Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 14, 1901, Image 4

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HlKoroil nt tho tmstotnpe t Onltnge drove,
Oregon m Heconil Clans mull mut'.er.
Hillmerlplloii prli ,
AitviirtUlniJ ruti'
HI, no. In Bilvniirp.
iiiiu'b known upon
Friday, Jun, m icot.
Gentlemen, don't forget the lee
ture of Mr. C. L.Smith, ondairyiu
ami diversified farming next Tues-
flav nftfrnoon nt 2 o'clock. It will
he worth dollars to you.
With the close of this week Main
and Wall streets, present a finished
appearance Mr. Lea having com
pletedhis contract in a commendable
manner. Cottage Grove now has
turn nf the best streets in any town
in Willamette valley.
The city of Cottage Grove today
has two admirable streets just
finished in crushed rock. There is
much speculation as to the length
oftime it-will require the ordinary
travel to wear the streets down
smooth. Of course it will take
some time, but right here a sug
gestion might be made that would.
if put in operation, reduce the time
necessarv to make the streets
smoo.h to a limit. There is a
splendid street roller iu the city,
and if a good team or teams were
attached to it and it was kept run
ning over the newly made streets
nine hours a dav. rounds
just as the farmer would in plowinc
a field, in a weeks time the street
upon which this system is employed
-would be in splendid condition and
almost smooth enough to bike on.
It would cost the hire of a team and
man, perhaps two teams, but it
-would be money well expended by
the city.
Joseph Merrill, a Georgia sheriff,
is about the first southern sheriff
who has faithfully discharged his
duty with reierence to protecting
the life-of a negro criminal, hounded
""""""Try-li "howling mob, as vicious as
the criminal himself in their thirst
. for blood. The negro condemned
Ho death, was, at the last moment
. :granted a new trial. Angry men,
thirsting for blood, gathered and
attempted to take the prisoner
from the custody of the sheriff and
hang him. The sheriff objected
and ordered them away, warning
the leaders not to advance upon
penalty of death. They paid no
lieed to the warning, and when they
advanced upon the sheriff and his
handful of deputies, they were fired
upon, with the result that two were
killed and as many more wounded.
When the mob found the sheriff
was determined to stand his ground
they slunk away like the cow
ards tbey must have been to be en
gaged iu such work. The sheriff
is to be congratulated, and should
be, given a gold medal. It might
, be a good idea to provide every
sheriff in the sunny South with a
gatling gun, and see if they might
not be more successful in dispers
ing murderous mobs. Revenge is
crime and only brutes will resort to
The Wizard Oil Company played
to good houses here last week clos
ing Saturday evening. The com
pany is composed of well behaved
people, who entertain fairly well,
eH n rmnrl nifinw Kntfloc rF t(ii
' Meged pain reliever, distribute a
number of prizes of cheap plated
ware; raffle off a ring, and, withal,
gather up the loose money of the
good people about the town. It
may be a wild calculation, but we
will make it just the same: If the
money spent in patronizing this
pain-curing concern could be di
vided equally among those .who at
tended tho show, each one would
have money enough to buy a sack
offlour or a silver pepper box. If
thta is not ti wild calculation jt
ought to be sufficient to give all of
'em a pain that Wizard Oilcouldu't
touch in two applications. It it is
a wild calculation just let it go
Farmers come to town with milk
cans in their wagons and take home
checks for the cream. They find
the creamery is a good thing for
them. Register.
The city this week erected a new
tire bell tower on Rivcr&trct, to
provide adequate fire alarm for those
residing on the West side. It will
be appreciated and may result in
protecting many a home Irom
Every farming community m
Oregon today is either piovided
with a creamery or is taking steps
to so provide itself. Every com
munity in which creameries are
now being operated gives satisfac
tory reports of the benefit derived
to the farmer. Thousands of dol
lars today are going into the far
mers hands in the Willamette val
ley, thr. ugh a medium directly
benefitting them at this season of
the year and which was heretofore
unknown to them. Why the far
mers of this vicinity should not
take steps to investigate this matter
and determine whether or no a
creamery would be a money earner
for them is a question not easily
answered. The Southern Pacific
Co. has a man Mr. C. L. Smirh
working throughout Oregon who
for seventeen years has liad prac
tical experience in dairying and iu
the various branches ot farming.
Next Tuesday afternoon June 18
he will speak in this city and every
larmer in this section of Lane
county should make it a point to
hear him. Points gathered from
one ot air. amiin s- nroaa khow
lidge will be well worth taking
borne. Come out rnd hear him.
I hereby notify the public thct
from and after this date June n.
1901, I will not be responsible for
any bills nor pay any debts con
tracted by my wife, Pauline Seifert.
John Skifert.
A trunk key. Owner can have
same by identifying key and pay
ing for notice.
The memorial services of the
Woodmen of the World will te
held at the cemetery Sunday, June
16, at '2130 p. m. Prof. Bnggs wil
deliver the memorial address.
The Eagle and Rescue Hose
Companies have been drilling the
past week on short runs, couplings
and laying hos;. They have found
a few hydrants in very bad condi
tion. The city council should take
steps to have them repaired at once.
FOR sale.
Farming land, well improved, i
mile east from Cottage Grove, join
ing the -county road, for sale in
tracts from 5 to 100 acres. The best
farming land in this section of the
county. Parties desiring to inves
tigate should call on or address
Jerome Knox, Cottage Grove.
I))) mi li butter wanted at Lurch's
Call and see the fine line of candiet at
The Cash Grocery Co.
Horses for sate or trade. J. II.
Everybody pleased wfth their trimmed
hnU at N. L. Eleca & Son, and money
Are you a farmer? Jerome Knox & Co
will sell you a farm or several farina to
suit your convenience.
Two accidents occurred at Mill No.
1 Sdginuw this week, Fred Gongerbu'g
hud his hand severely cut with an ax,
and Tom Scott had his cheek laid open
with an ax, I)r Jqb dressed tlio wounds
and tho boyaare now taking a lay-off,
wasted. Capable, reliable person in
every county to represent large company
of solid financial reputation ; f 930 salary
per vear, payable weekly ; 3 perday ab
solutely sure and all expenses; straight,
buna-fide salary, no commission; salary
paid each Saturday anil expense money
advanced each week. STANDAIiD
HOUSE, 334 Dearuorn St.. CmcAao.
"Of a gasoline stove burned a ladv
frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer, of
Kirkrnan, la. "The best doctors
couldn't heal ths running sore that fol
lowed, but Bucklen's Arnica Salvo en
tirely cured her." 'Infallible for Cuts,
Corns, Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skin Dis
eases and Piles. 25c at Benboh Dnua
160 head of nannio goats for sale, or
will exchange for cattle or sheep
J, II, UAWfcKY, Divide, Qrc.5
Mtoimvia pou nimt and w.vrriu l-iru,
(VI I a mi (Irtivu. (trfnnli. Jmio 10th. 1001.
Selel tru)ni-rtli w 111 ln iiwolveil Kt tho nfllro
ot tlio Cliy l'-onlr UnttHxa flrovo, OrnKQn. up
to June Jllh, unit, for fvirnt.hlim mill ilollvorlim
i. o, i. ruin tu oiuhk' urove, wreim, mi om
tmrt nf thfl fitllnu tntr M-ntir 1 tlitv 10.OU) frfit 4 Innh
ttutititrilwroiiKlil lion, lilm'l; tllil plpo. MM
ItMMilllll'll IlipiitfU lln Ut'iyillUK IUH IOM 1111(11
lllm per foot with muiillnir-Hru fur howl of viitor
oniotmt tun! WO feet oftllm lnllppoil plpowulttlv
Hilt not li'M limn .Mb per loot una lino or muro
I tudi ttint Iron tpe. itiwhs. ixrtto MilviM. unit
llro liyilrmiw hiiiI om roilnosr from 6 Itii'li to A
Aim una rvuucar irom ainvu in 4, npvi'iucntion
of woliilit, puimlliiL-ii, amount itDiiroil nml (line
in W iiimvureii 10 no nirninnwi wun twt'ii mil
Mm) ronUpKliiR I'.YJOO (out odlltoli unit luring
ptpn llH'rulii nml tilling Minnlltifr to ii!llW'w-
ttnni. All ol mill limlorUl to I llltntlhwl nttil
win iuhhtihi io ik nmusiieti huh
upttttoit Hltlitn M tUyi Rom Mgn
(. 1 lie right If tvwtvoil bjf the
u-ll of ihIiI City to reject any mul
WOrK III IW ItlllllHDIlMl Ullillll UM lH)B irillll !
Dig oi riniiriii'i
Cnliunon 0011110
nil 1,U1.
J. K. YOtl.Nn. Hminler,
Land Office at Hojobitrg, Ores 111,
.hi 110 11, 11U1.
Notice is hereby given that the follow -I
up named settler litis llletl notice of his
intention to make 11 tin L piool in support
of hi claim, and tlint xulil proof will be
mmto Dcloiu .Miirio I., ware U. h. Uom
tiiisnioiier iitEttgeiie. Oreuou, on July
11101 vix: William 11. Wiukitts on Ins II.
K. No. 10701 for the SV if See. IU Tp L'4
S..R. lEast.
Ho names tho following witnesses to
provu his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Samuel L. Carson, Krttnk II. Ilurno.
James E. Warwick, Rolxiri Sitnpaoii, of
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
J. T. llKHHitjs, Register.
Land Oflicout Roiebtira, Orecnn,
Juno II, 1001.
Noticu is hereby given that the follow
ing-nanied settler lias tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his clnim, imd that said proof will be
mado before Marie L. Waro U. S. Com
missioner at Kiigetio, Oregon, on Jnlv
'.'2, 11)31 vi. James E. Warwick on hi
II. E. No. 10(W9 for (he W X N'E 1-4.
S K 1-4 NW 1-4 SE 1-4 See. 14 Tp. L4 ? ,
It. IE.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his eontinuon.i resideneo titiott
ami cullivntion of said land, viz: .
Frank II. Heme, KoWt Simpson.
William H. WatkiiH. Samud I . Carson.
of Cottage Grove, (' regon-
J. 1. KrfiixiKH, Kegister.
Land'Oflico at Rot o'liirg, Orec n,
June 11, lOui.
Notice is hereby given time the fol
lowing named settler has tiled noticu of
his intention to make flnnl proof in Sup
port of his claim, and thnt said prnaf
will bo iimJe before Marie L. Waro U. S.
Comniisi-ioner nt Einrene. Oregon Of
Jnlv 22, lS0t viz: Frank II. Hernooti
his H . E. No. 10702 for tho E K NE't-f.
E SE X Sec. 12 To. 24 S , R.'l Eat.
Ho names the following witnesses lo
nrove liN continuous tesidenco unon iind
cultivation of said land, viz:
Samuel L. Carson, James h. arwt 'k.
William H. Walkins, Robert Shuns in.
of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
J. I. BRinor.s, Kegisto'-.
Land Office at Koselmrg, Oregon,
June II. 1001.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler lias tiled noticu 01 111'
intention to make final proof in sunnort
of his claim, nrd that said proof will lie
maile nelore 01 trie u are U. b. t;oru
inisiioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Jult
22,1001 viz: Samuel L.Cnr.-Mn on his II.
E. Nr.. 10700 for the K NR. fcf, Ej
SE i Sec. 14 Tp. 24S., It 1 Enu.
He names thu foilinvinir wiinexfes ti
prove Ids continuous re.-iilonco upon anil
cultivation 01 mum I.iniI, viz:
James K, Wiirfield. l-rank H. Heme
William H. Walkins. R ihert Simpson,
of Cottage Grove, O'egin.
J, T. Biutor.s, Itcgister,
Land Office nt Rosebnrg, Oret'on.
'J11111. 4, 10J1,
Notfco is hereby given that the fol
lowing-uamcd settler has filed nutlet' of
her intention, to mnko final proof in
support of herctaim, and that said proof
win te mauo ueioru xne negister ami
Receiver U. S. Land Otlico at Rosebnrg
t T . . 1 . . no 1 mi 1 t . '
lTCK"ll, u uiy juui via; .urs.
Phebe Huse, widow of John Hmo De
ceased on her H. E. No, 81(52 for the
SW Sec. 0 Tp. 21 S., R. 4 West.
She names the following witnesses to
prove hercontinuoiiH residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Mrs. J-,llen tockwooil, lj, u. W00U-
riilf, Mrs. N. E. Addison, Of Lorane,
Lane uo.. u retro n, u. :. uussei, ot r.u
gene, Oregon.
j. 1. iwtiDOKS. iicpistcr.
rETITlOX yon liquor lick.vsk.
To Whom It Mhv roncern:
Notice la hereby given that the ollowlnit
petition will te presented to tho Comity Court
ol Lnne County, Orceon at It June I'.Ol term,
10-wn on suiuraay 1110 sin uay ou uno wi ;
To the Honorable County Court In, and for
j.ane county ana sitae 01 uregiin.
Tho undesigned, you petition, John 8.
i)tly reiuett that 11 llccni-c may bo lmiiwl to
him br your Honorable Court lor nix moiitlm
and that be may bo granted a llcento to tell
Di'iriis, tuii ami timuuB iduuiii, hi in, piuru
01 uuiincM ai aciro in euiu uinu uouiiiv ana
State ot Oregon. Your petitioner further repre
mints that he will keep an orderly )iouo and
will not permit Any unlawful gaming, or riot
(juk conduct In or about liln bouno And your
peiiuoneri ever pray :
O. II. Thurman, John I. Powell, Ii. Mills, John
rieicnur, ivy 3iurriM, u. i. iitiiivriieiii, 11. v.
Huehs. John I. Iluttertteld. Wm. Ilrynd.H. (I.
Stlngley, Win. V. SnHey, O.C. Cumpton, II. U.
MMurtin,u. w. jmcoiju, 51. juirrin, wm. Har
den, W. W. Day, l(. K. Lynch. Ja. ('oi-grove, ti.
V. Woodcock. L. V. Ktlnelev. T. (!. 8aulrt. (loo.
(J. I'ell, John Y. Ford, V. V. Mill, J. Young
wlrth, V. U. Ncely, H. J. Boymour, W. II. IIol
oomb, K. K. Hewitt, J. J. llenner, J. C. fltlngley,
11. uauHiuy, u. inies, J. a. Hire, i. .n. niniiu,
W. A. Harrliig, Win. Kyle, J. Fellman, K, A.
Kvung.A.O. Fiinko. J.Y. Mnnteomery. K. T.
Condon, T. M. Itath, F. Holste, Una V. Korku,
r. 11. Aiexanuer, u. Bevmciur, ii. r. iieiiuiii.
O. Baubcrt. N. Heine. W. II. drey. W.8. llrewer.
J. C. lleek, Caliper Tylden, (ieorge l'rescott.J.
a. jiK'ix!ixi, v. 11. .-uorgHii, Anurew jionigomery,
II. F.IWhltelock.F. R Hart, J. M. Clark, W. V.
Harrla. (!Im. II. Ijurv. II. W. Craven. W. II.
Kalley, K. Morgan, Haua Hhiibom, John A. Ma
son, II. Harnett, Jame Mnrrln, f Itcady, II. A.
Funko, J, I,. Bauborn, K. K. Marr, John Holger,
Oeo. II. Coltor, A.T. Anderson, C. C. liehuko,
C. E. Harwood, It. II. Ilcrnhardt, A. F. Kurd,
w, iionman, Jiay, j. uiemin. i ibuuiuiioii,
Repairing at reaaonable chargei.
All work guaranteed flrt-cla.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at Lowest Trices
1 Lurch's
You can
in. I
NOW ill TOClllGF ! HiU'eowor tu WIIDULCIt ft SCOTT.
w i
In the spring time gentle Aunlu
There's n smell tu the back yunl
And an oilor In our city
That hits the stranger haul.
I's an argument for sewerage
Hut there Isunolher plan ;
You can go to (he New Era Drug Sloro
And you may buy u can ot Chloride
of Li mo.
Its very fino
Take it In time -Don't
lose it dollar
To save a dime.'
Call early and avoid the rush .
llveltaut & Xelno n, Sew Jim
Itntfi Store.
When you Want
Good Shoes
Low Prices
Huckne, Okkgon.
All Faslii
All Mall OiuIcih
Eugene, Oregon.
Dyeing 6 Cleaning Works.
Coats, - 1 1.00, up.
Vent, - - i - , ; rW.up.,
I'itnt, - . . r -' - ..."P.
Bull, ' - - -- 2$0, up.
Single garment In proportion. , -PreHK
pntteniK, - 7Jct jieryaril.
I)re, - f - . - ajiijrriTjr,Aoent.
WANTED-ritiTHTwoitTiiv siB.v Axu wo
men to travel nnd ttd vortino for old u
tnblishcil Iioiihi' of kolid flmincial hImiiiI
ing. Salary 780nyear and cxnenBeH,
all payable in cash . No caimisting re
quired. Givo refereneea unci oiielone
nelf nddresned otatnpfd enveloio. Ad
drens Manager, 355 Claxtou Uld. Clii
eago. Music Lessons w-
-On the Piano.
A late Gkadud Ghkman Mutii-
OD of Music is now being taught at
the C. P. Manse by.
Mrs. L.D. Beck.
Recitals will be given at proper
intervals, thus giving parentsan op
portunity to note progress.
50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each
Best Goods at the Lowest
We carry everything in the
- millinery line and can sup
ply you with any thing you
need. Our prices are the
lowest and terms most
" r A D rt rTTi r I t
the finest in the
now get a good
Wc will continue to curry a full nnd complete
stock or Ilnrdwnre, Stoves nnd Tinware, MiniiiK
BuppHcu. l'isli Ilro's. Wagons, Oliver Chillcd'und
Steel Plows, Ktc. ::::::
PRICE $35. E. L. KING,
General Agent for Oregon, Washington ami Idaho. Albany, Ore.
re you liny a
It will pay you to write '
Eiler's Piano House 1
OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Ve are the great profit killers nnd piano price regulators of tho
Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a fine piano or organ
for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Cata
logues for the asking.
Our stock includes the throe greatest American pianos the Kim
ball, the Checkering and the Weber together with oilier good makes.
Easy Payment Plan.
.IMer s
Or call on MRS. L. D. Bkck, Local
Hotel Eugene
Headquarters for MINING MEN.
ongli Lumber,
SB 6 per
Saginaw, Ok.
Mrs. C. Wolfer, the Home
Healer, will be in Cottage Grove,
on the 27 of each month to remain
until the 29U1 111st. consultation
free, Terms lor personal or absent
treotment very reasonable. Tooth-
nche and headache treated free.
All who are sick arc invited to call
and consult me at the Sherwood
Yours Truly
Mrs, C. Wou'jjr,
The Home. Healer.
Lurch s 1 -fjj
Selection, 1
Lurch's I
The most simple, practical and durable
Typewriter on the market nt any price.
Ask Tor catalogue.
Piano or an Orpn
iano House.
Representative, Cottage Grove, Or. '
, BfAltRS
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call nnd get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or hot.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices.
Rememlwr the place: Phillips
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Practicing Physician.
Office and residence ou River street
.near Wall, Cottage Grove, Ore; .