KIVER BOAT SINKS MI88I88IPPI niVER 8TEAMEFJ HIT 1 A SUNKEN 8NAQ. The City of Pailucali Wrecked at llriinkliorst Landing, llllnoli Two Passengers and Over Twenty Colored Derkliands I I nd a Watery Orave Divert Searching (or (lie Passenger Lilt. Grand Tower, III., May 15. Th itcumur City of I'udiieith wink In 2fi feet of water ilvo minute after strlk Ihg H ung whllo bucking out froi Ilruukhorst landing. Tlio bodies of two passengers .wlio wore drowned I14VO been recovered, and 22 members of tlio crow, most of tlictii Negroes, uro missing. All of tlio officers wore lived Tlio nussongor lint has not I icon re covered. A diver In neurchlng for it i;iny tno toxiiH mill lnirriciino deck uro above wiilor, which rciichcn (o the eikyliulits of tlio cabins. All tlio staterooms uro completely filled wltl wnter. Tlio steamboat drifted 11 third of 11 mllo bolow the landing before whonnnk. Tho first inuto suvs tlio liont went down within three minutes' after Htriking tlio snug. Ho wiih on tho ciililn dcok and excatied by ollnil Inir through tlio skVliixht. It Ih mtpponod Unit most of tho mis sung deck IiiiihIh who wero on tho lower deck wero windicd down tho river Tlio Iwut Uch down about 100 feet, from tho Illinois shore, tho fore part of tho hurricane deck being under walcr. HI10 appears to lie total wreck. Tho coroner of Mur physborn, III,, In now holding an in tieHt while tho diver in searching for more bodies. NUMBER OF 80LDIEn8 KILLED Due lo Explosion of Mlnei Hurled on tier Chlneit.Provlncci. Fron Victoria, II. C, May lfi. News was brought by tho steamer Olenngle that ft severe enrtlxiuako occurred at Yokohama April 21, lusting fully two minutes. o damage wan rcior(ed Tho Asiatic reports that on April 22, lfiO French and .'10 Germans were killed and wounded by tho explosion 01 mines mined on tlio frontier o Blum Si and Chili Li. Tho China Timed roiwrts the cant uro of 11 brigand hcudipiu.rterti, where Chinese wero pillaging tlio neighbor- Hood under tlio leadership of 10 lor eign soldiers. The Germans kllli 20 ChlncKO and ruptured a junk, on which 11 canrinn wan mounted. Tlio new 700 ton liner Hobrnnnn witt wrecked on tho Chlneno count jiearJLmi'jngnrioi- to tho nai)iig "ofTIio GTcnoglb. ThoiiSscrigcrM ' mid mallii wero saved. Tlio vessel wan total wreck. A mixed battalion of English and Jnpancso and French had a sharp en gagment with 100 Boxers near Khan backwan. The right hutted all duv jind a number of Chinese wero killed. Tho Ilritish lost two men wounded, tlio hrcncli one, and tho Jnpunesc two. Thcro had lieen HOcnscs of plague and 10-1 deaths, and G5 cases of Hinall iox and 43 deatliH in Hong Kong from January 1 to April Hi. LOCATED BY OFFICAL8. p(t Which llai Been Uicd lo Smugglt In Opium. beattlo, May lo. Tho means ol tho transportation for tho fi85 poumb Hoized several days ago by tho local customs olIlccrH and perhaps of tout of other smuggled opium was located today by Customs Inspectors Doluncy and Drinker and seized. It ih a name' less napthii liiuncli 20 feet long. The craft wiih found hoc re ted on tlio tide lints in a resilience boat liouso neat Moran Bros.' shipyards. Tho launch was equipped with several gasoline tanks, lull a dozen cafes of gasoline, numerous rubber sacks used as recent nclcs for tho contraband opium, rub ber clothing, dark lanterns, red lights and many paint pots, indicating that tho launch hnd changed hor color almost with tho changes of tho moon. and a small arsenal of rides, revolvers mid shotguns. No one was found in possession of or a claimant for the seized launch, which would indicate that tho head men in tho gigantic smuggling sohemo lmvo escaped, at least temporarily. Mllltla Still on Hand. Jacksonville. Flu., May Ifi, The rollof association is doing stupendous work, particularly in tho commissary and labor departments. Thcro is abundant work for everybody who can do manual labor, but difliculty Is ex pcrioncod in getting tho colored men to work, Tho militia is still in pos session of tho city, and will remain hero as long as tho committee of the relief association thinks best, The liquor men lmvo approved tho action of tho govornor in closing tho bin rooms and liavo endorsed it. Clad They Are Oqne. London, May M. Considerable nmusomont has been caused by the publication of a dispatch from China saying great relief was felt among Europonn troops at tho withdrawal ol tho Americans, who wero too free" u ml easy for tho military etiquette of the Continental forces. Of all tho Hritish colonics Now Zea land lias sont tho largest proportion of its strong youth to fight oi the African veldt. nEQULAflS flETUnN. Plilllnime Army lo lit Ittduccd 25,000 Men Order Sent (0 MacArllwr. Washington, May Ifi. Ily dine lion of tho secretary of war, Instruc tions wero cabled to (lenenil Mno Aithur to send lo Han Francisco at his earliest convenience, I lie follow ing organizations of the regular uriuy Fourteenth, Eighteenth anil Twenty third regiments of infantry; Fourth regiment of cavalry ; Twenty ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty second mid Thirty third companies 01 coast artillery First, Eighth, Tenth, Twelfth mid Thirteenth batteries of Held artillery. General MaoArthur Is instructed to transfer to other commands all men in tho above organizations in their llrst enlistment having more than one year to serve, also men wishing to remain in tho Philippines. All men of other organizations having three mouths or less to serve, not in tending to enlist, uro to bo transferred to tho returning organizations. It is oxiicctcd that this movement of troops will iM'gln soon after July 1 next, by which timo the homeward movement of tho volunteers will liuvo licen completed. It is tho intention of tho department to replace tho homo coming regulars, so far ns tho mili tary conditions in tho Philippines re quiro it, with troops recently organ ized in this country under tho pro visions of tho army reorganization act. These movements are predi cated on tho policy of tho adminis tration to reduce the 'army in tho Philippines to -10,000 after tho return of tlnavolunteers. Tlio war department today pub lished tho reorganization order pro scribing tlio strength of tho various branches 0' the military service upon tho basis of 11 total army of 77,287 men and 11 stall' of 2,783, the enlisted strength being 7-1,150-1 men. Uy tho order each cavalry regiment will con sist of 12 cavalry troops of Ho enlisted men each, making the total strength of tho cavalry branch 15,810 men. The const artillery will consist of 120 companies of 100 enlisted men each, making 13,731, and the Held artillery of 30 batteries of 100 men each, mak ing a total artillery force, Held and coast, of 18,802 enlisted men. The ;I0 infantry regiments will consist 01 12 companies of 101 enlisted men each, making tho infantry strength 38,f2() enlisted men. Tho engineer battalions will have four companies of 101 enlisted men each, with a band mid will, liavo a strength of 1,282 en listed men. CO8T HIM HI8 LIFE. Man Who Stepped Aildc lo Let Anolhei Gain Safely Pint. Indianapolis, May lfi Whilo Wil liam l'helps. of Richmond, Ky., mid James Staplebury, of this city,, were cleaning out tho inside of nu eight foot upright boiler at tho Ccroalinc mills today, an cmnloyo turned on the steam, thinking tho cock tight. It leaked, and tho scalding steam poured in on tho two men. TJ10 only exit was up 11 ladder. Both men unicl for tho ladder. Phelps reached t first, took ono step and stopped. Ho iuniiied aside and shouted, "You co un first Jim. you are married." Stuplcbury sprang up tho ladder mid escaped with slight burns. Though l'helps followed at his heels, his act of hcriosm cost him his life. Doth men wero being cooked when l'helps jumped aside Uy tho time ho had followed Staplcbury up tho udder tho flesh was dropping from his limbs. Ho lived for two hours in great agony, lloth men nro colored. GOT' AWAY FROM MOTERMAN. Three Passengers on a Trolley Car Seriously Hurt About 100 Druiicd. Now York, May lfi, An open trol loy car, in which wero packed about 110 people, got away from tho motor man near Fort Leo, N. J., and dashed down Leona hill. Every person on tho car was bruised and thrco serious ly hurt, but only ono of them, the conductor, is likely to dio. Tho heavily loaded car had started down an lnclmo a quarter of n nulo in length when tho motorman lost con trol. Tho car was going so fast, that no ono dared to jump otV. Tho road is a winding ono. At tho foot of tho hill it curves sharply. When tho front trucks hit tho curvothoy started around and made it. Tho rear ones followed part of tho way. Tho wrench upon the cur, however, as it swung about, was so great that tho body was torn mid lifted from tho trucks and rolled ovor and hit tho ground, Tho passengers wero caught in and undor tlio car and wero piled in a heap. More American Liners. Philadelphia, May 15. Tho Now York Shipbuilding Company, at its now yards near Gloucester, N. J., has begun work on four steel passenger and freight steamships for tho At lantic Transport Company. 'iwo boats aro COO feet long and tho othors BOO foot and they aro to trudo from luladolpliiii, Now York mid Haiti. moro to London. Tho steamships aro not intended to bo flyers, but will run at u modcrato speed. They will liavo carrying capacity of b,00U tons ol cargo. Cablet Are Interrupted. Now York, May 15. Tho Commcr- iul Cublo Company has issued the following notlco; "Wo uro advised that tho oablcs between Tsohifu and Tsingtau and Tsingtau and Shanghai are interrupted." New Naval Academy. Tho naval academy at Amapoli will bo a fino structure Wl on com pleted tho building will havo .lost S3," 000,000. ' N BAND OF JJIilGANDS AMERICAN DE8PERADOE8 OPER ATED NEAR MANILA. The Leader Wore the Uniform of an Army Cap lain Gang Had Commuted All Sorli ol Crlmei-f ederal Party In (he Philippine Find Little (o Do Captures ol Imur genii Continue. Manila, May 10. Detectives am) the police have broken up a band ol American brigands who liavo Ijcoii operating in the proviuco of l'ain pan go, north of and not far from Manila, Three of tho lenders have been captured anil tho others arc being pursued. This band commit ted outrages, murder and rape ut Ilncalor, I'ampangu province, and in that vicinity, mid Sunday lust they killed an American. The hand some times represented themselves at American deserters and at other times as American soldiers, Ono of their number wore tho uniform of a cap tain. Hinco tho main declared object ol tho Federalists peace and Anerican sovereignty is nearly accomplished, tho party's futu 0 is L ng disci.sBcd. Under tho coming government to Ik: composed of appointive officials there will lio slight use for party activity outside of the municipal elections. The leaders Iiojhj tho party will be considered as the semiofficial medium between tho government and the masses. J hey uro at present en deavoring lo obtain tho rolcnso of 1,000 prisoners who wero convicted ol purely political oifenscs. tho conten tion lcing that they should have the same amnesty as those who wero re leased when awaiting trials. I lie appearance ol insular issues will quickly result in tho actual forma tion of projected opposition parties. J" Hty insurgents wero captured this week in Luguuu bay legion. WANT QUARANTINE REMOVED. Alaska People Deem It a Discrimination Against Americans, Seattle, May 10. The steamer Dir- igo Captain Hunter, from Skagway and way mints, with small pox news, but no small pox, arrived hero this morning. The pooplo of Southeast ern Alaska aro much exorcised over tho small pox scare, and aro making strong efforts to counteract the effect of it on travel to Lynn canal and way ports. A public meeting under the auspices of tho chamber of commerce at Juneau, was held with a view to taking action to liavo tho quarantine removed by tho government. Tine meeting, Captain Hunter Hays, was in progress when tho Dirigo sailed from Jaicuu. Tho complaint that it being cried aloud thorughout south eastern Alaska ports is that tho small pox scaro not only injures passenger travel and business in general, but that it has the effect of seriously dis criminating ugainst American com mercial interests for tho reason that thcro is no quarantine nguinst Cana dian ships from Victoria and Van couver. These ships run back and forth without embarrassment or quar antine restrictions of any sort. COLLIDED WITH A TROLLEY CAR. Two People Were Killed and Several Others Injured. Jcw York, juuy 10. Ut young peoplo who started from College Point, u. I., Just night on what is locally known ns a "starlight ride," two wero carried homo this morninc dead, livo aro in tho hospital, four wero allowed to leavo tho hospital after having their wounds dressed, and every ono 01 tno remainder was moro or less bruised. A collision with a trolley cur caused tho accident. Tho merrymakers wero on their wav to a hotel 10 miles nway, whero thev were to liavo n dance. They wero all in ono wagon, tho bottom of which had been filled with straw. It was almost madnight when tho reached their destination. When in front of tho houso tho driver of' tho wacon tried to cross tho track of a trolly lino in iront ol an approaching car, but tho car struck tho rear end of tho wagon. Tho vchiolo was demolished. Tho car itself was badlv wrecked. but nono of tho 25 passengers was in. jurcd. STRIKE IN SEATTLE. Machinists Walk Out for Less Hours and More Wages Every Shop Deserted. Seattle May 10. Tho striko of all tho union machinists in Seattle. which has been threatening for sev eral wcoks, is now a reality. Begin ning with tho walking out of tho machinists of tho Vulcan Iron Works, every bonoh in all tho shops throughout tho city is desortod. About 250 men aro out. Tho employers assort that thov could not run thoir plants at a profit thoy acceded to tho demands for nino hours instead of 10. with a 1216 per cont inerciiso in wagos. Confidential Clerk's Downfall. Now York, May 10. E. L. diet- wood, confidential olork for tho past 18 years in tho employ of Brown Brothers, bankers, was arrested todav oharged with boing short in his ac counts $20,170. Ho ontorcd tho firm's employ 20 years ago op a mcs songor, and for tho last six years had boon .receiving teller. Ho hnd the oonfldenco pf tho firm to suph an ex tent that no bond was roouricd from him. STRIKE NEAR .REPUBLIC. Nustfeli Pound by Woodchopperi on Granite Creek. Jtepublio, Wash., May 10. Two Wood ( hoppers in the employ of Smith flros., ()( this place, while getting out cordwood at a point on Oranito creek, nllout two miles west of town, near (ho old saw mill, picked up some nug get. One is worth $20. The men immediately ablidoiied work on tho WOOd eon tract, and, selecting 11 spot olosn to the water's edge, sunk a hole about four feet squnro to the depth of three feci, nt which depth they wero on top of a dceoiiiK)sed bed rock, and in the eonrso of this small amount of work, which took but a few hours, they bad taken out nearly $100 in coarse gold. They did not try to save the fine gold, simply confining their attention to the largo nuggets. The men were greatly excited when Smith brothers appeared on tho scene, and endeavored to get their assistance ill staking some claims, but tho men could not lo induced to leuvo the joy ful task of picking out the yellow chunks they only having taken timo enough to stake ono claim. Smith brothers staked two claims above. Great excitement prcvuiled through out the town. There havo been many reports of the finds on Oranito creek here in tho past, and colors can lo obtained anywhro on tho creek, but nothing like tho present strike has ever been made in this section. Two hundred citizens left town tonight for tho scene of tho strike, . and many claims will lie staked by daylight. ADMIRALTY 8UIT8 DECIDED. Two From District of Washington, and One From District of Oregon. San Francisco, May 10. Opinions were rendered today in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in two admiralty suits from the federal court of the district of Washington, and one from the district of Oregon. Tho lower court was sustained in awarding the owners of the British ship Havcnscourt damages in $7, 288.U5, with costs ugainst the Ameri can owners of tho ship Columbia, arising out of a collision "in Pugct sound on January 22 of last year while both vessels wero in tow by tho tug Tyce. The judgment lor ifl'.', uuu for per sonal injuries awarded Charles H. Newman, a ship carpenter, was re duced by the appclluto court to $0, 000 and costs, on account of a perm anent nature. This suit was brought against the master and owners of the Bteamcr Homer on account ol a col lision of that vessel w.ith tho barken tino Blakclcy in Seattle hrubor. New man was employed on tho latter craft. A. SI. bimpson and James aiugoc. owners of the tug Columbia, were allowed only tho $1,000 awarded by thb district court of Oregon for pulling tho Grace Dollar on tho beach at Uoos bay in August, 1898, as it was shown that tho tug encountered no more danger than in taking an ordinary tow, and henco could not bo awarded salvage. RICH STRIKE IN MINE. Believed to Be the Best Ever Made In East ern Oregon. Baker City. May 16. What is be lieved to bo tho richest gold strike ever mado in Eastern Oregon was un covered in tho Little Giant mine, about ono milo from Malheur City, in Malheur county. No asssay has been made, but- samples of tho ore exhibited in this city aro so rich in free cold that it does not need an as say for oven a novico to know that it is very rich. 1 ho samples aro 01 beautiful nuggets us large as pea and so bright that tho gold can be plainly seen at a distanco ol lo or -U feet. Tho ledgo is about 12 feet wide and has been uncovered for a distanco of 300 feet. Tho discovery of this rich oro lias created a great deal of excitement here, and a number of prospectors have already started for tho new diggings, intent upon locat ing extensions of this rich ledgo if possible. Alaska Lighthouses. Washington, May 16. Tho plans for tho 12 American lighthouses re cently submitted by Captain Lungfitt to tho lighthouso board, which wero found too claborato for the appropira tion available $100,000, havo been slightly modified and returned with instructions to auvcrtiso lor bids. Captain Langfitt desired to havo these lighthouses built by day labor under his superintendence, but tho board thought best to havo tho work done by contract, and ordered very exten sive advertisements, in order to secure rcusonablo contracts with reliable parites. Best Hop Contract of Season. Salem, May 10. Tho best hop con tract of tho season was filed today. By this instrument George L. Itose agrees to deliver to S. and W. II, Ilumsoy. ol scattlo, jo.uuu pounds ol hops of tho crops of 1901, 1902, 1003, 1901 and 1U05, at 11 cents. Urge Timber Land Deal. Now Whatcom, Wash., May 10. Peter Larscn, of Helena, Mont., pres ident of tho Bellingham Buy it East ern Hallway, has purchased lor lus company 10,000 ocrcs of timber lands, lying in Whatcom and bkngit coun ties, and owned by ox-Secretary Algor and ox-Senator Huwloy, of Ohio. Tlia consideration is $155,000. Tho land contains botweon- 200,000,000 and 300,000,000 fect of standing timber. C-rm lilpiiltiit (Vnlc. The Illustration, from the Breeders' Gazeite. shows n very satisfactory shipping ernte. Part of the front side Is cut u way to show Hie Inside arrange ment. A good size for 11 pig three months old Is (0 Inches hi length, '( Inches In depth mid 11 Inches In width. For 0 pig eight weeks old a length of 'A'l Inches, a depth of 18 Inches mid a width of nine Inches will be about right. Crates for shipping by express must be made as light as Is safe from breakage. It Is not fair to make a pur chaser of a pig two months old pny ex press rates on thirty or forty pounds of crate when they can be made suffi ciently strong and weigh but half as much. For ends and bottoms take five. CIIATK. eighths-Inch seasoned spruce or other tough light wood. onc-hnlMnch stuff for sides and cover, with space between slats. In front Is n trough (T) for feed and water. Just above Is a sloping board (1'J running to the top, through which the feed In transit Is given. The tipper compartment Is provided with a slide (S) on top, and Inside Is the bag (I!) containing the meal mid grain faro ample for the Journey. In cold weather the sides may be boarded up almost tight. To pigs weighing seventy-live pounds a standard of one-halMnch stun" Is nailed In the center of the sides. Shavings from a shingle mill make the best bedding. Trect Instead of Feel. The Department of Agriculture next year will vary the garden seed distri bution with several packages of trees. Authority for .this now departure was secured at a recent session of Congress and nu appropriation was made In the budget for the coming year. The people of this country have been cutting down the natural forests with so much reck lessness that It has become necessary to start artificial ones. The division of forestry of tho Agricultural Depart ment has made a survey of the coua try and has ascertained the particular trees which thrive best and are most useful In each locality. According to the program for the distribution of trees, next year a given number of seedlings will be alotted to each mem ber of the House of Ilcpresvntattves, who will be asked to furnish a list of constituents to whom he would like to have them sent. The Agricultural De partment will do the rest The seed lings will be grown In the propagating houses and forwarded to their destlna Hon, with specific Instructions as to bow they should be planted and cared for. In this way Secretary Wilson ox pects to start several million new trees growing throughout this country every year. The Grance n Fchool. No member of a grange should nccept an office therein unless he Intends to at tend the meetings regularly and to fill the position to the best of his ability. Promptness Is nn essential to success in grange work, as well as everything else, and the meetings should be open ed at the by-law hour. All business matters which members Intend to In troduce should be thought out In ad vance and reduced to writing In order to dispatch business quickly and effi ciently. A grange will not prosper that calls to order an hour behind time. and then dawdles along waiting for something to turn up. Very few farmers know what any particular crop costs them, or even keep an account of receipts and expen ditures. There Is probably no other branch of business conducted In such a slipshod manner. The grange should be and to a large extent s a school In which to learn better methods of conducting the business of the farm and home. Farmers' Voice. Orltclnn! Iden About Aapnrncna. A consensus of opinion In regard to putting asparagus, ns noted In Mee han's Monthly, seems to ho that from the first starting of tho plant In spring the weaker shoots should not be cut, hut left to produce the leafago so neces sary for the production of strong roots. Ono gardener makes the novel sugges tion thnt tho very best success In get ting tlrst-class asparagus Is to select tho plants all of ono sex. Ills plan has been to set l-ycar-old plants In n bed rather closely together and mark tho berry-bearing or female plants for tho permanent bed. These, ho says, have always borne strong shoots far superior to tho beds of the usually mixed sexes. Slop llurrel a Nuisance. Wo question If thero bo a greater abomlnntlon about the hog yard than tho average slop barrel, says the Farm er's llovlow. Who Invented this nui sance? Who can glvo n couimon-senso reason for Its survival? It smells to heaven! It renders tho digestive organs of the hogs ns sour nnd unwholesome as Itself! We are at a loss to explain its presence, nor can wo seo what ben efit Is derived from Its use. Is It any wonder that ho Is filthy when food sup plied to him Is filthy, sour, fermenting, decomposing, dlnrrlicn-lnduelng? Such food Is unnatural for the hog. He was intended to root In the earth mid gruzn upon nnlurnl grasses of tho llettir-To4" lilm fell the nutritious nuts mid fruits of the tree: for him wore the sweet herbs and succulent roots, lint no dirty, smelly, sour slop! Modern Mcntm.ikltm. Tho great heavy bullocks and thick sided porkers thnt were once such fa vorites are now not desirable. They have given place to the young, quickly grown animals. In order to avoid an excess of fat an animal must bo con tinuously grown If It Is reduced to n mere sha'low during the winter months and then the following season allowed Its freedom on the rich range grass of the West, It will lay on too much fat and not enough meat, Tallow Is not what Is wanted; It Is meat thnt Ihe present generation desires. Tho East ern feeders nre fully aware of that fact, for they never allow an nnlmnl to stop growing from birth until It reaches tho slaughter house. They will cultivate the taste of the meat caters to such a degree that It will force thoso who cannot procure sufficient feed to keep their animals In good flesh dur ing the winter to sell them at weaning time. American Agriculturist. A I'tihhlilw Pout. It Is a great comfort for hogs and may be made most useful to rid them of lice and a scaly skin If put up ns follows: Drive a stout stick three Inches In diameter In a suitable place, leaving twenty Inches above ground: staple n rope four Inches from earth's surface to the stake and coll It closely till it reaches three Inches from the top of the stake; staple It tightly. Pour coal oil or crude petroleum on It until It Is well saturated with It, and tho hogs or shoats will fight for tho first and last nib on It. Pour more oil on occasionally us needed. This will kill all lice nnd nits and remove scales that are so unsightly upon the hogs. It has been tried and works well. Twentieth Century Farmer. Note bnnt the Ifnr'C. Allow a horse n reasonable time to rest after feeding. It Is within the reach of every farm er to breed good horses. Mares bred In the fall will enduro good service without Injury. A dumb, stupid cot can never bo ed ucated to be n valuable horse. A good colt Is n product not affected by weather, hot. wet or dry Size, form, bone nnd constitution must be regarded first in breeding. Let the heels be cleaned every night. Dirt or filth If allowed to cako causes sore heels. ' While horses nec.l good, wholesome food. It should not be all of the fat pro ducing kinds. Cbeene Manufacture. air. simon, me expen n uo scureu iuo. cneese ui un- couveuuou ui me uuio . ... A I . 1- . . t dairymen. Is a large Wisconsin dealer nnd was struck by the Irregularities In the Ohio product. The size Is not uni form, and a 14 or 14!4-!nch cheese Is recommended. The buyers want to handle big lots of near the same size. Flats 32 to 34 pounds and Cheddars 45 to CO pounds suit best Bandages wero also criticised as too loose, allowing mold to work In. He voiced the senti ment of the association when be de clared that It does not pay to make skim cheese, as It always hurts the trade In the end. Fprojrlnir Pench Tree. Bordeaux mixture containing three pounds of bluestono to a barrel of wat er applied tho last of May Is likely to Injure peach foliage somewhat, but In our experience the Injury Is not enough to do any serious harm. The same Is also true of bordeaux containing two pounds of bluestono applied tho last of June. Black spot was almost entirely prevented nnd tho texture and size of tho fruit wero decidedly Improved by two and thrco applications. The spray ing should be continued well up to th time of ripening of tho fruit Mary land Station Bulletin. Money In Fence. An article In the Cosmopolitan calls attention to the ndvnntnge of a "no fenco Inw" and presents the startling figures that Indlnun alono has fences whose computed value Is $200,000,000, and which If placed In a single lino would fourteen times enclrclo the globe. These, figures suggest the enor mous amount of capital Invested In fences throughout the United States. Iloxlnir Cheese. Cheese should be put In good-fitting boxes, the sides of the box being cut down about half an Inch lower than tho cheese. Tho weight should bo plainly stamped on the box near tho seam, and all marks that are to bo put on tho box should be put on every box alike. II x ere ae for ling-. To produce tho best pork tho hogs should have exercise. A lazy, sleepy hog may fatten faster, but tho Uesh will uot bo so good. Orlcln of 1-ootl Names. The sandwich Is called for tho Earl of Sandwich. Mulllgatawuey Is from an East in- dlau word meaning pepper water. Wattle Is from wnfel, a word of Teu tonic origin, meaning honeycomb. Hominy Is from nnhuinlnae, tho North American word for parched corn. Blanc-mango means literally whlto food; hence chocolate blanc-mangu Is something of a misnomer. Succotash is a dish borrowed from tho Narragan8ett Indians and called by them m'slckipiatash. Charlotte Is a corruption of the old Encllsh word Oharlyt. which means a dish of custard, and charlotte rus'sc la Itusslau charlotte.