Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 07, 1901, Image 5

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Last TllcHday cvcitlii; tltu Iioiihc
of Hon, Win. I. C5rny, living n
few inilos west of this city caught
fitc nml was totiilly destroyed. Mr,
Cray wan In town Hint day, his
wife being nl tlie home alone, fitc
in the afternoon Mrs. Gray threw
it piece of paper in thu fire plncc
mid the draft tool: it tip the flue he
fore It was consumed mid it lodged
upon the roof. The roof look fiic
nml before assistance nrrived the
house wiih in ashes. Mrs. Orny
' with the aid of neighbors succeeded
in saving K(,lue "f l',e furniture.
Last Monday morning worktnen
coinineneed the improvements on
the Christian Chinch so long
contemplated by that body. The
intention is to change the pulpit
from the front to the rear of the
building, nlso rcaent the old part
mid build two wins on the sides
to be used for the Sunday hcIiooI,
then paint the enliic building iu
Hidcand out. This will be a great
improvement and otic that Inn long
been needed.
KNltlt CUT.
C. C. Kutau while falling timber
tit mill N'o. i, for the Hooth-Kelly
Lumber Co. met with an accident
Monday which will keep him from
wort: for some time. He cut his
left knee to the bone with ait ax,
making a very painful wound. Mr.
Hutan was taken to Eugene on the
afternoon train and placed in the
company's hospital where Dr. V.
Kuykcitdall administered to the
wounded knee. It is thought that
the joint will not remain stiff.
The city council Tuesday night
pasted a bicycle ordinance which
prevents riding on any walk with
in the city limits at a speed faster
than six miles an hour. Bicycles
ore nlso prohibited from being
ridden on the walks of the priucial
streets. A clause was also inserted
which places a bicycle rider liable
j i 11111; uvfi j wvwii
j rfdcrnlso has lo dismount 30 feet
to a line not to exceed mo it lie
from all blind corners.
A Ncilson, cx-shcriff of Lake
county, has been indicted for lar
ceny of public He is at
liberty under bonds of the alleged
iimouut of the shortage in his tax
account, $6450. Hayes McCall, n
former resident of Pleasant Hill,
this county, is one of his bondsmen,
of whom there are seven. George
II. Small, well known about Cot
tage Grove, is another bondsman.
Eugene Guard.
Iast week, Fourth
the Christian church
deuce of Geo. l.ea,
street, from
to the rcsi
was scraped
with n road grader, taking out all
the ruts and uneven places left in
the street .since the mud dried up
this spring. It makes a sightly
appearance, and a person may now
ride up the street without fear of
driving his spinal column through
" his skull.
Charles M. Hill, formerly post
master at Belknap Springs, found
Kuilty by the jury in the United
States court a few days ago of falsi
fying the amount of stamps can
celed at his office, was Monday
on motion of his attorney, granted
four days in which to move for a
new trial.
SOU) out. x
Mr. Geo. Griffith this week sold
his barber shop to I). 1'. Williams
01 Astoria. Mr. Williams has been
engaged in the barber business in
Astoria for several years, just rc
cently selling his business there,
He is a brother of Attorney J. M
Williams of Eugene.
Mr; Frank Garoutte this week
sold his interest iu the meat market
of Garoutte & Veatch to 111s part
ner Mr. Marion Veatch, who closed
his shop and purchased an interest
in the market of Burtel & Ernest,
Mrs. Otto' Fredricksen was ap
pointed guaidiau of the minor heirs
of the Fredricksen estate by Judge
JCincaid this week.
The past week him witnowwd a
number of base ball games in our
city. The games were well at
tended by large crowds who seemed
to thoroughly enjoy the "port.
On Tlunsday afternoon a team
from Voucolla and a home team
made up of boys under 15 years of
age ctosscd bats on the Slouffer
grounds. Thu game resulted iu a
victory for the home team by a
score of 13 to 5. Some dissatisfac
tion was caused by the Cottage
Grove team's battery who slightly
exceeded the agreement in age and
and weight, but otherwise the boys
weie evenly matched and put up a
good game of ball,
Immediately alter the small boys
finished their game the professional
ami business men of Cottage Grove
lined up 011 the field to buttle for
stipremocy iu a five inning game.
The professional men proved their
superiority 011 the diamond and
won by a score ol 18 to 6. The
game was devoid of any sensational
plays but nevertheless it furnished
the spectators plenty of amusement
and that was what they had assem
bled for. The winners were imme
diately challenged by the clerk's to
play on Sunday, the losers to pay
for supper for the two teams, which
challenge was accepted by the pro
fessionals. The following
is the line-up of
the two teams:
Taylor c Lnwson
Uriggs p Nelson
Wooley ib ' Newlnnd
Martin 2b Hristow
Johnson 3b Holland
Petrie ss Johnson
Grillilh rss W Hcmenway
Neliwn cf 1 toward
Ostrander cf Jordan
Case rf I) Hcmenway
On last Saturday the C. M. A
nine went to I.oranc where they
played the team nt that place,
which resulted in a victory for the
Lornnc nine bya score of 25 td i.
, On Sunday the game was pulled
off bctwesn the professionals aiid
clerks. Owing to the rivalry be
tween the two teams the nines were
not made up wholly of professional
men and clerks. The game re
sulted iu a score of 12 to 13 in fa
vor of the professionals. The
score was close throughout the en
tire game and neither sidchnd an
advantage until the last man was
put out. One thing that marred
the game was the loivdyism which
is not nil infrequent occurrence at a
ball game. In the evening the
two nines betook themselves to the
Sherwood house where an excellent
chicken supper awaited them, and
where the ferocious appetites of all
were satisfied to their heart's con
tent. The following is the line-up
of the two teams:
Wallace c Griffith
Uennctt p McQueen
Baker ib Hcmenway
Martin 2b Blair
Nelson 3b Akin
Harms ss Robinson
Case rss Lawson
Johnson If Griffin
Petrie cf McClellan
Medley rf Dutton
The unveiling of the Woodmen
of the World monument over the
grave of the late Henry M. Mag
ness at. Creswell. last Sunday was
attended by some three hundred
people, among them many delega
tions from the various lodges in
Lane county. Council Commander
Wright conducted the ceremonies,
and an eloquent address was made
by Fred Fisk, of Eugene, A dele
gotion of some fourteen members of
the Woodmen Lodge of this city
was iu attendance.
Mr.-. Geo. Lea, the contractor,
has again resumed work on the
streets which was interrupted by
the recent rains. . Six teams are at
work hauling the crushed rock and
if the weather remains good, the
work will be completed in a short
AH About Y'oli.
Jtctlicrntfi Hharp wiim in town tliln uc-ek. ;
Mrs. Olms. Trimble went to Emfuno I
Gluts Cochran wim up from Eugi-mi ,
.1. V. Cook 11 ml wife wore In town
liiMt Tlwrsdsy.
Will McOiiecn was over from Lonmc S
flint of lliu WHl'k, i
I'rnnk (Soodiiuin was In Kmpne Mon
day on luihlncm. 1
.1, W. Knyfi of Etieone uncut Tin-winy
hereon hiiHlnuit).
lion. Junius Hemi'iiwiiy vlsltiil in
Portland this week.
Hen Lurch went to Kugeno on bunl-,
ncHM Tiiomluy iiflurnoeii. ,
II. 0. Million mid W. II. Ilawloy were !
in Kuuonu Wednesday. I
II. I). I-Mwtirdu of Springfield wan in
town cm! diiy hint week .
.1. M William" of Kugoius was In town ,
Monday on liuMiiufct1
Mm. Dr. Slump Is recovering from a t
Huvuru attack ol rtuknuM .
Mphkm. W. P. mid K. Vunficlionick '
Hmit'.Siiturliiy In Ku'cno.
Mm. .1. II. Warner of tliU city is
vMlliin at Amity tlila week
W. A.
DeLapp of l.awton, Oregon,
nil 11 rut of tin; week. ,
was in tow
8. H. Liirlnii-r I In Ku(.'n atlondint?
tliu annual reunion of old ooliliurH.
1M Junks nml Kiod Jlyrno eiunu in
from Holiumiu thu' lliHlof iliuwiuk.
Just rovolvud, llnoot awmrtment of
rings In Cottngu tirovu at II. U. Mud-
Irc. C. M. Hi'iidorer rctunicil to
Voucolla Saturday utter n few weeks
visit lieio. I
Wlllard Martin returned lnt week
from Kilvur l.ku where liu Hpuut this
lorotne Knox returned liouiu from a
pro(uiiiiiiiil trip to Kiitteuu mid ltu;f
iiurt: Tiit'siiav.
Ihmiic Thomns rutumcd Monday from
Colorado bprliiKi', where lie has lvtn lor
the- pKBt few montliM.
Will Orillith returned Sunday from
Ccnlriihu, Wiifli., wlieiu lie Iikh been lor
tliu paf I twonionthx.
J. S. Medley and wifo returned front
Kiiguni) I'tidliy whe'io tlieyspunt a lew
days yiHitiliK wltli iulutivei.
Mctwrs. Will Orroll, W. If. Kautrinan,
W. It. Stiloa nml Prank Drier ol Ku
yune vpeiit Suiidny in Ills cny.
Slrn. Thos Aubrey returned home
from lvilunu Sutuiduy where bin; bud
been vlHillug for a few days.
Mr. U.K. Knox and ton Duke came
up fiom Kuuuu TiitM-day. Mr. Knox
u.iinu uji to look alter lild wool clip.
Itml Ilnhortx wimL to Kmreno hut
Siiluiduy wlieiu hu troua to uoik on tliu
T.l . rt !. L' 1. 1 1 11....
limv luauiuiiv.: j, i. uiiua la uiiiiuiii.
Jus. -Potts t'umudown from Ilolicinia
Siiliirday where lie luis been woikiny
tor Ueo. W. Lloyd lor the puHt two
W. L. Coiipernoll. Curl OImUv and
Ceo. Campbell leave hoou lor Kauteru
Urciroii 011 it L'uvern infill iturveyiiie job.
Mii8 I-ou MoKiuney s artcd to I.ewis-
tou, Idaho buttirdity wtieiu anu tiuvn to
vwii her brothtr l'lituk who now rv-
W. P. Klyof KeIo, Wnsli., who has
been in Bunuuiia lor me ii.iol lew wueka
looking ufler HU iiuureuld there wa in
town batiinlay.
A number of AVoixlinen of this eily
drove to L'runuel! hint hinulay to tillend
the uuveiliii)! ol a uioiiiiiiieul recently
erected ut that ilacu.
Dr. Snann went lo Salem last Wedneii-
duy iiioiniiit: to be 111 utlendiincu tion
thu ntute l'.elecllu Jleuieal boelety Unit
meets in that city.
ltolit. Cirillln was a patwnuer to K11
genu 011 Tuesday itftuiuoou's train to
attend tliu annual reunion of the Lime
County veteran Ahsociatiun.
W Harris, Kuperiutendent of tho
Itlack Iluttu ijuiekcilyei 1111110, and wife
wuiu 111 town una weeK rtiuininy totiie
nit lien Monday iiltt'ruoon.
Prank Kiw- left Snttirday afternoon
for bluiHtii Hetieut, (Jiilll., to tuku
eliureuof lliuS. P. Iiii9ines thereafter
upending 11 few days atlionie
Walter linker and wifo went to Corn
stock Saturday where they visited over
btiniitiy with jnrs. tinker h parents, .Mr,
and Mro. Joseph Sclileu.
AVarrcn MeParluud wont to Ktigeuo
Sattirdav, going on to Albany Sunday
with the jiiimniur nan team where tney
played aaintt tho Itutiibler team of Al
bany. II. J. Whitcomb of Holbrook. Mass..
who has been hero for tho past two
weeks lookine alter niinine interests in
lioliuniia Btaited on his return homo
Monday afternoon.
II. D. Lincoln and wife went to Eu
guno Monday aftornoou to attend the
annual reunion 01 tnu j.aim county
Veteran Am-oolation which convened
there this week,
Miss Laurinu Lay tie, who organized
tho lodge of thu Order of Lions lust Fri
day eveniiiL'. wont to Cottuco Urovo tins
afternoon to mnko nrrangunienta for tho
organization ot a lodge 111 that city
Tuesday's Guard.
Miss SI. 0. Urchin a young lady of
rare ability will conduct 1111 all day in
stitute an June l!)th and lecturo in tho
evening. The silver medal contest will
bo held. Juno 12th nleo thu musical con
teat tho saine evening. .
Mrs.. II. 11. Miller and family will
loavo hero next Monday to loin Mr,
Miller in Chinu. They will sail 011 thu
government transport stcumehlp Han4
couk from Saiv l'raucisco Juno lfith. It
will tuku them about two months to
mako the trip Guard .
llowaro of nir dried or half dry floor
'Inir. eoillne and ' rustlo. ' Tho Booth
1.-..U.. t .....1...- r v I.:.... .-..!,, I
1 prices on Kiui-utieu lumper.
If you wish to buy the best goods for less money than you sire now paying- we can help yo,
During the last few days wc have added several new lines including Groceries and Dry Goods rind
we invite you to call at our store and get our prices. You will find them the lowest.
Great Shirt Offer
A special nnreliatc ol men's color
ed Hliirts, all nicely laundriod, gives
tin 111 opportunity to oiler our male
patrons a. special bargain. Tlcy are
nil miiilo of bert percale, have open
front and buck, felled jeuni, continti
oiin facings and double yoke, link
cull to match, all nuwand(b- f(
extremely neat patterm'PAV
Our Values in Shoes are
Unequaled in the City
We fell at f.'I.oOn shoo equal Jo any
nhoe told any where elite ut tl.OO.
Our new stock Is in mid we are
pricing them below their regular
Out of about 500 pair of shoes that
wo were cleaning out at greatly 1 educ
ed pricea we have about 24 pairs of
Indies slid cbildrcns shoes ranging in
prico up to fJJ.OO.
lit order to complete the tale we will
put the remainder on sale
SA TV HI) A y, .TUSK Hth
at itOe per 1'ulv.
Pirrt coino, first served. IJcniem
ber tho date.
t Brief.
Jook at Eakin &I3rintnws shoes.
Valuable mining property in Bo
hemia for sale. Jerome Knox and Co.
ladies crash skirts from 60cts to2.00,
at Lurch's.
Geo. Griffith for prices on cleaning
and dyeing.
A now invoice of plated waro, docks,
etc., ut Mad-en's.
Head real estate bargains of Jerome
Knox & Co.
Lutes millinery every week low prices
astonish all. Experienced tiiuuner.
X. K. Elsba k Sos.
Mens' anil womens' nhoes at 00c jer
pair at Eakin t Bristows.
For all kinds of fishing tackle call 011
GriHin A Veatch, Co.
Toilet articles, Benson Drug Co..
A largo assortment of tho great fav
orites. Posinni, Caramel and l'ig'Prune
Cereals, at Cammlngs.
When you want to cateh trout buy
your tlics of GriHin & Veatch Co.
They are tho cheapest and best
Eakin & Bristows shoes.
Look at tho?e ladies watches just re
ceived, at H. C. Madsen's.
Pine nisidences, clioire lots, business
blocks for sale Jerome Knox s Lo.
Savo money in btivinc troods of J.E.
EUea iVSon. Their prices win trade.
Suits! Suits!! Tailor made suits!!!
Un todutu in everv respect, from $16 up.
Call and see samples.
Tf vnn wnnt nnvthtnc in the line of
pruni ng sltears call on Gri tfi 11 . Veatch Co.
Stationery, nens. non holders, and
pencils of every description at Benson
Drug Co.
Stationery, the best in the market, to
hu found in Cottage Grove, itt Benson
Drug Co.
Snortsiiiun remember Griffin & Veatch,
Co.. carry tliu tlnest lines of sporting
goods iu Soutli Lane Co.
Wa have on hand a large stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in
grades 1 2 and 8. Let us mako you
special prices. r
DOOTll-lVKL.1,1 JjUUIIbK lUi
Just recoived this week a choice va nt ladies and Misses flno shoes.
Call and see them at Cummlng's store.
The drug Block of Bonson Drug Co. is
choice, complete, and absolutely the
best In the niarKoi. try us.
fini vniir nrcscrintion filled nt Benson
Drug Co, Pure drugs, of superior
Thoso now gents double chains at H
Madsen's are beuuties. See them.
Go to Geo. Bohlman's tailor shop
Main street and seo his fall lines of
samples and goods. He can pleaso you
in any style or lino you may desire.
Only tho host drugs in the market at
JleilBOn Drug UO. unng your pieacuy
T will from now Eoll anything in the
millinery goods at cost price.
Mas. Uko. Uohlmax.
Fresh candies ovory day, mado from
pure sugar at thoTailor shop.
Try a Sunday dinner at tho Impeuiai.
HoTisi,. Served from 12 in. to l:ao p
m. and up to dato in all respects.
Codar posts for sale any amount. In
quire at this office
.Porfttmes, tho best to bo had,Beuson
Drug Co.
Geo. Bohlman.tho up-to-dato tailor,
will show you goods, all shades and all
pricos. Think of it. A tailor made
suit for 0 and up i Pants 4 and up.
J000 pounds butter wanted at Lurvh'8 1
s a Pointer
Roydl KIor5ter
Desirable idiapes medium, also
low bust and rtrnight front effects.
Illack, white, gray, fancier, attract
ively trimmed, top und bottom, with
baby ribbon and Uce.
French Strulght front Models, full
bias gored
V vnch Short Hip Models, pink
and blue 75c.
Standard models G3c to $1.-5.
Summer corsets, white 60c.
The Fashion Stables
' First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single. . .
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Geo. Gumming-,
Dealer in general merchandise has now ft well selected stock of choice
faintly groceries which he is selling at lowest living prices. He is also
offering special values in gents furnishing goods, men and boys shirts,
underwear, gloves, etc., all at greatly RKDUCED PRICES. Bargains in
Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes.
Iu addition to regular stock he is now offering the balance ofthq
Schuller stock of shoes at less than cost.
Everybody cordially invited to call and get prices.
George Cumming.
I have for sale some PURE BRED Black Minorca Eggs, also some?
PURE BRED Pekin Duck Egg.
Price, SB 1 .OO per Set bing-.
G. R.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS, -
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stacks is New, Neat aiult
Clean, and! having had years
of experience in business, we'
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices.
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Ladies White Waists
ft .25, $1.75 to 2.50.
Wash Dress Goods
India I.inotis, Nalnfous, Lawns,
striped and dotted Swisses, Alloyer
Luce and KtnbroiUery
10c to $1.00 per yd.
Wc arc nrtw prepared to sell n nice
qtittliiy of Scrim at OJsfe per yard.
This is us good and nice m others
blow about ut a big profit above our
Our stock Is new and fresh, our
prices very low for we are determined
to build up a good trade in this line
and wc know of no better way than
to give you ihu best goods at a little
lower figure than the other fellow.
E1.1 Bangs.
Barrsf Proprietors.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
- and g
Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonable Prices vs
A CHOICE LINE of the best
Meats the market affords constantly
on hand.
Pure Lard a Specialty,
gWe will PLEASE You
Our Market will be closed at 10
o'clock, a m Sundays,
Kartells & Ernest,
Main Street,- ,
Heat lik