J 7 V (J) fJUU T&tfnz Vow j6fWofir!fflIi NuegetJob'Office. Pices Reasonable t. The Projptroui Businessmen of Cottage Grave Adver the in the Nugget. Devoted t the Milling, Lumbering and Farming Interests of tin's Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. vox,, txi; Cottage Grove, Oregon, Friday, fJurie 7, 1901. isro. 21 PROFF.SSIONAL. J. E. YOUNG Mlorncy-al-Law . ' Offlt on Mulii iitreol, Weil Hlito-r- ' COTTAOK GKOVU, OuK. , J. a JOHNSON and F. G. KIIV Httorneys and Couinthm-at-Law mUI ttunllun alt n l Htftlna, Corporation ml Jlortmilllo lw. . omor Otiuun A Newlimt'MinraV , COTTAOU GROVE. ORE. J. S. MEDLEY y Attomey-at-Law o o o --OHM on Unlti treet-: CoTTAOK Gkovk, Ok. JEROME KNOX Attorney-at-Law Prompt utonllim to Mlnlmr IImIiicm. Cottaok Gkovk, Oku. L. L. STEVENS Attorney-at-Law gfMltl tiunllon liven to MdiliiR lluilnem mi :nierinni. KUGKNK, OKI MILMOfl W.TMOKrioK CIUK, 1. lUMir. THOMPSON & HARDY attorneys and Counselors-at Lair Hll UnHon tlw'VVvtjiehrolMliiet. KUUKNK, OKK. L. T. HARRIS flttomeg and (Umnsdar-at-Luw MfmUl nmimi jhJLLILt M'""' f . V.l I II.... 1- ItitlMltl... KU(I KM., OKKT T: ' RSLIABLti ASSA i"S. Htmplti br wll w-eliro prompt attention. FRANK P. WHITE, CtllTAOi: flltOVK. OIIK. O.lrawllh Jint llror. Mulnit. Mrs. Kalkrliie Sclilcef, M. D. Disuses cf Women and Children COT r AUK GKOVK, OKK. D. J. GOVER Prospector and Mine Locator. For Information on Bohemia Mining District write me. tyieUI AlUullon (liven to :orreiiin1enco BOHEMIA, OKU. HUSINKSS. Q0 lOj MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIN HTItKKT Cottaok Guovk, Ork. J. W BENTLY, The practical Boot and Shoe maker, located one door west of the Bohe mia hotel. Repairing neatly and quickly done and latiifaction guaranteed. Call. BARKER & PERMIN , I'ttOl'HIETOHH OF THE EXCHANGE852 DKAI-EIIS IN FINK WINUS, LIQUORS, CIGARS. MMnitreet, Uotte lr..v. . W. H. SMITH Proprietor of the ALHAMBRA CHOP HOUSU, near depot. Cottaok Grovk, Okk. Short orders day and night. Evcry thing first-class and the best the market affords. ELITE o Shaving 6 Parlor Cottaok Grovk,' Ouk. ORO. E. GRIFFITH, Prop, n e a H ea a e m o a H H At Cost We arc, offering all of our I.ndics and mens Shoes, in fine, medium and heavy grades at actual cost. . : : Some of them in good wearers at 50c; 75c and $1 per pair. Vc will sell.you the cheapest shoes you ever bought. Only ihrce items reserved. Eakin & Bristow B 0 e MiDesaDdMiiHoq 'A Items of general' inrcerrp Mining Morvj, m 0 n a a H 0 U e H o n 0 H O t o 0 a a CBOBOt2Orj9BOBOB9BSB9B0BOBOBOBOflaBeEOBOBttBOBOBOBOflOSABOBOBaaoaCB9BOnSBOE9BOB0 ON a3HDE 0,5. , Solidity is one of the alloc points on which we are cranks. Our line is I without any doubt the best medium 1 priced shoe in the market today. "cw shoe, no! w we soul for! 1 I tlilhbnlhT fife' a 1 1.25 and $1-50 in Indies and $1.50, M11 incus because the trade wanted Jthcin, but from now on we arc go ting to confine our line to Hamilton 1 Brown own make. Our mens, womensand childrcns shoes arc nil named so you know just what you buy. They are all made from the very best stock sole leather best sewing, first class in every respect. For the. Ladies Hamilton $ 1 75 waicn us 2 00 Picnic : 2 so i 'IT ! Thc Tacoma. Washington, Smelting Co. is preparing to build A copper converting plant and lead refinery which will cost $250,000. Butte, Montana, consumes 259,000 pounds dynamite monthly, mostly sixty per cent. A considerable proportion of the explosives used in Montana is of California manufacture. Up to March 1st of the current year the Camp Bird mine, in Colo rado, has produced about $3,250,000. The cyanide plant, now and for two months in operation, is saviag $30,000 per month out of tailings and what was formerly regarded as waste rock. Cripple Creek Gold says the output in Stratton's Independence mine for the month of April has just been figured up, and it is ascer tained that 5400 tons were shipped, of which the gross value is $214.- 000. This is an average of about $40 in gold to the ton. The output in April was a good advance of the production during March. In cyanide practice the sulphur solution is usually run off with the spent tailings. There is an unavoidable loss of solution, and at present there is no cheap means of recovering the cyanide from the solution. The potassium cyanide might be precipitated by means of zinc sulphate; but that is believed to be too exptrnie a proceis to warrant recommen dation. The United States government is after the timber-cutter in Mon tana. It has commenced suit against the Marcus Daly estate, the Ana conda Copper Mining Co., and the Bitter Root Co., for $370,511, for timber cut on government land since 1804. Instead of slumpatte value. the amount of damages is based upen the value of the timber after it is manufactured. Own Make In heavy shoes for ladies Never Rip $ 1 75 Highland Calf ; 2 00 For Men r Anvel 1 50 Gladstone 1 For the Men 3 00 Star Congress tic veil" iu 1 11 ion .T. .' i.i?.? if ' "2 oo Good as Gold 2 ;o Highland Calf , 3 00 Own Make 4 00 These come in different makes like vesting tops, plain toes and caps, lace and congress. 0 L ORUGON- AT BUFFALO. Our Uxhibits the First to be Completed. 5 41 A ....... ij:i. r.. ' ' - . Iace Hoots 5 00 ' Patrole 3 00 ' Extras Julia Marlowe , 3 50 racker 3.50, 3.75, 4.00. Gasman it Rememway 4 H. C. MADSEN, Watcumakhr. napMrlng tit rcnunnnkle rhnritcii. All work Ktmrnntco'l llrit-cltiM. VtttclieH, Clue t nnil Jouolryut Uiwoit I'rlcca COTTAOK GItOVK, OUK. W. H .ROB I N soFT Practicing Physician. Office and residence on River street near Wall, Cotta'gc Grove, Ore. I'OR YOUR CONSIDItRATION, Suits cleaned and pressed from $2.25 and up according to texture. Prices in proportion per single gar ment. Eugene Steam Cleaning and Dyeing Works,' Geo. U. Griffith, Agt. ! Slielf and Heavy Hardware . Farming Tools, Simonds Saws, Studebakcr Wagons, Hercules Powder, Mining Supplies, Dunn's solid Tree Spray, Griffin & Veatch Company. Clothin g! Clothin gf Wc will sell you clothing, Men and Boy's, neat up-to-date suits cheaper than you have ever bought them in town. Come and see our goods and get our prices beforeyou buy a full line of Summer Goods, and Ladies Shirt Waists 011 the same line cheaper than ever. HEM EN WAY & BUBKHOLDEB. Hotel Eugene IIOLLENDEGK BROS. & BRISTOW. Headquarters for MINING MEN. KV15KY WANT ATTJi.NDKD TO. UUGUNH, r," - - - . 'ORMGONf PIANO LUSSONS. Having permanently located in Cottage Grove, I will t,ake a few pupils. Harmony and Thorough Bass a Specialty. Uither German or American method. Call at residence, North River street. Mrs. w. h. Aijkaws. Common Rough Lumber, 6B6 per m. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Or. Today, says the Buffalo Times ot May 18, Oregon's exhibit at the Pan American Exposition is seen in a completed state, and the Pacific coast state receives the. distinction ; of being the first state that can say as much. Credit is due the capable supenuteudent, Mr: Henry F. Dosch, of Portland, and his nine assistants. Mr. Dosch has a commendable habit of being punctual. Had some of the other state superin tendents been as conscientious as he, there would not now be the rush among the states to get ready by dedi ration day. Mr. Dosch represented Oregon at Chicago, was superintendent of his state's exhibit at Omaha, and has already been appointed in charge of the exhibit that is to be made at Charlestown. These honors are sufficient to indicate that the valu able wortu ot uis wide experience, keen judgment, trained kuowledge and expert thoroughness are under stood and appreciated. A times representative, in pass ing through the Agricultural build ing last evening came upon Mr. Dosch. The superintendent is al ways to bo found in happy frame of mind, but he appeared delighted as a boy with a new red wagon, as he championed Oregon's enterprise. Modest man that he is, he would have all the credit rebound to the state and A. J. Johnson, the for estry expert, whereas in truth the genial superintendent himself de serves the laurels. Much of the state's is his personal property, and his acceptance of the position of superintendent entailed a consid- uble expenditure of money, for which he will not be remunerated. "It took only two weeks to get the Oregon exhibits in place, and we are to be seen in the agriculture, mines, forestry, horticulture and liberal art buildings," said Mr. Dosch. "Think of it, we came 3000 miles and are nevertheless the first state to present a complete exhibit. "Our mines exhibit is worth $66,000, and there is one piece of quartz weighing 600 pounds that is very valuable. Professor Lane, United States Agrostologist, says our grains, grass and forest plants exhibit are the finest in the United States." The Oregou exhibits at Chicago and Omaha were also the first in Lplace, and Mr. Dosch has a letter conveyiug the thanks of the execu tive committee for the energy He displayed in the work. Mr. Dosch. is an authority on horticulture, and has written at length on the sub ject. He has a diploma from hts- state'forhis distinguished service,, he having personally supplied the material for the horticulture ex hibit on several occasions. He owns- the horticulture exhibit at the American Exposition, also. Mr. Dosch was asked why it was that Oregon appropriated only $20,- 000 for the Buffalo fair with an ex position of her own scheduled lor 1905, whereas $60,000 was appro priated for the Chicago fair. The superintendent made evasive re ply, but it was evident from his manner that the Oregon Legislature was afflicted with "mossbackism.' The Oregon exhibit is much more attractive than that of cither Cali fornia or Washington, although, each of these put a great deal more money into the fair. Oregon sent more than enough of everything: needed to arrange its exhibit; and several states "borrowed" the left over grain to fill out their show. The Oregon exhibit is one of the most beautiful at the Pan-Ameri-. can exposition and is an education iu itself. ran- A GOOD COUGH MEDICINE! It speak 8 well, for Chamberlain's Couch Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any other. ''I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for tho past Ave years with complete satisfaction to niyBolf and customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Von Etten, N. V. "I havo always used it in my own family both for ordinary couirhn and colds and for the cough fol lowing la grippe, and find it very effica cious. For sale by Lyons fc Appleoate, Drain. Bexsox Ditua Co., Cottage Grove. A local camp of thoSpaniflh-Amorican War Veteran Association is being or ganized in Eugene. Ten names hvo been secured so far and an application for a charter was sent to tho the nation al headquarters at Oil City, Pa. Thero are many more veterans of tho recent war hero who will no doubt join tho association when it is organized, Eu geno Guard. A SPRAINED ANKLE QUICKLY CURED. "At 0110 time I suffered from a sovero sprain of tho ankle," says Geo. E. Cary, editor of tho Guide, Washington. Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say tlmt relief came as soon as I began its utoand'a complete euro speedily followed." Sold by Lyons & Appleqatr, Drain. Bjjjisojf Pnyq Co., Cottago'OforOf -