Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 19, 1901, Image 5

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    who lived about
vouni) mtHxu--S.
WX Slanles.
miles above the flawley jjlacc
-ll. Cl.rk frui t..n fVti....l
t'fl Ull fcJltui' vii.) no iuuiiu MVIUI
" near his cabin last Saturday. When
Mail Carrier Patterson passed, the
Staple place last l'riday afternoon
lie noticed that the door or the
house was standing open but did
not see Mr. Staples, and on his re
turn wltu the 'iita'tl next day saw
the door still open ' mid tliilt. Mr.
Staples' snail was still, in thc.mall
box in front of the house. Think
ing that something1 'was vronp, he
mentioned the matter to Mr. W.
,'' W. Hawley when arriving at his
r'ace. Mr. Hawley nt once pro-
ceeded to tho Staples place, and af
ter a shoVt search found the lifeless
'body a short distance nhtrve the
';abiu on the creek. It was plainly
evident that Mr. Staples met his
death by accident while ctfgnged In
repairing some fence, he in some
way fell over a cliff or cubankinent
fitriklug his head on the rocks: be
low. Mr. Staples was about Go
.''years.ofagci'an'd' had livtfd a nail
of hermit life on his homestead for
the past or four five ycara. The re
mains were interred in the Hunt
' .'cemetery near Wildwood, Monday
April 15th, 1901.
""Colonel Ulair of the Hotel Sher
wood and Harry Clark the drum
mer, got into a controversy at tjie
depot last Tuesday afternoon. Clark
called Colonel Blair a liar, and
the colonel struck Clark. They
""mixed. About this time Hob
Blair came into it, claiming that
his intentions were to get his
father toquit: 'Mr. Hardy 'of the
Imperial Hotel, mistaking Hob's
motives, took hold of Bob. Hob mis
taking .Mr. Hardy's motives, .and
thinking he also wanted to fight,
let go at Hardy. Then Jack Baker
nlso representing the Imperial's in
terests got too close nnd the Colo
nel let go' at Him. ' The result was
that Clark took the
:.entlemeu en Raged in the'
train the
Junction City, Ore.. April 11, 1901.
Dear Mr. Howard: I am going
east about the first of May to the
Buffalo exposition nud will also
visit several large the cast
ln;thohitecst'of'rJauccoiinty, nlore
particularly Bohemia aud the min
eral resources. The commissioners
appointe'd' by thjs, slate, ore not
willing to advance anything in the
interests of Lane county and I have
taken this matter up myself. Am
going'tb' make a' slrongiiull for Bo
hemia, one Collage Grove. What
I want you to do is to get inc some
of the very finest samples of ore
possible from the Bohemia mines.
Not large, but rich. I .will have to
pay freight on them to Buffalo,
hence I cannot afford to take large
samples. I believe it would be
only fair if the' citizens and the
business men of Cottage Grove
would make up mono to pay the
freight, say oh 2, or'' hundred
pound of ore to Buffalo. I will
defray my own expenses and ex
pect to talk. Bohemia mines from
one side ol the continent to the
other. Ah I said above, I want to
start about the 1st of May. If you
think it advisable for me to come
up to asist in this collection I will
do so. .
Yours Truly,
V. W. Oclksoy. . .
got a fewWemishes, as .well 'as $5
and costtV
Mr. Clark
heard Jroin, as
reach of His Honor s arm
however, is jet to be
he KOt 'beyond " the
A rXiri, 'ill's itjCKNajt. ' ,
'tjast' Tborudriy night 'a medi
cine man and lus company pro
ceeded to eutprtalfi a large crowd of
people which had gathered upon
the streets, by' singing and se'tlitlg
ttnedirine; At the- coninietrcemeiit
,vof thein cutcrtalumcn't ' Wie 'doctbr
titated that he had seen the mayor
aud wjas. given permission, to sell
medicine, but .Marshal Nunn was
not satisfied with this and accord
ingly hunted up the recorder and
found that he haihuot paid. hiSH
cense, he then demanded the money
from the doctor. After consider
able trouble, which led to iijs arrest,
he paid! the license and" costs aud
v next day left town.
Uev4 ' C. H.- Wallace has ac
cepted an invitation to preach the
I. O. O. F. anniversary sermon
. which will be held at the Cumber
land Presbyterian Church on Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock,. April
28. The Odd Fellows and Re
bekahs will meet at the I..Q. 0. F.
Hall at 10 o'clock an form in
column aud march to the church.
At the regular meeting of the1
City Council last Tuesday evening
the mayor was instructed to appoint
a committe of three to investigate
nnd report on some plan of improv
ing and extending the city's present
water system.
J. E. Wheeler -assisted State
Deputy E. H. Ahrcndt Monday
evening in organizing a lodge of
the Modern Brotherhood of Ameri
ca lu this city. The new lodge
starts off with 25 charter members.
Farming land, well improved, 1
mile east from Cottage Grove, join
ing the county road, for sale in
tracts from 5 to 100 acres. The best
farming land in this section of the
county. Parties desiring to inves
tigate should call on or address
'"Jerome Knox, Cottage Grove.
O. F. Knox came up from EuX
gene last week and with a forccof
men have since been busy cultivat
ing his hnjv-yatd -one mile,,east ol
this place. lie repdrts. the vines
in a thrifty condition and this
warm weather they are making a
very rapid growth. j ,
UOKIt snakks.
R. W. Veatch has been after
them again and reports that last
week one day in Lynx Hollow he
killed 5, and again 011 last Sunday
visited Whitney mountain and suc
ceeded in killing 6 ntorc, .one old
iciiijw mcii-iuriug 3 icci y iucnc 111
Jeug'th ?uuL 7 inches round carrying
V$ rattles', t Bob "now has a record
of,A7 rattlers to his credit lor this
A" &boiit Voli!
Klmer Doollttlo won In 'Unyri Monday.
Hart wont to Kngeno Inst Mqn-
(leo. V. Lloyd visited Bohemia thl
week .
y. If. Ikilino litis returned from Port
land. J. A. Powell yus a enllor at this office
Inst .Mpndiiy.
Mlfn AditOrroIl of Eugene wni ft Sun
day visitor hero. 0 ,
County Snrvojor Colllor wns In Hie
city Inst Tuesday,
C..K. Mitchell, now of Kugonc, was In
town Wcdneftday.
.1. ItniiKi, of Uoiiic'a Raw mill, wan In
town Wednesday '')'
Al Hnnrrxik returned, ttf-. Bohemia
Tuewlny morning; -'
Mrc. C. K, Jonni wni In town Mondny
from Itouao't mill, ,
Cfinntv Onronnr Wnlt firiffin incnf
Sunday hi thin place.
I'rni)k Iilnlr ,wiifi tnuiKflctlng hualncas
In thU city TucHiliiy.
Tim Iinperiiil Hotel hnjt a new ndver
tl(imcnt in thin Issue. ' '
Ilia re nor ted that two children 'have
tho smallpox nt Snglnnw. , . I
Miles Pitcher, of th Htnr nostofneel
went to Portland Wednesday. 1 i
linn. L. T. orris of Kuzeno Wnt n
visitor itrthis city Inst Friday . ,-.
County Assessor D. P. Bnrlon of Eu
gene, visited hero Inst Sunday.
Oct vour flkhlni; incklo rradv. flmnll
cnlches and hig fish yarns, you knowi.'. -
Bohemia Rhnrn camp to town from
his ranch on Sharp Creek Inst Mon
dny. , i v!
The propeclii for a larg;-cr'0r',)f wild
sjrnwbt'r'rietj Is .iwld loop, jtptcqAbWhU-
a t-u r ttir I . . . .
"I" "!(. .. ...
Ulair Y. Scott, tho Portland life irtslir-i
unco man, waa in town on business nut,
Mr, nnd Mrs. Geo. Croner of Eii'cwit1
were passengers to' Grants I'aBsjUet:
Monday. v: tH
Al Anton, of Kitirr-ne, was. trnnsaqtirit;
hiisiness in this nhico last Friday and
.finturdny. . "
Godfrey firnhrr. nf tlin ftimnnq Win.
vim inln-. returned to Bohemia tVednes-
'ay morning. ... - .
J. II. Goodmnn of Ernrene,, 'Visited
e..: Waited
if jnjthls
with his son Frank and family1
oily tins week.
II. N. Cockeriine. the Eucenei in
surance innn, Wns transacting business
here Inst Fridnv.
W. W. Ilnwluv. tlin rrtmn Ttoliil
town msincsuay nnu
Constable.' HcnryWagner w.ent to
Eugene last Monday afternoon with
F. F. Goodsell in custody and placed
him in the county jail. Goodsell
was fined $25 for petty larceny,
having stolen a hammer and other
tools dud pawned them for money
to buy drinks. He will serve a term
of tsyi days.
palsk unroRT.
The false report is being circu
lated. to the effect that smallpox is
prevalent in Eugene. This is
probably due to the exaggerated
reports about the three mild cases
nt Weiidling. There is not the
slightest indication of a smallpox
case in tins city aim lias not been
for a year. Register.
'Hori. James Hemenway is build
ing an audition to 111s dwelling
house in this city, and when com
pleted will not only add greatly to
the convenience of the same but
will also materially improve the
outside appearance.
1 cook stove, heater, 6 chairs, 1
rocker, 1 cupboard, 1 bedstead, 2
mattresses and 2 bedsp'rings for sale
cheap. Inquire of JMrs. Ella Ben-
Having permanently located! in
Cottage Grove, I will take a few
pupils. Harmony and 1 borough
Bass a Specialty. nitlier German
or American method.
Call at residence, North River
Mrs; W H. Abrams.
rr it At .
avme rircincMinn pinni; reinrniHi
ilay Jron'." wwk visit inl,or.tliil,
"rCnlffn llm fiinnnn In ffin .n.
menu ol 1.. Lurch. Onrmnn A .NewLuji
nnd yjioi;lertScotCin;riiiB-wirlCij iebue,
. . Daoiel BwWondlfUh!-m!ctosol(fto'
sipfsrs. v nreittr ct ocnir, ioiho nnu in
block 2 of I'erkin'8 addition to
Grove. - .
11 to Cotliifc
lit BHef. . "
Geo. GrKTith tor prices on'cieaiiing
and dyeing.
fi Don't fall to tako In thallbrarr benefit
Saturday April 20th.
"nAfKrty involeo'of plated ware, clocks,
etc.,. at Madien!.
r, "!' Kil,,H. of fil,ln8 tackle call on
Griillii A.Ventcli, Co.
Toilet arllclcs, Hnnson Drug Co.
Wall papjr at Jenklti's A I.awson's.
... A new line of silverware at Madsen's,
suftHbltr for wedding presents.
"Ye Olden Time Singing School"
8aturdayApril 20at Martin's Hnll.
Ladfes hats,' next week at clearance
snle prices.
N. E. Elsea & Son.
A largo assortment of the great fnv
orltCB. Postum, Caramel and Fig Prune
Ceieuls, at Cumuiings.
"Wall naper from 7 cents per double
JTQll and up at Jenkins A Lawson's.
When you wnnt to catch trout buy
your Hies of Griffin & Veaich Co.
A cnrlond of wall paper, just Jcceived
at Jcnkin'i; A f.awson's.
Iwk at those couvenirspoons ntMad
een's. Something new and nice.
Suits! S.illt!l Tailor madesuitslll
.Up'toibitc In every respect, frotp $16up.
Call and see samples.
Geo. Boiilman.
Oil every line in our store
for a limited time only.
anything in the line ol
If you want
prnningshenrii call on Griffin , Veatch Co.
-. 'Stationery, pens, pen holders, abd
IMincils of every description at Benson
Drug Co..
Stationery, the best in the market, to
bo, found 111 TCottage Grove, nt Benson
Drug Co. ' .
. Sportsmen remember Griffin A Veatch,
.Co.; 'carry tho finest lines of sporting
goods in South Lnne Co.
I.ndies'don'l buy your sjiring hat till
yon eeo N. E. EJiea'i Son. New line
next w'Ckv
s Woe have on hand .1 inrge stock of
kimtdried flooring, celling and rustic in
grndes 1, 2 and 3. make you
ipccial prices.
:l tist 'received this week a choice va
riety of ladies and" Misses fine shoes.
Call and see them al Cumming's store.
The drug stock of Reason Drug Co. is
choice, complete,, and absolutely the
.best in die market. Try us.
Wheeler A Scott handle tho Oliver
Chilled, Syracuse Chilled, Garden City
dinner aud J. I. Case steel nlows. Critic
itcel hi'rrovvs hnd Planet, Jr. cultivators.
. uovyour prescripnon uiieo ni uenson
'.prna Co Pure drugs, of snperr
rtlhg Imslneti m' -?Mlre lhan 150(1 difrprent'.pattema of
Thursday 1 ' -wajl'jwper to .-eellfct from nt Jenkin's-A-,,"
-1 "IiMweou.s.. ' -'
load of Columbia River cedar
aniugiee lor emeuy jenicins a. iuwson..
Jaiji'jnjeV'n.nd e-U'iA falLsliuep'bf
ilea hi you
Mrs, C, Wolfer the Home
Healer, will be in Cottage Grove,
on the 27 of each month to remain
.., .1. .' - I..,:
uiuu rue 29111 nisi, wiisuhuhuh
free. Terms tor personal or absent
treatment very reasonable.. Tooth
ache and headache treated free.
All who are sick are invited to call
and consult me at the Sherwood
Yours Truly
Mrs. C. Wom'Hr,
The Home Healer.
A mnrriuco license wns issued Inst
Tuesdiiy by the county clerk In OnVtift
Veatch nnd Miss LenaT Stockwellj of:
Ureswcll., . - ' i lr
' linn. .Tnmcs Ilemenwnv returned frrnn
Mcdfonl. Soullicrn Oreiton, wherlhe
beenJooklnr 'nftlr irniirurico 'busrhdss.
TucsUny morning.
Tho Turner prfstnfflce wns robbed Ijift
Wednesdnv. while the noxtmnster was
ealiiiL' dinner, of 340 m money.' No
other nrtlcics were touchl.
The friends of W'lllard Mnrtln will re
gret to learn tbn' the gentleman 1 is
quite ill nt Silv'rr Lnke, Oregon wlir.e,
ue n us pecn upending mo winter
Messrs'. Wheeler & fccolt. the enter?
prising nnniwnre ninrchnnts. Iinve this
week diJlve"l a lanre and nttrnctivo
sign, in front nf their plnce nf. 'business.'
Chnrlcs Trimblo. of Ashlnnd, stoiipbil
over hew Inst h ruin v. enronte lor
British Coluiubla. where hi coos to su
perintend development work in a qunrtr;
Mrtf. Eminii 'Lnnsr. formerly' nf this
pbtcn, bail u bicycle uccident in Engehe
Wednesday, owlnz to a coll sion with
unotlicr wheolman. and whs' riuite sen-
Manley Whorton. town mnrBbatl
i.nKeviuw. urecon. nccomnanied 1
son Georelo. visited with friends
tho first of tho week, on Ilia return homo
iroui jL'orunua.
Editor nnd Mrs. W. C. Conner re.
turned home from a ten days visit to tho
Willamette valley last week. They re
port n pleasant visit nnd a, beneficial va
cation. Many Improvements were ru-
;orted nt their old homo town, Coltngb
jrovo. one of the most vnlnnbln beinfr
tho recent nermnnent street work. Thn
;miin streets of that enterprising little
uuy uuvo ueon uniformly grnuen .pna
H'rat covorod with tliiok Inyer of conrso
crushed rock on which n finishing lnyer
of fine crushod rock wns plnced, with
gutters conssrueted from horvy lumber
plncod just below tho surface of tho
street on cich sido. Tho improveiiienf
Ih one of which nny city might well feel
proud. Owing to u few of the most Im
portant mining properties in tho Bo-,
hernia district being in litigation, Hint
imp rtant mining camp is not, likely to1
,bo as lively as uhuiU this season. Plnin
dcater. '
ii ah or
by his
Is . hero
I"siinlple,and gop-bi. iiHe can y
npryfjityle-Rr linpyou may de
.rtOnlv the best drtizs in tlio mariet-at
Lt... ".. J'n . t. . : . ' .
lutiiBoiiuruj; vo.- -jiriug r.our prcsgrip
The- most comnleto line of nsinti.
brnxlies ami wall paper in South Lane
County will be found at Jenkin's &
will show you coods, nil shades and all
nrieea. Think of it. A tailor made
uuit"lor.$0 nnd up! .rants fJand up,
Wo -hava just received a carload of
wagons' wliirh we bought direct from the
lactory saving mmaie men a commission.
If you want a. wagon you will get the
pipnt'Oy caning on
w neeier a ecott
Over 5Q0 odd patterns of wall paper to
viiiiysu irum uuu uiuru uii 1110 way, ui
Jenkins & Lawson's. ,
r.n.-i;c is; - .
Hats! hats! hnte! Our prices aud
styles arc.right.
rt. r.. iylscn & Hon.
If yon want n tent, wagon coyer, awn
ing or hammock cull on
Wheeler & bcott.
pure sugar at theTuilor shop.
Dnmo Mehitnble Plunkett and her
charming pupils will make you laugh
till your sides uclie. when you visit her
Singing School at the Opera ' House
April 20th. Yon will miss a treat if you
miss seeing them.
To do justice to your physician
and at the same time relieve the
suffering of the sick, to much con
sideration cannot be given the
quality of drugs used in the com
pounding of prescriptions, Benson
Drug Co. takes particular pains in
the selection of the best drugs in
the market, and realize the neces
sity of careful attention to all pre
scriptions. Rctueijitar the place
Benson Drug Co.
Our Customers must to-day be more than satisfied A)t
They mtiit be pleased. Our Bcmarkable Reductions will m
do it. Remember there prices are for a limited time only.
I Call Early before j
j Lines are Broken.
H e. wall & WHIPPLE H
Eli Bancs.
nThe Fashion Stables
Gttrisnrfai) & Bags, Proprietors.
and y
Black Butte Stage I,ines. K
Reasonable Prices"1
Proprietors of the Bohemia
' Fint-Chus Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Tho 1000 assessment rolls are now
open for the payment of tnscs. ,
. .'. W. W. WlTHEHS,
Sheriffof Lane Countv, Oro.
Seventv-flvo bend of eood An corn
goats for sale of rent. Address
U. 0 iiowe, uresweii, ure.
A ladies, cape one mile south of
Cottage Grove. Owner can have
same by calling at this office,' de
scribing property and paying for
this notice.
. N. D.
Newly Furnished and up
to date in all Respects.
A trial will convince you that our
Meals, Beds and Service are the
Best in the City.
"" Main St., near depot,
'r t. ' '. ' "
Sewing Machines
ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three under feed machines.
Prices to suir.-
. .. I'
t.i For-saleby"'
Wheeler & Scott
Geo. Cumming-,
Dealer In general merchandise has now a well selected stock of choice
family groceries 'which he is selling at lo west; lfvfnsr prices. He is also
offering special .values in gents furnishing goods, men" and boys shirts., gloves, etc.', all at greatly REDUCED PRICES. Bargains in
Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes.
In addition to regular stock he is now offering the balance of the
Schuller stock of shoes at less than cost. -
Everybody cordially invited to call aud get prices. , t'
George Cummingi
Given Away;
A $35
A $3B CRESCENT BICYCLE to be presented to some customer
of the Eugene Soap Company May d, 1001. 1
With the object in view of placing our soap in every household,
we have taken this means of bringing it before the public. : ;
Every purchaser of 25 cent's worth of our Laundry Soap is entitled
to a chance for our premium offer of a Crescent Bicycle, to be awarded
May 4, iQOi. The chance for the wheel costs you nothing. Buy 25
cent's Worth of our Laundry Soap from your grocer, and he will write
your name on a coupon to be forwarded to us in time for the drawing.
We. trust that you will avail yourself of this opportunity, not only
of probably receiving a bicycle free of charge, but of helping to buildup
a home industry.
Our Soap is on sale at: Baker & Johnson's; Hemenway & Burk
holder's; L. Lurch's; Jos Schlee & Co's, and F. J. Meiuzer's.
Eugene Soap Compaiij,
I have for sale some PURE BRED Black Minorca Eggs',' also spme
PURE BRED Pekin Duck Eggf .
t -
Price, S.QO, per Setting.'
Alness, G.R.PRICE,
The Nugge office cajj'q, full line of legal
" " blarjks nnd yiiting Cards.