Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 17, 1901, Image 8

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A cough la not ndlseaso but a symp
tom. Consumption nnd bronchltii,
which nro tho Inost dntifierona mitl faint
diiengco, hnvo for iholr first Indication a
portlstent cougli, mid If properly treated
n ooon ns thlH rougU appears aro easily
(!iircd. Chamberlain's Cough Hemedv
hns proven wonderfully isucccrfsfiil, and
gained Its wide reputation nnd extensive
nalc hy its success In ciirlnft tho diseases
which cause coughing. If it i not bene,
llclal It will not cost you a cent. For
wile by Iiit.s'sox Dnuo Co., CottnguOrovc.
Lyons & AiTtMATR, Drain. J
John Sutherland, postmaster of
Amos postoffice southwest of Cot
tage Giove, was hi Eugene on his
wav home from Glenteua where lie
J .......
attended the funeral of his brotuer,
Wm. Sutherland wliosc death oc
curred the other day. Mr. Suther
land's death was the first in a
family of nine children for 44 years.
Eugene Gimrd.
'Mv father and sister both died of
Consumption," writea J. T. Weather
wax, of Wyandotte, Mich., "and I waa
saved from the same frightful fate only
by Dr. King's Now Discovery. An at
tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate
cough and very severe lung trouble,
which an excellent doctor could not
help, but a few month's use of this won
derful medicine made mo as well as ever
and I gained much In weight." In
fallible for Coughs, Colds and all Throat
and Lung trouble. Trial bottles free.
Guaranteed bottles 60c and $1.00 at
Bn.vso.v Duva Co.
The decision of the local officers in
favor of the homesteaders in the cases of
the Oregon it California Railroad Com
pany vs. Elmer E. Carlisle, Walter L.
Miller and Paul L. Jensen, of Lane
county, has been carried by the com
panvon appeal to the commissioner,
und'in turn the secretary of the interior,
and has been sustained by both depart
ments. The matter thus becomes
linal'and the hotreseekers secure their
"I recall now with horror," says Mnil
Carrier Burnett Monn, of Levunna, 0.,
"51 v threo years pf suffering from Kid
ney troublo, I was hardly ever free from
dull aches or acute pains in my back.
To stoop or lift mail sacks made me
roin. I felt tired, worn out, about
ready to givo up, when I began to use
Electric Bitters, but six bottles com
pletely cured me and made me feel like
n new man." They're unrivaled to
regulate Stomach, Liver, Kidnuys and
Bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed
by Bexso.v Dbuo Co. Only 50 rents.
You certainly have a good opinioii
of your ptiysician's judgment, or
you would not consult him. Then
do him the justice to carefully con
sider the compounding of his pre
scriptions. The Benson Drug Co.
select nothing but the best and
most pure drugs in the market, and
make a specialty of carefully com
pounding prescriptions. 13e good
to yourself by taking your physi
cian's prescription to the Benson
Drug Co. and rest assured you will
get the best to be bad iu the market.
Biliousness is a 'condition character
ized by a disturcance of the digestive
organs. The stomach is debilitated,
tho liver torpid, the bowels constipated.
Thure is a loathing of food, pains in the
bowels, dizxines8, coated tongue and
vomiting, first of tho undigested or
partly digested food and then of bile.
Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets nil ay tho disturbances of the
stomach and create a healthy appetite.
They also tono up tho livorto a healthy
jiction and regulate the bowels. Try
them and you are certain to bo much
pleased with the result. For sale by
Benson Daua Co.
200 cords of Hemlock bark wanted
at Haine's Tannery, Eugene, Ore
gon. We will pay $7.00 per cord
on board cars at Cottage Grove or
Walker station. For information
write or call on W. W. Haines &
Co., Eugene, Oregon.
Miss Florence Newman, who has been
a great sufferer from muscular rheuma
tism, sayB Chamberlain's Pain Balm is
thVonly remedy that affords her relief.
Miss Newman Is a much respected resi
dent of the village of Gray, N. Y., and
makes this statement for the benefit of
othors similarly afflicted. This liniment
la for sale by Besso.n Dnua Co., Cottage
Grovo. Lyons i. Applkqatk, Druin.
Farming laud, well improved, 1
mileeast fronvCottage Grove, join
ing the county road, for sale in
tracts from 5 to roq acres. The best
farmiug land in this section of the
county. Parties desiring to inves
tigate should call on or address
Jerome Knox, Cottage Grove.
The old maxim, "Tho Proof of tho
pudding Is In the Eating," nppllt n
well to thi wearing qualities of our
hosiery. Onco worn and you will wear
them always. An exceptional trial offer
that every reader of this paper should
take advantage of and test tho remai n
nt.ln wearimr mini tie ami xuporioi
finish of our hitfh grade hosiery. We
will, on receipt of 25o. in silver and the
nnmo of your local dealer, end direct to
vou from tho mills, liostngo paid, 4 pair
of our finest high grade latest stvlo hm
oiro brand ladles' or children's hose, or
men's half hose, in black, tan, white or
the fashionable fancy solid colors, or the
latest combination silk embroidered
polka dots, electric stripes, or silk clock-
! w on side, in fancy open work, plain or
. .... . ... i I. . I.
j urop sin en styie, in rrvmni i.u
Iiiilllrlin'iin. Silk" I1IUSII UIIICU. Ul man
mere. Willi tun unisn eitmnc iup mm
our patent reinforced silk and linen knit
seamless, double sole, too una fiign
spliced doublo heel. They save darning
and aro guaranteed to give three times
1 hp wear of nnv other hosiery, the
snmo in children's with elastic top
doublo knee, sole, heel and toe, plain or
ribbed, line, medium or heavy quality,
guaranteed fastoolor, nnd warranted not
to crock. Tho retail value of these hose
is 2oc. per pair. Wo will not send more
than 4 pair each Indies' or children's to
ououeiTon. Atrial wear of these will
convince vou of thoir merits. For 50e
wo will send, postpaid, one trial pair of
our ladies' Hue silk hose, in shades of
pink, gold, white, black, blue, cardinal
or lavender. This is a special trial offer.
If vou are not satisfied wfth them after
trial wear we will refund your money.
If you are pleased with them and wish
more, insist on your local dealer pro
curing them for you, and insist 011 him
ccttiiiL' our Empire brand hosiery. Write
us to-day, mentioning this paper, as
this offer is limited. A beautiful little
booklet, telling how our hosiery is made,
mailed freo to you on request. Address
this way.
100 and 103 Fulton St., New Vork City,
The operation of through trains lie
tween 'San lfrancisco and Los Angeles,
via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin
'on Sunday, March 31, 1001 on the lie
Coast Lino two through trains daily.
Tho Coast Line Limited leaving each
terminal In the morning, equipped
with elegant cafe and parlor cars, will
make daylight trips through the most
picturesque, varied nnd entertaining
scenes on the continent. Inquire of
agents of the Southern Pacific.
Notably among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in the variety of its in
dustries, in itn prolific vegetation and
among its numberless resorts of moun
tain, shore, valley and plain.
The two daily Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but th low rates of fare will still eiTct.
Illustrated gu'des to tho Winter re
sorts of ilif r i itil Arizona maybe
had on application to
C. H. Mahkuaji, G A.,
Portland, Oregon.
So sure aro wo that tho locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develop
Int6 numerous iiles of our Belts and
Appliances, that we aro willing to send
0110 free tojany sufferer from the follow
ing diseases:' Cold extremities, Cryeto
celq, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leueorrhea, Liver complaint.
Paralysis, Lost vitality, Norvousdehllity,
Pelf n'buse. Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak nnd Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impotency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for Illustrated circular, etc.,
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., tluttlo
Creek. MInhigun.
T. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga.,
suffered fpr six mouths with a frightful
running soro on his leg; but writes that
Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
in five days. For Ulcers, 'Wounds,
Pil h, It's the best salve in tho world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by
Benson- Diil'O Co.
President McKinley will stop at Sa
lem May 22d, and Portland Muy 2Al.
The Southern Pacific announces n rate
of ono faro for tho round trip to Salt in
from stations between Tumor and Rose
burg, and to Portland, from stations bo
tween Turner and Rieburg. Excursion
tickets will be on sale for trains arriv
ing at Salem or Portland on the morning
of May 22d, and leaving name evening
or following morning." "The reception
exercises havo been so plnnm-d as to
givgns. many napossiblo an opportunity
to seo and hear t,ho president." Tho
committee of' arrangements will spare
no effort to make tho occasion a memor
able one." .
men" to travel and advertise' forold estab
lished house of solid financial standing.
Salary' $780 il year and expenses, all
payable in cash. No canvassing re
quired. Give references and cncloso
Belt . jiddressfdstHiiiped envelope. Ad
dress Manager, 355 Oaxtou Dldg. Chicago.
Here is a chance to get your boy
into n nnyitiK business on n small
crpitnl. I have a choice lot of high
gtvide Belgian Hares that I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There
is no need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
hero at home. Lord Britain, Sir
Styles, b'ashodn, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable stratus ntc in
stock. V. A. Rankin, Eugene.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that tho part
uersliip lately suiHlstlng iietwcon us,
tho undersigned, W, 1). (.ittrmiin and R.
V. Newlaud. carrying 011 business at
Cottage Grove. Oregon, under tho firm
name and style of tiarinan it XOwhind,
was on tho SUtli i(ay of April, Itioi, dis
solved by mutual consent, and Unit (lie
business", In future, will bjcarriedou by
liarman t Humciiway Matnos Hemen-
way having purchased the partnership
Interest of R. W. Rowland) who- will
pay hud illschargo all outstanding debts
and obligations, and collect ami receive
all moneys ravaost to tnu saw lato iirm
of Garlutiif & Newlnnd.
Dated April Jfilh.liWI.
It. Y. MKWt.Asn,
Jamkh Hemkxway.
Land Ofilce ut Roscburg, Oregon,
May 2, llfOI.
Notice is hereby civeu that the follow-
inu-mimetl settler has lllcd notice of his
intcittiou to make dual proof in suimort
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before .Mario 1,. ware, U.S.
missioner, at Eugene, Oiegou,nu Juno
15. 1001. viz: Koiiort U. Tiipmnu on Ids
11. E. No. 10(111 for thoSkNE id &.
S K NW M Sec. 2 T. 24 S., R. t East.
ii names the following witnesses to
nrovo his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said laud, viz:
Robert Simp-ou. William M. Abbott.
Samuel L.Carson, George E. Thomp
son, of Cottage (.irove, Oregon.
J. 1. jmiuqks, iicgiKtor.
Land Ofilce at Roscburg, Oregon,
May 2, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
inu-named Peltier has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that wiiil proof will be
made before Marie L. Ware U. S. Cum
ini?sloner at Eugene, Oregon, on June
1001, viz: William is. Aiiliotton his
. E. No. 10013 for the SW H Seo. 2
Tp 21 S., R. 1 East
lie names I lie following witnesses to
nrovo Ins continuous residence 11 Don
and cultivation of said laud, viz:
Robert G. Tupiuan, Samuel L. Car
son, UeorgeE. Thompson, Robert Simp
son, of Cottage Orovo. Uregon.
J. T. 1Ihiixii:h, Register.
Land Ofilce at Rogcburg. Oregon.
May 2. 1001.
Notice is hereby given that the foilow-
inc-uaiiied settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made uelore .Mime W are U . 6. Uom
missioner, at Eugene, Oregon, 011 June
15, 1001. viz: Kouert bimproiion Ins II.
E. No. 10612 for the SEW Sec. 2 Tp. 24
S.. R. 1 East.
He names the following witnesses to
Drove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Robert U. '1 iiipiiiiin, illiam B.
Abbott, Samuel L. Carson, George E.
lhoiupson, of LotUio liiove, Uriuou.
.j. 1. iHiipciKH, Kcgieter.
Land O.lice at Roaoburg, Oregon,
Aprili, 1001.
Notice ia nerohy uiven that tho follow-
ing-iiatiicd settler has 11 ld notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
made before Mario 1. w are, U. h. Com
missioner nt Eugene, Oregon, on May
18, 1001, viz: Ueonse E. Taylor, on H .
E. 7487 for the E. SEltf. NW $ SE4
NE M SW M Sec. 35. Tp. JI S. It. 1 E.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Andrew D. Taylor, Donald At wood, of
Cottage Grove, Oregon, W arren Holland,
of Eugene, Oregon, Peter L. Johnston,
of Junction, Oregon.
J. T. BniDdus, Regibtcr.
United States Laud Office,
Rosebuic. Ore.. March 20. 1001.
A sufficient contest atlidavit having
been filed in tins omco uy .Martin
Huugenson, contestant, against the
homestead entry No. 0071. made May.
22. 1001, for the SW li, Section 12, Town
ship 21 S, Range 1 West, by John Cur
ran Contestee, in which it ia alleged
that the said Curran has never placed
any improvements upon tho land, nor
resided then-on, but has wholly aban
doned the same, and that this alleged
ubsRiice from the land was not duo to
his employment In the Army, Navy, or
tho Marino Corps of tho United States
as a private soldier, ofilcer, seaman, or
marine, during tho war with Spain, or
durlnir any oilier war iu which tho
United States may bo engaged, said
.(. 1 l... ,xlft,wl tr.
parlies nru iiuruoy uubiiiwii i nfjiviii,
romiondiind offer evidence touching said
nllixriiiloii at 10 o'clock a. 111,011 May 13,
1001. before tho Register ami Receivor
of the United Statea Land ofilce, at
Roseburg, Oregon.
Tlio aaiil contestant having, iu n
nmnnr affidavit, filed March 28. 1001.
set forth facta which show that afterduo
diligence personal service of this notice
can not uo munj, t in ;
and directed that such notico bo given
by duo and proper publicutiot).
,f, T. BitfDOKS. Register.
J. H. Boom, Reccivor.
wanted. Capa bio, reliable person In
every county to represent large company
of solid financial reputation ; 0,1O salary
por vear, paVablu weekly j f3 perday ab
solutely bum and all expenses; straight,
bona-fldo salary, no commission i salary
paid each Saturday and oxponso money
advanced each week. STANDARD
HOUSE, 331 Djjaiiuoun St., CniCAao.
' i i i ' " . i !- -
Collase Grove
We arc now prepared to furnish
all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door nnd
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made nnd
repajred. We will also work Moor
ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or
size Studding, etc.
Trains leave Cottage Grovo
land and way stations at '':M
1:21 pin.
(or Port
a m n ud
Lv l'ortlaiid
8:.'IOa m
" Cottsco Grovo 'J:f)7ini
A r Ashland 1!2:&5h m
" Sacramento 5:10 j in
" Sail Krnncisco 7.1ft p in
' Ogden -1 tW a m
"Denver l :30 am
" Kansas city 7 'Mi a m
" Chicago 712 a m
" Us AngclcH L:lH)pm
" Kl l'a 0:00iim
"Fort Worth 0:80 am
" City of Mexico ll:!)n m
" Houston 7:00 a tu
" New Orleans (l:K0pm
" Washington (1:12 a m
" .o York 12:10 p m
I'ullman mid Tourists car's
ii'iin i
it 'mi nil
V"." ' '
II. -80 a in
7:00 ti m
o a in
12:10 pin:
trniiis. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden
and Kl I'aso, and tourint earn to Chicago
St Louis, New Orleans and Washington.
Cotiiiectiin: nt San I'liincisco with the
several steamship lines (or Honolulu,
Japan, China, I'hilliplnes, Central and
South America.
Seo acent at Cottage Giovo station, or
C. H. M.wikuam, G 1'. A.
Portland. Ori-gou.
Ua if Hall Ua
1 r.l-AKT Time Schedules Ahiuvis
Vhlfif(- Fatt Ijiko. I enver. Kl. -Ijna
I'urilnnit Worth, Dumb, Kn-
l"UI city, St. J'Uli,
g:liiii I hlri:c nil ttat.
Atlanlla lt Ijiko, Penver. rt. S:Uain
KxprcM Worth, llmoh,Kn-
9.rn City. Bt. IjuIh,
VIn lluiit- ChleHg-o and i Ml.
' lliijtiiii
Spokane Wnlla Wntla. lata
njcr ton, Hixikiinc. Mln
Ciim iieall, 8t. l'AUl,
I ninth, MllnnnL'ee,
ChlvAKo mid i:ut.
Spill OCBAK MTBAHi'llirs 4 p IO
All Milling ilme (ab
ject to ohalnro.
ForSim Frnnelwo
Hnll every jdiiyi
Dally Kx. t'oiuwau ItlVEB .. '' !'
Snmlay Kieamkbs Kx.Hunil'y
Hatnrilay ToAHorlu anil Way.
10 pin Landing.
CainKx. Wilumeitk lltvita -llSOpni
Sunday. Oregon Cttr.Newborr Kx.Suna'y
Salem unit Woy-I-und-fng.
7am Wiixamkttb anii SiSOp m
Tnei.lhnr. Yamhill IIivkbh JIoii. e1.
and Hat. Oregon City, Payton and rl.
unil Wiiy-Landlmni.
Invo Snakb IIivkh IxxiVO
lllparla Itliurla to l.ewlsum. I.ovriU)n
81a m lluiit
Dally 0m
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
vioit DR. JORDAN'S great
(llilvMn fill lb ud StTMlhJ
ThtlarMtAoalomlcal Iluteum
In the Wond.
Orfal'it altrarttrm in tlit Cltv. A
timulerui iluhtjar vttUori.
WvaUnefeBCN, or Miy contract x
fddlMiuo,f,IUTl7rurvlly 9
the olUt-t finf-clHll.ton tho I'ucllio
Coust. JCitabllAlied 3d yari. a
"Yttuna mpii and uildclla
nirill Hint who urn autrprinir .
(rum Ihu t'lfrcu of youlbfiil Indlif i
crvimiis or hcthwh hi maiurer .
yeara, riorvoiiauiin pnrtiau iiiiiiiij,ibii.
piXKIICT, J.Ot DlllJlllUOll llllllllHCODipll.
CHIKIII'I, nfivi uii.ri-iiu.-i., iir
rliirn. Clfnrrliei. iilvel. Krnufii4'y '
r Urliiutlnir. elo. Ily h combination of I
remniliuN.of tfrttut curiitlvi, pow pr. the Doctor 1
i lianaonrriiiued bis tmulmfiit Hint It will not ,
' only utrord fmmidlate rlle, but permanfriit t
I mlrnHiHi. hut Ii. witll knoivn to be a fulr and i
. munre 1'liynlclnn und Hurgfon, itro-ombitul '
( la nn.ptciaiiy jii'nf 01 nin, i
. WVI'IIH.IH thnrniwhlr prnrtlcn ted from '
I tue aytiom wiinnm inouaeoiivi-i-Mrr. I
Ti'umah flttpd hv an Exnert. llndlcnl 1
enre for Itiiluro. A quick and rwllail i
cure 'or lllr. rinNiiro and VI tin I is, by '
I Dr. Jordan's ipcclal nalnlrra melhoda. ,
' EVKItV HAS applylntrtouawlllrecclTe
our Ivmril opinion ul blacnniplaliir. A
' We will buaranltt a POSITIVE CUSE In V
oiuiiaua VJiitr reahonahlu.
n'roiitmont nerHonally or by letter.
Wrllo for Roolc. I'lMI.OSOJ'IIT OP '
I muiiiAHE. Maii.uii 1'ukk. (Avulaaule
boolcrorinen.1 tmiuc wn
DR. JORDAN & CO., 1 0BI Market St, . r.
irosiuem. viiicr. i i j
Tlio First National Bank
Cottac.k Ghovh, OkM.
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Moncyto loan on npproved security.
KxclimiRcs sold, avn.lln.ble any
place iu the United States.
Vonr HuhIhchn in Solicited.
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and Splendid Residences.
J.otn on principal ImhIhchii nt recta.
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Abstract of title secured and unrnutecd.
Information as to the laws govcrtiiuj; the disposal of Kovcrnnicnt
How to secure homesteads, timber lands, mining claims, etc.
Propet ty for sale published weekly.
COTTAGU GUOV15 Sh the second city in I.nne county, OrcKon
Has a population of nbout 1 200. The center of the fritr points of the
icompnss wncu ti comes to ingress or egress.' Uoliemia with its vast
8-10 n 1 ,ninillK resources only thirty-live miles south enst, with n good wagon
2-0d a m roni1 kn(,ing from the S. P. U. R. depot right here iu town. Prospect
J2:3ft p in I ive railroad to the mines. The Const Fork of the Willamette river, on
6:00 a nt 1 which nre situated the lllnck 'Htttte quicksilver mines sixteen miles south
7 -oo "i ill ' flmvs t,ir0llKn 1,10 "'iter of the city, furnishing nlmiidnnt water facilities'
i) 15 ii m i 11 9-"ly ''e nnd n half to its confluence with Row river, the outlet
7:2r, a m . of the great timber ranges to:thc south cast. Westward toward the
8:80 p in ! const range is aii inc.xhnttsthblc supply of timber, interspaced with mi.
K. (V, in r.. i i ii i i ....! .' . ..... .
" nun cuiii vntcd.
Not th or south from hereon the S. P. railroad you cat
n l l o.... t ! i t. . !.. . ...i.i. .. . .
Portland or ban lrauctsco and he iu
;short "notice
' WnlVr works iu full operation.
tST The best agricultural lands iti Lane county lie in the vicinity
surrounding Cottage Grove on eitherside, fit for farming or stock raising.
Correjpoudcncc solicited. v
A. 1 ew 'of. ovit Bargains::
1120 ftft'front on north Hide of Miiln
j Mrt'i't, by nlMiiit 1100 ft-vt dt-t-p. hoiiudnl
. hy rh'i-r on tho n-irlh. Hoiim of nt-vt'ii
I roomf, Imrn nnd out iKiiifif . TIiIh Ik tho
I lxit Oiii-l tiei-H l(M.iitiuit in Cottii'u Urove.
I lrli ft2 100.00.
I 2 A now two Mory rc'ltli'iice, hIx,
rooiiiH, ihx'lor h olllco, tviiii'ot. Iloor with
driven well Inridi' of hitimo. (U) fret fiout
; on louth dldunf Miiln ctrt i't by 107 feet
ilt'i'p. Aclj'ilnlni: M K p:ili6iiu;u. A
very iittntutivu phieo $1700,
3 A two Htorv llnulv IIiiIhIiiiI Iioiihc. I
! eichs iimmiii, liiiilirnoiii nnd oiithniiiieM. I
! Splendid locution, two loin in lny nnd
Im den ii ) 1 1 1 ! in In tfoiithiintt Cottiiuo:
, i h.l.... .i.inj
uruve. j,i-.M.--u.
4 Two torv dwellinix Iioium. ten
nx mix, hrlck fruit Iioiihi-, fr.dl treen, IH)
feet front on nortli Mile of Alum nlm-t liy
.iiv luei tii'i'p, turner pruperiv. .
lociilhm for u hotel, l'riie $2750,
r A two utory line, nlnioxt nowdnull
injt hoiiKi', It room, Imrn nnd outlioiiKt
eouipleto, thren lolc A Hplendld oi
chiird of voiiiik lioarinc tni-H, toguther
with Knipp mid viirloiiM kind of hertlc.
Kituiiliit in )muu unil Lundi-M nddillou
In HoulheiiHt ColtiiKoOrovo. l'rlru $1200.
A oikI huvlneiis pluee.somhsMtiMiilu
Street. tOOO.
Two story dwelllni:, two lot", ple:idld
locution on weHtidde. ''Prico fHOO.
One hundred acres Improved hind Ad
joining county roHiI oiuMiiiartcr of u milo
went of Cot jnuo Grovo, lyinc iti a tnuit
The practical nido of
A monthly publication of incstimablo valuo to tho student of every day
scicntifio problems, tlio mechanic, tho industrial export, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to every wide-awako person who hopes to better his
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher nnd friend. Nothing of importanco
escapes tho vigilant eyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pre
sented in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may tako titno to read
and comprehend. Tho scientific and industrial progress of tlio ago is accur
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tlio country that prints tho official news of tlio U. S. Patent
Oflico and tho latest dovolopements in tlio field of invention without Iva
or favor. . suiiscwi'tiojt rnicu one dollar vsn teak.
THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Mel.
I'letol With two 3tivp-C)uiuond HccclTmoi
X lengtha of barrel, a ami 10
ono auarantccil. I'rlce, 1'ontnalll, SS.00 with
O-inch barrel t S7SO with 10
Wo make a full lino of rlflcx Price, from $0.00
upwards. Every arm wo turn out is warranted
N. D. HARDY? Mgr.
Newly Furnished and up
to date in all Respects.
A trial will convince you tlintottr
Mcnls, Beds nnd Service ntc the
Best In the City.
Main St., near depot,
Cottaok Ghovh, Orjioon,
can rench cither
touch with the
whole world on
Klectric lights nnd telephone system
north nnd hoiiIIi.
pwal now two Hlnry dwelling hounc in
thl'urimliiK' town of tiiiuhmw. Two lulu
i-iiflcwid, Kuvciuy fiwit front. Koup
ro nw, npliMiiIld WHlur fiiullltlw. Prli-o
Tivoi-ph'tidld lotn on KtTond iitrcft In
Cottupa rove. I'rliv f'210.
:i0Of(M-hy 100 feet In u Hiitmrlwi. Ioch
lion. Niituriil Hprlii, oak trifc, nil ml
jolnlni.' f.Kit hllU In vct CoIIuku tlrovc.
rrliv tlUX).
Two IdU in hlook 20, Iuik A Utue
mlillllon. 05 by 100 fvut nt'imnittiy.
Prli'i $175.
A llni'ly lliiifliol two Morv (Iwelllnj:
hoii". ten room, Imtli riKiui, ifincnt
"tono relliir, witter mid eleetrln IhfhlH,
, 1 ",llu w" "roimnn on loiirtli nlreet
Hiljolnlnu' river In renr, nenr ChrlHihiii
rmireii, im ii tiarn iiiuloiilhuiiseH. I'riiu
Two gooil lota nenr mllrond 100 feet
vqititrv. Prieofk'ti.
I'nrinliit' IhikI, well improved, 1 milo
from CotlHKo (liovo.ndjolnlnK the eoiiu
ty roud, In true In from It to 100 were.
If you wiiut it hitiKulii look thlH up.
HplendidcottnKOOii Fourth street ,$760.
Look this up If you want u luirgaiii in i
Ono hundred iicren of Improved land
Ivlnu In n tmet ent nnd wmt irilhin t
quti ter of n milo of Cottiigo Urove, ml
joining county roud.
soienoo Is rofloctod in
inches. JZverti
- lnch barrel.
citirnnrn uir i m a ?? V-