BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. 'HOWARD - EDITOR. Kntertffttthe polofflc t Cntug Gror,l Oregon i Second Clan mull matter. Milbocrintlon i.rli-. 81.00, 'In mivnnrx. AilvortMnr rt nmi'n known upon prtllrallon. Friday, May 17, 1901- people may be induced to go Into St. There is no more favorable lo cation in the state than here, and if the enterprise will pay in other sections it is bound to pay here The Junction creamery alone paid to the farmers of that vicinity last mouth $1000. The good people of Junction do not claim that they have any advantage over Cottage Grove, but we must admit they have With each through train from Their advantage lies in their the east comes meu seeking inlor- ability to seethe true worth ot a nation and purcuasers 01 uregon first class creamery, ana eacn timber. Only within the last few month, especially those months in years have eastern lumbermen, be- the year when money is always a . .. .-J -..51- . . .. . s . t t come luiiy acquaimcu wuu mc imie naru to get, iney una uicm enormous timber belts of Oregon, selves already in a position to put and already vast acreage has been in circulation, which Cot purchased, with indications that in tagc Grove, providing she starts j now, must wait another year. How about it eentlemen? Can't we use another thousand dollars in our lo cal circulation? Let's try it, an then, if we find we have too great a circulating medium we can con demu the creamery business, Flnu rcsldcnros, cliolco lot, business blocks for sulo Joromo Knox A Co. Bownro of nlr dried or halt dry floor Itiir. rotllne Hint rustic. Tho Uooth Kelly Lumber Co., nro innkiiig special prices on iciiiwiriru itimuur. Try tho now romody for roatlvonciis Clinmbcrlnln'i Stonmeli ntul Llvor Tab let. Kvcry box tniarauteod. Price 2ft wnts. For Mlo by Uknnon Duim Co. KEl'OKT 01' THE CONDITIO! or TUB - . . . .Int. In n lew snort vcars every uvauuuic ncre of timber land will be owned by these operators. The lumber ing industry made Wisconsin, Michhran and Northern Minnesota the great states that they are. in creasing their wealth millions of dollars; and today, the tide has and cut off the revenue turned toward Oregon, and already the great state feels satisfactory re- J MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM Knits from the concentration of the timber capital. But the tide has Ord Post No. 13 G. A. R, will onlv now turned our way: the bene- meet at City Hall at 9:30 form rank a. : TVn vmm niTo in lead of procession Ladies of ij. J3 Vbl IU WUJk. - J 0 I ... ... , r ftrnln W. I f" A T i"Vl. many said it would De years ociorei v... w . . ..... .., the truttinirsaw will commence Fellows, Rebekahs and other so the reduction of our mighty forests ciettes, firemen brigades, school to lumber: which in time will be children, citizens and the boys in converted into money, circulating gray are cordially invited to join throughout the state; but this cry with Ord Post. Procession will today is far-fetched and grows start at 10 o'clock sharp will march fainter as each year brings us nearer to cemetery where the union cere the realization of the wealth bound tnony will take place, then all are hr,nth thp- hnrlr of ftrepWs f rent invited to decorate the graves of fir trees. When men who have soldiers, friends and relatives, then made a success in the timber busi- rm l'e and march to town and ness. who have lived to see the disband for dinner to assemble at northern pineries stripped of every Methodist; church at 2 o'clock foot of timber through their own where an address will be delivered efforts, invest their money in Ore- y M Elizabeth Wand of Salem gon timber land we have a right to department, president of Ladies of believe in their judgment, and that A. R., all are invited to attend they estimate the time nt-ar at hand The following are the flower when the slaughter of the crrent committees, the flowers to be de forests ol the Pacific northwest will Hvered at City hall be a reality. From now on each Miss Dolly Hawkins, Mrs. Geo. year will see many hundred timber- Thompson, Mrs. J. K. Barrett, Mrs men added to the manv hundreds L. H. single. Mrs'. Curtis Veatch, Tito M National Bank At Cottage Grove, in the Stole of Oro- (foil nt tliocloseof bnslnois, Apr., 24, UK) I ltKSOURCES. Iioani ml discounts It0,2 l Ovcrdrntlt, Mcunsl and untoetirtd.... 2,311 Ot V. 8. Honda to tecum circulation 12,500 DU 'remtuma on V. S. Donils 684 CO Stocks, iccurltlei.eto 7,219,31 Ranking house, furniture, and flxtur , 00 Duo from National thinks (not Kcsvrvo Acvuti) 171700 09 Pu Irotu appmvoil rcicrvo agents..... 15,Ufl 17 Internal. Itevonuo atHinva SO W Fractional imper currency, nickels, audcont .' SS71 LATrrt'L MONEY ItESCKTI IK RANK, till Specie I .! tw 9,161 CO Redemption fund with V. .8 Treasurer (S per cent of circulation) CSS 00 Total 137.C74 M UXBILITlC. Capttat itock paid In , K.0COC0 Undivided profits, 1cm cxjiensci and taxes pId 41 M National Hank notes outstanding;. . .... 5,CW CO Due to Trust Companies and Saving Hanks ISO 49 Individual deposits subject to check.. 37,103 IV Denand certificates ot deposit 290 00 Total , 137,074 CO Stntoof Oregon,) County of Lnno.) I, Herbert Euklti, Cachlorol tho above- named bank, ilouolemtily swenr thnt tin aboru statement 1b trtio to the best of my knowledge and belief HERBERT KAKIN, Caslilor. Snbiicribed nnd sworn to boforo me this 11th day of May, 1901. J. E. Yonso. SEAL ) Atteat: ( Dauwi.v HnisTOiv Directors) J Gko. M. Hawlky ( N. W. Whitb many already at 'work in our forests Wuat does this mean.' It means thousands of dollars put in general circulation. It means additional wealth wealth to the day laborer wealth to the merchantmen' wealth to thetimberman wealth thousands upon thousands of dol lars of it to every branch of trade, Oregon is blessed, and that blessing destines her to be one of the great est and richest states on the Amcri can continent. The creamery business in the Willamette valley is today assum ing promising dimensions far in ex pectation ot the most sanguine hopes of its enthusiastic supporters of a year ago. Today as you glide along over the Southern Pacific Co.'s road traversing the most beautiful valley on earth the Willamette valley at all the im portant points and many of the smaller ones you will see new creameries some small and others large but all of sufficient size to meet the present demands upon them. At every point you will see the express car door opened and cans containing the cream from cer tain stations the amount of.which is not sufficient to justify the loca tion of a creamery, taken on and empties put off. The fact is the project which Mr. Markham of the Southern Pacific has been so in strumental in putting into a flour ishing and successful condition in this state, is today a very impor tant itidustry among the farmers and growing in popularity every day. Why? Because it is a sure money earner. It gives to every farmer who has energy to procure, keep and take care of from one to a dozen cows a monthly income, which is as certain as death and high taxes. Cottage Grove is just a little behind the times, but per haps by the time the farmers in other sections of the state have placed their creamery business upon a sound basis and are making more clear money from it than the rest of their farm brings them, our Miss Ethel Wooley, Mrs. Dickey, Miss Dorwood, Misses Delia Dur ham, Bessie Griffin, White, Nettie Burdick, Yancie, Rhodes, Dessie Harms, Rhodie Ring, Judie Colley, Mrs. laura Koe. Memorial ser mon will be preached at the Metho dist church in the morning of the Gth by Rev. Crandall. The Post and Ladies will march to the church. W. H. Lincoln, Com. RobtGrippin, Adjt. F. E. Miller, Committee. DIVIDE ITEMS. Several cases of sickness around here. George Canady went to Eugene Saturday. Mr. Tucker went to Albany for a snort visit. An attempt is being made to get a library for the school. Mrs Jimina wter and son are visiting Walter Canady and family, Mr. DeSpain of Philomath came up here last Tuesday returning Friday. Ruben Tucker, Martin Tucker and Miss Eva Tucker went down the valley on their wheels Sunday, Read real Knox & Co. estate bargains of Jerome rrrmox fok liquor license. To Whom It Slav concerni ponce is ncreuy given mat ino ionowing petition will he presented to the Count Court or Mine uouniy. uregon at us June ivui term, to-wlt on Saturday the 8th day of Juno 1901 : PETITION. To tho Ilonorablo Countr Court In. and for ijine uouniy nu ciaie oi uregon. tub unaersigncti, you petition, Jonn h. Moyu. ol emu, Oregon, respectfully, yet earn it cstlv reaueststhat allcenM roar bo him by your Honorable Court for six months una that he may bo itranted a license to sell Spirits, Malt and Vlnlous Liquors at his place ol business at Acme In afd Ennu L'ountv and State of Oregon. Your petitioner further repre sents that ho will keep an orderly bouse and will not permit any unlawful gaming, or riot ous conduct In or about bis house And your petitioner! ever pray : PANES G. R.Thurman. John I. Powell. It. Mills. John Fletcher, lvv Morris. I.. I. Ilulterfleld. H: V. Hughs, John I. Ilutterflcld, Win. llrynd.H. O. Btlngley, Wra. F. BatTey, O. C. Cumpton, II. It. iiariin. u. w. riicoiie, i. dell, W. W. Bay, K. K. F. Woodcock. L. V. Bt u. roil, John r. Ford, w. F. Miles, J. Young. wirth. W. U. Neelv. H. J. Kevmour. W. II. IIol. comb, F. E. Hewitt, J. J. Denner, J. C. Btlngley, u. uassiay, v. Yates, J. a. jure, I. n. smith, it. a. jiarri Evans. A. O. Condon, T. M. Hath Morris, Wm, Uar- Lynch. Jas. Cossrove. N. Btlngley, T. 0. fSaubert, Geo, r, C. Yates, J. A. Hire, I. M. Bmlth, rrlng, Wm, Kyle, J. Felltnan, E. A. O. Funke, J. F. Montgomery, F. T. F. Holste, dus V. Dorks, levmour. It. F. Dennis. C. BHUbert.N. Belnes. W. 11. Grey, W. 8. Ilrewer, C. Ileek. Casner Trlden. Georire Present!. J. A. McLeod, C. II. Morgan, Andrew Montgomery, ii. r. wniieiocic , r. r. iiort, j.h. vi&rn, w. r, Harris. Chas. II. I.ncy. (i. W. Craven. W. II. Bailey, E. Morgan, Hans Hanson, John A, Ma son, u. Harnett. James Morris, t . iteady. it. A. Funke, J. L. Banborn, E. E. Murr, John Holger, Geo. II. Colter, A. T. Anderson, C. (1. Uehuke, C. E. JUrwood, it. II, Bernhardt, a. P. Hind, -lOHHSOfl, Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS, DEALKHS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed. Lurch's Lurch's 3 SHIRT WAISTS&- AND CRASH SKIRTS Jsjtq the finest in the City. You can now get a good Selection, vr I Lurch's Lurch's 1 My all Tofetlicr ! In tliu sprlns time ccntlo Annto There'll n smell lit the buck yard And 1111 odor in our city Thnt liltw tho ntnirtgcr hard. I:'ri 1111 nryument for rowvrnuo Hut thi're UMiiotlivrplnii; You can ro o Hie New Km Drug Storo And you umy buy u can olClilorido of Lime. Ita very flno Tiilco It In time Don't losou dollur To nitvo a ill me. Call early and avoid the rush . 11 r eh nut fi Driiff Store. Xelnon, yew lira Be in the Swim Buy your goods where you get them at Right Prices. We carry n full nnd cotnplcle stock of Hardware, Iniplciiienis and Krerying for the Miner!- We nlso handle the celebrated FISH BRO'S WAGON, OLIVER CHILLED Plows, Tents, Wagon Covers, McCormiek Binders and hi fact everything in the hardware line. Give us a call. -se ' WI-IEELER & SCOTT. When you Want Good Shoes AT Low Prices GO TO Chicago" The most simple, practical and durable Typewriter on the market at any price. Ask for catalogue. PRICE $35. E. L. KING, General Agent for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Albany, Ore. All kinds of Produce bought at the highest market 'alues. Call and get acquainted with us. We shall be pleased at all times to quote you prices upon all lines handled by us, whether you buy or not. Our Stock is New, Neat and Clean, and having had years of experience in business, we assure you the very best goods the market affords, and the lowest possible prices Remember the place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore. Central Meat Market. BARTELS & ERNEST SUCCESSORS TO McFARLAND & SON. A CHOICE LINE of the best Meats the market affords constantly on hand. Pure Lard a- COME and SEE UST& CWe will PLEASE You Our Market will be closed at 10 o'clock a m Sundays. Respectfully, Bnrtcls & Ernest. Main Street, J 11 ., - COTTAOK GROVB, - ORKCON. Yorans Shoe EUGNNK, ORKGON. Store Before You Buy . a Piano or in Dpi It will pay you to write "SOROSIS" AZSHOE THAT IS WORN BY All Fashionable Ladies. All Mall Order h Promptly Filled. T. A. GILBERT, Eugene, Oregon. Eugene Dycing& Cleaning Works, PRICE LIST FOR CLEANING: C'oatl, - - - - f 1.00, lip. VeM, - - - - Jib, up. l'nt, - .75, up. I'RICE LIST FOR DYKING: Suit!, - 2.W,np, Single garment! In proportion. I)rt' pattorni, - "J j eti per yard, Dre!, ... - ji.00, up. QISO.I2.ail IIWITJI, Agent. Common Rough Lumber, 8B6 per m. at - BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Ok. PIANO LESSONS. Having permanently located in Cottage Grove, I will take a few pupils. Harmon' and Thorough Bass a Specialty. Either German or American method. Call at residence, North River street. Mrs. W. H. Abrams, TAKE NOTICE. Mrs. C. Wolfer, the Home Healer, will be in Cottage Grove, on the 27 of each month to remain until the 29th iust. Consultation free. Terms lor personal or absent treatment very reasonable. . Tooth ache and headache treated free. All who arc sick are invited to call and consult me at the Sherwood Hotel. Yours Truly 1 Mks,:C. WoiiFBR, The Horne Heajer. Eiler's Piano House OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or. O We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can tell a fine piano or organ for less money than you can gel them elsewhere. Write today. Cata logues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Cltickering and the Weber together with other good makes. INVESTIGATE OUR NEW Easy Payment Plan, Eiler's Piano House. Or call on MRS. L. D. Buck, Local Representative, Cottage Grove, Or. Closing' Out 4 All Goods innst go at some price REGARDLESS OF COST $ ...Two Weeks Sale... MUST SELL OUT BY JUNE 1st. "CO 11 THE JEWELER. Opposite Post Office. WANTED THUBTWOUTHY MBN AND WO mon to travel nnd advortleo fur old cstnb- Hulled lioiio 01 Bolln llnnncliil Btimdlii ue. Siilury $780 11 year and oxpontici, all payablo in cnmi. No canvassing re quired, uivo roioronccs and encloso Bull addressed stamped envelope Ad- drc'aSMunagor, 355 ;uxtgii JJlclg. Cliictt- wanikd. Cupablo, rollnblo pornon In oyery county to ropreBent liirgocompnny of solid financial reputation s $930 salary per vear, payable weekly; $3 per day nb Bolutely sure and nil expenses; straight, mum-Hue cumrjr. no commission; salary puiu euuu omuruuy ami expenso mon advanced each week. BTANDAB H0UBK, 334 Dkjwiiojin St Chicago,