Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 10, 1901, Image 2

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rablUlicd Xvarr Frlitsijr.
A Comprehensive Review of the Important
llippcnlnet of the Past Week Presented
In a Condensed Form Which Is Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Famine forced court to lcavo Sinan
Bubonic plague lias broken out in
Franco lias restored loot taken from
llic Chinese.
Gorman soldiers fired on a British
tug at Tien Tsin.
Seven peoplo wcro burned to death
in a Chicago tiro.
Ex-Stato Superintendent McElroy,
of Oregon, is dead.
Tlio Shamrock II had her first trial
spin at Southampton.
About a dozen people were injured
in n train wreck in Ohio.
A commission has been appointed
to improve tho Pci Ho river.
Another battlo has occurred be
tween the Boers and British.
Revolution in Colombia has degen
erated into guerrilla warfare.
Firo in Nashville, Tcnn., did dam-
ngo to the amount of $100,000,
Wliolesnlo arrests resulted from re
volutionary movement in Russia.
China suggested to powers tho open
ing of Manchuria to all countries.
Another oil gusher has been stnick
at Beaumont, Tax,, near tho other
Mrs. McKinley has been given the
honor of launching tho battlo ship
Ohio at can Francisco.
The homoless of Jacksonville, Fla.,
as a result of tho recent fire, will be
quartered at St. Augustine army barracks.
The force of soldiers in tho Philip
.pines will bo reduced to 40,000, and
if improvement continues, still fur
ther reduction will bo made.
President McKinley, whilo at El
Paso, Tex., exchanged felicitations
with President Diaz, of Mexico, and
received delegations from that coun
try. !
Vanderbilt and Gould are buying
, heavily of Union Pacific stock.
Proposed to Chance the Oregon and Two
Wnshineton, May 2.---A schemo it
on foot to remodel tno wit no snips
Orocon. Indiana and Massachusetts,
whioh am all of ono class. Tho idea
seems to bo that suiwrimposed turrets
shall bo placed on theso ships, which
will put them in tho samo class as the
Kentucky and Kcnrsargo, Of course
theso shins carry 13-inoh guns, and
tho lii-tneh cutis have been discarded
ns it is held that tho weight of tho
cuns is nioro than enoueh to com
pensato for tho weight of metal which
they throw, anil hereafter J5!-inon
guns aro to bo tho largest used by tho
navy. Tho reason given for remodel
lug tho Oregon nnd her class is that
when in battle, if tho four 13-inch
guns aro all being fired from ono side
of tho ship, it will rauso her to list to
that sido and raiso tho opposito side
that tho armor belt is out of the
water, and that it n shot from that
sido should striko her below the
armor belt tho cntiro machinery
would Iw endangered.
Whilo it may bo true that if t lie
long muzzles of tho four 13-inoh guns
of tho Oregon should bo pointed in
ono direction, the ship would list
about thrco feet, making it necessary
to raiso tho muzzles of tho gnus to
bring them to bear upon the enemy,
thero is nothing to prevent tho rais
ing of tho muzzles so that tho guns
can bo used if all wcro turned in
ono direction.
On tho other hand, it may bo said
that if tho Oregon was fighting an
enemy, or in any conflict where a ship
wns on cither side, it is not at ail like
ly that her big guns would all b
taincd on ono ship, leaving her ex
posed on tho other sido to tho other
ship. Thoso who are seeking to have
tho change mado in tho Oregon point
out that in case a fort was on ono side
and u hostile ship on tho other, the
listing of tho ship would exposo one
side. But others who aro exports in
naval warfare say that if tho Oregon
or any other ship of her typo win
fighting a fort and a battlo ship at
onetime, sho would probably have!
two of her big guns trained on the
fort and two on tho battlo ship, which
would niako her rido even.
mm 5iM n
of Interest From All Paris
of the State.
Drlet Review of the Growth and Impiova-
ments of the Many Industries Through,
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Work has started on tho soldier1!
memorial monument at Eugene.
Last week 15,150 bushels of wheat
hanged hands at Weston. Tho price
was 10 cents.
now pump 1ms boon put in at De-
Moss Springs for the benefit of farmers
who haul water.
J. II. Escort has taken a contract
o get out 2,000,000 feet of logs, a
mile below Vient.
About 12,000 bushels of wheat
hanced hands at DoMoss springs last
week at 45 cents per bushel.
The Bonanza mine, in Eastern Ore
gon, has received a largo new boiler.
It weighs 21,000 pounds, and it took
0 horses OJs days to haul it from
Suniptor to tho Bonanza, about 1G
The farmhouso of Thomas Soavey,
on tho north side of tho Mckunzic,
liort distance below th emouth of the
Mohawk, was totally destroyed by
tire, this was ono of tho hind marks
of that country, having liccn built in
18(18, at ii cost of about $3500.
Athenu has secured a street rock
Work of building a road to Blue
river, on tho Culapooia side, has be
Plans of a telephouo lino from B.ikei
to the Panhnudlo is under considera
Amount of Indemnity Has Hecn
: .'rf "m i lis
ItVK ASS w!fhAkS? Hundreds of Building at Jack.
sonvillc, Fla., Burned.
announcing that M, l'ichon, French
minister, presented today tho report
of tho committee on indemnity. Tho
amount China 1ms to pay has boon ..nmimnn unMnLilSS
fixed at l,!m5,000 fiaucM ($27:1,000,- ,u'uuu ruwLU nnl' n
000). 1 How it Is proposed that tho in
demnity bo distributed among tho T. . . n,(m,i,,i , i'ir in Million Dol
,9 uub nui mini.
Thero was much disappointment
over tho fact that tho United States is
supporting England nguiust an in-
crease in tho customs. This is at
tributed to the lnlluenco of tho Amer
ican community in China. It Is ho
licved that England, if alone, would
yield, but fears aro entertained that
I'.ngland s scheme is to prolonc ueuo-
tint ions until hor hands aro free in
Souh Africa, when sho would show a
stronger policy in Chineso iitVairs.
Olhciiil advises received hero from
IVkin say the ministers nro divided
nto two parties in tho discussion to
decide how
lars-Several Lives Reported Lost
finest Hotels Destroyid.
Jacksonville. Fla.. May 4. Fitter
million dollars worth of property
l'oiiii mi in sinoko and 10.000 people
mado homeless is tho insult 01 a hit
of wlro accidentally gutting into
shroddimr much no of tho American
Flbro Comimnv vostorday at tho cor
.ior of Davis and Union streets. The
firo started between tho hours of 12
and 1 o'clock in tho afternoon and
owinc to this fact tho loiw of llfu will
bo comparativolv small. J no nro
A burglar proof safo arrived, at Ash
land last week for tho First National
Tho telephone lino from Grant's
Pass to Williams is complcto nnd in
County roads between Baker City
and John Day aro said to bo in very
bad condition.
receive orders
Victims or Italian Brigands Voluntarily Pay
Their Way to America.
New York, May 2. The Herald
says: "Italy is making of tho United
States a dumping ground for her
criminals nnd paupers. This fact has
t t -i i i , . . .. ..
ran lorcio.y caueu to tno attention Krcd j. Runmmel was killed at the
of tho local authorities by the arrival Mammoth mine, in Eastern Oregon
in this port o three Italian brigands, rcCcntly by a snow slide,
whoso depredations mado them a
ecourccsto the provinces in which Thieves broke into a saddla shop, nt
Tho Hood River Fruit
Union is beginning to
for strawberries.
.., . . . .
unina is to raiso mo in-1 ; ' ' : . " i i..
demnity. France, Germany, Russia i,c,or 11 WUT '
,,,i . i ,.,, ... ;., f.,v- if ,t.i.. ihimumblo material.
the customs duties, which can 1k re- I . Tl'o wind, whioh was already blow
inir strouir from tho southwost
f lw r,iilliit. hiii,i mill rlin !,,,. It In,. SCHIIied to bo IMISSOSSlll with 11 Sllddell
1 fury and soon was currying destruo
stitutontax on internal navigation , tivo 'i'ibers all through the city, thi'
t,iH,,,. r.i-.., ,.r u,..n ..r ti... in-:., fa rest portion of which lay right
fiimvinninl Inuwlt. ilniiimV (In llm tllO COUrSO Of tllO Willll. KOIIIO (Willy
other hand tho United States and lwn cxperloncotl in sounding an alarm
Grout, Britain ilofilinii rii nitron InmiTIUIll tllO OllglllO lit t llO Water Work
ili,.-,.,isn nf tlm mialnmil ilnlli.a l.iil 1 SUllOrCll II tlllSllIlP llllll llOtllillg IIHirC
tlinv fin lint nmiixir in lmvn iirnHnnrn1
taincd. By this timo the ilames lnul
tho United States and Great Britain
have joined hands pn this issuo hns
causoil surprised hero. It was hoped
that tho United Mutes would stand
with France nnd Russia. Tho result
will Iw to greatly protract tho nego
tint ions.
The Dulles several days ago and tiindc
mi. - i t v r i
.u.m.. 4 , u.. th reared. Desnnirinir of ho
gave a banquet to tno president. ing re,ievcd ja any ot,cr lnancrf the away with several pieces of harness,
iiuuiiou nit ocnuiiiu mo : "iviwimiuo ua;u i iiuiu hjcj juuj y ij 1'ClCrSOIl UCrCCS tO THlt ftD
ea mado up a liberal pursowitn winch electric light plant in Brownsville il
tno tnrce were sent to America, nrnv- tle c;ty wjH pay $45 per month foi
mg nero witn money enough in their ex igiits.
Dockets to enabln them to Inml nn.i
Questioned. These three 'outlaws. Horse rustlers with two car loads ol
who encountered no obstacles to bar stolen horses tiro dodging tho officers
them from entering this country, arc somewhere in the tho eastern portion
. . - r -r . i
oi jiuineur cuumy.
throno of Spain in one more year.
Six thousand soldiers are needed in
and around Tien Tsin to keep order.
Tho man who robbed the American
' express office in Paris has been ar
rested. Two masked men entered " a resi
denco at Springfield, Mich., And stole
$8,000 in gold.
Tho report that 200 men had frozen
to death in an Alaska stampede has
been confirmed.
In a wreck on the Great Northern
in Montana, one man was killed and
several injured.
Tho French nro making prepara
tions for n withdrawal of a portion of
their troops in China.
"Apache Kid," a leader of a band
' of Yaqui Indians has been executed
by Mexican officials.
Mrs. Carrie Nation, true to her
word, has again returned to her cell
in! the Wichita, Kan., jail.
A congressional committee has
been appointed to inspect harbor im-
provements on tho Pacific coast.
Tlio courso of Minister Loom is has
been sustained by tho United States
and Venezuela will be so notified.
Tho indemnity committee, com
posed of representatives of the powers,
has decided that China must pay
" An agreement has been reached
whereby all tho principal trans-
Atlantic steamship companies will
form an immenso trust.
The gates of tho Pan-American
exposition at Buffalo havo been
. thrown open to tho public. Notwith
standing tho fact that the big fair is
far from complcto largo crowds aro
constantly in attendance.
Chinese officials havo apologised to
an insulted French consul.
Much land in tho Palouso, Wash
ington country is being bonded for oil
and gas.
Two more prominent Filipino gen
erals and several officers havo surren
dered with, their forces.
Tho transport fleet is on its way
from Manila to transport Chaffee's
army to tho Philippines.
A rcuglar semi-monthly steamer
service between San Francisco Nnnd
Manila is to bo established at once,
two first-class steamers to bo placed
upon tho route.
During 1889 tho total valuo of
mules oxported to all foreign coun
tries was $51(3,000, whilo during 1900
tho figures reached $3,919,000. Mem
phis used to bo tho great distributing
point for mules, but Louisville has (
recently taken, precedence.
now in Kansas City, Mo. Warning
has been sent out by Police Comims-I
sioner Murphy to the Kansas City '
police officifals, who now havo the
Italians under strict police nurveil
O.O. Mills
and Party in a Wreck In Call.'
Emigrant Gap., Cal., May 2. Tn
tho darkness of the smoke of the
sno'wsheds a Raymond excursion train
ran into the rear end of limited train
No. 2, at Yuba Pass, four miles east
of here, last night. Tho privato car
of D. O. Mills was on tho rear end of
the limited, and was badly damaged.
The fireman on the excursion train
was instantly killed and several pas
scngers and men of tho train crews
were slightly injured.
Tho limited had struck a rock in
the sheds and was delayed until tho
second section caught up.
Governor Goer will bo asked to
grant a pardon to J. G. Luhrman,
who was sent to the penitentiary from
Baker county in June, 1900, convicted
of manslaughter.
"Black Jack" Nearly Escaped.
Santa Fe, N. M May 2. It devel
oped today at the hearing of William
Wilson, charged with furnishing
Convict George Stevenson with the
revolver used by him in the recent at
tempted delivery at tho penitentiary.
that the plan was to secure tho release
of Tom. Ketchum. who was executed
lastFriday, and "Broncho Bill" Car
ver, a member of his gang. Wilfcon
confessed his guilt, and said Carver's
sister offered him $500 to smuggle tho
revolver in to tho prisoner. The
plans were so carefully laid that hut
lor tho bravery and good marksman
ship of tho prison officials "Black
Jack" and a score of other desperate
characters would havo regained thoir
Oklahoma Bank Robbed.
Kingfisher, O. T May 2. Tho
Blaine county bank at Watonga was
robbed last night of $1,800, tho vault
being blown open with dynamite
The robbers escaped.
Five Men Were Killed.
South McAlestor, I. T. May
An explosion of gas occurred in tho
mine of tho McAlestor coal company
this morning by which livo men lost
their lives nnd sovon wore injured,
nnd nnother is reported missing. It
is believed tho explosion wns caused
by tho firing by somo of tho men of n
defective blast left by tho regular shot
firing crow. All the dead were asphyxiated.
Wheat Walla Walla, 5960c.
valley, nominal; blucstem, Clc. pet
Flour Best grades, $2.703.40 per
barrel; graham, Sz.OO.
Oats White, $1.35 per cental;
crav, $1.2o1.30 percental.
Barley Feed, $1717.25; brewing,
$17l7.2o per ton.
MillstufTs Bran, $10 per ton ; midd
lings, $21.50: shorts, $17.50; chop,
Hay Timothy, $12.5014; clover,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $67
per ton.
Hops 1214c. per lb. ; 1899 crojJ,
Wool Valley, 1213c. ; Eastern
Oregon, 912c; mohair, 2021c.
per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 15
17 c. ; dairy, 12KWc. ; store, 10
11c. per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1414)c.
per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13Jc. ; Young America, 13J14c.
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50;
hens, $l4.i)0; dressed, llQrza. per
pound; springs, $35 per dozen;
ducks, $50; geesq, $u7; turkeys,
live, I012c; dressed, 1315c. per
Potatoes Old, 75c.$l por sack;
now, 22iO' por pound.
Mutton Lambs 4c. per
pound gross; boat sheep, !fo; wethers,
$5; ewes, $1.50; dressed, .7c.
por pound.
Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.750;
light, $4.755; dressed, 77Jc. per
pound. Largo, 07c. per pound;
small, 8c. per pound;
Beef Gross, top steers, $00,2o;
cows nnd heifers, $4.504.76; dressed
beef. 8Jc, per pound
Forty-eight thousand Turks have
been exiled during tho last 11 years.
Wolves aro increasing rapidly in
iNany of tho forest lands of northern
A German savant points out that
rural postmen wcro in existenco in
Egypt 4;000 years ago.
A company with a capital of
000,000 has been organized in Vine-
land, Jn. J., ior tno mauing oi uoui
from sweet potatoes. "
Arrest of Men Who Broke Into the American
. Express Office at Paris.
Paris, Mny 3. Tho principal auth
or of the robbery of the American Ex-
press Co. s olhco in Paris tho night of
iVpril lb, when three masked burclars
escaped with B0,000 francs, has lieeu
arretted. His name is George Miler.
For somo timo he has lived in Paris
under the name of James Samuel, bo
ing employed in a harbor shop. Some
days lieforothc burglary thodctectives
noticed threo nnyi of buglish appear-
anco whoso behavior was very mysteri
ous. Theso persons entered banks
without doing any business, nnd in
spected buildings. Tho detectives
maintained la careful watch at tho
nlicht possibly Jiiavo been xonnect'
with tho. robbery, and their patience
was awarded when they apprehended
Miler. Miler was tho bearer of a
large number of stolen checks to tho
amount of 0,000 francs in a box in a
leather handbag, lie had also in this
hag dynamite cartridges, jimmies, n
metal saw and drills of tho finest
Another ono of the thieves has been
arrested ut Amiens, his baggage being
soized at the railway station. Other
arrests are imminent.
Memento for the President
Seattle, May 3. Tho Snoqualmie
Fall Power Co., is preparing a benuti-J
ful souvenir to bo presented to Presi
dent McKinlcy on the occasion of hie
visit to Seattle. It will bo n solid
tablet of Bilvcr somo eight inches by
six inches in size, with an outline- of
Snoqualmio Falls, and tho surround
ing rocks and trees embossed in purest
gold. In the lower corner will be an
attached leaf, bearing on its uppci
surface a suitablo inscription and
showing underneath a plan of the
company's work room cut into solid
rock of Hnoqualmic.
Rate War to Alaska Towns.
Seattle, May 3. Heavy slashing is
the order in the Alaska steamship
rate war. Fnrcs first nnd second class
to Lynn canal nro cut to half of the
old rates. First class tickets are soil
ing for $10, and second class for $5.
A week ago they wcro worth $25 and
$10. Corresponding reductions in
freight rates aro also reported.
Great Fire at San Juan.
San Juan, Porto Rico, May 3. Tho
now tsiw.uuo pier caught nro tins
afternoon and was destroyed in half
an hour. A largo stock of sugar and
ruin was lost in tho firo. The firo
continues to rago and tho flames
threaten to spread to tho stores of the
custom house
Vetoed Insurance Tax Bill.
Denver, May 3. This was tho
swept to tho Boston, a huge furui
lure factory. It leaped across Davi
street nnd took a eourm right through
a section on which block after block
of fnitno buildings had been oiw.ted
Hero is where the fire department
lost control, as siuiultancnuiiiy hi halt
a dozen plncos, some of them six
blocks from tho main tiro, roofs wore
seen to burst out in flame. The
wind, rising higher and higher, set
on firo whole rows of buildings and
attracted at first a crowd of curious
sightseers who seemed to Ihj fai
niited by thi) sight until they learned
that their residences too were in dan
gor of total destruction. It took just
four hours for that resistless mass ot
flames to coiinumo every building in
its wake for a space of six to eight
blocks wide from Davis street, near
whero it started, to the Hogun otreet
viaduct, n distance of over one and a
half miles, nnd then, not satisfied
with cntiug out tho heart of tho resi
dential portion of tho city, it doubled
back and came roaring up tho pnnci
pal thoroughfare of trade, destroyins
everything in what was tho original
incorporation of Jacksonville
From tho humhlo homes f tli&poor
to'tlio clegiint'retldohceV Bf'tlHT'wcIl
to do wns but n short journey for the
llnincs. It seemed that wherever
thero hapiiencd to bo a shingle roof
tho Hying emU'i-H found lodgment
Blocks away from tho main fire other
fires would break out. Right into
the heart of tho town the Unmet
swept. As tho viaduct leading over
tho marshes of Slogan's creek to East
Jacksonville was reached, it wns plain
that the limit of the progress of the
flames westward had come. As fur na
the motioy vahm of the daiunge wnt
concerned tho worst wns yet to come
Just as tho materia for tho (lames
was apparently consumed, a shift in
tho wind sent n roaring rcn of Han ei
southward toward the river. Then it
was beginning to dawn on tho minds
of tho unfortunates who had sought
refuge nt tho river side, that they
were in danger of being cut off nnd
being suffocated. A rush was made
for tho South Jacksonville ferry and
hundreds wcro carried over to the
other side.
Then came tho most thrilling scene
of tho cntiro day. I ho Ilames caught
tho freight warehouses on tho Allan
tic, Valdosta & Western Railroad and
began from thero on their march
backward in tho teeth of tho wind
Slowly but surely tho firo ato its way
ugainst tho wind, taking cither side
of Bay street until it reached Jones
boatyard, While the (lames failed
to cross tho open space, known as
Jones' boat yard, n now danger threat
ened. Tho (lames swept down in the
rear of tho United Htntcs hotel nnd
that, with tno J.nw ttxenango, was
doomed. Meantimo tho county court
houso caught lire and another spleu
did cdifico was soon a total wreck,
From tho United States hotol the
flames jumped across tho street and
tho work of destruction continued,
only to bo checked when tho Inst
building near McCoy nnd llogan's
creek had been dostroyed,
Storm In Utah.
Salt Lake, May 0. Reports , re
ceived nt tho government weather
bureau in this city show that tho
prevailing storm oxtends nlniost over
the entire Rocky mountain district
Nearly ttoo nnd three quarters inches
day ior tno consmcrauou uyuovernc-r of nlin jmvo filUen j lSuH Ltt(0
passcuoy wio recent , t,,,, tho hist 30 hours, tho heaviest
Ormnn of bills
legislature. Jio vetoed tho bill in
creasing the tax on insuranco com
panies from a to a per cent ol their
gross receipts, but permitted tho bill
restoring capital punishment to be-
como a law without his signature
Large Grain Crop Sure.
Eugcno, Or., May 8. Crops in this
section arp looking much better since
tho rains of a few days ago. 1 armors
say it is impossible to estimate the
good dono by tho showers, Large
grain crops aro moro than assured.
precipitation over recorded hero nnd
tho weather officials stnto tho total
rainfall will reach thrco inchesor over
beforo tho. storm ceases, Swollen
stroams and Hooded flat lands nro
reported from many places.
Japanese Cabinet Crisis.
Yokohama, May 0. In conso
quenco of tho continued postpone
ment by tho Jnpnncso minister of
financo, Viscount Watanabo, of tho
carrying out of tho expected public
Crop prospects wcro never brightor in wrks tho cabinet crisis has reached a
Lano county.
A special agent of tho United States
department of ngriculturo reports that
beyond doubt grain can do matured
anywhero in Alaska.
climax, and Marquis Ito, tho premier.
after tho last cabinet meeting, pro
ceeded to tho palnco and tondored his
rpsignation to tho mikado. All tho
other mombcrs of tho cabinet did
likewise, with tho exception of ona
Lost on the Desert, a Utile Old Diet 0
Hunger ami Exposure.
North Yiiklma, Wnsh., Mny (1. A
5year-old girl has been found on tho
lonely desert of tho lltiiso Heaven
country, 18 miles from her home,
standing In n badger hole, whero sho
died from starvation. Tho child was
tho daughter of Hon, W, 11. Mat
thews, ox-ootmty commissioner of
Yaklnin county. Searching Parties
hud boon scouring tho country lor llvo
days and nights in an elVort to locale,
tho child nllvo. It was thought Una
Hlio had boon curried nwny by Indians
nnd would bo found on tho ronervu
thin. Sho had been tracked 12 miles
from her homo wlmn all truces of her
were obliterated by tho winds blowing
tho trucks from tho sand,
Two children, n boy nged eight
years, nnd tho girl, llvo, were sent out
from homo five days ago to look after
somo lost cattle. Thoy walked uwuy
until 10 miles from homo, when ur..u.
ing tired thoy foil asleep. A pa-mug
cowboy noticed them, and after nr. .mc
lug tho sleepers took thein mi in
pony and carried them almost Immi
Tho children then assured him ilu.t
thoy could get homo without further
assistance, nnd ho lot them go ulmii'
Tho night ciiiiio on and It Is supiioied
tho boy ran faster than his sinter mill
left her behind. When ho renoliod
homo ho was frightened and could not
toll exactly what had happened
search was made for tho girl, but she
could not bo found that night.
Reports of a Secret Combination of Odaffcct-
cd Clements Are Conllrrned.
London, May 0. "Thi reporin of n
secret combination of diail'i-ttil ele
ments in tho Yllllglso province fur tlio
purpose of organizing general rimngs
aro receiving somo common! nm, -says
tho Shanghai correspondent of
tho Morning Post. "Tho British
consul ut Nuukin telegraphs Mr llreu-
naii, tho British consul at hhanghui,
that tho Nankin viceroy is very mix
ious alKiut tho Yangtso movement,
and ho asks Mr. Ilronnun to iissinl the
Tuotl to prosorvo order by holding
troops in renditions.
"It is announced from a lierinan
source that tho l reuch havo with
BSfjWos, Jm
muittNtitm t3(
miTMtsKM Kf
tat'ttiiKT m
anti wane etui S3
cAuxuti hui m ,
HJFM -? "-J ' 1 1 ' WWL' 1 "
This monument was erected May 2.
1001, near Champocg, Oregon, on the
Willamctto river, nbout 32 mljcs
nbovo Portland. It stands whero 52
pioneers met on May 2, 18-13, and or
ganized tho first government of Oregon.
drawn thoir troops from Hwal Lu to
Pao Ting 1-u, thus leaving tho Ger
mans in solo possession of all the
pusses into Shan Si."
Br. Morrison, wiring to tho Times
from Pokin says:
'Tho indemnity committco favors
a loan raised on tho guarauteo of nil
tho powors. Its proposal to increaso
tho miiritimo cutstoms to 5 por cent
advalorem applies to import duties
only and not export. All tho minis-
tors ol tho powers, oxcent tho British.
American and Jiipaneso, favor an im
mediate increaso to 10 por con,t. Tho
report, which is based on somowhat
imporfectly understood data, has bcon
roforrcd to tho homo governments."
Battle-Ship Iowa Launched.
Scattlo, May I). Tho battlo shin
Iowa was launnhed today from tho
Bromcrfon navy yard, after under
going repairs and a thorough over
hauling. Loss than four weeks woro
ocoupicd in tho great undcrtaklnor.
although six weeks had been allowed
uy tno navy dupartmcnti Admiral
Casoy, whoso flagship tho Iowa is,
was loud in his praiso of tho equip
ment nnd facilities of tho big dry
dock, Tho flooding of tho dry dook
and subsequent launching of tho big
vessol was1 witnessed by over 1.200
Northwest Postal Orders-
Washington, May 0. A postofllco
has been established nt Rook Creek
Baker county, Or., to bo supplied bv
special scrvico from Haines, and Ed
ward 1, Castor appointed postmastor.
An ofljco has ulso boon established at
Bluolllght, Yakimn county, Welling
ton, bn tho routo from Biokolton to
MabWn. Elbort L. GrnvHn h
commissioned postmaster at this