A member of Cottage Grov Camp No 6424 says while we havi nothing startlinir to report, the outlook for the future is cncourng' ing. Our camp has been without a well organized team for over 18 months, we have now elected chief forester who is now organiz ing a team that will prove to be a success to ' the camp. We ask the neighbors to come out and give us some encouragement. The camp has appointed a committee to pro cure the necessary equipment for the team. We will not try for the prize at the St Paul Head Camp this summer, but if any team in the neighborhood beats us tniQ02 they will have to hustle, you bet. Neighbors when I scan the columns of the V oodman paper, and sec what is being done by the different camps throughout the country, it causes me to wonder whv every man either married or single does not seek admission into some fraternal society, that is con ducted in a way that every honest man can belong to and when a man lias others depending upon him for support he ought to insure his life. When this is done if he has been I wise enough to ascertain with reasonable certainty that the fra ternity to which he has committed his important trust, is a safe and re liable one. His thoughts as he leaves home eacn morning to en gage in the duties of the busy world are if the worst comes to the worst his loved ones will not be turned out on the cold world home less and friendless. A Woodman. A RAGING, ROAllING FLOOD. Washed down n tclccrnnh lino wlilcl Clma. C. Kills, ot Lisbon, In., hntl to repair. "Standing wiiltt neon in water," lio writes, "gave mo i terr poM mid i-nmrli. It urmv Worso dn Finn IK- tho best doctors ill Oakland Neb.. Sioux Citv mid Omnlm tiniil I lm Consumption niid could not live. Thou I begun nsl 111? Dr. Kttiu'a Now Discovery mm tYHn wiiouy curni 11 ni. uun .-! Positively onnraiiteed for Cotinlii. Cola nnd nil Throat mid l.tnii! troubles by Kknson Diu'a Co. Price Mw nnd $1.00, PIANO LESSONS. Having permanently located in CottnRe Grove, I will take n few pupils. Harmony nnd Thorougl; Bass a Specialty. Either German or American method. Call nt residence, North River street. Mrs. W. H. Abrams TAKE NOTICE. Mrs. C. Wolfer. the Home Healer, will be in Cottage Grove on the 27 of each month to remain until the 20th 111st. Lonsultation free. Terras lor personal or absent treatment very reasonable. Tooth ache and headache treated free All who are sick are invited to call and consult me at the Sherwood Hotel. Yours Truly Mrs. C. Wolpkr, The Home Healer. NOTICE. Parties desiring lady to go to the house and sew by the day, should consult Mrs. O. Fredericksen. Price $1.00 per day. Telephone No. 113 Mrs. O. Frkderickskn. BELGIAN HARES. THE BESTKEMEDY FOR RHEUMA TISM. Quick relief from pain. All who use Chnmberlnlns Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it a fibrils "When speaking of this Mr. D. X. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism in iny arm nnd shoulder. I tried numer o is remedies but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons A Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recommended it so highly that I bought u bottle. X was soon relieved 01 all pain. I have since recommended this liniment to ninny of my friends, wiio agree with ne that it is the best remedy for muscu lar rheumatism in the market." For Hale by Benson- Dnco Co., Cottage Grove. LyoxbA. Aitleoatk, Drain. Here is a chance to get your boy into a paying business on a small pital. I have a choice Iotothigli- Kiade Belgian Hares that I will sell in pairs at very low prices. There is 110 need to send to California when you can get the same thing hero at home. Lord Britain, Sir Styles, Fashoda, Yukon, Red Rover and other fashionable strains ate in stock. F. A. Rankin, Eugeue. GAP CLOSED. The operation of through trains be tween San Francisco and Los Angeles, via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin on Sunday, March 31, 1901 on the new Coast Line two through trains daily. The Const Line Limited leaving each terminal in the morning, equipped with elegant cafe nnd parlor curs, will make daylight trips through the most picturesque, varied nnd entertaining scenes on the continent. Inquire of agents of the Southern Pacific. AN INCOME FOR LIFE FROM Greatest of Gold Properties 3680 Acrcs9 Miles Long. 250 Milli n T ns Richest Gold-Bearing Quratz, ground by nature's hand into gold laden gravel, from 50 to 600 feet in dentil over the entire property. In addition, company owns 1-U Miles in length of river bed, each mile of which contains many million! of gold, situated on the Rio Grande, iti Taos Co., New Mexico. OVER 100 Million Dolta for DIVIDENDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. J. G. Crawford of Albany, Ore., Brought from a farm near Tangent recently the entire skeleton of a woman taken from a mound which he reports is undoubtedly that of one of the original mound builders. A like skeleton, that of a male, was secured in the mound several months ago. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. The Wood is constantly being purified by thelunga, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy condition and the bowels regular and you have no need of a blood purifier. For this pur pose thiro is nothing equnl to Chamber kin's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets, one dose of them will do you more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood, purifier. Price, 25 cents. Sumples free ut Be.nso.v Drug Co'a drpg store. Eleven thousand fleeces of mo hair were pooled and auctioned off at Salem, March 27, for 22 cents per pound. There were six bidders. This is considered one of the finest lots of mohair ever gotten together in the state. About 100 goat breeders were in attendance. HE KEPT HIS LUG. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Inflammation nnd blood poisoning set in. For two years he iufiered fntensely , Then the best doc tors urged amputation, "but," ho writes, "I used one bottle .of Electric Ditters and IK boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salye and mv leg wns sound nnd well ns e-ver." Foe Eruptions. Eczema, tetter, Halt Rheum, Sores and all blood dis irdern Electric Bitters has no nvnl on earth. Try thorn Benson Dnuo Co. will guarantee satisfaction or refund mono. Only 50 cents. Bowareofnir dried or half dry floor ing, celling and rustic. Tho Booth Kelly Lumber Co.. are making Bpecial Krfws on kiln-dried lumber. I Xotiably among the pleasures afforded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California nnd Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest and lidded sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of its in dustries, in its prolific vegetation nnd umong its numberless resorts of moun tain, shore, valley and plain. The two dailv Shasta trains from Portland to cniuornia nave been re cently equipped with the most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleepin; cars, but thi low rates of fare will stil continue in eiTsct. Illustrated Bi.'des to the winter re sorts of tlit in 1 vi I Arizona maybe had on application to , C. H. Maiikham, G . P. A., Portland, Oregon, SENT FREE. SoBurenre we that tho locating of a fewof our Electric Belts will develop into numerous sales of our Belts and Annliances. that we 111 e willing to send one free tojjny sufferer from the follow ing diseases: Cold extremities, Crysto- cele, temale weakness, Kidney com- filaint, Leucorrhea, Liver complaint, 'aralysip, Lost vitality, Nervousdebility, Self abuse, Worn-out women, Sciatica, Weak and Nervous women, Irregular menstruation, Impotcncy, Rheumatism. Diminutive Shrunken und Undeveloped Sexual organs, ami Catarrh. Address for illustrated circular, etc.. Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle Creek. Michigan. Articles of incorporation have been filed with the county clerk by the Eugene Opera House Co. The in. corporators are L. N. Roney, R. A. Booth and F. L. Chambers. The capital stock ot the company is $15,000, divided into shares of $10 each. 'TIS EASY TO FEEL GOOD. Countless thousands have found n blessing to the Itodyin Dr. King's New Life Pills, which positively cure Con stipation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and Agno and all Livor and Stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; never gripe or weaken. Only 25o at Benson- Diioo Co'sdrng Htore. wanted. Uanouio. rename person in every county to represent largocompany of solid financial reputation ; $93(1 salary per vear, payable weekly ; (vi per day ab solutely sure and all expenses; straight, Imna-lklo salary, no commission ; salary paid each Saturday and expenso money advanced each week. STANDAR) HOUSE, 334 Dkaruobn St., Chicago. ItcacI the Proofs: United State Official Report MAI) It TO Commissioner of the U. S General Land Office, Washington, D. D. by a geologist and mining expert of world-wide repntntton, Prof. Ben jnmin Silliman, who spent several months there, then being connected with the United States surveying corps, and in his official report says "Here are countless millions of tons of rich gold quartz reduced by the threat forces of nature to a con dition ready for the application of of the hydraulic process, while the entire bed of the Rio Grande for over 40 miles is a sluice, on the bars of which the gold derived from the wearing away ot the gravel banks has been accumulating for countless ages, nnd now lies ready tor ex traction by the most approved methods of river mining. The thickness of the Rio Grande cold ravel exceeds in many places 600 Feet, or nearly tiirkk timks that of the like beds in California. while the average value per cubic yard is believed to be greater in the New Mexico beds than in any other such accumulation yet discovered." "I have made a reconnaisance of the whole of this gravel along the Rio Grande, and have examined with all the care possible in the time at my command, the character of the gravel and its contents of gold. Nothing. I am persuaded, since the discovery of California and Australia is comparable for its measurable re sourses of gold available by the hy draulic process to the deep placers of the Rio Grande." Other reports from eminent min ing experts of National reputation pronounce the property of this com pany the richest and most extensive known. Capital Stock $2,000,000 Fully Paid and non-assessabla, par value $(.00 each share. One-half the entire capital stock has been placed in the treasury of the company as a working capital. To complete necessary ditches and place on the river bed several gold steam dredges, the company now offers A limited number of Its shares at GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF Cottage Grove in We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Moulding, Cornice, Sash and Doors, lloor and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work 1'loor iiig, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NKAR S. P. DHPOT THE SOUTH AND HAST VIA SHASTA ROUTE OK J Till! TIIERt an lea row Improved Farms for Sale. Valuable Town Property, consisting of Businsss Houses and Splendid Residences. J.vt on '' principal IntitluvH streets, rMining Claims in Bohemia. Alwtract of title secured and guaranteed. Information ns to the laws governing the disposal of government lauds. How to secure homesteads, timber lands, mining claims, etc. Property for sale published weekly. COTTAGK GROVH Ih the second city in I.nnc county, Oregon. Has n population of about 1200. The center of the four points of the compass when it comes to ingress or egress, llohcmin with its vast mining resources only thirty-five miles south cast, with n good wagon road leading from the S. P. R. R. depot right hetc in town. Prospect ive railroad to the mines. The Const I'ork of the Willamette river, on which arc situated the lllack Unite quicksilver mines sixteen miles south, Hows through the center of the city, furnishing abundant water facilities. It is only n mile and n half to its confluence with Row river, the outlet of the great timber ranges to the south cast. Westward toward the coast ratine is an inexhaustablc supply of timber, interspaced with nu merous ricli farming lands well improved nnd cultivated. North or south from hereon the S. P. railroad you can reach cither Portland or San Francisco and be in touch with the whole world on short notice. Water works in full operation. Electric lighlsnnd telephone system complete. Trniiis le.ivu Cottage Cirovo for Port-1 gV The best agricultural landi in Lane county liciiitlic vicinity liiniliiml way ntHtions ut a in mid ' snrroiiiidinc Cottage Grove on cither side, fit for farming or stock mishit: . 1 iin. ... ......... I.v Port In ml " Cott-.ipe Urovo Ar AhIiIiiiiiI " Siiuutmcnto " San I'nuifitfco ' Ogtlon " Denver " Kiincas city " Clih'iigo " lw Angi-lcri " Kl Pino " Fort Worth " City of Mexico " HoilHtOII " New Orleans " Wiifliinytuit " Xew York Pullman mid 8 :'M u in :57 i 111 12:55 a 111 5:10 p in 7 .-15 p 111 4 :5o n 111 II :U0 11 111 7 .5 11 111 7 11 in " :0U p 111 0 :00 p in (I :'() 11 111 1 1 :!!0 11 111 7 -.00 a 111 0:X0 in (1:42 n in 12:10 111 Tourists 8 ::I0 p 111 2 :00 it 111 J2:H5i in 5 :00 11 111 8:I5 111 7:00 a 111 0.15 p in 7:25 11 111 S::tO p 111 8 .05 n 111 0:00 p 111 0:30 it 111 11. .Wit in 7 :(Mn 111 i::i() p 111 (!:42n 111 12:10 p 111 liotli trniti. Clinir ntrs i-nrniMK'Hto to Ondcn mid Kl I'ii ho, anil touritft cum to C'Iiicuko St bouix, New Orleans und WiieliiiiKton. Coiinectini! at San I'mnoUco with the pcvernl Htemtisliip linen for Honolulu, J 11 1 mo, China, I'liillipliics, Central nnd South America. Sco iiueut at Cottnue Orovo ttntion, or udilrcHd C. II. Markiiam, G P. A. A. IeAV of out .Bargains: I rni 50 Cts Per Share, After nale of which, price ivlllbc advanced to $1 perxhare. ' Applications should be sent in promptly. Write for prospectus. Make checks, money orders paya ble to Rio Grande Placer Gold Mining Co. 7 Exchange Placo, Boston, Mass. Music Lessons On the Piano. A late Gkadhd German Mjstii- od of Music is now being taught at the C. P, Manse by. Mrs. L.D. 33eck. Recitals will be given at proper intervals, thus giving parents an op portunity to note progress. 50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each Chicago. Knit IjtVe. I'enver. Kt iyta rurlUiul Worth. )n:h,h'u. eflnl tan CIIJ-. St. I.uls, J:15a m Chicago ami I aat. Atlantic Halt Lake, Denver. It. 8: W cv m Kxpreii Worth. llnmha.Kan Ot. in City. SI. Iiulu, Vlu Hunt' thli'ugu nl nt. lngtori Spokane ! Walla Walla, I.ewl. 7am l'lyer , ion, Hixikane, Mill Ojim neaimlli, Ut. I'aul, l.'iiluth.Mi'.unulce, l Chicago ami Kail. Spin Ocban STKAMKinrn 4pm All unilliiK dates sub ject to t'hHiiKe. Tor Han Franclaro bait over)- .'xlnyn Dully Kx. I Columiiia ltlVKK I p. m Sunday Kiiaukuh Ei. Bund'y 8 p m Saturday ToAatorlu and Way 10 pm Landing. GatnKx. Willamkitk JltvKR I:.l0pm Sunday. Oreiron City, New Uerir Kx.Hand'y Salem and Way-Land-Itif. 7am WlM.Axr.TT baud 3:30 pm Tue.i.1 bur. Yahiiiij. Hivkm Moii. Wed. and but. Oregon City, Jiayton and Krl. and Way.Lundliiiii. Leave Hnakk Hivkii lavo ltlpitrla Itinarla to Lewliton. J.ewinton 3:.lram Dally Dally 9am 1 120 feet front on uortli vide of Main street, by nboM H00 feet deep. Ifoillliled by river on the north. Hoiim of nevrii iooiiih, Imrn mill onllionncc. This in the beat hiixincrtt locution in Ciittiigo (J rove. Price t2400.00. 2 A new two nlory reMileiieo, fil.x rooms', d,ctor'n ollleo, cement lloor with driven well inmile of limine, (50 feel front on south side of Miiin Htreet by 107 feet deep. Adji'inin,- M K pnromi);e. A very attractive place $1700. .1 A two tory finely llninlicd lioiifle. eiirln iinima, IiiiiIimoiii mnl uiitliuinies. Splendid luciitiiiii, two IoIh in Iaxiu and m ilen iidilition in bon'.lieaet Cottage, tirove. I'ric 1JOO. I Two tory dwelling bonne, ten dhiiiih, brick fruit limine, fruit tree, 00 feet front on north fide of Main Direct by 800 feet deep, corner properly. A line location for u hotel. Price 12750. o A two story line, ithiiost ncwcUell- ii.if Iiiiiiu.. ii riumij Iftrit ii. nl lii.iiui. Portland, Orepm. Mt. ' i,r, 'i-. a Mr.lemliil or- eiiiiru oi voiiiik H-iiniiK iieef, lOKUiner with untpc nnd vnrionv Itinilii of Urtiei. Hltiiitlitl In lii mnl miiU'it nildlllon In HOtitlieitMt CottiitteOrovu. I'llce f 1200. 0 Ajjenend mcrclimiliiu etorv on the corner of Wnll mnl Kiver ftnet .milli. fplenilid Htocfc of lry pmxIh, Ixwitr, hIiikt) mnl miiin ami lmlieit fnriilnliiiig Time Scirdule5 Aatiivc W. H. HURLBURT General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. U(mI. A hplrndid Uucaln. Price to Ik; ilclertnided ly Inventory. (ioixl new two atory dwelling limiae in tliOKtowlnir town ol Hniiiaw. Two lulu fiicloaol, aevrniy foot front. Konr ro iiih, tplrndld water fcilitir. Price I too. Two HplcnditI lol on aecond utrvct in Cot tnpi i love. I'rire 4210. .TOO feet by 100 feel in n Htilirliii loca tion, Natural cptin, oak trei'c, nil ud ioiniii)! fiMt lillU in Meat Cottueu lirovr. Pilce :wo. Two Iota in block 20, !niif; A IjinilinH ntlilitioii, r', ly 100 firl K'paratcly. Price $175. A linely flnlHlied two alory ilwrlline liotiNo. ten room, Iwtli room, rcment Htoini cellar, writer nnd electric IIkIiU, iiliinit nine Iota fronting on fourth aired, adjoin I in,' river in rmr, nrnr Clirlallau elitirch, mx il bum uml otitlioiucd. 1'ricu Two rikxI loin near railroad 100 feet Nimre. l'rice $I'.'5. Iarmini: Uml, well Improved,' I inilo from Cottnxu (Jrove, ndJolniiiK the coun ty road, in tracU from Ti to 100 iicrec. If yon wunt u Imitfiiln lixk lliin up, Siilendid cottupton I'oiirth nlnvt,t7(0. Ixik i hid tip If yon want Uirfr.dn hi it home. JEROME KNOX & CO. When you need anything in the line of printing please remember that the motto of this office is good work, good material, neatness and dispatch, and the prices are within reach of all. The JOB OFFICE of this paper is at your disposal for the best of printing of any and all kinds at barely liv ing prices. Tho practical nido of ecienco la reflected la M'll1 I III1 vicit DM. JORDAN'S orcat HUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1051 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL fU4tvMa BUUifta4 S.riolk.j TlilnrtMtAntomIcalirneum Is the Worid. arralnl attraction tn tht City. U WoiuUrM tltlhtor Hilton. ivcauneMra.orfciiycontract. ii n ! A monthly publication of inestimable valuo to tho student of every day scientific problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial export, tho manufacturer, tho inventor in fact, to every wido-awako person who hopes to bettor his condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, enpocially, Trill find in The Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importance escapes tho vigilant eyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pre sented in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may tako time to read ana comprclicnd. I ho scientilio and industrial progress of tho auo is nccur- u"TrZ7Z K nic y. 'n,.ror!,, 1,1 tuo columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only no innnNU nm. ' un. uunun.l rr.llftlt UiatAvHB Vit II n sr Itlrli anil .Ml.ljfta I nirtffl itifii wtin Nr. .iiiTh.Ih.. frum tliv t-UecU ol youthful hull,. I cretlnua ar exii i.m In inam... ' years. Norvuaa und phralcal llvhliiiy.Ini. ( . t,OttIICV. .Ukt JIlHllUUtl lllllll ll.n.mnll. 1 ) ctttloim; Niermntirrliii, I'ritalmiir. t rniFa,uiinorruna, uic.i, vrvtinrnm-y ' ut Urlmtlluv, io. y h ciimbliiatlsii ol I rrinvuivj,, nur.ni cunilivii. pourr, lliu lctlr ' k liasaaurraiuzed lila trciilme nfc tlmttt win nm . ' oiilr uir.irU immpdlaMo rrllrf, but permunant ( l mlrn 'Clin llruiln. iln.a ..... . ... . . : 1 . w. m ..m..u. Huii (unwiHIII IVI'VIIUrill 1 mlrnclcn, but It well lenuwn to bo a tnlr ami . iOUHru CliVMrlun unfl Kurironii. nnt..mlni.ni t tuiiiB.pticiuitx if laenaea 4ir Jlvn. t , NYI'IIIMN thoroughljr eradlcntoa from ' ) ton nyiteru vtlltiout llm umoljlti'rarr, ( Ti'umm fltted by an Kxnert. Itmllrnl ' I eurr tor Ituiitiiro, A qulcl! anil raillcut I iuro iitr a-iira, rtmnurt and r IMnilo, by ' r lr. Jordan' apeclul iiulnliu mctlioUu. . publication in the country that prints tho official newa of tho U. S. Patent Offico and tho latetit dovelopcmcnta in tho Held of invention without iar or favor. BunscnirnoN rnicit one dollar van teak. THE PATENT RECORD, BaMmoro, Md. l Simm RIFLES AND PISTOLS ! fr MAVU tOUllUUE Til An 0 IEABS 11KO CKLKDHATED i'OB THEIR KXTltEMKACClIIUCT X Wo make our B "j)iamond IJVKItT MAW amilylngtoiuivlUreccIroV tr nonrii opinion til liiacnriiplnlnr, . Wt will Uuttrantct a 1'OStTlVS CURE In I i event easa nua unttArttikn. uunviiiaiioii I'll K li nnnairtciiyprivats. CUAIWUH VI'.UY ItHAHOyJIILJi Trcitmont persoiiully or by leilur. Write fur llonlc. lnri.oioi'irv nv ' I JIAIlllIAi;. ifAlLUDFutu. (AviUuablo I uoum. tur uttrii.; iwuit or wniw OH JORDAN It CO., lOSt Market 81., 8. P. ' IHetol With two STtvtut-Ouudjin Mcea. Tuwr Para.' . lengths of barrel, 0 una JO inches. liver) one giiarameea. x-rice, x'oaipata, tpa.VO with O-inch barrel : $7.50 tvlth-10-inch barret. We malce a full lino of rijlcn ; l'ricc, from 96.00 upwards. Every arm we turn out is warranted HA.PE, eOTVTT AND ACCUnATK. J. STEVENS .iVrCMS Smri Stamp or Catalogui, V. O, Jinx As TOOL CO,, CMICOPnn PALL6, MAS.