued at $834. Ho refused to toll in what manner tho specimou was se cured, but oviddntly it was extracted in a crudo manner from oxcedingly rich oro, us it had boon molded in a. babbitt hullo. Emperor's Return Postponed. Shanghai, Juno 11. An imperial edict, issued Juno ((, announce that, owing to tho hot weather and tho ml vanccd ago of tho Dowuger Empress, tho return of tho court to Pokin has been postoucd .until September k whioh tho astroloirors a lucky day on which to oommnco a journoy. Fell From Dome. Buffalo, N. Y.. Juno 11 r. , w - "M'lr niandor J. II. Bull, of tlm ir..t.i States navy, in ohargo of tho hydro graphic Borylco on tho Pun-Amorican grounds, foil from tlm 'n, ( government building. Ha Bkull Was fractured about tho loft oyo, and ono of his logs was brokon. Tho ,os nltnl authorities say that, while bin injuries aro serious, ho probably will