Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 07, 1901, Image 3

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Mini More Terribly Burned Explosion
Cuicd by Coal Dull ln the Air llelnfl
Ijpilled by "Mown Hint" I'lrc Shot
Out from Hit Mouth of the Tunntl 300
I'ctl lllili-Mlnt li lUdly Damaged.
Dnylon, Toim, May m At tlm
Ululilunil i n i no of tho Dayton Coal
fc Iron Cotiiiaiiy. two iiiIIoh (rom
no re, ut 1:!!0 o'clock thin afternoon,
i terrific explosion of coul dunt ro
lulled in tlio death of 21 moil, all
white, mid moot of then) marlred
nil with fainllleH.
Tho explosion wan caused hy what
in known among minors as a "lilown" It in tint cnxtoiu of tln
minors to place blasts ami lire them
olV at quitting tlmo, leaving tho coal
thus thrown down to ho loaded and
hauled out of tho mine tho next
morning. Tho Richland initio lit
destitute of water, and a great vol
aiino of lino jmrticlcM of coal (hint,
invisible to tho naked eye, accumu
lated at tho roof of the mlno. This
afternoon at 4 ;!I0 o'clock a dynninito
cartrido wiih placed in josition in
'Olio of tho roouiH for it blast, and tho
miner started for tho mouth of tho
unlne. Tho blast did not explode, as
intended, hut instead n long Maine
ihot out of tho blast hole anil ignited
tlio accumulation of dunt. Instantly
n terrillu explosion occurred, and a
teething muss of Humeri idiot to the
mouth of tlio mlno and extended .'i(X)
(cot into tho air, scotching tho leaven
from tho nearhy trees.
There wore III men in the mine at
tho time, 1'our of thorn escaped
with Might injuries. Twenty one
wcro killed, and nine terribly hurued,
most of them fatally. Tho force of
tho explosion canned great iniisfos of
coal and slate to cavo in from the
roof of the mine, and many of the
minora' wcro completely buried.
Word quickly reached Dayton and
rescue forces were at onco organized
nnd proceeded to tho mine. Ono by
one tho blackened and horribly dis
figured lxxlies were takou from the
debris and carried to tho mouth of
tho mine, where thoy wcro put on
u locomotlvo and taken to Dayton.
HcoroH of relatives and friends gath
ered at tho mouth of tho mine, and
tho Hhrioks of anguish an tho bodies
wcro removed were heart rending.
Tho two undertaking establishments
t Dayton were turned into morgue,
where tho mangled IkxIIos were
dressed nnd prepared for delivery to
their fain Hie. All the men em
ployed in this initio wcro residents
of Dayton.
Tho Kichland mlno in the prop
erty of tho Dayton Coal .v. Iron Com-
n'm. ftntti if fllnyf.fitv (Mlllltill.
ism; mo coinpuny ojcraics an iron
furniico at Dayton.
Presidential Train Will Reach Washington
Sidney, Neb, May 28. Tho presi
dential train made tho third days run
on tho homeward journey without
incident. Tlio trip across Wyoming
was at an nverago elevation of ovei
4.000 fect, and at Sherman, just Ik
foro tho train began to descend tlu
eastern slopo of Hie Itocky mountain!
tlio olevntlon exceeded 7,r)00.
The president him mado no remark
At any of tlio stops, but ho bus up
earcd on the platform and shook
handH with some of tboflo nearest tin
car. There wero crowds at every sta
tion along the route and ovcry cattk
ranch had Its littlo group of cowboy
sitting liolt upright on tl.oir hordes
waving tho sombrero as tho train
went by. Mrs. Molvinloy is standing
tho trip well. Tho weather has licen
pleasant and that means much foi
lier comfort.
Tlio Presidential train will reach
Washington Thursday morning at
Demand! of Striken Met.
Dunkirk, N. Y., May 20. Th
etriko of tho machinists employed by
tho Brooks Locomotive Works hat
liccn settled. All who struck aro tc
lo taken back without discrimination.
Fifty flvo hours will constitute n
wcok's work; a straight incrcaso of 1C
per cent in wages is granted. These
nro substantially tho demands made
by tho machinists.
Date Fixed for Cup Racei
Now York, May 29. Tho Royal
Ulster Yacht Club has cabled the
Now York Yacht Club an approval
of Soptcmbor 21 as tho day for the
opening contest in tho cup races.
New Submarine Cable.
Now York, May 29. A now sub
marlno cable between Kngland and
Germany has just been put down.
'Tho cablo is owned by ft llrltlsh
company, but tho Gorman govern
ment contributed to its cost, and n
Gorman firm was employed to carry
out tlio work.
Postal Ordtrs.
Washington, May 29 Tho post
offlco at Susanvillo, Grant county,
Or, has boon moved thrco quarters of
a milo to tho northeast without
ohnngo of postmaster. A postolllcc
has been established at Midford, Khip
county, Washington, to bo supplied
with speolal sorvico from Nortli Bond.
Daily mail moseongor scrvico has been
authorized botweon Seattle nnd West
Bcattlo. '
Sew Oil Dlicovcrlei Will Keep It Ahead of
Ituula In Amount Produced.
Washington, May 29. Tho recent
oil discoveries In Texas and on tho
I'aitillc count lend especial interest to
unnio facts just presented by tho trens
ury bureau of statist Ich regarding tho
exports of mineral oils from tho
united mates, J hoso snow that tlio
exportation of the fiscal year about to
end will probably bo tlio largest in tho
History ol this rcmarkiililo Industry,
which has Increased lis exports from
201,000.000 gallons of illuminating oil
In lH7i, to 721,000,000 gallons in
I (KM), In tho quarter century from
1870 to 1900 tho value of mineral oils
exported from tho United KtateH was
about 1, 200, 000, 000, an average of
about $18,00,000 a year. During ro.
cent years it has averaged about if(IO,
000,000 per annum or $5,000,000 per
In tho mere question of gallons of
oil produced, Itussia has been for
years a close oointietltor of tho United
States, though it is probable that tho
recent discoveries in tho United States
will enable it to continue to lead in
tho numlxT of gallons produced;
while the act that American oil pro
duces nearly twice as much refined
Illuminating oil from a given quan
tity of crude as from the Ituisinn oil,
adds greatly to its value as a commer
cial product.
One especially interesting feat
ure of tho development of tho oil in
dustry is, that there has been n re
markable decrease in tho price to the
consumer during the period in which
tlio actual oxportatioiiB and tlio net
value of the exports have been in
creasing. Tho average value of the
illuminating nil cxjMjrteil in 1870 waa
about If) cents cr gallon, and in
1877, an exceptional year, 20 cent
jcr gallon, lty 1881 tho price had
laiien to iinout lu cents er gallon,
the figures for that year being .'132,-
000, (XX) gallons, valued at $31,000,.
000. Hy 1891 tlio nverago price win
aliout 7 cents per gallon. Hy 18U8
the average export price had dropped
to f cents per gallon, tho quantity
exported having been 821,000,000 gal
lons, and tho value reported to the
bureau of statistics by cxjiorteri
through tho customs collectors, $-12,-
Car Loaded With Explosives Run Into by I
Freljht Train.
Hvorett, Wash., May 29. An acci
dent occurred yostorday' afternoon on
tho Groat Northern Railroad font
miles cast of Skykomish which re
sulted in tho serious injury of Kngi-
neer John McUrouty and consider
able. Ions of projcrty.
A push car loaded with -Is boxes ol
dynamite was being run to u siding
when the west hound freight train,
No. IT), camo along, lie fore the
men in chnrgo of tho push cur could
roach tho siding, tho freight struck
tho car. A torrlolo explosion fol
lowed. The engine was hurled some
distauco up the mountain side
Three freight cars wcro demolished
and about fi00 feet of track was torn
up. A steam shovel standing near
was reduced to scrap iron. McGrouty
was tho only one foriously hurt. He
received a scalp wound, his tongue
was bitten through, nnd ho nlso sus
tained injuries to his spine. A
watchman's shack, 75 yards from the
explosion, was blown to atoms and
the watchman hlmsolf stunned. The
injured men wero taken to tho Everett
Eighteen Hundred Men Still Out Aroune
Newark, N. J.
Now York, May 29. Tho oloso ol
tho llrst week of tho machinists'
striko nt Newark, N. J., finds about
1,800. idle men in Newark and itt
suburbs. The strikers havo ceased
to lie as sanguine ns nt first regarding
tho outconio of their elTorts to com
pel their employers to grant a nine
hour day without decreased pay. A
half dozen of tho smaller shops in
this section havo met, tho demands
of tho mon but none of tho larger
ones has shown any disposition to
yiold. Representatives of tho larger
llrms say thoy aro prepared for just
as long a fight as tho machinists
aro to maintain.
It is probable that tho machinists
employed in tho American Engine
works, at Plainflold will go out.
This company agreed to tho nino hour
clauso, but cut 15 cents from tho 10
hour pay.
Homecoming of Volunteers.
Manila, May 29. It is reasonably
certain that tho remaining volunteers
will sail for homo beforo July. The
Forty seventh regiment nnd battalions
of tho Forty ninth and Thirty eighth
havo sailed on tho transport Thomas.
Tho Ohio sails today with tho Forty
scond regiment and tho Ivilpatrick
and Logan Juno 1 with tho Forty
third and Forty ninth rogimor.ts and
two battalions of tho Sixth. The
Grant sails from Aparrl Juno 1 with
tho Forty eighth regiment nnd two
battalions of tho Forty ninth.
Rioting In South Russia.
London, May 29. Rioting hat
spread to South Russia, says a dis
patch from St. retorsburg, as the
result of the production of tho anti
Sommito play, "Tho Smugglers." At
Kutai8 thousands of pcoplo congre
gated about tho thcator and stoned
tho police A detachment of Cos.
snoks charged and disporsed tin
orowd, Thirteen policemen, 15 Cos.
saoks and two olllcers wore sovorely
Such Dulles Are Held o fie Illegal, and May
Hcye to lie Refunded President and lift
CaHlnef, on Their Journey Through Iowa,
Considering Question of Cxlra Session ol
Cedar Haplds, la., May 29. Dur
ing their journey across I own, Presi
dent MoKinloy and tho members of
his cabinet spent much time reading
.iiid discursiug tho published reports
on the opinion of the supreme court
In the insiilrr They were much
iiiterosed in tho v v the court divided
in the two cases.
Tlio decision in the Dellma case,
if followed in the Philippines, as it is
also r.ssumed that it will bo, might
result in tho calling ol an extra ses
sion of congress. In tho Delimit caso
tho court decided that tho duties
collected on l'orto Itlcan goods beforo
congress enacted the Forakcr law
was illcaal and must bo refunded.
It is presumed that the court, fol
lowing tho same lines of reasoning,
will decide that duties collected on
goo-s from tho 1'hilippincs were also
illegal, nnd that goods from the Phil
ippines aro subject to frco entry info
tlio United States until congress acts,
as it has Already dono in the case of
Porto Hico. 1
Such a decision would mean not
only tho refunding of duties hereto
fore collected, but would open the
ports of tho United States to mer
chandiso nnd gocds of ovcry descrip
tion from the Philippines until con
gross meets in December. It is plain
that importers might take advantage
of this to ship goods into tho United
States through tho Philippines, and
thus defraud tho government of its
Whether tho danger . from this
source is great enough to warrant
the calling of congress in extra ses
sion is one which will be decided
only nfter full deliberation.
It is possible, however, that tins
danger may Ihj already obviated in
tho enactment of tho Spooner reso
lution, delegating temporarily to tho
president the power to govern the
Philippines. This may Iks consid
ered an act of congress within the
meaning of tlio Downcs case, allirrn
ing the constitutionality of the Fora
kcr law. Hut it is a dclccnto ques
tion and one which the president nnd
his advisers will consider in nil its
lienrings boforo coming to n con
Agrees to Pay the Claim of An American
Consular Agent
Washington, May 150. Tho state
department has succeeded in settling
satisfactorily another claim of -un
American against tho govern
ment of Peru. Miniftcr Dudley, a'
Lima, has cabled the department
that tho claimant in the caso is wil
ling to ncccpt tho sum of 8,000 silver
soles tendered by that government.
Tho department has authorized tho
acceptance of the tender and tho caso
is closed. Tho settled claim wus that
of n United States consular agent in
Peru in 1885, and his claim was based
on tho destruction of his horses and
tlio pillaging of his property by
armed and uniformed men of tho
party of General Caccras in July of
that year.
Coal for Army Transports.
Seattle, May 110. Quartermaster
Ruhlin was today authorized by tho
quartermaster general to award tho
contract to supply coal for nil army
tran ports loading on Pugct Sound for
tlio Philippines and for Alaskan ports
during tho fiscal year liegiuning July
1 next nnd ending Juno 30, 1902.
Tho contract will amount to nearly
.$ 100,000, figuring on the basis of tho
quartermater's business ut this port
and Tucoma during tho past year. It
is boliovcd that nt least 30,000 tons
will bo required. Tho quartermaster
general authorized Mr. Ruhlin to
award tho contracts for tho purchase
of coal according to his recommenda
tions nt tho timo tho bids were
opened several wcoks ago.
Fined for Cheating the Government
Chicago, May 29. Albert Dow, pro
prietor of tho Fertllo Valley Creamery
Company, wits today fined $10,000
nnd sentenced to six months in tlio
county juil. Dow is said to have
cheated tho government out of if 10,
000 in revenue payment, which ho
evaded. This is tho heaviest lino oyer
imposed in a federal court.
Will Visit Windsor.
London, May 80. Tho visiting
mcmbors of tho Now York chamber
of commorco will visit Windsor castlo
Juno 1, and will bo recoived by tho
king. A conforenco between tho
Now York ohambor of commorco and
tho London oluunborof commerco has
been arranged for Juno 3.
Washout on the Great Northern.
Scattlo, May 80. A washout on
tho Great Northern main lino, two'
miles west of Wenatoheo, has bcon
reported horo. Tho track was washed
out for a distauco of 150 fcqt, nnd as
a result all passengers on cast and
west bound trains woro transferred
at tho scene of tho trouble Thero
was no delay iu tho arrival and do
parturo of trains, howovor, tho trans
fer being mado with littlo trouble
Chance for all Condemned Murderers Is
Seattle, May .'10. Thero Is serious
danger that every condemned mur
derer in tho state of Washington will
oon Imj released from custody. Ac
cording to Prosecuting Attorney
Walter H. Fulton, of King county,
the last legislature, in passing 11 law
providing that hereafter condemned
murderers shall Im executed in tho
jK'iiitentinry, instead of in tho county
jails, eommitted a serious blunder in
not iur'ltidiiig a elaiisc providing for
the punishment of those condemned
at tin- timo the law goes into effect.
That the consequences will Ijc tho
most nerious to tho administration of
Justin- is Mr. Fulton's fear. Hricfly
Mtnted the construction placed upon
the Inw by Mr. Fulton is as follows:
Tlio now law provides that, upon
the sentencing of tho prisoner, ho
shall bo delivered forthwith to tho
warden of the penitentiary and kept
by him in "solitnry confinement"
until tho day of his execution. It is
said that the "soiltary confinement"
clause contitutcs an additional pun
ishment than that provided for at tho
ti.ue of the commission of fhe crimes
of tho men now in jail. Therefore,
it is 1111 ex jHMt facto law, and can
not Ik) made applicable to tho pris
oners now confined. Moreover, the
new law, which is valid, insofar ns
it relates to criminals to be con
demned in the future, contain q
clause rcfiealing by implication the
old law, under which criminals have
lieen hanged, and leaves apparently
no avenue of escape, from the fact
that criminals now condemned must
Ik; given their lilorty.
Mr. Fulton will try to induce Gov
ernor Rogers to call a special session
of the legislature to remedy the al
leged radical defect in the law. He
says that a law can be drafted which
will cover tho points desired by the
frame of the ono passed at tho last
session, and at tho same time make
provision for tho legal execution ol
the criminals, who, under existing
conditions, must, perforce, be rc
Sn Francisco Strikers Expect to Resume
Work Soon.
San Francisco, May 30. The strik
ing machinists report that 22 shop!
in this city have signed the union
agreement. Several of tho striken
have purchased small shops and be
gun business on their own account.
Tho machinists generally express
themselves as confident that an ad'
jtistmcnt of tho differences with their
former employers will soon be enect-
The Amalgamated Society of Engin
ecrs has declared its sympathy with
tho striko of the machinists, and
levied an assessment on its members
'for tho strikers' benefit.
More thun 1,000 employes of tho
Itisdon Iron Works, who nre now out
on strike, wcro paid off yesterday nfter
returning their tools. Ihe men who
worked at tho Union Iron Works will
receive their nay today. Tho metal
polishers say there aro fivo union
shops in tho city. The ninrino paint
ere, who went out on strike last oatur
day, are all at work, their demand for
S3 n day having been granted.
in response to a demand that only
union sailors do snipped on vessels
belonging to tho Ship Owners' Asso
ciation, tho latter organization has
demanded that members of tho Sail
ors' Union go to sea only on associa
tion ships.
May Be Ramagnoll's Body.
Berlin, May 30. Tho Lokal Anzei
ger reports on tho authority of the
Buda Pest correspondent that there
has just been taken from tho river
Danube, near that city, a dead body,
heavily loaded witli chains, which the
Hunagrian police firmly believe to 1m
that of Itamagnoli, the anarchist re
ported to havo been sent from Amer
ica to murder tho German emperor.
The polico of every country in Europe
and America have been notified of the
Bear May Have to Give Up Trip.
Seattle, May 30. It is possible that
on account of tho machinists striko
the repairs on tho revonuo cutter Bear
will not be completed in time to per
mit her to proceed on her journey
north. This will necessitate tho
abandonment of tho voyage to
Siberia, and the distribution of tho
herd of 300 reindeer now awaiting the
arrival of tho Bear. In this event
Lioutcnant Berthiolf will bo com
pelled to spend tho winter on the
Siberian coast,
Withdrawal of Germans.
Berlin, May 30. A dispatoh to the
Cologno Gazctto says tho withdrawal
of tho Gorman marines to Sing Tau
has begun and that tho Gorman quar
ter of Pekin has been handed over to
tho Chinese authorities experiment
ally for a fortnight.
Amendment Accepted.
Havana, May 30. Tho Piatt
amendment has been ncopoted by the
Cuban constituitonal convention by n
vote of 15 to 14. Tho actual roport
vvas on accepting tho majority roport
of tho committco on relations which
embodied tlio amendment, with ex
planations or certain clauses. The
Radicals mado a hard fight at tho last
moment, and on several occasions
personal encounters scorned imminent.
ft' y.9 nt esfl I'fitnSoex.
We liavo always obtained better re
sults from tlio use of seed potatoes
"about the slzo of n lien's egg" or ns
near Hint us we could Judge by the
shape of the potato, and cut In halves,
as 'from any seed we Inid and we have
tested them against larger ones cut In
halves and In quarters, ncnlnst smaller
ones used whole and against pieces
cut to two eyes each. Yet tlio pieces
of two eyes were so nearly equal that
we would use that method If the seed
cost ri IiIkIi price, by which wo do not
mean the early price of the Knrly Hose
at a dollar a pound, but If they cost $3
a bushel. Hut the potato of that size,
scarcely marketable, unless thero was
n season of scarcity, Is as well matured
ns the potato that weighs n pound, and
we think throws ns strong a shoot and
produces ns much. We never made a
test by compnrlng the use of pieces of
large potatoes ngnlnst pieces of about
4-qtml weight of the smaller ones, and
to learn anything from such n test one
would need to continue It for n term of
years, using the largest from the larg
est seed ench time. It might be well
after selecting ns we would, for some
years, to change to pieces from the
largo ones for n season, but we aro not
sure of It. Massachusetts Ploughman.
To Keep Milk Coot.
A correspondent of Hoard's Dairy
man gives n plan for a combined Ice
house nnd cooling chnmber. The cool
ing chamber Is partitioned off In such
a manner that It has Ice on top and
ickiiousr Ann coor.iNo citAttnEii.
on three sides. Tho dimensions are 1
feet wide. 14 feet long aud 12 feet
high, with a cooling chamber parti
tloned off 8 feet long by 0 fect wide.
The floor of a cooling chamber should
bo placed about three feet below the
surface of the ground so as to take ad-
vantage of the coolness of the earth.
Growlne union.
The use of good seed for tho onion
crop Is most Important, as the labor of
preparing the laud, weeding the rowa
and other care necessary is as great for
the part of a crop ns for n full one.
while the cost of fertilizer Is not lessen
ed, nor are the onions better or In as
good deniaud If they grow too large.
The onion seed deteriorates .very rapid
ly In germinating properties If It Is
kept until more than one year old, ex
ccptlng thnt In very small quantities
It may be kept In something practical
ly airtight, as In a tin box with snugly
fitting cover. We would not sow onion
seed without having It tested, and mak
ing sure that not less than SO per cent
would germinate. Those who sow
under glass and transplant have at
least the advantage of not having to
care for any rows that arc not filled,
and If a part of the seed Is too old to
sprout the only loss Is the price paid
for the seed. This practice Is growing
In favor, and fast taking the place of
the old method of setting out the dry
sets In the spring to grow the early
onions for bunching, as It requires but
littlo more labor to fit the land for one
than tho other, and the new plants
seem to grow nn rapidly ns the dry
sets. American Cultlvntor.
Weed Seed.
If the farmer desires to know how to
select good clover seed he should learn
to know weed seed ns soou ns he looks
nt It. Then If his eyesight Is not
good enough to distinguish It when It Is
among tho clover seed, let him spend
from fifty cents upwnrd for a good
magnifying glass, and let him buy no
clover and not much other seed until
ho has examined It, aud found It rea
sonably clear of tho weed seeds. It
may be hard to find It perfectly pure,
hut thero t no uso In buying such seed
as a sample, sold In Vermont last year,
which had 50,310 weed seeds In a
pound. Just think of sowing ten,
twenty or more pounds of such seed on
an acre. The seeds or plantain, sor
rel, pigweed, smartweed, curled dock
and tho foxtail grass wero tho most
nbundant In this lot, and each of them
might pass for clover seed at first
glance, but .can bo detected under a
magnifying glass. It would bo a good
lesson for tho boys to collect samples
of ench of these nnd some other seeds
In little vials, nnd label each, that they
mighty study them until thoy knew
them too well to buy them us clover
forehiim a FoJder.
Wo plow tho ground In tho spring
after corn planting, Bays n Kansas cor
respondent In Prairie Farmer. Tho lat
ter part of Juno Is soon enough, be
cause If you sow too early It will get
ripe and you will havo to cut It In the
warm weather of August. It Is better
to plant so you can cut It Just beforo
frost. It will keep better and Is not lia
ble to sour, ns It might do If cut In tho
warm weather- We sow It broadcast,
about two bushels to tho acre. Be suro
and sow It thick or It will grow big.
rank stalks, which will bo hard to
handle and stock will not cat so welt.
Wo aim to feed It out before Christum
or hefore It rreezes too much. OC
course, If It Is fine, say llko millet, It
will keep Just as good ns any hay. Wo
usually cut It with a mowing machine,
rako It, put It In big shocks nnd feed
from the shocks Just ns ncedetl, ns It
will keep Just ns well ns If stacked,
for If It Is coarso and rank the stalks
will have lots of Julco In them nnd will
not keep If stacked. Sorghum fodder
Is splendid for nil kinds of stock; Hogi
will cat It with a relish; cnttlo nnd
horses like It Jilso.
Fowlna Clover Beetl.
Tho Department of Agrlculturo says
there nre 17,&jO000 clorr seed In a
bushel, which would bo 207.000 In n
pound. Thero nro -IRXiOO square feet In
an acre, so that ono pound would fur
nish about Oft seeds to tho squnro foot.
And yet wo are afraid to advlso n far
mer to uso less than eight or ten pounds
per acre, giving fifty-four seed to tho
square foot, nnd yet If every seed grow.
the small number would placo tho
plants close enough together to produco
a good crop. Tho extra seed, or seven
eighths of the seed cost. Is the prlco wo
pay for not having well-cleaned, plump
seed, and the land In such condition
that each one will have a fair chance to
germlnato nnd grow.
Pamnlpi for Mtlcli Cow.,
The parsnip Is probably ono of the
best roots ever grown for mllch cows.
and It has n great advantage In that It
may remain In the field until spring
when other roots are all gone, and then
bo used until grass has grown. It Is
as easily grown as the carrot, nnd llko
thnt root It wants n deep, rich and mel
low soli. Many object to growing It
even In the garden, because tho weeds
are apt to get such a growth beforo
the parsnips come up that tho labor of
weeding Is greatly Increased, but this
may be remedied by mixing a few rad
ish seed with the parsnip seed, which
will come up so that the rows can bo
seen and hoed out long beforo the par
snips are up. They can be pulled when
the parsnips are thinned.
Keeplntc Country Hoys at lToine,
The drift of rural population to
cities has long been a characteristic of
recent times. Every census In recent
years both In this country nnd In Eu
rope has shown the vnstly greater
growth of cities ns compared with ru
ral regions. If there were wider In
telligence nmong farmers In feeding tho
ambition of the young. If they were to
give their children something that they
might Improve by Industry, something
that would stimulate ambition and
awaken pride, there would In all llke
11 hood he less discontent with country
life and less of longing for tho untried
and unknown llfo of the city. Indian
apolis News.
Cutt nir Apparairu.
The question of the propriety of cut
ting all or certain asparagus shoots as
rapidly as they appear and for a con
tinued time often arises, for It Is well
known that the continued cutting away
of all a plant's growth has a weaken
ing tendency at least As recently,
stated, most gardeners cut nil growth
during the first half of the season. But
a correspondent recommends leaving'
ull the very light growth, that It may
strengthen the plants for the following;
season, nnd only cutting that which Is
strong. Median's Monthly.
Time to Sow Tobacco Feed.
There seems to be a general rule for
sowing tobacco seed In each State with
refereuce to the frosts which aro likely
to occur In the spring. Seed beds
should be planted from six weeks to
two months, according to the variety
of the seed, beforo the latest date at
which killing frost has occurred In tho
locality. This Is for domestic seed.
Imported Cuban seed should be plant
ed a month later nnd Imported Sumatra
sis weeks later than acclimated seed.
Don't Spray Fruit Trees In Illoom.
Professor Beach recently discussed
before a beekeepers' convention tho
spraying of fruit trees when In full
bloom. Generally speaking, his con
clusion seemed to be that spraying dur
ing blooming tlmo was not only waste
ful, but decidedly harmful ns well, cut
ting down the supply of fruit to nn ex
tent that, If generally practiced, would
amount to thousands of dollars to tb
fruit men all over the state.
Form Notet.
The market for American apples Is
now worldwide.
Interest In farming Is undoubtedly.
reviving In New Kngland.
Don't sow alfalfa seed ou unprepared
soil as you do clover. If It falls with.
you, manure tho land and try again.
The family horse should bo raised
nnd trnlned on the farm. Then you
thoroughly understand his disposition
nnd know how far he can bo trusted.
Tho application of sulphur to soils
for tho prevention of potato scab re
gardless of the character of the soil la
liable to occasionally cause much In
Bordeaux nilxturo hns been found of
value In stimulating tomato plants to
moro rapid growth. Increasing thelc
vigor and of particular merit In keen
ing down tho attacks of Ilea beetles.
Twenty thousand mutton sheep nro
being fattened at Kocky Ford, Col.,
on beot pulp, with a littlo corn added.
Thero Is another "waste product" b
lng utilized turned Into uMitton.