Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 17, 1901, Image 6

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    KHOM if
CHAPTER M.-tContlnurd.)
At last Frank, pullltiK the old blue
Jacket from under his hrnd und passing
It to Mary, said: "TnVe It to Hill Hender
be offered me a alilllliiK for It, and a
shilling will bur milk for Allle and crack-
era for mother take lu
"No, Franky," answered Mary, "you
would bare no pillow; besides, I've sot
something more valuable, which I can
sell. I've kept It long, but it must go to
keep us from starving" and she held to
view the golden locket which Ueorge
Moreland had thrown around her neck.
"Vou ahan't sell that," said Frank,
"You must keep It to remember George:
and then, too, you may want it more some
other time."
Mary finally yielded the point, and
gathering up the crumpled Jacket started
In quest of Billy Bender. He was a
kind-hearted boy, two years older than
Frank, whom he had often befriended
and shielded from the jeers of their com
panions. lie did not want the jacket, for
It waa a vast deal too small; and it was
only in reply to a proposal from Frank
that be should buy it that he had casual
ly offered him a shilling. But now, when
he saw the garment, and learned why it
was sent, he Immediately drew from his
old leather wallet a Quarter, all the
money he had in the world, and giving
it to Mary, bade her keep It, as she would
need It all.
Half an hour after a cooling orange
-waa held to Frank's parched lips, and
.Mary said, "Drink, brother; I've got two
more, besides some milk and bread," but
the ear she addressed was deaf and the
eye dim with the fast-falling shadow of
death. "Mother! mother!" cried the lit
tle girl, "Franky won't drink, and his
forehead Is all sweat."
.Mrs. Howard had been much worse
that day, but agony made her strong.
Springing to his side, she wiped from
hit brow the cold moisture which had
so alarmed her daughter, chafed his
hands and feet, and bathed his head, un
til he seemed better and fell asleep.
Fast the shades of night came on, and
when alt was dark in the sick room Mary
sobbed out, "We have no candle, moth
er. and If I go for one, and he should
lle "
The sound of her voice aroused Frank,
and feeling for his sister's hand, he said,
"Don't go, Mary: don't leave me the
moon Is shining bright, and I guess I can
find my way to God just as well.
Nine ten eleven and then through
the dingy windows the silvery moonlight
fell, as If indeed to light the way of the
early lost to heaven. Mary had drawn
her mother's lounge to the aide of the
trundle bed, and in a state of almost per
fect .exhaustion Mrs. Howard lay gasp
ing for breath, while Mary, as If con
scious of the dread reality about to oc
cur, knelt by her side. Once Mrs. How
ard laid her hands on Mary's head, and
prayed that she might be preserved and
kept from harm by the God of the or
phan, and that the sin of disobedience
resting on her own bead might not be
visited upon her child.
After a time a troubled sleep came up
on her and she slept until roused by a
low sob. Raising herself up, she looked
anxiously toward her children. The
moonbeams fell upon the white, placid
face of Frank, who seemed calmly sleep
ing, while over him Mary bent, pushing
back from his forehead the thick clus
tering curls, and striving hard to smoth
er her sobs, so that they might not dis
turb her mother.
"Does he sleep?" asked Mrs. Howard,
and Mary, covering with her hands the
tfnee of him who slept, answered;
"Turn away, mother don't look at
him. Franky Is dead. He died with his
arms around my neck, and told me not
to wake you."
Mrs. Howard was in the last stages of
consumption, and now she lay back, half
fainting upon her pillow. Toward day
light a violent coughing fit ensued, and
she knew that she was dying. Beckoning
Mary to her side, she whispered, "I nm
leaving you alone in the wide world. Bo
kind to Ella and our dear little Allle,
and go with her where she goes. May
God keep and bless you my precious chil
dren and reward you as you deserve, my
darling "
The sentence was unfinished, and in
unspeakable awe the orphan girl knelt
between her mother and brother shud
dering in the presence of death, and
then .weeping to think that she was alone.
Just on the jorner'of Chlcopce Com
mon, and under the shadow of the century-old
elms which skirt the borders of
the grass plat called by the villagers the
"Mali," stands the small red cottage of
Widow Bender, who in her way was
quite a curiosity. All the "ills which flesh
is heir to" WUow Bender, If she could
ascertain the symptoms, was sure to have
In the most aggravated form.
On the morning following the events
narrated in the last chapter Billy, whose
dreams had been disturbed by thoughts
of Frank, arose early, determined to call
at Mrs. Howard's and seo if they were
in waut of anything. Hut his mother,
who bad heard rumors of the scarlet fe
ver, was up before him, and on descend
ing to the kitchen Billy found her sitting
before a blazing fire her feet in hot wat
er nnd her bead thrown back In a manner
plainly showing that something new had
taken hold of her in good earnest.
"Oil, William," said she, "I've lived
. through a sight, but my time has come at
' last. .Such a pain in my head and stom
ach. I do believe I've got the scarlet
fever, and you must run for the doctor,
"Scarlet foverl" repeated Billy', "why,
you're bud It once, and you can't have it
again, can you?"
"Oh, I don't know I never was like
anybody else and can have anything a
dozen times. Now bo spry and fetch the
doctor; but before you o hand me my
snuff box nnd put the cauHstcr top heapln'
full of tea Into the teapoJ,V
lllll obeyed, nnd then, Knowing that
the green tea would reinoVohls mother's
nllment he hurried away toward Mrs,
Howard's. The sun was just rising
Within the cottage there was no sound or
token of life, and. thinking its inmates
were nsleep, Billy paused several min
utes upon the threshold, fearing that he
should disturb their slumbers. At last,
with a vague presentiment that all was
not right, he raised the latch and enter
ed, but Instantly started back in aston
ishment at the scene before him. On the
thundlo bed lay Frank, cold and dead
and near him. In the same long, dream
less sleep, was his mother, while between
them, with one arm thrown lovingly
across her brother's neck, and her cheek
pressed against his, lay Mary her eye
lids moist with tears which, though sleep
lag, she still shed. On the other side of
Frank, and nestled so closely to him that
her warm breath lifted the brown curia
from his brow, was Ella. But there were
no tear stains on her face, for she did not
yet know how bereaved she waa.
For a moment Billy stood Irresolute,
and then, ns Mary moved uneasily In her
slumbers, he advanced a step or two to
ward her. The noise aroused her, and
Instantly remembering and comprehend
Ing the whole, she threw herself with a
bitter cry Into Billy's extended arms, as
If he alone were all the protector she now
had In the wide, wide world, Ere long
Ella, too, awoke, and the noisy outburst
which followed the knowledge of her loss
made Mary still the agony of her own
heart in order to soothe the more violent
grief of her excitable sister. Billy'
tears were flowing, too but at length
rising up, he said to Mary, "Something
must be done. The villagers must know
of It, and I shall have to leave you alone
while I tell them."
In half an hour from that time the
cottage was nearly filled with people,
some of whom came out of Idle curiosity,
But there were others who went there
for the sake of comforting the orphans
and attending to the dead, and by noon
the bodies were decently arranged for
There will be no trouble," said one, "in
finding a place for Ella, she Is so bright
and handsome; but as for Mary, I am
afraid she'll have to go to the poorhouse."
ere I in a condition to take either.
replied Mrs. Johnson, "I should prefer
Mary, for in my estimation she Is much
the best girl; but there is the baby, who
must go wherever Mary does, unless she
can be persuaded to leave her.
Before anyone could reply to this re
mark Mary, who had overheard every
word, came forward, and, laying her
face on Mrs. Johnson's lap. sobbed out.
"Let me go with Alice; I told mother I
. Billy Bender, who all this while had
been standing by the door, started for
home, never once thinking, until he
reached It. that bis mother more than
sir hours before, bad sent him In great
baste for the physician. On entering the
house he found her, as he expected, rolled
up in bed, apparently in the last stage of
scarlet fever; but before she could re-
Droach him he said. "Mother, have you
heard the news?"
Mrs. Bender had a particular love for
news, and now forgetting "how near to
death's door" she had been, she eagerly
demanded, "What news? What has happened?"
When Billy told her of the sudden
deaths of Mrs. Howard and Frank, an
expression tff "What? That all?" passed
over her face, and she said, "Dear me.
my snuff, Billy. Both died last night, did
they? Hain't you nothln else to tell?"
"Yes. Mary Judson and Ella Campbell,
too, are dead."
Sirs. Bender, who, like many others,
courted the favor of the wealthy and
tried to fancy herself on Intimate terms
with tbein, no sooner heard of Mrs.
Campbell's affliction than her own dan
gerous symptoms were forgotten, and,
springing up, she exclaimed, "Ella Camp
bell dead! -Wbat'll her mother do? I
must go to her right away. Hand me my
double gown there in the closet, and give
me my lace cap in the lower drawer, and
mind you have the teakettle blled agin I
get back."
"Before you go anywhere, suppose you
stop at Mrs. Howard's and comfort poor
Mary, who cries all the time because she
and Alice have got to go to the poor
house." "Of course they'll go there, and they
ort to be thankful they've got so good a
"I want to ask you." said Billy, "can't
we couldn't you take them for a few
days, and perhaps something may turn
"William Bender," said the highly as
tonished lady, "what cau you mean? A
poor, sick woman like me, with ouo foot
in the grave, take the charge of three
pauper children! I sba'n't do it, and you
needn't think of it."
"But, mother," persisted Billy, who
could generally coax her to do as he liked,
"it's only for a few days, and they'll not
be much trouble or expeOsp, for I'll work
enough harder to mako it up."
"I haw said no once, William Bender,
and when I say no, I mean no," was the
Billy knew she would be less decided
the next time the subject was broached,
so for the present he dropped it, and tak
ing his cap be returned to Mrs. How
ard's, while his mother started for Mrs.
Next morning between tlio hours of 0
nnd 10 the tolling bell scut forth its sad
summons, and ere long a few of the vil
lagers were moving toward the brown
cottage, where In the same plain codm
slept tho mother and her only boy. Near
them sat Ella, occasionally looking with
childish curiosity at the strangers around
her, or leaning forward to peep nt the
tips of the new morocco shoes nhlrh Mrs.
Johnson had kindly given Ivr; then, wbeli
her eyes fell upon the coUIti, she would
burst Into such an agony of weeping that
many o( the villagers nlso wept In sym
pathy, and as they stroked her soft hair,
thought, "how much more she loved her
mother than did Mary," who, without n
tear upon her check, sat there lmmova-
' ble, rating fixedly upon th marble face
of her mother, Alice was not present.
for Billy had not ouly succeeded lu win
ning his mother a consent to take the chil
dren for a few days, but ho had alsu
ennxed her to say that Alice might com
oefore tho funeral, on condition that ht
would remain at home and take cure of
Scarcely three hours bad passed since
the dark, moist earth was heaped upon
tho humble grave of the widow and her
son, when again, over the village of Chic-
opee, floated the notes of the tolling hell,
and Immediately crowds of pcoptu, with
seemingly eager haute, hurried toward
the Campbell mansion, which was soou
nearly filled.
On a marble table In the same room lay
the handsome rotlln. aud In It slept young
Ella. Gracefully her small waxen hands
were folded one over the other, while
white, halt-opened roaebuds were wreath
ed among the curls of her hair. "Sho Is
too beautiful to die, and the only child,
too," thought more than one as they look
ed first at tho sleeping clay and then at
the stricken mother, who, draped In deep
est black, sobbed convulsively. And yet
she was not one-half so desolate as was
the orphan -Mary, who In Mrs. Bender's
kitchen sat weeping over her sister Alice,
and striving to form words of prayer
which ahould reach the God of tho father
My mother, oh! my mother," she cried, I
as she stretched her hands toward ths ,
clear blue sky, now that mother's homo..
Why didn't I die. too?"
Ailvstitniivs, of tlio New l.tuc, Which
Opens u Vast Territory Tho Tlmb of
it Journey Around the World Wilt
Now lie Cut In Two,
Russia's Mnnchoorliiii brunch of tlio
Siberian railway bnti been practically
completed, says United .States Consul
Smith at Moscow. Tills Indicates that
Russia has not allowed tlio Boxer up
rising seriously to retard tlio work of
constructing lior railroad throuuh Chi
nese territory to tlio Ico-frco port ut
Port Arthur, ami It nlso Indicates that
the longest railroad In tlio world Is
nearltig completion, to provide an all
rail route from Europe to tlio Orient.
This work has beeu going forward for
ten years under tlio direct control of the
Russian government, and wlillu It lias
met inaiiy apparently Insurmountable
dllllenltlea the resources of tlio Cxars
government have been equal to over
coming them.
Ten years ago, wlillo tlio rest of the
world wan rending about Siberia ns a
penal colony to which were banished
the nihilists, tho Czar of Russia was be
ginning tho construction of tlio great-
There was a step upon the grass, and lest railroad lu tho world. In Mny, 1801,
looking up, Mary saw standing near hor
Mrs. Campbell's English girl, Hannah.
She had always evinced a liking for Mrs.
Howard's family, and now after finishing
her dishes, and trying in vain to speak
a word or consolation to ner mistress,
who refused to be comforted, she had
stolen away to Mrs. Bender's, ostensibly
to sec all the orphans, but In reality to
see Ella, who had always been her favor
The sight of Mary's grief touched Han
nah'a heart, and sitting down by the lit
tle girl she tried to comfort her. Mary
felt that her words and manner were
prompted hy real sympathy, nnd after a
time she grew calm, and listened whilo
Hannah told her that "as soon as her
mistress got so anybody could go near
her, she meant to ask her to take hlla
Howard to fill the place of her own
They look as much alike as two
beans." said she. "and s'postn' Ella How
nrd ain't exactly her own flesh cud blood.
she would grow Into liking her, I know."
Thnt night after her return home Han
nah lingered for a long time about tho
parlor door, glancing wistfully toward
her mistress, who reclined upon the sofa
with her face entirely hidden by her
cambric handkerchief.
"It's most too soon. I guess," thought
Hannah. "I'll wait till to-morrow."
Accordingly next morning, when, as sho
had expected, she was told to carry her
mistress' toast and coffee to her room,
she lingered for awhile, and seemed so
desirous of speaking that Mrs. Campbell
asked what she wanted.
Why, you see, ma'am. I was going to
say a word auout anoui inai youngest
Howard girl. She s got to go to the poor-
house and It's a pity, she's so ,handsomo.
Why couldn t she come here and IIve7
I'll take care of her, and 'twouldn't bo
nigh so lonesome."
At this allusion to her bereavement
Mrs. Campbell burst Into tears, and mo
tioned Hannah from the room.
I'll keep at her till I fetch it about,"
thought Hannah. But further persuasion
from her was rendered unnecessary, lor
Mrs. Lincoln called that afternoon, and
after assuring her friend that she never
before saw one who was so terribly af
flicted, casually mentioned the Howards,
and the extreme poverty to which they
were reduced.
Here Mrs. Campbell commenced weep
ing, and as Mrs. Lincoln soon took her
leave she was left alone for several
hours. At the end of that time, impelled
by something she could not resist, she
rang the bell and ordered Hannah to go
to Mrs. Bender's and bring Ella to her
room, as she wished to see bow she ap
(To he continued.;
the present Czar, then tlio Czarowltz,
waa In Vladivostok, nnd drove the llrst
spike In the rond begun from the east
ern coast, which was to be built west
to Join with the rond under construction
from the Urnl mountains enst through
Southern Siberia.
The subject of the building of a rail
road across Siberia had been under
consideration nnd discussion In Rimsln
for ninny years, but It did not take
definite shape until the success of the
transcontinental roads In tho United
Stntcs hml been nssurcd. Russian
stntesfnen watched with engcr Interest
the construction of these trnnscotitl-
division of tho Trans-Siberian railroad,
Is l,U7i! miles, of which 1)15 miles U In
Chinese territory. It makes Port Ar
thur tlio eastern terminus of tlio road,
This port Is one of tho most vnltitfhlo
in uuinu, opening on tlio iimr of l'o
chill, within easy reach of Tleti-UIn mid
Peltln, It In an Ico-frco port, aud when
within another year or two Russia com
plctcs tho Hectlon of road between 1
Ictitsk aud (ho Amur river, the Czar will
have a military road which will carry
his troops from St. Petersburg to Port
Arthur In ten days, wlillo tho other nil
tloiiB of Europe will have to follow the
old biier. canal route, which consume
from thirty to forty dnys,
Hut Russia had other and even great
er atubltlouH In building tills rond, aud
those who are studying tlio commercial
relations; with China nro Impressed
with the business foresight of the Czar
Alexnnder, who planned tho enterprise,
Thnt It will save from twenty to thlr
ty days travel between Kuropo and
Chlnn Is tho best Indication that the
road will draw to It tho travelers who
go to tho Orient on bindncwi. for time In
money. Consul Monnghan says that In
1803 there were SHILtKIS passengers who
went tho Suez route to China nnd Ann
tralln. If one-half of these nro bnsl
ness men. ns Mr. Monaglinn assumes
Uiey will prefer tho cheapest and quick
est route. The ilrst-class faro from
Moscow to Port Arthur will bo Iv
tbau ?30, and the fare from tonilou to
Moscow Is about tho same, making the
railroad fnre from London to Port Ar
thur alwut ?100. A ticket from Jnpnn
vin Jirimusi ami tho Suez cnunl now
costs $428, or more thnn four times n
much ns tlio ticket by rail.
Him Unimex Like it Hlroii.
I helil my breath as I watched tin
gypsy lu the Seville dancing hall; I ful
myself swnylng uiicunsclouoly to the
rhythm of her body, of her beckoning
hntuls, of tho glittering smile that came
nnd went lu her eyes. I seemed to be
Into n shining whirlpool, In
which I turned, turned, hearing the
buzz of the wnler setting over my
1 . . . .
tor,.tsy. coy
Denizen of tho J)ep lhat Ancles for
the I-ood It He von r .
Most remarkable of strange Ashes la
the angler Ash, whose very name scenis
a paradox. The Ashing Ash Is never
theless a reality, and a stern one to nil
that approach thoso awful Jaws of his,
With a body the color of mud, he gen
erally lies In the shadow of some rocli
on the bottom of the sea, waiting mo
tionless for the approach of bis prey.
Ho Ib provided with un odd klud of An
Just over the mouth, and this is held
out in front of him to give warning of
tho coming of something to be Bwnl
lowed. One taken nllve was experi
mented on and It was found thnt If
this. projecting fin was touched with a
stick, even though the Ktlck did not
come near the month, the Jaws closed
convulsively. This shows that the flu,
by some provision of nature, closes the
jaws as soon as It Is touched.
The mouth Is tremendous, growing to
the width of a foot, while the whole
Ash Is only three feet long. One of theso
anglers was cnught not long since and,
although It wns only twcnty-Uvo Inches
long, a fish Afteen Inches long waa
found sticking In Jib throat. The ang
ler Is provided with a peculiar Bet of
teeth, In double or treble rows along
the Jaws and at the entrance of the
throat. Some of these teeth nro a foot
long. He Is not a pretty llsh to look nt,
but he attends strictly to business nnd
will swallow anything thnt touches his
warning An, whether It be meant for
food or not. All kinds of things have
been found in the stomach of anglers,
from bits of lend nnd stono to Ash al
most as largo ns the angler Itself, This
Is without doubt one of tho most pe
culiar nnd Interesting Ash In tho wholo
ocean. i
Clcvjfr: Fonpntaker.
Friend Why do yon dump all the)
dirt Into your sonp kettles?
Soap Manufacturer If folks don't
And Jhe water dirty after wnshln' they
think the soap Is eo good. Now York
Weekly. '
(Colossal Traos-Blberlan railway system from Ml. t'eteraliarg to I'ort Arthur, which
shortened by half the girdling of the globe.)
ncntal roads In America, and when tlio
Union Pacific. Northern Pacific nnd
Southern Pnclflc roads had been built
and put In operation, developjng our
great West and populating It in n com
paratively short time, the Russians con
cluded that they could follow the Amer
ican example with like success.
In 185H there were tJO.000 men at
work on tnls great undertaking, which
was estimated to cost $250,000,000. Tho
world began to reallzo that way off In
Siberia the most gigantic railroad en
terprise had Its theater, and that Rus
sia was doing what no other govern
ment In the world had ever under
taken. ThU road wns to bo nenrly 5,
000 miles long, nnd It wns crossing a
country so llttlo known that any story
of Russian cruelty practiced there
found ready belief. To tho world at
largo Siberia was a land of Ice and
snow, and banished nihilists, but tho
Siberian rallrond promised to develop
new markets for German ns well ns
Russian goods, and It nlso promised an
outlet for the greatest wheat Held In tho
world. People In every country began
to take a new Interest In Siberia.
Opening Up Liberia,
The road was built rapidly, and as
the westeri division was pushed Into
the Ulterior of Siberia It made travel
easier, and the country beenmo better
known. Not only Russians, but other
people, realized tlio future possibilities
of Siberia. It resembled our great
Northwest, with grazing londs for Brent
herds and Aocks, nnd, what was moro
surprising, Immenso tracts of wheat
land to mako tlio country a rival of the
United States and Argentina In supply
ing tho food products of Europe. The
western division of tho Siberian road
was opened to Irkutsk, on Lake Baikal,
In 1808, and trains have been running
from St. Petersburg to that point regu
larly ever since, Tho eastern section
from Vladivostok to Khabnrovska,
whero tho railroad strikes the Ural riv
er, was opened In 1807, nnd It has been
doing a largo business ever since, tho
river being used abovo Khabarovska
to transport passengers nnd freight In
to tho Interior of Slborla from tho Pa
cific const.
In 1800 the Chlnoso Eastern railway
was organized and a secret treaty with
China negotiated. in that year provided
for tho construction of this road across
Manclioorla. Tho Russian government
guaranteed tho resources of the com
pany, Tho total length or tins nrancu
of tho road, for it Is to bo the Eastern
head. The guitar buzzed, buzzed In a
prancing rhythm, the gypsy colled
about the floor In her trailing dress,
never so much ns showing her ankles,
with a rapidity concentrated upon It
self; her hands beckoned, reached out,
clutched delicately, lived to their Anger
tips; her body straightened, bent, the
knees bent and straightened, the hoclr
beat on the floor, currying b6r buck
ward and round; the toes pointed
paused, pointed, aud the body drooped
or rose Into Immobility, a smiling, s!g
nlflcant pauso of the whole body. Then
tho motion began again, more vivid
more restrained, ns If tensed by somr
unseen limits, as If turning upon ItsUf
In the vain dcslro of escape, as If
caught In Its own tolls. Arthur Synion
In London Saturday Review.
Exhilarating Exercise.
To tho unaccustomed a drive In the
automobile coupo In which most vlsl
tors decide to seo Washington, Is ex
hlllaratlng to a degree, Tho man at
tho holm makes a practice of missing
tho wheels of coal carts by n hnlr'.
breadth and of swerving only tho sec
ond beforo It seems that his vehicle
must bo struck by a trolley car.
If It 'were not for tho tacit admission
It would convey that an nutomoblle Is
nothcr overy-day equlpngo at home, tho
femlnlno -visitor to tho Capital would
feel much like leaning from tho window
nnd shouting directions In forcible Eng
lish to the uniformed conchninn. As
It Is, sho calmly keeps her seat and
"Isn't that a pretty hotel?" when
she's passing a park and vice versa.
But when she alights sho docs not fall
to the pavement In a frenzy of prayers
of thanksgiving. Sho's restrained hy
Twentieth Century shame, but hor
gloves nro worn out from the fright grip
her Angers hnvo had of pnch other dur
ing tho ordeal from which sho has Just
been delivered.
A Mnttor of Appnro',
"Then you don't believe that one can
tell character by . physiognomy aud
"No; when a mnn has on his old
shoes it gives him a cringing air."
When a man Is homesick, ho begins
to refer to his old homo as "God's
Time well arranged Indicates a well
ordered mind.
A Well Known lllilo (llllsnn (lured of
Tills Ntiihuiiiii Ailment After Ills
Hytlmii Hexinril lliilely
llriiknii Down.
From llt AViw, ll'invrby, Ohla,
Mr. Nil Potts In a well known oitl
win of Waverly, Ohio, having hcen In
husliiess tliuro for 1-1 yearn. Ho is u
veteran of tlin Mexican war In which
ho nerved with company Jl, of tho
Fourteenth TonnenHco regiment. At
the ago of frllio liourn tlm respect of
all who know him anil tlio, following
experience, related by him, n raised
IhivoiuI all doubt hy tho high charact
er of tho narrator, Ho Hays:
"About seven years ago a dlsenso
fastened iiixin mo which, as it devel
oped, proved to Ixi locomotor ataxia.
I became, very nrvoiiM, could not walk
without having jillzzy spells and did
not sleep well, An tho disease ad
vanced I lost control of my muscles
and could only walk a short liUUtico.
I could not control tho direction of
my steps and wns always afraid of
"This continued until tlio fall of
1897 when thcro was a breaking down
of mv entire system. My stomach
wtiH in hml condition and I millered
greatly with kidney trouble, canned by
iioing thrown out of a buggy.
"About two years ago I saw Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pconlo
advertised in a Cincinnati aor.
The case cured waa similar to initio
and I gnvo the pills a trial. Very
soon after I began taking them I ex-
Mrieuccl relief and, as the Improve
ment continued, 1 took tho pills regu
larly. Gradually tho control of tlm
muscles was restored and my general
health Improved, The dizzy feeling
left mo and has never returned.
I-'roin my own cxiiorionco I know that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a great
remedy and I am pleaNcd to rccoiii
nrud them to any one who sulYors as
Signed. KM POTTS.
HulHorilicd and sworn to lieforo mo
this lth day of November, 1000.
W. 11. A, Hayes,
Feat. Notary Public.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule
People may be obtained at all drug
gists or direct from Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., fc-chenectady, N. v.. on
receipt of price, 50 cents jwr lox ; six
boxes for $2.fi0.
Mitchell Bicycles
S25 - $30 - S35 - $40
IlunlopRircl ltlmi. Full l.lnoof Riimlrlet.
ACctiU Wanted, ffend for CsUloiue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Stayer Co.,
Flint stiil Taylor SU.
"for six Trr I was a vlcllm ofilva.
pepslit In lu worm form i uiiiid rut notlilric
tMiimllk toast, nnd ut times my auimiivli wouM
not retain and dlitmt oven thut. I.ust March I
beuiin taklns CASCAIIKTS ami alum then I
hmostoadllv Improrrd, until 1 am as well as I
eier waa In my life."
imviu ii. auuiriir. Newark. O.
SS TIMOf MASH 10laiIO -g
fleatant. PillnlAltl,,. I'otfint TbaIi, flrwwt. 11a
(food, Nnvftr Hioiimi. Vvenken, or Orlpe 26c. We.
rlU( r-.;, I LI,.,,, Mulrtal, . trl, 111
Mn.Tfl.Pfln Bn,'l miammrol Ir allrtriic-
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrlion Utrot.
Can glvo you tho best bargains In
Itngtios, Plows, Hollers and Engines,
Windmills and Pumps and General
Machinery. Seo us beforo buying.
wL,a.ra.,Ai! PEiNSIOlN
niCKFORD, Washington, 0. C. they will re
cetve nu ck ronlli. li. tih n. II Vni. m.
lOth Corps, I'roiooutlOK claims ilnco M7D,
MMfn psww
W. H. SMITH & 00., Buffalo, H. Y.
vx.1 r.
OUR guarantee!
ON 8ALB KWimmElln. I
A .aJ.TO WS R CP., B 03T0N. MA flX