Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 07, 1901, Image 8

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'Our little daughter had nn almost
tal attack of whooping cough ami hrotv
litis," writes Mrs. Y. K. Hnvlland, of
rinniili. N. Y "but when nit other
miedioa failed, we saved herlifo with
r. King's New Discovery. Our nicco,
ho hud Consumption in nn advanced
ago, also used this wonderful medicine.
nd today she is perfectly well." ucs
erato throat and lung disease yield lo
tr. King's Now. Discovery as to no other
ledlcino mi earth. IiifnlllMo for Cougns
nd Coldc. 60u und $1.00 bottles gmir
ntecd by Bhsso.n Dnuu Oo. Trial
iottlcs free.
For nearly two years people have
raveled between Portland and
Vstoria either by boat or rail for
:5c each way. The transportation
ines last week "got to-gether" and
he old rate of $2 by rail and $1.75
w boat was restored on June 1st
"Wilt wonders ever waee?" inquire
ho friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Law
ence, Kus. They knew she had been
innbloto leave her bed in peven years
in aerount of kidney and liver trouble
lervous prostration and general do-
jility; but, "Three bottles of Electric
jitters enabled mo to walk," she
'vritcs," "and in threo months I felt like
I new person.', Women sunerins from
leadache, Backache. Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting
nd Dizzy Spells will tind it a priceless
ilesslng. Try it. Satisfaction is guar
tiuiecd Bkxsom Druq Co. Only 50c.
Governor Gage, of California has
offered $5000 reward for the arrest
and conviction of the parties re
sponsible for the lynching of a
family of five persons at Lookout,
Modoc county, last Friday morn
"01 a gasoline stove burned n ladr
frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer.-ot
Kirkman, la'. "The best doctors
couldn't heat ths running soro that fol
lowed, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve en
tirely cured her." Infallible for Cuts,
Corns, Sores Doils, Bruises, Skin Dis
eases and Piles. '25c atBENso.s pittro
Co's. J - J ' - .
Portland' barbers who are union
men are havirg everything their
own way. Non-union barbers are
not to be had for love or money
and the present situation appears
as though the demand for shotter
hours would be complied with.
DIDfl'T mahry fob money.
The Boston man, who lately married
a sickly rich young woman, is happy
now, for he got Dr. King's New Life
Pills, which restored her to perfect
health. Infallible for Jaundice, Bil
iousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and
all Liver and stomach troubles. Gentle
but effective. Only 25c at Benson Drcq
Co'b drug store.
Farming land,., well improved, 1
mile east from Cottage, Grove, join
ing the county road, for sale in
tracts from 5 to joo acres. The best
farming land in this section of the
county. Parties desiring to inves
tigate should call on, or address
Jerome Knox, Cottage Grove.
Mr. V. S. Whedon, Cashier of the
First National Bank of 'tt'intereet, Iowa.
In a recent letter gives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that will
be of value to other mechanics. lie says;
'I had a carpenter working for me who
was obliged to stop work for several
days on account of being troubled with
diarrhoea. I mentioned to him that I
had been similarly troubled and that
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diar
rhoea Remedy had pm;e,d me. He
bought a bottle of it from the druggist
here and Informed me that one dose
cured him nnd.hels,agnin at his work.
For sale by Lyons & Appleoatk, Drain,
Benson Dbdo Co. , Cottage Grove. , '
You certainly have a good opinion
of your physician's judgment, or
you would not consult him.' Then
do him the justice to carefully con
sider the compounding of his pre
scriptions The Benson Drug Co.
select nothing but the best and
most pure drugs in the market, and
make a specialty of carefully com
pounding prescriptions.. Be good
to yourself by taking ypur physi
cian's prescription to the Benson
Drug Co. and rest assured you will
get the best to be. had in the market.
Call at 3Jknb0w Dnuq C0'ji drug store
atoro nnd got a free samplp of Chamber
lain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets, Thqy
also improvo the nppetltg,. strengthen
the digestion and regulate the livor and
bowels. They are an elegant physio.
They aro easy to tuko nnd pleasant in
The school celebration was held
in the grove above the school house
last Friday. The weather was fine
and the attendance waslatge, quite
a number from Silk Creek, and
Casper Lea and pupils of I.ntham
were present. The exercises were
good though a phonograph was the
star attraction. Dinner was served
at mo and the remainder of the
day was spent in games nntl con
Dr A G Miller and wife went to
Eugene for a short visit.
Miss Lillian Goodcifow was up
here from Eugene attending the
school picnic.
Miss Elsie Hicks and Vernon
Clow of Silk Creek visited friends
here last week.
A well attended and enjoyable
dance was given at Hedricks Satur
day night. ,
You may as well expect to run steam
engine without water as to find nil ac
tive, energetic man with u torpid liver
and you mar know that his liver is tor
pid when he does not relish his food or
feels dull and languid after citing, often
has headache and sometimes dizziness.
A few doses of Chnmlcrlaiu's Stomach
and Liver Tablets will restore his livci
to its normal function-), renew his vi
tality, improve his digestion and nmke
him feel like a new man. Price 25 cents.
Samples free at Bkxson Ditun Co's drug
men to travel und udvertiso for old es
tablished house of solid financial stand
ing. Salary $780nyear and expenses,
all payable in cash . No canvassing re
quired. Give references and enclose
self addressed stamped envelope. Ad
dress Manager, 355 CUxton Bid. Chi
Parties desirinsrlady to go to the
house and sew by the day, should
consult Mrs. O. Eredericksen. Pricel
$1.00 per-day.,Telephoue(No. x 13
Here is a chance to get your boy
into a paying business on a small
pital. I have a choice lot of higli-
giade Belgian Hares that I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. 1 here
no need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
here at home. Lord Britain, Sir
Styles, Fasboda, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains ate in
stock. F. A. Rankin, Eugene.
wanted. Capable, reliable person in
every county to represent largecompany
of solid financial reputation ; $930 salary
per vear, payable weekly ; fS per.lav nb-
solutely sure and ull expenses; straight,
nomt-nao salary, no commission; salary
paid each Saturday and expense money
advanced each week. STANDARD
HOUSE, 334 Dearborn St.. CnicAco.
V . . r
y We have sold outand all accounts
must be settled at once by cash or
note. Office with Phillips & White.
Whheler & Scott.
200 cords of Hemlock bark wanted
at Haine's Tannery, Eugene, Ore
gon. We will' pay $7.00 per cord
"on board cars at Cottage Grove or
Walker station. For information
write or call on W. V. Haines &
Co,, Eugene, Oregon ,
Notably among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of Interest
arid added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in tho variety of its In
dustries, in its prolific vegetation and
among it numberles resorts of moun
tain, shore, valley anil plain.
Tho two daily Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but th low rates of fare will Btifl
continue In eiTct.
Illustrated gi.Mes to the winter re
sorts of tlii r .1 vi I Arizona may be
had on application to
0. II. Maukham, G ,P. A.,
Portland, Oregon,
SoBuroaro we that tho locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develop
into nuirierptis sales pf our Belts and
Appliances, that we mo willing to send
one free toany sufferer froni tho follow
ing diseases; Cold extremities, Crysto
celo, Female weakness, Kidney com-
Flajnt, Leucorrhea, Liver complaint,
uralysif, Lost vitality, Nurvousdebilltv,
8ol( atJiibe, Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation. Im potency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, nnd Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc.,
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Baftlo
Creek, Michigan,
The old maxim, "The Proof ut the
pudding Is in the Enttng," applies as
well to tin wearing qualities of our
hosiery. Oneo worn and you will wear
them alnays. An exceptional trial offer
that evory reader of this paper should
take ndvantiigu of iiihI test the remark
nlilo wearing qualities 11 nd xuperlor
finish nf our hluli trade huslory. We
will, on receipt of 25e. In silver und the
name of your local dealer, send direct to
vou front the mills, postage paid, 4 pair
of our finest high gradu latest stvlo Em
piro brand Indies' or children's hose, or
men's half hose, in black, tan, white or
the fashionable fancy solid colors, or (he
latest combination silk embroidered
polka dots, electric stripe, or silk cloak
ing on side, in fancy open work, plain or
drop stitch style, In French lisle thread,
balbriggan, silk finish maco, or cash
mere, . with full niiish clastic top nntl
ii'ir patent reinforced sllkand linen knit
seamless, double sole, too and high
spliced doublo heel. They save ditrnlng
and are guaranteed to give thrce'ttmcs
the wear of any other hosiery. The
same in' children's with elastiu top
double knee, sole, heol und toe, plain or
ribbed, tine, medium or heavy quality,
guaranteed fast color, and warranted not
to crock. Tho relail valuu of theso hose
is 25c. per pair. Wo will not send more
than 4 pair each ladles' or children's to
Ponepcifon. A triul wear of these will
convince you of their merits. For 50c.
we will send, postpaid, one trial pair of
our ladies' fine silk hose, in shndes of
pink, gold, white, black, blue, cardinal
or lavender. This is 11 special trial offer.
If you are not salislied wfth them after
trial wear we will refund your money.
If you are pleased with them and wUh
more, insist on your local dealer pro
curing them for you, and insist on him
getting our Empire brand hosiery. Write
us io-day, mentioning this paper, us
this offer is limited. A beautiful little
booklet, telling how our hosiery Is made,
mailed free to you on request.-.Address,
thisxwav. vv " 1 v
100 and 103 Fulton St., New Y,o.rk Qjty(
The. operation of through trains be
tween San FrnhciVco and Ijqa1 Angeles,
via Snrf qml Santa Barbara, will begin
on Sunday, March 31. 11)01 on the now
Coast -Lino two through trains daily.
The Coast Line Limited leaving each
terminal in the morning, equipped
witli elegant cafe nnd parlor cars, will
make daylight trips through the most
picturesque, varied und entertaining'
scenes on tho continent. -Iwjuiro" of
agents of tho Southern Pacific.
Lund Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
May SI, l0l.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of bin
intention to make commutation final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will lie made before Marie L.
Ware U. S. CoiiitiiitHloner ut Eugene,
Oregon, on July lo, 10JI. viz. Gu
b"?1!."1 'A i; t" ?J-fi fo
hw- -4 P 1
G under
r the
He names the following witncpees to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Martin Haageuson, Charley Olson, of
Cottage Grove, Oregon, Peter Ophus,
Hugo Brehm, of Eugene, Oregon.
J. T. BitinoEs, Register.
Land Office ut Roseburg, Oregon,
May 2, llHll.
Notice is hereby given that thotullow-iin-nained
settler has filed notice of his
intention to mako final proof in supiiort
of 'his claim, and that said proof will be
made before Marie L, Ware", U.S. Com
missioner, at Eugene, Oiegon,.an June
.15, 1001. viz: Robert- (i.Tiipi'nan on his
II. E. No. 10011 for theS&NE $
H A XVi H. Sec. 2 T. 24 S., K. LEast.
Hh names the- following .witnesses to
prove his continuous .residence upon
and cultivation of said land,' viz:
Robert Simpion, William H. Abbott,
Samuel L.Carson, George E. Thomp
son, of Coltago Grovo, Oregon.
J. T. Buidqeh, Register.
Land Ofllce at Roseburg, Oregon,
May 2, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
Intention to mako final proof in support
of liiucl.iim, and that said proof will be
made before Mario L. Ware U.S. Com
missioner atKiiKone, Oregon, on June
15,1001, viz: William B. Abbott on his
II. E, No. 10013 for theHWJi Sec. 2
Tp 24 S., R. 1 East
He names tho following witnesses to
provo his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
Robert G. Tnpmun, Samuel L. Car
son, George E. Thompson, Robert'SImp
son, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
J. T. BiiiDdES, Register,
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
. May 'J, 1001.
. Notice is hereby glvon tlrat the following-named
settler has filed notice of Ids
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
made before Marie L. Waro U. S. Com
missioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on June
15, 1001, viz: Robert Simpson on his II.
E, No. 10012 for tho SE Sec. Tp. 24
S., R. I East.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upou and
cultivation of said land,' viz:
Robert G. ' Tupmun, U'llHaro B,
Abbott, Samuel L. Carson, George E.
Thompson, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
J, X'.'Biiipoes, Register,
Wh'011 vou have that tired feeling run
nlim about lookliur (or a rotidonco In
theeltv, or piece of farming laud, gato
Jurotu'Knox & Co. Thoy will glvo you
Immcdlatu relief by culling you anything
In tliu real estate that will picasoynur
f.uicy or add to your comfort.
N. D. HARDY, Mgr.
Newly Furnished and up
to date in all Kcspccts.
A trial will convince you that ottr
Meals, Beds nnd Service are the
Best tit the City.
Main St., near depot,
IunwtN ilBisTuw. llcr.iir.nT Kakix,
i rvsulctit, iVahtur.
The First National Bank
Paid'up Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved security.
Exchanges sold, available nny
place in the United States.
Yoiw Illinium In Solicited.
aw' Grove
III Mill!
We are, now prepared to furnish
all kinds of Bracket!, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and
repaired. We will also work Floor
ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or
size Studding, etc.
Trains leiivo Cnttugo Grove for Port
land and way stations at 2:14 11 111 and
1 :21 p 111.
Lv Portland
" Cottage Grovo
Ar Ashland
" Sacramento
" San Francisco
' Ogden
" Denver
" Kansas city
" Chicago
" I.09 Angeles
" El Paso .
I.V.r Wnrlll
8:80 11 in
2:57 p pi
12:5rn in
6:10 p m
7 .45 p in
4 :55 u in
!;:) m
7 25 a m
7 :42 11 m
2:00 p in
0:00 1) 111
8:30 p in
2:1X1 a m
12:35 p 111
5:00 a 111
H-A'i n 111
7:00 a m
0.15 p m
7 :25 a 111
8:30 p m
8.05 n m
i!:00 p 111
0;30a 111
1 1 ;30 a m
7 :00 a in
0:30 p in
0:42 a m
0:.'10u 111
" City of Mexico 11:30 a 111
" Houston 7:00 a ii
"New Orleans 0:30pm
" Washington 0:42 u 111
"New York 12:10 pm
12:10 pn. nml Tsui-tutu na wa nn lirttl
fllliliuii ..1(1. ."in into v.i.n .m iuiii
trains. Chair curs Sacramento to Ogden
and El Paso, and tourist earn to Chicago
bt JjuIh, xsew urieuns and w asningtou.
Connecting at Pan Fr.aneiteo with the
several steamship lines for Honolulu,
.Timnn. Oliiiiii. Phillinlries. Central and
South America.
See agent nt Cottage Grovo station, or
C. II. MaukhAm, G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
1 visit DR. JORDAN'S oriat(
IIMfM BUth ud S.TMlfcJ
TbelarfftNlADAtomtcal !aium
In tlie World.
Orralul attraction in tin City. JL
eddltne.rOHltlvalyrur.lhv i
tbe oltleit npecUilMou th I'Mlflo '
I'ountr uirN end mlitill I
Bu men who nr. un"rln( ,
from Ihi eirrcln ut jroiilbfiil iIulk- I
creUoni or rxuiniM In mini.-
jnrn. riarvuus ami pnritc. ifvuiiiix. In.
liowner, ibhiibuq 111 sii iMcompll
rlic, Unuorrliuv, Uleol, rnunrr 1
g ut Urlnulntr, tie. Ily n comblnnllon of j
liai o rr'ni(l lilt Irrxmrtu lh( II will nol .
i cure. Tbe Doctor aof nnt cJilm to ptrlurm
' Dtiiy ftiruru imnieuiHio rrnej, dui prmaH0nl
' miracle. Dili it vtu Known to He Inlr mid
. RnuiirA eiivklclan find tiuroit. nrsmtnani
) tu bli ipecultr U-ne of Men.
, nyi' innrongnir ernrimtea from
I tbe ayiteu wltboul the uioof Jrlercurr.
TniiMl fitted bv an Kzoert. Ui.dlj.itl
) enrr for Ituplnro. A rjolcVt and radical
curator FIUro ItliU Plklnlle, bjr
lie. Jordan' ipecl&l palnltu melboda.
' BVK11V MAN annlrlnirtouiiwIUruMlm.
I our tion"tlplnltmtit lilsrnniplitlMt. A
' ll'jll Uuarmitel a 1-OHITIV2 CDSSlnW
Tieatment personally or by letter.
Writ for Ilnnlr. I'll II ,001nT AV
I HAIIRIAaii. KaiudFuex. (AVaUtubla
boolciormen.) Cllor write
DR. JORDAN & CO., 1081 Mirket SL, 6. P.
Mm Grave Ed Estate
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and Splendid Residences,
J.otnonthv jirlucljtttl InlnhifHH Htretln.
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Ahstrnct of title secured ntttl
Itiluriuntioti ns to the laws KovcrimiL' the illpponl
How to secure homesteads, timber Intuls, mlnliif; claims, etc
Property for sale ptiblislietl weekly.
COTTAOK GROVK in the secoml city in I.nuc county, Orcfjon.
Ilns n poptilntioti of nbottt taoo. The center of the four points of the
compass when it comes to ingress or egress. Dohemla with
tuining resources only thirty-five miles .south cast, with n good wagon
roatl lending from the S. P. U. R. depot right here in town. Prospect
ive railroad to the mines. The Const Fork of the Willamette river, on
which nre situated the Illack llutte quicksilver minessixtcen miles south ,
(lows through the center of the city, furnishing nhumlatit water facilities.
It is only tt mile and n half to its confluence with Row river, the outlet
of the great timber ranges to the south east. Wcstwardi toward the
coast range is an incxhaustable supply of timber, interspaced with nu
merous rich farming lauds well improved nnd cultivated.
North or south from hereon the S. P. railroad you can reach cither
Portland or San Francisco nnd be in touch with the whole world on
short notice,
Water works in full operation. F.lcctriclightsnnd tclephoncjsystem
tfXS"" The best agricultural lands in Lane county lie in the vicinity
surrounding Cottage Grove on cither .side, fit for farming or stock raising.
Correspondence solicited.
AJIFew of oin1 Bargains:
1 IL'Ofci't front on north hIiIi of Mn In
utri'ut, by hIhiiU' 300 twl di'cp. Ixmnilrd
liy river nn tliu mirth. IIihipp of huvimi
room, tiiirn and niitlintifpx. Thin 1m tho
l)it hiiincKri'liK'iition ill Cnttnuo Urovu.
I'ricu 12400.00.
2 A new two ntory rcclilenro, 1n
riiomc. diflor'n olllfO. I'l-incnt tlnor with
driven cll ini-ldc of Imhihi, t!0 fcul front
on onth (ildiuif Main ntreut liy 107 fret
deep. Atljot nt Hi M lv pamomiuo. A
very attriictlvn place (1700.
3 A two florv llni'lv lliiibhtil hnimc.
t'llil rooniK, Imilir.Mini nml uiiiIioiihom.
SpltMidiii laciitliin, two lotH in I.011U und
Uirut'H iiuilliinii in NOiitliOiiHl (Jottiiiro
Urovi Irlc.'(l200.
4 Two ftnrv dwclltni! hoimr. Ion
rnoni, hrirk fruit limine, fruit tre, 00
fi't't front on north iddeof Miiih xlrcet hv
.'100 fi'ft iloi'p, i-ornvr nynpi'rtv. A llni
location foru lintel, Price (270.
Tt A two lrtry-(liie. iiliinVtiu'wiUell-
ini: Iioiihc, Oj-iMiiny, liitrn and- oiitlionw
eninpletu, threu IntH. A upliuulid or
chard of voiiiij: liciirini; trcci1, tit;etlier
rtitli unipvi nun viirlonr kliul oi ImtiIi'i.
Sitiiiilcl in liiik' and IiinlfH nddillnii
in HotithciiHl CottiiKu drove. Price I2IX).
A cood InifincfH place, iimth vide Main
Street. (UH).
Two utory dwcllini;, two lit. eplendid
location on weKt fide. I'rice fKOO.
One hiinilrcil ncrcx Improved land tie I
iolnlli(! citnnty road niii.itiiirli'rnf ii mile
et of Cotti'uu lirove, lyinic in u tract
The practical dido of
A monthly publication of incstimablo values to tho student of every day
scientific problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial expert, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to every wide-awako person who hopes to better hw
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importance
escapes the vigilant eyes of its corps of expert oditors. Everything is pre
sented in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may take- timo to read
and comprehend. The scientific and industrial progress of tho ago is accur
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints tho official nowa of tho U. 8. Patent
Ofiico and tho latest dovelopcmcnts in tho field of invention without Iw
or favor. BuitscniPTioN mice one dollak mat yeah.
Cease your worry; Don't hurry.
Hut drink Microbe killer ns you journey,
And physical ills both great and small
Will slowly but surely vanish.
Information and pamphlets free,
Itesidenco with J. K. Barrott,
- nmm rifles and pistols
2 , r. E3
t ,y a iiiuuv vur
11 1 at, .1 tnlli. film
i J., luuut .wvv.v v.w ..hw-hwvww IWUAIIDTn.
2 lengths of barrel, 6 und JO inches.
i iiiAMffKMi)7. . 7nainrrtt K 4
O-inch barrel) $7. GO with 10-inch barrel.
Wo malco a fiill line of rilcn; l'rlco, from $0.00
x upwards. Every arm wo turn out is warranted
J Srtd Stamp or Calitltfut. ', O.
of Kovcrnnicnt
north nnd fonlh.
UimmI now twit Hlory dwelling limine In
tho untwine town o( HiikIiiuw, Two lotH
eiicloicd, ncventv fmtt front. I'oiir
ro in vplcmlid water facilities, l'rlco
Two vplendid lolie on ironil atrcvt In
Cottago rove. Price 210.
SOOfeet by 100 feet In n HiihnrNui Inert
lion. Nulnrtil yprliiK, Kik tree, nil nd
Joining fmit hill. In went Cottncu (J rove.
Price tW0.
Two Iiiim In Mock 'JO,' Utng A Kiindmii
addition, V, hy 100 feet Heiiiiintelv.
Price 175.
A llnely flnlMhiil two Htorv dwellliiK
hom'. ten roomx, Imlli room, eement
utomx-elliir. wiiler nml electric tfuhtc.
ahoiit nlno loin frontltiK on fourth Mrrci
iidjolninu river in rear, near Chrflirui
cliiircli, uik'iI burn mid ouIIiuiikc.. Prico
Two Rood loin near railroad 100 feet
ttiniri. Price P.'O.
i iirminj.' iimii, wen improved, I mllo
from C'oltiiKe tiruve, niljoiiilin; the coun
ty mud, in triictM frnm h to 100 hitch.
If you want a Inn nil In look llilM up.
Snlendld rottiiptini I'olirlh rire't,f7r0.
IMik thi. up if you want lurpin In a
One hundred Mere of iinprornl land
IviiiK in Irnct cui't ami wtcl within n
ipiif ler of a mile of Cotttijju liriv, nil-
joiniii); county loan.
science la reflected in
A. F. HOWARD,. Agent.
I '